Global Journal on Technology Issue 9 (2015) 130-137 Sel ected Pa per of 5th Worl d Conference On Informa ti on Technol ogy (WCIT-2014) 11-13 December 2014, Gra nd Mi dwes t Tower a nd Hotel Conference Center i n Duba i - Uni ted Ara b Emi ra tes .
An Analysis of Views of student, Teachers and Industry Employees On Use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) In Education Murtaza M. Junaid Farooque *, Departmen of MIS, Dhofar University, salalah, Sultanate of Oman. Manik S. Kadam, MBA Dept, Allana Institute of Management Sciences, Pune, India. Suggested Citation: Farooque, M., M., J. & Kadam, M., S. (2015). An Analysis of Views of student, Teachers and Industry Employees On Use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) In Education, Global Journal on Technology [Online]. 09, pp 130137. Available from: Received July 14, 2014; revised September 13, 2014; accepted October 07, 2014 . Selection and peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Dogan Ibrahim. ©2015 SPROC - Academic World Education & Research Center. All rights reserved. Abstract The Social media has penetrated in Mul tiple aspects of youths life. These media allow anyone to publish anything about any event or person and reach vast audience. Easy communication brought out by high tech devices has increased its popularity. A survey was conducted amongst 3groups of users i.e. students, teachers and employees of the industry to find out their view about social media e and it’s use in educati on. The data was analyzed using Chi -square test in MS-excel. It is was found that As regarding the intensity of usage Males, young and post graduates are spending more on time on these sites, Most of the users agree that students and youths should use this site. However people are concern about the harmful effect of these sites. All groups of the users think that SNS can be used in education Keywords: word, demography, education, employment, opinion, social networking, usage.
* ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Murtaza M. Junaid Farooque, Depa rtmen of MIS, Dhofar University, s alalah, Sul ta na te of Oma n. E-mail address: mfa
[email protected]
Farooque, M., M., J. & Kadam, M., S. (2015). An Analysis of Views of student, Teachers and Industry Employees On Use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) In Education, Global Journal on Technology [Online]. 09, pp 130-137. Available from:
1. Introduction Social media has become very popular mean for youths to communicate. Its use and abuse are in news day in and day out. Social networks have penetrated the university campuses and are influencing the multiple aspects of student’s life. These media allow anyone to publish anything about any event or person and reach vast audience. Easy communication brought out by high tech devices has increased its popularity. According to the report of Internet and Mobile Association of India(IAMAI) about 74% of all Active Internet users in Urban India use social media , highest proportion of social media usage was observed among the demographic segments of “Young Men” and “College Going Students”, with 84% & 82% penetration levels respectively [13]. According to ComScore(2012) and Internet and Mobile Association of India (2012), social networking ranks top amongst online activities and most of the consumer aged greater 15 years access Internet from home or workplace Hence A survey was conducted to find out view about the social networeted lists 1.1. Review of Related work Educationist and researcher in different parts of world, have conducted survey regarding social networking sites usage amongst students, the common finding were, More than 60% of the student spent more than 2 hrs per day on these sites [Jabr(2011), Agarwal and Mital (2009), Ahmed et el (2011), Khalid et el(2013)], these sites were used for more for social communication, relationship building as compared to Academic communication and Learning [Andrei et el (2011), Jabr (2011), Liu (2010), Agarwal and Mital (2009), Ajagbe(2011) Khalid et el (2013)]. Facebook was most preferred social media, although there was difference regarding the second preference, Wikipedia in US, MySpace in Australia, Yahoo in Pakistan and Google+ in India and YouTube in UAE [ Andrei et el (2011), Jabr(2011), Liu(2010), Young(2009), Khalid et el(2013), Shen and Shakir (2009)]. Kirkwood (2010) discussed the potential for the development of cloud-based read-write e-learning platforms that employ constructivist and participatory pedagogies and actively engage the student population. This will encourage the students to become more active participants in their learning. As a result at Victoria University SNAP (social networking for Academic Purposed) was designed and implemented, similar experiment was also carried by Moreno (2012) 1.2. Research Methodology A survey was conducted using Google forms, through emails and posting the URL of the site of questionnaire walls of sites like Facebook, Orkut, Twitter and LinkedIn. The responses were collected and analyzed using chi-squre test. A 32 point survey instrument was designed. The Instrument consisted of three parts, Part I : Personal and demographic information Part II The choice of social networking sites, and Intensity of usage Part III: opinion about the social networking sites and its use in education and employments. (the result of analysis is given in table 2.3,4, in appendix ) The respondent was categorized on the basis of their demographic profiles. The description of the participants is given in table No1.
