Email lists for AA recovery. â¢. Questions and ... Sexual Addiction - Twelve Step Programs ..... List of Best Books on Twelve Step Recovery - Building a large list of ... Promises of Recovery Newsletter - Focuses on addicts in prison and the.
Programs patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous Fellowships in this section follow reasonably close variations of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Al-Anon/Alateen, for friends and family members of alcoholics
GA - Gamblers Anonymous
AA - Alcoholics Anonymous
Gam-Anon/Gam-A-Teen, for friends and family members of problem gamblers
ACA - Adult Children of Alcoholics
MA - Marijuana Anonymous
CA - Cocaine Anonymous
NA - Narcotics Anonymous
CLA - Clutterers Anonymous
NAIL - Neurotics Anonymous, for recovery from mental and emotional illness
CMA - Crystal Meth Anonymous
Nar-Anon, for friends and family members of CoDA - Co-Dependents Anonymous, for people addicts working to end patterns of dysfunctional relationships and develop functional and healthy NicA - Nicotine Anonymous relationships PA - Pills Anonymous, for recovery from Co-Anon, for friends and family of addicts presciption pill addiction. COSA - Codependents of Sex Addicts COSLAA - CoSex and Love Addicts Anonymous DA - Debtors Anonymous
RA - Reentry Anonymous, for recovery of criminal addiction and ex-offender reentry support OA - Overeaters Anonymous
OLGA - Online Gamers Anonymous EA - Emotions Anonymous, for recovery from mental and emotional illness SA - Smokers Anonymous EHA - Emotional Health Anonymous, for recovery from mental and emotional illness
SA - Sexaholics Anonymous SAA - Sex Addicts Anonymous
FA - Families Anonymous, for relatives and friends of addicts
SCA - Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
FA - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous
SLAA - Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
FAA - Food Addicts Anonymous
SIA - Survivors of Incest Anonymous WA - Workaholics Anonymous
Twelve Step Meetings - Official 12 step websites that list meetings. ACA Adult Children of Alcoholics
World meeting list available!
CoDA Co-Dependents Anonymous
World meeting list available!
Emotions Anonymous
World meeting list available!
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous
World meeting list available!
FAA Food Addicts Anonymous
World meeting list available!
Gamblers Anonymous
World meeting list available!
Marijuana Anonymous
World meeting list available!
Overeaters Anonymous
World meeting list available!
12 Step Groups - Resources
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Adult Children of Alcoholics Meeting Locator What is Adult Children of Alcoholics?
Al-Anon/Al-Ateen Family Group Headquarters Al-Anon/Alateen Local Offices and Phone Numbers Are You Troubled by Someone Else's Drinking? Did You Grow Up With a Problem Drinker? On-Line Al-Anon Meeting Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous Official AA web site. Pamphlets, information, phone numbers. Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings State-by-state listing of AA meetings and contact numbers. Atlanta, Georgia AA Central Office
The Atlanta Alcoholics Anonymous Central Office. Includes a list of AA meetings in the greater Atlanta area. Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous Complete online version of the official text of AA. Central Offices, Intergroups and Answering Serivices for U.S. and Canada Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous Email lists for AA recovery. Questions and Answers About Alcoholics Anonymous
Co-Anon Family Groups Is Co-Anon for You? National Meeting Directory What is Co-Anon?
