Sep 30, 2013 - Note: A â*â indicates a percentage of less than 1%, a â-â indicates a percentage of 0% or non-res
Privatization Study Results Prepared for: Interview Dates: Audience:
Commonwealth Foundation September 3 through 12th, 2013 via telephone n=1,151 Pennsylvania residents 21+ yrs old
Note: A “*” indicates a percentage of less than 1%, a “-“ indicates a percentage of 0% or non-response.
Base Landline Cell
74% 26%
B. First, does anyone in this household work for a radio or TV station, a newspaper, an advertising agency or a market research firm? Yes TERMINATE No 100% Don’t know/Refused TERMINATE C.
Computed Age TOTAL 1151
Base 21-34 (NET) 21-24 25-34 35-54 (NET) 35-44 45-54 55+ (NET) 55-64 65+ D1
Gender TOTAL 1151
Base Male Female D2
30% 8% 22% 37% 9% 28% 33% 23% 10%
48% 52%
In which county of Pennsylvania do you live?
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
Base Allegheny Armstrong Beaver Berks Bucks Butler Carbon Chester Cumberland Dauphin Delaware Erie Fayette Greene Indiana Lackawanna Lancaster Lawrence Lehigh Luzerne Monroe Montgomery Northampton Philadelphia Schuylkill Washington Westmoreland York Other
TOTAL 1151 11% 1% 1% 3% 5% 1% * 4% 3% 3% 4% 6% 1% 1% 1% 2% 7% 1% 2% 3% 1% 7% 1% 13% 2% 2% 2% 6% 2%
REGION Base Allegheny Southwest Philadelphia Philly Suburbs Northeast The T
TOTAL 1151 11% 10% 13% 21% 16% 29%
E Sometimes people are busy and are not able to vote. I know it is a long way off, but looking ahead to the Pennsylvania statewide election in November 2014 for Governor, Congress, and state legislative offices, how likely are you to vote? Will you definitely vote, probably vote, are the chances 50-50 that you will vote, or will you probably not vote or definitely not vote?
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
Base DEFINITELY/PROBABLY/ 50-50 VOTE (NET) DEFINITELY/PROBABLY VOTE Definitely vote Probably vote 50-50 DEFINITELY NOT/PROBABLY NOT VOTE (NET) Probably not vote Definitely not vote Don't Know/Not Sure
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 92% 85% 68% 17% 7% 7% 4% 4% *
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
PERCEPTIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA STATE GOVT ROLE IN WINE/SPIRIT SALE BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q210 How satisfied are you with the retail options available to you in Pennsylvania for purchasing wine or spirits, also known as liquor?
Base TOTAL SATISFIED (NET) Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied TOTAL NOT SATISFIED (NET) Not very satisfied Not at all satisfied I don't purchase wine or spirits Don't know/Refused
TOTAL 1151 63% 30% 33% 25% 14% 11% 11% *
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q220 How satisfied are you with the retail options available to you in Pennsylvania for purchasing beer?
Base TOTAL SATISFIED (NET) Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied TOTAL NOT SATISFIED (NET) Not very satisfied Not at all satisfied I don't purchase beer Don't know/Refused
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 64% 30% 34% 19% 11% 9% 16% *
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q230 [IF Q210 AND Q220=5 SHOW:] If people in Pennsylvania had their choice on where to shop for all their alcohol, including wine, spirits and beer in Pennsylvania, which comes closest to your view: [OTHERWISE SHOW:] If you had your choice on where to shop for all your alcohol, including wine, spirits and beer in Pennsylvania, which comes closest to your view: TOTAL 1151
Base CHANGE (NET) I'd prefer to have private retailers, such as grocery stores, Beer Distributors and specialty shops sell wine, beer and spirits I'd prefer if I could purchase wine, beer and spirits from Beer Distributors, but not from other private retailers such as grocery stores or specialty shops I prefer to keep the system as it is now with wine and spirits sales at stateowned stores and most beer sales at Beer Distributors Don't Know Refused
65% 54% 11% 32% 3% 1%
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q240. Now I’d like to talk about Pennsylvania state laws regulating the sale and distribution of wine and spirits. I’m going to read two facts and ask how familiar were you with these facts before today. In Pennsylvania the sale and distribution of wine and spirits is limited to just over six hundred state-owned Wine and Spirit Shops and workers at these stores are state employees. TOTAL Base 1151 TOTAL FAMILIAR (NET) Very familiar Somewhat familiar TOTAL NOT FAMILIAR (NET) Not very familiar Not at all familiar Don't Know Refused
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
81% 52% 29% 19% 6% 13% * *
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
State workers at the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board set the price of wine and spirits across the state, and determine which brands will be sold at all state stores. TOTAL Base 1151 TOTAL FAMILIAR (NET) Very familiar Somewhat familiar TOTAL NOT FAMILIAR (NET) Not very familiar Not at all familiar Don't Know Refused
55% 29% 26% 45% 16% 30% * -
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q250. Next, some people believe that Pennsylvania state laws regulating the sale and distribution of wine and spirits are outdated and should be changed. Do you favor or oppose a proposal to end government sale and distribution of wine and spirits in the State of Pennsylvania?
