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Dec 18, 2013 ... International Business Operations. Department of .... 13. Topic 2 – The fundamentals of strategy and organisation. International ... Prentice Hall. ▫ Daniels, J.D., Radebaugh, L. H., Sullivan, D.P., (2011) International business:.
BUS 202 International Business Operations S3 Day 2013 Marketing and Management

Contents General Information


Learning Outcomes


Assessment Tasks


Delivery and Resources


Unit Schedule


Policies and Procedures


Graduate Capabilities


Research and Practice


Disclaimer Macquarie University has taken all reasonable measures to ensure the information in this publication is accurate and up-to-date. However, the information may change or become out-dated as a result of change in University policies, procedures or rules. The University reserves the right to make changes to any information in this publication without notice. Users of this publication are advised to check the website version of this publication [or the relevant faculty or department] before acting on any information in this publication.


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

General Information Unit convenor and teaching staff Tutor Karen O'Connell-Shea [email protected] Contact via [email protected] E4B104 Thursday 12:00pm - 1:00pm Unit Convenor Monica Ren [email protected] Contact via [email protected] Unit Convenor & Lecturer Ty Choi [email protected] Contact via [email protected] E4B104 Tue, Wed & Fri 11am - 12pm Credit points 3 Prerequisites 30cp and (BUS201 or admission to BeBus) Corequisites Co-badged status


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

Unit description This unit introduces students to concepts of organisational management from an international perspective. It discusses the requirements of management in an ever changing global environment and the management principles required to develop a successful and sustainable international organisation. Structure and strategy are explored from the perspective of their roles as foundations of the organisation, with an emphasis on how all types of businesses have grappled with the operational and organisational challenges of international business. Major issues considered include: an emphasis on small to medium size businesses and how they compete on a global level; ethics and social responsibility; issues of technology and knowledge, and how organisations use information to support global operations and deliver competitive advantage; the development of new international organisation forms and their implications for management; modes and patterns of international expansion; and the management of international strategic cooperation.

Important Academic Dates Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes 1. Critically evaluate the importance of resources to develop a sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation 2. Explain how the management of human, information, cultural, process, technological and knowledge-based resources may lead to sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation 3. Appreciate challenges associated with managing resources in the international organisation 4. Critically explore the role of leaders and managers, in particular their role bringing about change, within international organisations 5. Apply and reflect on group work theory, Working as part of a (multicultural/diverse) team to deliver a group presentation to a client organisation

Assessment Tasks Name



Individual Assignment


4pm, 6 January 2014

Group Report


4pm, 16 January 2014

Final Exam


Exam period


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations




Case Presentation


Ongoing in tutorials

Individual Assignment Due: 4pm, 6 January 2014 Weighting: 25% Each student will be expected to submit an ESSAY of 1800 words (excluding references) due by 4:00 pm Monday 6January 2014. First, read the following article (a copy of which is loaded up to iLearn): Dave Crick, (2009) "The internationalisation of born global and international new venture SMEs", International Marketing Review, Vol. 26 Iss: 4/5, pp.453 – 476 Students will be then required to write an essay that provides a critical analysis of the following statement/question: Some suggest that foreign markets are graveyards for entrepreneurial firms that overextend themselves. Others argue that foreign markets represent the future for SMEs. If you were the owner of a small, reasonably profitable firm, would you consider expanding overseas? Why or why not? In undertaking this assignment students’ need to: • Research the topic (internationalisation of SMEs) in an in-depth manner • Provide a critical perspective of the literature on a topic • Construct a sustained argument in response to the question Remember, it is expected you will demonstrate strong analytical skills in your essay. Your essay should incorporate at least 12 different references. These should be sourced from the following: • Academic articles • Relevant textbooks • Periodicals • Newspapers • Relevant online sources The 12 references should be evenly balanced between these five resource options. Examples of all of these reference options are detailed in this guide. Students are expected to maintain an appropriate standard in presenting their essay Remember to acknowledge your sources throughout the paper using the Harvard referencing system. The report is to be typed and 1.5 spaced (a standard 12 point font should be used). Students are


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

expected to maintain an appropriate standard in presenting their essay. It should be checked for spelling, consistency and clarity of expression. Late submission of the assignment will incur a penalty of 20% of the value of the assignment for every day that it is late. The assessment sheet for the report is available on iLearn. Your essay must be submitted to Turnitin at by the due date and time specified above. This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes: • Critically evaluate the importance of resources to develop a sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Explain how the management of human, information, cultural, process, technological and knowledge-based resources may lead to sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Appreciate challenges associated with managing resources in the international organisation

