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Macmifan Press Ltd., 1994 1994
Prognostic value of cytosolic tyrosine kinase activity in 249 node-positive breast cancer patients S. Romamn, 0. Chinot', J.G.M. Klijn2, W.L.J. Martin1 & J.A. Foekens2
Putten3, 0. Guirou', M. Look' P.M. ,
1Laboratoire d'Oncologie Biologique, APM, Faculte de MUdecine Nord, Bd P. Dramard, 13916 Marseile Cedex 20, France; 2Diviion of Endocrie Oncology (Department of Medical Oncology), Dr. Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, PO Box 5201, 3008 AE Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Statistics, Dr. Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, PO Box 5201, 3008 AE Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tyrosine proten kia (TPK) has been assocated with the cytoplasmi domain of growth factor receptors as as oncoproteins. Enzymatic activation appears to be a major initial event in these signal transduction pathways. In this study, TPK was determined in the cytosols of 249 nod-positive primary
breast tumours.
Enzyme activity
poly(glutamic acid-tyrosine) (4:1)
artfifial substrate. Leves of TPK varied from 0 to 35.9 pmol ATP min- mg' protein (median 11.4). No correlation was found with tumour size or number of positive lymph nodes. In contrast, kveis of TPK were negatively associated with age (P = 0.01) and menopausal status (P11.4
Characteristics Total
s.d. 6.8
80 93
13.7 11.5 11.2
57.5 47.3 44.7
7.8 6.4 5.9
85 164
13.5 11.4
7.8 6.2
56.5 46.3
3 Grade Ia II III ER-PR status
55 38
68 55
59 49 24 0
< 0.001
73 58 58 37
53 32