Properties and Applications of Polyvinyl Alcohol, Halloysite Nanotubes and Their Nanocomposites Tayser Sumer Gaaz 1,2, *, Abu Bakar Sulong 1, *, Majid Niaz Akhtar 1,3 , Abdul Amir H. Kadhum 4 , Abu Bakar Mohamad 4,5 and Ahmed A. Al-Amiery 4 Received: 15 October 2015; Accepted: 11 December 2015; Published: 19 December 2015 Academic Editor: Derek J. McPhee 1 2 3 4
Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor 43600, Malaysia;
[email protected] Department of Machinery Equipment Engineering Techniques, Technical College Al-Musaib, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Al-Musaib, Babil 51009, Iraq Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore 54000, Pakistan Department of chemical & Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor 43600, Malaysia;
[email protected] (A.A.H.K.);
[email protected] (A.B.M.);
[email protected] (A.A.A.A.) Fuel Cell Institute, University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, Selangor 43000, Malaysia Correspondence:
[email protected] (T.S.G.);
[email protected] (A.B.S.); Tel.: +60-11-210-60892 (T.S.G.); +60-38-921-6678 (A.B.S.); Fax: +60-38-925-9659 (A.B.S.)
Abstract: The aim of this review was to analyze/investigate the synthesis, properties, and applications of polyvinyl alcohol–halloysite nanotubes (PVA–HNT), and their nanocomposites. Different polymers with versatile properties are attractive because of their introduction and potential uses in many fields. Synthetic polymers, such as PVA, natural polymers like alginate, starch, chitosan, or any material with these components have prominent status as important and degradable materials with biocompatibility properties. These materials have been developed in the 1980s and are remarkable because of their recyclability and consideration of the natural continuation of their physical and chemical properties. The fabrication of PVA–HNT nanocomposites can be a potential way to address some of PVA’s limitations. Such nanocomposites have excellent mechanical properties and thermal stability. PVA–HNT nanocomposites have been reported earlier, but without proper HNT individualization and PVA modifications. The properties of PVA–HNT for medicinal and biomedical use are attracting an increasing amount of attention for medical applications, such as wound dressings, drug delivery, targeted-tissue transportation systems, and soft biomaterial implants. The demand for alternative polymeric medical devices has also increased substantially around the world. This paper reviews individualized HNT addition along with crosslinking of PVA for various biomedical applications that have been previously reported in literature, thereby showing the attainability, modification of characteristics, and goals underlying the blending process with PVA. Keywords: polyvinyl alcohol; halloysite nanotubes; properties; biomedical application; biocompatibility
1. Introduction Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), which is essentially made from polyvinyl acetate through hydrolysis, is easily degradable by biological organisms and in water is a solubilized crystalline structure polymer [1]. PVA is an artificial polymer that has been used during the first half of the 20th century worldwide. It has been applied in the industrial, commercial, medical, and food sectors and has been used to produce many end products, such as lacquers, resins, surgical threads, and food packaging materials that are often in contact with food [2]. PVA is a biodegradable imitation of natural polymers used
Molecules 2015, 20, 22833–22847; doi:10.3390/molecules201219884
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in paper coating and textile sizing [3]. This polymer is widely used by blending with other polymer compounds, such as biopolymers and other polymers with hydrophilic properties; it is utilized for various industrial applications to enhance the mechanical properties of films because of its compatible structure and hydrophilic properties [4]. Some man-made polymers, which are made from non-renewable and non-biodegradable sources, such as PVA, are available [5]. Polymers that are biologically decomposable originate from petroleum-based synthetic materials, which decompose naturally under aerobic (composting) or anaerobic (landfill) conditions [6,7]. PVA is a widely used thermoplastic polymer that is benign to living tissues, harmless, and nontoxic. This polymer is widely Molecules 2015, 20, investigated because ofpage–page its use in cross-linked products and nanofillers [6,8,9]. PVA is a biodegradable polymer, and its degradability is enhanced through hydrolysis because of the presence of hydroxyl compounds, such as biopolymers and other polymers with hydrophilic properties; it is utilized for groups on various the carbon atoms. Moreover, it is water-soluble and has of a hydrophilic [6,10–14]. Rates industrial applications to enhance the mechanical properties films because ofnature its compatible structure and hydrophilic [4]. Some polymers, which are made from [6,15–18]; and environmental conditions forproperties degradation may man-made vary for many polymers, such as PVA non-renewable andcomposting non-biodegradable sources, such of as PVA, are available [5]. Polymers that are these conditions include in the presence oxygen, underneath soil layers, in aqueous biologically decomposable originate from petroleum-based