Kui-Yong Liu (a) Zhi-Guo He (a) and Kuang-Ta Chao (b,a). (a) Department of Physics ..... Rev. D58, 017502 (1998). [15] E. Braaten and J. Lee, hep-ph/0211085.
Problems of Double-Charm Production in e+ e− Annihilation at GeV Kui-Yong Liu
Zhi-Guo He
and Kuang-Ta Chao
s = 10.6
arXiv:hep-ph/0211181v4 20 Mar 2003
(a) Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, People’s Republic of China (b) China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (World Laboratory), Beijing 100080, People’s Republic of China
Abstract Using the nonrelativistic QCD(NRQCD) factorization formalism, we calculate the color-singlet cross sections for exclusive production processes e+ + e− → J/ψ + ηc and √ e+ + e− → J/ψ + χcJ (J = 0, 1, 2) at the center-of-mass energy s=10.6 GeV. The cross sections are estimated to be 5.5fb, 6.7fb, 1.1fb, and 1.6fb for ηc , χc0 , χc1 and χc2 , respectively. The calculated J/ψ + ηc production rate is smaller than the recent Belle data by about an order of magnitude, which might indicate the failure of perturbative QCD calculation to explain the double-charmonium production data. The complete O(α2s ) color-singlet cross section for e+ + e− → χc0 + c¯ c is calculated. In addition, we also evaluate the ratio of exclusive to inclusive production cross sections. The ratio of J/ψηc production to J/ψc¯ c production could be consistent with the experimental data. PACS number(s): 12.40.Nn, 13.85.Ni, 14.40.Gx
Heavy quarkonium production is interesting in understanding both perturbative and nonperturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD). In recent years the charmonium production has been studied in various processes, such as in hadron-hadron collision, electron-proton collision, fixed target experiments, B meson decays, as well as Z 0 decays. Among them, the study of charmonium production in e+ e− annihilation is particularly interesting in testing the quarkonium production mechanisms, the color-singlet model and the color-octet model in the nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD)[1] approach. This is not only because of the simpler parton structure involved in this process, which may be helpful in reducing the theoretical uncertainty, but also because of the spectacular experimental prospect opened up by the two B factories with BaBar and Belle, which will allow a fine data analysis for √ charmonium 8 + − production with more than 10 e e annihilation events in the continuum at s=10.6 GeV. Recently the Belle Collaboration has reported the observation of prompt J/ψ via double c¯ c production from the e+ e− continuum[2]. For these results, not only the large cross section (≈0.9 pb) of the inclusive J/ψ production due to the double c¯ c is puzzling[3], but also the exclusive production rate of J/ψηc , σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + ηc (γ)) × B(ηc →≥ 4charged) = (0.033+0.007 −0.006 ± 0.009)pb, may not be consistent with two previous calculations[4, 5], which gave a cross section of a few pb for J/ψηc . In fact, recent perturbative QCD estimates of the J/ψc¯ c cross section are only about 0.1 ∼ 0.2 pb[6, 7, 8, 9]. So the calculations of exclusive cross sections for e+ e− annihilation into J/ψηc and other double-charmonium states such as J/ψχcJ (J = 0, 1, 2) will be useful to clarify the problem. Experimentally, aside from e+ + e− → J/ψ + χc0 [2], Belle [10] has also studied processes e+ + e− → χc1 + X and e+ + e− → χc2 + X, so we hope that the double-charmonium production involving 1