Base TOTAL FAVOR (NET) Strongly favor Somewhat favor TOTAL OPPOSE (NET) Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don't Know/Refused
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 61% 39% 22% 33% 15% 18% 6%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q260. Please tell me if you would favor or oppose the following changes to the sale of wine and spirits in the state of Pennsylvania. After I read each one, please tell me if it sounds like something you would favor or oppose. SUMMARY TABLE OF FAVOR TOTAL 1151
Base 1. Removing government from the sale and distribution of wine and spirits by licensing and regulating private retailers 3. Allowing beer, wine and spirits to be sold in supermarkets and specialty stores. 2. Allowing just beer and wine to be sold in supermarkets and specialty stores 4. Allowing wine and spirits to be sold at Beer Distributors as the only allowable private retailers in the state, but not at grocery stores or other specialty stores
66% 65% 63% 33%
Base 4. Allowing wine and spirits to be sold at Beer Distributors as the only allowable private retailers in the state, but not at grocery stores or other specialty stores 2. Allowing just beer and wine to be sold in supermarkets and specialty stores 3. Allowing beer, wine and spirits to be sold in supermarkets and specialty stores. 1. Removing government from the sale and distribution of wine and spirits by licensing and regulating private retailers
66% 37% 34% 32%
Removing government from the sale and distribution of wine and spirits by licensing and regulating private retailers TOTAL Base 1151 TOTAL FAVOR (NET) Strongly favor Somewhat favor TOTAL OPPOSE (NET) Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don't Know/Refused
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
66% 42% 24% 32% 13% 18% 3%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
Allowing just beer and wine to be sold in supermarkets and specialty stores TOTAL Base 1151 TOTAL FAVOR (NET) Strongly favor Somewhat favor TOTAL OPPOSE (NET) Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don't Know/Refused
63% 34% 29% 37% 13% 24% 1%
Allowing beer, wine and spirits to be sold in supermarkets and specialty stores. TOTAL Base 1151 TOTAL FAVOR (NET) Strongly favor Somewhat favor TOTAL OPPOSE (NET) Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don't Know/Refused
65% 43% 23% 34% 11% 23% 1%
Allowing wine and spirits to be sold at Beer Distributors as the only allowable private retailers in the state, but not at grocery stores or other specialty stores TOTAL Base 1151 TOTAL FAVOR (NET) Strongly favor Somewhat favor TOTAL OPPOSE (NET) Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don't Know/Refused
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
33% 12% 20% 66% 28% 38% 1%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q265. In general, how would you rate the overall performance of Pennsylvania’s stateowned and operated wine and spirits stores? Would you say excellent, good, not so good or poor?