Cocaine Anonymous
Cocaine Anonymous World Services Local Phone Numbers and Web Sites Online Meetings Self-Test for Cocaine Addiction To the Newcomer
Codependents Anonymous
Codependents Anonymous Meeting List
Debtors Anonymous
Debtors Anonymous Is Debtors Anonymous Right for You? Local Phone Numbers Online Groups and More Online Groups New York Times Magazine Article on Debtors Anonymous Regional Contact Numbers and Internet Sites
Gam-Anon National Meeting Schedule and Hotlines Questions, Answers and Suggestions
Gamblers Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous National and International Gamblers Anonymous Meetings Questions and Answers about Compulsive Gambling
Marijuana Anonymous
Information and literature Marijuana Anonymous Meeting Directory
Do You Need Nar-Anon? Georgia Nar-Anon Nar-Anon Family Groups
Narcotics Anonymous
Facts About Narcotics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Georgia Regional and Area Website Links
Overeaters Anonymous
Are You a Compulsive Overeater? Fifteen Questions Atlanta, GA Overeaters Anonymous Web Site and Meetings National Meeting Locator Overeaters Anonymous Tools of Recovery
Sexual Addiction - Twelve Step Programs
Atlanta Area Service Group Phone numbers,meeting information, helplines. Codependents of Sexual Addiction(COSA) S-Anon For friends and family of sexual compulsives. Sex Addicts Anonymous Sexaholics Anonymous Sexual Compulsives Anonymous Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous Sexual Recovery Anonymous
Related Searches Mental Health Support Groups Online Support Groups Internet Support Groups Women Support Groups Grief Support Groups Family Support Groups for Bipolar Disorder Weight Loss Support Groups Support Groups for Cancer Patients Family Divorce Support Groups Bipolar Support Groups Women's Support Groups Online 12 Step Meetings Self Help Groups Emotions Anonymous Nar Anon
Step Programs
Adrenaline Addicts Anonymous Adult Children Anonymous (ACoA) Adult Children of Alcoholics Anonymous (ACA) Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Alcoholics Anonymous (Special Needs) Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous (OIAA) AA Deaf & Hard of Hearing Recovery Resources Al-Anon Family Group Hq, Inc. (Al-Anon) Al-Ateen Anorexics Anonymous Anti-Nutrient*Addicts Anonymous (*Junk Food Anonymous)
Artists Recovering through the Twelve Steps Anonymous (A.R.T.S.) Attention Deficit Disorder Anonymous Chemically Dependent Anonymous (CDA) Cleptomaniacs and Shoplifters Anonymous (CASA) Cocaine Anonymous (CA) Co-Anon Family Groups, Inc. (CO-Anon) Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) Codependents of Sexual Addiction Anonymous (COSA) Compulsive Eaters Anonymous-How (CEA-HOW) Criminals & Gangs Anonymous (CGA) Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) Debtors Anonymous (DA) Deudores Anonimos - Spanish literature Business Owners Debtors Anonymous (BODA) Debt-Anon Family Groups Depressed Anonymous (DA) Divorce (Help you Cope & other info) Domestic Violence Anonymous Drug Addicts Anonymous (Sweden) Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) Eating Addictions Anonymous (EAA) Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA) Emotional Health Anonymous (EHA) Emotions Anonymous (EA) Emotions Anonymous Meeting List Families Anonymous (FA) Fellowship of Food Addicts Anonymous (FAA) Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FARA) Gamblers Anonymous (GA) Gam-Anon Family Groups, Inc. GreySheeters Anonymous compulsive overeating Hepatitus-C Virus Anonymous (HCV) HIV/AIDS Anonymous Incest Survivors Anonymous (I.S.A.) International Doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous Impotents Anonymous (IA) Love Addicts Anonymous (LAA) Marijuana Anonymous (MA) Media Anonymous Messies Anonymous (MA) Methadone Anonymous (MA) Misogynon - Recovery from Violent Relationships Multiple Personality Disorder Anonymous (MDP/DID)