e− (p1 )
J/ψ(p3 )
e+ (p2 )
ηc (p4 ) or χcJ (p4 )
+ 2 permutations
e− (p1 )
J/ψ(p3 )
e+ (p2 )
ηc (p4 ) or χcJ (p4 )
Figure 1: Feynman diagrams for e+ e− → J/ψ + ηc (χcJ ). χcJ (J = 0, 1, 2) will be detectable in the near future. In the following we will calculate the cross sections σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + ηc ) and σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χcJ ) in the leading order perturbative QCD. To this order (∼ αs2 ) the color-singlet channel is dominant since all coloroctet channels are of high order of v, which is the relative velocity of the charm quark and anti-charm quark in the charmonium, and therefore suppressed relative to the color-singlet channel (the relative suppression is at least of order v 4 for the cross sections). Furthermore, in order to compare exclusive production with inclusive production rates associated with the χcJ charmonium states, we will calculate the cross section σ(e+ + e− → χc0 + c¯ c), and √ hope these ratios will be useful for both inclusive and exclusive production analyses at s=10.6 GeV. We now write down the scattering amplitude in the nonrelativistic approximation to describe the creation of two color-singlet c¯ c pairs which subsequently hadronize to two char+ − monium states in the e e annihilation process in Fig. 1 as[11, 12] ¯ 2Sψ +1 LJ )(p3 ) + QQ( ¯ 2S+1 LJ )(p4 )) = A(a + b → QQ( ψ
Lψz Sψz s1 s2 jk Lz Sz s3 s4 il
× hs1 ; s2 | Sψ Sψz ihLψ Lψz ; Sψ Sψz | Jψ Jψz ih3j; ¯3k | 1i × hs3 ; s4 | SSz ihLLz ; SSz | JJz ih3l; ¯3i | 1i ( ¯ k ( p3 ) + Ql ( p4 ) + Q ¯ i ( p4 )) (L = S), A(a + b → Qj ( p23 ) + Q 2 2 2 × ¯ k ( p3 ) + Ql ( p4 ) + Q ¯ i ( p4 )) (L = P ), ǫ∗α (LZ )Aα (a + b → Qj ( p23 ) + Q 2 2 2 √
where h3j; ¯3k | 1i = δjk / Nc , h3l; ¯3i | 1i = δli / Nc , 2
hs1 ; s2 | Sψ Sψz i , hs3 ; s4 |
SSz i , hLψ Lψz ; Sψ Sψz | Jψ Jψz i and hLLz ; SSz | JJz i are respectively the color-SU(3), ¯ pairs projecting spin-SU(2), and angular momentum Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for QQ p3 p3 p4 ¯ ¯ out appropriate bound states. A(a + b → Qj ( 2 ) + Qk ( 2 ) + Ql ( 2 ) + Qi ( p24 )) is the scat¯ production and Aα is the derivative of the amplitude with tering amplitude for double QQ respect to the relative momentum between the quark and anti-quark in the bound state. The coefficients CLψ and CL can be related to the radial wave function of the bound states or its derivative with respect to the relative spacing as Cs =
1 |Rs (0)|2 , 4π
Cp =
3 ′ |Rp (0)|2 . 4π
We introduce the spin projection operators PSSz (p, q) as[11, 12] PSSz (p, q) ≡
p p hs1 ; s2 |SSz iv( − q; s1 )¯ u( + q; s2 ). 2 2 s1 s2 X
