... Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory to understand identity, choice and
change (YHA) ... Papers available on MECT2 website, limited to 15 minutes
presentation to maximise discussion. ... Restaurant: Akbars- akbars.co.uk/
Mathematics Education and Contemporary Theory 2: Programme + additional information Thursday 7pm congregate at Castlefield Hotel for drink/meal if you are around (first stop Dukes 92 nearby) Friday 1.00 1.30 1.50 2.50 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.45 5.15 6.00
Registration (Hotel reception) Yvette intro (Bridgewater Room, CH1) Anna Sfard keynote Liz de Freitas response to Anna leading to discussion Tea Tony emergent themes Strand 1 Alexandre / Julian Strand 2 Mark, Alf / Darinka, Laura, Yvette Strand 3 Jerry /Liz Questions, hopes and aspirations Close Leave hotel for restaurant. (2km scenic walk through a city centre, or a short taxi ride). Chaophraya Thai restaurant (leave by 8pm)
Saturday 9.00 11.15 11.45 1.00 2.00
Papers Group One Part a Coffee (CH) Papers Group One Part b Lunch Conversation Meeting One Strand 1 Alexandre Pais Theory to analyze the macro dimension of classroom interactions (CH2) Strand 2 Mark Boylan /Alf Coles Mathematics teacher education as contemporary praxis (YHA) Strand 3 Jerry Rosiek Ontology, Agency and aesthetics in mathematics education research (CH1)
3.30 4.00
Tea (CH) Conversation Meeting Two Strand 1 Julian Williams Political economy and the educational field/culture in times of crisis (CH2) Strand 2 Yvette Solomon/Laura Black/Darinka Radovic Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory to understand identity, choice and change (YHA) Strand 3 Liz de Freitas The (onto)logical questions of mathematics (CH1)
6.00 7.00
Early evening drink Dukes 92 Dimitris Greek restaurant
Sunday 9.30 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.45 1.00 2.00 3.15 3.45 7.00
Ole Skovsmose keynote (CH1) Alexandre Pais response to Ole leading to discussion Coffee (CH) Papers Group Two Part a (CH1/2) inc meeting with Anna (venue tbc) Break Lunch Papers Group Two Part b (CH1/2) inc meeting with Ole (venue tbc) Tea (CH) Conversations Meeting Three - continuations ((CH1/2/YHA/bar terrace) No venue planned for meal but meet in reception if you want to join a group
Monday 9.00 9.30 11.00 11.30 1.00 Papers
Check out of rooms Conversations Meeting Four - collations (CH1) Coffee Plenary led by Julian Close available on MECT2 website, limited to 15 minutes presentation to maximise discussion. Please bring memory stick with ppt.
Group One (9am Saturday) a) Philosophical pt 1 Chair Jerry Rosiek (CH 1) Casey Tiemann/ Daniel Ramirez Beyond critical postmodern theory in mathematics education research David Stinson/ Erica Bullock Critical postmodern methodology in mathematics education research Mark Boylan Mathematics education and relational ethics: dimensions and sources b) Philosophical pt 2. Chair Norma Presmeg (CH1) Paul Ernest The problem of certainty in mathematics Andonis Zagorianakos A study of intuitions from a Husserlian first person perspective + a) Subjectivity and objectification pt 1Chair Stephanie Daza (YHA) Alexandre Pais At the intersection between the subject and the political Julian Williams Critique of R&R Tony Brown The sublime objects of mathematics Luis Radford - a response to Pais, Brown and Williams b) Subjectivity and objectification pt 2 Chair Stephanie Daza (YHA) Liz deFreitas Sense and sensation in mathematics education David Swanson Vygotsky, scientific concepts, and connectionist teaching in mathematics + a) University education pt 1 Chair Barbara Jaworski (CH2) Paul Hernandez-Martinez Teaching mathematics to engineers Paivi Portaankorva-Koivisto Student teachers' metaphors for technology in teaching mathematics Kathy Nolan Schooling novice mathematics teachers on structures and strategies of classroom practices Sergiy Klymchuk/Tatyana Zverkova The role of attention in the praxis of school mathematics teachers b) University education pt 2; Narrative Chair Barbara Jaworski (CH2) Elena Nardi Where form and substance meet: collaborative research findings in university maths education. Laurinda Brown/Alf Coles Doing/learning as mathematics educators in the praxis of living Group Two (11.15 am Sunday) a) Sociological pt 1 Chair Tony Cotton (CH2) Anna Llewellyn Progress. Is it worth it? A discussion of productions of progress in mathematics education Sverker Lundin Who cares about mathematics: On the ritual fabrication of mathematical knowledge. b) Sociological pt 2 Chair Tony Cotton (CH2) Eva Jablonka Social dimensions of boredom in classrooms from Germany, Hong Kong and the USA Gelsa Knijnik Governmentality and (mathematics) education in Brazilian multigrade peasant schools. + a) Bakhtin Chair Peter Gates (CH1) Tim Jay Reconciling multiple perspectives when doing research on out-of-school learning. Richard Barwell Formal and informal language in mathematics classrooms: a dialogic perspective b) Mathematical identity Chair Peter Gates (CH1) Hans Jorgen Braathe/ Yvette Solomon Hearing Voices: Identity agency and intention in choosing maths Veda Roodal Persad Sofya Kovalevskaya: mathematics as fantasy.
+ Meet the keynotes a) Anna Sfard (venue tbc) b) Ole Skovsmose (venue tbc)
Additional information: Castlefield Hotel is less than 1km from Deansgate railway station, or 2.5 km from Manchester Piccadilly. You can get direct trains from the airport to Deansgate (23 minutes). The hotel is in a largely pedestrianised canal district less than 1km from the city centre Castlefield Hotel 0161 832 7073 Tony mobile 07928800712 Intro to MECT and Manchester: http://www.esri.mmu.ac.uk/mect2/intro.pdf Friday night venue: Chaophraya (Chapel Walks, off Cross St.) http://chaophraya.co.uk/venues/chaophraya-manchester/ Saturday night venue: Dimitris (near hotel, opposite Hilton) http://www.dimitris.co.uk/contact/ Friday/Saturday evenings will be very busy in many venues in the city centre. The hotel is likely to be the quietest place. Castlefield: Good pubs Dukes 92- http://www.dukes92.com Britons protection- http://www.britonsprotection.co.uk Peveril of the peak- https://plus.google.com/111100718853934809094/about?gl=uk&hl=en Oxnoble- http://www.expedia.co.uk/Manchester-Hotels-The-Ox-Noble.h3099726.Hotel-Information Restaurant: Akbars- akbars.co.uk/manchester Cocktail Bar (Hilton): http://www.cloud23bar.com Good things to do in Manchester: Museum of Science and Industry (opposite Castlefield hotel, includes world's first railway station) Chethams School of Music Library (world's oldest public library, where Marx studied) City Art Gallery Manchester Town Hall St Anne's Church John Dalton Library - Deansgate Lowry Centre/ War Museum in Salford Quays - a tram ride from Deansgate to Mediacity UK Lively northern quarter, e.g. Odd Bar http://oddbar.co.uk/odd/ Daytrips by train: Peak District 1hr Liverpool 1hr Chester 1 hr York 90 min Longer: Lake District 2hr London 3hr