Farooque, M., M., J. & Kadam, M., S. (2015). An Analysis of Views of student, Teachers and Industry Employees On Use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) In Education, Global Journal on Technology [Online]. 09, pp 130-137. Available from:
Table 1. The description of the participants No Demog raphy of users
Profession of the user Educational background Gender Age
Young Old
91 8
32 Items survey instrument was mailed to 1200 user (82 responded i.e. 7%) URL was posted on the wall of various of social networking sites ( 7 responded )
Statistical Analysis: The following relationships were analyzed. Association between demographic features and choice of social media Relationship between six social media sites and four demographic features namely age ,gender, Profession and Education was analyzed (ref sec 41. & table No 2. )
Demography of us ers
Profession of us ers Educa tion.
us a ge
Tea cher Student Industry UG PG PhD Ma l e Fema le
Young Ol d
Us a ge frequency
weekly Da i ly Never
i nkedln
15 5 4 34 57 5 18
5 7 8 8 12 2 17
18 5 9 5 26 3 20
17 12 6 12 21 2 62
35 29 24 34 50 3 51
2 8 5 14 10 0 1
23 22 2 38
20 13 7 38
30 23 9 29
34 18 17 24
P-va l ue (**)
As s ociation
Not s i gnificant
Not s i gnificant Si gnificant (Pva l ue= 0)
0.7* 10-8 ( 6.95E09)
83 41 47 4
14 5 10 32
3.76567E -19
Not s i gnificant Not s i gnificant Si gnificant Pva l ue=0
Farooque, M., M., J. & Kadam, M., S. (2015). An Analysis of Views of student, Teachers and Industry Employees On Use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) In Education, Global Journal on Technology [Online]. 09, pp 130-137. Available from:
Association between demographic features and Intensity of usage The intensity of usage was categorized into three groups ie, High, Medium and low usage The Relationship between four demographic features and three intensity variables was analyzed, (Ref sec 4.2 & Table No3)) Table 3. Frequency of usage and demographic features High Medium Low P-value(**) Demography of users
Profession of the user
Educational background
Associtoon Significant
0.000821 Student Industry UG PG PhD Male
15 10
7 8
7 7
9 19 0
11 20 1
13 19 4
27 1
31 1
31 4
Not significant
Not Signifcant
Not Significant
Female Age
Young Old
Association between demographic features and opinions of the users. Relationship between six opinion question and four demographic variable was analyzed.(ref 4.3 & table No 4)
Farooque, M., M., J. & Kadam, M., S. (2015). An Analysis of Views of student, Teachers and Industry Employees On Use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) In Education, Global Journal on Technology [Online]. 09, pp 130-137. Available from:
Table 4 .Relationship between demographic features and opinions of the users. Q1 Profes si on of the us er
Tea cher
Ma l e
Fema l e
Ol d
No ca nt s ay Yes No ca nt s ay Yes No ca nt s ay
7 5 15 6 8 18 6 3
6 16 17 4 8 19 4 4
2 8 22 33 4 24 2 1
19 13 14 6 9 12 6 9
Yes No ca nt s ay Yes No ca nt s ay Yes No ca nt s ay
0.383 Not s i gnifi ca nt 20 7 7 43 8 8 3 2 1
0.405 Not s i gnifica nt 25 5 4 49 2 8 5 0 1
5 20 11 12 6 21 4 2 7.73E05
8 12 12 10 7 12 10 5 0.39035 1 Not s i gnifica nt 14 15 5 29 13 17 4 0 2 0.06554 3 Not s i gnifica nt 36 21 13 11 7 11 0.11547 1 Not s i gnifica nt 42 27 22 5 1 2 0.66640 4 Not s i gnifica nt
Yes No ca nt s ay Yes No ca nt s ay P-va l ue
P-va l ue
Pva l ue
Educa ti on
Yes No ca nt s ay Yes No ca nt s ay P-va l ue
0.43 Not s i gnifi ca nt 46 11 13 20 6 3 0.467 Not s i gnifi ca nt 61 15 15 5 2 1 0.58 Not s i gnifi ca nt
s i gnificant 17 7 10 38 7 14 2 0 4 0.222 Not s i gnificant 48 5 13 9 9 15 8.41E-05 Si gnificant (P-va l ue=0) 52 13 26 5 2 1 1 Not s i gnificant
s i gnifica nt 14 13 7 35 8 16 1 0 5
0.126929 Not s i gnificant 16 8 10 20 21 18 1 2 3
0.15 Not s i gnifica nt 58 4 8 21 3 5
s i gnifica nt 40 14 16 15 6 8
Not s i gnificant 31 19 20 6 12 11
0.52 Not s i gnifica nt 71 7 13 8 0 0
0.0667 Not s i gnifica nt 46 20 25 4 1 3
0.22 Not s i gnifica nt
0.579 Not s i gnifica nt
Not s i gnificant 33 29 29 4 2 2 0.576707 Not s i gnificant
Farooque, M., M., J. & Kadam, M., S. (2015). An Analysis of Views of student, Teachers and Industry Employees On Use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) In Education, Global Journal on Technology [Online]. 09, pp 130-137. Available from:
The collected data was pre-processed and grouped in a excel sheet using pivot table option. The expected frequencies were directly calculated from actual frequencies. Chi -square test was conducted at 95% level of significance using Chi test function of Microsoft Excel; this function directly gives the PValue of chi-square distribution at 95% level of significance. The results of the test are given in table 2, 3. 