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Nov 18, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Workshop: Cross-national approaches to the study of students' collective. action. Organiz
History of higher education: student movements, human capital and expert culture. (Bucharest, 18-19 November, 2016) [Venue: Facultatea de Istorie, Bd. Elisabeta 4-12, Council Room] Program Friday, November 18, 2016 11:00 – 11:45 Welcome & General Remarks 11:45 – 12:30 Opening lecture: Jan Sadlak (IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, Paris) - Universities in Central and Eastern Europe: Background of Inherited Systems and Its Present Characteristics [few comments on selected issues] 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch [Venue: Facultatea de Istorie, Bd. Elisabeta 4-12, room 207] 13:30 – 15:00 Panel 1 - Expert Cultures and Cold War Transnational Encounters Chair: Bogdan Murgescu (University of Bucharest) Adela Hîncu (Department of History, Central European University) - Expert Knowledge and Critical Approaches to Mass Culture and Adult Education in Socialist Romania, 1960s-1970s Viviana Iacob (New Europe College) - Global Theatre Training during the Cold War Bogdan C. Iacob (New Europe College) Babel in Bucharest: Mobility and Expertise among Global South Students in Romania Andrei Florin Sora (University of Bucharest) - Expert knowledge and political decision in designing the fields of study in communist Romania in the 1970s 15:00 – 15:15 Coffee Break 15:15 – 16:45 Panel 2 – Higher Education and Skills-Premium in the Labor Market Chair: Bogdan C. Iacob (New Europe College) Robert D. Reisz (West University Timisoara), Alexander Mitterle (Martin Luther University, Halle), Manfred Stock (Martin Luther University, Halle) - German higher education between the fiction of organizational equality and stratification Valentin Maier (University of Bucharest) - The Contribution of Higher Education to the Development of High-End Industries in Romania in the 1980s

Tiberiu Dobrescu (Polytechnical University of Bucharest), Nicolae Postăvaru (Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest) - Performance and the economic efficiency of higher education Bogdan Florian, Alina Dragolea (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration) - Education for what and for whom? Skills, wages, inequalities and the role of universities. Discussant: Annemarie Matthies (Martin Luther University, Halle) 16:45– 17:00 Coffee Break 17:00 – 18:30 Panel 3 – Higher Education Graduates and Academic Careers Chair: Robert D. Reisz (West University Timisoara) Gabriela Panu (West University Timișoara) - Discriminated vs. Privileged. Women’s Academic Careers in Communist Timișoara (1965-1989) Bogdan Murgescu, Matei Gheboianu (University of Bucharest) – Patterns of professionalizing history teachers & historians at the University of Bucharest, 1960-1989 Davide Filippi (Università degli Studi di Genova) - The exceeding mobility of precarious researcher. 19:00 Dinner [Venue: Casa Universitarilor, Dionisie Lupu street, no 46] Saturday, November 19, 2016 09:30 – 11:00 Panel 4 - Political opportunity structures for student unrest Chair: Pusa Nastase (Yehuda Elkana Center, Central European University) Gianni (Giovanni) Piazza (University of Catania) - Not only students: global waves of protest in the higher education in Italy and beyond Vlad Botgros, Viorel Proteasa (West University Timisoara) – “Political” Opportunity Structure for Student Collective Action in Post-communist Romania Marcelina Smużewska (WSB University in Toruń) - Student collective action in Poland 11:00 – 11:15 Coffee Break

11:15 – 12:45 Panel 5 - Collective action within universities

Chair: Gianni (Giovanni) Piazza (University of Catania) Pusa Nastase (Yehuda Elkana Center, Central European University) - Romanian students’ fund-raising from an international perspective Liviu Andreescu (University of Bucharest), Andra Dodiță (West University Timisoara) – A Tentative Map of Student Representation in Post-Communist Romania: Coallitions, Cleaveages and Fragmentation

Ștefan Marius DEACONU (University of Oradea) - Is the student movement still relevant for the society? Study case: The activity of National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania (ANOSR) between 2008-2016 12:45 – 14:00 Lunch [Venue: Facultatea de Istorie, Bd. Elisabeta 4-12, room 207] 14:00 – 16:00 Workshop: Cross-national approaches to the study of students’ collective action

Organized by: Economic Planning, Higher Education, and the Accumulation of Human Capital in Roma- nia during Communism (1948-1989) (PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0476), Supported by: TURNING GLOBAL. Socialist Experts during the Cold War (1960s-1980s) (PN-II-RU-TE-2014- 4-0335) and From Corporatism to Diversity: A Neo-institutionalist Study of Representative Student Or- ganizations in Postcommunist Romania, (PN-II-RU-TE2014-4-2296)