Base TOTAL EXCELLENT/GOOD (NET) Excellent Good TOTAL NOT SO GOOD/POOR (NET) Not so good Poor Don't Know/Refused
TOTAL 1151 75% 18% 57% 21% 13% 8% 4%
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q270. Now I’m going to read a list of characteristics that could be used to describe an ideal retail setting for where you might purchase alcohol – that is, wine, beer and spirits. Please rate how important each characteristic is to you personally when you think of your image of the ideal retailer of wine, beer and spirits. SUMMARY TABLE OF TOP 2 BOX: Extremely/Very Important TOTAL 1151
Base 2. I feel safe there 6. Prices are competitive with those found out of state 3. It's a convenient location from my house 1. It is clean and has modern decor 5. It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day 4. I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products
75% 65% 51% 50% 29% 28%
SUMMARY TABLE OF BOTTOM 2 BOX: Not very/Not at all Important TOTAL 1151
Base 4. I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products 5. It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day 3. It's a convenient location from my house 1. It is clean and has modern decor 6. Prices are competitive with those found out of state 2. I feel safe there
45% 40% 16% 14% 13% 7%
It is clean and has modern decor TOTAL
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
TOTAL IMPORTANT (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY IMPORTANT (NET) Extremely important Very important Somewhat important TOTAL NOT IMPORTANT (NET) Not very important Not at all important Don't Know Refused
85% 50% 15% 35% 35% 14% 8% 6% 1% *
I feel safe there Base TOTAL IMPORTANT (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY IMPORTANT (NET) Extremely important Very important Somewhat important TOTAL NOT IMPORTANT (NET) Not very important Not at all important Don't Know Refused
TOTAL 1151 92% 75% 36% 39% 16% 7% 3% 4% 1% *
It’s a convenient location from my house Base TOTAL IMPORTANT (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY IMPORTANT (NET) Extremely important Very important Somewhat important TOTAL NOT IMPORTANT (NET) Not very important Not at all important Don't Know Refused
TOTAL 1151 83% 51% 18% 32% 33% 16% 7% 9% 1% *
I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products Base
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
TOTAL IMPORTANT (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY IMPORTANT (NET) Extremely important Very important Somewhat important TOTAL NOT IMPORTANT (NET) Not very important Not at all important Don't Know Refused
54% 28% 12% 17% 26% 45% 20% 24% * 1%
It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day Base
TOTAL 1151
TOTAL IMPORTANT (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY IMPORTANT (NET) Extremely important Very important Somewhat important TOTAL NOT IMPORTANT (NET) Not very important Not at all important Don't Know Refused
59% 29% 12% 17% 30% 40% 20% 20% 1% *
Prices are competitive with those found out of state Base TOTAL IMPORTANT (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY IMPORTANT (NET) Extremely important Very important Somewhat important TOTAL NOT IMPORTANT (NET) Not very important Not at all important Don't Know Refused
TOTAL 1151 86% 65% 29% 36% 21% 13% 5% 7% 1% *
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q275. Now I’m going to re-read the same list of characteristics and ask how well you believe the characteristic describes a Beer Distributor retailer. You can think of any Beer Distributor you are aware of or typically shop. SUMMARY TABLE OF TOP 2 BOX: Describes Perfectly/Very Well TOTAL
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
2. I feel safe there 3. It's a convenient location from my house 1. It is clean and has modern decor 6. Prices are competitive with those found out of state 5. It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day 4. I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products
62% 62% 32% 28% 26% 11%
SUMMARY TABLE OF BOTTOM 2 BOX: Does Not Describe Very Well/At All TOTAL Base 1151 4. I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products 5. It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day 1. It is clean and has modern decor 6. Prices are competitive with those found out of state 3. It's a convenient location from my house 2. I feel safe there
65% 31% 23% 21% 9% 6%
It is clean and has modern decor TOTAL 1151
Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL (NET) Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know any Beer Distributor
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
67% 32% 10% 22% 35% 23% 13% 10% 1% 9%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
I feel safe there TOTAL 1151
Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL (NET) Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know any Beer Distributor
85% 62% 24% 38% 23% 6% 2% 4% 1% 9%
It’s a convenient location from my house TOTAL 1151
Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL (NET) Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know any Beer Distributor
82% 62% 26% 36% 20% 9% 4% 5% * 9%
I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products TOTAL 1151
Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL (NET) Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know any Beer Distributor
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
25% 11% 5% 6% 14% 65% 17% 49% 1% 9%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day TOTAL 1151
Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL (NET) Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know any Beer Distributor
51% 26% 10% 17% 25% 31% 11% 20% 8% 10%
Prices are competitive with those found out of state TOTAL 1151
Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL (NET) Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know any Beer Distributor
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
