Date: 13.04.2007. Page: 1 of 62. Remote Sensing Technology Institute.
Terrafirma Stage II. - Process Validation - prepared: N. Adam / A. Parizzi Date
Remote Sensing Technology Institute Terrafirma Stage II - Process Validation -
Doc.: VAL Issue: 1.8 Date: 13.04.2007 Page: 1 of 62
prepared: N. Adam / A. Parizzi
approved: M. Crosetto
released: Ph. Bally
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************************************************************* Project : Terrafirma Stage II CVS logging terrafirma validation list of deliverables ------------------------------------------------------------File : $RCSfile: terrafirma_validation_delivarables__cvs.doc,v $ ------------------------------------------------------------Version : $Revision: 1.8 $ ------------------------------------------------------------Date : $Date: 2007/05/31 13:31:16 $ ------------------------------------------------------------Author : Nico Adam ------------------------------------------------------------Last modified by: $Author: nadam $ *************************************************************
/* ************************************************************* * $Log: terrafirma_validation_delivarables__cvs.doc,v $ * Revision 1.8 2007/05/31 13:31:16 nadam * - clarified the start of coordinate system: it is now related * only to the cropped area not the total (master) scene (p.27) * * Revision 1.7 2007/05/29 18:52:55 nadam * - added request for description of all modelled parameters * (audit); * - added deliverable of used Doppler frequency for the processing; * - added check for offset in absolute estimates due to different * ref. points; * - added hint on scaling of short integer complex SLC data and * allowed float complex data; * * Revision 1.6 2007/05/29 15:32:03 nadam * - removed fix number for data amount (p. 10); * - clarified parameters: max number of network points and number * of reference points (p.18); * - added const. DEM value of 43.0 m related to WGS84 ellipsoid (p.16) * * Revision 1.5 2007/05/04 15:32:57 nadam * - finished overview on deliverable files; * - updated audit for OSPs reference PS(s); * - answered comments from IG; * - added source code for the extended SRF; * * Revision 1.4 2007/04/13 07:22:25 nadam * - added missing data: displacement time series and outlier mask; * - added section on processing data selection; * - fixed coherence estimation equation typing error; * * Revision 1.3 2007/04/05 12:13:22 nadam * - finished preview version of the document * * Revision 1.2 2007/03/19 09:52:55 nadam * - document setup and structuring of basis * * Revision 2007/03/19 09:24:50 nadam * - initial import into cvs * ************************************************************* */
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INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE .................................................................................................................5 1.2 INTENDED READERSHIP ...............................................................................................................6 1.3 GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................7 1.4 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................8 1.4.1 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .....................................................................................................8 1.4.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .....................................................................................................8 1.5 USED TEXT STYLES .....................................................................................................................8
PROCESS ANALYSIS OVERVIEW...................................................................................................... 9
SELECTED DATA FOR THE VALIDATION.......................................................................................... 11
PARAMETER MATRIX .................................................................................................................... 17
DELIVERABLES FILE FORMAT ....................................................................................................... 20
DATA DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................... 23 6.1 AUDIT .......................................................................................................................................23 6.2 DELIVERABLE INTERMEDIATE DATA .............................................................................................24 6.3 ORBITS_MSB.RAS.......................................................................................................................24 6.4 T_MSB.RAS................................................................................................................................25 6.5 INTERFEROGRAMS_MSB.RAS ......................................................................................................25 6.6 DT_MSB.RAS .............................................................................................................................26 6.7 PS_X_MSB.RAS AND PSY_MSB.RAS .............................................................................................27 6.8 PHI_MSB.RAS, B_MSB.RAS, APS_IFGRM_MSB.RAS AND RESIDUAL_MSB.RAS ..................................30 6.9 AMPL_MSB.RAS, SCR_MSB.RAS, APS_SLC_MSB.RAS, TIME_SERIES_MSB.RAS AND TIME_SERIES_MASK_MSB.RAS ..............................................................................................................31 6.10 GRAPH_MSB.RAS .......................................................................................................................33 6.11 COH_REL_MSB.RAS, V_REL_MSB.RAS AND H_REL_MSB.RAS .........................................................34 6.12 COH_ABS_MSB.RAS, V_ABS_MSB.RAS AND H_ABS_MSB.RAS ........................................................35 6.13 IMAGE LAYERS ..........................................................................................................................36 6.13.1 AMPL_MEAN_MSB.RAS .....................................................................................................36 6.13.2 SCR_MSB.RAS .................................................................................................................37 6.13.3 SLC_MASTER_MSB.RAS, SLC_MASTER_OVS2_MSB.RAS AND SLC_DDDDD_MSB.RAS ............37 6.14 OVERVIEW ON DELIVERABLE FILES .............................................................................................37
PROCESS ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 40 7.1 CHECK OF DATA DELIVERY.........................................................................................................41 7.2 OBSERVATION PARAMETER CHECK ............................................................................................41 7.3 MASTER SLC PROCESSING CHECK ............................................................................................42 7.4 OVERSAMPLING AND COORDINATES TEST...................................................................................42 7.5 COREGISTRATION ACCURACY ....................................................................................................42 7.5.1 RELATIVE COREGISTRATION DEVIATION FROM MEAN MAP ....................................................42 7.5.2 RELATIVE COREGISTRATION DEVIATION FROM PS-LOCATION FILES.......................................43 7.6 RELATIVE INTERFEROMETRIC PHASE DEVIATIONS ........................................................................43 7.7 APS AND ORBIT TRENDS ...........................................................................................................43 7.7.1 DOMINANT INTERFEROMETRIC PHASE CONTRIBUTION ..........................................................43 7.8 SCENE CALIBRATION .................................................................................................................44
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7.8.1 SCENE CALIBRATION COMPARED TO DLR ............................................................................44 7.8.2 SCENE CALIBRATION OSPS COMPARED TO EACH OTHER .....................................................44 7.9 PS DETECTION ..........................................................................................................................44 7.9.1 PS DENSITY COMPARED TO EACH OTHER............................................................................44 7.9.2 SPATIAL PS DISTRIBUTION COMPARED TO EACH OTHER.......................................................45 7.9.3 PS DENSITY HISTOGRAM COMPARED TO EACH OTHER .........................................................45 7.9.4 PS MISDETECTION CHECK ..................................................................................................45 7.9.5 RELATIVE PS-LOCATION DEVIATION FROM SCATTERER LOCATION FILES ...............................46 7.10 DEM AND DISPLACEMENT UPDATE TEST ....................................................................................46 7.10.1 NETWORK ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................46 7.10.2 RELATIVE DEM UPDATE CONSISTENCY ............................................................................46 7.10.3 RELATIVE MEAN VELOCITY CONSISTENCY .........................................................................47 7.10.4 RELATIVE DEM UPDATE DEVIATIONS BETWEEN OSPS ......................................................47 7.10.5 RELATIVE MEAN VELOCITY DEVIATIONS BETWEEN OSPS ..................................................47 7.10.6 RELATIVE COHERENCE COMPARISON ...............................................................................48 7.10.7 RELATIVE APS AND RESIDUAL PHASE COMPARISON .........................................................48 7.10.8 ABSOLUTE APS PHASE COMPARISON ..............................................................................48 7.10.9 ABSOLUTE VELOCITY COMPARISON ..................................................................................48 7.10.10 ABSOLUTE DEM UPDATE COMPARISON ...........................................................................49 7.10.11 ABSOLUTE COHERENCE COMPARISON .............................................................................49 7.10.12 COMPARISON OF TIME SERIES OF SELECTED POINTS ........................................................49 7.10.13 ABSOLUTE DISPLACEMENT DETECTION COMPARISON .......................................................50 APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................................... 51 7.11 WRITE ROUTINES ......................................................................................................................51 7.11.1 WRITE_BYTE ....................................................................................................................51 7.11.2 WRITE_INT16...................................................................................................................52 7.11.3 WRITE_INT32...................................................................................................................52 7.11.4 WRITE_FLT ......................................................................................................................53 7.11.5 WRITE_DBL ......................................................................................................................54 7.11.6 WRITE_SCPLX ..................................................................................................................55 7.11.7 WRITE_FCPLX ..................................................................................................................56 7.11.8 WRITE_DCPLX ..................................................................................................................56 7.12 READ ROUTINES ........................................................................................................................57 7.12.1 READ_BYTE .....................................................................................................................57 7.12.2 READ_INT16 ....................................................................................................................58 7.12.3 READ_INT32 ....................................................................................................................59 7.12.4 READ_FLT........................................................................................................................59 7.12.5 READ_DBL .......................................................................................................................60 7.12.6 READ_SCPLX ...................................................................................................................60 7.12.7 READ_FCPLX ...................................................................................................................61 7.12.8 READ_DCPLX ...................................................................................................................61
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1 INTRODUCTION The document in hand describes the Process Validation of the different persistent scatterer processing systems in the framework of the Terrafirma project. The PSI processing is an innovative remote sensing technology which allows to monitor displacements on the Earth’s surface. Companies, universities and research establishments have developed several of such processing systems and these are operationally working today. Their application projects proved the service capability and showed an astonishing accuracy of the displacement monitoring. The exciting accuracy of the single measurements is in contrast to the deviations between the processing systems output if compared among each other. These deviations have been revealed during the PSIC4 project in the course of a geo-validation. The deviations in the processing outputs of the PSIC4 project should not be misinterpreted as deficiencies in the PSI technique. The variations in PS density, PS localisation and the estimates of APS, height update and displacement are mainly caused by the different interpretations of the project’s tasks resulting in assumptions on the data which showed finally to be unsuitable for the difficult test site. I.e. on the PSIC4 test site, the generation of few simple differential interferograms provided a very good solution to this particular monitoring problem because the subsidence took place in a very short time interval. This is the reason that over 80% of the motion could be covered by interferometric pairs which span a time range of only few months allowing coherence even on distributed scatterers. Of course, this result is not based on permanent scatterers but suggests a very high PS-density. Some teams may have delivered such a result which is in contrast to the suggested PSI processing. Nevertheless the PSIC4 validation was valuable work. The solved interpolation problems to cope with the different samplings in space and time of the geo-validation data and even of the PSI processing results among each other show the expertise and high grade work of the validation group. A misconception seemed to be that the teams followed two different concepts. On the one hand some teams solved the monitoring task best (including manual tuning and lots of expertise) and on the other hand some teams demonstrated a regular standard processing of their PSI systems. Consequently the generated outputs are hard to compare. According to the status at phase 2 kick-off the PSI validation is key to Terrafirma’s future in being able to offer reliable services. The project’s ongoing validation is improved and is therefore split into two parts i.e. a Process Validation and a Product Validation. Both are defined beforehand and published.
