project positions (ra, srf & ta) available - Guru Gobind Singh ...

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Jul 11, 2011 - Technical Assistant in a research project titled “Molecular Approach to ... Technical Assistant (TA): 1

Sector 16C, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110078, India

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(91-11) 25302308 (91-11) 25302305 [email protected]

A Grade NAAC-accredited & ISO 9001:2000 certified Govt. University

Dr. N. Raghuram Associate Professor

Date: 11 July, 2011

PROJECT POSITIONS (RA, SRF & TA) AVAILABLE Applications are invited for the positions of Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow and Technical Assistant in a research project titled “Molecular Approach to Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice to Minimize the Impact of Fertilizer N on Climate change”, sponsored by the ICAR under NICRA. The project is tenable upto March 2013, unless extended. The eligibility conditions and emoluments are mentioned below, and other background information is available at the PI’s website: Hostel and Ph.D. admission are possible, but are governed by university selection rules and are not guaranteed. Interested candidates must email their CVs with their phone numbers (and of 3 referees) to [email protected] by 5th Aug 2011, and attend a walk-in interview on 10th Aug 2011 at 10.00 am here on their own. Research Associate (RA): Ph.D. in a relevant area of biotechnology/ biosciences/agriculture (or 1st class Masters degree with over 2 yrs experience) specialising in molecular biology, biochemistry or allied areas evidenced by publications. Emoluments will be Rs. 24,000/- (for Ph.D. holders) and Rs. 23,000/- (for Masters holders) per month + HRA as applicable. Senior Research Fellow (SRF): 1st class Masters degree in an above area, preferably with research experience. Emoluments: Rs. 16,000/- pm + HRA as applicable. Technical Assistant (TA): 12th std (preferably degree/DMLT/diploma holder) with technical/lab experience, typing and computer training. The job involves providing overall lab and office support. Emoluments: Rs. 10,400/- pm (fixed). Outstation candidates may contact the undersigned telephonically for any queries on the project. Dr. N. Raghuram Principal Investigator