HRE 1O1: Grade-9 Open Religious Education: “Be With Me” ... HRE 4M1 is a
recognized secondary school credit accepted by Ontario Universities and.
Section-3. Religious Education: Course Descriptions HRE 1O1: Grade-9 Open Religious Education: “Be With Me” This course invites students to a deeper understanding of both the joy and the demands of following in the way of Christ Jesus and living out the call to Christian Discipleship as it is described in the Catholic Bible. Using Jesus’ Eight Beatitudes (Matthew 5: 1-12) as a starting point, and the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20: 1-21) as a foundation, students examine the attitudes and actions that characterize the Catholic Christian Life. Students will explore a variety of topics related to the themes of personhood, interpersonal relationships and sexuality. Students are encouraged to understand and nurture within themselves the virtues (good moral habits), which will enable them to deepen their relationship with God—in and through Christ—in context of a Spirit filled Catholic learning community. HRE 2O1: Grade-10 Open Religious Education: “Christ and Culture” This course both invites and challenges the adolescent learner to personalize the principles that guide Catholic Christians in understanding their role in shaping culture through our discipleship to Jesus Christ. The exploration of these principles start with the Biblical foundations to the question of what it means to be human—and how God has—and continues to shape our humanity through culture. These principles are then developed through Gospel themes that reveal how Jesus’ Kingdom of God (also known as the Kingdom of Heaven) is expressed in all of our relationships: to ourselves, to our families, to others, to our civil society, to our Catholic Church and to our Global community. Senior Religious Education Course Selection Notice The English literacy levels of senior Religious Education courses are directly linked to the senior level English courses at Holy Name of Mary. Students choosing to take the C-level (College) English courses in grade 11 or 12 are directed to enroll in the O-level (Open) grade 11 or 12 Religious Education (HRE 3O1/HRE 4O1). Students choosing to take the U-level (University) grade 11 or 12 English courses are directed to enroll in the M-level (Mixed University/College) senior Religious Education courses (HRE 3M1/HRE 4M1).
At Holy Name of Mary the HRE 3O1 prepares students for HRE 4O1—and HRE 4O1 prepares students for the multiple future destinations of either entering College or starting an apprentice or entering the workforce upon graduation from secondary school. Whereas HRE 3M1 prepares students for the academic rigour of HRE 4M1—and HRE 4M1 prepares students for the challenging academic environment of a University setting. Please note that HRE 4O1 is a recognized secondary school credit accepted by Ontario Colleges for entry into a one, or two year certificate program, or a three-year diploma program—while HRE 4M1 is a recognized secondary school credit accepted by Ontario Universities and Colleges for entry into a 20-credit (four-year) degree program. HRE 3O1: Grade-11 Open Religious Education: “World Religions” This course (also known as Faith and Culture) will fulfill the expectation of the Catholic Church in its desire that all students in a Catholic secondary school develop an objective and respectful understanding of other Religious traditions of the world, from the perspective of the Catholic Faith Tradition. Students will explore the universal themes within the world’s major Religious traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism). Within a contemporary cultural context, students will explore the encounter between Christianity and other major Religious traditions of the world. For all students, this course will help break down prejudice about other Religions of the World; which hopefully will lead to a deeper understanding and more authentic adherence to the teachings of the Catholic Church concerning spiritual and moral truth. Other World Religions are encountered through the unique perspective of the Catholic Faith Tradition. HRE 3M1: Grade-11 University/College Religious Education: “World Religions” This course (also known as Faith and Culture) will fulfill the expectation of the Catholic Church in its desire that all students in a Catholic secondary school develop an objective and respectful understanding of other Religious traditions of the world—from the perspective of the Catholic Faith Tradition. To that end, student learning will include an understanding of the Catholic Church’s teaching on World Religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism) and those principles which inform ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue, together with a historical overview of the Catholic Church’s relationship with various World Religious traditions, particularly Judaism and Islam. For all students, this course will help break down prejudice about other Religions of the world; which hopefully will lead to a deeper understanding and more authentic adherence to the teachings of the Catholic Church concerning spiritual and moral truth. Other World Religions are encountered through the unique perspective of the Catholic Church.
HRE 4O1: Grade-12 Open Religious Education: “Church and Culture” This course has its aim of assisting students in understanding themselves as moral persons living the way of Christ through examination of the Revelation of Sacred Scriptures (the Catholic Bible), and the experience and teaching of the Catholic Church. It engages students in critical reflection on significant contemporary moral and ethical issues in light of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Church Tradition and teaching (doctrines), and their own experiences. Social and ecological justice issues are explored along with a study of topics that focus on Christian mercy and forgiveness. The graces and challenges of relationships, marriage, and family life are explored from a Catholic Christian perspective. Students are challenged to adopt and defend the Catholic Christian moral stance in the political world. HRE 4M1: Grade-12 University/College Religious Education: “Church and Culture” This course has its aim of assisting students in understanding themselves as moral persons living the way of Christ through examination of ethical theories, the Revelation of Sacred Scriptures (the Catholic Bible), and the experience and doctrine (teachings) of the Catholic Church. While grounded in Sacred Revelation, the course also examines the contributions of Philosophy and the social sciences to a Catholic understanding of ethics and moral living. Students will explore their own ethical and moral stance through an examination of various arenas of life such as: issues of justice and peace, freedom, reconciliation, family, marriage and political life. This course is intended to prepare the senior student for the lifelong task of discerning what is good and of God—while growing in their ability to live accordingly as moral persons, and active, life giving members of global society. Grade 12 Religious Education Course Selection Notice In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, Grade 12 Philosophy (HZT 4U1) is recognized as an optional Religious Education credit. Students may choose to take either Grade 12 Philosophy or Grade 12 Religious Education (HRE 4M1) to fulfill their Dufferin-Peel Catholic secondary school graduation expectations. Students may also choose to take both courses (HRE 4M1 and HZT 4U1)— since there is littleto-no overlap in curriculum expectations between these two courses of study. Students choosing to take the grade 12 Philosophy course should be—academically strong and selfmotivated learners—with excellent literacy skills and a flexible inquiring mind. HZT 4U1: Grade 12 University Philosophy: “Questions and Theories” Using a Catholic Christian perspective, this course addresses the main areas of Philosophy: metaphysics, logic, epistemology, ethics, social and political philosophy, and aesthetics. Using a Christian framework, students will learn: critical thinking skills, the main ideas expressed by philosophers from a variety of the world’s traditions, with an emphasis on Christian philosophers—how to develop and explain their own philosophical ideas, and how to apply those ideas to contemporary social issues and personal experiences.