1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The Process Analysis is a different concept compared to the Product Validation and is based on intermediate processing outputs. It allows to significantly reduce the complexity of the validation without losing significance. The Terrafirma process validation is defined and performed by DLR who has developed its own independent scientific persistent scatterer processing system. An objective validation is assured because DLR has no commercial interest. This document describes the scope of the process validation work i.e. the planned process analysis of the actually existing Terrafirma OSPs processing chains. It is intended as a basis for brief technical discussions between the Terrafirma partners because cooperation and agreement between the OSPs and DLR is required. It is essential to find a balance between the disclosure of technology owned be the commercial companies and the ability to interpret and check their algorithms. The validation’s subject is
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to determine the PSI accuracies and reliabilities in given circumstances,
to prove the validity of different PSI processing concepts,
to gain confidence of end users for the PSI monitoring and
to test and provide future processing protocols.
This document provides the detailed information on •
the definition of the deliverables, i.e. the intermediate products which are assessed,
the file format of the deliverables,
the definition of the units of the data values and
the definition of the coordinate systems,
the data layout and on
the planned process analysis using the delivered data.
1.2 INTENDED READERSHIP Operational Service Providers (OSPs) are mainly the intended readership. Both, their software developers of the interferometric systems and their operators are addressed. In the current project stage 2 of Terrafirma the actual OSPs i.e. the commercial companies Tele-Rilevamento Europa (TRE), Gamma Remote Sensing AG, Altamira Information (AI) and Nigel Press Associates (NPA) and the Institute of Geomatics Spain (IG) and the Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) contribute to the process validation of the PSI processing. In a later project stage new service provider can be validated on the basis of this document and the experience gained in the course of the validation.
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1.3 GLOSSARY The document uses acronyms which are often used in the InSAR, PSI, Terrafirma and GMES framework. The following table lists the abbreviations: AI AIO APS CR CVS DEM D-InSAR DLR ERS ESA FFT GCP Geo TIFF GMES GRS IG IMF InSAR LOS LSB MPEG MSB NPA OSP PCC pdf PSI PTA QC QCP SAR SCR SLA SLC SNR TF tiff / tif TRE
Altamira Information area of interest atmospheric phase screen corner reflector Concurrent Versions System digital elevation model Differential SAR Interferometry German Aerospace Center European Remote Sensing Satellite European Space Agency Fast Fourier Transform ground control point tif data with added geo-information Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Gamma Remote Sensing AG Institute of Geomatics Spain Remote Sensing Technology Institute SAR Interferometry line of sight Least Significant Byte Motion Pictures Experts Group Most Significant Byte Nigel Press Associates Operational Service Provider Parametric Cubic Convolution probability density function Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Point Target Analysis Quality Control Quality control Protocol Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal To Clutter Ratio Service Level Agreement Single Look Complex Product signal To Noise Ratio Terrafirma Taged image File Format Tele-Rilevamento Europa
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1.4 REFERENCES This section lists the applicable and reference documents. They should be available to understand and complete this document. 1.4.1
[A1] Statement of work TS-SW-ESA-SY-0005 July, 2004 [A2] Proposal for the study July, 2004 [A3] Proposal for the validation of existing processing chains in Terrafirma stage 2 R. Capes, R. Burren, D. Morten, C. Bremmer and J. Hoffmann, November, 2006 [A4] Technical note on the test site selection: Alkmaar-Amsterdam M. Crosetto, M. Agudo (IG), C. Bremmer (TNO), R. Hanssen (TU Delft) April, 2007 [A5] General rules to run the validation project M. Crosetto, M. Agudo March, 2007 1.4.2
[R1] S5: Service Portfolio Specifications (Version 4) R. Capes and R. Burren (NPA) 21st June 2006
1.5 USED TEXT STYLES Different kinds of information are formatted accordingly in order to support the reader. The following table lists the used text styles: xv –crop 10 20 100 50 img
command line statements and file names
Developer and User Guide
document names
vec = FindGen( 3 );
source code statement or configuration text
This document ..
describing information
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2 PROCESS ANALYSIS OVERVIEW Subject of the process analysis is a comparison of intermediate processing results in radar slant range geometry. This assessment is complementary to the geo-validation which is a comparison of the final processing results against independent ground-truth measurements. The geovalidation has to cope with a superposition of all effects caused by processing errors and algorithmic limitations. Nevertheless the geo-validation is an essential part of the Terrafirma validation [A3] because it shows the agreement between the measurements and the actually monitored effect. It really describes the expectation of the geo-users on the PSI processing output. In contrast the process analysis verifies the expectation of the software and algorithms developers. The main advantages of the slant range assessments of intermediate data are that
deviations in the processing output can be detected in a very early stage of the processing,
their significance can be estimated because
their propagation into the final results can be tracked and
complicated and error-prone interpolations in time and space can be avoided.
Different intermediate slant range outputs can result from the various processing systems due to
the different implemented PSI techniques,
different algorithms e.g. for the coregistration with varying robustness and accuracy,
unlike assumptions on the data and the observed signal (e.g. the non-linearity of the displacement model in time, the impact of the APS on the estimate) and
different parameters for the tuning of the actual processing to solve the particular monitoring task.
All these causes are tried to be revealed. Different parts of the process analysis definition are introduced for this reason. A survey similar to an audit provides information on the different implemented PSI techniques and partial algorithms. It is detailed by a table of parameters which are used by the operator for the actual processing. Both are needed to correctly interpret and compare the delivered data. The OSPs can rely on an individual protection of the assessment. The individual results of the processing and the audit answers are always anonymous. No characteristics, shortcomings or limitations will be reported. The basis for the comparison of the process analysis data are
a known methodology and open rules for the comparison of the data,
a detailed description of the deliverables,
a simple and practical data format for the deliverables,
the restriction to one and the same processing area,
a fix coordinate system which can cope with the different processing variants (oversampling factors and phase extraction principles e.g. PTA),
a previously defined (super) master scene.
A problem for the process validation is the amount of data which needs to be transferred from the OSPs to DLR. On the one hand the number of available data samples needs to allow a significant statistic. Furthermore, there is a need for various intermediate data in order to detect
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deviations and to track the error propagation. But on the other hand the amount of data needs to be restricted to reduce logistical effort and to reduce complexity. In order to avoid overhead and sources of misinterpretation the amount of data is limited. This is achieved by a flexible data deliverable format which can be applied to all PSI processing systems. The data are delivered in binary format. This reduces the amount of data by a factor of two compared to ASCII but enables a sufficient sampling in space and time to get the maximum information out of the deliverables. The data formatting is done by the OSPs because they can handle their data themselves best and no external errors can be introduced. They are supported by a reference implementation of routines to read and write the image data in IDL (provided by e-mail and in the appendix).
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3 SELECTED DATA FOR THE VALIDATION This section describes the data selection for the validation and contributes to the general rules of the validation which is compiled in the TN [A5]. The test site will be the area around Alkmaar and Amsterdam and is described in the TN [A4]. The descending orbit data stack with track 423 and frame 2542 is foreseen for the processing. At DLR, an ad-hoc quicklook PSI processing of the test site with internally available data has been performed in order to get some idea on the test site’s characteristics. DLR processed the ascending data stack (track=301, frame1053) - the data of track 423 frame 2542 were ad-hoc internally not available. Due to the limited time the processing was restricted to the city area and the Alkmaar region separately. Unfortunately, internally only 30 scenes were available which are not enough to really characterize the test site and to define the validation in more detail. But the preview processing revealed that the data acquired after January 2001 should be excluded from the validation. Fig. 1 presents two typical examples for phase time series. The red line marks the January 2001 and indicates a clear change of phase stability. Certainly these can be used in PSI processings but are known to require immense operator interaction and quality control. Such kind of processing – with questionable results - is not considered part of the planned validation.
Fig. 1: Typical examples for phase time series of the ad-hoc processed data by DLR. The red line marks the January 2001. At the moment, the data selection of the proposed stack is based on the information which is available from the DescW software and the personal communication with Freek van Leijen (TUDelft). The tasks of the OSPs for the PSI processing are: detection and measurement of the land deformation of Alkmaar and all other so far unknown deformation phenomena in the covered area. The technical note on page 4 of TN [A4] suggests that the validation group can support the OSPs and is allowed to fix the displacement model to be linear only. This means all OSPs use the same linear model for the estimation. Non-linear motion components can be estimated from the residual phase. A confirmation by those teams who have already processed this test site is appreciated. The validation should be restricted to a typical PSI processing. This is the reason no cross-interferometry should be applied. Only the sensors ERS-1 and ERS-2 are used due to the sufficient amount of available data. Fig. 2 visualizes all available ERS-1 and ERS-2 acquisitions in a time- baseline- diagram.
