are also provided access to UNODC's cloud. -based Global eLearning training platform. ... Production, LMS, helpdesk. Sha
Bimonthly News on the UNODC eLearning Programme / Issue No. 9—July & August 2016
UNODC eLearning in numbers July-August 2016
17,711 users (10,588 online; 7,123 offline)
25 courses in 12 languages 345 training modules
178,349 hours of eLearning training delivered
The eLearning Platform has been updated to speed up the delivery of the trainings.
184 countries connected to the Programme
14 operational Mobile Training Units 219,252 access to the eLearning webpage
8 eLearning Centres
340 social media communications
* 3 new Urdu training modules finalized for Pakistan on the prevention of the smuggling of migrants.
* New training course on Alternatives Imprisonment for Women Offenders.
* Royal Thai Police reached 2250 certified users using eLearning Mobile Training Units.
* Viet Nam: Frontline officers attended a training on anti-smuggling techniques organized by the UNODC Border Management Programme in Bangkok. * The first UNODC launched in July.
* The eLearning Team said goodbye to two of its participants, while two new members were welcomed in the work of the programme.
BLO Trainings Viet Nam (ROSEAP)
Growing interest in UNODC eLearning Growing interest can be observed in the UNODC eLearning trainings in Southeast Asia on the side of Viet Nam and Myanmar BLO officers in a co-operative effort to address border trafficking crimes. UNODC and SODC (Standing Office on Drugs and Crime) of Viet Nam held a training programme on transnational organized crimes using UNODC's Global eLearning Programme for law enforcement officers of six BLOs in Viet Nam. The training was implemented as part of a component of national field trainings organized by UNODC to increase awareness and the capacity of border officials to collect, integrate, analyze and share information on cross-border crimes, with a focus on detecting and interdicting transnational crimes.
On 22 July, frontline multi-agency law enforcement officers from six Border Liaison Offices (BLO) gathered for a weeklong training on anti-smuggling techniques to c o u n t er tr an s n a t i on a l o r g an iz e d environmental crimes in the city of Long Xuyen, Viet Nam. An international and national team of experts delivered the practical training to improve the capacity of the thirty participating officers to detect, interdict and communicate cross-border smuggling crimes as part of UNODC's Border Management Programme for Southeast Asia and the Global Programme for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime.
Nearly 18,000 users in 184 countries
17,711 have now received eLearning training through the programme’s various delivery platforms. 5,542 new users have been registered since June, 2016.
UNODC Annual Report available
The UNODC Annual Results-Based Report available here on Global and Country/ Regional Programmes for the year of 2015. Including relevant information and statistics regarding the UNODC eLearning Programme.
Innovative BLO training Viet Nam In Long Xuyen, Viet Nam thirty frontline law enforcement officers from six southern Border Liaison Offices (BLO) gathered for a one week training on anti-smuggling and transnational organized environmental crimes. As part of the comprehensive training package on anti-smuggling investigation techniques, the BLO officers are also provided access to UNODC’s cloud -based Global eLearning training platform.
The first Facebook page of the UNODC eLearning Programme has been launched in July, in order to make UNODC eLearning training courses widely known in a community of interested people. The aim of the Facebook page is to make the work of the eLearning Programme more transparent and more easily achievable for everyone who would like to become a part of our initiatives.
eLearning in Thailand
Thailand is a long-lasting partner and represents a prominent place in the delivery of eLearning. The training campaign of the Royal Thai Police—Police Educational Bureau (RTP PEB) has reached 2250 certified users in the utilization of the Mobile Training Units. Thailand has provided trainings to 6 training centres so far in Ubonratchathani, Undorthani, Songkla, Yala, Lampang and Surat Thani. The delivery of mobile trainings of “Human Trafficking” is in progress to a further 19 police training centres all over Thailand.
New eLearning course available
Pakistan: New eLearning modules in URDU Three new Urdu modules have been produced in order to train Pakistan Officers to prevent the smuggling of migrants under the title of ‘Introduction to Smuggling of Migrants’, ‘Investigative Approaches to Smuggling of Migrants’ and ‘Investigative Techniques to Counter the Smuggling of Migrants’. The modules take a great emphasis on primary investigative approaches and discuss the importance of treating migrants as victims of a crime and to respond accordingly to obtain essential evidence. The modules cover the use of specific investigative techniques for a more effective action against crimes.
The Justice Section, in collaboration with the European Council, made available a new training course on ‘Alternatives to Imprisonment for Women Offenders’ in the public area of the UNODC eLearning Platform. The course was developed by UNODC and the Council of Europe for the use of criminal justice practitioners. It addresses genderbased discrimination in the criminal justice system and explains the different noncustodial measures that should be available for women offenders in line with international standards and norms. 119 learners are currently taking the course.
Goodbyes and Welcomes The eLearning team said goodbye to two of its outstanding members. Snezana Durisic (Consultant) left the organization after two years of exceptional work and handed her position to Emily Métens. Aurore Menard (Intern), due to the end of her six months internship period, gave her place to Zsofia Marton, who will be in charge until the end of 2016. Furthermore, the eLearning Team has been expanded with a new National Project Officer in the person of Mr. Kamal Toure, who has become the new Focal Person for the West African region.
UNODC eLearning Programme
New UNODC eLearning Webpage The new UNODC eLearning Webpage will be introduced soon with a more transparent structure, to improve the delivery of training and to make the current options even more transparent with a simpler interface.
P.O. Box 500 1400 Vienna, Austria (+43 1) 26060 83101
[email protected] Twitter: @UNODC_eLearning Facebook: elearning.unodc
Training for trainers with ECOWAS On 29th August, a training will be organised for trainers with Mr. Kamal Toure, the National Project Officer for eLearning the Regional Office for West and Central Africa: “Support to ECOWAS Regional Action Plan on illicit drug trafficking, organised crime related to it and drug abuse in West Africa.”
Annual Law Enforcement Meeting The Division for Treaty Affairs will be organising an Annual Meeting for Law Enforcement Experts and Advisors from the 29th August until the 2nd of September, which will be attended by the eLearning Programme.
Follow us on twitter @UNODC_eLearning Follow us on Facebook /unodc.globalelearning
Programme Coordinator Danilo Rizzi
[email protected] LMS, MTUs & Localizations Emily Metens
[email protected] Production, LMS, helpdesk Shariful Islam
[email protected] Administration and Webmaster Patrick Gindler
[email protected] Advocacy & Helpdesk Zsofia Marton
[email protected] Focal Person, West Africa Kamal Toure
[email protected] eLearning GPML Muguet Aminian
[email protected]