J Neurosurg 107:830–840, 2007
Prognostic factors for outcome after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism JEANETTE M. HANSON, D.V.M., PH.D.,1 ERIK TESKE, D.V.M., PH.D.,1 GEORGE VOORHOUT, D.V.M., PH.D.,2 SARA GALAC, D.V.M., PH.D.,1 HANS S. KOOISTRA, D.V.M., PH.D.,1 AND BJÖRN P. MEIJ, D.V.M., PH.D.1 Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals; and 2Division of Diagnostic Imaging, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands 1
Object. The aim of this study was to determine prognostic factors for outcome after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH). Methods. One veterinary neurosurgeon performed transsphenoidal hypophysectomies in 181 dogs with PDH over a 12-year period. Survival analysis was performed with the Kaplan–Meier method. Prognostic factors were analyzed with the univariate Cox proportional hazard analysis followed by stepwise multivariate analysis. The log-rank test was used to assess disease-free fractions in three groups categorized according to early postoperative urinary corticoid/creatinine (C/C) ratios. Results. Multivariate analysis revealed that old age, large pituitary size, and high preoperative concentrations of plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone were associated with an increased risk of PDH-related death. In addition, large pituitary size, thick sphenoid bone, high C/C ratio, and high concentration of plasma a-melanocyte–stimulating hormone (a-MSH) before surgery were associated with an increased risk of disease recurrence in the dogs that went into remission after hypophysectomy. Disease-free fractions were significantly higher in dogs with postoperative urinary C/C ratios in the lower normal range (, 5 3 1026) than in dogs with postoperative C/C ratios in the upper normal range (5–10 3 1026). Conclusions. The results of this study indicate that pituitary size, sphenoid bone thickness, plasma a-MSH concentration, and preoperative level of urinary cortisol excretion are predictors of long-term remission after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy for PDH in dogs. Urinary C/C ratios measured 6 to 10 weeks after surgery can be used as a guide for predicting the risk of tumor recurrence. (DOI: 10.3171/JNS-07/10/0830)
KEY WORDS • adenohypophysis • Cushing disease • dog • hypercortisolism • survival analysis
hyperadrenocorticism, or Cushing disease, is a common endocrine disorder in dogs that accounts for 85% of spontaneous hypercortisolism cases,50 and which has been reported on previously as an animal model for Cushing disease.29 Hypophysectomy has been proven as an effective treatment for this condition in dogs.24,34 However, in humans with Cushing disease transsphenoidal selective adenomectomy is the treatment of choice.3,7,31 The short-term outcome after pituitary surgery is better for surgeons and hospitals with high case loads.3
Abbreviations used in this paper: ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; a-MSH = a-melanocyte–stimulating hormone; C/C = corticoid/creatine; CI = confidence interval; CT = computed tomography; CV = coefficient of variation; IRMA = immunoradiometric assay; MR = magnetic resonance; P/B = pituitary height/brain area; PDH = pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism.
Patients with Cushing disease have a higher risk of complications after pituitary surgery than patients harboring other types of pituitary tumors.3 Although the reported remission rates are initially high after surgery (70–90%),2,41,42,49 recurrences are common in both humans and dogs, especially over the long term.2,7,12, 13,24,25 Preoperative variables associated with a worse surgical outcome in humans include increased pituitary size 6,8,11, 12,18,22,32,41,49,60 and dural invasion of the pituitary adenoma.6,11, 14,18,35,41 Male sex, large pituitary tumor size, and extrasellar extension are risk factors for residual disease after surgery.6,22,32 In both species, disease-free fractions are lower after surgery for macroadenomas than for microadenomas.6,24,60 Furthermore, age, inability to identify the pituitary tumor on preoperative CT scans or MR images, severity of clinical signs, depression, and high preoperative urinary cortisol levels have been reported as risk factors for recurrence.7,57 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / October, 2007
Prognostic factors for hypophysectomy in dogs Postoperative cortisol measurements are used to define surgical failure and remission in human patients;2,12,17,45,46,49, 54,56,61,66 however, there is no consensus over the interpretation of these values.15,44 A low postoperative serum cortisol concentration measured on the day after surgery (prior to the initiation of glucocorticoid therapy)54 or a low serum cortisol concentration measured 3 months postsurgery when glucocorticoid agents are routinely used45 have been reported to be associated with a low risk of recurrence over the long term. However, for a subgroup of patients postoperative serum cortisol concentrations do not accurately predict surgical outcome.2,45,49,66 Dogs with PDH and enlarged pituitary glands have significantly lower survival rates and disease-free fractions after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy than dogs with normal-sized pituitary glands.24 Also, the presence of pulsatile excretions of ACTH after hypophysectomy is a risk factor for the recurrence of hyperadrenocorticism.23 The aim of the present study is to report the outcome after hypophysectomy in the treatment of 181 dogs with PDH performed at one center by one veterinary neurosurgeon (B.P.M.) with a follow-up period of up to 12 years. Prognostic factors were analyzed for early postoperative death and disease recurrence after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. Materials and Methods Animal Population Over a 12-year period (1993–2005), 181 dogs referred to the Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals at Utrecht University underwent transsphenoidal hypophysectomy as the primary treatment for PDH. Purebred dogs of 57 different breeds and crossbred dogs were represented in the study group. The most common breeds treated were Dachshunds (16 dogs), Minature Poodles (13 dogs), Maltese (eight dogs), and Yorkshire Terriers (eight dogs), which together