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over 4,000 illustrations (500 in color), including portraits, music examples ..... to Richard Strauss. Edited by CHARLES YOUMANS ...... Music Listening Today, 4th Edition (with 2-CD set). Charles Hoffer, University of Florida, Gainsville.

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Includes 20 b&w illustrations Feb 2010. 304 pgs. Pbk. 978-0-7546-6042-2

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Includes 1 b&w illustration, 2 music examples and a CD Mar 2010. 218 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-6396-6

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Form, Imagery and Ideas in Quartets 1–7 Judith Kuhn

Includes 32 b&w illustrations and 99 musical examples Feb 2010. 314 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-6406-2

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Includes 10 b&w illustrations and 12 music examples Dec 2009. 196 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-5383-7

Sociology and Music Education Edited by Ruth Wright SEMPRE Studies in The Psychology of Music Includes 13 b&w figures and 8 tables Sep 2010. 322 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-6801-5

Leonard Bernstein: West Side Story Nigel Simeone

Includes 3 b&w illustrations, 22 music examples and a CD Dec 2009. 192 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-6484-0

Messiaen the Theologian Edited by Andrew Shenton

Includes 12 b&w illustrations and 21 musical examples Apr 2010. 312 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-6640-0

The Ashgate Research Companion to Popular Musicology Edited by Derek B. Scott

Includes 13 b&w illustrations and 14 musical examples Dec 2009. 576 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-6476-5

Where Music Helps: Community Music Therapy in Action and Reflection

Brynjulf Stige, Gary Ansdell, Cochavit Elefant and Mercédès Pavlicevic Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series Includes 23 b&w illustrations Jun 2010. 364 pgs. Pbk. 978-1-4094-1010-2

Music and the Modern Condition: Investigating the Boundaries Ljubica Ilic

Oct 2010. 140 pgs. Hbk. 978-1-4094-0761-4

New Perspectives on Marc-Antoine Charpentier Edited by Shirley Thompson

Includes 2 color and 20 b&w illustrations and 37 music examples Apr 2010. 414 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-6579-3

She’s So Fine: Reflections on Whiteness, Femininity, Adolescence and Class in 1960s Music

Edited by Laurie Stras Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series

Includes 17 b&w illustrations and 7 music examples Aug 2010. 284 pgs. Hbk. 978-1-4094-0051-6

Understanding Music The Nature and Limits of Musical Cognition

Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht Translated by Richard Evans

Includes 4 musical examples Dec 2009. 170 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-6612-7 First Edition in English

Jean Cras, Polymath of Music and Letters Paul-André Bempéchat

Includes 10 color and 33 b&w illustrations and 187 music examples Nov 2009. 608 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-0683-3

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Includes 12 musical examples and 1 line drawing Oct 2010. 176 pgs. Hbk. 978-0-7546-6769-8

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Exhibitors at AMS/SMT Indianapolis 2010 The Exhibits are located in the Indianapolis Marriott Hotel, Marriott Ballroom, near the registration desk. Exhibit hours are: 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 8:30 a.m. to noon Sunday. Complimentary coffee service is provided in the exhibit area mornings and afternoons. booth

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American Institute of Musicology,  Research Way, Ste. , Middleton, WI , tel. () - x16, fax () -, [email protected],


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Early Music America, 2366 Eastlake Ave. East, Suite 429, Seattle, WA 98102, tel. (206) 720-6270, fax (206) 720-6290, [email protected],


The Edwin Mellen Press, 415 Ridge St., Lewiston, NY 14092, tel. (716) 754-2266, [email protected],


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MacGamut Music Software, 146 N. Hamilton Rd, Suite 156, Gahanna, OH 43230-2600, tel. (800) 305-8731, fax (877) 370-1074, [email protected],


McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Two Penn Plaza, th floor, New York, NY -, tel. (212) 904-4826, fax (212) 904-6160, [email protected],


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Presto Music Fonts, 2221 Ironwood St., Eugene, OR 97401, tel. (541) 517-1173, [email protected],


RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, CUNY Grad Center,  Fifth Avenue, 3rd floor, New York, NY , tel. () -, fax () -, [email protected],


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Society for American Music, Stephen Foster Memorial, Univ. of Pittsburgh 15233, tel. (412) 624-3031, fax (412) 624-7447, [email protected],


Stainer & Bell, P.O. Box 110, Victoria House, 23 Gruneisen Rd., London, N3 IDZ, Great Britain, tel. +44(0)20 8343-3303, fax +44(0)20 8343-3024, [email protected]


The Scholar’s Choice, 25 Franklin Street, Ste. 1260, Rochester, NY 14604, tel. (585) 262-2048 x111, fax (585) 262-2228, [email protected],


*Theodore Front Music, 16122 Cohasset Street, Van Nuys, CA, 91406, tel. (818) 994-1902, fax (818) 994-0419, [email protected],


*University of California Press,  Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA -, tel. (510) 643-4247, fax (510) 643-7127,


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Advertisers Alexander Street Press Ashgate Publishing Company Bedford/St. Martins University of California Press Cambridge University Press University of Chicago Press C. P. E. Bach: The Complete Works College Music Society Georg Olms Verlag Hal Leonard Corporation University of Illinois Press Indiana Theory Review Indiana University Press Journal of Music Theory Leuven University Press Liverpool University Press Institute of Musical Research, University of London MacDowell Symposium and Festival University of Michigan Press University of North Texas Press W. W. Norton & Company Oxford University Press

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Kenneth DeLong ([email protected]): Classical & Romantic Periods, Opera, Nationalism,

Music in Central Europe

David Eagle ([email protected]): Composition, Electroacoustic Music, Sonic Arts, Interactive Composition, Sound Spatialization, Contemporary Music Kenneth Fields (ken.[email protected]): Tele-Arts/Music on High-Speed Networks, Integrated Media Arts and Technology, Sound Synthesis and Media Composition Laurie Radford ([email protected]): Composition, Electroacoustic Music, Interactivity and Live Electronic Performance, Spatial Audio, Sound Recording, Music Technology, Arts and Technology Friedemann Sallis ([email protected]): Musicology, Sketch Studies, Reception History, The Interaction of Historical and Theoretical Perspectives in 20th-Century Music *Les travaux rédigés en français peuvent être acceptés au Département de musique.

Graduate Admission Deadline: January 15, 2011 FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Dr. Friedemann Sallis, Graduate Program Director, Faculty of Arts, University of Calgary E-mail: [email protected] 

The Music Department at Brandeis University offers graduate study leading to Masters degrees in Ph.D. degrees in Musicology Musicology Composition and Theory Composition and Theory Music and Women’s and Gender Studies Faculty Neal Hampton Mary Ruth Ray, Chair Seth Coluzzi Judith Eissenberg Allan Keiler Eric Chafe Joshua Gordon Sarah Mead Yu-Hui Chang Eric Chasalow

Bob Nieske James Olesen David Rakowski Daniel Stepner

The program in musicology offers an integrated approach to music history, history of theory, and music theory and analysis. The program in composition and theory offers composers the time and means to develop a secure command of the craft of composition. Music and WGS is an interdisciplinary program leading to a joint Master of Arts in Music and Women’s and Gender Studies. Topics include feminist theory, gender studies, cultural history, and the investigation of work by and about women.

For further information, visit our

G r a d uat E S t u dy i n m u S i c

or contact: Allan Keiler, Musicology Program Chair: [email protected] Eric Chasalow, Composition Program Chair: [email protected]

Comprehensive Ph.D. Programs Musicology and Criticism – Ethnomusicology – Composition and Theory Ross Bauer • Anna Maria Busse Berger • D. Kern Holoman • Beth Levy David Nutter • Pablo Ortiz • Jessie Ann Owens • Mika Pelo • Christopher Reynolds Kurt Rohde • Laurie San Martin • Henry Spiller • Jeffrey Thomas Fiat Lux special collection, UC Riverside: Ansel Adams, Students and Bicycles Near Library, University of California, Davis, 1966.


