Project 2.3.1 - NESP Tropical Water Quality Hub

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reduced total reef area, diminished bleaching refuges. • Linear relationship ... Reef development (Titlyanov and Latyp
Every bucket counts: New insights into the role of water clarity for the health of the GBR Katharina Fabricius, AIMS

Overview • NESP Project “Benthic light as water quality indicator”: – Methods development to estimate benthic irradiance – Biotic responses

• Why water quality management is even more important in the context of so many other disturbances

Benthic irradiance ‘101’ Benthic irradiance is determined by: 1.


3. 4. 5.

The amount of solar irradiance received at the sea surface (sun angle, day length, clouds, surface roughness) Optically active materials in the water (Inherent Optical Properties, IOPs: Total suspended solids, chlorophyll, coloured dissolved organic matter, water) Water depth Benthic albedo Angle of organism surface


Benthic irradiance ‘101’ Benthic irradiance is determined by: 1.


Source: Roelfsema et. al 2010 (

3. 4. 5.

The amount of solar irradiance received at the sea surface (sun angle, day length, clouds, surface roughness) Optically active materials in the water (Inherent Optical Properties, IOPs: Total suspended solids, chlorophyll, coloured dissolved organic matter, water) Water depth Benthic albedo Angle of organism surface


Incoming Irradiance GBR • Conditions more benign in the north than south: higher winter values, lower summer values. Winter

Summer 20% seasonal diff. 10° S 25° S

July Sep Nov Jan Mar May

60% seasonal difference Kirk 2011 Mol photons m-2 d-1

Mol photons m-2 d-1

Source: NASA: Mean insolation incident on horizontal surfaces over 22 years

Open-water PAR loggers SHIS: YON: MYR: PP: LJCO:


South Heron Is Yongala Myrmidon Palm Passage Lucinda Jetty

Deploy light loggers on 4 IMOS moorings in deep water away from reefs: • •



Test region Entire GBR region SWIM IOP


• •

WETLabs ECO PAR sensors Deployment depth: – Above surface – Above seafloor (~26 m) Sampling interval: every 15 minutes Validate RS bPAR algorithm Validate eReefs

Yongala NRS PAR loggers:


Surface + 26 m depth



MODIS-Aqua True Color image (10 Feb 2016)

Yongala PAR Loggers • Lowest benthic irradiance in March-July • Relative contributions of solar insolation, clouds, water clarity? 2015

20° S

2016 July Sep Nov Jan Mar May

Yongala PAR Loggers • Lowest benthic irradiance in March-July • Relative contributions of solar insolation, clouds, Algorithm-derived bPAR water clarity? 2015


bPAR (umol m-2 s-1)

Remote sensing to quantify PAR Model input parameters

bPAR validation


(MODIS) Es (𝜆)


a (𝜆), bb (𝜆)

Kd (𝜆)

𝜆 = (400-700nm)


Z (geometric depth)

IOP validation



Spatiotemporal analysis

Benthic irradiance stress map creation

Canto and McKinna (in prep)

Spatial and temporal analyses, indicator development • Benthic albedo greatly affects light availability • Develop methods for Yongala • Define PAR indicator for March – July: – Turbidity from wet season still measurable – Greatest risk for coral bleaching

• Upscale to whole GBR – 14 years of daily data at 1 km Benthic albedo

McKinna et al 2015

Acropora as PAR indicator • Acropora is important reef builder, habitat for other species • Global light threshold for Acropora established (5.2 mols photons m-2 d-1 in winter: Muir et al, Science 2015)

Acropora as PAR indicator Acropora cover, and proportion of Acropora in coral communities, are among the best and most relevant WQ indicators, highly correlated to Secchi depth (Fabricius et al. 2012)

Secchi depth (m)

Fabricius et al. (2012)

Effects of variable light on corals

Photo-acclimation: quick in Pachyseris, very weak in Acropora Acropora: Growth rate = sum of daily light exposure Acropora millepora Pachyseris speciosa

Acropora millepora

Growth rate

• •

High Low Var.1 Var.2 Light Treatment (Di Perna et al, in prep)

Effects of variable light on Acropora ● = constant DLI, o = variable DLI x

Acropora growth: increases linearly with daily light exposure, little photoacclimation Effects of light reduction accumulate over time – 40% light reduction (steady or variable) -> 40% growth reduction – 80% light reduction -> 70% growth reduction.

