Gerson SL, Talbot GH, Hurwitz S, Strom BL, Lusk EJ, Cassileth PA. Prolonged ... Hall J, Heimann P, Costas C. Airway obstruction caused by Aspergillus.
Progressin the DiagnosisandManagementof Aspergillosisin BoneMarrow 13 Years'Experience Transplantation: P. H. M. McWhinney, C. C. Kibbler, M. D. Hamon, O. P. Smith, L. Gandhi, L. A. Berger, R. K. Walesby, A. V. Hoffbrand,and H. G. Prentice
From the Division of CommunicableDiseases, the Academic Department of Haematology, the Department of Diagnostic Imaging, and the University Departmentof Surgery, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London, United Kingdom
Over 13 years,we have seen 16 cases of proveninvasiveaspergillosisin 446 bone marrow transplantrecipients,an incidenceof 3.6%.The incidenceof infectionis low in patientswith Of uncomplicatedallogeneicor autologousbone-marrow transplants(