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The non-linear deformation phenomenon in the area of the N-S line in Amsterdam should not be included into this validation. The TN [A4] on page 10 shows that this non-linear deformation occurs in September 2002. I.e. this event is during the zero gyro mode of ERS-2. The separation of the non-linear motion and the APS is still a difficult task. Every “difficult” scene at the end of 2002 can cause significant deviations in the final estimates of the OSPs. This is in contrast to the projects intention. The validation data are restricted to scenes with moderate Doppler frequencies. ESA provides the Doppler frequency evolution over time for the sensor ERS-2. Fig. 3 visualizes the different operation modes of the ERS-2 and the corresponding Doppler frequencies for the used data stack (track 423 and frame 2542). It becomes clear that the Doppler frequencies of the single acquisitions need to be checked before the processing. Fig. 4 provides an overview in the time- baseline- diagram on the scenes with known Doppler frequency values which are highlighted in blue. Fig. 5 presents the scenes in the time- baseline diagram having a moderate Doppler frequency. The red colour indicates acquisitions with a Doppler frequency in the range of +/-600 Hz. The black colour shows the scenes with an unknown Doppler frequency. Over 90 scenes are available if the data are restricted to the time before the extended backup mode (EBM) of ERS-2. This amount of data allows a robust estimation of the displacement and the DEM update. This has been checked by a periodogram which is presented in Fig. 6. It proves the suitability of the distribution in time and baseline of the selected data for the estimation of the displacement and the DEM update. An unsuitable distribution in time and baseline could be recognised by significant sidelobes making the peak detection ambiguous (i.e. risky for misdetections). Such sidelobes result e.g. from large data gaps in time or baseline. Fig. 7 shows another periodogram. It is generated from data with an effective phase noise of 30 degree. In the previous figure the peak has a height of one. Now the peak is reduced to 0.86 but can still be detected without risk. This robustness is available for all implemented algorithms because they are all in principle frequency estimators.
Fig. 2: Time- baseline- diagram of all available ERS-1 and ERS-2 data. Each black dot corresponds to a single acquisition. The red line indicates the start of the Extended Backup Mode of the ERS-2 sensor
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Fig. 3: Doppler frequency over time for the test sites data provided by ESA. The different operation modes of the sensor are described in red colour.
Fig. 4: Time- baseline- diagram of all available ERS-1 and ERS-2 data. The blue colour indicates scenes with known Doppler frequency values.
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. Fig. 5: Overview on the scenes with a moderate Doppler frequency. The red colour indicates acquisitions with a Doppler frequency in the range of +/-600 Hz. The black colour shows the scenes with an unknown Doppler frequency.
Fig. 6: Periodogram which checks the suitability of the distribution of the selected acquisitions in the time- baseline- diagram for the estimation of the displacement and the DEM update. An unsuitable distribution in time and baseline could be recognised by significant sidelobes making the peak detection ambiguous. Such sidelobes result from large data gaps in time or baseline.
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Fig. 7: Periodogram generated from data with an effective phase noise of 30 degree. In the previous figure the peak has a height of one. Now the peak is reduced to 0.86 but can still be detected without risk.
Fig. 8: DEM visualisation of the validation test site. The mean height related to the WGS84 ellipsoid is in the order of 40m. No significant topography is visible allowing to process the data related to a constant mean height.
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The PSI processing takes advantage from a compensation for the topography. It is provided by external DEMs. In order to avoid difficult and error prone coordinate conversions and complicated interfaces a simple DEM is used in the validation. Fig. 8 presents the DEM visualisation of the validation test site. The mean height related to the WGS84 ellipsoid is in the order of 40 m. No significant topography is visible allowing to process the data related to a constant mean height. Now it has been confirmed that the mean height is 43 m above the WGS84 ellipsoid for both test site areas. Only this single height will be reported to the validation teams, i.e. no DEM will be delivered and the validation teams need to estimate the height update and the absolute height related to the DEM with 43 m constant height above the WGS84 elliposid.
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4 PARAMETER MATRIX The PSI processing can be adapted by the operator according to the actual monitoring task and test site. For the process analysis a description of these parameters is required. The processing system operators are asked to provide information on the parameter setting decisions and their effects on the final monitoring result. Some parameters for the PSI processing are collected in the following table. The parameter listing is redundant. I.e. some parameters are closely related to each other or describe one and the same effect. In this case, the parameter closest to the used in the actual processing system should be provided. Some listed parameters can happen to be not applicable for one particular processing system. In such a case not applicable can be written into the table. This parameter matrix is a proposal. According to WP VAL.03 it will be completed and agreed with the input of NPA, TRE, GRS and AI. Processing step InSAR processing
maximum processed Doppler frequency difference
− Distributed scatterers can not be interferometrically monitored in case the Doppler centroid frequency difference results in non-overlapping azimuth object spectra
unit: Hz
− Coregistration can become difficult for high Doppler frequency differences due to changing speckle pattern maximum processed baseline unit: m
− Distributed scatterers can not be interferometrically monitored in case the effective baseline results in non-overlapping range object spectra (critical baseline) − Coregistration can become difficult for large baselines due to changing speckle pattern
maximum processed time difference unit: days
− Distributed scatterers can not be interferometrically monitored in case the coherence (i.e. the phase relation) is lost − Coregistration can become difficult for large temporal time spans due to temporal decorrelation
minimum coherence unit: 0.0 .. 1.0 PS detection
maximum expected phase noise standard deviation unit: rad
− Distributed scatterers can not be interferometrically monitored in case the coherence (i.e. the phase relation) is lost − Persistent scatterers can be characterized by the expected phase stability over time i.e. their expected phase noise standard deviation
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minimum SCR unit: digital number (power ratio)
− The expected phase noise standard deviation is a function of the SCR. This value is equivalent to the previous parameter ( ϕ eff =
minimum PS density 2
unit: number of PS / km
max / mean / min PS distance of (ref.) network unit: m
intensity threshold unit: power unit (e.g. dB, please specify) estimation network
redundancy of network unit: digital number (please specify) min / mean / max number of incidences (i.e. relative estimates) per PS unit: digital number (count) maximum number of relative estimates unit: digital number (count) maximum number of network points unit: digital number (count) used number of (reference) points
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1 ). 2 ⋅ SCR
− In order to estimate the APS a good spatial distribution of the PS is required. In case the processing system adapts the SCR threshold depending on the PS density this parameter can be provided. − The APS impact on the estimation needs to be reduced. Therefore a relative estimation between nearby points is performed. The distance between these points in the final network or the reference network of estimates can be a tune parameter for the detection or the network generation. − The utilized phase stable scatterers are usually point like scatterers. These are often characterized by a strong and directed radar return which allows this sort of detection principle. − This parameter describes the robustness and the error propagation reduction of the measurements − This parameter is similar to the redundancy and finally describes the robustness and the error propagation reduction of the measurements − The maximum number of relative estimates describes the size of the matrix which needs to be inverted − The maximum number of network points describes the size of the matrix which needs to be inverted − The number of (reference) points influences the accuracy of the final absolute estimation
unit: digital number (count) estimation
estimable height update range unit: m
− The estimation is a frequency estimator and can be realized by a periodogram. The periodogram requires fix bounds of parameters limits.
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estimable displacement range unit: mm/year displacement model e.g. linear, non-linearperiodic, non-linear-jump, non-linear-exponential spatial filter size for APS unit: m
temporal filter size for APS unit: days
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− The estimation is a frequency estimator and can be realized by a periodogram. The periodogram requires fix bounds of parameters limits. − The phase unwrapping is often solved by a temporal modelling of the displacement. The displacement model is the key parameter for the accuracy of the displacement monitoring. − The APS and noise are computed from the residual phase. The separation can be based on the spatial correlation of the APS. The spatial filter size (slant range and azimuth) tunes this separation. − The residual phase can contain nonlinear motion, APS and noise. The separation can be based on the temporal correlation of the nonlinear motion. The temporal filter size tunes this separation.
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5 DELIVERABLES FILE FORMAT The intermediate PSI processing data are delivered in binary files and are stored in simple uncompressed files for simplicity and portability reason. The file format is based on a Sun Raster File (SRF) but is extended for other image data types (e.g. float and 32-bit-integer). Routines to read and write image data into this file format are provided in the IDL language in order to avoid implementation effort and confusion. The files for Terrafirma validation data exchange can be generated and read on Most Significant Byte (MSB) and Least Significant Byte (LSB) hardware. Intel, AMD and DEC are LSB hardware, while SUN Sparc and Motorola are examples for MSB hardware. The layout of the image file is visualized in the following Fig. 9. An image file is composed of three components: the header (red-coloured), the colour table (white) and the image data (green). Only the colour table is optional and the other two components are mandatory.
image header
optional red colour table part optional green colour table part optional blue colour table part line (0) line (1) : :
image data block
: line (height-1)
Fig. 9: Principle structure of the used binary image format called extended Sun Raster Format (SRF). The header has a length of 32 bytes. This part of the file is always in MSB order (i.e. similar to written data on a SUN and not on a PC). In case the data are written on LSB hardware the entries of the header need to be adapted (byte-swapped). The header consists of eight 32-bit signed integer values. These header entries describe the image data type, the dimensions and the optional colour table as follows: The magic number in the first integer is constant 0x59a66a95. This number is the identifier for the SRF format. The second and the third integer store the image dimensions. The fourth integer informs about the bit per pixel of the used data type. The fifth integer represents the number of bytes in the image data block. The sixth integer provides the information on the image data type. The type is set to the value one for all integer
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data types. I.e. the bit per pixel information defines the image data type in this case. The following table provides the coding of the different data types: image data type
bit per pixel (entry 4)
data type (entry 6)
byte (unsigned 8 bit)
short int (signed 16 bit)
int (signed 32 bit)
short complex (2 x signed 16 bit int)
float complex
double complex
Table 1: coding of the image data type in the sun raster file header The colour table is defined by the following two entries (the seventh entry is the colour table type and the eighth item defines the colour table length). If the colour table type is set to zero no colour table is in the file and the image data follow directly after the header. In case the colour table type has a value different from zero a colour table is assumed. The colour table is stored in the image file only if the colour table type has a value equal to 1 or 2. Otherwise a default colour table needs to be taken and no colour table is read from the file (i.e. the image’s data follow directly after the header in this case). The default colour table is defined to be black–grey–white with a length of 256 colour entries. If the colour table type is set to 1 the number of the eighth header entry colour table length provides the overall length of the following colour table component. I.e. each of the red, green and blue arrays is only 1/3 of this number long. If the colour table type is set to 2 the eighth header entry colour table length provides the size of each of the three (red, green and blue) colour table parts. The components of the colour table are stored in the read, green blue order. They are arrays of bytes each. The lower colour table index is stored first in these arrays. entry
byte position
4 bytes (MSB)
magic number
is a constant identifier: 1504078485 (decimal) 0x59A66A95 (hex)
4 bytes (MSB)
image width
number of samples
4 bytes (MSB)
image height
number of samples
4 bytes (MSB)
bit per pixel
image data are - float: 32 - 32-bit-integer: 1
4 bytes (MSB)
data length in bytes
without header and colour
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table 6.
