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[website] ... Collab4Safety aims to optimize the integration of research and training in food safet
Collab4Safety workshop


Milan Expo 2015: Outline of the workshop (plus speakers) Time



Introduction and scope

Hans Marvin


Results of the Collab4Safety Delphi

Lynn Frewer


Globalisation and its impact on emerging risks

Tobin Robinson (EFSA)


Achieving global food safety and food security: the importance of strategic international and inter-sectorial collaboration

Masami Takeuchi (FAO)


Coffee break


General discussion to discuss emerging research and policy needs associated with emerging food safety risks.


Moderated by UNEV

(i) Identifying and implementing a global research agenda, (ii) barriers to harmonizing global food safety policy


Cocktail The discussion will end with electronic vote on key questions regarding emerging global food risks

A short background document of the Delphi Policy survey Collab4Safety aims to optimize the integration of research and training in food safety between the EU and its trading partners, in order to facilitate the control and mitigation of existing and emerging food risks, and to provide a sustainable platform for global integration of food safety policies. An initial step in the international coordination of research and policy in the area of food safety is the systematic assessment of existing international activities in this area. This was addressed through a Delphi Policy survey. The Delphi method is an iterative survey technique that uses expert opinion for developing understanding and problem solving within a particular field, through repeated polling of experts using anonymous questionnaires to produce a group judgment. The objectives of the Collab4safety Delphi were two-fold: (1) to inform policy recommendations regarding global harmonisation of research requirements, capacity building and policy and (2) to form the basis of a platform which will facilitate the development of global partnerships for food safety in terms of international capability and capacity building. In total n=106 experts globally completed round one of the Collab4Safety Delphi (January 2014) and n=42 provided response to round two (October 2014).

More information:

[website] [e-mail] [email protected] (Piet Stouten) [Phone] +31 317 480429

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 311611. This publication reflects only the author’s views. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in it. @collab4safety