comprised 25% of the dogs. Eighty dogs were male (25 had been castrated), and 101 were female (62 had been spayed). The age at the time of surgery ranged from 3 to 14 years (median 9 years). The dogs’ weights ranged from 4 to 61 kg (median 15 kg) with 88 dogs weighing 15 kg or less, 60 dogs weighing between 15 and 30 kg, and 33 dogs weighing more than 30 kg. In addition, the dogs were divided into three groups according to skull shape: brachycephalic (eight dogs), mesaticephalic (125 dogs), and dolicocephalic (10 dogs). The 38 crossbred dogs were not categorized by skull shape. In most dogs the classic features of canine hyperadrenocorticism were obvious, including polyuria, polyphagia, truncal obesity, a potbelly appearance, muscle atrophy, and skin changes such as skin atrophy, alopecia, and calcinocis cutis (Fig. 1 upper).50 Some dogs also had neurological signs due to tumor mass effect.50 Diagnosis of Hyperadrenocorticism The diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was based on the C/C ratios from two consecutive morning urine samples combined with a high-dose dexamethasone test, as described in earlier studies.53,59 After collecting the second urine sample, three oral doses of 0.1 mg/kg dexamethasone were administered at 8-hour intervals, and the next morning a third urine sample was obtained. If the C/C ratio of the third sample was less than 50% of the mean of the first two samples, the dog was categorized as being responsive to dexamethasone suppression, and PDH was diagnosed.20 In cases of less than 50% suppression, dexamethasone-resistent PDH was confirmed by measurement of plasma ACTH concentration and further supported by visualization of the adrenal glands on ultrasonography and pituitary imaging.10,52,63,64 Imaging Studies Pituitary imaging was performed in anesthetized dogs using a
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third generation CT scanner (155 dogs; Tomoscan CX/S, Philips NV; Fig. 2) or a 0.2-tesla open field MR scanner (26 dogs; Magnetom Open Viva, Siemens AG) using protocols described previously.24,62 The height and width of the pituitary gland were measured on transverse images. The length of the pituitary gland was estimated from images containing a section of the gland (CT scans) or on sagittal reconstructions of the transverse images (MR images). The P/B ratio was calculated to correct for differences in dog size.30 Pituitaries with P/B ratios higher than 0.31 3 1022 mm21 were considered enlarged, and those with P/B ratios less than or equal to 0.31 3 1022 mm21 were considered unenlarged.30 The pituitary height/width, height/length, and width/length ratios were determined to estimate pituitary shape. Pituitary volume was calculated using an ellipsoid approximation model (p/6 3 length 3 width 3 height]).4 The thickness of the sphenoid bone was measured on the transverse image on which pituitary height was measured. Surgery and Postoperative Therapy Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy was performed according to a microsurgical technique described previously.39 Postoperative hormone substitution therapy consisted of cortisone acetate and thyroxine.38 Desmopressin was administered for 2 weeks and continued if polyuria due to central diabetes insipidus persisted.24,38,39 Follow-up after 8 weeks included physical examination, routine blood chemistry tests, and measurements of basal plasma thyroxine concentration at 10 to 12 hours after the administration of L-thyroxine medication, and urine samples collected at home 24 hours after cortisone administration were analyzed to determine the basal C/C ratio. Urinary C/C ratios were computed again 6 months after surgery, and thereafter once a year. In dogs in which recurrence was suspected, the urinary C/C ratio was assessed earlier. Postoperative mortality was defined as death occurring within 4 weeks of surgery, irrespective of the cause of death. Residual disease was defined as an early postoperative (, 2 months after surgery) C/C ratio higher than 10 3 1026, with no resolution of clinical signs and/or the presence of remnant pituitary tumor tissue on early postoperative CT or MR images. Dogs were considered to be in remission with a urinary C/C ratio less than 10 3 1026 and resolution of clinical signs of hyperadrenocorticism. A C/C ratio of 10 3 1026 or higher and the return of clinical signs of hyperadrenocorticism after initially complete remission was considered recurrence. Hormone Level Determinations Plasma ACTH. The plasma ACTH concentration was measured using two different methods during the course of the study. In 59 dogs a radioimmunoassay without extraction was used, according to the procedure validated for use in dogs and described previously.1,10,40 This antiserum also crossreacted with ACTH precursors. The tracer was purchased from International CIS and the standard was obtained from the National Institutes of Health. The intraassay CV in these 59 dogs was 8%, the interassay CV was 12%, and the sensitivity was 2.2 pmol/L. The cross-reactivity with a-MSH was less than 0.1%.10 In 112 dogs plasma ACTH concentrations were measured using a commercially available two-site IRMA (Nichols Institute). The antiserum used in this technique is highly specific for ACTH 1–39. The intraassay CV was 3.2%, the interassay CV was 7.8%, and the sensitivity was 0.22 pmol/L. There was no cross-reactivity between the antiserum and a-MSH or ACTH precursors.10,47 Cortisol. Plasma cortisol concentrations were measured with two comparable methods. In 72 dogs a radioimmunoassay with cortisol antiserum was used as described previously.51 The intraassay CV was 5%, the interassay CV was 10%, and the sensistivity was 1 nmol/L. In 93 dogs plasma cortisol concentrations were measured using a solid phase 125I radioimmunoassay (Coat-A-Count Cortisol; Diagnostic Products Corp.). The antiserum is highly specific for cortisol, with very low cross-reactivity with other compounds. The intraassay CV was 4%, the interassay CV was 4.5 to 6.3%, and the sensitivity was 5.5 nmol/L. Urinary Corticoid Concentration. The urinary corticoid concentration was measured on radioimmunoassay as described previously.53 The intraassay CV was 6%, the interassay CV 8%, and the sensitivity was 1 nmol/L. The urinary corticoid concentration was