60% 28% 8% 21% 32% 21% 11% 11% 9% 10%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q280. Now I’m going to re-read the same list of characteristics and ask how well you believe each characteristic describes the state-owned Wine and Spirits Shops as a retailer. Think of any state-owned Wine and Spirit Shop you are aware of or typically shop. SUMMARY TABLE OF TOP 2 BOX: Describes Perfectly/Very Well TOTAL 1151
Base 2. I feel safe there 3. It's a convenient location from my house 1. It is clean and has modern decor 6. Prices are competitive with those found out of state 5. It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day 4. I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products
73% 63% 56% 21% 12% 6%
SUMMARY TABLE OF BOTTOM 2 BOX: Does Not Describe Very Well/At All TOTAL 1151
Base 4. I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products 5. It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day 6. Prices are competitive with those found out of state 3. It's a convenient location from my house 1. It is clean and has modern decor 2. I feel safe there
82% 57% 32% 12% 8% 5%
It is clean and has modern decor Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know state-owned Wine and Spirits Shops
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 86% 56% 20% 36% 30% 8% 3% 5% * 6%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
I feel safe there Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know state-owned Wine and Spirits Shops
TOTAL 1151 88% 73% 31% 42% 16% 5% 1% 4% * 6%
It’s a convenient location from my house Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know state-owned Wine and Spirits Shops
TOTAL 1151 83% 63% 26% 37% 20% 12% 5% 7% * 5%
I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know state-owned Wine and Spirits Shops
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 11% 6% 3% 4% 5% 82% 14% 68% 1% 6%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day TOTAL 1151
Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know state-owned Wine and Spirits Shops
29% 12% 4% 8% 17% 57% 13% 44% 7% 7%
Prices are competitive with those found out of state Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL DOES NOT DESCRIBE (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know state-owned Wine and Spirits Shops
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 53% 21% 7% 14% 32% 32% 15% 17% 7% 7%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q285. Now I’m going to re-read the same list of characteristics and ask how well you believe each characteristic describes the grocery store or specialty retailer that you would shop at if it could sell wine, beer and spirits in the future. Think of where you typically shop. SUMMARY TABLE OF TOP 2 BOX: Describes Perfectly/Very Well TOTAL 1151
Base 4. I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products 2. I feel safe there 5. It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day 3. It's a convenient location from my house 1. It is clean and has modern decor 6. Prices for wine, beer and spirits are likely to be competitive with those found out of state.
86% 84% 80% 79% 78% 47%
SUMMARY TABLE OF BOTTOM 2 BOX: Does Not Describe Very Well/At All TOTAL 1151
Base 6. Prices for wine, beer and spirits are likely to be competitive with those found out of state. 5. It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day 4. I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products 3. It's a convenient location from my house 2. I feel safe there 1. It is clean and has modern decor
13% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3%
It is clean and has modern decor Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL NOT DESCRIBES WELL (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know where I'd shop
TOTAL 1151 95% 78% 38% 40% 17% 3% 1% 2% * 2%
I feel safe there TOTAL
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL NOT DESCRIBES WELL (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know where I'd shop
94% 84% 45% 39% 10% 4% 1% 3% * 2%
It’s a convenient location from my house Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL NOT DESCRIBES WELL (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know where I'd shop
TOTAL 1151 93% 79% 42% 38% 13% 5% 1% 3% * 2%
I can purchase other items there such as groceries or other products Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL NOT DESCRIBES WELL (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know where I'd shop
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 91% 86% 55% 30% 6% 6% 1% 5% * 2%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
It is open on most holidays - such as Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL NOT DESCRIBES WELL (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know where I'd shop
TOTAL 1151 90% 80% 45% 35% 10% 7% 2% 5% 1% 2%
Prices for wine, beer and spirits are likely to be competitive with those found out of state Base TOTAL DESCRIBES WELL (NET) TOTAL DESCRIBES PERFECTLY/VERY WELL Describes perfectly Describes very well Describes somewhat well TOTAL NOT DESCRIBES WELL (NET) Does not describe very well Does not describe at all Can't rate this characteristic Don't know where I'd shop
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 75% 47% 18% 29% 28% 13% 5% 8% 9% 3%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q290. Now I’ll read some possible outcomes that have been suggested if the state of Pennsylvania allows private retailers, such as grocery stores or specialty stores with state approved licenses, to sell wine and spirits. Please tell me how beneficial you believe these outcomes would be for Pennsylvania. SUMMARY TABLE OF TOP 2 BOX: Extremely/Very Beneficial TOTAL 1151