musicology and music theory at CCM Distinguished Faculty David Carson Berry: Schenkerian topics, American popular music, post-tonal analysis, Stravinsky, history of theory (1750-1950) Steven J. Cahn: Schoenberg studies, aesthetics, history of theory, historiography, imaging of musical phenomena, neuroscience of music Stefan Fiol: Himalayan studies, musical regionalism, ritual and media studies, ethnomusicological theory Jeongwon Joe: 20th-century music, opera-cinema studies, film music, cultural studies Jonathan Kregor: 19th-century aesthetics, Liszt, music & memory, virtuosity & gender, art songs, musical reproductions Catherine Losada: post-tonal music, transformational theory, musical collage, music after 1950

bruce d. mcclung: American music, musical theater, mass entertainment, manuscript studies, critical editing Mary Sue Morrow: 18th-century topics (including the symphony), sociology of music, nationalism, music criticism & aesthetics Samuel Ng: Brahms, metrical dissonance, phrase rhythm, music perception, analysis & performance Matthew Peattie: Medieval music, Beneventan chant, modality, sources & transcription, musical change Miguel Roig-Francoli: history of theory (Renaissance), analysis of early music, 20th-century topics, music theory pedagogy Stephanie P. Schlagel: Renaissance studies, Josquin des Prez, the motet, reception history, editing early music

Teaching Assistantships and Doctoral Fellowships available For details about graduate programs: For admissions & financial aid info:

 G-AMS directory.indd 1

6/30/10 10:30:11 AM

The Eastman School of Music offers graduate students in musicology the opportunity to pursue a PhD in the context of a thriving music school with an incomparable research library. Thanks to a large and distinguished faculty, students enjoy exposure to all areas of the discipline, with additional opportunities for advanced study in ethnomusicology (including a new Master of Arts degree), early music, music theory, and performance. Graduate students receive generous stipends, with support normally assured for five years. Alumni of the program hold positions at top-ranked institutions and have become leaders in the field.

Patrick Macey, Chair

Honey Meconi

Michael Alan Anderson

Holly Watkins

Renaissance music and culture in Italy and France, Josquin, music and rhetoric Medieval and Renaissance music, Saints, the DivineOffice, Popular ritual, politics

Melina Esse

19th-century opera and melodrama, film music, gender and performance studies

Roger Freitas

17th-century music (especially the cantata), performance practices, the castrato

Lisa Jakelski

20th-21st century music, musical expression and social/political practices, with emphasis on music post-1945

Ellen Koskoff

Ethnomusicology, American musics, women and music, Balinese music and culture

Kim Kowalke

20th-century musical theater and opera, Sondheim, Hindemith, and Weill

Ralph P. Locke

Exoticism and nationalism, music culture in 19th-century France and Italy, opera, gender issues

Medieval and Renaissance music, manuscript culture, Hildegard, musical borrowing 19th- and 20th-century music, historical and contemporary aesthetics, ecocriticism, popular music

Daniel Zager

Renaissance and Baroque music, Lassus, church music history

SENioR FAcuLty ASSociAtES Jürgen thym

19th-century music, German Lieder, 19th-century symphony, music and text relations

Gretchen Wheelock

18th-century music, Haydn and Mozart, historical performance practices, reception history

AFFiLiAtE FAcuLty Hans Davidsson Robert D. Morris Paul o’Dette EMERitA Kerala Snyder

Priority application deadline November 1 Final application deadline December 1

 10ESM_American_music_Soc.indd 1

8/10/10 3:23 PM

MOORES SCHOOL OF MUSIC David Ashley White, directori

Musicology & Music Theory The Moores School of Music features a distinguished faculty, excellent Master’s and DMA programs, and a modern facility, located in a culturally vibrant and exciting metropolis. Graduate Academic Degrees Offered: M.M. in Musicology M.M. in Music Theory Teaching Assisantships Available in Music Theory and in Music History Musicology Faculty

