("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project
Management Institute, Inc.) ..... o Head First PMP: A Brain-Friendly Guide to Pass.
Project Management in Practice Covers PMBOK® - Fourth Edition
A project management experience through, conceptualizing, applying and coaching
Project management is the science of getting things done, effectively and effeciently.
1 Copyright (c) 201٢ changezone.com All rights reserved.
("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Table of Content Table of Content ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Program Objectives .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Program components ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Detailed outline .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Program Approach .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 The Requirements of Certification of PMP®........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Material and Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ®), Fourth Edition ............................................................................................................................. 12 Learning Methodology........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Change Zone 7 Cs: a unique experience of change.............................................................................................................................................. 15 Change Zone Quality Management .................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Testimonials: people speaks about their experience in Change Zone ................................................................................................................. 17 Program Information .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Contact Us .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
2 Copyright (c) 201٢ changezone.com All rights reserved.
("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Overview Project management competencies are a key success factor for the effective execution of strategy-driven corporate initiatives. Projects are the real means to turn good intents into tangible results that can be celebrated. Projects that are carried out in nowadays business environment involve wide range of complexity and require sophisticated management and leadership competencies to become success stories. Through a holistic, strategic and practical approach, the Project Management in Practice program is designed to address the real concerns of post-modern project managers, help them to derive success, and prepare them to a prestigious qualification in the world of project management.
Project Management in Practice Program Covers PMBOK® - Fourth Edition Is a comprehensive package that aims to develop your practical competencies in managing complex projects.
The program primarily includes the Body of Knowledge of Project Management Institute PMI®, and helps you to get the required project management training hours required by PMI®, and prepare you to become a qualified candidate to sit for the exam.
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Program Objectives
• To empower participants with advanced project management competencies to lead sophisticated projects in a turbulent environments • To provide a holistic management methodologies, tools and techniques that are necessary for nowadays managers • Adopts the methodology of Project Management Institute (PMI®), and adds more tools, skills and best practices • Enhance the emotional intelligence, self-management, and relationship management which back distinctive project managers, and help professionals to increase their personal effectiveness • Develop the appreciation to project management, as a component of the strategy execution systems • To address the real-world concerns and challenges that project managers face • You will LIVE the project management experience through building integrated project plans, role play, project management software, templates, problem solving, and case studies • The program will help you to prepare for PMP
® certification and exam which are full of decision making cases
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Program components
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
• Project management in the context of strategic planning and execution • Project Management Professionals (PMBOK® - Fourth Edition) • Emotional and social Intelligence to lead people in projects • Systems Thinking for solving complex project problems • Process management in project management • Business writing in project management • Finance and mathematics in project management • Microso7 Project 2009 • Project Management Templates
6 Copyright (c) 201٢ changezone.com All rights reserved.
("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Detailed outline • Executing strategic initiatives through project management Organizations implement strategic planning and execution processes to achieve their vision and realize their values and missions. To ensure a systematic management approach for strategic initiatives, organizations execute strategic initiatives as projects, allocate resources, assign project managers, and continually monitor progress. This module provides an overview about the strategic planning and execution, and how project management fits within the big picture of the organizational activities. • Introduction to strategic planning and execution • Formulating strategic initiatives • Project, program and portfolio management • Project Management Professionals (PMP®): (PMBOK - Fourth Edition) The project management institute (PMI®) developed a body of knowledge for project management to share international best practices among project management professionals. This module explores in details the knowledge and processes in the PMP® fourth edition, and links them holistically to other components in the program. • • • • • •
Project integration management Project time management Project scope management Project cost management Project quality management Project communication management 7
Copyright (c) 201٢ changezone.com All rights reserved.
("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
• Project risk management • Project human resources management
• Emotional and social Intelligence to lead people in projects Emotional and social intelligence are the competencies of self-management, and relationship management. The perception of self, others and the world is reflected through emotions and behavior. Project management professionals need to develop mature attitudes to contain the variant personalities and diversity of team members and clients.