Base 9. The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board will no longer need to spend millions of tax dollars on product advertising 6. Pennsylvania consumers won't cross state borders to buy wine and spirits and more money will stay in Pennsylvania 7. Thousands more private sector new jobs will be created 4. Costs will be lower and more in line with other states 1. Millions of new dollars every year in state revenues for licensing fees and corporate income taxes and property taxes 8. New small businesses will be created in the state 2. There will be more choice of where to shop for wine and spirits 11. Pennsylvania will no longer be one of only two states, the other being Utah, that has complete government control of wine and spirits sales and distribution 3. There will be a wider selection of wine and spirits available 5. Pennsylvania's Prohibition-era liquor law system will be modernized 10. Beer distributors will be allowed to sell wine and spirits to their customers along with beer
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
67% 66% 65% 64% 62% 62% 61% 58% 57% 57% 54%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
SUMMARY TABLE OF BOTTOM 2 BOX: Not Very/Not At All Beneficial TOTAL 1151
Base 11. Pennsylvania will no longer be one of only two states, the other being Utah, that has complete government control of wine and spirits sales and distribution 10. Beer distributors will be allowed to sell wine and spirits to their customers along with beer 8. New small businesses will be created in the state 7. Thousands more private sector new jobs will be created 2. There will be more choice of where to shop for wine and spirits 5. Pennsylvania's Prohibition-era liquor law system will be modernized 3. There will be a wider selection of wine and spirits available 1. Millions of new dollars every year in state revenues for licensing fees and corporate income taxes and property taxes 6. Pennsylvania consumers won't cross state borders to buy wine and spirits and more money will stay in Pennsylvania 9. The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board will no longer need to spend millions of tax dollars on product advertising 4. Costs will be lower and more in line with other states
21% 18% 17% 17% 17% 16% 16% 15% 14% 14% 13%
Millions of new dollars every year in state revenues for licensing fees and corporate income taxes and property taxes Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 83% 62% 28% 33% 21% 15% 7% 8% 1% * 1%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
There will be more choice of where to shop for wine and spirits Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
TOTAL 1151 82% 61% 28% 33% 22% 17% 8% 9% * *
There will be a wider selection of wine and spirits available Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 83% 57% 27% 30% 26% 16% 6% 10% 1% 1%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
Costs will be lower and more in line with other states Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
TOTAL 1151 84% 64% 32% 32% 20% 13% 5% 8% 1% * 1%
Pennsylvania’s Prohibition-era liquor law system will be modernized Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 82% 57% 27% 30% 25% 16% 6% 10% 2% *
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
Pennsylvania consumers won’t cross state borders to buy wine and spirits and more money will stay in Pennsylvania Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
TOTAL 1151 84% 66% 34% 32% 17% 14% 6% 8% 1% * 1%
Thousands more private sector new jobs will be created Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 80% 65% 32% 33% 16% 17% 8% 9% * * 2%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
New small businesses will be created in the state Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
TOTAL 1151 81% 62% 32% 30% 19% 17% 7% 10% 1% * 1%
The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board will no longer need to spend millions of tax dollars on product advertising Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 84% 67% 36% 31% 17% 14% 6% 9% 1% * 1%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
Beer distributors will be allowed to sell wine and spirits to their customers along with beer Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
TOTAL 1151 82% 54% 23% 31% 28% 18% 7% 11% * -
Pennsylvania will no longer be one of only two states, the other being Utah, that has complete government control of wine and spirits sales and distribution Base TOTAL BENEFICIAL (NET) TOTAL EXTREMELY/VERY BENEFICIAL (NET) Extremely beneficial Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial TOTAL NOT BENEFICIAL (NET) Not very beneficial Not at all beneficial Don't Know Refused Don't believe it is true
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 77% 58% 31% 27% 19% 21% 9% 13% 2% * *
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q300. Next, I am going to read a pair of statements from supporters and opponents of ending government sale and distribution of wine and spirits in the State of Pennsylvania. Supporters say state government should not be selling wine and spirits to citizens but should be focused on regulating alcohol sales and enforcing the law. In addition, they say privately run wine, spirits, and beer stores will provide consumers with greater choices, more convenience and better prices, while generating millions of dollars for the state that could be used for education, public safety, health care or our roads, bridges and other important infrastructure. Opponents say privatizing the state’s Wine and Spirit Shops would destroy more than 55 hundred (5,500) family-sustaining jobs, endanger our neighborhoods and put more than 500 million dollars a year in state revenues at risk. In addition, the one-time financial windfall realized from the sale of the state’s Wine and Spirit Shops will not offset the long term loss of revenue, and that privatization has led to higher rates of alcoholism, underage drinking, drunk driving and more traffic accidents, which is why the U.S. Center for Disease Control recommended against further privatization of alcohol sales. Having heard these statements, do you favor or oppose ending government sale and distribution of wine and liquor in the State of Pennsylvania?