J. M. Hanson et al.
FIG. 1. Photographs of a 5-year-old female Boxer dog with features of PDH. Upper: Preoperative image demonstrating abdominal enlargement, atrophy of the thigh muscles, some hair loss in the groins, and severe secondary crusty dermatitis along the dorsum with calcinosis cutis (see inset photograph of shoulder). The dog also had pronounced polydipsia and polyuria, and a ravenous appetite. Lower: Photograph obtained 3 months after hypophysectomy demonstrating less sagging of the abdomen, full recovery of coat, and regain of muscle mass (see inset photograph of shoulder). related to the urinary creatinine concentration (Jaffé kinetic method, initial rate reaction), and the urinary C/C ratio was calculated.53,59 Concentration of a-MSH. The plasma concentration of a-MSH was measured by radioimmunoassay without extraction according to methods described previously.51 The intraassay CV was 10%, the interassay CV was 23%, and the sensitivity was 3 pmol/L. The antiserum had less than 0.1% cross-reactivity with ACTH 1–39 and 4% cross-reactivity with ACTH 1–24. Plasma a-MSH concentrations 36 pmol/L or more were considered increased.10 According to previously described protocols,16 plasma growth hormone concentration was measured using a homologous radioimmunoassay, plasma prolactin and luteinizing hormone concentrations were measured with heterologous radioimmunoassays,43,58 plasma thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration was measured with a homologous IRMA using a commercially available kit (Diagnostic Products Corp.),65 and plasma total thyroxine concentration was measured with a radioimmunoassay, using essentially the same method as was described by Belshaw and Rijnberk.5 Statistical Analysis Survival analyses were performed with commercially available software (Egret; Cytel Inc.). Survival and disease-free fractions were calculated using the Kaplan–Meier method.19 The survival period was defined as the interval between the date of surgery and the date
FIG. 2. Computed tomography scans. Upper: A typical image of the skull obtained in a 13-year-old female crossbred dog with hyperadrenocorticism due to a large pituitary adenoma (arrow). Lower: Image obtained in the same dog 8 weeks after hypophysectomy. on which the dog was last known to be alive, or the date of its death due to any cause. The disease-free interval was calculated for the dogs in which remission of hyperadrenocorticism was obtained and was defined as the interval between the date of surgery and the date on which the dog was last known to be free of signs of hyperadrenocorticism and to have a C/C ratio less than 10 3 1026, or the date of recurrence of signs of hyperadrenocorticism and a C/C ratio 10 3 1026 or higher. Dogs that had died of unrelated causes and dogs that were still alive at the time of follow-up were counted as censored cases. Prognostic factors, expressed as hazard ratios, were first analyzed with univariate Cox proportional hazard analysis. The following variables were analyzed in all dogs: age, sex and castration status, body weight, pituitary height, pituitary width, and pituitary height/width ratio. In 180 dogs, the mean preoperative urinary C/C ratio, mean C/C ratio after high-dose dexamethasone suppression, degree of dexamethasone suppression on the C/C ratio, P/B ratio, and pituitary enlargement were analyzed. In 178 dogs, pituitary length, pituitary height/length ratio, and pituitary width/length ratio, and pituitary volume were analyzed. Other variables analyzed included the following: sphenoid bone thickness (176 dogs), plasma
J. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / October, 2007
Prognostic factors for hypophysectomy in dogs TABLE 1 Summary of preoperative variables* Variable
No. of Dogs
physical characteristics age (yrs) body weight (kg) pit height (mm) pit width (mm) pit length (mm) pit height/width ratio pit height/length ratio pit width/length ratio P/B ratio (mm21) pit vol (mm3) sphenoid thickness (mm) hormone levels ACTH (RIA) (pmol/L) ACTH (IRMA) (pmol/L) cortisol (nmol/L) a-MSH (pmol/L) GH (mg/L) PRL (mg/L) LH (mg/L) TSH (mg/L) thyroxine (nmol/L)
181 181 181 181 178 181 178 178 180 178 176 59 112 165 141 103 78 79 38 41
9 15 5.4 6.2 6.0 0.86 0.97 1.1 0.33 3 1022 89 5.0
3–14 4–61 2.1–15 2.9–17.4 2–18 0.48–1.7 0.48–2.3 0.57–2.4 0.15–1.1 3 1022 10–2400 1.7–10.2
34 19 211 12 0.70 8.2 5.8 0.14 14
4.4–133 0.66–156 2.4–1300 1.4–560 0.10–2.3 0.80–24 1.0–66 0.0–1.4 3.0–26
* GH = growth hormone; LH = luteinizing hormone; pit = pituitary; PRL = prolactin; RIA = radioimmunoassay; TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone.