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Nar-Anon Family Groups Headquarters, Inc. Narcotics Anonymous Youth Committee Nar-Ateen Nar-Atot Nicotine Anonymous (NA) Obsessive & Compulsive Anonymous (OCA) On-line Gamblers Anonymous (OLGA) On-line Gam-Anon Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. (OA) O-Anon Family Groups, Inc. Parents Anonymous Partners and Friends of Incest Survivors Anonymous (PFISA) People With disAbilities Anonymous Pills Anonymous (PA) Phobics Anonymous Prescription Anonymous (PA) Prostitutes Anonymous Recoveries Anonymous (RA) Recovering Couples Anonymous (RCA) Relationships Anonymous (RA) Schizophrenics Anonymous (SA) Self-Mutilators Anonymous (SMA) Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc Sex Workers Anonymous (SWA) Sexual Assault Recovery Anonymous (SARA) Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA) Sexual Recovery Anonymous (SRA) SRA-Anon Shoplifters Anonymous (SLA) Social Phobics Anonymous (SPA) Spenders Anonymous (SA) Suiciders Anonymous (SA) (24 hours a day): (800) 422-0009; (410) 531-5086 (TTY) Survivors of Incest Anonymous (SIA) Teen-Anon (TA) Trauma Anonymous Trauma Survivors Anonymous (TSA) Vulgarity Anonymous (VA) Workaholics Anonymous (WA)
Other Types of Step-Fellowship Programs
Alcoholics Victorious Alcoholics for Christ Celebrate Recovery Christians-In-Recovery Links Overcomers In Christ Overcomers Outreach Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons & Significant Others Homosexuals Anonymous (H.A.) International Pharmacists Anonymous Parents Anonymous (PA) Secular Organizations For Sobriety (SOS)
Recovery Related Links - Recovery Talk & Positive Music Back2Life Sober Living (Santa Monica, CA) Hope After Abortion Alcoholics Anonymous - Arizona Historic Resource
Dick B. Blog Find a Sober House Freedom Ranch - Maui Listen to Recovery Addictions Directory Addicts United! Alcoholics Anonymous History: A.A. Bible Roots Alcoholic Anonymous Meetings Online The 12 Step Cafe® 12-Step City 12-Step Recovery Anniversary Celebration E-cards Christian Recovery Connection Christian Recovery Resources Database Christians in Recovery Deaf and Hard of Hearing AA 12 Step Recovery Resources Find Alcohol and Drug Rehab Programs Nationwide Freedom from Fear dryblog Alcoholism, Addiction, and Recovery GhostWolf: Abuse Survivor - Health Portal Listen to Recovery Audio tapes uploaded onto internet for listening Men*Can*Stop*Rape Mothers of Addicts
Network 12 Recovery Mall - includes 12-step anniversary ecards New Beginnings, Happy Endings North American Freedom Foundation - Recovery Resource Oxford House Addiction Treatment and Recovery Centre - PROMIS Rape Survivors Resources Recovery Book & Checkbook Covers Recovery Places Recovery Directory Project Recovery Room Group - meetings at 8:00 pm central time Recovery Universe Ritual Abuse Information & Help Self-Injury:You are NOT the only one Serenity Page Sex Addiction Resources She's In Sober Vacations International Suicide Awareness Suicide The Sponsor's Aide Voices and Faces of Recovery
Emergency Help
Domestic Violence and Abusive Relationships DC Rape Crisis Center National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK Domestic Violence Shelters in Virginia Starting Over Find Treatment Virginia Domestic Violence Crisis And Support Resources
Al-Anon Family Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous Resources
Cocaine Anonymous
Clutter Recovery
Criminals & Gangs Anonymous
Perpetually Paralyzed Procrastinating Pack Rats Anonymous
Crystal Meth Anonymous
Deaf and Hard of Hearing AA 12 Step Recovery Resources
Prescription Anonymous (RxA)
Recovering Couples Anonymous
Relationship Programs (List)
Sex Addicts Anonymous
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
Sexaholics Anonymous
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
Debtors Anonymous Resources
Emotions Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous Resources
International Pharmacists Anonymous
Marijuana Anonymous
Messies Anonymous (Clutter)
Narcotics Anonymous Resources
Sexual Recovery Anonymous
Nicotine Anonymous
Spenders Anonymous
Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous
Workaholics Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.