Ø Days with reduced light reduce growth, accumulate to smaller colony sizes Noonan et al (in prep)

Every bucket counts… Linear relationships: PAR → Acropora growth

Exponential relationship: In situ water clarity → Acropora cover

Secchi depth (m)

Linear relationships: Annual river discharges → in situ water clarity

Fabricius et al. (2016)

Every bucket counts… • •

Define thresholds for 5 months with greatest PAR attenuation, when turbidity from wet season still measurable = March – July E.g. improve Secchi depth from 10 to 12.5 m → increase Acropora colonisation depth from 12 m to 15 m → GBR Acropora population increases by 43 million colonies

Why WQ management is more important than ever •

Decline in coral cover mostly attributed to bleaching, storms and COTS (De’ath et al. 2012)

Low light, sediments and nutrients: – Don’t cause acute mass coral mortality – Do slow reef recovery, impair coral growth, recruitment, lead to macroalgal proliferation (Fabricius 2005) – Decrease the depth limit for reef development → reduced total reef area, diminished bleaching refuges.

Linear relationship between annual river discharges and annual mean water clarity (Fabricius et al. 2016)

WQ pollution is reversible - Unlike CO2 pollution: CO2 remains in atmosphere and oceans for millennia.

Why WQ management is more important than ever ‘Coastal acidification’: • Nutrient enrichment ® organic enrichment, algal/bacterial blooms • Increased respiration adds CO2 to coastal waters, complementing rising atmospheric CO2 • Inshore GBR has acidified 2.5 – 3 times faster than atmospheric CO2 (Uthicke et al. 2014). • WQ management is likely to ameliorate CO2 pressure. Atmospheric CO2

Nutrient discharges

Higher algal biomass

CO2 from benthic respiration

Reduced pH, O2 = Coastal Acidification

Why choose light as WQ indicator? • Objective: – Ecologically relevant – Daily measurable at 1 km2 scale through MODIS – Validate/refine WQ Guidelines for specific GBR regions – Validate eReefs biogeochemical model

Methods development to estimate benthic irradiance

Biotic responses

Daily PAR thresholds Corals: • Acropora colonisation depth (Muir et al. 2015): 5.2 mol photons m-2 d-2 in winter • Kleypas 1997: global limit for reef formation (net CaCO3 production): 7 - 8 mol photons m-2 d-2 • Reef development (Cooper et al, 2007, Whitsundays): ~2 mol photons m-2 d-2 • Reef development (Titlyanov and Latypov (1991): Gulf of Siam: ~2 mol photons m-2 d-2 • Mean maximum coral colonisation depth (Gattuso et al. 2006): 1.2 mol photons m-2 d-2 Seagrass guidelines (Collier et al 2016): • Zostera, Cymodocera, Thallassia, Enhalus: • Deepwater seagrass:

10 mol photons m-2 d-2 over 3 month 2.5 mol photons m-2 d-2

Macroalgae: Seabed biodiversity data (Pitcher et al. 2007, Hurrey et al 2013) • Steep decline macroalgal richness : 2 mol photons m-2 d-1 • Lobophora turfs: 3.6 mol photons m-2 d-1 • Halimeda/Bryopsidales: 4.6 mol photons m-2 d-1 Benthos general: • Medium minimum PAR required for photosynthetic organisms: 0.06 – 14.1) (Gattuso et al 2006) • Compensation irradiance for benthic communities:

5.1 mol photons m-2 d-2 (range 0.24 - 4.4 mol photons m-2 d-2

Outcomes • Integrated, easy-to-measure WQI:

– improve assessments of the impacts and risks to GBR ecosystems from river runoff and coastal development. • estimate trends • provide info on remote parts (Far North!) • inform Reef Plan report card, RWQPP

– Changes in bPAR can be related back to its drivers

• Inform future Water Quality Improvement plans: set ecologicallyrelevant targets, • Assess effectiveness of region-specific river load reductions • predict ecological consequences, • Comparing risks from river loads against those from dredging • Inform scenario models: estimate effects of land management scenarios to improve bPAR

Take-home points: WQ is key to GBR health Sediments and nutrients lost from fertilised and grazing lands … … change the ecology of inshore reefs

… increase the number of crownof-thorns starfish outbreaks

Latitudial changes in incoming irradiance • Winter: relatively even (slightly lower south of Rockhampton, Wet Tropics)


Issues: Biological response measures Physiological responses

Life history/ Populations


Photosynthesis Respiration

Survival Morphology Fecundity

Reef recovery time Depth of reef development

Bleaching susceptibility Energy reserves

Growth Rate Recruitment

Max depth of colonisation Coral competition with MA

Tissue thickness

Transition phototrophic / heterotrophic taxa Max depth of bleaching

Time Scales to respond: Physiology Life history/ Populations


Hours to weeks

Weeks to months


Daily integrated values, Running weekly averages and variances

Seasonal means (esp. winter!)

Seasonal or annual means

Seabed biodiversity data inform about light thresholds in inter-reefal areas Eg Seagrass Halophila spinulosa does best at > 7 mol photons m-2 d-1

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