4 respective 1.3. Findings and discussions Relationship between demographic features and choice of social media Relationship between demographic features and choice of social media was analyzed. Choice of media and frequency of usage was taken as dependent variable where as demographic features were the causatives, the results of analysis are given in table No 2 There is association between profession of user, education of the user and age of the user with the choice of sites, P value is greater than 0.05, while there is no relation between the gender, usage frequencies with choice of sites. Relationship between demographic features and Intensity of usage We have grouped the user into three classes based on their usage Intensity, i.e. High usage : Visiting these sites multiple times in a day Medium usage. Visiting these sites once in a day Low usage: Visiting these sites once in a week or more Opinion Survey The personal opinions of the respondents were asked regarding the usage of social networking sites, the six of the several questions asked is given below Q1. Should youths use SNS? Q2.Should student and teacher are friends on SNS? Q3.can SNS be used in education? Q4.Should student’s online profile is seen by his professor? Q5 Do you think students online profiles show his real personality? Q6. Do you think students online profile is seen by his employer? All of these questions had 3 alternatives YES, NO and CAN’T SAY (Neutral). We have analyzed the dependency of response of the user with their demography. In case of Q1,Q3, Q5and Q6 we found strong relation between all demographic factor as p-value in all cases was greater than 0.05. In case of Q2 there was no association between factors like profession and Gender while there association was found between education and age. With in case of Q4 it was found that there was no association between profession and education while there was association between gender and age, P-value in case of gender was slightly greater than 0.05 (i.e. 0.07).
Farooque, M., M., J. & Kadam, M., S. (2015). An Analysis of Views of student, Teachers and Industry Employees On Use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) In Education, Global Journal on Technology [Online]. 09, pp 130-137. Available from:
3. Conclusion Regarding the choice of social media, Face book seems to most preferred social network sites amongst all groups of the users. As regarding second choice LinkedIn is popular amongst t eachers, while Google+ amongst students and industry employee prefer LinkedIn and tweeter. Our finding with is conformity with reports of ComScore and IAMAI [1, 9] and the choice of social media does not vary with gender. As regarding the intensity of usage Males, young and post graduates are spending more on time on these sites. Frequency of usage is high amongst students and industry people while it is low in teachers, the reason could be the teachers lack time or they do not feel comfortable with this technology. Usage is high amongst males and low amongst females, as Indian society females are more conservative as compared to males (or this difference could be due to the sample size). Most of the users agree that students and youths should use this site. However people are concern about the harmful effect of these sites. Teachers as well as students are positive about student teacher friendship on SNS. Males are positive about this relationship while the females are undecided. All groups of the users think that SNS can be used in education Teachers and People from industry are of opinion that student’s online profile can be seen by his teacher while students do not want their profile to be seen. References [1] Ahmed, T., S., Kamal, M. B., Nik S. N., & AbdulRahman Tunku B. T. A. (2011). Investigating students’ attitude and intention to use social software in higher institution of learning in Malaysia, Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, 5(3), 194-208 [2] Ajagbe, A., M., Eluwa, S., E., Duncan, E., E, Mkomange, C., W. & Lasisi, A., N. (2011). The Implications Of Social Networking Sites In Education In Nigeria , Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business, 3(7). [3] Stanciu, A., Mihai, F., & Aleca, O. (2012). Social networking as an alternative environment for education. Accounting and Management Information Systems, 11(1), 56-75. [4] de Jorge Moreno, J. (2012). Using social network and dropbox in blended learning: An application to university education. Business, Management and Education, (2), 220-231. [5] Shen, K. N., & Shakir, M. (2012). Internet usage among Arab adolescents: preliminary findings. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 11(2), 147-159. [6] Kirkwood, K. (2010). The SNAP Platform: social networking for academic purposes. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 27(3), 118-126. [7] Khalid, R., Sanaulla, R., & Muhammad, Z., I. (2013). Social Networking Sites And Mobile Phones , Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business, 4(9). [8] Young, K. (2009). Online Social Networking: An Australian Perspective, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 7(1), 39 – 57 [9] Jabr, N., H (2011). Social Networking as a Tool for Extending Academic Learning and Communication, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2. [10] Agarwal S., & Mital M. (2009). An Exploratory Study Of Indian University Students’ Use Of Social Networking Web Sites: Implications For The Workplace, Business Communication Quarterly [11] Liu Y. (2010). Social Media Tools as a Learning Resource, Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 3(1), 101-114. [12] Gawane, K. (2012). The Rise of India ‘s Digital Consumer and What it Means for the Future, Received May 4, 2013 from: pers/2012/the-rise-ofIndia-s-digital-consumer
Farooque, M., M., J. & Kadam, M., S. (2015). An Analysis of Views of student, Teachers and Industry Employees On Use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) In Education, Global Journal on Technology [Online]. 09, pp 130-137. Available from:
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