A.A. Grapevine A meeting in print. "the international journal of AA"
Deaf and Hard of Hearing AA 12 Step Recovery Resources
WAIA Washington Area Intergroup Association The Online Resource for Alcoholics Anonymous in the Nation's Capital
Washington DC and MD and VA Suburbs Where & When Find a meeting in Washington or the surrounding counties of Maryland and Virginia, including Spanish Language Meetings
Washington DC Area Events Find out what is happening in AA for the DC Metro Area
Al-anon To help families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with the problem drinking of a relative or friend.
Alateen Alateen is our recovery program for young people. Alateen groups are sponsored by Al-Anon members.
Al-anon of Northern Virginia If your life has been affected by someone else's drinking, you are an Al-Anon or Alateen member, or a professional working in the field of alcoholism, there may be items of interest on this site for you.
Narcotics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous is an international, community-based association of recovering drug addicts with more than 31,000 weekly meetings in over 100 countries worldwide.
C&P Region N.A. Chesapeake and Potomac Region of N.A. The C&P Region of NA serves the recovering addicts of the Washington DC Metropolitan Area in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
C&P Region N.A. Meeting List Find an N.A. Meeting in the DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia Area.
C&P Region N.A. Events Special Events Calendar for DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia
C&P Region N.A. Convention CPRCNA XIX, April, 2005 Ocean City, Maryland
Free State Region N.A. The Free State Region of Narcotics Anonymous comprises all of eastern Maryland, southern Delaware, and the northernmost tip of Virginia's eastern shore.
Montgomery Area N.A. Meetings Montgomery County, Maryland N.A. Meeting List
NAYC Narcotics Anonymous Youth Committee
Cocaine Anonymous Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction.
DC, MD and NOVA C.A. Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia Cocaine Anonymous.
DC, MD, and NOVA C.A. Meetings Find a C.A. meeting in Waschington DC, Maryland or Northern Virginia.
DC, MD, and NOVA C.A. Events Find out what is happening in C.A. in the Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia Area.
Nar-Anon The Nar-Anon Family Group is primarily for you who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to you. We have traveled that unhappy road too and found the answer with serenity and peace of mind.
Marijuana Anonymous Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from marijuana addiction
Dual Recovery Anonymous Dual Recovery Anonymous is an independent, twelve step, nonprofessional, self-help organization for people with a dual diagnosis. Our goal is to help men and women who experience a dual illness. We are chemically dependent and we are also affected by an emotional or psychiatric illness.
Overeaters Anonymous Overeaters Anonymous offers a program of recovery from compulsive overeating using the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA.
Gamblers Anonymous GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem.
Debtors Anonymous Is your life unmanageable because of credit card debt and overspending ?
Sex Addicts Anonymous Sex Addicts Anonymous, SAA, is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so they may overcome their sexual addiction and help others recover from sexual addiction or dependency
Nicotine Anonymous Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives.
Emotional Health Anonymous We are a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may recover from their emotional illness and help others who still suffer to find a new way of life.
Emotions Anonymous Emotions Anonymous is a twelve-step organization, similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. Our fellowship is composed of people who come together in weekly meetings for the purpose of working toward recovery from emotional difficulties.
Crystal Meth Anonymous Crystal Meth Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom all drugs, specifically Crystal Meth, have become a problem.
Depressed Anonymous Depressed Anonymous® was formed to provide therapeutic resources for depressed individuals of all ages.
Domestic Violence Anonymous Domestic Violence Anonymous is a program for women and men who, through shared experience, strength, hope and honesty are recovering from domestic violence.
HCV Anonymous To assist hepatitis patients and their loved ones in taking control of their spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional health by providing current, comprehensive information in one source.
Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous Is a fellowship of people who share their Experience, Strength, and Hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from OCD.
Pills Anonymous This community was created in an effort to share the message of recovery from prescription drug addiction with fellow pill addicts.
