Printable Writing 4 year plan

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xxx3 Minor/Elective. Total Hours 15. First Year Spring - Odd. EGL 1023* English II . HST 1023 Western Civilization II. BBL 1023 New Testament Survey. KIN 1xx1 ...
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree with major in English Sample Four-Year Plan (2013-15 catalog) †

Writing Emphasis First Year Fall - Even EGL 1221 Intro to English Studies (F) BBL 1013 Old Testament Survey COR 1002 Gateway Seminar EGL 1013 English I HST 1013 Western Civilization I xxx3 Minor/Elective Total Hours 15

First Year Spring - Odd EGL 1023* English II HST 1023 Western Civilization II BBL 1023 New Testament Survey KIN 1xx1 Wellness Activity Course xxx3 Minor/Elective xxx3 Minor/Elective Total Hours 16

Second Year Fall - Odd KIN 1002 Wellness or KIN 1012 Lifetime Fitness POL 2013 American Government BIO xxx3 Life Science Elective LS 1xx3 Language Elective xxx3 Minor/Elective xxx3 Minor/Elective Total Hours 17

Second Year Spring - Even EGL 2223 World Literature II (SE) EGL 2393 Advanced Composition (S) LS 1xx3 Language Elective xxx3 Math Elective (all have prerequisites) xxx3 Social Science Elective Total Hours 15

Third Year Fall - Even EGL 2413* American Literature to 1900 (FE) EGL 3341* Publishing Practicum (FE) EGL 3363* Advanced English Grammar (F) LS 2xx3 Language Elective xxx3 Art Elective xxx3 Minor/Elective Total Hours 16

Third Year Spring - Odd EGL 2273* Intro to Creative Writing (S) EGL 3333* Shakespearean Drama (SO) EGL 3353* Nineteenth Century British Literature (SO) LS 2xx3 Language Elective xxx3 Minor/Elective Total Hours 15

Fourth Year Fall - Odd BBL 3003* Evangelical Theology EGL 3313* Medieval Literature (FO) EGL 4473* Creative Wrtg Workshop:Sel Genres (1st choice) xxx3 Physical Sci Elective (most have prerequisites) xxx3 Minor/Elective Total Hours 15

Fourth Year Spring - Even BBL 4002* Christian Life EGL 3321* Writing Center Practicum EGL 3323 Renaissance Literature (SE) EGL 4473* Creative Wrtg Workshop:Sel Genres (S) (2nd choice) xxx3 Philosophy Elective xxx3 Minor/Elective Total Hours 15

Total Hours for Four Years: 124

† This plan is only one possible arrangement of courses that includes all the requirements for the English major – Writing Emphasis. Please see your advisor for discuss other possibilities. A variation on this plan is required for students starting in odd years due to alternate year courses. * Course has prerequisites. All English course prerequisites are accounted for in this plan. Please check the catalog for prerequisites for electives. For those courses not offered every semester, the semester of offering is indicated after the course name. F = fall. S = spring. FE = fall of even numbered years. FO = fall of odd numbered years. SE = spring of even numbered years. SO = spring of odd numbered years.