4 bytes (MSB)
data type
image data are - float: 99 - 32-bit-integer: 32
4 bytes (MSB)
colour table type
Is 0 i.e. no colour map for TF
4 bytes (MSB)
colour table length
is 0 i.e. no colour map for TF
Table 2: Description of the image header entries The table above describes the header of float and signed 32-bit-integer images only because these two data types are required to exchange the Terrafirma validation data. The image data follow without padding the header data and the eventual colour table data. A colour table is not necessary in the Terrafirma validation project. The image data are stored line by line. In contrast to the standard SRF the data lines are not padded to an even number of samples. I.e. the data are simply stored as a linear byte-stream. The data type of each pixel needs to be the same. The byte-order of the image data depends on the actual hardware. I.e. both (MSB and LSB) are allowed but need not to be mixed inside the image data component and both the integer and floating point data types are affected. In case an image file is transferred from one hardware platform to another the image data component only needs to be byte-swapped. The information on the stored byte order is not available from the header. It is required to provide a hint in the file name (e.g.: file_name_msb.ras or file_name_lsb.ras) in case the image file need to be transferred between different hardware platforms. Standard UNIX tools can be applied to get the dimension information on the image files. E.g. the UNIX command file provides: file slc_5165_msb.ras slc_5165_msb.ras: rasterfile, 5618 x 30378 x 32 standard format image But a usual visualisation tools (e.g. xv, xloadimage) can not display the images correctly in case the image has an odd width due to the removed padding or it is of a non-standard data type.
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6 DATA DELIVERABLES The implemented processing chains of the OSPs are different. Therefore, it can be expected that various intermediate processing products are generated. Though the underlying processing principles are similar, it can be very difficult to compare these intermediate data. Nevertheless the comparison of the intermediate data provides a chance to uncover shortcomings and limitations which is the subject of the ongoing validation. This is the reason it is necessary to create a common set of intermediate data even though these are not the standard outputs of the respective processing. The in the following sections defined intermediate products are the minimum required and can be generated without major effort. To allow an objective comparison some questions on the processing details need to be answered additionally. These are collected in a survey similar to an third party audit.
6.1 AUDIT 1) Please describe (briefly) the sequence of processing including a flow chart (single master processing or multi interferogram processing). Part of this section is a description of all modelled parameters and their estimation from the data. 2) Please provide an overview on the tuneable parameters of the PSI processing and a description of their effects and the choice of the actually applied value. (SCR for the PSdetection has influence on the PS density. A low SCR threshold results in a high PS density but in a high risk for PS misdetections). 3) Which scenes are removed from the processing and why? (orbit number and sensor and reason e.g. extreme Doppler values, strong atmospheric effect, corrupted data). This question only applies if the set of scenes has not been fixed. 4) What is the basis for the selection of PS? (coherence in time, coherence in space, dispersion index, SCR, intensity threshold, intensity distribution over time). 5) What is the expected coregistration accuracy? (e.g. 1/10 sample). 6) What is the principle for interferometric pair generation? (single master or short baseline or short time or high coherence). 7) What is the oversampling factor of the SLC data? (e.g. 1 or 2 or 4 or 2 in range and 4 in azimuth). 8) Are the SLC images spectral shift filtered? 9) What is the principle to extract the phase values? Is the phase extracted from interferograms or from the SLCs? Which value is extracted (interpolated at the local peak, the peak of the mean amplitude or simply the value of the image raster (which oversampling is applied))? 10) What is the principle for the network generation (mesh of relative estimates)? (high redundancy or small networks/graphs or most reliable points only or shortest distance between points). 11) What is the principle of the relative to absolute estimation conversion? (least squares integration or path following integration). 12) Which are the reference point(s) for the absolute DEM-update and velocity offsets? Please provide the indexes corresponding to the files ps_x.flt and ps_y.flt. 13) Please report the reason for the reference PS(s) selection.
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14) Is a temporal model for the displacement used? If yes – which? 15) What is the basis for the outlier detection used for the time series mask file? The list of questions can be extended depending on the characteristics of the test site. A prescreening would be helpful.
6.2 DELIVERABLE INTERMEDIATE DATA The intermediate data are delivered in the modified SRF format described in section 5 in MSB or LSB format. The file names are composed of a name related to the content and an indicator for the byte order. In the following the MSB byte order is used to describe an example data set resulting in names as e.g. orbits_msb.ras. Please adapt the filename according to the actual hardware. On a PC the same file would be called orbits_lsb.ras. The dimensions of the data file are provided in width x height in samples or number of entries. ASCII files are avoided due to the amount of data. The intermediate data and their annotation are described in the following using an example set of acquisitions as shown in Fig. 10. Each blue dot is related to a radar acquisition and can be identified by its orbit number. In the following the number of scenes is denoted as n_scenes = 7.
Fig. 10: example time baseline diagram of acquisitions to describe the data format
The file orbits_msb.ras is a list of orbit numbers of the used acquisitions. The order does not matter but finally needs to be consistent with the other data. The index to the respective orbit number provides the information on the storage of the other data. It can be advantageous to store the master or super master orbit at the first entry. The data file is of signed 32-bit-integer
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i.e. bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 1 in the SRF header. The dimensions of this file are: n_scenes x 1.
Fig. 11: file orbits_msb.ras is a list of orbits the used radar scenes.
Some parameters as e.g. the amplitude of an observation are related to the scene’s acquisition time. Therefore the time span between the radar acquisitions relative to the master or super master scene is provided by the file t_msb.ras. The ordering of the entries is directly related to the orbit entries in the file orbits_msb.ras as is visualized by Fig. 12. The time span is given in units of days and is stored in a float file. I.e bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 99 in the SRF header.
Fig. 12: The time span between the radar acquisitions relative to the master or super master scene is provided by the file t_msb.ras.
Basis for the PSI processing is the interferometric combination of the radar scenes. Two different concepts are possible the “single master” and the “super master” approach. Both are visualized in Fig. 13 with green arrows indicating the interferometric combinations.
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Fig. 13: the two different concepts in the interferometric combinations of radar scenes: left single master approach, right: super master approach The generated interferometric combinations are described by the file interferograms_msb.ras. The data file is of signed 32-bit-integer i.e. bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 1 in the SRF header. The dimensions of this file are: n_interferograms x 2. The entries are the index into the data file orbits_msb.ras. The master scene is the first line of the two. The Fig. 14 presents an example for the two approaches.
Fig. 14: description of the interferometric combinations. The entries are indices into the file orbits_msb.ras (see Fig. 11).
The interferometric phase values need to be related to the time span between the interferometric acquisitions. In principle this information can easily be derived from the data files t_msb.ras and interferograms_msb.ras. Nevertheless a special file with this information with the name
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dt_msb.ras should be created by the OSPs. The dimensions of this file are: n_interferograms x 1. The time span is given in units of days and is stored in a float file. I.e bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 99 in the SRF header.
Fig. 15: The file dt_msb.ras contains the time span between the master and the slave acquisition for each generated interferometric pair. Presented is an example for the super master approach.
The interferometric phase is only used at phase stable locations. These slant range coordinates of the persistent scatterers are reported in the files ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras. The slant range coordinate system of the master or super master scene is used. The x-coordinate is associated with the slant range direction and is stored in the file ps_x_msb.ras. The ycoordinate corresponds to the azimuth direction and is given in the file ps_y_msb.ras. The cropped1 slant range image coordinate system starts with index (0,0) at the first range time and first azimuth time sample of the cropped SLC according to Fig. 16. The slant range position is given in units of oversampled (if applicable) samples and is stored in a float file. I.e bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 99 in the SRF header.
The intention is to use the cropped areas only for the description of the coordinates. I.e. The coordinate system starts with (0,0) in the first range time and azimuth time of the cropped area. The first range and azimuth time of the cropped area are given similar to the total scenes first range and azimuth time at the center of the first sample. Please, do not use the total scenes first range and azimuth time as the reference for the PS location annotation. In principle, a systematic error (bias) in the location annotation is not a problem for the process validation - however a correct location annotation is a nice support. To simplify the tricky work of the OSPs generating these data, the copped master SLC data (single look and oversampled by a factor of two) are provided to all of them. These data are intended to help them selecting and processing exactly the same cropped area.
