) ... Lazarov N, Tchekalarova J, Atanasova D (
Varna, Bulgaria, 5-7 October 2017
Organizing Committee President:
Anton B. Tonchev
Galina Mircheva Peter Valchanov Stoyan Pavlov Vanya Stefovska Irina Stoyanova-van der Laan Desislava Marinova Meglena Angelova Marin Zhelezov Dimo Stoyanov Radoslav Spassov Boyan Parvanov
Organizing team:
All Staff and co-workers of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Medical University - Varna
Thursday, 05.10.2017 (I Auditorium “Prof. Dr. V. Vankov”, Medical University ‐ Varna) 15:00 Registration 17:00 Welcome address and opening Tonchev A (Varna, Bulgaria – local Organizer) Medical University – Varna official Ovtscharoff W (Sofia, Bulgaria – Chairman, Bulgarian Anatomical Society) Announcement of the “Dimiter Kadanov” Memorial Award Wassilev W (Sofia, Bulgaria – Honorary Chairman, Bulgarian Anatomical Society)
17:30 The organization and dynamics of vascular innervation Bleys R (Utrecht, The Netherlands; Email:
[email protected])
18:15 Modern sectional anatomy. From X‐ray to 4D Holography Sokiranski R (Heidelberg, Germany; Email:
[email protected])
19:00 Reception – “Verde” restaurant, 64 General Kiselov str., Varna
Friday, 06.10.2017 (I Auditorium “Prof. Dr. V. Vankov”, Medical University ‐ Varna) 9:00 Neuroscience/Cell biology Chairs: M. Davidoff, R. Bleys 9:00 – 9:30 Some principles of the brain evolution Ovtscharoff W (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) 9:30 – 9:40 Chronic agomelatine treatment suppresses the kainate‐induced glial reaction during epileptogenesis in rats Lazarov N, Tchekalarova J, Atanasova D (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) 9:40 – 9:50
Kainate‐induced changes and the effect of losartan on angiotensin AT1 receptor expression in limbic structures in a rat model of comorbid hypertension and epilepsy Dandov A, Atanasova D, Tchekalarova J, Ivanova N, Lazarov N (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) 9:50 – 10:00 Astroglia and graft vascularization following intracerebral transplantation in a Parkinson’s disease model Tomov N, Surchev L, Wiedenmann C, Döbrössy M, Nikkhah G (Stara Zagora and Sofia, Bulgaria, Freiburg and Stuttgart, Germany; Email:
[email protected])
10:00 – 10:10 SEM reveals filopodia‐like protrusions in the early embryonic disc of the chick Surchev L, Sydow H, Viebahn C, Tsikolia N (Sofia, Bulgaria, and Göttingen, Germany; Email:
[email protected]) 10:10 – 10:20
Orexin‐A modulates neuronal network activity in vitro Stoyanova II, le Feber J, (Varna, Bulgaria, and Enschede, The Netherlands; Email:
[email protected]) 10:20 – 10:30
Automated image processing of fluorescent images: an end to manual counting? Pavlov SP, Thaller C, Stoykova A, Eichele G, Tonchev AB (Varna, Bulgaria, and Göttingen, Germany; Email:
[email protected]) 10:30 – 11:00 Homage to GEORGE E. PALADE: The human body viewed as a multicrine system Chaldakov GN (Varna, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) 11:00‐11:30
Symposium photo
Coffee break
11:30 Cardiovascular and Surgical Anatomy Chairs: Lazarov N, Atanassova P 11:30 – 11:40 A correlation between postnatal changes in the expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the rat myocardium and its morphological characteristics. Iliev A, Kotov G, Landzhov B, Jelev L, Dimitrova I, Hinova‐Palova D (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]‐sofia.bg) 11:40 – 11:50 A comparative quantitative analysis of posnatal changes in cardiomyocites in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats Kotov G, Iliev A, Landzhov B, Jelev L, Kirkov V, Savova K, Hinova‐Palova D (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected])
11:50 – 12:00 Arteria cystica anomalies in laparoscopic cholecystectomy Turkyilmaz Z, Hoscoskun Z, Taşkınalp O (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) 12:00 – 12:10 Relevance of the topographic localization of the peroneal superficial nerve before ankle arthroscopy Penev P, Raykov D, Burnev M, Ganchev K, Belchev B, Raykov M (Varna, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) 12:10 – 12:40 Modern microscopy system solutions for providing high quality of teaching and research in anatomical sciences Baynov N (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email: baynov@mte‐bg.com) 12:40 – 13:10 Next generation of imaging systems for highly automated tasks and subcellular investigations (Celldiscoverer, Lightsheet and ApoTome) Tonchev A (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) 13:10 – 14:30