Group Report Due: 4pm, 16 January 2014 Weighting: 25% You will be required to join a group (comprising MAXIMUM three students) and develop a 4,000 words written REPORT - due for submission by 4:00pm on Thursday 16 January 2014 in Week 4 - on the topic detailed below: Your team has been commissioned by XERO ( to undertake a review of their current international business strategy and operations. You have been specifically asked to compile a report covering the following areas; Develop and write a report that consists of:

• Brief background and history of the Xero’s international business o Include here an overview of the planning of its international activities

• Recent development of the Xero’s international business o Include here an overview of the management of its international operations

• Three (3) distinctive issues of the Xero’s internationalisation process o These issues must address relevant topics covered during the semester

• Outline a strategy for the future of the Xero’s international expansions/operations As this is a group exercise all members of the group are expected to contribute actively and substantially. While it is understood that some members of the group may provide more input in the research area whereas


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

others may do more of the actual written work, the group will be required to acknowledge that all group members have given quality time to the project. While writing your report, you should incorporate relevant theories and concepts to justify your arguments. Remember to acknowledge your sources throughout the paper using the Harvard referencing system. The report is to be typed and 1.5 spaced (a standard 12 point font should be used). It should be checked for spelling, consistency and clarity of expression. Your report should incorporate at least 30 different references. These can be sourced from the following:

• Academic articles • Relevant textbooks • Periodicals • Newspapers • Relevant online sources The 30 references need to be evenly balanced between these five resource options. Late submission of

the assignment will incur a penalty of 20% of the value of the assignment for every day that it is late. The assessment sheet for the report is available on iLearn. Your report must be submitted toTurnitin at by the due date and time specified above.

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes: • Critically evaluate the importance of resources to develop a sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Explain how the management of human, information, cultural, process, technological and knowledge-based resources may lead to sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Appreciate challenges associated with managing resources in the international organisation • Critically explore the role of leaders and managers, in particular their role bringing about change, within international organisations • Apply and reflect on group work theory, Working as part of a (multicultural/diverse) team to deliver a group presentation to a client organisation

Final Exam Due: Exam period Weighting: 40% A compulsory two hours final exam will be set during the exam period at the end of the session. The examination will be “closed book”. The format of the final exam will be advised in the latter part of the session.


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes: • Explain how the management of human, information, cultural, process, technological and knowledge-based resources may lead to sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Critically explore the role of leaders and managers, in particular their role bringing about change, within international organisations

Case Presentation Due: Ongoing in tutorials Weighting: 10% Group class presentations are an established component of assessment for students in this subject. Presentations will start in Week 2 and will be based on the relevant cases allocated for discussion for each tutorial. You will be required to join a group (comprising MAXIMUM three students) and choose a date in which you will present your topic. The material, video links (if relevant) and questions for all allocated cases will be loaded onto iLearn. You are expected to deliver the presentation in a time of no more than 15 minutes. Your presentation will be marked individually. Late submission of the assignment will not be accepted for this assignment. Students are reminded that simply reading the presentation to the class is not acceptable. The assessment sheet for the presentation is available on iLearn. This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes: • Critically evaluate the importance of resources to develop a sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Explain how the management of human, information, cultural, process, technological and knowledge-based resources may lead to sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Appreciate challenges associated with managing resources in the international organisation • Critically explore the role of leaders and managers, in particular their role bringing about change, within international organisations • Apply and reflect on group work theory, Working as part of a (multicultural/diverse) team to deliver a group presentation to a client organisation

Delivery and Resources This unit is taught using lectures and ‘applications lectures’ (whole-of-class tutorials). The course consists of 36 hours of instruction. Students are expected to read in advance of lectures, and actively participate in