concentrations of ACTH measured by radioimmunoassay (59 dogs) or IRMA (112 dogs), plasma concentrations of cortisol (165 dogs), a-MSH (141 dogs), growth hormone (103 dogs), plasma prolactin (78 dogs), luteinizing hormone (79 dogs), thyroid-stimulating hormone (38 dogs), and thyroxine (41 dogs). Indicators with a probability value less than 0.10 in the univariate analysis were entered into a stepwise multivariate Cox proportional-hazard analysis with backward elimination using the Newton–Raphson algorithm.19 The C/C ratio in the period 6 to 10 weeks after surgery was measured in 91 of the dogs that went into remission. These dogs were divided into three groups based on the postoperative C/C ratio as follows: C/C ratio less than 1026 (37 dogs), between 1 and 5 3 1026 (35 dogs), and between 5 and 10 3 1026 (19 dogs). Differences between the Kaplan–Meier curves of these three groups were tested for significance (p , 0.05) with the log-rank test.19 Further evaluation of prognostic factors was performed with statistical software (SPSS Benelux BV). Comparisons between two groups of dogs were performed with nonparametric tests for independent variables (Mann–Whitney U-test) and bivariate correlations. Chi-square analysis was used to compare height/width ratio in dogs in remission and in those with residual disease. A probability value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Bonferroni correction with Factor 3 was applied in cases of multiple comparisons. Box-plot graphs were made with SigmaPlot version 9.0 (Systat Software GmbH).
Results The median and range values for preoperative variables are presented in Table 1. The median follow-up time was 636 days (range 1–3002 days). Of the 181 dogs, 14 (7.7%) died postoperatively, 12 (6.6%) had residual disease, and 155 (85.6%) went into remission. Of the dogs in remission, disease recurred in 36 (23%). The pituitary gland was not enlarged in 78 dogs (P/B ratio = , 0.31 3 1022 mm21); 68 of these dogs (87%) went into remission, of which disease J. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / October, 2007
FIG. 3. Survival curves calculated with Kaplan–Meier analysis for dogs after transsphenoidal surgery for the treatment of PDH. Upper: Survival time for the 181 dogs included in the study. Lower: Disease-free period for 155 dogs with initial remission. Censored cases (dogs still alive at the time of follow-up or that died of unrelated causes) are represented by vertical bars.
recurred in 12 cases (18%). The pituitary gland was enlarged in 102 dogs (P/B ratio . 0.31 3 1022 mm21); 86 (84%) went into remission and 24 (28%) had a recurrence. The plasma a-MSH concentration was less than 36 pmol/L in 122 dogs. Of the 19 dogs with elevated concentrations of a-MSH, nine had recurrences. These dogs were all among the 11 dogs with preoperative a-MSH concentrations higher than 120 pmol/L; six of these nine dogs had dexamethasone-resistant PDH and an enlarged pituitary gland. The 1-year estimated survival rate was 86% (95% CI 80–91). The 2-year estimated survival rate was 83% (95% CI 76–88%), the 3-year estimated survival rate was 80% (95% CI 73–86%). The 4-year estimated survival rate was 79% (95% CI 70–85%) (Fig. 3 upper). The 1-year estimated disease-free fraction was 90% (95% CI 84–94%), the 2year estimated disease-free fraction was 77% (95% CI 68–84%), the 3-year estimated disease-free fraction was 72% (95% CI 62–80%), and the 4-year estimated diseasefree fraction was 62% (95% CI 49–72%) (Fig. 3 lower). 833
J. M. Hanson et al. TABLE 2 Variables with probability value of less than 0.10 in univariate Cox proportional hazard analysis for survival and disease-free periods after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy for PDH in dogs* Variable
survival period age pit height pit width pit length max pit dimension pit vol pit height/brain area ratio plasma ACTH (IRMA) disease-free period body weight group dogs .30 kg mean preop C/C ratio preop C/C ratio (dex) pit height pit width pit length max pit dimension pit height/width ratio pit volume P/B ratio sphenoid bone thickness plasma a-MSH
No. of Dogs
p Value
95% CI
181 181 181 178 178 178 180 112
0.030 0.004 0.008 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.009 0.014
1.211 1.191 1.163 1.177 1.182 1.001 12.82 1.003
1.018–1.440 1.057–1.342 1.040–1.300 1.067–1.298 1.067–1.310 1.000–1.002 1.912–85.95 1.001–1.005
0.049 0.020† 0.005 ,0.001 0.005 ,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.001 0.093 ,0.001 ,0.001 0.002 0.024
3.344 1.004 1.004 1.311 1.273 1.263 1.301 4.236 1.002 45.62 1.360 1.002
1.426–7.840 1.002–1.007 1.001–1.007 1.150–1.494 1.129–1.437 1.125–1.418 1.156–1.463 0.7851–22.86 1.001–1.003 5.930–351.0 1.123–1.647 1.000–1.004
155 155 155 155 152 152 155 152 154 150 120
* HR = Hazard Ratio; C/C ratio (dex) = C/C ratio after high-dose dexamethasone suppression. † According to the Termwise Wald Test.