• The belief system and emotions at work o ABC model: how thoughts (perception) affects emotions and behavior o Cognitive distortions and their effect on core self-evaluation o Leader’s mood and how it affect the workplace o Changing core beliefs at work • Recognizing and dealing with stress • Building positive routine o Energy management o Controlling attention deficit trait o Life and work balance • Relational competencies o Empathy o Expectations management o Positive communication and principled (win-win) negotiation o Assertiveness • Work motivation models 8 Copyright (c) 201٢ changezone.com All rights reserved.
("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
• Client management techniques
• Systems Thinking for solving complex project problems Too often, today’s businesses implement simple solutions to complex problems. But as many soon discover, quick-fixes fail because they are not holistic or creative enough in diagnosing and treating corporate post-modern complex problems. They focus on the parts of the organization rather than the whole, take little account of interaction, and think that there is only one best solution in all circumstances. This module helps PM professionals to diagnose organizational problems.
o o o o
Systems dynamics Exploring purposes with: soft systems methodology The psychology of change Leading change
• Process management in project management The module builds the competencies of modeling, analyzing, improving, executing and measuring processes that are used in projects to manage work. Process helps project managers organize work, and standardize outcomes
o Process management lifecycle o Process modeling and analysis o Measuring process performance • Business writing in project management Project management involves writing business documentation, and exchange memos and emails. Business writing skills facilitate communication among stakeholders, reduce the chances of conflict, and improve the impact of communication.
o Writing business letters
o Email writing
Using professional language 9
Copyright (c) 201٢ changezone.com All rights reserved.
("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
• Finance and mathematics in project management Project managers plan, execute, monitor and control specific activities with financial impact in all project phases. Project selection and initiation, budgeting, and reporting financial performance requires PM to develop some financial skills. Also, other work requires some specific mathematical skills. o Initiation, planning, execution, and controlling o Some financial ratios relevant to project management
• Microsoft Project 2009 Microsoft Project is a software to plan and monitor project activities. The module covers the following: o o o o
Creating a task list Assigning resources to tasks Tracking progress on tasks and assignments Viewing and reporting project status
• Project Management Templates Project management templates are read forms, and standardized documentation that can be used and tailored to specific project needs. o Microsoft word and Excel Templates that covers all knowledge areas o Use the templates to create project management documentation o Tailor the project templates to your specific needs 10 Copyright (c) 201٢ changezone.com All rights reserved.
("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Program Approach • The program is based on a practical approach. PMP® exam is mostly based on cases that require making the best judgment in a situation. The program o A case study from a real-world scenario that requires participant to think and recommend improvement to achieve the objective of the project. This requires participant to analyze, discuss and advice, thus improving the problem solving and decision making skills for project managers o Templates shall be used to apply the concepts in practice during the workshop. Two categories of templates shall be provided: general project management templates, and some software development templates that helps project managers to plan and control project management processes.
• Preparing for the PMP
® exam:
o PMP® exam samples are provided for each PMP® objective topic o Provide a highlight on the important points on the PMP® exam
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
The Requirements of Certification ertification of PMP® PMP • PMI® requires 35 direct contact hours of project management training which. Change zone provides you with records of attendance upon completing the requirements.
Material and Body off Knowledge (PMBOK ®), Fourth Edition • Change Zone shall provide you with notes and material that covers the content of the program. program. This include the following: o Notes o Templates on CD o PMP revision notes using mind maps. o Sample tests
• PMBOK fourth edition • AND one of the following books: o PMP Exam Prep, Sixth Edition: Rita's Course in a Book for Passing the PMP Exam o Head First PMP: A Brain-Friendly Friendly Guide to Passing the Project Management Professional Exam
12 Copyright (c) 201٢ changezone.com All rights reserved.
("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Learning Methodology Theoretical concepts are presented through real-world exercises, and case studies. At the ends, you will know the theories, and become pragmatically competent in applying the concepts in real-world scenario. Through case studies, workgroups, and hands-on application, participants shall develop skills for managing holistically and improve results.
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Case study/Examples
Cases of companies which demonstrate excellence in the concept discussed.
Ready-made, customizable documents which can be used in practice.
Pragmatic debate
Tips and tricks How-Common occurrences in real world situations in a sort of summarized statements.
Interactive exchange of points of views about a concept
Teams work to provide best possible scenarios to make certain predetermined results.
To motivate teammates to think about business concepts in practice, groups are required to pay attention to certain business practices.
