Production Tests, Calibrations, and Commissioning of ...

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stages, step attenuators, and peak detection. In this ... Calibrate gain ranges and step attenuators. 5. ... Based on step-recovery diode driven by adjustable.
IBIC 2017, Grand Rapids, MI, USA


Production Tests, Calibrations, and Commissioning of Button BPMs for the European XFEL D.M. Treyer, B. Keil, W. Koprek (PSI, Villigen, Switzerland)* D. Lipka (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)

Abstract Commissioning of the entire European XFEL started early 2017. More than 300 button-electrode type beam position monitors (BPMs) are used in its cold Linac and warm beam transfer lines. Signal processing in the BPM RF front-end electronics employs signal stretching by chirp filtering, switchable gain stages, step attenuators, and peak detection. In this paper we present details on RF front-end production tests, calibration, and BPM beam commissioning results. Furthermore, a calibration pulser circuit that is built into each BPM electronics is presented. The setup and algorithm for production calibration of each RF front-end electronics is described. Finally, resolution measurements obtained by correlation among all XFEL BPMs (including cavity and reentrant types) are presented, confirming that the system can be used for orbit correction and transmission measurements down to very low bunch charges.

*Work supported by Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation

E-XFEL Machine Parameters • 17.5 GeV superconducting linac

BPM Types Requirements BPM Type

Inner Pipe Diam.

Single-Bunch Max. Resolution at 100 pC

Range for Max. Resolution

Drift per Hour / per Week

Single-Bunch Resolution at 100 pC

„Cold“ Standard BPM (Button, Re-Entrant Cavity)

71, 30

78 mm

50 µm


10 µm / 50 µm

6 µm

„Warm“ Standard BPM (Button)


40.5 mm

50 µm


10 µm / 50 µm

4 µm

Precision BPM (Cavity)


40.5 mm

10 µm

±1 mm

1 µm / 10 µm