Lunch and First Poster Session – MU‐Varna 3 floor foyer
Friday, 06.10.2017 (II Auditorium, Medical University ‐ Varna) 14:30 Education Chairs: Sivkov S, Delchev S 14:30 – 14:40 Transversal, sagittal and dorsal MRI anatomical study of the rabbit liver Stamatova‐Yovcheva K, Dimitrov R, Zlatareva D, Kostov D, Vladova D, Yovchev D, Hristov H, Dilek OG (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) 14:40 – 14:50 3D printers and medical education Imre E, Kayatekin A, Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) 14:50 – 15:00 Innovative approach in studying human anatomy Sharankova V, Marinova D (Sofia and Pleven, Bulgaria, Email:
[email protected])
15:00 – 15:30 zSpace in anatomical education Nikolov A, Nikolov Tz (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) 15:30 – 15:50 Digitally supported teaching – a new tool and use scenarios Wisbauer S (Leipzig, Germany; Email:
[email protected]) 15:50 – 17:30
Coffee break and Second Poster Session
17:30 Anthropology Chairs: Atanassova N, Koeva Y 17:30 – 17:40 Comparative study about finger‐cun measurements of the acupuncture points PC6 and TW5 Bozer C, Erpek S (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) 17:40 – 17:50 A comparison between directional (finger cun) and proportional (bone proportional cun) methods in locating acupuncture points in forearm Bozer C, Erpek S (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) 17:50 – 18:00 The relationship between the kidney size and anthropometry Akdere H, Cevik G, Karahan M, Yimaz A (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) 18:00 – 18:10 New anthropometric measurements for predicting difficult intubation: the goniomastoid distance and the thyrogonial distance Yilmaz ME, Süt N, Colak A, Ozturk L, Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey; Trakya University, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) 18:10 – 18:20 Prediction of difficult intubation using tongue mobility Yilmaz ME, Colak A, Süt N, Ozturk L, Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey; Trakya University, Turkey; Email:
[email protected])
18:20 – 18:30 Sleep quality on the patients with lung cancer Serez B (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) 18:30 – 19:15 General Assembly of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society 19:30 – Congress Dinner, BM City Restaurant, Festival and Congress Centre Varna, bul. "Slivnitsa" 2 Saturday, 07.10.2017 (II Auditorium, Medical University ‐ Varna) 9:00 At a glimpse – 55 years Department of Anatomy at MU‐Varna 9:00 – 9:50 Дървото, около което се въртеше животът/The tree of life A film about Prof. Dr. Vanko Vankov (In Bulgarian, English subtitles) 9:50 – 10:10 Спомняме си.../We remember… A film about Prof. Dr. Juergen Koebke (In Bulgarian, English subtitles) 10:10 – 11:00
Coffee break and transfer to Admiral hotel (Golden Sands resort) Shuttle bus will be available in front of MU‐Varna – departure at 10:30
11:15 Stem cells in colorectal cancer (joint with the XV International Congress of Colorectal Surgery) Admiral hotel ‐ Conference Hall “A” (Golden Sands resort) Chairs: A. Tonchev, I. Shterev 11:15 – 11:30 Future‐predictive value of peritoneal washes in surgical patients with colorectal cancer Iliev S, Vladova P, Presolski I, Gabarski A, Nedyalkov K, Ristovski I, Mirochnik P, Filipov E, Nguen D (Pleven, Bulgaria) 11:30 – 11:45 Colorectal carcinoma – histology and prognosis Stefanov P, Tsenovski J, Serbianova N, Vrachanski D, Chervennyakov A (Sofia, Bulgaria)
11:45 – 12:00 Comparative analysis of the prognosis role of preoperative levels of VEGF with standardly used tumor markers in patients with colorectal carcinoma Petrov A, Minkov G, Nikolov S, Enchev E, Dimitrov E, Rachkov I, Halacheva K, Yovchev Y (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria) 12:00 – 12:15 Preoperative CT‐Colonography in Clinical Practice. Possibilities of modern reconstruction techniques such as 3D, virtual colonoscopy and holography Roman Sokiranski (Heidelberg, Germany; Email:
