Table of Contents. Academic Course of Study. 3. ▫ Clinical Nurse Specialist/
Health Systems Management Dual Track. ▫ Nurse Educator Certificate.
Professional ...
Professional Portfolio The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
Table of Contents Academic Course of Study
Clinical Nurse Specialist/Health Systems Management Dual Track Nurse Educator Certificate
Professional & Educational Goals
Professional Goal Statement Educational Objective CNS Core Competencies Personal Professional & Educational Goals
Clinical Summary
Scholarly Products
Scholarly Papers Research Projects Educational Projects Policy (TBD) Business Plan
Letters of Reference
Appendices A-D (Papers)
Academic Course of Study1 Clinical Nurse Specialist/Health Systems Management Dual Track COURSE NUMBER
Core Courses
NR 110.500 NR 110.501 NR 110.503 NR 110.504
Philosophical, Theoretical, and Ethical Basis for Nursing Intermediate Biostatistics Applications of Research to Practice Context of Health Care for Advanced Practice Nursing
3 3 3 3
Advanced Practice Core Courses
NR 110.502 NR 110.508 NR 110.536* or 537* NR 110.549
Physiology/Pathophysiology I Clinical Pharmacology Advanced Health Assessment and Measurement: Adult/Geriatric or Pediatric Variations Advanced Health Assessment & Measurement
3 3
Strategies in Nursing Management CNS Role Specialty Practicum I CNS Specialty Practicum II CNS Outcomes Specialty Practicum III Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Program Development & Evaluation in Health Care Leadership & Management in Health Care Business Plan
3 3 3 3 1 2 3 1
Education Requirement Financial Management Requirement Organization Management Theory Requirement
3 3 3
1 2
Specialty Courses
NR 110.512 NR 110.520* NR 110.521* NR 110.522* NR 110.546 NR 110.560 NR 110.605 NR 110.608
TOTAL 49-50 * Course has a clinical component
Nurse Educator Certificate COURSE NUMBER
Teaching Strategies in Nursing
NR110.830 NR110.542 NR110.638
The Evolving Roles of the Nurse Educator Educational Evaluation Curriculum Theory and Design
3 3 3 TOTAL
Adapted from:
Professional & Educational Goals Professional Goal Statement My professional goal upon completion of the JHUSON MSN/CNS, Adult Health/Health Systems Management program with certification as a Nurse Educator is to find a full-time position that will allow me to translate my theoretical and clinical knowledge into individual, staff, and systems improvements in an acute care adult health setting.
Educational Objective Upon completion of this MSN program, I will be able to successfully practice within the aspects delineated by the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists competencies.
CNS Core Competencies Modes of Accomplishment 1. Use knowledge of differential illness diagnoses and treatments in comprehensive, holistic assessments of patients within the context of disease, diagnosis, treatments. The outcome of differential diagnosis of illness is to explicate etiology(ies) that require nursing interventions to prevent or alleviate the illness;
Documentation of Accomplishment
Didactic Course Work: NR110.536 Advanced Health Assessment and Measurement – Adult/Geriatric Variations
Increased fluency in adult/geriatric assessments.
NR100.502 Physiological/Pathophysiological Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice
PowerPoint Presentation with Concept Map: Esophageal Varices and Alcohol Metabolism
NR100.508 Clinical Pharmacology
Increased knowledge of pharmacological interventions.
Clinical Practicum: NR110.536 Advanced Health Assessment and Measurement – Adult/Geriatric Variations
Completed 3 episodic and 3 comprehensive history and physical evaluations.
NR110.520 CNS Role Specialty Practicum I: Acute/Critical Care
Project with PowerPoint Presentation: Overview of Congestive Heart Failure for New Graduate Orientation.
NR110.521 CNS Role Specialty Practicum II: Acute/Critical Care
PowerPoint Presentation with Case Study: Matters of the Heart
2. Design, implement, and evaluate innovative individual and/or population-based programs of care to achieve desired quality, cost-effective, and nurse-sensitive outcomes.
Didactic Course Work: NR100.810 Theory and Concepts of Health Behavior and Health Promotion
Paper: Electronic Health Record Adoption: A BlendedLearning Approach
NR110.560 Program Development and Evaluation in Health Care
Logic Model: New Graduate Nurse Satisfaction Measurement
Clinical Practicum: NR110.520 CNS Role Specialty Practicum I: Acute/Critical Care
Paper: New Graduate Nurse Orientation: An Effective Retention Strategy
NR110.522 CNS Role Specialty Practicum III: Acute/Critical Care
Paper: Outcomes Analysis: STAT Medication Management Project PowerPoint Presentation: Streamlining STAT Medications
3. Serve as educator/leader/consultant/mentor/change agent in advancing the practice of nursing among other nurses and across organizations to achieve outcomes.