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Fig. 16: Visualization of the used slant range coordinate system: The green dots represent exemplarily persistent scatterers and the blue stars represent the location of the integer grid of the used slant range coordinate system. The square areas of one and the same grey can be considered to be a resolution cell of the radar in case no oversampling is applied. The processing systems can oversample the data. The persistent scatterer locations are then related to the oversampled image coordinates. The oversampling factor in range and azimuth needs to be reported. The original and the oversampled coordinates systems are not mutually shifted. Fig. 17 shows the relation between the two coordinate systems and provides a simple check for this specification for each processing system. The following transformation between the original SLC coordinates (x, y )SLC and the oversampled coordinates ( x, y )ovs for the comparison will be applied:
(x, y )ovs = ovs ⋅ (x, y )SLC
(equ. 1)
The files ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras are build up of float values (i.e. bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 99 in the SRF header). That is the persistent scatterer locations can be reported with sub-pixel accuracy. The dimensions of the files need to be the same and correspond to the number of persistent scatterers n_ps. In case the actual processing system is
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working on the interferograms directly i.e. avoiding a point scatterer analysis (e.g. PTA) the respective slant range coordinates are reported on the resolution cell centers (the blue stars in Fig. 16). These positions correspond directly to the integer image coordinates i.e. no 0.5 needs to be added.
Fig. 17: Coordinate system relation between the original sampling (black) and the oversampled (blue) data values. The oversampling factor in this example is two. The oversampled (interpolated) values are the same as the originally given data at each second data point.
Fig. 18: Description of the slant range locations of the persistent scatterers in the files ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras. The length is the number of PS (The drawing corresponds to the example from Fig. 16 with n_ps=4).
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Some intermediate data are related to the interferometric combinations. These are characterized by the interferometric time separation dt (dt_msb.ras), the persistent scatterer locations (ps_x_msb.ras, ps_y_msb.ras) and the height to phase conversion factors b in the file b_msb.ras, the APS per interferogram apsifgrm in the file aps_ifgrm_msb.ras and the residual phase residualifgrm in file residual_msb.ras. The height to phase conversion factor can vary over slant range and azimuth. Therefore, this parameter is stored in the same data layout as the interferometric phase values. Consequently, each persistent scatterer is characterized by its own height to phase conversion factor which has the unit rad per meter. The interferometric time separation is constant for each line describing an irregular sampled interferogram and each column describes a single slant range location (usually a single persistent scatterer). The following equation describes the decomposition of the interferometric phase ϕ ifgrm :
ϕ ifgrm = b ⋅ hPS +
4 ⋅π
⋅ dt ⋅ v PS + apsifgrm + residualifgrm
(equ. 2)
In the equation above, hPS (in m and b in rad/m) and v PS (in mm/year, dt im years and λ in mm) denote the finally estimated height and velocity of a single persistent scatterer. ϕifgrm (phi_msb.ras) is the measured interferometric phase. It does not matter how it is created: via PTA and a phase subtraction or via an interferogram generation by conjugate complex multiplication of two SLCs. The right hand side terms of equ. 2 are given by the observation geometry ( b and dt ), the estimates ( hPS and v PS ) and intermediate processing products apsifgrm and residualifgrm (both in rad). Fig. 19 provides an example for the relation of interferometric data on a single master example. The super master approach results in a similar data layout. The dimensions of the data files are: n_ps x n_interferograms. The phase values (interferometric phase, APS and residual phase) are given in rad and are stored in a float file. I.e bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 99 in the SRF header. In case additional effects are modelled both the estimated parameter (e.g. the azimuth sub-pixel location) and the parameters from which it is estimated (e.g. the Doppler centroid frequency difference) needs to be provided. The file names should be indicators for the content (e.g. az_pos_msb.flt and delta_fdc_msb.flt could be a good choice. The principle and the units of the data need to be described in the audit in the section. The extended sun raster file data type should be appropriate.
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Fig. 19: Example data relation for interferometric data on a single master example. The super master approach results in a similar data layout.
Some intermediate data are related to the SLC scenes. These are characterized by the (super) master related acquisition time t (t_msb.ras) and the persistent scatterer locations (ps_x_msb.ras, ps_y_msb.ras). The scatterers amplitude (ampl_msb.ras), the APS per scene apsslc in the file aps_slc_msb.ras and the scatterers phase stability (e.g. the signal to clutter ratio) in the file scr_msb.ras are such. The PS time series of the LOS displacement (unit rad) in the file time_series_msb.ras is one of the main processing outputs for the processing validation. For each line the time separation is constant related to the (super) master scene describing an acquisition and each column describes a single slant range location (usually a single persistent scatterer). Fig. 20 provides an example of the data relation for scene related data. These files are values which can describe the evolution of a property related to the acquisition time. The dimensions of the data files are: n_ps x n_scenes. The amplitude values in ampl_msb.ras can be given as a relative digital number or as a fully calibrated backscatter intensity e.g. in dB but the unit and eventually the physical meaning e.g. radar brightness β 0 or radar backscatter coefficient σ 0 needs be reported. The APS values are given in rad. All data files are stored in float. I.e bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 99 in the SRF header. The values of the PS LOS displacement (time_series_msb.ras) can be masked. This allows to remove outliers and invalid data in the time series from the validation. The outlier detection i.e. the masking is performed by the OSPs. The mask is a file in the same layout as the file
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time_series_msb.ras but the data type is integer (signed 32 bit: bit per pixel is 32 and data type is 1). A two dimensional index in the time series file corresponds one to one in the mask file. The mask file is named time_series_mask_msb.ras. A value in the mask file different from zero indicates invalid data. Using bit-fields to indicate different causes is allowed and can be reported. In case the RAW data are focused by the OSP using their own Doppler centroid frequency estimates these values need to be delivered in a similar format. I.e. polynomials are evaluated at each stable scatterer location. The unit of the data value is Hz and the pixel type is float. The file name is fdc_msb.ras.
Fig. 20: Example data relation for scene related data
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A network is generated, in case relative estimates between phase stable scatterers are estimated. This network is described by the file graph_msb.ras. The data file is of signed 32bit-integer i.e. bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 1 in the SRF header. The dimensions of this file are: n_ps_pairs x 2. The entries are the indices into the data files ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras. The network is described by a directed graph: the stable scatterers are the vertices and the estimates are the edges. The first line of the two describes the source point and the second line describes the destination point of a relative estimation. Fig. 21 presents an example graph for the points from Fig. 16. The corresponding file graph_msb.ras is shown in Fig. 22. In case the actual processing does not generate relative estimates a short comment is appreciated at least in the audit section on the processing flow chart how the APS is handled.
Fig. 21: Visualisation of a possible network of relative estimates.
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Fig. 22: Example for the file graph_msb.ras. The example corresponds to the network in Fig. 21.
The relative estimates and their parameters are described related to the file graph_msb.ras. Each estimate is stored in a vector (dimensions: n_ps_pairs x 1) where the index is related to the PS-pair described by the file graph_msb.ras. Fig. 23 provides an example for this relation. The file coh_rel_msb.ras contains the coherence of the relative estimation:
γϕ =
1 N j ⋅(ϕirelative −ϕimodel ) ⋅ ∑e N i =1
N is the number of phase values,
(equ. 2)
are the phases of the i-th interferogram relative
between two PS and the respective modelled phase. The modelled phase is the sum of the respective estimated relative DEM-update phase ϕitopo , the relative displacement phase ϕidefo and the relative APS phase ϕiatmo :
ϕimodel = ϕ idefo + ϕitopo + ϕiatmo
(equ. 3)
Advanced processing systems can additionally model other effects. This is allowed but should be reported including the parameters in the audit describing the processing. Moreover, the additionally modelled phase is a deliverable and the data layout is similar to the aps_ifgrm_msb.ras file (section 6.8). The filename needs to be unique and should be an indicator for the data entries.
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In case no coherence is estimated during the processing it is appreciated to provide an equivalent measurement describing e.g. the goodness of fit or the quality of the relative estimation. The files v_rel_msb.ras and h_rel_msb.ras provide the estimates of the displacement rate vrel in mm/year and the height update hrel in m.
Fig. 23: The relative estimates and their parameters are described related to the file graph_msb.ras. Each estimate is stored in a vector (dimensions: n_ps_pairs x 1) where the index is related to the PS-pair described by the file graph_msb.ras.
The absolute estimates and their parameters are described related to the files ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras. Each estimate is stored in a vector (dimensions: n_ps x 1) where the index is related to the PS location described by the file ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras. Fig. 24 provides an example for this relation. The file coh_abs_msb.ras contains the coherence of the absolute estimation and is defined as:
γϕ =
1 N j ⋅(ϕiifgrm −ϕimodel ) ⋅ ∑e . N i =1
N is the number of interferograms,
(equ. 4)
are the phase of the i-th interferogram and the
respective modelled phase. The modelled phase is the sum of the respective estimated DEMupdate phase ϕitopo , the displacement phase ϕidefo and APS phase ϕiatmo at the respective point:
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ϕimod el = ϕidefo + ϕitopo + ϕ iatmo .
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(equ. 5)
Advanced processing systems can additionally model other effects. This is allowed but should be reported including the parameters in the audit describing the processing. Moreover, the modelled phase is a deliverable and the data layout is similar to the aps_slc_msb.ras file (section 6.9). The filename should be unique and be an indicator for the data entries.
Fig. 24: data layout of the absolute estimates at the PS-locations.
6.13 IMAGE LAYERS In order to complement the data basis for the assessment the following image layers of data need to be delivered. 6.13.1 AMPL_MEAN_MSB.RAS This file (ampl_mean_msb.ras) is an image of the mean amplitude (incoherent average) in at least one-look resolution (integer oversampling factor is allowed). The image dimensions correspond to the master SLC and the image coordinates are one to one related to the (oversampled) master’s slant range coordinates. The amplitude values can be given as a relative digital number or as a fully calibrated intensity e.g. in dB but the unit and eventually the physical meaning e.g. radar brightness β 0 or radar backscatter coefficient σ 0 should be reported. The data values are stored as float. I.e. bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 99 in the SRF header.