[email protected]) 12:15 – 12:30 A new target combination therapy overcomes the survival potential of colorectal cancer stem cells Giorgio Stassi (Palermo, Italy; Email:
[email protected]) 12:30 – 12:45 Investigating the genetic complexity of colorectal cancer Kevin Myant (Edinburg, UK; Email:
[email protected]) 12:45 – 13:00 Stem cells markers and intestinal gene regulators in colorectal cancer Jesper T. Troelsen (Roskilde, Denmark; Email:
[email protected]) 13:00 – 13:15 Discussions 13:15 – Closing
14:00 ‐ Transfer to MU‐Varna ‐ Shuttle bus will be available in front of Admiral hotel
POSTERS October 7 (Friday), Medical University – Varna, 3rd floor (corridor) POSTERS 01‐32: 13:10‐14:30, Moderators: V. Stefovska/I.Stoyanova (MU‐Varna, Bulgaria) POSTERS 33‐62: 15:50‐17:30, Moderators: L. Jelev/B.Landzhov (MU‐Sofia, Bulgaria) Poster size: 70 cm wide / 100 cm high First Poster Session (P01‐P32) – 13:10‐14:30, 3rd floor of MU‐Varna (corridor)
P01 Expression of GHSR1 in liver of dietetic manipulated rats Hrischev P, Penkova N, Atanassova P, Georgieva K (Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P02 Anatomical predispositions of masticatory apparatus and upper respiratory tract for development of OSA and snoring Madjova C, Chokanov S, Ruseva Z, Milkov M (Varna, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P03 Age‐related changes of nNOS immunoreactivity in renal corpuscles of spontaneously hypertensive rats Stanchev S, Iliev A, Malinova L, Landzhov B (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P04 Cyclin D1 and P53 and their expression in human Leydig cells during aging Barbutska D, Koeva I (Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P05 Lifestyle and environmental factors affecting fertility in men Pencheva M, Koeva I (Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P06 Measurement of ACE activity and its impact over men’s sterility Pencheva M, Koeva I (Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P07 Cell cultures in biocompatibility assessment of new materials for bone implants Dankov I, Andonova‐Lilova B, Jivkova T, Dyakova L, Dinev D, Abudalleh A, Georgieva M, Miloshev G, Basu P, Saha N, Rabadjieva D, Tepavicharova S, Alexandrov O, Alexandrova R (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P08 Development and steroidogenic capacity of adult Leydig cell population in experimental conditions of hyperglycemia and obesity Pavlova E, Lakova E, Yochkova S, Donchev M, Popovska S, Svechnikov K, Atanassova N (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P09 Application and optimization of a complex approach for identification of multi‐target anticancer agents Zhivkova T, Dinev D, Dyakova L, Georgieva M, Miloshev G, Marinescu G, Luchev G, Pashapur I, Culita DC, Patron L, Alexandrova R (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P10 Metal complexes of ursodeoxycholic acid and its metal complexes as potential antitumor agents against colon cancer Dyakova L, Culita DC, Zhivkova T, Marinescu G, Dimitrova M, Nickolova A, Kalfin R, Patron L, Kurteva G, Alexandrova R (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected])
P11 Histological and quantitative evaluation of adult mouse spermatogenesis after acute treatment with sodium nitrite Pavlova E, Dimova D, Petrova E, Gluhcheva Y, Atanassova N (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P12 Ameliorative effect of salinomycin on some quantitative parameters of spermatogenesis in cadmium‐intoxicated mice Pavlova E, Ivanova J, Dimova D, Gluhcheva Y, Petrova E, Kamenova K, Atanassova N (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P13 Perivascular adipose tissue Mitkova B, Sajan J (Varna, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P14 Cytotoxic activity of new Zn(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes with kojic acid Glavcheva M, Petrova Z, Zhivkova T, Dyakova L, Georgieva M, Miloshev G, Marinescu G, Culita D, Patron L, Alexandrova R (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P15 Neuroanatomy of music therapy and hematopoietic stem‐cell transplantation Ozturk G, Cikmaz S, Yilmaz A, Ozturk L (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected])
