Jun 24, 2012 - Radiation Safety Division, Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel ...... The Compensation Scheme for Radiation Linked Diseases (CSRLD) is in ...
The 27th Conference of the Israel Nuclear Societies February, 11-13, 2014, Daniel Dead Sea Hotel, Israel
Program Oral Presentations Papers Poster Presentations List and Papers Organized by: Paragon Israel
(Dan Knassim)
a Paragon Group Company
PROGRAM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2014 10:30-12:00 Arrival and Registration 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-15:15 Plenary Session I Chair: Uzi German
Halls BC
13:00 Opening Remarks Yigal Ronen, President, Israel Nuclear Societies and Conference Chair Gustavo Haquin, President, Israel Society for Radiation Protection 13:15 Health & Safety of the IAEC Employees Shaul Chorev,
Head, Israel Atomic Energy Commission
13:45 Flexblue®: A Subsea SMR for Enhanced Safety and Competitivity Geoffrey Haratyk (invited)
DCNS Group, France
14:15 The Impact of the Fukushima Accident on LWR Safety and the Nuclear Power Risks Bal Raj Sehgal (invited) 14:45
Nuclear Power Safety, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
An Approach to Compensation for Radiation-linked Diseases - an Example from the Nuclear Industry in the UK
Richard Wakeford (invited)
Institute of Population Health, University of Manchester, UK 15:15-15:45 Coffee Break 15:45-17:30 Plenary Session II Chair: Ilan Yaar 15:45 Latest development on the SA Strategy In-Vessel Retention (for Existing NPPs) Jiri Zdarek (invited)
Chairman, Consortium JHR, Czech Republic
16:15 The European COST Network Wouter Schroeyers,
Chair, COST Action NORM4BUILDING TU1301, Belgium
16:25 Panel: A Nuclear Power Plant in Israel: Challenges & Prospects Eugene Shwageraus, Shlomo Wald, Yishai Levanon 17:30-21:00 Dinner (for hotel guests)
Halls BC
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2014 08:30-10:30, Arrival, Registration and Exhibition Visit 08:30-10:15 Plenary Session III Chair: Gustavo Haquin
Halls BC
08:30 Current Challenges in Medical Radiation Protection Madan Rehani (invited)
European Society of Radiology, Austria
09:00 Attribution and Nuclear Forensics: Science in Support of Law Enforcement & National Security Michael Kristo (invited)
Lawrence Livermore National Lab, USA
09:30 Remedy for Radiation Fear — Discard the Politicized Science Jerry Cuttler (invited)
Cuttler & Associates Inc, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
10:00 A National Survey of Exposure to Power Frequency Magnetic Fields ("ORCHID") Ronen Hareuveny1, I. Eliyahu1, Y. Yaffe1, I. Ben David1, M. Riven2, S. Kandel2, L. Kheifets3 1
Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Yavne, Israel
Independent Consultant, Israel 3 UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA
10:15-11:30 Coffee Break and Poster Session I 11:30-13:00 Reactor Physics and Technology I Chair: Guy Makov
Hall B
11:30 Theoretical Simulations of Materials for Nuclear Energy Applications Igor A. Abrikosov1,2 (invited), Alena V. Ponomareva 2, Anton Yu. Nikonov3, Svetlana A. Barannikova3,4, Andrey I. Dmitriev3,4 1
Linköping University, Sweden National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Russia 3 Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Russia 4 Tomsk State University, Russia 2
12:00 One-Group Cross Sections Generation for Monte Carlo Burnup Codes Dan Kotlyar1, Eugene Shwageraus2, Emil Fridman3 1
Nuclear Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Israel Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK 3 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany 2
12:15 Improving Conversion Ratio of PWR with Th-U233 Fuel Using Boiling Channels Marat Margulis1, Eugene Shwageraus2 1
Energy Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Israel Nuclear Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Israel
12:30 A Multi Region, Multi Energy Formalism for the F Tal Malinovitch, Chen Dubi
Physics, Nuclear Research Center of the Negev, Israel
-Alpha Formulas