Paul Bertagnolli: Liszt, 19th-century music, music and literature. Matthew Dirst: Bach, Baroque music, harpsichord and organ, Collegium Musicum. Barbara Rose Lange: Ethnomusicology, popular music, music and gender, Eastern Europe, Romany (Gypsy) music. Howard Pollack: 20th-century music, American music. Jeffrey Sposato: Mendelssohn, Classical and Romantic music, sacred music. Theory Faculty

Aaminah Durrani: Schnittke, post-tonal music, aesthetics of the Classical period, string quartet literature. Andrew Davis: Late 19th- and 20th-century opera, musical meanings and semiotics. Timothy Koozin: Post-tonal music, analysis of popular music, semiotics, film music, computer applications. John Snyder: History of music theory, Schenkerian analysis, Medieval music, music of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.  Graduate Office: 713-743-3314 120 School of Music Bldg Houston, Texas 77204-4017

UH is an EEO/AA Institution.


Mu s i c o l o g y at Indiana

We offer individual

attention with all the advantages of a large music school and university. Our resources include the Center for the History of Music Theory and Literature, Early Music Institute, Latin American Music Center, Ethnomusicology Program, and the outstanding Cook Music Library (more than 343,000 volumes).


Ph.D., M.A., M.A./M.L.S. Direct admission from the B.A. or B.M. to the Ph.D. program with three years of course work. For a complete list of Jacobs School faculty, please visit us at


MUSICOLOGY FACULTY J. Peter Burkholder, Chair: 20th-century music, Charles Ives, musical borrowing Phil Ford: American music, cultural studies, “hipness,” jazz, musical theatre, radical and countercultural intellectual movements Halina Goldberg: 19thcentury Poland and Eastern Europe, musical and cultural environment of Chopin’s Warsaw, performance practice, reception, national constructs Thomas J. Mathiesen: Music in the ancient world, medieval music, history of music theory Daniel R. Melamed: Baroque music, J. S. Bach and older members of the Bach family, performance practice, Mozart’s operas Kristina Muxfeldt: Late 18thand early 19th-century music and aesthetics, Lieder, reception studies, social history

Massimo Ossi: Renaissance and Baroque music, early 17th-century Italian music theory and aesthetics, Italian lyric poetry and madrigal (1550–1650), Vivaldi Ayana Smith: Baroque music, opera and literary criticism (1650–1750), signifying and the blues, women and gender in music Giovanni Zanovello: 15thcentury Italian cathedral music, Florence, music and humanism, Renaissance music theory, Heinrich Isaac ADJUNCT FACULTY Judah Cohen: Jewish music and culture Lynn Hooker: Bartók, Hungarian music POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW Laura Weber: Medieval music theory, Handel

Mu s i c T h e o r y

at Indiana

A special blend of cuttingedge academic research and innovative pedagogy within one of the world’s greatest schools of music.

The overwhelming majority of our graduates hold teaching and administrative positions in major research universities, music schools, and liberal arts colleges. We offer the Master of Music (M.M.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees. Most students are awarded generous graduate teaching assistantships. Supplemental scholarships are awarded to especially well-qualified students.

MUSIC THEORY FACULTY Kyle Adams: history of

Marianne Kielian-Gilbert:

Robert Hatten: gesture,

Gary Potter: pedagogy,

theory, 16c and 17c music, popular music

semiotics, 18c and 19c music

Jay Hook: transformational theory, algebraic approaches Gretchen Horlacher:

chair; rhythm and meter, Stravinsky, Reich

Eric Isaacson: atonality, music informatics, cognition

Roman Ivanovitch:

tonal analysis, form, Mozart

Blair Johnston:

Rachmaninoff, Russian music, late 19c and 20c music

cultural studies, feminist theory, Stravinsky 20c music, jazz

Frank Samarotto:

Schenker, rhythm/ temporality, 19c music

Alan Theisen:

post-doctoral fellow; music/culture since 1945, form, post-tonal analysis/ performance

Mary Wennerstrom:

pedagogy, form, 20c music

For a complete list of Jacobs School faculty, please visit us at


Institute of Musical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London

VISITING FELLOWSHIPS IN LONDON The Institute of Musical Research is delighted to welcome visiting scholars to the heart of London. We offer: • School Professorial and Visiting Fellowships (competitive) for six months • Visiting Fellowships (usually one to six months; bench fee payable) • Overseas Doctoral Fellowships (up to a year; reduced bench fee payable) For further information follow our ‘Fellowships’ link on or email the Director at [email protected]


Music Theory

Graduate Study in

M.M. and Ph.D.