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6.13.2 SCR_MSB.RAS The file scr_msb.ras is an image of the expected phase stability for each point in the scene. In case no SCR is estimated in the actual processing system the value which is used for the PS detection should be delivered instead. It is appreciated to provide some information on this deliverable in the audit section. The image dimensions correspond to the master SLC and the image coordinates are one to one related to the (oversampled) master’s slant range coordinates. The data values can be given in any unit but the unit should be reported and the relation to the expected phase stability should be provided. The phase stability values are stored as float. I.e. bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 99 in the SRF header. 6.13.3 SLC_MASTER_MSB.RAS, SLC_MASTER_OVS2_MSB.RAS AND SLC_DDDDD_MSB.RAS Some single look complex images need to be delivered. They are used to check the phase stability of the focussing. The master’s SLC scene is stored in the file slc_master_msb.ras. In case the actual processing system uses oversampled scenes the oversampled master SLC needs to be delivered additionally in the file slc_master_ovs2_msb.ras. The number in the file name provides the oversampling factor. All SLC files are of type short integer complex. I.e. the data values are stored as signed 16-bit-integer-16-bit-integer tupels. The first part of the pair corresponds to the real part and the second to the imaginary part of the sample. I.e. bit per pixel is set to 32 and data type is set to 97 in the SRF header. A slave SLC can be named using the orbit number and the oversampling description. E.g. the SLC of the orbit 5165 and with an oversampling of two would be named slc_5165_ovs2_msb.ras. The image coordinates are directly related to the (oversampled) master’s slant range coordinates, i.e. the slave scene is coregistered already. The scaling of the amplitude should be similar to the standard CEOS format to have only little quantisation effects. In case of doubts on an appropriate scaling these files can be delivered in float complex data format. Please report this case.
6.14 OVERVIEW ON DELIVERABLE FILES The following variables denote the number of PS:
number of rel. estimates: n_ps_pairs number of scenes:
number of interferograms: n_ifgrms file name
data type
n_scenes x 1
32-bit integer
list of orbit numbers of the used scenes
n_scenes x 1
32-bit float
time span in days related to the master scene
n_ifgrms x 2
32-bit integer
indexes into orbits_msb.ras and t_msb.ras describing master and slave scenes
n_ifgrms x 1
32-bit float
interferometric time separation in days corresponding to the file
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interferograms_msb.ras ps_x_msb.ras
n_ps x 1
32-bit float
range coordinates of phase stable points in units of (oversampled) samples
n_ps x 1
32-bit float
azimuth coordinates of phase stable points in units of (oversampled) samples
n_ps x n_ifgrms
32-bit float
measured interferometric phase at the PS locations in rad
n_ps x n_ifgrms
32-bit float
height to phase conversion at the PS locations in rad/m
n_ps x n_ifgrms
32-bit float
interferometric APS at the PS locations in rad
n_ps x n_ifgrms
32-bit float
interferometric residual phase at the PS locations in rad
n_ps x n_scenes
32-bit float
amplitude or intensity at the PS locations (please provide unit)
n_ps x n_scenes
32-bit float
Doppler centroid frequency at the PS locations for each acquisition in Hz
n_ps x n_scenes
32-bit float
signal-to-clutter ratio at the PS locations or similar expectation on phase stability
n_ps x n_scenes
32-bit float
APS of the scenes at the PS locations in rad
n_ps_pairs x 2
32-bit integer
indexes into ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras describing the graph of relative estimates
n_ps_pairs x 1
32-bit float
coherence (0..1) of relative estimates related to the file graph_msb.ras
n_ps_pairs x 1
32-bit float
estimated relative linear velocities in mm/year at the edges described by graph_msb.ras
n_ps_pairs x 1
32-bit float
estimated relative DEM update in m at the edges described by graph_msb.ras
n_ps x 1
32-bit float
coherence (0..1) of absolute estimations related to ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras
n_ps x 1
32-bit float
estimated absolute velocities in mm/year at the PS locations i.e. related to ps_x_msb.ras and
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n_ps x 1
32-bit float
estimated DEM-update in m at the PS locations i.e. related to ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras
n_ps x n_scenes
32-bit float
estimated LOS displacement in rad at the PS locations sampled at the acquisition times
n_ps x n_scenes
32-bit integer
mask corresponding to file time_series_msb.ras (0=valid; invalid otherwise)
master SLC dim
32-bit float
incoherent average of intensity, unit depends on calibration: please provide the unit
oversampled master SLC dim
32-bit float
incoherent average of intensity, unit depends on calibration: please provide
(oversampled) master SLC dim
32-bit float
expected phase stability or similar value used for PS detection (please provide unit)
(oversampled) master SLC dim
16-bit/16-bit (short) complex
oversampled single look complex scenes (dddd is replaced by the orbit number)
master SLC dim
16-bit/16-bit (short) complex
not oversampled single look complex master scene
oversampled master SLC dim
16-bit/16-bit (short) complex
oversampled single look complex master scene
processing parameter matix
ASCII /Word doc
The files should be delivered by ftp or DVD. No directory structure is required i.e. the files can be located in the root directory of the DVD or in the OSPs ftp directory.
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7 PROCESS ANALYSIS All reported numbers, plots and visualisations are anonymous. The first activity of DLR is the generation of a matrix describing the several validation deliverables of the different OSPs. It will provide an overview on the applicability of the intermediate data to the OSPs processing chain and the cooperation of the respective OSP to generate them. Deliverable orbits_msb.ras t_msb.ras interferograms_msb.ras dt_msb.ras ps_x_msb.ras ps_y_msb.ras phi_msb.ras b_msb.ras aps_ifgrm_msb.ras residual_msb.ras ampl_msb.ras fdc_msb.ras scr_msb.ras aps_slc_msb.ras graph_msb.ras coh_rel_msb.ras v_rel_msb.ras h_rel_msb.ras coh_abs_msb.ras v_abs_msb.ras h_abs_msb.ras time_series_msb.ras time_series_msb.ras ampl_mean_msb.ras ampl_mean_ovs2_msb.ras scr_msb.ras slc_dddd_ovs2_msb.ras slc_master_msb.ras
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slc_master_msb_ovs.ras processing parameter matrix
The following analysis tasks are intended. They are provided as examples for the use of the deliverables. At the moment, only a coarse specification of the assessment is intended. The reason is to allow flexibility to react on (systematic) effects which will be observed in the provided data. I.e. the assessments can be adapted if necessary. Scatter plots are considered a typical tool to reveal systematic effects from the data of two different processing systems. Other helpful assessments are the shape and parameters e.g. mean and standard deviation of likelihood functions (derived from histograms) or variograms. The significance of the observed differences is judged on basis of the impact on the final LOS displacement estimation (in slant range only). I.e. this displacement estimation is considered the main output of the processing. Deviations in describing other parameters e.g. APS, radar return intensity or phase stability will be reported but will be interpreted only related to their influence on the final slant range displacement estimation. For instance, the height update estimation has in fact an impact on the final geocoded location accuracy. But there is no influence on the slant range only output. The processing chain validation therefore reports DEM update deviations but considers these as not significant.
All *_msb.ras or *_lsb.ras files
Answers from the audit
Processing parameter matrix
Check: •
Check for correct data format (e.g. data type, byte-order, file format)
Check for consistent file dimensions
Check for correct units
Output: •
Ok for detailed assessment for each OSP or
Clarification questions to OSPs or
Request for delivery update to OSP
Table on applicability of the validation deliverables for the respective OSP processing systems (please see above)
t_msb.ras and dt_msb.ras of all the OSPs
b_msb.ras of all the OSPs
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Check: •
Check for deviations in the parameters describing the observation
Visualize the deviations
Output: •
Plot relative deviation of the observation parameters between OSPs
slc_master_msb.ras and slc_xxxxx.ras of all the OSPs (TBD: slave scene needs to be selected)
Check: •
Check extend and coregistration of the SLCs
Generate interferograms
Visualize the deviations
The idea is to compare standard SLCs delivered by the PAFs with the SLCs processed by the OSPs from RAW data. Standard SLCs are not oversampled. Output: •
phase deviation caused by focussing between OSPs
ampl_mean_msb.ras and ampl_mean_ovs2.ras
Check: •
Check data for correct coordinate system
Plot the data values similar to Fig. 17
Output: •
Confirmation for compatible coordinate systems
Input: •
ampl_ovs2_mean_msb.ras images of all the OSPs
Check: •
Select some point scatterers distributed over range and azimuth
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Perform point target analysis (peak location) in each mean image
Output: • 7.5.2
Plot relative deviation between OSPs along range and azimuth RELATIVE COREGISTRATION DEVIATION FROM PS-LOCATION FILES
Input: •
ampl_ovs2_mean_msb.ras of a single OSP
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of a single OSP
Check: •
Select some point scatterers distributed over range and azimuth given in the files ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras
Perform point target analysis (peak location) in mean image (ampl_ovs2_mean_msb.ras)
Output: •
Plot relative deviation along range and azimuth for each OSP
phi_msb.ras of each OSP
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
Compare the extracted phase values using the common set of PS-points between the OSPs. How to find the common PS-points between the OSPs? Initially, PSs within a radius of 0.5 natural samples are considered one and the same scatterer. The distance threshold of 0.5 samples will be adjusted according to the delivered data.