Survivors of Incest Anonymous We are a self-help group of women and men, 18 years or older, who are guided by a set of 12 Suggested Steps and 12 Traditions, along with some slogans and the Serenity Prayer.
Recovering Couples Anonymous The primary purpose of RCA is to help couples find freedom from dysfunctional patterns in relationships.
HIV Anonymous HIV Anonymous is a global network that offers unbiased support to people infected with, affected by, or at risk for HIV/AIDS.
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous Sexual Compulsives Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from sexual compulsion.
Co-Dependents Anonymous Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a
14 desire for healthy and loving relationships.
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve Step - Twelve Tradition oriented fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous.
Families Anonymous Families Anonymous is a group of concerned relatives and friends who have faced up to the reality that the problems of someone close to us is seriously affecting our lives and our ability to function normally.
Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous (ABA) ABA uses the Twelve-Step Program adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to address the mental, emotional, and spiritual components of the disorders of anorexia and bulimia. By following the Twelve Steps we have come to a deep level of freedom from our deadly obsessions with body weight and shape and with food, obsessions that once dominated our minds and dictated the course of our lives
LA Groups
Adult Children of Alcoholics ACA (310) 281-9740 Alcoholics Anonymous AA South Bay Office AA LA Central Office AA (323) 936-4343 (818) 988-3001 (310) 474-7105 Alcoholics Anonymous (Spanish) AA (323) 735-2089 (818) 762-8939 Al-Anon & Ala-Teen official site (818) 760-7122 Arts Anonymous (310) 281-8420 Co-Anon (friends & family of cocaine users) (310) 859-2206 Cocaine Anonymous CA official site (310) 216-4444 Co-Dependents Anonymous Valley Site CODA (323) 964-4016 (818) 906-6608 Co-Dependents of Sex Addicts COSA (612) 537-6904 Debtors Anonymous DA (310) 855-8752 Divorce Anonymous (310) 475-3040 Dual Recovery Anonymous (877) 883-2332. Emotions Anonymous
(323) 589-3768 Emotional Health Anonymous (626) 287-6260 Families Anonymous (800) 736-9805 Fear Of Success Anonymous (818) 907-3953 Food Addict Anonymous (310) 412-6620 Free 'N' One Recovery (310) 764-4400 Gam-Anon (friends & family gamblers) (818) 377-5144 Gamblers Anonymous (310) 478-2121 (213) 386-8789 Incest Survivors Anonymous Marijuana Anonymous (323) 964-2370 (818) 759-9194 Nar-Anon Family Groups non-local (310) 547-5800 Narcotics Anonymous NA (818) 773-9999 (818) 997-3822 Nicotine Anonymous meetings (760) 781-5070 (800) 642-0666 Overcomers Outreach (714) 491-3000 Overeaters Anonymous OA (323) 653-7652
Parents Anonymous (818) 787-9673 Pills Anonymous (626) 205-2662 Recovering Couples Anonymous RCA (310) 305-8878 Recovery, Inc (Nervous Symptoms and Fears) (310) 306-0766 S-Anon (friends & family of sexaholics) (818) 973-2235 Secular Organization for Sobriety SOS (310) 821-8430) Sex Addicts Anonymous SAA (213) 896-2964 Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous SLAA Online meeting Meetings in Los Angeles (213) 259-6549
Sexaholics Anonymous SA (213) 480-1096 Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (310) 859-5585 S M A R T Recovery (310) 275-5433 Sober Living Network (310) 396-5270 Social Phobics Anonymous (303) 404-3747 Survivors of Incest Anonymous SIA (562) 806-7270 ToughLove (562) 860-7575 Women For Sobriety (626) 355-6048
Workaholics Anonymous (310) 358-6587
: Support Groups
ACOA@ (10)
Al-Anon@ (107)
Alcoholics Anonymous@ (644)
Families Anonymous@ (2)
Gambling@ (14)
Marijuana Anonymous@ (35)
Narcotics Anonymous@ (153)
Nicotine Anonymous@ (3)
Overeaters Anonymous@ (17)
Books@ (19)
Chats and Forums (2)
Religious Orientation (0)
Shopping@ (36)
See also:
Health: Addictions: Substance Abuse: Alcohol: Support Groups
Health: Addictions: Support Groups (10) Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Eating: Support Groups (44)
12 Step Program Directory for LA - A listing of phone numbers and
addresses for the Los Angeles area.