synthetic materials, which decompose media, andnaturally even inunder anaerobic circumstances. In the paper industry, several synthetic, copolymers, and aerobic (composting) or anaerobic (landfill) conditions [6,7]. PVA is a widely used conventional polymers, such asispolyurethane (PU), harmless, polystyrene, and maleic anhydride SBR, SMA, thermoplastic polymer that benign to living tissues, and nontoxic. This polymer is widely investigated because of its use in cross-linked products and nanofillers [6,8,9]. PVA is a biodegradable polyacrylamide PAM, and PVA, are typically utilized to enhance the features and characteristics of polymer, a and its degradability is enhanced hydrolysis because of the presence of polymer hydroxyl that has paper by coating film layer onto the whole through sheet [7,19]. PVA is a major artificial groups on the carbon atoms. Moreover, it is water-soluble and has a hydrophilic nature [6,10–14]. Rates been available for more than nine decades. PVA is synthesized through the saponification process of and environmental conditions for degradation may vary for many polymers, such as PVA [6,15–18]; poly(vinylthese acetate) [20,21] and has long been by blending other soil natural conditions include composting in theused presence of oxygen, with underneath layers,polymers in aqueousbecause of media, and even in [22,23]. anaerobic The circumstances. In dissolution the paper industry, several its film-forming features complete of PVA insynthetic, water iscopolymers, bound byand its intrinsic conventional polymers, such as polyurethane (PU), polystyrene, and maleic anhydride SBR, SMA, ˝ properties, which require the water temperature to be at ~100 C with a holding time of 30 min [23]. polyacrylamide PAM, and PVA, are typically utilized to enhance the features and characteristics of All PVA grades are hydrophilic and depend on certain factors, such as molecular weight, element paper by coating a film layer onto the whole sheet [7,19]. PVA is a major artificial polymer that has dimensions of distribution, crystal [23,24]. resulting gel properties have been available for moreand thanparticle nine decades. PVA structure is synthesized throughThe the saponification process of poly(vinyl acetate) [20,21] and has long been used by blending with other natural polymers because been reported in literature [25]. of itsdeposits film-forming features [22,23]. The(Al complete dissolution of PVA in water is bound by its intrinsic Natural of aluminosilicate 2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 ¨nH2 O) are chemically similar to kaolin, but properties, which require the water temperature to be at ~100 °C with a holding time of 30 min [23]. with halloysite nanotubes (HNTs), i.e., hollow tube-shaped, micro- to submicrosized structures have All PVA grades are hydrophilic and depend on certain factors, such as molecular weight, element limited high aspectofratio. HNTs are quarried fromThe many countries around dimensions distribution, and particle crystal naturally structure [23,24]. resulting gel properties havethe world, been reported literature [25]. such as Japan, China, inAmerica, South Korea, Brazil, France, and Turkey [26]. Composite films with Natural deposits of aluminosilicate (Al2Si2O5(OH)4·nH2O) are chemically similar to kaolin, but enhanced mechanical and thermal properties can be prepared by casting from a PVA–HNT solution. with halloysite nanotubes (HNTs), i.e., hollow tube-shaped, micro- to submicrosized structures have The enhancement of the polymer properties is accredited to the uniform dispersion of the nanotubes limited high aspect ratio. HNTs are quarried naturally from many countries around the world, such as within the Japan, polymer matrix, which in enhanced interfacial interactions in the China, America, South results Korea, Brazil, France, and Turkey [26]. Composite films withcomposite enhanced systems. mechanical and thermal properties can be prepared by casting from a PVA–HNT solution. The Recently, the role of HNTs as a viable and biocompatible candidate for biomaterial applications has enhancement of the polymer properties is accredited to the uniform dispersion of the nanotubes within been verified [27]. HNT toxicity has been studied, where the course of cell absorbance of HNTs is the polymer matrix, which results in enhanced interfacial interactions in the composite systems. conceived Recently, in various cellsof[28]. of this article is to discuss the synthesis, properties, and the role HNTsThe as a main viable aim and biocompatible candidate for biomaterial applications has applications ofverified PVA, HNTs, and theirhas PVA–HNT nanocomposites. The HNT been [27]. HNT toxicity been studied, where the course of cellindividualized absorbance of HNTs is addition conceived various [28]. The main aim of applications this article is to discuss thereviewed, synthesis, properties, and crosslinking ofinPVA forcells various biomedical are also therebyand showing the applications of PVA, HNTs, and their PVA–HNT nanocomposites. The individualized HNT addition prospective accessibility, modification of characteristics, and goals underlying the blending process and crosslinking of PVA for various biomedical applications are also reviewed, thereby showing the with PVA.prospective accessibility, modification of characteristics, and goals underlying the blending process with PVA.