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

applications lectures. It is an expectation that students will attend at least 80% of classes. Students will be expected to attend lectures fully prepared to discuss assigned readings as per the course outline. Students are expected to arrive on time, certainly before five minutes past the hour, and not to leave until the class ends. If you have a recurring problem that makes you late, or forces you to leave early, have the courtesy to discuss this with your lecturer/tutor. Students are expected to be quiet during lectures unless, of course, class participation is required. Mobiles should be turned off during classes; not simply set to “silent”. The timetable for classes can be found on the University web site at Required text ▪ A custom edition has been prepared for this subject entitled – International business: Complied by Dr. Rob Jack, Macquarie University, Pearson - this is available for purchase at the University Bookshop Other References – TEXTBOOKS – All on Reserve ▪ Buckley, P, J., (2011) Globalization and the global factory, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar ▪ Cavusgil, S. Tamer, Knight, G., Riesenberger, J. R., (2008) International business: strategy, management and the new realities, Upper saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall ▪ Daniels, J.D., Radebaugh, L. H., Sullivan, D.P., (2011) International business: environments and operations, 13th ed, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall ▪ Dodgson, M. Gann, D. Salter, A., (2008) The management of technological innovation: strategy and practice, Oxford: Oxford University Press ▪ Dolfsma, W., Duysters, G., & Costa, I (2009) Multinationals and emerging economies: the quest for innovation and sustainability, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar ▪ Domínguez, A. L., (2008) Global management: strategy, challenges, and uncertainties, New York: Nova Science Publishers ▪ Dowling, P. J. Festing, M. Engle, A.D., (2008) International human resource management: managing people in a multinational context, Cengage Learning, Melbourne ▪ Dunning, J. H., Lundan, S., (2008) Multinational enterprises and the global economy,Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar ▪ Forsgren, M., (2009) Theories of the multinational firm: a multidimensional creature in the global economy, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar ▪ Hutchings, K., and De Cieri, H., (2007) International human resource management: from cross-cultural management to managing a diverse workforce, Aldershot, Hants, England, Burlington, VT: Ashgate ▪ Jansson, H (2007) International business marketing in emerging country markets: the third wave of internationalisation of firms, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar ▪ Kelly, P. (2009) International Business and Management, Cengage EMEA 1stedition ▪ Kotabe, M., Mol, M.J. (2006) Global supply chain management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar ▪ Lasserre, P. (2007) Global strategic management, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

▪ Mentzer, J.T., Myers, M. B., Stank, T.P., (2007) Handbook of global supply chain management, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications ▪ Peng, M. W., (2008) Global business, Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning Other references - ACADEMIC JOURNALS There is a range of journals in the fields of international business and management. The titles below are indicative only of such publications. Most are available on the library databases: · Academy of Management Review · Asia Pacific Business Review · International Business Review · International Journal of Human Resource Management · Journal of International Business Studies · Journal of International Management · Journal of World Business · Management International Review · Sloan Management Review · Thunderbird International Business Review Other references - PERIODICALS There is a range of periodicals in the fields of international business and management. The titles below are indicative only of such publications: · Business Week (Asian edition) · Harvard Business Review · The Wall Street Journal · The Economist TECHNOLOGY USED AND REQUIRED · No specific technology is required for this subject CHANGES SINCE THE LAST OFFERING OF THIS UNIT The key change to this unit from past semesters is the individual assignments - previously this was an inclass essay based test. It is now a written assignment


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

Unit Schedule Important Notice: It is required that students will attend all of scheduled lectures and tutorials. Failure to meet this requirement will result a denial to sit for the final examination. Attendance will be recorded. Date

Lecture topics

Textbook Chapter/s

Week 1: Day 1

Topic 1 – Introduction (and some revision)

Chapter 1 & 2

International business and internationalisation of the firm


Week 1: Day 2

Topic 2 – International Business Theories

Chapter 15

Overview of international business theories


Week 1: Day 3

Topic 2 – The fundamentals of strategy and organisation

Chapter 5

International strategy development and firm organisation


Week 2: Day 4

Topic 3 – Global market opportunity assessment

Chapter 6

Assessing external and internal suitability for internationalisation


Week 2: Day 5

Topic 4 – Organisational participants in the internationalisation process

Chapter 3

Classification of firms and key stake holders in internationalisation


Week 2: Day 6

Topic 5 – Analysing and classifying markets

Chapter 4

Emerging markets, developing economies and advanced economies


No classes – Mid-session break 23 December 2013 – 3 January 2014 (Merry Christmas & Happy New Year)


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

Week 3: Day 7

Topic 6 – Entering foreign markets – Part 1 The various modes firms can use to enter overseas markets – Exporting and



Week 3:

Topic 7 – Entering foreign markets – Part 2

Day 8

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

The various modes firms can use to enter overseas markets – FDI


Week 3: Day 9

Topic 8 – Entering foreign markets – Part 3

Chapter 9

The various modes firms can use to enter overseas markets – Contractual strategies


