other end to the 68000 bus (60 pin header on the left side of the Ultra Gizmo bus)
.... The key pressed will be high lighted on the screen. If all the key presses ...
Procedure for Testing Ultra Gizmo Board Equipment required 1) Interrupt tester board 2) 60 pin ribbon cable 3) 40 pin ribbon cable 4) Microphone 5) Hex keypad Connect one end of the 60 pin ribbon cable to the 60 pin header on the interrupt tester and put the other end to the 68000 bus (60 pin header on the left side of the Ultra Gizmo bus) Connect the one end of the 40 pin header to the interrupt tester and the other end to the PIT connector on the Ultra Gizmo board.
Download test files from www-ug.eecg.utoronto.ca/gizmo In order to test the Ultra Gizmo board test programs are required. These programs can be found on the Ultra Gizmo web site stated above. Select [from the side bar] Test Programs >testprog.zip. Save the ZIP file to your home directory on the w: drive. Unzip file. In directory testprog should be two sub directories Test and vhdl. Test has all the SREC files and vhdl has all the SOF files to do a full test of the Ultra Gizmo board.
Testing Interrupts 1) Reset Ultra Gizmo board. Make sure 40 pin ribbon cable is connected into 40 pin PIT connector on the Ultra Gizmo board. Download w:\testprog\test\vect1.srec. Type g 20000.’N’s will appear on the screen. Flip the switch labelled int1 down. The RED LED below the switch will go off. ‘1’s will appear on the screen. Flip the switch back up, ‘N’s will reappear on the screen. Repeat a few times. If the test does not fail then interrupt 1 works properly 2) Reset Ultra Gizmo board. Download w:\testprog\test\vect2.srec.Type g 20000.’N’s will appear on the screen. Flip the switch labelled int2 down. The RED LED below the switch will go off. ‘2’s will appear on the screen. Flip the switch back up, ‘N’s will reappear on the screen. Repeat a few times. If the test does not fail then interrupt 2 works properly 3) Reset Ultra Gizmo board. Download w:\testprog\test\auto3.srec.Type g 20000.’N’s will appear on the screen. Flip the switch labelled int3 down. The RED LED below the switch will go off. ‘3’s will appear on the screen. Flip the switch back up, ‘N’s will reappear on the screen. Repeat a few times. If the test does not fail then interrupt 3 works properly 4) Reset Ultra Gizmo board. Download w:\testprog\test\keyboardauto4.srec. Type g 20000.’N’s will appear on the screen. Press the space bar on the keyboard. A blank section will appear on the screen then go back to ‘N’s again. Repeat a few times. If the test does not fail then interrupt 4 works properly
5). Reset Ultra Gizmo board. Download w:\testprog\test\bothpitsriseand fall.srec Run Quartus and setup programmer, then download w:\testprog\vhdl\testmempit10k70.sof or (testmempit10k100.sof) depending on which version of the Ultra Gizmo board is being tested: Type g 20000.’*’s will appear on the screen. Int1 is connected to H1, Int2 is connected to H2, Int3 is connected to H3 and Int4 is connected to H4. Flipping the switches down causes falling edge interrupts and flipping the switches up causes rising edge interrupts. To test the second PIT (PIT-SFPGA) move the 40 pin ribbon cable connected to the PIT header on the Ultra Gizmo board to the 40 pin header labelled SFPGA-con40 on the Ultra Gizmo Board. Repeat above test a few times. If the test does not fail then interrupt 5 works properly. Below are two tables. These are the values that will temporarily appear on the screen when an interrupt happens. Table 1:
Rising Edge interrupts
Falling Edge interrupts
int 1
Table 2: Rising Edge interrupts
Falling Edge interrupts
accessaries>command prompt). Change directories to w:\testprog\test. Type ‘copy video.srec lpt1’. . The video.srec file should be downloading to the Ultra Gizmo memory. It takes about 2 mins for this file to down load. This file is a picture in BMP format with a SREC wrapper around it. Download w:\testprog\test\simple.srec. Type g 20000. When the gizmo prompt returns a picture will appear on the display screen. If all tests pass then the video test is over.
Testing logic Analyzers parts list Table 3: Items found in pouch 40 pin logic analyzer cable with flying leads 8 lead clips in a plastic bag 1 scope probe A quick note to make about key definitions on both the HP and Agilent Mixed Signal Oscilloscope.The Menu key refer to the keys to the right of the screen. The soft key refers to the keys just below the screen.
HP Mixed signal Scope (procedure to set up default factory settings) Select menu key.Select soft key Select menu key. Select< D7-D0> ‘ON’, ‘ON’, ‘on/off’softkey (make sure A1 is ‘off’) Select menu key. Select soft key. Double select this key. This clears the library and puts factory default library in. Select menu key. Select soft key This saves the default setting to internal memory.
Self Test HP Mixed Signal Scope Select menu key. Select soft key Select soft key. Follow commands in display till test is over Select soft key. Follow commands in display till test is over Select soft key. Follow commands in display till test is over Select soft key. Follow commands in display till test is over Select soft key. Follow commands in display till test is over If all tests pass, go to Flying Lead Test on next page.
Agilent Mix signal Scope (procedure to set up default factory settings) IF master backup default settings Floppy is available put it in the floppy drive Select menu key. Select soft key. Select soft key. This is the default setup file found on the floppy disk. Once
the file has been copied remove the floppy and save default setting to internal memory. Select menu key. Select soft key. One of the three internal memory locations. Select < Press To Save> soft key If there is no floppy with factory setting, follow this procedure Select menu key. Select soft key. Select menu key twice. (This key must be selected twice to deselect Analog 1) Select menu key (Enable Data signals D15 to D8) Select menu key (Enable Data signals D7 to D0) Select menu key. Select , soft keys Select menu key. Select , soft keys This saves the default settings to internal memory.
Self Test Agilent Mixed Signal Scope Select menu key. Select soft keys. The scope will go through an Auto self test. At the end of the test the screen should come back with a message “Self Test passed”
Test flying leads for both HP and Agilent Mixed Signal Scope Connect 40 pin header with flying leads to the Scope. Make sure that the header is properly seated. Connect ground lead (black wire) to pin 9 (ground) on the 40 pin header of the Digital switch. Connect one of the 16 data leads, one at a time, to pin 33 (clock) of the Digital Board 40 pin header. As each lead is connected the data signal corresponding to that lead will toggle on the screen. Check all 16 leads. See diagram below. If all leads pass then the test is over.