Faculty Gary S. Karpinski Lawrence Shuster

• •

Brent Auerbach Rob Schultz

Jason Hooper

Studies in Schenkerian analysis, post-tonal theory, history of theory, pedagogy of theory, motivic analysis, analysis of rhythm and meter, and other areas. Specialized advanced study available in cognition and perception, analysis of 20th-century music, aural skills acquisition, and other areas. Teaching Assistantships Theory • Aural Skills • Music Appreciation • Jazz Instrumental Instruction • Choral Conducting Orchestra • Accompanying Assistantships carry a minimum stipend of $7258, full tuition remission, health benefits, and waiver of most fees. For further information, contact either of the following: Professor Gary S. Karpinski Coordinator of Music Theory [email protected] (413) 545-4229

Professor Jeffrey Cox Graduate Program Director [email protected] (413) 545-6055

Department of music anD Dance Visit our web site at



THE DIVISION OF MUSIC HISTORY, THEORY, AND ETHNOMUSICOLOGY Degrees MM in Musicology; concentrations in Early Music Performance and in Ethnomusicology Ph.D. in Musicology; concentration in Early Music Performance MM and Ph.D. in Music Theory Teaching Assistantships and Fellowships, Tuition Waivers and Master’s and Dissertation Fellowships available

Faculty Musicology Margaret Notley Ana Alonso-Minutti Benjamin Brand Hendrik Schulze Deanna Bush Laura Kennedy Bernardo Illari

Music Theory Timothy Jackson Steven Slottow David Schwarz Frank Heidlberger Graham H. Phipps Pop Music & European Studies Thomas Sovik

Ethnomusicology Steven Friedson Eileen M. Hayes John Murphy Theory Pedagogy Joán Groom Gene Cho Paul Dworak Laila Kteily-O’Sullivan

We focus on many historical fields such as medieval source studies, Baroque performance practice, Mozart studies, 19th and 20th century music, particularly Brahms; Latin American music studies. Faculty carry out cutting edge research and classroom instruction in various areas including Schenkerian studies, theory pedagogy, history of music theory, and contemporary approaches to music analysis. In addition to ethnomusicology theories and methods, we offer area studies in the music of Africa, East Asia, India, and African American music. The College of Music offers one of the largest and most comprehensive music programs in the U.S. Its Jazz Studies program has received critical acclaim worldwide. International study abroad programs in collaboration with institutions and scholars in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America provide students with a diverse array of learning experiences. Contact Eileen Hayes, Chair, Division of Music History, Theory and Ethnomusicology, College of Music [email protected] • 940-565-3761


Extraordinary Opportunities for Exceptional Students n o r t h w e s t e r n u n i ve rs i t y

Graduate Study in Musicology Situated within one of the nation’s premier research universities and top music schools, Northwestern’s musicology program offers students a unique experience: a universitywide interdisciplinary focus that encourages collaborative work, a thriving performance schedule of more than 400 concerts each year, and ready access to the vast cultural resources of downtown Chicago. Degree programs include the MM and the PhD. All stu­ dents admitted to the PhD program receive full tuition funding plus a stipend.

Bienen School of Music

Faculty Linda Austern, 16th- and 17th-century England, gender; music as related to history of medicine and science; European iconography Thomas Bauman, 18th-century opera, film music, cultural studies Drew Edward Davies, 17th- and 18thcentury Mexico and Iberia, 20thcentury Britain Inna Naroditskaya, ethnomusicology, Middle East, Russia, gender studies Jesse Rosenberg, 19th- and 20thcentury opera

Office of Music Admission and Financial Aid Bienen School of Music Northwestern University 711 Elgin Road Evanston, Illinois 60208-1200 847/491-3141 [email protected]

Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.