12 Step Radio Online Recovery Music - An internet broadcast of music and talk related to the Twelve Step recovery message. Of interest to AA, CA, NA, Al-Anon, and other fellowships. [Requires Windows Media Player] 12 Step Recovery @ Bella Online - Resources for help, healing, and support. They strongly encourage experience, strength, and hope. 12 Step Resources - A collection of links and resources devoted to transformation and personal change in general and twelve-step recovery. 12 Steps to Serenity - An overview of the Twelve Steps with free worksheets for working the Steps. Anonymous One - Includes a search page for finding Twelve Step meetings. Clutterers Anonymous - A 12-step recovery program, offers help to the true clutterer, who is overwhelmed by disorder. FAQs, literature, meeting list, and CLA background information provided. Debtors Anonymous - A 12-step recovery program for people who suffer compulsive debt or compulsive spending. Dual Recovery Anonymous - A fellowship of men and women who support each other in their common recovery from two no fault illnesses: an emotional or psychiatric illness and chemical dependency. Eating Disorders Anonymous - Twelve step fellowship which holds meetings in several US states and online to help people to recover from eating disorders. Discussion board, meeting schedules, download EDA Step Workbook (MS Word), link collection, and online publications.
Emotional Health Anonymous - A 12-Step Program for people who suffer from emotional and mental problems not related to substance abuse. Emotions Anonymous - Members apply the Twelve Steps in working toward recovery from emotional difficulties. Steps, traditions, concepts, and promises. Site in English, Spanish, Japanese, and Swedish. Food Addicts In Recovery Anonymous - For anyone who has problems with food or weight issues. Free To Live - Twelve Step tools to recover from alcoholism and drug addiction. Just Love Audio - Resources - Provides a collection of articles about the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts. List of Best Books on Twelve Step Recovery - Building a large list of recovery oriented books as well as various sources where they can be found. Not for profit. Proactive Twelve Steps Workbook - Provides a different approach to the Twelve Steps and an online workbook for applying them to our lives. A rewording of each step is explained. Promises of Recovery - Personal stories, daily readings, poetry, and online meetings. Promises of Recovery Newsletter - Focuses on addicts in prison and the issue of offering treatment instead of harsher sentences for drug related crimes. Recoveries Anonymous - RA is designed especially for those who have yet to be successful in their search for recovery, as well as those who have already found recovery and their family and friends. Recovering Couples Anonymous - A Twelve Step fellowship founded in 1988. The primary purpose of RCA is to help couples find freedom from dysfunctional patterns in relationships. Recovery World - News, Twelve Step books, tapes, jewelry, online free meeting rooms. Serenity Found - Information, readings, daily spiritual quotes, humor, and links related to Twelve Step recovery fellowships. Social Phobics Anonymous - Also known as Social Anxiety Anonymous. 12-step recovery program for social phobia and social anxiety sufferers.
Songs of the Twelve Steps - Each step is explored in song. Listen to any
song. Download the CD for free. Spenders Anonymous - Official web site for 12-Step fellowship on addictive spending. Twelve Step Home Page - Related information, links to recovery related sites, and recovery products. Twelve-Step Program: Wikipedia - Encyclopedia article on the characteristics of 12-step-programs, history, the relationship to religion. With list of specific twelve-step groups. Vulgarity Anonymous - Group Counseling - This is a copy of VulgAnon 12 Steps. It is free to copy for the public.