Expanding PSSz (P, q) in terms of the relative momentum q, we get the projection operators and their derivatives, which will be used in our calculation, as follows 1 P1Sz (p, 0) = √ ǫ/∗ (Sz )(6 p + 2mc ), 2 2
1 / + 2mc ), P00 (p, 0) = √ γ5 (p 2 2
1 α (p, 0) = √ P1S [γ α 6 ǫ∗ (Sz )(6 p + 2mc ) − (6 p − 2mc ) 6 ǫ(Sz )γ α ]. (6) z 4 2mc Then one can calculate the cross sections for the on-shell quarks in the factorized form of NRQCD[1]. The cross section for e+ + e− → J/ψ + ηc process in Fig. 1 is given by σ(a(p1 ) + b(p2 ) → J/ψ(p3) + ηc (p4 )) =
2πα2αs2 |Rs (0)|4 s − 16m2c Z 81m2c s3/2
¯ 2 d cos θ, |M|
¯ |2 is as follows where θ is the scattering angle between p~1 and p~3 , |M ¯ |2 = |M
16384m2c (t2 + u2 − 32m4c ) . s5
The Mandelstam variables are defined as s = (p1 + p2 )2 ,
s t = (p3 − p1 )2 = 4m2c − (1 − 1 − 16m2c /s cos θ), 2 q s u = (p3 − p2 )2 = 4m2c − (1 + 1 − 16m2c /s cos θ). 2 + − The cross section for e + e → J/ψ + χcJ process is q
(10) (11)
σ(a(p1 ) + b(p2 ) → J/ψ(p3 ) + χcJ (p4 )) =
2πα2 αs2 |Rs (0)|2|Rp′ (0)|2 s − 16m2c Z 27m2c s3/2
1 −1
¯ J |2 d cos θ, |M
¯ J |2 for χc0 , χc1 and χc2 are given by where |M ¯ 0 |2 = 2048(90112m10 − 74752m8 t − 74752m8 u + 23360m6 t2 + 43136m6tu + 23360m6 u2 |M c c c c c c −3152m4c t3 − 7600m4c t2 u − 7600m4c tu2 − 3152m4c u3 + 162m2c t4 + 444m2c t3 u +564m2c t2 u2 + 444m2c tu3 + 162m2c u4 − t4 u − 3t3 u2 − 3t2 u3 − tu4 )/(3s7 m2c ), (13) ¯ 1 |2 = 32768(1792m8 + 256m6 t + 256m6 u − 56m4 t2 − 64m4 tu − 56m4 u2 − 4m2 t3 |M c c c c c c c 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 2 3 4 7 −20mc t u − 20mc tu − 4mc u + t + 2t u + 2t u + 2tu + u )/s ,
¯ 2 |2 = 4096(145408m10 − 1024m8 t − 1024m8 u − 2368m6 t2 − 6400m6 tu − 2368m6 u2 |M c c c c c c 4 3 4 2 4 2 4 3 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 +16mc t − 208mc t u − 208mc tu + 16mc u + 24mc t + 72mc t u + 96mc t u +72m2c tu3 + 24m2c u4 − t4 u − 3t3 u2 − 3t2 u3 − tu4 )/(3s7 m2c ). (15) √ In the numerical calculations, we choose s = 10.6GeV, mc = 1.5GeV, αs = 0.26, |Rs (0)|2 = 0.810GeV3 and |Rp′ (0)|2 = 0.075GeV5 [13], and assume that in the nonrelativistic approximation mJ/ψ = mηc = mχcJ = 2mc . The numerical result for e+ + e− → J/ψ + ηc is σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + ηc ) = 5.5fb.
While the numerical result for the cross section of e+ + e− → J/ψ + ηc is more than a factor of six smaller than the experimental data[2] (with uncertainties due to the unknown decay branching fractions into ≥ 4-charged particles for the ηc ), the calculated ratio of σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + ηc )/σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + c¯ c) ≈ 0.037 might be consistent with the experimental result with the choice of σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + c¯ c) = 148fb obtained by taking our input parameters. √ The cross sections for J/ψχcJ production at s = 10.6GeV are given as σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χc0 ) = 6.7fb,
σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χc1 ) = 1.1fb,
σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χc2 ) = 1.6fb.