Postoperative Deaths
The 14 dogs that died within 4 weeks postoperatively had a median P/B ratio of 0.36 3 1022 mm21 (range 0.21–0.70 mm21), and eight of these dogs had enlarged pituitary glands. Two dogs developed hemorrhages from the arterial cerebral circle. Two dogs died within 6 hours of surgery, and the postmortem examination in one revealed thromboendocarditis of the right atrium, concentric myocardial hypertrophy of the left ventricle, and lung edema due to circulatory failure. Four dogs in which surgery was
uneventful died 1 day after surgery as follows: two dogs became dyspneic, one had glucocorticoid-associated myotonia that had been diagnosed preoperatively on electromyography, and one developed hypernatremia due to insufficient oral fluid intake. Two dogs died 5 days after surgery—one due to accidental intravenous injection of oral potassium solution and the other suddenly at home of unknown causes after an uneventful surgery. Two dogs had prolonged stays in the intensive care unit for 2 weeks because of severe hypernatremia and diabetic ketoacidosis, and these dogs were eventually euthanized. One dog developed severe bronchopneumonia and died 4 weeks after surgery. One dog was euthanized 16 days after surgery because of perforative peritonitis caused by a foreign body. Residual Disease
In the 12 dogs with residual disease after surgery, the median P/B ratio was 0.40 3 1022 mm21 (range 0.20–0.76 mm21), and eight dogs had enlarged pituitaries. Of the dogs with residual disease, five were euthanized or died within 5 months of surgery for reasons associated with hyperadrenocorticism, two were euthanized because of aggressive behavior and epileptic seizures at 26 and 34 months after surgery, one died suddenly at home 2 months after surgery, and four were still alive at the time of the last assessment with survival times of 12, 16, 17, and 32 months. Three of the 12 dogs with residual disease were treated with mitotane 3 to 6 months after surgery. At the time of the last assessment, survival times in these three dogs were 17, 26, and 32 months. Bilateral adrenalectomy was performed in one case, and this dog survived for 34 months until seizures developed and it was euthanized. In two dogs, at 5 weeks and 6 months after pituitary surgery, medical treatment with trilostane (a 3 b–hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor) was initiated, and the survival times were 12 and 16 months, respectively. Dogs in Remission
Of the 155 dogs that went into remission, 119 (77%) remained in remission. The median P/B ratio in 118 of these dogs was 0.32 3 1022 mm21 (range 0.15–1.1 mm21) and the pituitary was enlarged in 63 cases (53%). The P/B ratio was
TABLE 3 Multivariate Cox proportional hazard analysis (backward using Newton–Raphson algorithm) for survival and disease-free periods after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy for PDH in dogs*
No. of Dogs
No. of Events
Significant Variables
age pit length age plasma ACTH (IRMA) mean preop C/C ratio sphenoid bone thickness P/B ratio mean C/C ratio sphenoid bone thickness plasma a-MSH
p Value
0.0187 ,0.001 0.088 0.039 0.017 0.032 0.025 0.070 0.022 0.030
95% CI
1.221 1.206 1.205 1.003 1.004 1.241 17.22 1.004 1.309 1.002
1.034–1.443 1.081–1.345 0.9723–1.493 1.000–1.005 1.001–1.007 1.018–1.512 1.422–208.4 0.9997–1.008 1.039–1.649 1.000–1.004
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Prognostic factors for hypophysectomy in dogs
FIG. 4. Boxplots showing the distribution of age (in years) at time of surgery (A), the basal plasma ACTH concentration measured with a highly specific two-site IRMA (B), the P/B ratio (C), and the pituitary height/width ratio (D) in dogs with early postoperative death (, 4 weeks), dogs with residual disease, and dogs in remission. Significant differences (p , 0.05) between groups (connected with a line) are indicated with asterisks.