12:45 Fuel Management Optimization of Pebble-Bed Reactors Using Particle Swarm Algorithm Barak Tavron1, Eugene Shwageraus2 1
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel Nuclear Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
11:30-13:00 Nuclear Forensics and Security Chair: Yair Shamai
Hall C
11:30 Age Dating of Nuclear and Radiological Materials and its Role in Nuclear Forensics Michael Kristo (invited)
N Program, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
11:45 Experimental Dating of 252Cf Sources Michal Brandis, Ofer Aviv, Zohar Yungrais, David Hershkovich, Gustavo Haquin
Radiation Safety Division, Soreq NRC, Israel
12:00 Nuclear Analytical Methods and Nonproliferation Studies at the University of Texas at Austin Steven Biegalski, Sheldon Landsberger, Erich Schneider, Kendra Foltz-Biegalski
Nuclear Engineering Teaching Lab, University of Texas, USA
12:15 A Liquid Xe Detector for Contraband Detection Itamar Israelashvili1,4, Marco Cortesi2, David Vartsky1, Doron Bar3, Amos Breskin1 1
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Switzerland 3 Soreq Nuclear Research Center (SOREQ NRC), Israel 4 Nuclear Research Center of Negev (NRCN), Israel 2
12:30 Ground Deposition Pattern of an Explosive Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Avi Sharon, Itzhak Halevy, Daniel Sattinger, Zvi Berenstein, Rony Neuman, Moriel Pinhas, Pini Banaim, Ilan Yaar
NRCN, Israel
12:45 Atmospheric Transport Modeling of Radio-Xenon Detections Possibly Related to the Announced Nuclear Test in North Korea on February 12, 2013 Kobi Kutsher1, Menachem Stern2 1
Radiation Safety Division, Soreq-NRC, Israel Physics and Nuclear Engineering Division, Soreq-NRC, Israel
11:30-13:00 Radiation Protection Chair: Jean Koch
Hall A
11:30 Fukushima Update and Current Status Suzuki Toshikazu
Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria
11:45 Production of DNA Double Strand Breaks in Human Cells due to Acute Exposure to Tritiated Water (HTO) Raphael Gonen1, Uzi German1, Zeev Alfassi2, Ester Priel2 1
Radiotoxicology, Nuclear Research Center, Negev, Israel Immunology and Nuclear Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Israel
12:00 The Treatment of Uncertainty in Compensation Schemes for Cancer Based on the Probability of Causation Methodology Jean Koch
Radiation Safety Division, Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel
12:15 Development of a Method to Assess the Radiation Dose due to Internal Exposure to Short-lived Radioactive Materials David Benmaman1, Jean Koch1, Joseph Ribak2 1
Radiation Safety Division, Soreq Nuclear Research, Israel School of Public Health, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
12:30 A Combined Shielding Design for a Neutron Generator and a Linear Accelerator at Soreq NRC Lior Epstein
Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel
12:45 Shielding Calculations for Industrial 5/7.5MeV Electron Accelerators Using the MCNP Monte Carlo Code
Eyal Peri, Itzhak Orion
Nuclear Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 13:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:30 Reactor Physics and Technology II (In memory of Dr. Uri Mintzer) Chair: Eugene Shwageraus
Hall B
14:00 Nuclear Licensing and Safety Office (NLSO) regulatory practices of IAEC Research Reactors Yacov Barnea1, Uri Mintzer (Deceased)1, Hanoch Hirshfeld1, Meir Markovits2 1
14:30 Zirconium Ignition in an Exposed Fuel Channel Yuri Nekhamkin, Dov Hasan, Ezra Elias
Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Israel
14:45 Extending Two-Phase Capabilities of Thermal-Hydraulic Module in BGCore Marat Margulis1, Eugene Shwageraus2 1
Ben Gurion's Center for Global Engineering, Israel Nuclear Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Israel
15:00 An In-Pile Kinetic Method for Determining the Delayed Neutron Fraction βeff Erez Gilad1, Oleg Rivin1, Hanania Ettedgui1, Ilan Yaar1, Benoit Geslot2, Alessandro Pepino2, Jacques DiSalvo2, Adrien Gruel2, Patrick Blaise2 1
Nuclear Research Center NEGEV (NRCN), Israel DEN/CAD/DER/SPEx/LPE, CEA, France
