features/elements. The exterior model features/elements are not depicted accurately and do not correctly illustrate the
Project 1.1.4 Architectural Features Rubric Elements
Exterior Model Accuracy
5 Points
4 Points
3 Points
All exterior model features/elements are accurately depicted and correctly illustrate the chosen style.
Most exterior model features/elements are accurately depicted and correctly illustrate the chosen style.
Some exterior model features/elements are depicted accurately. It is possible to correctly identify the chosen style.
2 Points
Few exterior model features/elements are depicted accurately. It is difficult to identify the style from the model features/elements. The finished The finished The finished The finished product displays product displays product displays product displays consistently good fair workmanship. poor excellent workmanship, Many workmanship. workmanship, although minor imperfections in Many instances of including attention instances of poor construction exist, poor fit and messy to detail, fit or messy joints including loose joints exist. Pieces components that exist. Minor joints. The model fall off or model fit together neatly, imperfections in is generally falls apart when joints that are construction exist. fragilely moved. neat and free of constructed. excess glue, straight lines, and corners at right angles. The finished product is professionally constructed.
1 – 0 Points
The exterior model features/elements are not depicted accurately and do not correctly illustrate the chosen style. There is little evidence of attention to detail or conscientious effort at good construction.
© 2010 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Civil Engineering and Architecture Project 1.1.4 Architectural Features Rubric – Page 1
The information included is accurate and completely addresses each component of the assigned topic or research question.
Narrative Content
Punctuation, grammar, usage, and spelling are effectively used throughout the report.
Minor errors in punctuation, grammar, usage, and spelling are evident, but they do not interfere with the readability of the report. All sources are Sources are reputable, follow listed, mostly APA APA style and in style OR some in text text citations are citations/footnotes missing used Respectful during Respectful during showcase. Asks showcase. #4 appropriate answered questions. #4 answered in detail
Narrative Grammar
Sources and Citations
Conclusion Question #4 and showcase Conclusion questions #1 - 3
The information included adequately addresses each component of the assigned topic or research question.
The information included inadequately addresses the assigned topic or research question. The information included is sometimes inaccurate. Occasional errors in punctuation, grammar, usage, and spelling are evident and interfere with the readability of the report.
The information included does not address the assigned topic or research.
There is no evidence of accurate content information.
Major errors in punctuation, grammar, usage, and/or spelling interfere with the readability of the report.
The report contains significant errors in punctuation, grammar, usage, and spelling.
Sources are listed Sources are listed 0 – no sources – APA style listed lacking for all OR no in text citations
Lack of focus during showcase. #4 answered OR respectful but #4 not answered
0 - #4 not answered and lack of focus during presentation
5 pts HW grade
© 2010 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Civil Engineering and Architecture Project 1.1.4 Architectural Features Rubric – Page 2