Hearing, Speech and. Audio Technology. Fraunhofer Institute for. Digital Media
Technology IDMT. Fraunhofer - Partner for increased market competitiveness.
Fraunhofer Institute for D i g i t a l M e d i a Te c h n o l o g y I D M T
Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology
Fraunhofer - Partner for increased market competitiveness Industrial companies and service organisations benefit from the scientific expertise and technical resources of the Project offer custom services for different markets with their different research specialities: • Research cooperations, development services and consulting • Contract research up to prototype production • Customer-specific adaptation of Fraunhofer developments • Measuring and evaluation methods • Production of expertises, studies and concepts
Fraunhofer IDMT The project group was established in Oldenburg in 2008 as a branch of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT. At the main location of the Institute in Ilmenau in Thuringia, Germany, and in the branches in Erfurt and Oldenburg,
Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology Marie-Curie-Straße 2 26129 Oldenburg Germany Phone +49 441 2172-400 Fax +49 441 2172-450
[email protected] Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Birger Kollmeier Head of Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology Dr. rer. nat. Jens-E. Appell Head of Department Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology
there are more than a one-hundred employees working on the research portfolio in the area of audio-visual applications.
photo acknowledgement: istockphoto.com/Joshua Hodge Photography
Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology. The scientists
Fraunhofer Institute for D i g i t a l M e d i a Te c h n o l o g y I D M T
Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology
Fraunhofer - Partner for increased market competitiveness Industrial companies and service organisations benefit from the scientific expertise and technical resources of the Project offer custom services for different markets with their different research specialities: • Research cooperations, development services and consulting • Contract research up to prototype production • Customer-specific adaptation of Fraunhofer developments • Measuring and evaluation methods • Production of expertises, studies and concepts
Fraunhofer IDMT The project group was established in Oldenburg in 2008 as a branch of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT. At the main location of the Institute in Ilmenau in Thuringia, Germany, and in the branches in Erfurt and Oldenburg,
Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology Marie-Curie-Straße 2 26129 Oldenburg Germany Phone +49 441 2172-400 Fax +49 441 2172-450
[email protected] Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Birger Kollmeier Head of Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology Dr. rer. nat. Jens-E. Appell Head of Department Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology
there are more than a one-hundred employees working on the research portfolio in the area of audio-visual applications.
photo acknowledgement: istockphoto.com/Joshua Hodge Photography
Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology. The scientists
Project Group for Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology of Fraunhofer IDMT
Prediction of speech intelligibility and acoustic product quality assurance
Optimized presentation of speech in communication and security applications
The goal of the Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Tech-
The project group develops measuring methods and models to
The project group offers particular expertise in the area of
nology is to implement scientific findings on auditory perception
describe auditory perception. Research examines the factors that
audio signal processing – from recording with microphone
of normal and impaired hearing in technological applications.
influence speech intelligibility and subjectively perceived sound
arrays and reduction of interfering noise through to hearing-
Working in close cooperation with university fundamental
quality. As part of its contract research activities, the working
adapted audio reproduction. In addition to improving speech
research departments and as a partner in the cluster of excellence
group develops customer-specific evaluation methods for quality
intelligibility in communication systems such as conference and
»Hearing4all«, the scientists carry out applied research and
control in sound design.
telepresence systems, the scientists also develop applications
development in the fields of telecommunications, multimedia,
for civilian security.
health and care services, building technology, transport, industrial production and security.
Main research topics
Personalized hearing assistance in telephones and media systems
User-friendly human-technology interaction
Everyone has their own auditory perception, own sound preference and own sensation of loudness. From the age of fifty
Acoustic technologies are increasingly used in human-
• Modelling and prediction of auditory perception
onwards, normal hearing ability deteriorates in many people.
technology interaction. This includes speech control as well as
• Personalized speech and sound reproduction in media and
The project group develops signal processing algorithms and user
automatic event detection as part of acoustic monitoring.
interfaces to adapt audio reproduction in electronic media and
The project group develops audio system technology and
communication devices to individual hearing requirements.
operating interfaces for assistive technologies, which offer
communication systems
• Computer-based, acoustic speech and event recognition • Audio signal enhancement
assistance and safety in everyday life particularly for the elderly
• Use and acceptance studies for assistive technologies
and persons with impaired health (Ambient Assisted Living). The scientists also perform studies with end users on behalf of customers to examine the operation and acceptance of new technologies.