15:15 Protective Alternatives of SMR against Extreme Threat Scenario – A Preliminary Risk Analysis Igal M. Shohet1, David Ornai1,2, Erez Gal1, Yigal Ronen3, Mijal Vidra1 1
Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 2 Protective Technologies Research & Development Center, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 3 Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
14:00-15:30 Radiological Risk Assessment Chair: Ilan Yaar
Hall C
14:00 Legal and Political Obstacles and Opportunities for Successful Nuclear Projects Moshe Yanovskiy
Institutional Development, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, Russia
14:15 Inclusion of Premeditated Threats in the Safety Methodology for NPPs Ishay Levanon
Ishay Levanon Consulting Ltd., Israel
14:30 Protecting National Critical Infrastructure against Radiological Threat Ilan Yaar1, Itzhak Halevy2, Zvi Berenstein2, Avi Sharon2 1
Chief Scientist Office, Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources, Israel Nuclear Research Center Negev (NRCN), Israel
14:45 Development of a Risk-Based Decision-Support-Model for Protecting an Urban Medical Center from a Nuclear Explosion Gabi Ben-Dor2,3, Igal M Shohet1, David Ornai1,3, Benny Brosh1 1
Structural Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 3 Protective Technologies Research & Development Center, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 2
15:00 Time Dependent Radio-toxicology of Fission Products Menachem Stern, Asher Baram, Shlomo Pistinner
Nuclear Physics & Engineering, Soreq NRC, Israel
15:15 F st Multisp ctr l Fir b ll A l s s d th R l tio to P rticl s’ A rosoliz tio Avi Sharon, Itzhak Halevy, Daniel Sattinger, Zvi Berenstein, Rony Neuman, Moriel Pinhas, Pini Banaim , Ilan Yaar
NRCN, Israel
15:30-16:30 Coffee Break and Posters Session II 16:30-18:00 Dosimetry Chair: Uzi German
Hall B
16:30 Automation at NRCN Dosimetry Laboratory Adi Abraham1, Israel Arad2, Menachem Mesing1, Shmuel Levinson1, Marcelo Weinstein1, Omer Pelled1, Amir Broida1, Uzi German1 1
Nuclear Research Centre Negev, Israel Rotem Israel Arad Ltd, Israel
16:45 About Background Correction for LiF:Mg,Ti Readout Tova Yifrah1,2, Adi abraham1, Marcelo Weinstein1, Omer Pelled1, Uzi German1, Moshe Mintz1,2 1
Nuclear Research Centre Negev, Israel Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
17:00 The Enigma of Linear/Supralinear Thermoluminescence Dose Response Mixed Localized/Delocalized Recombination describes a solution Ilan Eliyahu1,2, Yigal Horowitz1, Leonid Oster3, Israel Mardor2 1
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel 3 Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel 2
17:15 Characterization of Soreq Whole Body Counter Ofer Aviv, Erez Daniely, Sharon Moskovici, Zohar Yungrais, Hanan Datz, Yair Shamai, Gustavo Haquin
Soreq NRC, Israel
17:30 Comparison Study of the Response of Several Passive PDA Based Personal Dosimeters to Gamma and XRay Radiation Shai Cohen1, Adi Abraham1, Omer Pelled1, Yair Tubul1, Esti Kresner2, Asaf Ashkenazi3, Ilan Yaar1 1
Nuclear Research Center-Negev, Israel Chief Scientist for CBRN Defense, Ministry of Defense, Israel 3 Asaf Ashkenazi Ltd, Israel 2
17:45 Suitability of Israeli Household Salt for Retrospective Dosimetry Hanan Datz1, Sofia Druzhyna2, Leonid Oster3, Itzhak Orion2, Itzhack Darras2, David Hershkovich1, Yigal Horowitz4 1
Radiation Safety Division, Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel Department of Nuclear Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 3 Physics Unit, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel 4 Physics Department, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 2
16:30-18:30 NORM & Environmental Radioactivity Chair: Konstantin Kovler
Hall C
16:30 A New European COST Network 'NORM4Building' (TU1301) for the Reuse of NORM Containing Residues in Building Materials Wouter Schroeyers, Sonja Schreurs
UHasselt, Diepenbeek, Limburg, Belgium
16:45 Usability of Clay Mixed Red Mud as Building Material in Transdanubian (Hungary) Region Zoltan Sas, Janos Somlai, Jacint Jonas, Gabor Szeiler, Tibor Kovacs
