Pronoun Case. Directions: Circle the correct pronoun case. Identify the verb in
the sentence, and determine whether the pronoun is functioning as a subject orĀ ...
Name: _________________________________
Pronoun Case Directions: Circle the correct pronoun case. Identify the verb that the pronoun takes, and determine whether the pronoun is functioning as a subject or an object. Subject: the noun or pronoun in the sentence that takes the verb (ex: I am the subject). Object: nouns in the sentence that do not take verbs (ex: The object of this sentence is me). 1. Chris and I / Me and Chris were playing basketball. What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ 2. Chrissie wanted to go to the park with she and I / me and her / she and me. What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ 3. After a long day of school, my friends and I / me and my friends like to interact online. What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ 4. They and we / Them and us / we and them have never gotten along. What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ 5. You and me / You and I / I and you / Me and you have always gotten along in the past. What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ 6. It was stressful because she and I / she and me / I and she are both running for class president. What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ 7. She is taller than I / me / myself am. What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ 8. She is a better dancer than I / me / myself. What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ 9. Jeb and me / me and Jeb / Jeb and I / I and Jeb are going to the swimming hole. What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ 10. Would she rather go to the prom with me or Zeke / Zeke or I? What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ 11. Us / We students need more practice with pronouns. What is the verb? ___________________ Is the pronoun a subject or an object? ___________________ Try it yourself 1. Write three sentences on the back using subjective pronouns. Underline the subjective pronouns. 2. Write three sentences on the back using objective pronouns. Circle the objective pronouns.