Programming computers and the artistic expression in Primary School ...

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Primary School: Doing it with Scratch and Etoys ... object-oriented system for programming computers, derived from the proposals of Alan Kay in the late 1960s.
Programming computers and the artistic expression in Primary School: Doing it with Scratch and Etoys Case description

Luís Valente António Sorte




This text summarizes a programming experience with Scratch and Etoys of a small group of students in a primary school of the Agrupamento de Escolas de Penafiel Sudeste (Group of Schools), Portugal. Students from 3rd and 4th grade formed the class but only 10, from de 4th grade participated in the programming activities. The exploratory study focuses on the development of individual student work, intending to celebrate the Carnival within the local community, considering the traditional folk festivities. Programming activities took place simultaneously with other activities of the class, not in the classroom but in the school library. The room is usually for carrying out ICT activities. It is equipped with five desktop computers with 17" multimedia display running Microsoft Windows 7, provided in 2008 by the Plano Tecnológico da Educação, the Portuguese Technological Plan for Education (Conselho de Ministros, 2005). Activities carried out with a portable version of the Etoys 5.0 and the Scratch 1.2.


What is the Etoys?

Etoys or Squeak Etoys, can be defined as a processor of ideas, framed in the category of multimedia authoring software or Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Etoys uses the World as metaphor in the user's workspace, as a basis for human interaction with the system. Etoys is intended for children and fresh programmers, providing a object-oriented system for programming computers, derived from the proposals of Alan Kay in the late 1960s. The system aims to realize the personal computer ideas as a dynamic media Alan Kay developed in the Flex project (Kay, 1993, p. 8), assuming that the computer might be something with which one can explore representations, drawings and even simulate any anything the real world. FLEX matched the concept of a computer programmed by its user, combining ideas of LOGO language, invented by Seymour Papert, the Sketchpad graphics software, proposed by Ivan Sutherland and procedural programming language Simula, created in 1962 by Kristen Nygaard and Ole-Johan Dahl in the Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo. Etoys represents an evolution of the concept of object-oriented programming realizing the most mature ideas Dynabook "a portable interactive personal computer, as accessible as a book" in the words of Kay and Goldberg (Kay & Goldberg, 1977), schematically represented by Kay in 1972 (cf. Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 – Children using their Dynabook. Draft by Alan Kay (1972)

Etoys is the reiteration of the ideas of personal dynamic media over an open language, in accordance with the traditional concept of Open Source (Raymond, 2001), approaching the man-machine symbiosis and making possible the personal computing (Kay, 1975, 1993). Etoys provides to a researcher, motivated teacher or student, the possibility to examine the source code of any part of the system, including primitive graphics and virtual machine, and to make changes immediately, without having to see or use any other language (Ingalls, Kaehler, Maloney, Wallace, & Kay, 1997, p. 2). Thus, it is the implementation of a proposal on how we can use computers to interact with information and to create our own knowledge (Deck et al., 2005). While a multimedia system, precursor to programming play and other projects he opens up a world of exploration and experimentation possibilities in all areas of knowledge, exceptionally visible on the simulation and representation of real models (Allen-Conn & Rose, 2003). 20

Etoys is a cross tool that works as a simulator of virtual worlds where it is possible to experience and replicate phenomena and processes, real or invented. By considering all elements as objects and by allowing its manipulation, the system shows itself versatile enough for prototyping ideas with virtually no limitations.


What is Scratch?

Scratch is a graphical programming language. As Etoys it derives from Squeak and is inspired by LOGO. Scratch is the result of cross-influences from researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), specifically the work developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten research group led by Mitchel Resnick in collaboration with the KIDS research group at UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies led by Yasmin Kafai (Resnick, Kafai, & Maeda, 2003). Scratch such as Etoys makes possible to program by dragging and dropping building blocks to form ordered stacks of elements that represent characters, extras, actions and events. Blocks are designed to fit correctly so that there are no errors and the sequences and instructions can be changed while the program is running. This feature allows experimentation with new ideas that develop on earlier ideas by providing instant visual feedback, reducing the learning curve, adding motivation to the programmer. With this software, it is possible to create interactive storytelling, animations, simulations, games, music and interactive multimedia documents without having prior knowledge of any programming language. Scratch is suitable for use by children as young as eight years. It encourages the creative freedom and helps to develop communication skills and sharing projects.

2 2.1

Case description Methodological design

Ten students have attended the exploratory activity of initiation into programming computers. The class is a multilevel class from the 3rd and 4rd grade in a rural school in Penafiel, in the north of Portugal. Students were randomly allocated to two groups of five members each, as represented in Table 1. The first group consists of 4 boys and 1 girl (Etoys group) and the second group consists of 3 boys and 2 girls (Scratch group). Students are identified by nicknames. Table 1 Characterization of the students participating in the study

Name Vera Adriana Sara Vitorino Manuel Tiago Paulo Rui Carlos Gabriel


x x x x x x x

Female x x x


Scratch x


x x


x x

x x x

9 years old x x x x x x x

10 years old x x


Since the classroom only has a computer and a multimedia projector, the programming activities took place in the school library where students usually carry out work involving Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Two researchers in cooperation with the class teacher oriented the activities. We took photos from the working 21

sessions and registered observations and student's comments and dialogues in a road-book. The findings are based on these records and on the work of each group of students.