Didactic Course Work: NR110.404 Information Technology in Nursing
Project: Voice-Over PowerPoint Presentation: Mexico, Let’s Wash Today for a Safer Tomorrow: An H1N1 Prevention Educational Guide for Healthcare Workers in Mexico.
NR110.540 Strategies for Teaching/Clinical Teaching in Nursing
Multimedia Prezi Presentation: “A Clin-Who?”: A Brief Overview of the Clinical Nurse Specialist Role Project: Teaching Plan for CNS Prezi Presentation.
NR110.830 The Evolving Roles of the Nurse Educator
Paper: Nurse Educators and Gen Y: A Teaching Perspective PowerPoint Presentation: Millenials
Clinical Practicum: NR110.520 CNS Role Specialty Practicum I: Acute/Critical Care
NR110.521 CNS Role Specialty Practicum II: Acute/Critical Care 4. Advance nursing practice through innovative evidence-based interventions, best-practice guidelines, and modification of professional standards and organizational policies that direct the care of nursing personnel and other providers of healthcare to improve outcomes.
Paper with PowerPoint Presentation: New Graduate RN Orientation: Patient Presentation, Disease Management, and Education for Congestive Heart Failure. Case Study with PowerPoint Presentation: Matters of the Heart: Patient presentation, Disease Management, Patient/ Staff/Systems Assessment, Cultural Competence for Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Didactic Course Work: NR110.503 Application of Research to Practice
Paper: State of the Science on Electronic Health Record Implementation Strategies in Hospitals: Role of the Nurse
NR110.504 Context of Healthcare for Advanced Practice Nursing
Paper: Need for Electronic Health Record Adoption Project: Online Wiki: “Am I Covered”: An Overview of Healthcare Financing
NR110.599 Independent Study: Course Evaluation
Project: Assessment of and implementation of a best-practice in course evaluations.
Clinical Practicum:
5. Lead multidisciplinary groups to facilitate
NR110.520 CNS Role Specialty Practicum I: Acute/Critical Care
Implementation of a New Graduate RN Orientation Program.
NR110.522 CNS Role Specialty Practicum III: Acute/Critical Care
Implementation of an evidence-based STAT medication access project in the hospital.
Didactic Course Work:
collaboration with other disciplines in the attainment of outcomes across the continuum of care.
NR110.560 Program Development and Evaluation in Health Care
Increased knowledge of multidisciplinary collaboration in program development and execution.
NR110.599 Independent Study: ACT Program
Collaborated with Medicine and Health Systems Management Residents to design and implement a project.
Clinical Practicum:
Interpret the dimensions of nursing care requiring resources at the system level, and provide leadership to assure that the system adequately supports the delivery of nursing care.
NR110.521 CNS Role Specialty Practicum II: Acute/Critical Care
Recommended the use of local Sigma Theta Tau Chapter resources for a hospital research day in a Research Council Meeting. ??
NR110.522 CNS Role Specialty Practicum III: Acute/Critical Care
Led intra-departmental project meetings with Pharmacy to develop a STAT medication management process in the hospital.
Didactic Course Work: NR110.560 Program Development and Evaluation in Health Care
Project: Logic Model, Statement of Focus, Action Plan, and Budget creation for New Graduate Nurse Satisfaction Measurement.
Clinical Practicum: NR110.520 CNS Role Specialty Practicum I: Acute/Critical Care
Hospital-wide implementation of Alaris Infusion Pumps: Staff/Vendor and nursing leadership coordination by CNS.
NR110.521 CNS Role Specialty Practicum II: Acute/Critical Care
Evaluated the hospitalwide implementation of Central Line Associated BloodStream Infection (CLABSI) Interventions. Examined the Magnet Status interventions
such as the creation of a research-handbook for the staff nurse. NR110.522 CNS Role Specialty Practicum III: Acute/Critical Care
Analyzed STAT medication orders and delivery process to create a streamlined management of urgent medications. Increased knowledge of the Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety Program (CUSP) and Translating Research Into Practice (TRIP) Models. Attended national CLABSI and CUSP Coaching Teleconferences.
7. Expand the practice of nursing through ongoing generation and acquisition of scientific knowledge and skills to maintain expert clinical competencies that leads to desired outcomes.