Check Audit for details on oversampling and the phase extraction algorithm
Output: •
Visualization of deviations between the OSPs (e.g. correlation plot)
A mean coherence and a standard deviation for the extracted interferometric phase will be provided if possible
Input: •
phi_msb.ras of a single OSP
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of a single OSP
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Check: •
Create images of the irregular sampled interferometric phase of previously defined interferometric combinations
The interferograms have typical dominant contributions e.g. APS and orbit errors
Perform visual interpretation of the dominant effect
Output: •
Images of typical interferograms for each OSP
Input: •
ampl_msb.ras of a single OSP
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of a single OSP
Check: •
check for calibration type (relative or absolute)
compare with DLR’s absolute calibration
Output: •
Plot of different persistent scatterers over time (should have the similar evolution in time)
Visualize deviations (e.g. correlation plot)
Input: •
ampl_msb.ras of each OSP
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
check for calibration type (relative or absolute)
check for significant deviation
Output: •
Visualize deviations of calibration between the OSPs
7.9 PS DETECTION 7.9.1 Input:
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ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
scr_msb.ras of each OSP
Answers from the audit
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Check: •
check for significant deviation in PS density
Output: • 7.9.2
PS density value for each OSP related to the expected phase stability SPATIAL PS DISTRIBUTION COMPARED TO EACH OTHER
Input: •
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
scr_msb.ras of each OSP
Answers from the audit
Check: •
check for significant deviation in PS distribution
Output: •
Characterisation of the spatial distribution of the identified PS for each OSP related to the expected phase stability PS DENSITY HISTOGRAM COMPARED TO EACH OTHER
Input: •
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
scr_msb.ras of each OSP
Answers from the audit
Check: •
check for significant deviation in PS density
Output: •
comparison of the estimated PS frequency for each OSP related to the expected phase stability PS MISDETECTION CHECK
Input: •
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of a single OSP
Check: •
check for mis-detected PS due to sidelobes
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Output: • 7.9.5
Input: •
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of all OSPs
Check: •
assessment of relative deviation in range and azimuth
Output: •
Plot relative deviation in PS location detection between OSPs along range and azimuth
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of all OSPs
graph_msb.ras of all OSPs
Check: •
Assessment of the network of relative estimates
Check for redundancy of estimates
Check for maximum distance between estimation points
Output: •
Visualisation of the networks
Comparison of network parameters
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
graph_msb.ras of each OSP
h_rel_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
Assessment of the inconsistencies of relative DEM update estimates
Output: •
Visualisation of the DEM update residuals
Description of the effects
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ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
graph_msb.ras of each OSP
v_rel_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
Assessment of the inconsistencies of relative displacement estimates
Output: •
Visualisation (e.g. scatter plots) of the displacement residuals
Description of the effects
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
graph_msb.ras of each OSP
h_rel_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
Assessment of the deviations of relative DEM update estimates
Output: •
Visualisation of the DEM update e.g. by scatterplots
Description of the effects
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
graph_msb.ras of each OSP
v_rel_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
Assessment of the deviations of relative mean velocity estimates
Output: •
Visualisation of the mean velocity deviations e.g. by scatterplots
Description of the effects
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ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
graph_msb.ras of each OSP
coh_rel_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
Comparison of the coherence of the relative estimates between the OSPs
Output: •
Visualisation of the coherence deviations
Description of the effects
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
graph_msb.ras of each OSP
aps_ifgrm_msb.ras of each OSP
residual_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
Comparison of the APS of the relative estimates between the OSPs and
Comparison of the residual phase of the relative estimates between the OSPs
Output: •
Visualisation of the deviations
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
aps_slc_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
Comparison of the APS of the single acquisitions between the OSPs
Output: •
Visualisation of the deviations
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ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
v_abs_msb.ras of each OSP
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Check: •
Comparison of the absolute displacement estimations between the OSPs
Check for deviations caused by different reference points
Output: •
Visualisation of the deviations (e.g. scatterplots)
Visualisation of the spatial shape of the displacements
Analysis or description of the effects
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
h_abs_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
Comparison of the absolute DEM Update estimations between the OSPs
Check for deviations caused by different reference points
Output: •
Visualisation of the deviations
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
coh_abs_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
Comparison of the absolute coherence estimations between the OSPs
Output: •
Visualisation of the deviations
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
t_msb.ras of each OSP
time_series_msb.ras of each OSP
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Check: •
Comparison of the absolute coherence estimations between the OSPs
Output: •
Visualisation of the deviations
ps_x_msb.ras and ps_y_msb.ras of each OSP
v_abs_msb.ras of each OSP
Check: •
binning (quantisation) of the absolute displacements to check the “displacement risk” detection
Comparison of the absolute displacement estimations between the OSPs using thresholds
Output: •
Traffic light maps of displacement
Visualisation of the spatial shape of the displacements
Analysis or description of the effects
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7.11 WRITE ROUTINES 7.11.1 WRITE_BYTE ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adan -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : write unsigned char extended sun raster format -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:41 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// ************************************************************************** pro write_byte, afile_name, aimage, r=r, g=g, b=b; img_info = Size( aimage ); case img_info[0] of 1: begin ;// dim xdim ydim type n-elements img_info = [ 2, img_info[1], 1, img_info[2], img_info[1] ]; end 2: begin ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, 'write_byte: need 2 dimensional array'; Return; end endcase if img_info[3] NE 1 then begin print, 'write_byte: WARNING: change data to byte'; aimage = Byte( aimage ); end h = LonArr( 8 ); h[0] = '59A66A95'x; h[1] = img_info[1]; h[2] = img_info[2]; h[3] = 8; h[4] = 0; h[5] = 1; h[6] = 0; h[7] = 0; if N_Elements( r ) NE 0 then begin h[6] = 1; h[7] = N_Elements( r ) * 3; endif if 'LSB' EQ Sys_Byte_Order() then begin h = Swap_Endian( h ); endif OpenW, fd, afile_name, /GET_LUN; WriteU, fd, h; if N_Elements( r ) NE 0 then begin WriteU, fd, r; WriteU, fd, g; WriteU, fd, b; endif WriteU, fd, aimage; Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
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7.11.2 WRITE_INT16 ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : write short int extended sun raster format -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:42 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// ************************************************************************** pro write_int16, afile_name, aimage img_info = Size( aimage ); case img_info[0] of 1: begin ;// dim xdim ydim type n-elements img_info = [ 2, img_info[1], 1, img_info[2], img_info[1] ]; end 2: begin ;// nothing to do end else: begin print, 'write_int: need 2 dimensional array'; return; end endcase if img_info[3] NE 2 then begin print, 'write_int: WARNING: change data to short int'; aimage = Fix( aimage ); end h = LonArr( 8 ); h[0] = '59A66A95'x; h[1] = img_info[1]; h[2] = img_info[2]; h[3] = 16; h[4] = 0; h[5] = 1; h[6] = 0; h[7] = 0; OpenW, fd, afile_name, /GET_LUN; if ( 'LSB' EQ Sys_Byte_Order() ) then begin ByteOrder, h, /HTONL; endif WriteU, fd, h; WriteU, fd, aimage; Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
7.11.3 WRITE_INT32 ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : write int (32bit) extended sun raster format -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:42 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
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;// ************************************************************************** ;// ************************************************************************** pro write_int32, afile_name, aimage img_info = Size( aimage ); case img_info[0] of 1: begin ;// dim xdim ydim type n-elements img_info = [ 2, img_info[1], 1, img_info[2], img_info[1] ]; end 2: begin ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, 'write_long: need 2 dimensional array'; Return; end endcase if img_info[3] NE 3 then begin Print, 'write_long: WARNING: change data to int (32 bit)' aimage = Long( aimage ) end h = LonArr( 8 ) h[0] = '59A66A95'x h[1] = img_info[1] h[2] = img_info[2] h[3] = 32 h[4] = 0 h[5] = 1 h[6] = 0 h[7] = 0 OpenW, fd, afile_name, /GET_LUN; if ( 'LSB' EQ Sys_Byte_Order() ) then begin ByteOrder, h, /HTONL; endif WriteU, fd, h; WriteU, fd, aimage; Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
7.11.4 WRITE_FLT ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : write float extended sun raster format -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.2 2007/05/03 21:33:52 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// ************************************************************************** pro write_flt, afile_name, aimage img_info = Size( aimage ); case img_info[0] of 1: begin ;// dim xdim ydim type n-elements img_info = [ 2, img_info[1], 1, img_info[2], img_info[1] ]; end 2: begin ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, 'write_flt: need 2 dimensional array' Return; end
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endcase if img_info[3] NE 4 then begin print, 'write_flt: WARNING: change data to float' aimage = Float( aimage ) end h = LonArr( 8 ); h[0] = '59A66A95'x h[1] = img_info(1) h[2] = img_info(2) h[3] = 32 h[4] = 0 h[5] = 99 h[6] = 0 h[7] = 0 OpenW, fd, afile_name, /GET_LUN if ( 'LSB' EQ Sys_Byte_Order() ) then begin ByteOrder, h, /HTONL endif WriteU, fd, h WriteU, fd, aimage Close, fd Free_Lun, fd end
7.11.5 WRITE_DBL ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : write double extended sun raster format -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:41 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// ************************************************************************** pro write_dbl, afile_name, aimage img_info = Size( aimage ); case img_info[0] of 1: begin ;// dim xdim ydim type n-elements img_info = [ 2, img_info[1], 1, img_info[2], img_info[1] ]; end 2: begin ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, 'write_dbl: need 2 dimensional array'; Return; end endcase if img_info[3] NE 5 then begin Print, 'write_dbl: WARNING: change data to double'; image = Double( image ); end h = LonArr( 8 ); h(0) = '59A66A95'x; h(1) = img_info[1]; h(2) = img_info[2]; h(3) = 64; h(4) = 0; h(5) = 98; h(6) = 0; h(7) = 0;