not available for one dog. Of the 119 dogs that remained in remission, the C/C ratio was measured 6 to 10 weeks postsurgery in 78 dogs. The median basal C/C ratio at this time was 0.8 3 1026 (range 0.2–9 3 1026). In 38 dogs the C/C ratio was less than 1026, in 31 dogs it was between 1 and 5 3 1026, and in nine dogs it was between 5 and 10 3 1026. Over time, 69 of the 119 dogs in remission died (10 dogs) or were euthanized (59 dogs) due to unrelated causes, after a median interval of 28 months (range 1.5–100 months). Dogs With Recurrence
Of the 155 dogs in remission, disease recurred in 36 casJ. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / October, 2007
es (23%) after a median 16 months (range 1.8–56 months). The median P/B ratio in these 36 dogs was 0.41 3 1022 mm21 (range 0.19–0.71 mm21) and the pituitary was enlarged in 24 cases (67%). The median C/C ratio measured 6 to 10 weeks postsurgically was 3.0 3 1026 in 22 dogs (range 0.2–8.7 3 1026). The postoperative C/C ratio was less than 1026 in five cases, between 1 and 5 3 1026 in eight cases, and between 5 and 10 3 1026 in nine cases. After hyperadrenocorticism recurred, 16 dogs were treated with mitotane and five with trilostane. At the time of the last assessment, 16 dogs had died or been euthanized because of recurrent signs of hyperadrenocorticism. Thirteen dogs died of other causes as follows: old age (one dog), heart failure 835
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Prognostic Factors
The dogs that died postoperatively were significantly older than both the group of dogs that went into remission (p , 0.05) and the group of dogs with residual disease after surgery (p , 0.05) (Fig. 4A). The P/B ratio and basal plasma ACTH (IRMA) concentrations did not differ in the dogs that died postoperatively, had residual disease, or went into remission (Fig. 4B and C). In the 12 dogs with residual disease, the pituitary height/width ratio was significantly higher than in those that went into remission (p , 0.05) (Fig. 4D). Postoperative urinary C/C ratios were measured 6 to 10 weeks after hypophysectomy in 91 dogs. In 37 of these dogs the C/C ratio was less than 1026, and the estimated 1year disease-free fraction was 97% (95% CI 82–100), the estimated 2-year disease-free fraction was 88% (95% CI 71–95%), and the estimated 3-year disease-free fraction was 82% (95% CI 62–93%). In 35 dogs the postoperative C/C ratio was 1 to 5.0 3 1026, and the estimated 1-year disease-free fraction was 97% (95% CI 81–100%), and the estimated 2-year disease-free fraction was 78% (95% CI 56–90%). In 19 dogs the postoperative C/C ratio was 5 to 10 3 1026, the estimated 1-year disease-free fraction was 65% (95% CI 34–84%), and the estimated 2-year diseasefree fraction was 40% (95% CI 15–65%). When these three groups were compared, the disease-free fractions were significantly lower in the group of dogs with postoperative C/C ratios of 5 to 10 3 1026 than in those in the groups with postoperative C/C ratios than 5 3 1026 (Fig. 5). On univariate Cox proportional-hazard analysis for disease-free fraction, dogs with a postoperative C/C ratio of 5 to 10 3 1026 had a significantly (p = 0.001) higher risk of tumor recurrence (hazard ratio 7.088, 95% CI 2.361–21.280) than dogs with postoperative C/C ratios less than 1026.
In the univariate Cox proportional hazard analysis for survival time of the 181 dogs, the following factors had probability values less than 0.10: age; pituitary height, width, length, and volume; maximum pituitary dimensions; pituitary height/width ratio; P/B ratio; and basal plasma concentration of ACTH (IRMA) (Table 2). In the multivariate analysis, advanced age and increased pituitary length were associated with a reduced survival time after hypophysectomy when ACTH (IRMA) measurement was not included. If ACTH (IRMA) measurement was added in a new multivariate analysis, advanced age and a high plasma concentration of ACTH (IRMA) were associated with a reduced survival time after hypophysectomy (Table 3). In the univariate Cox proportional-hazard analysis for disease-free fraction in 155 dogs that went into remission, the following variables had a probability value of less than 0.10: body weight; body weight group; mean preoperative C/C ratio; C/C ratio after dexamethasone suppression; pituitary height, width, length, and volume; maximum pituitary dimensions; P/B ratio; sphenoid bone thickness; and basal plasma a-MSH concentration (Table 2). In the multivariate analysis, the mean preoperative C/C ratio, P/B ratio, and thickness of the sphenoid bone were associated with an increased risk of recurrent hyperadrenocorticism when aMSH was not included. When a-MSH was added to the multivariate analysis, the mean preoperative C/C ratio, sphenoid bone thickness, and plasma a-MSH concentrations were associated with an increased risk of hyperadrenocorticism recurrence (Table 3).