12 Step Jewelry - Sellers of silver, gold, and stone jewelry celebrating
recovery for AA members. Order rings, pendants, or medallions online. 12 Step Stuff - AA, NA, and Al-Anon gifts including jewelry, pins, check book covers, and money clips. Alcoholics Anonymous International Convention - Recordings of 2005 and 2010 AA International Conventions are for sale. All sessions, panels, and workshops are available. (May require software upgrade.) Basic Stuff 4 U - Narcotics Anonymous and recovery related t-shirts, gifts and convention registration and merchandise committee services. Bill's Friends - Offers sterling silver jewelry, dog tagz, t-shirts, greeting cards, and framed prints. Blueprint Tapes - Tapes and CDs of Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, and other related speakers and workshops. Offers an on-site recording and duplicating service for events. Bright Star Press, Inc. - Offers bronze medallions, tokens, key rings, bumper stickers, literature and certificates. Cheryls Bookmarks - Offers laminated bookmarks and wallet cards. Can be custom made with information printed on the back. Christian wallet cards are also available. Culver Enterprises, Inc. - Related items include check book covers, gift boxes, and recovery books. Gifts of Promise - Store specializes in 12 Step gifts, books, tapes, medallions and gifts for all occasions.
Gopher State Tape Library - Offers a tape of the month club, for AA and/or Al-Anon, as well as literature gift sets, storage albums and boxes. Hazelden - Offering books, tapes, videos, and gift items. Includes treatment options, recovery, and prevention information. Impressions - Bumper stickers, medallions, greeting cards and jewelry. Network 12 Shopping Mall - Features recovery gifts and stores. Also featured are free email anniversary cards and the California 4th Step Guide. Parable Designs - Manufacturers and sellers of jewelry for Narcotics Anonymous. Also offering bookcovers, hats and other 12 step items Recovery Gifts Unlimited - Large selection of recovery, 12 step, and self-help related jewelry, gifts, books, and tapes. Recovery Clocks - solid hardwood clocks for gifts or fundraising items for the AA fellowship Recovery Expressions - Offers AA, NA, and Al-Anon medallions. Carries related general interest items as well. Recovery - Narcotics Anonymous jewelry and specialty items are for sale here. Recovery USA - Specializes in spiritual and recovery coins, jewelry, cards, and apparel. Recovery-World - 12 step recovery gifts, including medallions, books, jewelry, greeting cards, e-cards, and chatrooms. - A 12 step store with a large selection of addiction, alcoholism and compulsive behavior books, recovery gifts, audio and video. Right Thinking - 12 step Christian program for help in dealing with addiction, depression, anxiety and other debilitating conditions. Serenity Jewelry - Silver earrings and necklaces designed as meaningful gifts for people in Alcoholics Anonymous. Serenity Pocket Stones - Colored stones engraved with words, symbols, and sayings celebrating recovery. Retail and wholesale prices available. Sober Camel Gifts - Specializing in recovery and AA gifts. Buy recognition medallions, tokens, greeting cards and related items here. Sober Games - Offers card games for spiritually inclined recovering alcoholics.
Sobriety Anniversary Gift - A block of lucite with the logo and a
sobriety date etched on it.