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OpenW, fd, afile_name, /GET_LUN if ( 'LSB' EQ Sys_Byte_Order() ) then begin ByteOrder, h, /HTONL; endif WriteU, fd, h; WriteU, fd, aimage; Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
7.11.6 WRITE_SCPLX ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : write short int complex extended sun raster format -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:42 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// ************************************************************************** pro write_scplx, afile_name, aimage s = Size( aimage ); h = LonArr(8) h[0] = '59A66A95'xL; // 956AA659 h[1] = s[1]; h[2] = s[2]; h[3] = 32; h[4] = Long(s[1]) * s[2] * 4; h[5] = 97; h[6] = 0; h[7] = 0; arch = Sys_Byte_Order(); if ( 'LSB' EQ arch ) then ByteOrder, h, /HTONL OpenW, fd, afile_name, /GET_LUN WriteU, fd, h; if ( 'LSB' EQ arch ) then ByteOrder, h, /NTOHL block_size = 512; block = IntArr( s[1] * 2, block_size ); idx_re = IndGen( h[1] ) * 2 idx_im = idx_re + 1; line = IntArr( 2 * h[1] ); block_idx = 0L; mod_block_idx = 0L; for y = 0L, s[2]-1 do begin line[idx_re] = Float(aimage[*,y]) line[idx_im] = Imaginary(aimage[*,y]) mod_block_idx = block_idx mod block_size; block[ *, mod_block_idx ] = line; if ( mod_block_idx EQ (block_size-1) ) then begin WriteU, fd, block; endif block_idx = Temporary( block_idx ) + 1; endfor ;// write remaining data in block: if ( (mod_block_idx NE 0 ) AND $ (mod_block_idx NE (block_size-1)) ) then begin WriteU, fd, block[*,0:mod_block_idx]; endif Close, fd
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Free_Lun, fd end
7.11.7 WRITE_FCPLX ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : write float complex extended sun raster format -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:41 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// ************************************************************************** pro write_fcplx, afile_name, aimage s = Size( aimage ); h = LonArr( 8 ); h[0] = '59A66A95'xL; // 956AA659 h[1] = s[1]; h[2] = s[2]; h[3] = 64; h[4] = Long(s[1]) * s[2] * 8L; h[5] = 96; h[6] = 0; h[7] = 0; arch = Sys_Byte_Order(); if ( 'LSB' EQ arch ) then ByteOrder, h, /HTONL OpenW, fd, afile_name, /get_lun WriteU, fd, h; if ( 'LSB' EQ arch ) then ByteOrder, h, /NTOHL block_size = 512; block = FltArr( s[1] * 2, block_size ); idx_re = IndGen( h[1] ) * 2 idx_im = idx_re + 1; line = FltArr( 2 * h[1] ); block_idx = 0L; mod_block_idx = 0L; for y = 0L, s[2]-1 do begin line[idx_re] = Float( aimage[*,y] ); line[idx_im] = Imaginary( aimage[*,y] ); mod_block_idx = block_idx mod block_size; block[ *, mod_block_idx ] = line; if ( mod_block_idx EQ (block_size-1) ) then begin WriteU, fd, block; endif block_idx = Temporary( block_idx ) + 1; endfor ;// write remaining data in block: if ( (mod_block_idx NE 0 ) AND $ (mod_block_idx NE (block_size-1)) ) then begin WriteU, fd, block[*,0:mod_block_idx]; endif Close, fd Free_Lun, fd end
7.11.8 WRITE_DCPLX ;// ************************************************************************** ;// FILE :
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;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : write double complex extended sun raster format -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.2 2007/05/03 21:33:52 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// ************************************************************************** pro write_dcplx, afile_name, aimage s = Size( aimage ); h = LonArr( 8 ); h[0] = '59A66A95'xL; // 956AA659 h[1] = s[1]; h[2] = s[2]; h[3] = 128; h[4] = Long(s[1]) * s[2] * 8L; h[5] = 95; h[6] = 0; h[7] = 0; arch = Sys_Byte_Order(); if ( 'LSB' EQ arch ) then ByteOrder, h, /HTONL OpenW, fd, afile_name, /GET_LUN WriteU, fd, h; if ( 'LSB' EQ arch ) then ByteOrder, h, /NTOHL block_size = 512; block = DblArr( s[1] * 2, block_size ); idx_re = indgen( h[1] ) * 2 idx_im = idx_re + 1; line = DblArr( 2 * h[1] ); block_idx = 0L; mod_block_idx = 0L; for y = 0L, s[2]-1 do begin line[idx_re] = Float(aimage[*,y]) line[idx_im] = Imaginary(aimage[*,y]) mod_block_idx = block_idx mod block_size; block[ *, mod_block_idx ] = line; if ( mod_block_idx EQ (block_size-1) ) then begin WriteU, fd, block; endif block_idx = Temporary( block_idx ) + 1; endfor ;// write remaining data in block: if ( (mod_block_idx NE 0 ) AND $ (mod_block_idx NE (block_size-1)) ) then begin WriteU, fd, block[*,0:mod_block_idx]; endif Close, fd Free_Lun, fd end
7.12 READ ROUTINES 7.12.1 READ_BYTE ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : read extended sun raster file (8 bit unsigned char) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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;// ;// ;// ;//
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PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:40 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// ************************************************************************** pro read_byte, afile_name, aimage Get_Lun, fd OpenR, fd, afile_name h = LonArr( 8 ); ReadU, fd, h; case h[0] of '956AA659'xL : begin; // LSB system ByteOrder, h, /HTONL; end '59A66A95'xL : begin; // MSB system ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, FORMAT='("read_byte: unhandled header magic number: ", Z)', h[0]; Return; end; endcase; aimage = BytArr( h[1], h[2] ); ReadU, fd, aimage; Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
7.12.2 READ_INT16 ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : read extended sun raster format (short int) -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.2 2007/05/03 21:35:52 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// byteorder, aimage, /HTONL ;// ************************************************************************** pro read_int16, afile_name, aimage Get_Lun, fd; OpenR, fd, afile_name; h = LonArr( 8 ); ReadU, fd, h; case h[0] of '956AA659'xL : begin; // LSB system ByteOrder, h, /HTONL end '59A66A95'xL : begin; // MSB system ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, FORMAT='("read_int16: unhandled header magic number: ", Z)', h[0] Return; end; endcase; aimage = IntArr( h[1], h[2] ); ReadU, fd, aimage; Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
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7.12.3 READ_INT32 ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : read extended sun raster format (int - 32 bit) -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:40 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// byteorder, aimage, /HTONL ;// ************************************************************************** pro read_int32, afile_name, aimage Get_Lun, fd; OpenR, fd, afile_name; h = LonArr(8); ReadU, fd, h; case h[0] of '956AA659'xL : begin; // LSB system ByteOrder, h, /HTONL; end '59A66A95'xL : begin; // MSB system ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, FORMAT='("read_int32: unhandled header magic number: ", Z)', h[0] end; endcase; aimage = LonArr( h[1], h[2] ); ReadU, fd, aimage; Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
7.12.4 READ_FLT ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : read extended sun raster format (float) -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:40 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// byteorder, aimage, /FTOXDR ;// ************************************************************************** pro read_flt, afile_name, aimage Get_Lun, fd; OpenR, fd, afile_name; h = LonArr( 8 ); ReadU, fd, h; case h[0] of '956AA659'xL : begin; // LSB system ByteOrder, h, /HTONL end '59A66A95'xL : begin; // MSB system ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, FORMAT='("read_flt: unhandled header magic number: ", Z)', h[0]; Return; end; endcase;
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aimage = FltArr( h[1], h[2] ); ReadU, fd, aimage; Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
7.12.5 READ_DBL ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : read extended sun raster file (double) -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:40 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// byteorder, aimage, /FTOXDR ;// ************************************************************************** pro read_dbl, afile_name, aimage Get_Lun, fd; OpenR, fd, afile_name; h = LonArr( 8 ); ReadU, fd, h; case h[0] of '956AA659'xL : begin; // LSB system ByteOrder, h, /HTONL; end '59A66A95'xL : begin; // MSB system ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, FORMAT='("read_dbl: unhandled header magic number: ", Z)', h[0]; Return; end; endcase; aimage = DblArr( h[1], h[2] ); ReadU, fd, aimage; Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
7.12.6 READ_SCPLX ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : read extended sun raster file (short int complex) -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:40 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// ************************************************************************** pro read_scplx, afile_name, aimage Get_Lun, fd; OpenR, fd, afile_name; h = LonArr( 8 ); ReadU, fd, h; case h[0] of '956AA659'xL : begin; // LSB system ByteOrder, h, /HTONL; end
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'59A66A95'xL : begin; // MSB system ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, FORMAT='("read_scplx: unhandled header magic number: ", Z)', h[0] Return; end; endcase; aimage = IntArr( 2 * h[1], h[2] ); ReadU, fd, aimage; idx = IndGen( h[1] ) * 2 aimage = Complex( aimage[idx,*], aimage[idx+1,*] ); Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
7.12.7 READ_FCPLX ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : read extended sun raster file (float complex) -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:40 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// ************************************************************************** ;// byteorder, aimage, /FTOXDR ;// ************************************************************************** pro read_fcplx, afile_name, aimage Get_Lun, fd OpenR, fd, afile_name h = LonArr( 8 ) ReadU, fd, h case h[0] of '956AA659'xL : begin; // LSB system byteorder, h, /HTONL end '59A66A95'xL : begin; // MSB system ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, FORMAT='("read_fcplx: unhandled header magic number: ", Z)', h[0] Return; end; endcase; aimage = ComplexArr( h[1], h[2] ); ReadU, fd, aimage Close, fd Free_Lun, fd end
7.12.8 READ_DCPLX ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
************************************************************************** FILE : -------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR : Nico Adam -------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT : read extended sun raster file (double complex) -------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT : Terrafirma Process Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION : $Id:,v 1.1 2007/05/03 20:45:40 nadam Exp $ **************************************************************************
;// **************************************************************************
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;// byteorder, aimage, /FTOXDR ;// ************************************************************************** pro read_dcplx, afile_name, aimage Get_Lun, fd; Openr, fd, afile_name; h = LonArr( 8 ); ReadU, fd, h; case h[0] of '956AA659'xL : begin; // LSB system ByteOrder, h, /HTONL; end '59A66A95'xL : begin; // MSB system ;// nothing to do end else: begin Print, FORMAT='("read_dcplx: unhandled header magic number: ", Z)', h[0] Return; end; endcase; aimage = ComplexArr( h[1], h[2] ); ReadU, fd, aimage; Close, fd; Free_Lun, fd; end
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