(19) √ In Fig. 2, we show the cross sections as functions of the e+ e− center-of-mass energy s, + − + − and we can see that the cross sections for √ e + e → J/ψ + ηc , e + e → J/ψ + χc1 and + − e + e → J/ψ + χc2 decrease rapidly as s increases. But the one with J/ψ + χc2 decreases more slowly than that with J/ψ + ηc and J/ψ + χc1 . √ At s = 10.6GeV if we choose σ(e+ + e− → χc1 + c¯ c) = 18.1fb and σ(e+ + e− → χc2 + c¯ c) = 8.4fb which were obtained in the fragmentation approximation in Ref.[14], then we have the ratios σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χc1 ) = 0.061, (20) σ(e+ + e− → χc1 + c¯ c) σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χc2 ) = 0.19. σ(e+ + e− → χc2 + c¯ c) 4
σ [ fb ]
Figure 2: Cross sections for σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + ηc )(solid line) and σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χcJ )(dashed line forqJ = 1, dotted line for J = 2) plotted against the e+ e− center-of-mass √ √ energy s with z= s/s0 and s0 = 10.6GeV. σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χc1 ) = 0.007, σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + c¯ c)
σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χc2 ) = 0.011. σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + c¯ c)
(22) (23)
As for the χc0 inclusive double-charm production the rate was not given in Ref.[14], we calculate σ(e+ + e− → χc0 + c¯ c) in a complete form to the O(αs2 ) order in perturbative QCD. We give the amplitude of the first diagram in Fig. 3 for e+ + e− → χc0 + c¯ c as M=
iec egs2 [T a T a ]li 1 √ v¯(p2 )γ µ u(p1 ) u¯l (pc ) s 3 Lz Sz σ α σ α × [γ P1Sz γα Oµ + γ P1Sz γα Oµ ]vi (pc¯), X
ǫ∗σ (Lz )h1Lz ; 1Sz |J = 0, Jz = 0i CL
where ec = 32 e , T a is the SU(3) color matrix, the matrix Oµ is relevant to the on shell amplitude and Oσµ is its derivative with respect to the relative momentum between the quarks that form the bound state. We can also express the contributions of other three diagrams in a similar way, and our numerical results are obtained with the full contributions of these four diagrams. Some useful information of the calculation is given in the Appendix. We finally get the cross section for this process σ(e+ + e− → χc0 + c¯ c) = 49fb. 5
e− (p1 )
χc0 (p)
e+ (p2 )
c¯(pc¯) c(pc )
+ 2 flipped graphs
e− (p1 )
c¯(pc¯) c(pc )
e+ (p2 )
χc0 (p)
Figure 3: Feynman diagrams for e+ + e− → χc0 + c¯ c process. Then one has the ratio
σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χc0 ) = 0.14, σ(e+ + e− → χc0 + c¯ c)
σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + χc0 ) = 0.045. σ(e+ + e− → J/ψ + c¯ c)
(26) (27)
In Fig. 4, we show cross sections for σ(e+ + e− → χc0 + c¯ c)(solid line) and σ(e+ +q e− → √ J/ψ + χc0 )(dotted line) plotted against the e+ e− center-of-mass energy s with z= s/s0 √ and s0 = 10.6GeV. One can see the ratio in Eq. (26) decreases drastically as the centerof-mass energy increases. This is consistent with the result in Fig. 2. We hope the ratios between Eq. (20) and Eq. (27) could be tested in the near future. In summary, despite of many uncertainties due to the relativistic corrections, the QCD radiative corrections, the possible color-octet channel contributions, and the choice of physical parameters (e.g. the charm quark mass and the strong coupling constant), both the inclusive and exclusive double charm production cross sections calculated in perturbative QCD turned out to be seriously underestimated as compared with data. Therefore we intend to conclude, as in [3], that it seems hard to explain the double charm production data observed by Belle based on perturbative QCD (including both color-singlet √ and color-octet channels), and possible nonperturbative QCD effects should be considered at s = 10.6GeV. While we were about to submit our result, there appeared one paper which also considered exclusive double-charmonium production[15]. Those authors took the QED effects into account in addition to the QCD effects that we considered. We find our result for the exclusive double-charmonium production is consistent with theirs but we also analyzed some inclusive processes which were not discussed in Ref. [15]. 6
σ [ fb ]
Figure 4: cross sections for σ(e+ + e− → χc0 + c¯ c)(solid line) and σ(e+ + e− q→ J/ψ + √ χc0 )(dotted line) plotted against the e+ e− center-of-mass energy s with z= s/s0 and √ s0 = 10.6GeV.
Acknowledgments The authors thank L.K. Hao and Z.Z. Song for useful discussions. We also thank C.F. Qiao for helpful comments. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Education Ministry of China.
