Professional Development in Education The Teacher ...

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gonists of technical and vocational relevance in the curriculum. ... technical education in the FE colleges?) .... control and fear that the Department of Education.
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Professional Development in Education

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The Teacher as Change Agent

Graham Badleya a Essex Further Education Teachers' Centre,

To cite this Article Badley, Graham(1986) 'The Teacher as Change Agent', Professional Development in Education, 12: 3,

151 — 158

To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/0305763860120305 URL:

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The Teacher as Change Agent Graham Badley, Essex Further Education Teachers' Centre

Downloaded At: 17:35 5 March 2011

Introduction Teachers in schools and colleges are now engaged in a major curriculum change — TVEI — which 'burst upon an unsuspecting educational world in November 1982' (Seckington 1985) and which received an often hostile reception. The purpose of this paper is to provide an outline for the teacher of the change process and to examine specifically the teacher's role as a TVEI change agent. The current 'TRIST' Scheme (TVEl-Ralated In-Service Training) also provides a useful case study of the kind of training being provided for teachers in schools and colleges as they prepare for their roles as TVEI change agents, active protagonists of technical and vocational relevance in the

curriculum. The paper deals with three major elements in the process of change: 1. the proposed change or innovation 2. the context of change 3. the role of the change agent These elements themselves interact and alter over time so that the change process can also be examined in terms of three major stages: 1. analysis 2. implementation 3. evaluation






Change Agent