Institute of Radiochemistry and Radioecology, University of Pannonia, Hungary
17:00 Air Change Rates and Radon Concentrations in Residential Protected Rooms
Rachel Becker1, Konstantin Kovler1, Gustavo Haquin2
Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National Building Research Institute, Technion, Israel Radiation Safety Division, Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel
17:15 Radiation Exposure to Concrete in Israel Gustavo Haquin1, Konstantin Kovler2, Govert de With3, Zohar Yungrais1, Nathan Lavi4 1
Radiation Safety Division, Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Yavne, Israel National Building Research Institute, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
2 3
Radiation & Environment Division, NRG, ES Arnhem, the Netherlands
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
17:30 Scintillation vs. Semiconductor Spectrometers for Determination of NORM in Building Materials Konstantin Kovler1, Shmuel Levinson2, Nathan Lavi3, Uzi Gherman2, Boris Dashevsky1, Hisham Nassar4, Sergey Antropov5 1
National Building Research Institute, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel Nuclear Research Center Negev, Israel 3 Department of Nuclear Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Israel 4 Ministry of Environmental Protection, Israel 5 "Amplituda" Research Center, Russia 2
17:45 Radioactive Waste in Oil Exploration Sheldon Landsberger1, Shauna Landsberger2, Graham George2 1
Nuclear and Radiation Engineering, University of Texas, USA Enviroklean Product Development Inc., USA
18:00 A Detailed Gamma-ray Survey for Estimating the Radiogenic Power of Sardinian Variscan Crust Merita Xhixha1,5, Marica Baldoncini2,5, GiamPietro Bezzon3, GiamPaolo Buso3, Luigi Carmignani4, Leonardo Casini1, Ivan Callegari4, Tommaso Colonna4, Stefano Cuccuru1, Enrico Guastaldi4, Giovanni Fiorentini2,3,5, Fabio Mantovani2,5, Giovanni Massa4, Liliana Mou3, Giacomo Oggiano1, Antonio Puccini1, Carlos Rossi Alvarez3, Virginia Strati2,5, Gerti Xhixha2,3, Alessandro Zanon3 1
Department of Natural and Land Sciences, University of Sassari, Italy Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Italy 3 Legnaro National Laboratory, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy 4 Center for GeoTechnologies (CGT), University of Siena, Italy 5 Ferrara Section, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy 2
18:15 Measurement of Tritium Activity in Plants by Ice Extraction Method Omer Pelled, Shimon Ovad, Yair Tobol, Shimon Tsroya, Rafi Gonen, Adi Abraham, Marcelo Weinstein, Uzi German
NRCN, Israel
17:30-21:00 Dinner (for hotel guests) 21:00-23:00 Happy Hour – Scottish Pub, Daniel hotel
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2014 08:30-10:30 Arrival, Registration and Exhibition Visit 09:00-10:30 Reactor Physics and Technology III Chair: Erez Gilad 09:00 Damage Curves of a Nuclear Reactor Structure Exposed to Air Blast Loading Irad Brandys1,2, David Ornai2,3, Yigal Ronen2 1
Hall B
Nuclear Research Center Negev, Israel Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 3 Protective Technologies Research & Development Center, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 2
09:15 Numerical Simulation of a Single-Phase Closed-Loop Thermo-Syphon in LORELEI Test Device Dima Gitelman1, H. Shenha1, Ch. Gonnier3, D. Tarabelli3, A. Sasson1, Y. Weiss1, M. Katz2 1
Mechanical Engineering, ROTEM Industries, Israel NRCN, P.O.Box 9001 Beer Sheva, 84190, Israel
French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) – Cadarache Centre, France
09:30 Thermal Design of the LORELEI Test Device Using a COMSOL Inverse Solver (1) Hadas Shenha , D. Gitelman(1), I. Preker(1), M. Arbel-Haddad(2), L. Ferry (3), A. Sasson(1), Y. Weiss(1), M. Katz(2) 1
Mechanical Engineering, ROTEM Industries, Israel NRCN, P.O.Box 9001 Beer Sheva, 84190, Israel 3 French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) – Cadarache Centre, France 2
09:45 Concept of the LORELEI test device for LOCA experiment in the JHR reactor 1 1 2 1 1 1 Moti Santo , N. Moran , L. Ferry , A. Azulay , O. Mileguir , Y. Weiss 1