Didactic Course Work: NR110.500 Philosophical, Theoretical, and Ethical Basis for Nursing
Increased knowledge about ethical, middlerange, and grand nursing theories. Paper: Genetic Testing through an Ethical Lens
NR110.501 Intermediate Biostatistics
Analyzed and interpreted statistical findings in nursing research.
NR110.503 Application of Research to Practice
Researched the State of the Science on Electronic Health Record Implementation Strategies in Hospitals.
Clinical Practicum: NR110.521 CNS Role Specialty Practicum II: Acute/Critical Care
Attended Chesapeake Critical Care Consortium classes for Cardiovascular Care: EKG Interpretation, Pathophysiology, Pharmacologic Management, Emergency
Monitoring and Management. NR110.522 CNS Role Specialty Practicum III: Acute/Critical Care 8. Demonstrate professional citizenship and fiscal responsibility in the health care system by focusing on health policy and/or resource management to ensure quality, cost-effective outcomes of nursing care.
Attended national CLABSI and CUSP Coaching Teleconferences.
Didactic Course Work: NR110.560 Program Development and Evaluation in Health Care
Created a budget for a prospective New Graduate Nurse Satisfaction Measurement Project.
Clinical Practicum: NR110.521 CNS Role Specialty Practicum II: Acute/Critical Care
Assisted in policy revisions for the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Policy.
NR110.522 CNS Role Specialty Practicum III: Acute/Critical Care
Attended the MidAtlantic CNS Affiliate Fall Meeting.
Personal Professional & Educational Goals 1. Relate how the diverse roles of the CNS may be expressed in my own future CNS practice.
Didactic Course Work: NR110.504 Context of Healthcare for Advanced Practice Nursing
Identified personal strengths that compliment the attributes and competencies of the CNS.
NR110.540 Strategies for Teaching/Clinical Teaching in Nursing
Created a multimedia presentation that summarizes the CNS role for incoming CNS students in the Online CNS track at the JHUSON.
Clinical Practicum: NR110.520 CNS Role Specialty Practicum I: Acute/Critical Care
Preliminary associations drawn from CNS Weekly Logs.
NR110.522 CNS Role Specialty Practicum III:
Application of CNS roles integrated in
Acute/Critical Care
2. Associate underlying pathophysiology to relevant clinical problems for staff/self education.
clinical practice through interdisciplinary initiatives, outcomes analysis, and educational efforts.
Didactic Course Work: NR100.502 Physiological/Pathophysiological Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice
Created a concept map to make associations about a disease process and underlying pathophysiology.
Clinical Practicum:
3. Identify and utilize creative teaching-learning strategies to improve comprehension of a clinical issue for a patient/staff nurse.
NR110.520 CNS Role Specialty Practicum I: Acute/Critical Care
Presented an overview of CHF to New Graduate RNs: related signs and symptoms to pathophysiology.
NR110.521 CNS Role Specialty Practicum II: Acute/Critical Care
Participated in 4 Chesapeake Critical Care Consortium classes related to Cardiovascular Care: EKG Interpretation, Pathophysiology, Pharmacologic Management, Emergency Monitoring and Management.
Didactic Course Work: NR110.404 Information Technology in Nursing
Created a Voice-Over PowerPoint presentation: Mexico, Let’s Wash Today for a Safer Tomorrow: An H1N1 Prevention Educational Guide for Healthcare Workers in Mexico.
NR100.502 Physiological/Pathophysiological Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice
Created a concept map to make associations about a disease process and underlying pathophysiology: Esophageal Varices
Increased knowledge
Strategies for Teaching/Clinical Teaching in Nursing
of the Top 100 Educational teachinglearning strategies of 2009.
NR100.830 The Evolving Roles of the Nurse Educator
Increased knowledge of teaching-learning theories and frameworks to guide teaching strategies. Utilized multi-media videos in a PowerPoint Presentation to demonstrate the learning needs of Generation Y students: Millenials. Utilized concept maps to delineate relationships between roles of the nurse educator and nursing education.
Clinical Practicum:
4. Identify current evidence-based practices and emerging trends in healthcare.
NR110.520 CNS Role Specialty Practicum I: Acute/Critical Care
Administered crossword puzzles and a case-study to educate New Graduate Nurses about CHF.
NR110.521 CNS Role Specialty Practicum II: Acute/Critical Care
Utilized role-play and a case-study to illustrate the dynamic of all CNS core competencies during issue resolution: Matters of the Heart.
NR110.522 CNS Role Specialty Practicum III: Acute/Critical Care
Created a Voice-OverPowerPoint Presentation about STAT Medication management for a department-wide nursing meeting.