2. Chemical Structure of PVA 2. Chemical Structure of PVA
The properties of polyvinyl acetate depend on the extent or degree of its hydrolysis, specifically The properties of polyvinyl acetate depend on the extent or degree of its hydrolysis, specifically whether it is full or partial (Figure 1), which in turn dictates its categorization into two groups, namely, whether it is full or partial (Figure 1), which in turn dictates its categorization into two groups, (a) partially hydrolyzed and (b) fullyand hydrolyzed. namely, (a) partially hydrolyzed (b) fully hydrolyzed.
1. Structural formula PVA:(a) (a)partially partially hydrolyzed; (b) fully [2]. Figure 1.Figure Structural formula forfor PVA: hydrolyzed; (b) hydrolyzed fully hydrolyzed [2].
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The PVA products may vary (20,000–400,000), depending on the Themolecular molecularweights weightsobtained obtainedforfor PVA products may vary (20,000–400,000), depending on length of the initial vinyl acetate polymer, thethe level ofofhydrolysis the length of the initial vinyl acetate polymer, level hydrolysistotoeliminate eliminatethe theacetate acetate groups groups and and whether whether itit occurs occurs under under alkaline alkalineor or acidic acidicconditions conditions[2]. [2].Figure Figure22shows showsthe thestructure structureofofPVA. PVA. Hydrolysis from what is considered a typical valuevalue of 80% reach 99%. Nearly Hydrolysislevels levelsvary vary from what is considered a typical ofto80% to more reachthan more than 99%. fully hydrolyzed forms result in forming hydrogels tuneable properties crosslinking Nearly fully hydrolyzed forms result inPVA forming PVA with hydrogels with tuneablethrough properties through of the linear polymers, which subsequently in polymerresult (gel)-fluid (sol) species. Polymer crosslinking of the linear polymers, whichresult subsequently in polymer (gel)-fluid (sol)contents species. affect the contents physical affect statusthe of the resulting material: low polymer content results in acontent soft materials Polymer physical status of the resulting material: low polymer results because the fluid moves freely through the matrix, whereas a higher polymer content results in in a soft materials because the fluid moves freely through the matrix, whereas a higher polymer considerable stiffening and strengthening of strengthening the material’sofmatrix [29]. Studies theStudies diffusive content results in considerable stiffening and the material’s matrixon[29]. on permeability solutes in PVA gel membranes and the application been delineated the diffusiveof permeability of solutes in PVA gel membranes and for the separation applicationhave for separation have because of chemical stability, particularly on film-forming, and hydrophobicity been delineated because of chemical stability, particularly on film-forming, and [30]. hydrophobicity [30].
Figure Figure 2. 2. (a) (a) The The structure structure of of vinyl vinyl alcohol; alcohol; (b) (b) PVA PVA is is synthesized synthesized by by the the hydrolysis hydrolysis of of polyvinyl polyvinyl acetate acetate [26]. [26].
