Israel) who went down to Eilat, to the most southern point of Israel on the occasion of. Shlomo Havlin's 60'th birthday. âWeâ â are scientists interested in ...
Professor Shlomo Havlin
Preface We have gathered together from all over the world in Israel, in January 2003, to discuss science and to honor a friend. “We” – are colleagues, friends, admirers, former students and current students of Shlomo Havlin. “We” – are more than 85 scientists from 9 countries (USA, Germany, UK, France, Hungary, Poland, Greece, Italy and Israel) who went down to Eilat, to the most southern point of Israel on the occasion of Shlomo Havlin’s 60’th birthday. “We” – are scientists interested in “Randomness and Complexity”, topics to which Shlomo has contributed so much in the last three decades. The detailed topics of the workshop included: 1. Physics in Disordered Media; 2. Complex Systems (Biology, Econophysics, Climate and Networks); 3. Reaction-Di>usion Systems. The scienti?c program consisted of 36 invited lectures, 25 minutes each, in a singlesession format. The poster sessions included more than 20 posters and attracted great interest. The program allowed for long breaks for discussions, excursions and rest. The excursions covered Eilat’s unique combination of land, sky and sea attractions, and contributed very much to the friendly atmosphere. In this special volume of Physica A we have tried to keep the scienti?c memories of this international workshop, and to share them with the readers of the Journal. We would like to thank the sponsors who made this great event possible. The workshop was primarily a research workshop of the ISF (Israel Science Foundation), co-sponsored by the BSF (US-Israel Bi-National Science Foundation), and Bar-Ilan University (Vice President for Research and the Emmy Noether Mathematical Institute). We greatly appreciate their support! We also thank The Eilat Princess Hotel for superb hospitality, and The Department of Public Relations at Bar-Ilan University and Mr. Eli Ya’ish for their help in organizing the workshop. Finally, we wish Shlomo – “Happy Birthday!” And many more years to come! Organizing Committee: Haim Taitelbaum (Ramat-Gan), CHAIR Armin Bunde (Giessen) Raoul Kopelman (Michigan) Yossi Lereah (Tel-Aviv) H. Eugene Stanley (Boston) Web-Site:
0378-4371/$ - see front matter ? 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2003.11.006