Appendix In this appendix we give the cross section for the e+ + e− → χc0 + c¯ c process shown in Fig. 3. dσ =
¯ 2 |M| d3 pc d3 pc¯ d3 p 4 δ (p + p − p − p − p) . 1 2 c c¯ 2s(2π)5 2Ec 2Ec¯ 2E
It is convenient to rewrite the cross section as ¯ |2 d3 pc d3 pc¯ d3 p 4 |M 4 4 δ (p + p − η − p)δ (η − p − p ) dη 1 2 c c ¯ 2s(2π)5 2Ec 2Ec¯ 2E ¯ 2 |M| d3 pc d3 pc¯ d3 p d3 η 4 4 = δ (p + p − η − p)δ (η − p − p ) dm2η , 1 2 c c¯ 2s(2π)5 2Ec 2Ec¯ 2E 2Eη
dσ =
(29) where m2η = η 2 .
The integral over the phase-space of c¯ c is evaluated in the corresponding center-of-mass frame 1 1/2 2 2 2 d3 p′c d3 p′c¯ 4 ′ δ (η − p′c − p′c¯) = λ (mη , mc , mc )dΩ′ , ′ ′ 2Ec 2Ec¯ 8m2η
where λ(a2 , b2 , c2 ) = a4 + b4 + c4 − 2a2 b2 − 2a2 c2 − 2b2 c2 . The remaining integration are performed in the e+ e− center-of-mass frame d3 p d3 η 4 1 δ (p1 + p2 − η − p) = λ1/2 (s, m2η , m2p )dΩ, 2E 2Eη 8s
where mp = 2mc , is the mass of the bound state. Finally we have dσ =
¯ 2 CP |M| λ1/2 (m2η , m2c , m2c )λ1/2 (s, m2η , m2p )dΩ′ dΩdmη . 2 5 64s (2π) mη mc
The limit of mη is 2mc ≤ mη ≤
s − mp .
To accomplish the integration we use the Lorentz transformation between the two frames as L = R2 R1 , where r
R1 =
p ~2 m2η
0 0 − m|~pη|
R2 =
0 0
1 0 0 0 1 r 0 0 0 1+
1 0 0 cos θ 0 0 0 − sin θ
− m|~pη|
0 0 0 sin θ 1 0 0 cos θ
p ~2 m2η
The momenta in the e+ e− center-of-mass frame are √ √ p1 = ( s/2, 0, 0, s/2),
√ √ p2 = ( s/2, 0, 0, − s/2),
pc = R2 R1 p′c ,
pc¯ = R2 R1 p′c¯,
p = ( p~2 + m2p , |~p| sin θ, 0, |~p| cos θ),
where p′c and p′c¯ are the momenta of c and c¯ in the Ω′ frame, and they are p′c = (Ec′ , |p~c ′ | sin θ′ cos θ′ , |p~c ′ | sin θ′ cos θ′ , |p~c ′ | cos θ′ ),
p′c¯ = (Ec¯′ , −|p~c ′ | sin θ′ cos θ′ , −|p~c ′ | sin θ′ cos θ′ , −|p~c ′ | cos θ′ ).
