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< PED Version 3.0 >. PRODUCT ECO-DECLARATION. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. ○. ○. Model Type : GSM HHP. Model List. Model Name. BGT- C6712. DGT- ...
< PED Ver sio n 3.0 >


Model Type :

Model List


Model Name BGTC6712













Weight: [ 75.59 ] g ( net pr oduct Wt.)

Dimension ( W×D×H): [ 56 ]mm × [ 12.2 ]mm × [ 109.5 ]mm

ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATIONS This pr oduct confor ms to the following envir onmental pr ogr am r equir ement. Environment al Cert if icat ions

Dat e( achieved)

Dat e( expired)

Model Name

ENERGY CONSUMPTION ●Operation : W, ●Energy efficiency class : , ●Off mode : W, ●Off mode : W, ●Passive Standby : W, ●For External Power Suppliers -Ener gy efficiency : Level V


Copyr ight © 2005 Samsung Electr onics. All r ights r eser ved. This document is issued as a matterof infor mation only and all the data can be changed without notice. This document may not be r epr oduced ortr ansmitted in a ny means without the pr iorwr itten per mission of Samsung. 1/4

This pr oduct does NOT contain following substances cor r esponding to below forthe r elat ed mar ket : ● EU Dir ective 2002/95/EC (RoHS ) , 76/769/EEC ● China RoHS (The r equir ement of Or derNo.39 by Chinese Ministr y of Infor mation Industr y) ● Kor ea RoHS (The Act forRecycling of Electr ical•Electr onic Pr oducts and Autombiles ) ● Califor nia RoHS (The Electr onic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 ) ● JMoss (The mar king forpr esence of Sepecific chemical Substances forelectr ical and electr onic equipment ) ● Etc. (Otherr egulation similarto EU RoHS orRequest of the stakeholder s) ● Asbestos ● Cadmium ( Cd) ● Lead ( Pb) ● Mer cur y( Hg) ● Hexavalent chr omium ● Ozone depleting substances as listed in the Montr eal Pr otocol ● Polybr ominated biphenyls ( PBBs) ● Polybr ominated diphenylether s( PBDEs) ● Polychlor inated biphenyls( PCB) , Polychlor inated ter phenyls( PCT) , Polychlor inated naphthalene ( PCN) ● Shor tchain chlor inated par affins ( ≥ 50% wt Cl, C=10~13,) ● PFOS ( Per fluor ooctane Sulfonates) ● TBBPA( Tetr abr omobisphenol A) Fur therinfor mation on Samsung Electr onics’ hazar dous substance phase out pr ogr am can be found at: onment/chemicalmanageme nt/policyontar getsubstances.html


Packaging box volume : [ 486.72 ] ㎤ -Dimension ( W×D×H): [ 130 ]mm × [ 72 ]mm × [ 52 ]mm

Mater ial composition of pr oduct packaging: It ems

Mat erial t ype

Weight( g)



6.2 g



3.0 g



6.0 g



1.4 g



29.4 g

Copyr ight © 2005 Samsung Electr onics. All r ights r eser ved. This document is issued as a matterof infor mation only and all the data can be changed without notice. This document may not be r epr oduced ortr ansmitted in a ny means without the pr iorwr itten per mission of Samsung. 2/4

It ems

Mat erial t ype Tot al Wt .( g)

Weight( g) 46.0 g

Packaging weight and volume has been minimized to the amount needed forpr oduct pr ote ction and logistics. The pr oduct packaging does NOT contain: -heavy metals accor ding to 94/62/EC. -ozone depleting substances as listed in the Montr eal pr otocol -PVC. Packaging of this pr oduct has been designed to be r ecycled wher e possible. The r ecyclable r ate of the pr imar y packaging is : [ 100 ] %. Recyclability of packaging depends on the availability of local r ecycling systems. Plastic packaging mater ial is mar ked accor ding to ISO 11469, DIN 6120, ISO 10431 to 4 orthe r elated legislation of Kor ea & Japan. Samsung Electr onics finances the takeback and r ecycling of its packaging in line with the r equir ements of local legislation, e.g. Packaging Dir ective 94/62/EC in Eur ope.


Batter y type: [ Liion ]

Weight: [ 24.54 ] g

The batter y cell does NOT contain lead, cadmium and mer cur y in accor dance with EU Dir ectives 2006/66/EC.

DISASSEMBLY AND RECYCLING Mechanical plastics par ts, heavierthan 25g have mater ial codes in accor dance with ISO 11 469 and ISO 10431 to 4 to facilitate plastics r ecycling. Samsung Electr onics offer s pr oduct takeback and r ecycling ser vices forSamsung pr oduct s in the countr ies wher e local takeback legislation is implemented and expands additional v oluntar y takeback system. Household user s: please contact yourlocal gover nment author ity formor e infor mation on wher e and how to r ecycle this pr oduct. ● Business user s: please contact yourlocal Samsung Electr onics sales office fordetails of takeback and r ecycling options. ●


Environment al Policy

Copyr ight © 2005 Samsung Electr onics. All r ights r eser ved. This document is issued as a matterof infor mation only and all the data can be changed without notice. This document may not be r epr oduced ortr ansmitted in a ny means without the pr iorwr itten per mission of Samsung. 3/4

Samsung Electr onics str ives to play a leading r ole in cr eating a sustainable society by r eco gnizing and implementing envir onment, health and safety issues as cr ucial factor s in all our business endeavor s. To this end, all of Samsung Electr onics’ business activities obser ve our Gr een Management Policy. Or iginally established in 1992, the cur r ent Gr een Management P olicy is available online at: onment/envir onment.html

ISO 14001

As par t of the effor t to r educe envir onmental impacts in its gener al management activities, Samsung Electr onics is committed to achieving ISO14001 cer tification forall ourfactor ies thr oughout the wor ld. All Samsung Electr onics’ factor ies located in South Kor ea have achieved cer tification to both ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Most of Samsung Electr onics’ over seas f actor ies have obtained ISO 14001 cer tification.

FURTHER INFORMATION Fur therinfor mation is pr esented in Samsung Electr onics’ Gr een Management Repor t, avail able online at: epor ts/sustainabilit yr epor ts.html

Copyr ight © 2005 Samsung Electr onics. All r ights r eser ved. This document is issued as a matterof infor mation only and all the data can be changed without notice. This document may not be r epr oduced ortr ansmitted in a ny means without the pr iorwr itten per mission of Samsung. 4/4