Week 4: Day 10

Topic 9 – Entering foreign markets – Part 4

Chapter 10

The various modes firms can use to enter overseas markets – Global sourcing


Week 4: Day 11

Topic 10 – International operations management

Chapter 13

Ensuring that international business operations are efficient and effective


Week 4: Day 12

Topic 11 – The strategic use of human resources in an international context The use of ‘human capital’ in international markets

Chapter 11 & 14


Policies and Procedures Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central. Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching: Academic Honesty Policy Assessment Policy Grading Policy Grade Appeal Policy Grievance Management Policy Special Consideration Policy In addition, a number of other policies can be found in the Learning and Teaching Category of Policy Central.


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

Student Support Macquarie University provides a range of Academic Student Support Services. Details of these services can be accessed at:

UniWISE provides: • Online learning resources and academic skills workshops • Personal assistance with your learning & study related questions. • The Learning Help Desk is located in the Library foyer (level 2). • Online and on-campus orientation events run by Mentors@Macquarie.

Student Enquiry Service Details of these services can be accessed at

Equity Support Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.

IT Help If you wish to receive IT help, we would be glad to assist you at help/. When using the university's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students and it outlines what can be done.

Graduate Capabilities Problem Solving and Research Capability Our graduates should be capable of researching; of analysing, and interpreting and assessing data and information in various forms; of drawing connections across fields of knowledge; and they should be able to relate their knowledge to complex situations at work or in the world, in order to diagnose and solve problems. We want them to have the confidence to take the initiative in doing so, within an awareness of their own limitations. This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes • Critically evaluate the importance of resources to develop a sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

• Explain how the management of human, information, cultural, process, technological and knowledge-based resources may lead to sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Appreciate challenges associated with managing resources in the international organisation

Assessment tasks • Individual Assignment • Group Report

Discipline Specific Knowledge and Skills Our graduates will take with them the intellectual development, depth and breadth of knowledge, scholarly understanding, and specific subject content in their chosen fields to make them competent and confident in their subject or profession. They will be able to demonstrate, where relevant, professional technical competence and meet professional standards. They will be able to articulate the structure of knowledge of their discipline, be able to adapt discipline-specific knowledge to novel situations, and be able to contribute from their discipline to inter-disciplinary solutions to problems. This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes • Critically evaluate the importance of resources to develop a sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Explain how the management of human, information, cultural, process, technological and knowledge-based resources may lead to sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Appreciate challenges associated with managing resources in the international organisation • Critically explore the role of leaders and managers, in particular their role bringing about change, within international organisations • Apply and reflect on group work theory, Working as part of a (multicultural/diverse) team to deliver a group presentation to a client organisation

Assessment tasks • Individual Assignment • Group Report • Final Exam • Case Presentation


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking We want our graduates to be capable of reasoning, questioning and analysing, and to integrate and synthesise learning and knowledge from a range of sources and environments; to be able to critique constraints, assumptions and limitations; to be able to think independently and systemically in relation to scholarly activity, in the workplace, and in the world. We want them to have a level of scientific and information technology literacy. This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes • Critically evaluate the importance of resources to develop a sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Explain how the management of human, information, cultural, process, technological and knowledge-based resources may lead to sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Critically explore the role of leaders and managers, in particular their role bringing about change, within international organisations

Assessment tasks • Individual Assignment • Group Report • Final Exam • Case Presentation

Capable of Professional and Personal Judgement and Initiative We want our graduates to have emotional intelligence and sound interpersonal skills and to demonstrate discernment and common sense in their professional and personal judgement. They will exercise initiative as needed. They will be capable of risk assessment, and be able to handle ambiguity and complexity, enabling them to be adaptable in diverse and changing environments. This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes • Explain how the management of human, information, cultural, process, technological and knowledge-based resources may lead to sustainable competitive advantage for the international organisation • Critically explore the role of leaders and managers, in particular their role bringing about change, within international organisations


Unit guide BUS 202 International Business Operations

• Apply and reflect on group work theory, Working as part of a (multicultural/diverse) team to deliver a group presentation to a client organisation

Assessment tasks • Individual Assignment • Group Report • Final Exam

Research and Practice This unit uses research from external sources (ie books, academic journal articles, periodicals) This unit gives you practice in applying research findings (both primary and secondary) in your assignments