In Fig. 3 the lower (non-fragmentation) diagrams give very small contributions (about 3 percent), so for simplicity here we only write down the expressions for the contribution of the upper diagrams and give 4 2 2 ¯ 2 = 2(4π) α αs (aa + 2ab + bb). (43) |M| 27 We define pp1 = p.p1 , pp2 = p.p2 , pp3 = p.pc , pp4 = p.pc¯, p13 = p1 .pc , p14 = p1 .pc¯, p23 = p2 .pc , p24 = p2 .pc¯. We notify aa = bb and 8 8 8 6 aa = [4(800m10 c s + 800mc p14 pp2 + 800mc p24 pp1 + 1440mc pp3 s + 160mc p13 p24 pp3 +160m6c p14 p23 pp3 + 1440m6c p14 pp2 pp3 + 1440m6c p24 pp1 pp3 + 900m6c pp23 s +184m4c p13 p24 pp23 + 184m4c p14 p23 pp23 + 856m4c p14 pp2 pp23 + 856m4c p24 pp1 pp23 +216m4c pp33 s + 56m2c p13 p24 pp33 + 56m2c p14 p23 pp33 + 168m2c p14 pp2 pp33 +168m2c p24 pp1 pp33 + 13m2c pp43 s + 2p13 p24 pp43 + 2p14 p23 pp43 )]/[3m2c s2 (64m12 c 10 8 2 6 3 4 4 2 5 6 +192mc pp3 + 240mc pp3 + 160mc pp3 + 60mc pp3 + 12mc pp3 + pp3 )], (44)
8 8 8 8 ab = [4(400m10 c s + 400mc p13 pp2 + 400mc p14 pp2 + 400mc p23 pp1 + 400mc p24 pp1 +400m8c pp1 pp2 + 480m8c pp3 s + 400m8c pp34 s + 480m8c pp4 s + 80m6c p13 p24 pp3 +80m6c p13 p24 pp4 + 280m6c p13 pp2 pp3 + 440m6c p13 pp2 pp4 + 80m6c p14 p23 pp3 +80m6c p14 p23 pp4 + 440m6c p14 pp2 pp3 + 280m6c p14 pp2 pp4 + 280m6c p23 pp1 pp3 +440m6c p23 pp1 pp4 + 440m6c p24 pp1 pp3 + 280m6c p24 pp1 pp4 + 240m6c pp1 pp2 pp3 −400m6c pp1 pp2 pp34 + 240m6c pp1 pp2 pp4 + 140m6c pp23 s + 240m6c pp3 pp34 s +476m6c pp3 pp4 s + 240m6c pp34 pp4 s + 140m6c pp24 s + 40m4c p13 p24 pp23 + 104m4c p13 p24 pp3 pp4 +40m4c p13 p24 pp24 + 20m4c p13 pp2 pp23 + 288m4c p13 pp2 pp3 pp4 + 120m4c p13 pp2 pp24 +40m4c p14 p23 pp23 + 104m4c p14 p23 pp3 pp4 + 40m4c p14 p23 pp24 + 120m4c p14 pp2 pp23 +288m4c p14 pp2 pp3 pp4 + 20m4c p14 pp2 pp24 + 20m4c p23 pp1 pp23 + 288m4c p23 pp1 pp3 pp4 +120m4c p23 pp1 pp24 + 120m4c p24 pp1 pp23 + 288m4c p24 pp1 pp3 pp4 + 20m4c p24 pp1 pp24 −240m4c pp1 pp2 pp3 pp34 + 144m4c pp1 pp2 pp3 pp4 − 240m4c pp1 pp2 pp34 pp4 + 108m4c pp23 pp4 s +144m4c pp3 pp34 pp4 s + 108m4c pp3 pp24 s + 28m2c p13 p24 pp23 pp4 + 28m2c p13 p24 pp3 pp24 +12m2c p13 pp2 pp23 pp4 + 72m2c p13 pp2 pp3 pp24 + 28m2c p14 p23 pp23 pp4 + 28m2c p14 p23 pp3 pp24 +72m2c p14 pp2 pp23 pp4 + 12m2c p14 pp2 pp3 pp24 + 12m2c p23 pp1 pp23 pp4 + 72m2c p23 pp1 pp3 pp24
+72m2c p24 pp1 pp23 pp4 + 12m2c p24 pp1 pp3 pp24 − 144m2c pp1 pp2 pp3 pp34 pp4 + 13m2c pp23 pp24 s 10 10 8 2 +2p13 p24 pp23 pp24 + 2p14 p23 pp23 pp24 )]/[3m2c s2 (64m12 c + 96mc pp3 + 96mc pp4 + 48mc pp3 +144m8c pp3 pp4 + 48m8c pp24 + 8m6c pp33 + 72m6c pp23 pp4 + 72m6c pp3 pp24 + 8m6c pp34 +12m4c pp33 pp4 + 36m4c pp23 pp24 + 12m4c pp3 pp34 + 6m2c pp33 pp24 + 6m2c pp23 pp34 + pp33 pp34 )]. (45)
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