Mechanical Engineering, ROTEM Industries, Israel French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) – Cadarache Centre, France
10:00 Numerical ballooning and burst prediction of fuel cladding during LOCA transients in LWR Eran Landau1, Y. Weiss2, M. Szanto2 1
Ben Gurion University, P.O.B. 653 Beer-Sheva 8410501 Israel Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
10:15 Preliminary I&C Design for LORELEI Sami Korotkin1, Yacov Kaufman1, Erez Grosman1, Betty Guttmann1, Shahar Levy1, David Amidan1, Erez Beer1, Benny Gdalyho1, Tzahi Cahana1, Amir Ellenbogen1, Meir Arad1, Yishay Weiss2, Avner Sasson2, Lionel Ferry3, Francois Bourrelly3, Yosef Cohen1 1
NRCN POB 9001, Israel Rotem Industries Ltd, Israel 3 CEA, Cadarache, DER/SRJH, France 2
09:00-10:30 Medical and Applied Physics Chair: Raquel Bar-Deroma
Hall C
09:00 Biodistribution of 212Pb Conjugated Trastuzumab in Mice Nate Schneider1, Megan Lobaugh1, Peter Sandwall1, Samuel Glover1, Maisha Murry1, Zhongyun Dong2, Henry Spitz1 1
Nuclear & Radiological Engineering, University of Cincinnati, USA Division of Hematology-Oncology, University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute, USA
09:15 A Novel Drug Delivery System for Preventing the Extension of the Telomeric Ends of DNA and Preventing the Unlimited Proliferation of Cancer Cells Brenda Laster1, Carol Isaacson1, Maha Msamra1, Ekterina Perez2, Joseph Kost2 1
Nuclear Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Israel Chemical Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Israel
09:30 DNA Topoisomerase 1: A Novel Radiation Exposure Biomarker Raphael Gonen1, Uzi German1, Zeev Alfassi2, Ester Priel2 1
Radiotoxicology Dpt., Nuclear Research Center, Israel Immunology and Nuclear Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Israel
09:45 A New Concept in Radiation Damage Studies: Model System for Self-Induced Radiation Damage Experiments in Thin Films Michael Shandalov1, Tzvi Tempelman2, Rafael Hevroni3, Itzhak Kelson3, Eyal Yahel1, Yuval Golan2 1
NRCN, Israel Ben-Gurion University, Israel 3 Tel Aviv University, Israel 2
10:00 Numerical Analysis of the Microwave Auditory Effect Nir Mordechay Yitzhak, Raphael Ruppin, Ronen Hareuveny
Radiation Safety Division, Soreq NRC, Israel
10:15 Archaeological Ceramics: Provenience Based on Neutron Activation Analysis Joseph Yellin
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-11:30 Young Scientists Awards Ceremony 11:30-13:30 Accelerators / SARAF Chair: Asher Shor
Hall B
11:30 The SARAF Accelerator in 2012-2013 Leo Weissman, A. Kreisel, D. Berkovits, A. Arenshtam, Y. Ben-Aliz, Y. Buzaglo, O. Dudovitch, I. Eliahu, Y. Eisen, D. Har-Even, Y.F. Haruvy, S. Halfon, T. Hirsh, D. Hirshmann, Z. Horivitz, I. Gertz, A. Grin, G. Feinberg, I. Fishman, B. Keizer, D. Kijel, G. Lempert, Y. Luner, E. Reinfeld, J. Rodnizki, G. Shimel, A. Shor, I. Silverman, E. Zemach
SARAF, Soreq NRC, Israel
11:45 Superconducting Accelerating Cavity Pressure Sensitivity Analysis Jacob Rodnizki, Zvi Horvits, Leo Weissman, Yakir Ben Aliz, Asher Grin
SARAF, Soreq NRC, Israel
12:00 Redesign of SARAF RFQ Modulation for CW Deuteron Acceleration Jacob Rodnizki, Asher Shor
Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Soreq NRC, Israel
12:15 Fast Beam Chopper at SARAF accelerator via RF deflector before RFQ Boaz Kaizer, Asher Shor, Leonid Weissman
Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Soreq NRC, Israel
First Demonstration of High-Power Proton Irradiation and Neutron Production with a Liquid-Lithium Target
Shlomi Halfon1,2, Alexander Arenshtam1, Danny Kijel1, Michael Paul2, Leonid Weissman1, Dan Berkovits1, Yosef Eisen1, Ilan Eliyaho1, Gitai Feinberg1,2, Arik Kreisel1, Israel Mardor1, Guy Shimel1, Asher Shor1, Ido Silverman1, Moshe Tessler2 1
Soreq NRC, Israel Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
