into the detailed information from which a product ... COURSE OUTLINE. ⢠Introduction to Emerging ... Computer Science
PROFORMA FOR APPLICATION Two-Day Third National Workshop on Emerging Materials & Applications (December 02-03, 2010)
Two-Day Third National Workshop On
1. Name (Block Letters):
CONVENER Dr.(Mrs.).N.R.Alamelu,Principal,AVIT
ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dr.P.K.Bhattacharya Dean , Faculty Development & Interdisciplinary Programme
Dr.T.K.Seshadri,Dean,Research Prof.R.Kalavathy,Vice-Principal Dr. (Ms.).Giri Rengasami, Dean,BioSciences Dr.A.Rangadurai,Dean,Sciences Mr.S.Srinivasan,Senior Manager, Ashok Leyland,Hosur Mr.B.K.Venkatesh, CEO, TECHMAT, Chennai Mr.N.SampathKumar, CEO,Ambattur Metal Treaters,Chennai
2. Name and address of the Organisation:
3. Branch of Specialisation: 4. Address for Correspondence:
Organised By Department of Mechanical Engineering (Accredited by NBA) Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution) Vinayaka Missions University Old Mahabalipuram Road,Paiyanoor – 603104. Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu.
E-mail: Mobile: 5. Accommodation Required: YES/NO (If YES Date & time of Arrival :___________________)
in collaboration with 6. Payment Mode: CASH/CHEQUE/DD (Cheque/DD No. with date:______________________) 7. Signature of the Applicant:
IMPORTANT DATES • Last date for receipt of Application Forms: 25-11-10. • Communication to the selected candidates: 26-11-10. • Confirmation of Participation by the applicant:27-11-10.
ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION Prof.K.V.Krishna Sastry, Co-ordinator, Workshop on Emerging Materials & Applications, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Vinayaka Missions University, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Paiyanoor – 603104. Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu. Fax 044-27443800
8. Sponsorship Certificate: Mr./Ms./Dr._______________________, an employee of our Institution /College/University/Organization is sponsored to attend the Two day Third National
Madras Metallurgical Society
workshop on “Emerging Materials & Applications”, if selected. Signature Name and Designation of Sponsoring Authority with seal
Mobile 09840189105 (Prof. K. V. Krishna Sastry) 09840138585 (Mr.N.Lakshminarayanan) 09940242566 (Mr.J.Senthil) E-mail
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
OBJECTIVE Materials have limited design since man first made clothes, built shelters and waged wars. They still do. But materials and processes to shape them are developing faster now than at any previous time in history; the challenges and opportunities they present are greater than ever before. Design is the process of translating a new idea or a market need into the detailed information from which a product can be manufactured. Each of its stages requires decisions about the materials from which the product is to be made and the process for making it. Normally, the choice of material is dictated by the design. The number of materials available to the engineer is vast: something between 40 000 and 80 000 are at his or her disposal and although standardization strives to reduce the number, the continuing appearance of new materials with novel, exploitable, properties expands the options further. Due to the wide choice of materials, today’s engineers are posed with a big challenge for the right selection of a material and the right selection of a manufacturing process for an application. Material selection for the automotive market is driven by cost and energy efficiency. The aerospace market emphasizes high performance and lightweight materials. Consumer products, where performance is not a critical factor, are driven by cost and handling. The sporting goods market demands high performance and lightweight materials. The marine industry emphasizes lightweight and corrosion-resistant materials. With the technological advancements, new material systems and processes are being developed and are growing faster than ever before. This workshop has been designed to address the above issues and to explore the newly emerging materials applied in scientific and engineering fields. COURSE OUTLINE • Introduction to Emerging Materials in Scientific & Engineering Applications • Smart Materials/Bio-Medical Materials • Composite materials /Aerospace Materials • Materials for Automotive Applications • Nano-Materials for Engineering Applications • Advanced Materials in Defence Applications • Semi-Conductor Materials/Hybrid Materials
ABOUT THE COLLEGE The Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology is one of the premier engineering colleges under Vinayaka Missions University. It has well-established infrastructure with state of the art facilities suitable for quality engineering education. The university is located at Paiyanoor, Old Mahabalipuram Road near to the renowned & world famous tourist destination Mahabalipuram and is about 60 kms from Chennai by road. The weather is cool at Paiyanoor during December. Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology is an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution, completing its first decade of service to the community by imparting technical education with various departments offering sixteen courses namely Civil, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Automobile, Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation, Electronics and Communication, Telecommunication Engineering, Bio-Medical, Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, Bio-Technology, Bio-Informatics Engineering, Master of Business Administration and Master of Computer Applications. The institution has Centre for Advanced Research & Development (CARD) to enhance and enrich the research feasibilities for both Faculty Members & Students. The major Undergraduate courses have been accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The Department of Mechanical Engineering was started in the year 1998. The Department offers 3 undergraduate courses, both full time and part-time in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering & Automobile Engineering. Mechanical Engineering course has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The Department is associated with professional bodies like Madras Metallurgical Society (MMS), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) & Indian Institution of Production Engineers (IIPE). The Department has well equipped laboratories with state of the art facilities and has signed MOUs with various industries and professional societies for training programmes, projects and research work. ABOUT MMS Madras Metallurgical Society (MMS) is a non-profitable professional society for the aspirants of material science and metallurgy. MMS has spread its technical hand to academic institutions to incorporate the significance of Engineering Materials to the young
students’ community. Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology is the first institution to collaborate with MMS and start the Students’ Chapter. ELIGIBILITY • Teaching Fraternity from Academic Institutions • PG Students & Research Scholars • Scientists/Engineers & other Professionals from industries and Research Establishments. RESOURCE PERSONS Shri.R.Venugopal,Additional Director, CVRDE, Chennai. Dr.M.D.Mathew,Head,Mech Metallurgy Div.,IGCAR,Kalpakkam. Dr.T.P.D.Rajan, Scientist D, CSIR, Trivandrum. Dr.V.Sampath, Professor, Metallurgy & Mtls Engg.IITM,Chennai Dr. S.Ram Prabhu,Professor,Dept. of Physics,IITM, Chennai.
Dr.R.AshokaMani,Research-Consultant,Chennai. Mr.Arun Kumar Sampath ,Automotive Infotronics, Chennai. Mrs.S.Dhanalakshmi, Scientist E, CVRDE, Chennai. Mr.S.Boopathy,Manager, 3M India Technologies,Bangalore. REGISTRATION FEE Category
MMS Members
Non-MMS Members
Teachers/Research Scholars from Academic Institutions
PG Students Participants from Industries/R&D
MODE OF PAYMENT All payments should be made by a crossed cheque or crossed demand draft from any nationalized bank drawn in favour of “The Principal, AVIT” payable in Chennai. ACCOMMODATION Arrangement will be made to accommodate the participants in the College Hostel on twin sharing basis in College campus at nominal charges. No TA/DA will be paid to the participants. Participants can avail our college buses plying from different parts of Chennai, Chengulpet, Kalpakkam and Kancheepuram.