Discussion The results of this study demonstrate that increased age, pituitary size, and the basal plasma ACTH concentration are risk factors for shorter postoperative survival times and that the thickness of the sphenoid bone, mean preoperative C/C ratio, pituitary size, and plasma a-MSH concentration are risk factors for recurrence after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy for PDH in dogs. After hypophysectomy in dogs there is a higher postoperative mortality rate (8%), but the rates of remission (86%) and recurrence (23%) are comparable with those reported in humans with Cushing disease.2,7,41,45,49 The total success rate in this study is 67%, comparable to the rate of success reported in humans after pituitary surgery when long-term recurrences are considered.2 The study period of 12 years in dogs is approximately equivalent to 70 to 80 years in humans. Thus, we could include late recurrences. Despite the aim of complete hypophysectomy, recurrence was probably due to remnant islets of pituitary cells, as previously shown in the study by Meij and coworkers.36 The remnant cells may be of neoplastic origin or representative of unaffected pituitary cells. Regrowth of remnant adenomatous corticotrophs is most likely responsible for some of the recurrences reported in the present study.23 However, the very late recurrences (. 3 to 4 years after surgery) may be the result of de novo formation of adenomatous tissue from remnant corticotrophs.
FIG. 5. Survival curves calculated with the Kaplan–Meier analysis for disease-free period in dogs with postoperative 6 to 10 week urinary C/C ratios less than 1026 (a), 1 to 5.0 3 1026 (b), and 5 to 10 3 1026 (c), after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy for the treatment of PDH. ***p , 0.001 compared with a and b.
(one dog), lung edema (one dog), neurological signs (one dog), hind limb weakness (one dog), drowning (one dog), chronic nasal bacterial infection (one dog), thyroid carcinoma and sepsis (one dog), gastrointestinal symptoms (one dog), uncontrolled diabetes insipidus (one dog) and unknown causes (three dogs). Seven dogs were still alive at the time of the last assessment.
J. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / October, 2007
Prognostic factors for hypophysectomy in dogs Predictors of Survival Time
The survival time after surgery is influenced by external factors, for example the decision of the owners either for medical treatment or euthanasia in cases of disease recurrence. The analysis of survival time also includes cases of postoperative death and residual disease, which are excluded from the analysis of disease-free period due to the absence of initial remission. This explains the initially surprising finding that age was a predictor of survival time. The Kaplan–Meier analysis compensates for age by censoring deaths that are not related to the disease; therefore, age as a predicting factor had to be related to PDH or to exert its effect in the early postoperative period (within 4 weeks of surgery) in which all deaths were defined as disease-related events. In line with the latter explanation, dogs that died within the first 4 weeks after surgery were significantly older than the dogs with residual disease or that went into remission. Subsequently, the Cox proportional hazard analysis of survival time identified age as a risk factor for early postoperative death, which could be ascribed to higher age among the dogs with immediate postoperative death. Whether the higher postoperative mortality rate in older dogs is caused by the presence of concurrent unrelated disease processes or reflects a higher risk of complications due to a longer preoperative exposure to hypercortisolism remains to be investigated. Humans with Cushing disease comprise a high-risk group for pre- and postoperative complications and death related to cardiovascular events and thromboembolism.9,33,49 In agreement with our previous study24 and other reports on transsphenoidal surgery for the treatment of Cushing disease in humans,11,13,41,55,60 we expected to find that pituitary size is a predictor of survival time. The present study provides calculated hazard ratios of the influence of the pituitary size on surgical outcome that can be applied for individual risk calculations. There was no difference in pituitary size among the dogs that died postoperatively, had residual disease, or went into remission. Thus, in contrast to age, pituitary size influences the survival time beyond the postoperative 4-week period. Human patients with Cushing disease and suprasellar extension of the pituitary tumor22 and invasion into the cavernous sinus6,11 have a higher risk of residual disease after surgery. In this study, the dogs with residual disease had larger pituitary height/width ratios than the dogs that went into remission. Interestingly, the preoperative plasma concentration of ACTH (IRMA) was a significant prognosticator of survival time and replaced pituitary length in the final multivariate analysis. High preoperative basal plasma ACTH concentrations have been reported in humans with residual disease after transsphenoidal surgery,11,49 and this has been ascribed to the large tumor size in this subgroup. However, low plasma ACTH concentrations have also been reported in humans with large pituitary tumors.26 There was no significant correlation between pituitary size and basal plasma ACTH (IRMA) concentration in the present study. In previous reports in dogs,10,21 however, the basal plasma ACTH concentration correlated with pituitary size, but in this case the ACTH was determined using the radioimmunoassay that is also used to measure ACTH-precursor peptides. We therefore conclude that plasma ACTH concentration, besides being related to adenoma size, may yield additionJ. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / October, 2007
al information on the intrinsic characteristics of the corticotrophs associated with a worse surgical outcome. Predictors of Disease Recurrence
