Professional Medical Records Inc.

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Results. “We now have an affordable platform that is always up to date with ... Professional Medical Records Inc., PMR, has a successful track record spanning many ... But in early 2010, they lost a major client to a popular speech recognition .
Customer Success Story

Professional Medical Records Inc. Challenge Professional Medical Records Inc., PMR, has a successful track record spanning many years. Based in Wooster, Ohio, this medical transcription service company has retained its customer base by providing outstanding transcription services and superb customer service. Historically, PMR has utilized a hybrid of customer provided and home grown systems. But in early 2010, they lost a major client to a popular speech recognition vendor. With this loss came a realization: providing transcription services alone was not enough anymore.

Challenge An MTSO in need of technology prevents additional customer loss to voice recognition and EMR vendors.

The market was quickly evolving, and CFO Peter Pribonic recognized the need to evolve with it. With pressure mounting from current customers to adopt a technology solution that would allow for EMR integration and speech recognition, Peter knew PMR needed a more comprehensive approach. Peter needed a technology partner – one that could provide speech recognition, interfacing services, and automated workflow. He sought a partner that could provide these services as a complement to PMR’s transcription services.

Solution • • • • • • • •

InfraWare 360 Platform Back-end speech recognition Seamless EMR Interfacing Built-in productivity tools Powerful editing features Automated workflow process Mobile eSign and Dictation Secure communications channel

Results “We now have an affordable platform that is always up to date with the latest developments in dictation/transcription, is user friendly, and complements all EMRs from the smallest to the largest medical facilities.” - Peter Pribonic, CFO @ Professional Medical Records Inc.

InfraWare Solution Professional Medical Records Inc. found its technology partner in InfraWare. By implementing the InfraWare 360 Platform (along with its suite of applications into the workflow) PMR gained an automated workflow, access to a 24/7 Support Desk, and continuity of service for their customers. The transition to the InfraWare software was smooth and the automated workflow easily incorporated their existing technologies and practice to produce a comprehensive and robust medical transcription service. “My business associate and I thought our transcription service would soon come to an end as we were not able to compete in the market because the purchase of a dictation platform was not cost effective,” Peter recalled. “That changed when we found InfraWare.” Infraware provided Peter with the speech recognition that was needed, along with enhanced workflow and supplemental marketing material to help Professional Medical Records Inc. grow.

Results Professional Medical Records Inc. now enjoys a fully automated workflow process. They no longer need to worry about lacking the ability to integrate with EMR’s, provide comprehensive and accurate speech recognition, or any other technical limitations they once faced. Having now been exposed to increased productivity and faster turn-around times, Peter shares it best when he says: “We now have an affordable platform that is always up to date with the latest developments in dictation/transcription, is user friendly, and complements all EMRs.” The future of Professional Medical Records Inc. is now much more secure with InfraWare as its technology partner.