University of Pennsylvania Graduate Studies in Music The University of Pennsylvania offers Ph.D. programs in Anthropology of Music History of Music Theory of Music Musical Composition Graduate Study in Music at Penn is characterized by a small student body, individual attention, a large and distinguished faculty, generous four- and fiveyear fellowship packages, and an excellent placement record. Faculty: Carolyn Carolyn Abbate, Abbate, Christopher Christopher H. H. Browne Browne Distinguished Distinguished Professor Professor of of Music Music (History) (History) Emma Dillon, Professor (History) Emma Dillon, Associate Professor (History) Emily Emily I. I. Dolan, Dolan, Assistant Assistant Professor Professor (History) (History) Jeffrey Jeffrey Kallberg, Kallberg, Professor Professor (History) (History) Jairo Associate Professor (Theory) CarolMoreno, A. Muller, Professor (Anthropology) Carol A. Muller, Professor (Anthropology) James Primosch, Robert Weiss Professor of Music (Composition) James Primosch, Robert Weiss Professor of Music (Composition) Guthrie P. Ramsey, Jr., Professor (History) Guthrie Ramsey, Jr., Edmund J. Kahn(Anthropology) Term Professor of Music (History) TimothyP.Rommen, Associate Professor Timothy Rommen, Associate Professor (Anthropology) Jay Reise, Professor (Composition) Jay Reise, Professor (Composition) Gary A. Tomlinson, Annenberg Professor in the Humanities (History, Anthropology) Gary Tomlinson, Annenberg Professor in the Humanities (History, Anthropology) Anna A. Weesner, Associate Professor (Composition) Anna Weesner, Associate Professor (Composition)

Detailed information our web website: site: Detailed informationisisavailable available on on our

or contact:

or contact: Director of Graduate Studies Director of Graduate Studies Music Department Music Department University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania 201 S. 34th St. Philadelphia, 201 S. 34th PA St.19104-6313 tel: (215) 898-7544 Philadelphia, PA 19104-6313 e-mail: [email protected] tel: (215) 898-7544

e-mail: [email protected] 

College of Arts and Architecture

Penn State School of Music

Research Faculty MUSIC THEORY Vincent Benitez, Ph.D. (Indiana) 20th century: Messiaen, music after 1945, popular music; post-tonal analysis; Baroque era: Bach; history of music theory

Maureen Carr, Ph.D. (Wisconsin) 20th century: compositional process, sketch studies, Stravinsky, theory pedagogy, counterpoint

Taylor Greer, Ph.D. (Yale) French artsong, American music, aesthetics, Schenkerian theory

Eric McKee, Ph.D.(Michigan) Dance music of the 18th and 19th centuries, Chopin, Schenkerian theory, theories of tonal rhythm

MUSICOLOGY Marie Sumner Lott, Ph.D. (Eastman) 18th- and 19th-century musical life, chamber music, Brahms, reception studies

Marica Tacconi, Ph.D. (Yale) Early music: Renaissance Italy, Monteverdi, manuscript studies, interdisciplinary studies

Charles Youmans, Ph.D.( Duke) Austro-German music post-1850 (R. Strauss, Mahler), aesthetics, �ilm music 

Musicology and Early Music Performance at the USC Thornton School of Music Study music in an environment in which history and performance can and do interact. Musicology students at USC participate in the full range of musical activities at the Thornton School of Music, including its renowned Early Music program. Early music and 20thcentury music are particular strengths of the program, which benefits from close links to USC’s Early Modern Studies Institute, the School of Cinematic Arts and the Annenberg School for Communications. The University is located near such Los Angeles cultural landmarks as Disney Hall and is within easy reach of world-class research institutions such as the Getty Center and Huntington Library. Applicants to the Ph.D. program in musicology compete for Provost’s and Diversity Fellowships with full tuition waivers and a stipend currently set at $30,000 per year. Applicants to the M.A. and D.M.A. programs in Early Music Performance are eligible for scholarships of up to $20,000 per year. Department of Musicology Flora L. Thornton School of Music University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089-0851 (213) 740-3211