P16 Effects of kyotorphin on the morphological changes in the somatosensory cortex and meningeal blood vessels of Alzheimer’s disease model rats Landzhov B, Angelova H, Iliev A, Stanchev S, Malinova L, Pechlivanova D, Dzhambazova E (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P17 The carotid body and superior carotid ganglion in rats express angiotensin AT1 receptors Atanasova D, Dimitrov N, Dandov A, Lazarov N (Sofia and Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected])
P18 Structural plasticity in the adult brain during visual learning and memory tasks Popova F, Kovacheva A, Garov P, Sivkov S (Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P19 Nitric oxide‐containing structures in the carotid body and superior cervical ganglion in rats Kirov T, Atanasova D, Dimitrov N, Dandov A, Lazarov N (Sofia and Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P20 Influence of thermal stress on the expression of CB1 Cannabinoid receptors in the rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus Ivanov A, Dandov A, Atanasova D, Dimitrov N, Lazarov N (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected])
P21 Nerve structures in Zusanli (ST36) acupoint in rats Dimitrov D, Atanasova D, Tomov N, Georgieva A, Stoyanov J, Sivrev D Lazarov N (Stara Zagora and Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]‐sz.bg) P22 Zbtb20 may regulate the postnatal maturation of parvalbumin interneurons Stoyanov D, Pavlov S, Stoykova A, Tonchev AB (Varna, Bulgaria, and Göttingen, Germany; Email: anton.tonchev@mu‐varna.bg) P23 Neuroanatomy of romantic love and nerve growth factor as a lover painkiller Cikmaz S, Ozturk G, Ozturk L, Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P24 The place of the virtual dissection table Sectra in anatomy lessons of medical students Todorov A, Marinova D, Trifonov S, Doseva S, Yochkova S, Dotsova R, Gerasimov I, Rashev T, Ivanov E (Pleven, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P25 The correlation between Syntax Score and the severity of carotid artery disease Erdogan M, Akdemir R, Karacan K, Vatan M (Sakarya, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P26 Assessment of sex differences in size and shape of foramen magnum on CT scans of Bulgarian adults Toneva D, Nikolova S, Georgiev I, Harizanov S, Zlatareva D, Hadjidekov V, Lazarov N (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P27 Application of deblurring technique and segmentation on medical CT images for improved visualization of the cranial sutures Nikolova S, Harizanov S, Toneva D, Georgiev I, Zlatareva D, Hadjidekov V, Lazarov N (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P28 Correlations between some anthropometric parameters, the lipid profile and glycated hemoglobin in Bulgarian men with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Baltadjiev A, Petleshkova T (Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P29 The skeleton of Borov Dol – mystery and reality Sivrev D, Minkova M, Dimitrov N, Ivanov I (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P30 Age‐related changes in body composition in 19‐89‐year‐old Bulgarian women Ivanova‐Pandourska I, Zhecheva Y, Dimitrova A (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected])
P31 Anthropometric upper limbs asymmetry in 12 years old tennis players Dimitrova A, Ivanova‐Pandourska I (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P32 Aesthetic analysis of facial anatomy Yilmaz A, Cikmaz S, Kayatekin AZY (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) Second Poster Session (P33‐P64) – 15:50‐17:30, 3rd floor of MU‐Varna (corridor) P33 Some variations of the liver blood supply Jelev L, Marangozov S, Guirov K (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P34 Creating 3D printed plastic models of Saphena magna vein system using angiographic and tomographic studies in norm and pathology Maslarski I, Hodzhev Y, Gyulchev G (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P35 Aortic arch aneurysm represented by a 3D printing and simulation of fluid movement through it Maslarski I, Hodzhev Y, Gyulchev G (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P36 Radial artery variations in patients undergoing transradial heart catheterization Dimitrova I, Iliev A, Landzhov B (Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P37 Renal arterial pattern varieties observed in gross anatomy lab Novakov S, Yotova N, Gerginska F (Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P38 Functional beverages based on Aronia melanocarpa affects age‐related aortic wall restructuring in rats Daskalova E, Delchev S, Vladimirova‐Kitova L, Denev P, Kratchanova M, Kratchanov Ch, Kitov S, Kanarev M (Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P39 The evaluation of neck movements in young adults using three‐dimensional ultrasound analysis Cikmaz S, Atasoy O (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P40 Expression of glycogen synthase and glycogen content in skeletal muscles after administration of antiandrogens in endurance training of rats Gerginska F, Delchev S, Shishmanova M, Georgieva K (Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected])
P41 The Extensor medii proprius muscle Malinova L, Stanchev S, Iliev A, Landzhov B (MU‐Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P42 In terms of artistic anatomy effect aesthetic perception of face morphometry Yilmaz A, Unver G (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P43 Embalming techniques of Renaissance period Karahan M, Donmez D, Cikmaz S (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P44 Colored silicone injection in cadaver studies Kayatekin AZY, Bozer G, Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P45 Relationship between prostate volume and some anthropometric measurements Akdere H, Cevik G, Karahan M, Cikmaz S, Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P46 What can the Golden Ratio tell us about the face beauty? Taskinalp O, Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P47 Presence of bronchial mast cells in the rat lung Ivanova I (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P48 New trends in S10 plastination technique Georgieva A, Stoyanov J (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P49 Using of alternate light source for sheet plastination Stoyanov J, Georgieva A (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P50 Trigeminal artery and its clinical importance Donmez D, Karahan M, Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P51 Hypoglossal artery and its clinical importance Donmez D, Karahan M, Cikmaz S (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P52 Da Vinci's anatomical mistakes Donmez D, Taskinalp O, Kayatekin AZY (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected])
P53 Anatomical peculiarities and morphometric characteristics of the intramural part of porcine ureter Tsandev N, Stefanov I, Kostadinov G, Vodenicharov A (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P54 A new combine: obesity surgery and acupuncture versus the disease of this century ‐ obesity Tardu A, Yilmaz M, Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P55 Topographic anatomy of acupuncture points on the head‐neck area Yilmaz A, Sakul A (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P56 The secret energy current on the human body: acupuncture meridians Yilmaz A, Donmez M (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P57 Topographic anatomy of acupuncture points on upper extremity Donmez M, Yilmaz A, Cikmaz S (Tekirdag and Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P58 Otic artery and its clinical importance Donmez D, Ulucam E, Karahan M (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P59 History of sinus cavernosus Karahan M, Donmez D, Cigali B (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P60 Prostate glandular parenchyma of the men in age 36‐60 years Platsko I, Usovich A, Sivrev D (Vitsebsk, Belarus, and Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected]) P61 Foramen sternale Kayatekin AZY, Cikmaz S, Taskinalp O (Edirne, Turkey; Email:
[email protected]) P62 Bioartificial organs Valchanov P (Varna, Bulgaria; Email:
[email protected])
Prolonged microglial activation following intracerebral transplantation in a Parkinson’s disease model
Tomov N, Surchev L, Wiedenmann C, Döbrössy M, Nikkhah G (Stara Zagora and Sofia, Bulgaria, Freiburg and Stuttgart, Germany; Email:
[email protected])
Co‐localization of transcription factors Zbtb20 и Sox2 in germinative zones of a human fetal telencephalon
Angelova M, Marinova D, Pavlov SP, Mihaleva V, Zhelezov M, Kovachev E, Kachovski T, Ivanova V, Tonchev AB (Varna, Bulgaria; Email: anton.tonchev@mu‐varna.bg)