Project Group for Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology of Fraunhofer IDMT
Prediction of speech intelligibility and acoustic product quality assurance
Optimized presentation of speech in communication and security applications
The goal of the Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Tech-
The project group develops measuring methods and models to
The project group offers particular expertise in the area of
nology is to implement scientific findings on auditory perception
describe auditory perception. Research examines the factors that
audio signal processing – from recording with microphone
of normal and impaired hearing in technological applications.
influence speech intelligibility and subjectively perceived sound
arrays and reduction of interfering noise through to hearing-
Working in close cooperation with university fundamental
quality. As part of its contract research activities, the working
adapted audio reproduction. In addition to improving speech
research departments and as a partner in the cluster of excellence
group develops customer-specific evaluation methods for quality
intelligibility in communication systems such as conference and
»Hearing4all«, the scientists carry out applied research and
control in sound design.
telepresence systems, the scientists also develop applications
development in the fields of telecommunications, multimedia,
for civilian security.
health and care services, building technology, transport, industrial production and security.
Main research topics
Personalized hearing assistance in telephones and media systems
User-friendly human-technology interaction
Everyone has their own auditory perception, own sound preference and own sensation of loudness. From the age of fifty
Acoustic technologies are increasingly used in human-
• Modelling and prediction of auditory perception
onwards, normal hearing ability deteriorates in many people.
technology interaction. This includes speech control as well as
• Personalized speech and sound reproduction in media and
The project group develops signal processing algorithms and user
automatic event detection as part of acoustic monitoring.
interfaces to adapt audio reproduction in electronic media and
The project group develops audio system technology and
communication devices to individual hearing requirements.
operating interfaces for assistive technologies, which offer
communication systems
• Computer-based, acoustic speech and event recognition • Audio signal enhancement
assistance and safety in everyday life particularly for the elderly
• Use and acceptance studies for assistive technologies
and persons with impaired health (Ambient Assisted Living). The scientists also perform studies with end users on behalf of customers to examine the operation and acceptance of new technologies.
Project Group for Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology of Fraunhofer IDMT
Prediction of speech intelligibility and acoustic product quality assurance
Optimized presentation of speech in communication and security applications
The goal of the Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Tech-
The project group develops measuring methods and models to
The project group offers particular expertise in the area of
nology is to implement scientific findings on auditory perception
describe auditory perception. Research examines the factors that
audio signal processing – from recording with microphone
of normal and impaired hearing in technological applications.
influence speech intelligibility and subjectively perceived sound
arrays and reduction of interfering noise through to hearing-
Working in close cooperation with university fundamental
quality. As part of its contract research activities, the working
adapted audio reproduction. In addition to improving speech
research departments and as a partner in the cluster of excellence
group develops customer-specific evaluation methods for quality
intelligibility in communication systems such as conference and
»Hearing4all«, the scientists carry out applied research and
control in sound design.
telepresence systems, the scientists also develop applications
development in the fields of telecommunications, multimedia,
for civilian security.
health and care services, building technology, transport, industrial production and security.
Main research topics
Personalized hearing assistance in telephones and media systems
User-friendly human-technology interaction
Everyone has their own auditory perception, own sound preference and own sensation of loudness. From the age of fifty
Acoustic technologies are increasingly used in human-
• Modelling and prediction of auditory perception
onwards, normal hearing ability deteriorates in many people.
technology interaction. This includes speech control as well as
• Personalized speech and sound reproduction in media and
The project group develops signal processing algorithms and user
automatic event detection as part of acoustic monitoring.
interfaces to adapt audio reproduction in electronic media and
The project group develops audio system technology and
communication devices to individual hearing requirements.
operating interfaces for assistive technologies, which offer
communication systems
• Computer-based, acoustic speech and event recognition • Audio signal enhancement
assistance and safety in everyday life particularly for the elderly
• Use and acceptance studies for assistive technologies
and persons with impaired health (Ambient Assisted Living). The scientists also perform studies with end users on behalf of customers to examine the operation and acceptance of new technologies.
Fraunhofer Institute for D i g i t a l M e d i a Te c h n o l o g y I D M T
Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology
Fraunhofer - Partner for increased market competitiveness Industrial companies and service organisations benefit from the scientific expertise and technical resources of the Project offer custom services for different markets with their different research specialities: • Research cooperations, development services and consulting • Contract research up to prototype production • Customer-specific adaptation of Fraunhofer developments • Measuring and evaluation methods • Production of expertises, studies and concepts
Fraunhofer IDMT The project group was established in Oldenburg in 2008 as a branch of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT. At the main location of the Institute in Ilmenau in Thuringia, Germany, and in the branches in Erfurt and Oldenburg,
Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology Marie-Curie-Straße 2 26129 Oldenburg Germany Phone +49 441 2172-400 Fax +49 441 2172-450
[email protected] Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Birger Kollmeier Head of Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology Dr. rer. nat. Jens-E. Appell Head of Department Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology
there are more than a one-hundred employees working on the research portfolio in the area of audio-visual applications.
photo acknowledgement: istockphoto.com/Joshua Hodge Photography
Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology. The scientists