The programming activities

The programming activities with students followed a work plan, which included the study objectives and the fulfillment of curriculum guidelines. The theme was taken from the second school term curriculum, and it focus on Carnival celebrations because it is an easy approach to children imagery and a subject of great interest in the community with several popular-oriented events. From this context and assuming that it should be easier to motivate students artistic expression we have suggested them to create a small interactive work involving the movement of characters, playing sounds or music, and to use the playback controls: play, pause, and stop. In addition to fit to curriculum and to ephemerides’ celebration, the subject helps to establish a pragmatic link between the design process of a project and its achievement, as the software fits processing simple ideas and their immediate implementation. On the other hand it appeals the interpretation of the educational principle of simulation. Dewey (1897) argued that "only true education comes through the stimulation of the child's powers by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself". Same idea is recovered by Alan Kay when he states that “most traditional cultures haven't set up schools, nor have they needed to” because “children are set up by nature to learn the world around them by watching adult activity and playing imitation games” (Kay, 2003). The objective of each student work and the methodology to follow were presented at the opening session, in the classroom. Subsequent sessions were held in the school library space, each group alternately in a one computer per one student setting, sharing the common objectives, the methodology of implementation and the time.


The first contact with the software

Some students had already experienced Scratch, but had a very limited and disorganized knowledge about its features. None of the students knew or had contact with the Etoys.

2.3.1 The Etoys Group Students did not appear to be intimidated by computers, rather the contrary. As soon as the system started, they autonomously clicked on every known icons. While initial explanations were given, one of the boys started the Etoys, made some well-willing comments and closed the program with a sigh, "I do not understand anything of this."

Fig. 2 Exploring Etoys tools for draw

After we have agreed upon some organizational rules, the students were able to explore freely some features and software tools. Firstly, tried the drawing and painting tools, providing clues to draw two-dimensional objects by using lines and filling spaces. Then were the procedures for editing / changing and saving the objects by trying the unique features of Etoys, such as the ability to draw an object and then move it on the screen to place it elsewhere. During this period, students talked to each other clearly amused by the activity, and when someone gave permission to draw whatever each one want, the ideas come out through their mouth: "Now I will make a superhero." (Carlos). 22

While performing the task they were asking themselves "what is that?" trying to anticipate the result of their colleagues. In the rush to finish the work in the first place three of the boys forgot to fill in the spaces among lines of their paintings. Only Adriana and Gabriel drew and filled the spaces as requested.

2.3.2 The Scratch Group As some students had already got in touch with Scratch everybody easily identified the icon on the desktop and started the program. The first task it also addresses the study of the Scratch interface, the navigation and exploiting picture libraries by taking advantage to experiment how to edit the objects and to understand editing techniques. The task was carried out very quickly and virtually without the intervention of the monitors. One of the students had suggested they could build their own pictures. The others looked towards him searching for clues. There was a small demonstration on how one could use the image editing tool to create their own characters. Some decided to venture into this task but others preferred to make changes to objects that already existed in the library.

Fig. 3 – Exploring Scratch tools

Autonomously at a very high pace, students explored, learned, perceived and understood the software, the techniques practice and the answers it has to their questions, concerns and ideas. Among sessions, students were encouraged to use Scratch or Etoys autonomously, for example at home or at play times. However, such use was not been monitored.


Preparing the project scenario

After having acquired a minimum mastery of drawing techniques and basic functions needed to create, save and open projects, we asked students to idealize a simple scenario for a Carnival parade, trying to enhance the creativity and consistency between characters and environment. Some have taken the masks or characters created before, others have begun all over again according to our clues.

2.4.1 The Etoys Group Manuel opted to draw a mask very similar to what other colleagues have done and close the model we gave them. He did not feel confident enough to work alone, by their personal preferences or just on his ideas. Later, with some encouragement from us he made very different shades, in a "modern look", as he said. We realized that Manuel was referring to the typical masks of Carnival of Venice, which we hold in front of our face, but he gave no further explanation. Even so, we realized that he was trying to incorporate into his project some ideas or concepts acquired in other environments. The integration of likes, preferences and pre-existing knowledge was obvious.


Fig. 4 - Creating and positioning objects in the World in Etoys projects.

Some students peeked the work of other colleagues to inspire themselves although they did not clearly admit this behavior. It is the case of Gabriel. Sometimes he was copying ideas from colleagues, sometimes he derived from them. Even when "copying" the work of a colleague they considered it to be wholly them: "It was me who did it," was the argument used to assign the ownership to the practice authoring rather than to the idea.

2.4.2 The Scratch Group Right at the beginning, Paul said to his friends that he had gone to the Internet searching for Scratch, and he had been experimenting it at home. Sara was also active at home and had created a scenario, which has brought to school. In general, scenarios have many elements in common, regarding not only the shape, but also the function and the colours. Students who had demonstrated more difficulties attempting to assess their work by observing others work had created the same or very similar objects. We observed the same phenomena in creating the characters. It seems that students were not concerned with characters or scenario details. For them, it is less important than the final goal of representing a Carnival parade. It appears that they devalue the need for detail and realism. They are quite pragmatic.

