Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics ...

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Amanda Muraca', Naphtali O'Connor^, Ravnit Kaur-Bhatia^ Nicoleta Apostol\i Jitianu". Mihaela Jilianu'. 'William Paterson University, Department of Chemistry.
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Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites VI Edited by

J. P. Singh Narottam P. Bansal Amar S. Bhatia Morsi M. Mahmoud Navin Jose Manjooran Gurpreet Singh Jacques Lamon Sung R. Choi Gary Pici;CLUSIONS TiOi-MgAl-LDH and N-doped Ti02-MgAl-LDH composite materials using a standard commercially available P25-Ti02 were successftilly prepared, characterized and tested against vanillin, a phenol-model compound. XPS data confirmed the interstitial character of Nitrogen doping in the TiOi lattice. Ti02 lattice parameters values illustrated also successful nitrogen doping and also the partial incorporation of Mg^"^ and A H ^ in the lattice. The values correlated well with L D H lattice parameters values and M g Is and A l 2s XPS data. Nitrogen doping increased the activity of Ti02 as a photocatalyst. The composites performed even better as photocatalysts against vanillin, the highest activity was observed for the N-doped Ti02-MgAlLDH composite. The catalytic results confirm the hypothesis that a synergic effect between nitrogen doping of TiOj and the presence of L D H occurs and contributes to a high overall photocatalytic activity. The composite materials prepared display a higher photocatalytic activity than P25-Ti02 alone for the photodegradation of vanillin, P25 being a standard commercially available Ti02

Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites VI

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Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposites—Synthesis and Photocataiysis

catalyst, therefore expected to best perform in the photocatalytic reaction, O n the other hand, M g A l - L D H is not known to have photocatalytic activity by itself, studies being focused mostly on ZTLA.1-LDH SO far'^. However, the P 2 5 - M g A l - L D H composite materials performed better, on the account o f the L D H layered structure possibly inducing electron transfer and preventing the recombination o f electrons and holes'^. Moreover, Mg^"" and Al^"" incorporation in the T i O : lattice during the synthesis o f the L D H composites led to improving o f P25-TiO; photoefTiciency. A s previous studies on this type o f composites'''*'"", our so-prepared photocatalysts show once again the major role that L D H structure has on the photocatalytic properties o f T i O : . Furthermore, homogeneous precipitation o f L D H using urea (a sodium-free precipitation agent) led to an exceptional increase o f the photocatalytic activity o f the composites as compared to pristine P 2 5 - T i O : .

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Processing a n d Properties of A d v a n c e d Ceramics and C o m p o s i t e s VI

Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposites—Synthesis and Photocataiysis

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