Sobriety Calendar - This site sells a calendar featuring interesting articles
and photos about early AA members and AA's history throughout the world. 365 days of important dates in AA history, slogans, quotes, and humor. Sobriety Stones - Offering handcrafted sterling silver jewelry using the ancient meanings of gemstones interpreted from a twelve steps point of view. Songs of the Twelve Steps - Each step is explored in song. Listen to any song in MP3 or order the complete CD. The AA Grapevine, Inc. - Online journal requiring paid membership. Also offers books, CDs, calendars and gift certificates. Includes a bulletin board and newsletter. The Recovery Emporium - Includes medallions, jewelry, cards, books, mugs, and apparel. Includes articles, daily quotations, and music. Twelve Songs - Offers a musical CD, with each song related to an individual step. Includes lyrics, and a song sampler. U Can 2 Recovery Gifts - 12 step related gifts including books, jewelry and pins. Way of Life Collections, Inc - Sell pewter collectible figurines depicting the twelve steps, and floor mats. Eating
ACORN Food Dependency Recovery Services - Group of abstinent and recovering food addicts committed to helping other food addicts. Description and schedules for the fee based retreats, primary intensives, workshops and coaching provided in different parts of the United States. Ana Friends - Offers registration allowing access to a pro-anorexia forum and chatroom. Anorexia On-Line Support Group Network - Allows anorexics and their family members to interact and offer support to each other. Includes personal stories and testimonials and other online support. Buddies For Life - Find a buddy to help you overcome your eating disorder or to help you survive it until you feel you can ask for help.
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous - CEA-HOW is a fellowship of men and women who meet to share their experience, strength, and hope with one another in order to solve their common problem of compulsive eating. Connie's ED Lighthouse - Anorexics, bulimics, compulsive overeaters and those who love and care about them are all welcome here. Sharing our experiences, strength and hope as we learn to handle our emotions without turning to the food as our protector. Dallas Compulsive Eaters Anonymous (CEA-HOW) - Non-profit fellowship for individuals who are recovering from compulsive eating and food addiction. Follows the H.O.W. concept of 12 steps and 12 traditions as a program of recovery. Program description, meetings and events calendar, and chat room. Eating Addictions Anonymous - Provides a 12 step recovery program for men and women recovering from all forms of eating and body image addiction. Eating Disorders Anonymous - Twelve step fellowship which holds meetings in several US states and online to help people to recover from eating disorders. Discussion board, meeting schedules, download EDA Step Workbook (MS Word), link collection, and online publications. Eating Disorders Resources and Support Network - Created to assist those working on recovering from anorexia, bulimia, and associated ED's. Includes a member bulletin board, a newsletter, and the ANAD online support group. Eating Disorders Support Group (Hull & East Yorkshire) - Support Group for both eating disorders sufferers and caregivers in the Hull and E. Yorkshire area. Eating Distress Media Awareness Group - Group of individuals concerned with the coverage of eating disorders in the mass media. Flushed - An online quarterly zine by people and for people with eating disorders and body image issues. Free of Bulimia II (Yahoo Group) - Christian support group for sufferers of bulimia and anorexia. Healthy - Help for youth escape from eating disorders associated with unrealistic expectations and pressures placed on them by models. MIA Friends - Offers registration allowing access to a pro-bulimia forum and chatroom.
Male Eating Disorders - For men and women who suffer from eating disorders.
Men's Eating Disorders - Online - A place for men with ED to come and share their stories and get the most recent information for help and support. Pale Reflections - Offers a free members area, educational resources, FAQ, and email newsletter. Picky Eating Adults Support - Support and information to people whose lives have been adversely affected by their lifelong picky eating habits. Scottish Eating Disorder Interest Group - Open to anyone with an interest in eating disorders, with an emphasis on a mix of professional and selfhelp participation. Links members into a network for care for people with eating disorders. Sheena's Place - A community based support center in Toronto offering support group programs, outreach/education, and resources for parents and teens. Programs are free of charge. The CEDRIC Centre - Support and recovery for sufferers of disordered eating patterns. The Joy Project - Information, support, and resources for people with eating disorders and those who support them. The One Day at a Time (ODAT) Group - Lists support groups developed from several background areas. Contains message board, meeting groups, and newsletter. Wellness Within You - Group of counsellors from the Montreux Counselling Centre which offer counselling (but not medical advice or treatment) to help sufferers of eating disorders to achieve a successful recovery. They offer individual and family counselling and consulting workshops with teleconferencing and online options. boa · Bulimia, Overeating & Anorexia (Yahoo Group) - Forum to provide an optimistic outlook on recovery from eating disorders.