It may be hypothesized that prognostic factors for recurrence are associated with an increased risk of leaving remnant pituitary adenoma tissue in the pituitary fossa. There is great variation in skull size among dog breeds. For example, the smallest dog treated in this study was a Yorkshire Terrier (body weight 4 kg) and the largest dog was an Alaskan Malamute (body weight 61 kg). Differences in skull sizes and shapes affect the distance between the surgeon and the pituitary fossa, and consequently the visibility in the surgical field. An even more important factor for the accessibility of the surgical field may be the thickness of the sphenoid bone. In the future, this risk factor may be better addressed with the use of image-guided endoscopy, which has gained popularity in pituitary surgery in humans.27,42 If a rigid endoscope is used to explore the pituitary fossa for pituitary remnants after hypophysectomy, the recurrence rate may be reduced in the long term. Pituitary size has frequently been reported to influence surgical outcome,13,24,41,55 and it may be hypothesized that the larger the tumor, the higher the risk that remnant adenoma cells will remain in the fossa. However, when this factor is added to the multivariate analysis, the basal plasma a-MSH concentration replaced the P/B ratio in the multivariate equation. This finding can partially be explained by the correlation between basal a-MSH concentration and pituitary size, as previously published for dogs.10 Additionally, the basal a-MSH concentration may reflect aggressive behavior of the pituitary tumor, similar to what has been described for high plasma proopiomelanocortin concentrations in humans with aggressive corticotroph cell tumors.48 In dogs, the plasma a-MSH concentration correlates significantly with concentrations of plasma ACTH precursor molecules.10 Interestingly, disease recurred in most dogs with high a-MSH concentrations. These dogs usually had dexamethasone-resistant PDH and enlarged pituitaries, often of pars intermedia origin.51,52 Independent of pituitary size and plasma a-MSH concentration, a high preoperative C/C ratio was associated with an increased risk of tumor recurrence in dogs, which is in agreement with a study in humans in which a high level of urinary cortisol excretion was a risk factor for recurrence.57 Measuring cortisol in morning urine has an advantage in that it mirrors the integrated production over a period of about 8 hours, thereby adjusting for the wide and rapid fluctuations in plasma cortisol levels. Some authors have speculated that the degree of resistance to suppression of cortisol secretion by dexamethasone correlates with the risk of recurrence.11 In the present study, after high-dose dexamethasone administration, the relative suppression of the preoperative C/C ratio was not a predictor of a diseasefree period, but the absolute suppressed C/C ratio value was. Within the group of corticotrophic cell tumors there is wide heterogeneity with regard to cellular characteristics. The results of the present study indicate that measurements of the plasma a-MSH and ACTH concentrations and urinary cortisol may contribute to the preoperative characterization of the pituitary lesion. 837
J. M. Hanson et al. Postoperative Urinary C/C Ratios
One may hypothesize that dogs with postoperative C/C ratios in the upper normal range have a higher risk of tumor recurrence or even can be considered to have residual disease. In the present study the postoperative C/C ratios sampled 6 to 10 weeks postsurgery were analyzed. During this period remnant islets of pituitary tissue may release ACTH in response to corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation.37 Indeed, as confirmed in the present study, there is a considerable difference in the remission rate among dogs with low C/C ratios (, 5 3 1026) 6 to 10 weeks postsurgery and dogs with C/C ratios between 5 and 10 3 1026. However, a urinary cortisol level below detectable limits (C/C ratio , 1 3 1026) is no guarantee of lifelong remission, whereas dogs with cortisol secretion in the upper normal range do not all develop recurrences. These findings further illustrate the difficulty in distinguishing remnant normal corticotrophs from remnant adenoma cells, as described previously in dogs.36,37 The same holds true after selective pituitary adenomectomy in humans with Cushing disease.2,12,17,45,49,54,66 It should be noted that the dogs in the present study were receiving a physiological dose of hydrocortisone, which was withheld for 12 hours prior to urine sampling. In humans, the best predictive values for surgical outcome are achieved when no cortisol is administered until symptoms of hypocortisolism arise combined with early postoperative cortisol measurement and a dexamethasonesuppression test.28,54 Conclusions We have identified several risk factors that can be addressed to improve further the surgical outcome after hypophysectomy in the treatment of PDH in dogs. Old age, large pituitary size, and a high basal plasma ACTH level are significant predictors of postoperative survival. Pituitary enlargement, elevated plasma a-MSH concentration, a thick sphenoid bone, and mean preoperative C/C ratios are significant risk factors for recurrence. Correlating with findings in human studies, postoperative C/C ratios measured 6 to 10 weeks after surgery can be used as a guide for predicting surgical outcome, although this is insufficient to predict every case of recurrence. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful for the support of the staff of the Intensive Care Unit (Dr. J. H. Robben), the biochemical laboratory (Dr. J. A. Mol), and the technical assistance of Mr. H. G. H. van Engelen and Mr. J. Fama. The critical reading of the manuscript by Prof. Dr. A. Rijnberk is highly appreciated.
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14. 15. 16. 17.
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Manuscript submitted October 27, 2006. Accepted February 15, 2007. This study was supported by a grant from the Foundation for Research, Agria Insurance Ltd., Sweden, to Dr. Hanson. Address correspondence to: Jeanette Hanson, D.V.M., Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.154, NL-3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands. email:
[email protected].
J. Neurosurg. / Volume 107 / October, 2007