Didactic Course Work: NR110.503 Application of Research to Practice
Researched best practices for Electronic Health Record Implementation Strategies.
Clinical Practicum: NR110.520 CNS Role Specialty Practicum I: Acute/Critical Care
Researched best practices for New Graduate Nurse Orientation Programs. Utilized f the 2009 Focused Updates for ACCF/AHA Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure in Adults recommendations for CHF Overview Presentation.
5. Identify strategies for successful program development and implementation.
NR110.521 CNS Role Specialty Practicum II: Acute/Critical Care
Utilized the 2007 Focused Update of the ACC/AHA/SCAI 2005 Guideline Update for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and the 2007 Guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina/non STelevation myocardial infarction executive summary for the Matters of the Heart Presentation.
NR110.522 CNS Role Specialty Practicum III: Acute/Critical Care
Investigated bestpractices regarding STAT medication management and the use of a completely computerized medication dispensing system in the hospital.
Didactic Course Work: NR110.560 Program Development and Evaluation in Health Care
Increased knowledge of program design, planning, and evaluation strategies.
NR100.810 Theory and Concepts of Health Behavior and Health Promotion
Increased knowledge of theoretical frameworks that guide program development and evaluation.
Clinical Practicum:
CLINICAL SUMMARY OF CNS PROGRAM OF STUDY Semester, Year Clinical Hours Completed
Fall 2009: NR110.536 Clinical hours completed: 83
Spring 2010:NR110.520 Clinical hours completed: 168
Summer 2010:NR110.521 Clinical hours completed: 168
Fall 2010: NR110.522 Clinical hours completed: 168
Preceptor, credentials, clinical site; population characteristics; scope of influence (e.g. patient, staff, organization)
Title of scholarly products (e.g., manuscript, PPT presentation, CE program, pt ed program, etc)
List associated CNS skills and competencies addressed during each experience (must relate to CNS Scope and Standards)
Preceptor: Mary Donnelly Strozzo, MS, MPH, CRNP Population characteristics: Adults (18-65 yrs) Caucasian/AfricanAmerican/Asian/ Hispanic Scope of influence: Patient
Scholarly projects: Comprehensive Health History History of Present Illness Episodic History and Physical
CNS competencies Direct Care Educator Research
Preceptor: Rona D. Corral-Stewart, MSN, RN, CNS Population characteristics: New Graduate RNs at a community/acute-care hospital Scope of influence: Staff
Scholarly project: New Graduate Orientation Program CHF Overview Presentation
CNS competencies Collaboration Coaching Research Educator Leadership
Preceptor: Deborah Harper, RN, MS Population characteristics: Cardiac patients at a community/acute-care hospital. Scope of influence: Patient
Scholarly project: Matters of the Heart Case Study
CNS competencies Research Educator Leadership Collaboration
Scholarly project:
CNS competencies Collaboration Leadership Research Consultant Consultant
Melinda Sawyer, RN, MSN, PCCN
Population characteristics: Data and outcomes analysis. Scope of influence: System
Outcomes Analysis
Scholarly Products
Research projects Educational projects
1. Need for Electronic Health Record Adoption 2. Electronic Health Record Adoption: A Blended- Learning Approach 3. Electronic Health Record Implementation Strategies in Hospitals: The Role of the Nurse 4. Nurse Educators and Generation Y: A Teaching Perspective 5. New Graduate Nurse Orientation: An Effective Retention Strategy TBD 1. Logic Model: New Graduate Nurse Satisfaction Measurement 2. Online Wiki: “Am I Covered?”: An Overview of Healthcare Financing 3. PowerPoint Presentation with Case Study: Matters of the Heart 4. PowerPoint Presentation with Concept Map: Esophageal Varices and Alcohol Metabolism 5. PowerPoint Presentation with Learning Activity: CHF Overview and Nursing Management 6. PowerPoint Presentation: Millenials. 7. Voice-Over PowerPoint Presentation: Mexico, Let’s Wash Today for a Safer Tomorrow: An H1N1 Prevention Educational Guide for Healthcare Workers in Mexico. 8. Voice-Over-PowerPoint Presentation: State of the Science: Electronic Health Record Adoption in the Hospital: The Role of the Nurse 9. Voice-Over-PowerPoint Presentation: Streamlining STAT Medication Management in the Hospital 10. Voice-Over-PowerPoint-Prezi Presentation: “A Clin-Who?: A Brief Overview of the Clinical Nurse Specialist Role