Location: Museum National of Natural History (Paris, France) Laboratory UMR 7245 MCAM MNHN-CNRS, MNHN CP 39, 12 Rue Buffon, 75231 Paris. Dir. Prof. P. Grellier,
[email protected]. Contact : Prof. C. Bernard,
[email protected]. Dead-line of the application: June 2017 Keywords: Ecotoxicology, Microbial Ecology, Environmental Biology, Environmental Health, Environment Research: We seek an experienced scientific researcher that can strengthen and consolidate the ecotoxicology research in the MNHN, in the context of the National Research Strategy. Ecotoxicology is an increasingly important social issue because of the growing impact of contaminants from human activities on the environment and health of living organisms. These contaminants, biological, chemical or physical, profoundly alter the physiology of organisms with consequences on their biological processes, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning. The selected candidate will develop research projects in microbial ecotoxicology within the MCAM group. The themes identified as priorities include the effects of contaminants on microorganisms, the role of microorganisms on the dynamics of contaminants (e.g. nanoparticle and microalgae interactions), and the effects of microbial on macroorganisms living in aquatic ecosystems. In addition, emphasis will be placed on the societal issues associated with ecotoxicology. The selected professor will also be responsible for strengthening the synergy between research projects in ecotoxicology currently in place within the different MNHN laboratories (e.g. bioremediation, risks associated with blooms of toxic microorganisms, endocrine disruptors and chemicals contaminant effects on the reproduction). The candidate must therefore have a strong motivation for multidisciplinary and collaborative projects. To support his / her research, the selected candidate will benefit from a robust methodological environment with the latest generation of analytical tools (“-omics” tools including metabolomics, proteomics, genomics / transcriptomics, ...), the technical platforms of the MNHN (mass spectrometry, NMR, and electronic and photonic imaging, NanoSIMS) and both the experimental ecology facilities of the Ile-de-France region (e.g. experimental platform Planaqua of Foljuif ENS / CNRS) and the national ecotoxicology facilities (e.g. Rovaltain platform). Collections: The professor will be involved in the promotion of the Biological Resources Collections, which include six collections of cryopreserved material and living microorganisms (http://www.mnhn.fr/fr/collections/ensembles-collections/ressourcesbiologiques-cellulesvivantes-cryopreserved) to the national and international network of biological resource centers (BRCs). Education: The professor will be involved in the MNHN Master's degree programs, particularly in the MVE (Mechanisms Life and Environment) specialty. He / She will be in charge of developing future training in environmental toxicology and ecotoxicology at the MNHN, in close complementarity with the courses and programs offered by the institutions of ComUE Sorbonne University (http://www.sorbonne-universites.fr/). 1