Base TOTAL FAVOR (NET) Strongly favor Somewhat favor TOTAL OPPOSE (NET) Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don't Know/Refused
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 62% 43% 19% 35% 12% 24% 2%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q320. If you knew that your state legislator supported ending government sale and distribution of wine and spirits in the State of Pennsylvania, would you be more likely or less likely to vote for your state legislator?
Base TOTAL MORE LIKELY (NET) Much more likely Somewhat more likely TOTAL LESS LIKELY (NET) Somewhat less likely Much less likely Makes no difference Don't Know/Refused
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 55% 23% 31% 32% 15% 16% 12% 2%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
CLASSIFICATION QUESTIONS/DEMOGRAPHICS BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS D400. How often do you purchase wine and liquor or distilled spirits, NOT including beer? Would you say… (READ LIST)
Base Weekly Monthly A few times a year Less often Never Don't Know/NA/Refused
TOTAL 1151 13% 31% 35% 10% 10% 1%
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS D410. How often do you purchase wine and or spirits outside of Pennsylvania?
Base Weekly Monthly A few times a year Less often Never Don't Know/NA/Refused
TOTAL 1151 1% 5% 25% 20% 48% 1%
BASE: PURCHASE WINE/SPIRITS OUT OF STATE (D410=1-4) D415. Where do you most often make out-of‐ state purchases of wine and/or spirits/liquor?
Base New Jersey Delaware New York Other Don't Know/Refused
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 588 28% 18% 10% 40% 4%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS D420. How often do you purchase beer in Pennsylvania?
Base Weekly Monthly A few times a year Less often Never Don't Know/NA/Refused
TOTAL 1151 14% 27% 27% 10% 21% 1%
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS D430. How would you describe your political outlook? Would you say that you are very liberal, somewhat liberal, moderate, libertarian, somewhat conservative, or very conservative?
Base TOTAL LIBERAL (NET) Very liberal Somewhat liberal Moderate Libertarian TOTAL CONSERVATIVE (NET) Somewhat conservative Very conservative Don't Know/None/NA/Refused
TOTAL 1151 31% 9% 23% 23% 4% 38% 24% 14% 4%
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS D435. In terms of your political party registration, are you a…?
Base Republican Democrat Independent Libertarian Green/Something Else/Not Sure/Declined
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 37% 50% 7% 1% 5%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS D440. Are you a member of a labor union or teachers’ union? Or is any member of your family a member of a labor union or teachers’ union?
Base TOTAL YES (NET) Yes, self Yes, family member Yes, both No Refused/NA
TOTAL 1151 29% 9% 16% 4% 70% 1%
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS D450. What was the last level of school you completed?
Base HS OR LESS (NET) Grades 1-8 Grades 9-11 High School Graduate (12) SOME COLLEGE (NET) Community college / Some College / Business / Vocational School College Graduate (4) Post-Graduate Work/Professional School Don't Know/Refused
TOTAL 1151 23% * 2% 21% 22% 22% 32% 22% 1%
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS D460. With which racial or ethnic group do you identify yourself?
Base Hispanic or Latino African-American or Black Anglo/White Asian Other Refused/NA
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 2% 7% 85% 1% 3% 3%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies
BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS D480. And finally, just for statistical purposes, we need to know if your total family income is within one of the following ranges? Is it:
Base Under $25,000 $25 to less than $35,000 $35 to less than $50,000 $50 to less than $75,000 $75 to less than $100,000 Over $100,000 Don't know/Refused
Commonwealth Foundation: Privatization Study
TOTAL 1151 7% 7% 11% 21% 18% 27% 9%
Prepared by: Heart+Mind Strategies