Nov 6, 2017 - Caras, Caras Decoração, Courrier Internacional, Exame, Exame Informática,. Jornal de Letras, TeleNovela
IMPRESA – Sociedade Gestora de Participações Sociais, S.A. Open Society Rua Ribeiro Sanches, n.º 65, Estrela, Lisboa Share Capital: Euro 84.000.000,00 Tax number 502 437 464 Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon
Privileged Information According to the article 17nd of European Union regulation n.º 596/2014 of European Parliament and Council and the article 248º A of Securities Law Code, and following the process announced on press release issued on September 7th, 2017, IMPRESA – Sociedade Gestora de Participações Sociais, S.A. informs that its subsidiary IMPRESA Publishing. S.A. has received at the present date a proposal from Luis Jorge Sales Martins Delgado, which the former has accepted to negotiate until December 31th, 2017, one exclusive basis, the eventual acquisition by a society indicated by the proponent, of the publications Activa, Caras, Caras Decoração, Courrier Internacional, Exame, Exame Informática, Jornal de Letras, TeleNovelas, TV Mais, Visão, Visão História and Visão Junior
Lisbon, November 6th, 2017