Profile of children with short stature from a tertiary care centre in North India .... children of achondroplasia/ spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia, 7 children of Turner's ...
Profile of children with short stature from a tertiary care centre in North India Deep Dutta, Richa Arora, Devendu Bhushan, Harmandeep Gill, Navyjoti Barman, Bhanu K Bhakri, Krishna Biswas
Department of Endocrinology, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi 249 records of short stature referral (2003-2007)
INTRODUCTION Stature plays an important role in the determination of personality of a child. Primarily determined by ethnicity and genetic potential, stature can also be affected by potentially any long term morbidity during childhood. The ongoing dynamicity in the population is expected to bring about changes in the spectrum of etiologies behind short stature.
To study the present etiological trends for short stature in a tertiary care referral institute in North India To compare the characteristics of children with variable etiologies at presentation and follow up
INCLUSION CRITERIA: At least 5 years of follow up, or Attained 18 years age Etiological Evaluation: Perinatal & post natal history Clinical Examination X-Ray for bone age (TW2 Method) Hemogram, LFT, Ca++, PO4, ALP,FBS T4, TSH Optional Tests [Clonidine Stimulation test (4mcg/kg)/ITT] for GHD 8am cortisol, Prolactin, LH, FSH, testosterone IgG-anti tissue transglutaminase (anti-TTG) Urine pH
EXCLUDED: 91 records did not fulfill the inclusion criteria
158 records of short stature children analyzed EXCLUDED: 13 children did not fulfill definition of short stature 6 children had normal stature
139 records considered for final analysis
Initial height standard deviation score (SDS), target height SDS, final height SDS & change in height SDS from initial to final (Δ Height SDS) was calculated for all children (Agarwal Charts) 1,2
MATERIAL & METHODS Retrospective analysis of the case records of children referred for short stature, between year 2003 and 2007. Short stature was defined as height