3. 3. Chemical Chemicaland andPhysical PhysicalProperties PropertiesofofPVA PVA The The chemical chemical and and physical physicalproperties propertiesof ofPVA PVA may may vary vary based based on on the the percentage percentageof ofhydrolysis, hydrolysis, which the PVA PVAgrade gradeand andits itsmolecular molecularweight weight [2].The The surface properties PVA fillers which determines determines the [2]. surface properties of of PVA fillers are are fundamentally significant in the selection criteria of PVA fillers [3]. PVA itself has substantial tensile fundamentally significant in the selection criteria of PVA fillers [3]. PVA itself has substantial tensile strength, strength, more more flexibility, flexibility, and and hardness hardness and and gas gas and and aroma aroma barrier barrier characteristics. characteristics. Compared Compared with with any any other otherknown knownpolymer, polymer, PVA PVA demonstrates demonstrates remarkably remarkably superior superiorfeatures featuresas asan anoxygen oxygenbarrier; barrier;however, however, to of of its its permeability toward gas,gas, it must be protected from moisture [4]. PVA, to avoid avoidthe thedegradation degradation permeability toward it must be protected from moisture [4]. like proteins, is a water-soluble polymer. The water solubility and physical properties of PVA, including PVA, like proteins, is a water-soluble polymer. The water solubility and physical properties of PVA, its film form, areform, highly by thebydegree of hydrolysis, molecular weight, and including its film are affected highly affected the degree of hydrolysis, molecular weight, andits its crystal crystal precipitation [5]. PVA is partially crystalline upon formation and is characterized by properties such precipitation [5]. PVA is partially crystalline upon formation and is characterized by properties such as as chemical resistance, water solubility, biodegradability. The similarity in physical properties chemical resistance, water solubility, and and biodegradability. The similarity in physical properties makes makes it compatible with human Biocompatible has a structure that can absorb protein it compatible with human tissues. tissues. Biocompatible PVA hasPVA a structure that can absorb protein molecules molecules and engage with minimal cell adhesion and has no toxic effects, therefore, PVA membranes and engage with minimal cell adhesion and has no toxic effects, therefore, PVA membranes have have been widely developed for biomedical applications [30]. can chemically to or been widely developed for biomedical applications [30]. PVA canPVA chemically bound to bound or physically physically entangled with a nanoparticle surface [31]. PVAs are very common polymers, widely used entangled with a nanoparticle surface [31]. PVAs are very common polymers, widely used as surface as surface materials, which should be retained on water surface [32–34], in a huge range of fields as materials, which should be retained on water surface [32–34], in a huge range of fields as films [35,36] films [35,36] gluesof [37] because of their exceptional chemical and physical properties [38–40], and glues [37]and because their exceptional chemical and physical properties [38–40], biocompatibility, biocompatibility, stability to temperature variation, and non-toxicity [41,42]. stability to temperature variation, and non-toxicity [41,42].
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4. ChemicalStructure Structureof ofHNTs HNTs 4. Chemical 4. Chemical Structure of HNTs Micrographs of HNTs Micrographs of HNTs can can be be seen seen in in Figure Figure 3. 3. A A predominant predominant percentage percentage of of the the halloysites halloysites are are Micrographs of HNTs can be seen in Figure 3. A predominant percentage of the halloysites are of tube-shaped structures have the following measurements: the length varies from 150 nm to 2 µm, of tube-shaped structures have the following measurements: the length varies from 150 nm to 2 μm, of tube-shaped structures have the following measurements: the length varies from 150 nm to 2 μm, the ranges from from 20 20 nm nm to to 100 100 nm; nm; and and the the lumen lumen diameter diameter ranges ranges from from 55 nm nm to to 30 30 nm. nm. the outer outer diameter diameter ranges the outer diameter ranges from 20 nm to 100 nm; and the lumen diameter ranges from 5 nm to 30 nm. Given distinctive and and differential differential morphological morphological aspects aspects of of HNTs, HNTs, uncommon uncommon charge charge distributions, distributions, Given the the distinctive Given the distinctive and differential morphological aspects of HNTs, uncommon charge distributions, surfaces with lower lower hydroxyl hydroxyl density, density, and and crystals crystals with with an an unequalled unequalled structure structure are are observed observed [7]. [7]. surfaces with surfaces with lower hydroxyl density, and crystals with an unequalled structure are observed [7]. The PVA–HNTs films werewere determined through the tensile strength, optical The featured featuredcharacteristics characteristicsofof PVA–HNTs films determined through the tensile strength, The featured characteristics of PVA–HNTs films were determined through the tensile strength, transmittance, and scanning electron microscopy [43]. optical transmittance, and scanning electron microscopy [43]. optical transmittance, and scanning electron microscopy [43].