Our Distinguished Faculty

Bruce Brown Joanna Demers Adam Gilbert Rotem Gilbert Leah Morrison Tim Page Bryan Simms Nina Treadwell Mina Yang

and other adjunct Early Music faculty

Degree Programs


Early Music Performance

D.M.A. Early Music Performance Ph.D. Musicology

Music Studies W

e offer the Bachelor of Arts and graduate degrees in the Histor y and Theor y of Music, Composition, and Performance. The degree programs emphasize interdisciplinar y perspectives and research on a wide range of issues and topics, with special attention to 20th- and 21st-centur y music. Each doctoral student receives a unique “contract” program of study.


Mauro Calcagno, Andrew Eisenberg, Sarah Fuller, David Lawton, Judy Lochhead, Ryan Minor, Jamuna Samuel, Benjamin Steege, and Peter Winkler Undergraduate Scholarships and Graduate Teaching Assistantships available. For complete information about the Department of Music visit:

Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer.

AMS and SMT Awards The AMS and the SMT will present their annual awards for outstanding books, articles, and research in musicology and music theory at this meeting!

Saturday, 6 November 2010 Indiana Ballroom, Marriott Hotel

SMT: 3:00 p.m. AMS: 5:30 p.m. 


McIntire Department of Music, University of Virginia PhD, Critical and Comparative Studies in Music “Supportive community in which people sincerely care about your ideas and progress as a scholar. Faculty who have honest conversations about teaching as well as research. Competitive in the sense that people want you to do your best work, but not competitive in the backbiting, unhealthy way. Commitment and open-mindedness to a variety of topics and approaches: students are genuinely encouraged to follow their interests.” – University of Virginia PhD student The Critical and Comparative Studies program (CCS) is committed to the highest standards of research in innovative and interdisciplinary music scholarship. Students take seminars in historical musicology, ethnomusicology, popular music studies, performance theory, and analysis, as well as graduate courses outside the Department of Music. We encourage broad awareness of contemporary thought within and beyond music studies, and imaginative choices in research projects. Recent and current dissertation topics include: female performers in the early 20th-century United States; the politics of gender transgression in recent Anglo-American popular music; social and political meanings of music and dance in early film musicals; the history and ideology of college radio stations; performance and social meaning in 17th-century English consort music; race and politics in 1980s hardcore; bluegrass in the Czech Republic; presentday Asian-American indie-pop musicians; relations between the avant-garde and Anglo-American popular music from the late 1960s on; and others. CCS faculty include Scott DeVeaux (jazz and American music; African music; popular music; music and war); Bonnie Gordon (early modern Italy; gender and sexuality; history of science; Monteverdi; castrati); Bruce Holsinger (music and literature in the European Middle Ages; liturgy; history of sexuality; premodern roots of modern critical thought); Michelle Kisliuk (performance theory; postcolonial cultural studies; musical ethnography; Central and West Africa; bluegrass); Fred Maus (theory and analysis; gender and sexuality; popular music; aesthetics); Michael Puri (theory and analysis; critical theory; hermeneutics; Wagner; Ravel; 19th- and 20th-century French classical music); Joel Rubin (Jewish instrumental klezmer music; music in relation to trauma, professionalism, diaspora, identity, religion); Heather Wiebe (modernism; 19th-20th century opera; early music revivals; British musical culture); Richard Will (European music of the 18th and early 19th centuries; American folk and roots music). Other faculty resources in Music include composers Matthew Burtner, Ted Coffey, and Judith Shatin; librarian Erin Mayhood; conductors Andrew Koch, William Pease, Michael Slon, and Kate Tamarkin; and many part-time and adjunct performance instructors. For detailed information about the program, including application procedures and contact information, go to and select the link for graduate programs. 


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