Prioritizing Project Portfolios with Conteneo's ... - Gazelles

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Luke Hohmann. Founder and CEO of Conteneo. Author of “Innovation Games. Creating Breakthrough Products Through Collaborative Play”. Email: Luke.
Luke Hohmann Founder and CEO of Conteneo Author of “Innovation Games Creating Breakthrough Products Through Collaborative Play”

Prioritizing Project Portfolios with Conteneo’s Collaboration Games Key Plays for your Epic Win Phase 1: Build Alignment •M  ake a list of your potential priorities and strategic initiatives. •P  lay Knowsy® to build alignment within your team on potential priorities and strategic initiatives. •L  everage Knowsy results to ensure that your team shares the same understanding of the priorities and initiatives. Phase 2: Gather Data • Develop a combined list of projects. • Organize it into two buckets: How to choose the right game for the right goal o Run the Business initiatives for ongoing projects o New Initiatives for new ideas. •E  nsure each initiative has a short and snappy name, a brief description, an outline of its benefits and its projected costs. • Prioritize each of the lists using Buy a Feature o Run one set of games with executives o Run multiple sets of games with your globally distributed extended leadership team. Phase 3: Prioritize the Portfolio • Analyze the Buy a Feature results to determine congruence and differentiation. • Executive leaders make the final choices. • Develop communication plan. oF  or initiatives chosen by executives and the extended leadership team, minimal communication is needed. oF  or all other projects, executives should carefully explain why an initiative was chosen to build commitment

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