Program Sheet Program sheet for Hospitality Management

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CSHSPMG 1600 Intro to Hospitality Management. 2. ENGLISH 1110.01 or 1110.02 or 11110.03. 3. CSHSPMG 2700 Principles of Food Production Mgt AND .
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT, Hospitality Management Program Sheet Effective for students admitted to the College of Education and Human Ecology beginning Summer 2016 COURSE & NUMBER UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS (46-50) Writing (6) ¹1st Level Writing Course (1110) 3 nd 2 Level Writing Course (2367) 3 Literature (3) 3 Arts (3) Math (3-7) Math Placement M or higher, MATH 1130 or Equiv 2 Next Math course past placement, MATH 1131, or other course from university approved Math & Logical Analysis list (Recommend: CSE 1111 or 2111) Data Analysis (3)


3 3 3 3 0-4 3 3


Science (10) 3

Two science courses from University Approved BA GE list, one of which must be a Physical Science, and one must be a laboratory course.


Historical Study (3) Social Sciences (6) ECON 2001.01 5 Individuals & Groups OR Organizations & Polities 2 Culture & Ideas or 2Historical Study (3) Open Option (6) Choice Choice EHE 1100 (1) MAJOR INTERDISCIPLINARY CORE (13) CSFRST/CSHSPMG 2300 Branding in Fshion, Hspitality & Sprt Indstrs CSFRST/CSHSPMG 3910 Consumer Service and Satisfaction CSFRST/CSHSPMG 3330 Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability & Entrepreneurship in Fshion, Hspitality & Sprt Indstrs CSFRST/CSHSPMG 3950 Use of Social Media and IT in Fashion, Hospitality, and Sport Industries CSFRST/CSHSPMG 4680 Strtgc Mngmnt in Fshion & Hspitality Indstrs CONSCI or CSHSPMG 2990 Professional Development MAJOR SUPPORTING COURSES (6) ACCTMIS 2000 Found of Accounting 2 BUSFIN 3120 Foundations of Finance

Electives (22-39)

2 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 2 3

MAJOR ADVANCED COURSES (Select 6 Credits from below)




Option A (28) MAJOR CORE REQUIRMENTS (22)- Option A CSHSPMG 2600 (1600) Intro to Hospitality Management CSHSPMG 2700 Principles of Food Production Management AND CSHSPMG 2710 Principles of Food Production Management Lab CSHSPMG 2800 (4800) Hotel Systems AND CSHSPMG 2810 (4810) Hotel Systems Practicum CSHSPMG 3700 Controlling Food, Beverage, and Labor Costs CSHSPMG 3720 Food Service Systems AND CSGSPMG 3730 Food Service Systems Practicum CSHSPMG 4610 (2610) Beverage Management CSHSPMG 3191 Internship

3 3 3 3 3 3 1

3 3 2 2 2 1

3 3

CSHSPMG 4600 Special Events Planning & Management CSHSPMG 4620 Principles of Tourism CSHSPMG 4640 Advanced Marketing in Hospitality Enterprises

3 3 3

CSHSPMG 4650 Advanced Managment Skills for Hsptlity Supervisors CSHSPMG 4710 Foodservice Facilities Design CSHSPMG 4750 Casino Operations CSHSPMG 4820 Advance Hotel Systems CSHSPMG 5780 Hospitality Management Advanced Applications CSHSPMG 3270 Families in Business CONSCI 5193 Individual Studies in Consumer Sciences

3 3 3 3 3 3 1-4

Option B (15) Admission requirement: Applied Associate degree in related field from accredited institution including but not limited to:  Hospitality management  Culinary Apprenticeship  Hotel, Tourism and Even Management  Restaurant and Foodservice Management MAJOR CORE REQUIREMENTS (11)- Option B CSHSPMG 3700 Controlling Food, Beverage, and Labor Costs


CSHSPMG 4610 (2610) Beverage Management CSHSPMG 4640 Advanced Marketing in Hospitality Enterprises CSHSPMG 5780 Hospitality Management Advanced Applications MAJOR SUPPORTING COURSES (Select 4 credits from below) CSHSPMG 2800 (4800) Hotel Systems AND CSHSPMG 4810 (4810) Hotel Systems Practicum CSHSPMG 3720 Food Service Systems CSHSPMG 3730 Food Service Systems Practicum



2 3 3 3 1 3 1



Engish 1110.03 must be taken concurrently with English 1193.03 CSE 100 or equivalent is a prerequisite to BUSFIN 3120, which is met by taking CSE 2111 or 1111 Students must complete two Global Issues courses, which are typically met by selecting Literature, Art, Cultures & Ideas, or Historical Study courses that meet this requirement. 4 Two or three courses are needed to complete this requirement. Choose one biological and one physical science course. At least one course must contain a lab. 5 Students must complete one Social Diversity in the US course, which is met by taking PSYCH 1100. 2 3

Rev. 10/24/16