Fig. 5 – Helping colleagues to build projects in Scratch

In a general way, boys are often in an eager approach about their work. Girls are more concentrated and if they have to interact with the work, they will take the initiative. They speak, comment, and show themselves amazed.



Finishing the projects

The final stage of the project "Carnival Parade" included the characters’ animation and adding audio, as well as media controls to start and stop running. Scripts used in this stage are quite basic. Students have learned how to use scripts to start, stop and pause, and to control linear movement of characters on the stage and the playback of a song.

2.5.1 The Etoys Group The activities aim to create scripts to move characters horizontally, to design a monitoring mechanism of the animation and to play the sound parade. In this task, students did not need to be creative because scripts represent direct actions. However, the overall project design needs to be internalized so children may understand the goals and the functions of each element.

Fig. 6 – Controlling the Project flow with scripting techniques

Students easily followed the directions on the construction techniques of scripting by dragging the action tiles from respective viewers. As soon as they do the task once, they learn the procedure. Students demonstrated great ease understanding of the shares, realizing that if, for example, when using a tile "stops running" the tile "starts running" should have the opposite value and therefore they discover when to use each one.

2.5.2 The Scratch Group This group observations are similar to those that have been done to Etoys group. When they are more relaxed, each one often uses private speech, speaks aloud, sometimes reads the control set or makes remarks on its effects. The verbalization of these actions is related to the "egocentric speech" (Piaget, 2005) that occurs while performing tasks identified by Piaget and which Vygotsky considers to have a great influence in children's activities organization at the same time that emphasizes their communicative functions (Vygotsky, 1978).

Fig. 7 – Finalizing Scratch projects


At the end, each group have tried and showed their colleagues the result of each work, commenting either looks in a generally appreciative way.


How does Scratch and Etoys improve motivation and learning?

Throughout the study we observed that students have learned the techniques to use the interfaces very easily and almost autonomously. Their native curiosity, their familiarity with a wide variety of icons and concepts related to interfaces and to man-machine interaction causes them to consider their use absolutely natural. Contrary to what we observed with adult people, kids do not need to be encouraged to explore new things, because they take each task as a prerequisite. We consider that sometimes students get distracted, especially when their assignments appealed to other points of interest. In this regard, we recall the addition of strange elements in scenarios such as references to football, alien characters or text inclusion with scenic graphics function. We concluded that the more accurate were the guidelines for the tasks faster the students ended up, although they did it without high quality standards. To this group it seemed to be appropriate to use some guiding examples accompanied by the incentive and scrutiny from peers and teachers. Interrogative comments as "Can you do better?" or "I'm not satisfied with what you did. Are you?" seemed to be enough for students to improve significantly the result of their work. In this regard, we saw that “children were more likely to use private speech on successful items after scaffolding than they were on similar items not following scaffolding” (Winder, Diaz, & Montero, 1997). The relationship between knowing the context and the fantasy of projects is another aspect that deserves highlighting, since in most cases the enrichment of scenarios is based on the real knowledge each student invoked for his project. Comments given from teachers and other colleagues stresses that “after scaffolding, children were more likely to succeed on the next item if they talked to themselves than if they were silent” (Winder et al., 1997). The full conception of projects that require programming skills does not seem to be happening at this stage of knowledge about what it is and how to do the programming of computers, but students seem to well understand what a simple multimedia project, such as the proposed. They quickly established relations of conditionality, cause-effect and action-event. Even without technical knowledge, students successfully integrated elements of control in the interfaces and easily gained some movement concepts related to animation and moving objects in the plan. They internalized quite naturally the background and foreground concepts as well as the geographical distribution of elements on a screen and its layering, taking advantage of a combination of effects or visual simulations. Through private speech and opinions expressed when asked, students proved to have a solid and highly complex picture on the importance of programming and use of computers in their daily life. Sometimes they are able to extrapolate learning’s to other areas of knowledge or to other contexts and are able to draw comparisons between the functionality of different computer programs. Satisfaction with their own work, self-criticism capacity and reflection on how to improve their achievements, show that these students are eager to have in their hands other means of expression and other learning tools, which may be involved in the design of its curriculum and learning methodologies.


Further remarks

This text is part of an exploratory research on computer programming by primary school children that goes further than what one can get to know by reading this report. Therefore, we find limitations in the size and scope of the study and to the depth of analysis that is done on collected data. We also must consider the limitations of the nature of the study itself, the methodology, the number of students and level of cognitive development of each one, which was above the average of Portuguese panorama if considering the known academic records. It cannot also be neglected the digital literacy and familiarity with the use of computers that students had demonstrated. Although none of the 26

students had a previously knowledge of Etoys and they had already been in contact with Scratch, an issue that may “alleviate difficulties”.



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We are grateful to Mrs.Paula Santos, to her students and to their parents for having allowed us to learn from them. We also thank the Head Office of Agrupamento de Escolas de Penafiel Sudeste the facilities provided.