The SMS Gateway provided by Promptxt allows a third party to send SMS
messages to its users or clients. ... htgateway.php located on the Promptxt server.
Promptxt SMS Gateway
Specification for Third Party HTTP Users Version 2.0 US
1. Introduction The SMS Gateway provided by Promptxt allows a third party to send SMS messages to its users or clients. This document is intended for those parties who wish to develop applications that make use of Promptxt's SMS Gateway by submitting either a POST or GET operation to the server.
2. Sending an SMS message To send an SMS message with a single command, it is necessary to submit a GET operation to htgateway.php located on the Promptxt server. This operation must provide two authentication variables to identify the sender of the message and three variables describing the message data. All variables must be urlencoded.
2.1 Required variables The following variables are required:
Promptxt username
Promptxt password
The urlencoded string containing the message you wish to send. The length of this string must not exceed 160 characters.
The international dialing code of the country you wish to send the message to.
The comma delimited string containing the digital mobile phone numbers to which you wish to the send the message.
The send date and time if the message is not to be sent immediately. If no send_date is sent or the format is incorrect then the current date/time is used and an instant send is invoked
2.2 Procedure The procedure for sending an SMS message is best demonstrated with a simple example. Consider a Promptxt user with a username and password of: john_jones, jjones123abc This user wishes to submit the message: Hi there, can we meet tmw? I'm too busy today! to two recipients in the US: 215 435 6264 215 435 6265 The GET operation must be submitted to htgateway.php located at: The message can be sent successfully using the following query string: message=Hi+there%2C+can+we+meet+tmw%3F+I%27m+too+busy+today%21&phone_country=1&my _numbers=2154356264,2154356265
2.3 Sending Messages at a later date and/or time. The send_date parameter may be used to schedule when a message is to be sent. The date format is ISO with the “T” separator for the time. For example the date 12th August 2010 at the time of 12:45 is: 20100812T1245 The example given in 2.2 with the above date time included: message=Hi+there%2C+can+we+meet+tmw%3F+I%27m+too+busy+today%21&phone_country=1&my _numbers=2154356264,2154356265&send_date=20100812T1245
2.4 Server responses The system will return one of these codes following a GET operation. 001 097 099 105 107
Message processed successfully Syntax error Authentication rejected Missing my_numbers variable Missing my_message variable
Handling Inbound Messages 1. Introduction The Club List Gateway provided by Promptxt allows third parties to capture data from users who opt-in to club lists. The Promptxt server will handle the initial inbound text from the user according to the account settings, and then send a request to a third party server using the https protocol.
2. Receiving a Club List request The third party must provide a url to a script to which the Promptxt server can send variables via GET, preferably over https. The script should provide a response of 1 for success and 0 for failure. The script must respond within 20 seconds otherwise a response of „0‟ is assumed. Auto-responses are only sent for „1‟ response codes.
2.1 Sent variables The following variables are sent to the third party url:
Club list keyword
Mobile number of subscriber. E.g. 6463211164
The type of request. Type 1 is opt-in. Type 2 is opt-out.
Additional parameter sent from the user. Typically the word that follows the keyword. E.g. WINACAR b Here the user has sent answer b to the WINACAR list. The „b‟ part is sent as the parameter.
2.2 Procedure The procedure for sending requests is best demonstrated with some simple examples. An opt-in request is sent using the following query string: An opt-out request is sent using the following query string:
An opt-in request with parameter is sent using the following query string:¶ m=b
2.3 Server responses The third party system will return one of these codes following a GET operation. 1 0
Request successfully received Request failed
Promptxt LLC
Tel: 215 435 6264 Email:
[email protected]