Hands-on project Teams work on hands-on project to apply concepts and theories.
Improve Problematic Situations Teams are presented with a challenging problematic situation from the everyday business life to improve it.
Software Packages We demonstrate software packages that can be used to apply concepts in practice.
Integrate knowledge
Practitioner to Practitioner
As we progress throughout the programs, the concepts are linked together and applied to real cases where you will gain insight how concept fits together.
Experts will brief you about daily realities and how the concept is practiced.
Nutshells that can be used while applying the concepts in practice so that you make sure that you addressed certain critical principles
Workshops Coaching
To provide insight and experience to concepts we demonstrate videos that address certain aspects.
Guide participants to work on project
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Change Zone 7 Cs: a unique experience of change Change Zone is a complete environment of positive change. We W facilitate your change initiatives through:
Change of attitude o o o
Attracts professionals with positive personal qualities
Scientific attitude change methods Problem-based learning Experiential learning Behavioral change methods
Customization o
Continual development activities
Tailor the process to your specific needs and objectives
o o o
One-On-One Coaching o
International Chapters & Memberships Book club Entertainment activities Continual development sessions
Community social responsibility
Coaching is a goal-directed, directed, results-oriented, results systematic process in which one person facilitates sustained changes in another individual or group
o o
Studying the environment and come up with solution Free workshops to build awareness
Convenience of time, cost and accessibility o o
Time: convenient time that suites your schedule Installment plan to facilitate your payments E-coaching collaborative platform
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Change Zone Quality Management The purpose of Change Zone’s Quality Management System is to establish, document, implement and maintain a quality management system for Change Zone, and continually improves its effectiveness, so that to exceed customer’s expectations. Change Zone aims to establish and execute innovative customer-centric processes that continually drive customer delight, business growth, and positive change to relevant stakeholders and targeted market segments.
Change Zone’s customer-centric processes are managed by ISO 9001 specification, which includes for example: Systematic Learning Process, Customer Service & Relationship Management Process, and Programs Design Management Process, all are designed and delivered according to predefined standards.
The quality management systems aim to continually improve customer perceived and delivered value, and actively stimulate innovation in marketing and execution of strategy.
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Testimonials: people speaks about their experience in Change Zone Change Zone’ Programs is consistently rated by successful professionals as one of the most rewarding and quality program they have joined.
Corporations: http://www.changezone.com/changezone-companies.php
Change Agents
My point of view
Majdi Mustafa
“my experience with Change Zone is rich and very empowering, I could change too many wrong beliefs and habits, I started to know what it means to think and act in a different way, I learnt a lot and in a different style of learning environment, I heard experiences from people who already working in challenging business sectors, I learnt how to break down any type of obstacles into smaller blocks and deal with them individually. Simply my experience with Change Zone was through the soft skills & the Micro MBA, and both I recommend for people who seeks to be different and outstanding, at all aspects of life, career, social and even the very personal one”.
Hiba Abu Taleb
Change zone Practical MBA course is truly one of the most useful training programs I ever attended; obviously the content of the course is available everywhere however the delivery approach made all the difference for me. Change zone keep their promises to provide training, coaching and mentoring for the well designed program. I would recommend the program for anyone who is seeking positive change!
Rajaie Haddad
"Change Zone - MBA in Practice course - has changed the way I see and evaluate things in my daily life from a business perspective. It added a lot to my business experience and methodology of thinking in a way that changed my business attitude and behavior. You can find the business knowledge and information from any website on the internet, you can even take full online business courses... but to change your attitude and business practical skills, you only have one place.... Change Zone Business Center.", Thank you Change Zone family,
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Program Information
Your Investment
Time and duration
Starting date
400 JD
60 JD for textbook (optional)
5 installments, over 5 months
60 hours
Duration: 16 weeks, one session per week, plus one extra session every 4 weeks
Kindly contact us
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Contact Us
+962 6 5 666 848
+962 799 440 133
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11194-941383 P.O. Box
Al-Shimisany, Jaber Bin Hayan Grove, No. 3. www.changezone.com/contactus.html
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("PMP," "PMBOK," "CAPM," "PM Network" and "PMI" are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)