Printable book list - Moore Memorial Public Library

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YP FIC MCMAHON. Jennifer McMahon. My Tiki Girl. YP FIC PERKINS. Stephanie Perkins. Anna and the French Kiss. Lola and the Boy Next Door. YP FIC RYAN.
YP FIC LONDON Kelli London Boyfriend Season YP FIC MCCAFFER Megan McCafferty

Jessica Darling Series Sloppy Firsts Second Helpings Charmed Thirds Fourth Comings Perfect Fifths

YP FIC MCMAHON Jennifer McMahon My Tiki Girl

YP FIC TAYLOR Chandra Sparks Taylor

Worth-the-Wait Series The Pledge The Promise

YP FIC VANDRAAN Wendelin Van Draaanen Flipped on DVD, too

Young Adult Contemporary Romance

YP FIC WALKER Kristin Walker A Match Made in High School 7 Clues to Winning You

YP FIC PERKINS Stephanie Perkins Anna and the French Kiss Lola and the Boy Next Door YP FIC RYAN Sara Ryan Empress of the World YP FIC SCOTT Elizabeth Scott Something, Maybe Stealing Heaven YP FIC SMITH Jennifer E. Smith The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight YP FIC SOTO Gary Soto Accidental Love

Moore Memorial Public Library 1701 9th Ave. N. Texas City, TX 7790 Phone: (409) 643-5983

January 2013

YP FIC BAKER Ken Baker Fangirl

YP FIC ECHOLS Jennifer Echols Going Too Far

YP FIC BARNHOLD Lauren Barnholdt Two-Way Street

YP FIC ELKELES Simone Elkeles

YP FIC BILLINGS ReShonda Tate Billingsley Friends ‘til the End YP FIC BRIAN Kate Brian Megan Meade’s Guide to the McGowan Boys YP FIC CAREY Mike Carey, Sonny Liew, and Marc Hempel Re-gifters YP FIC CARTER Cassandra Carter Fast Life YP FIC COHN Rachel Cohn and David Levithan Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares YP FIC COLASANT Susane Colasanti Keep Holding On Waiting for You When It Happens YP FIC DESSEN Sarah Dessen This Lullaby The Truth About Forever

Perfect Chemistry Series Perfect Chemistry Rules of Attraction Chain Reaction

YP FIC FITZPATR Huntley Fitzpatrick My Life Next Door

YP FIC JOHNSON LouAnne Johnson Muchacho YP FIC JOHNSON Maureen Johnson

Little Blue Envelopes Series 13 Little Blue Envelopes The Last Little Blue Envelope

Scarlett Series Suite Scarlett Scarlett Fever

YP FIC FRANKLIN Emily Franklin and Brendan Halpin The Half-Life of Planets Jenna & Jonah’s Fauxmance

YP FIC JONES Jenny B. Jones There You’ll Find Me

YP FIC GEHRMAN Jody Elizabeth Gehrman Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty

YP FIC KIRBY Jessi Kirby In Honor

YP FIC GREEN John Green The Fault in Our Stars

YP FIC LAZEBNIK Claire Scovell LaZebnik Epic Fail

YP FIC HALPERN Julie Halpern Into the Wild Nerd Yonder YP FIC HENDERSO Lauren Henderson Flirting in Italian YP FIC HUBBARD Kirsten Hubbard Wanderlove

YP FIC LEVEEN Tom Leveen Zero YP FIC LEVITHAN David Levithan Boys Meets Boy