12:45 Nuclear Astrophysics at SARAF with LiLiT Gitai Feinberg1,2, Michael Paul1, Alex Arenshtam2, Ofer Aviv2, Dan Berkovits2, Dan Cohen1, Ofer Dudovitch2, Yossi Eisen2, Ilan Eliyahu2, Moshe Friedman1, Yehoshua Ganon1, Shlomi Halfon1,2, Dany Kijel2, Arik Kreisel2, Guy Shimel2, Asher Shor2, Ido Silverman2, Moshe Tessler1, Leo Weissman2, Zohar Yungrais2 1
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Soreq NRC, Israel
13:00 Status of Cross Section Measurement for the Deuteron Induced Reaction 23Na(d,p)24Na in the Energy Range 1-20 MeV at NPi Rez and SARAF Arik Kreisel1, T.Y. Hirsh1, Y. Eisen 1, J. Mrazek 2, E.Simeckova2, M. Stefanik2 1
SARAF, Soreq NRC, Israel NPI Rez, Rez, Czech Rep
13:15 Proton Irradiation of LiF:Mg;Ti at SARAF: Optical Absorption Relative Efficiency Calculations using Track Structure Theory Ilan Eliyahu1,2, Yigal Horowitz2, Leonid Oster3, Leo Weissman1, Arik Kreisel1, Sofia Druzhyna2, Israel Mardor1 1
Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel Ben Gurion University of the Negev,, Israel 3 Sami Shamoon College of Engineering,, Israel 2
11:30-13:00 Radiation Detectors Chair: Yagil Kadmon
Hall C
11:30 The SVM Method for Fissile Mass Estimation through Passive Neutron Interrogation: Advances and Developments Chen Dubi, Itamar Israelshvili
Physics, Nuclear Research Center of the Negev (NRCN), Israel
11:45 Alpha Beta Monitoring System Based on a Pair of Simultaneous Multi Wire Proportional Counters David Amidan1,2, Udi Wengrowicz2, I. Orion1, Y. Yehuda-Zada2, Y. Levin2, T. Mazor2, Y.Kadmon2, Y.Cohen2 1
Nuclear Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel Electronics, Nuclear Research Center-Negev, Beer Sheva, , Israel
12:00 Aerial Measuring Systen (AMS) / Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC) Joint Comparison Study Itzhak Halevy1, Peter Wasiolek2 1
Physics, NRCN, Israel U.S. Department of Energy, Remote Sensing Laboratory, USA
12:15 Design of Stack Monitoring System for PET Medical Cyclotron Facilities with Isotope Identification and Released Activity Concentration Measurement Alon Osovizky1, Dimitry Ginzburg1, Vitaly Pushkarsky1, Dima Shmidov1, Eran Vax2, Yakir Knafo1, Natan Semyonov1, Laurence Kaplan1, Yagil Kadmon2, Yosef Cohen2, Tzachi Mazor2 1
Radiation Detection Department, Rotem Industries Ltd, Israel Electronics & Control Laboratories, Nuclear Research Center Negev, Israel
12:30 Radon Daughters Background Reduction in Alpha Particles Counting System Shay Shalom Dadon1, Omer Pelled1, Itzhak Orion2 1
NRCN, Israel Nuclear Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
12:45 Monte Carlo Simulation for Optimizing 6LiF:ZnS(Ag) based Neutron Detector Configuration Yaacov Yehuda-Zada1,4, Itzhak Orion1, Lee Dongwon2, Or Hen5, Arie Beck4, Yagil Kadmon4, Yossi Cohen4, Jeffrey Zigler2, Nicholas Maliszewskyj2, Alon Osovizky2,3 1
Nuclear Engineering, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel NIST Center for Neutron Research, USA 3 Rotem Industries Ltd, Israel 4 Nuclear Research Center Negev, Israel 5 Tel Aviv University, Israel 2
13:00-14:00 Lunch
ORAL PRESENTATIONS PAPERS 49 Plenary Session I (Tuesday, February 11, 2014 13:00)
The Impact of Fukushima Accidents on LWR Safety and the Nuclear Power Risks B. R. Sehgal Nuclear Power Safety, KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden, 10691 INTRODUCTION The history of the consideration of severe accidents (SA) safety begins really with WASH-1400 [1] initiated by USNRC in early 1970’s. The WASH-1400 considered accidents of decreasing probability and increasing consequence (see Tables I extracted from WASH-1400). The accidents considered, occurred due to successive faults which lead to at least the melting of the core and a possible radioactivity release to the environment. The increasing consequence accidents would entail additional failures e.g., vessel failure, late containment failure, containment bypass, early containment failure etc. These additional failures would lead to larger releases of radioactivity and thus larger consequences for the public in the vicinity of the plant. Chance per ReactorYear
Early Fatal-ities
Early Total Prope- Decontamination illnesses rty Damage Area ~Square $109 Miles (a) One in 20,000