Figure 3. TEM micrograph of HNTs [44]. Figure 3. 3. TEM TEM micrograph micrograph of of HNTs HNTs [44]. Figure [44].
Figure 4 illustrates a crystalline-shaped typical unit of HNTs, which comprises a bilayer formation Figure Figure 44 illustrates illustrates aa crystalline-shaped crystalline-shaped typical typical unit unit of of HNTs, HNTs, which which comprises comprises aa bilayer bilayer formation formation and two kinds of –OH groups, as follows: (a) the outer –OH groups located in the unshared plane of and two kinds of –OH groups, as follows: (a) the outer –OH groups located in the unshared plane of and two kinds of –OH groups, as follows: (a) the outer –OH groups located in the unshared plane the tetrahedral (silicon and oxygen) sheet and b) the inner hydroxyl groups located in the shared the tetrahedral (silicon and oxygen) of the tetrahedral (silicon and oxygen)sheet sheetand andb)(b)the theinner innerhydroxyl hydroxylgroups groupslocated locatedin in the the shared shared octahedral (aluminum and oxygen) sheet. Consequently, siloxanes form the outer side of HNTs, with octahedral (aluminum and oxygen) sheet. Consequently, siloxanes form the outer side of HNTs, with octahedral (aluminum and oxygen) sheet. Consequently, siloxanes form the outer side of HNTs, a small amount of silicon hydroxyl groups positioned in the HNTs’ endings and surface defects. a small amount of silicon hydroxyl groups positioned in in thethe HNTs’ with a small amount of silicon hydroxyl groups positioned HNTs’endings endingsand andsurface surface defects. defects. However, most of the aluminum hydroxide groups are located on the inner side. The development of However, most of of the the aluminum aluminum hydroxide hydroxide groups groups are are located located on on the the inner inner side. side. The However, most The development development of of H-bonding affects the blue shift of the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption of Si-O stretching H-bonding affects the blue shift of the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption of Si-O stretching H-bonding affects the blue shift of the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption of Si-O stretching because most of the aluminum hydroxide pairs are placed on the inner side of the crystalline because mostofofthethe aluminum hydroxide are placed theside inner side of the crystalline because most aluminum hydroxide pairspairs are placed on the on inner of the crystalline formation, formation, and the blue shift of luminol is far less than that for the Si-O group [45]. formation, and the blue shift of luminol is far less than that for the Si-O group [45]. and the blue shift of luminol is far less than that for the Si-O group [45].
Figure 4. Crystalline structure of HNTs [46]. Figure [46]. Figure 4. 4. Crystalline Crystalline structure structure of of HNTs HNTs [46].
5. Advantages and Disadvantages of PVA and HNTs 5. 5. Advantages Advantagesand andDisadvantages Disadvantagesof ofPVA PVA and and HNTs HNTs PVA has been the subject of intensive research because it has many applications in industry. Under PVA has been been the the subject subject of of intensive research because it many in industry. Under PVA has intensive research because it has has many applications applications industry. Under wet conditions, its properties are diminished because of the plasticizing action ofinwater molecules wet conditions, its properties are diminished because of the plasticizing action of water molecules wet conditions, its properties are diminished because of the plasticizing action of water molecules [47]. HNTs more likely reduce the PVA decomposition to a considerable extent, but they are [47]. not [47]. HNTs more reduce likely reduce the PVA decomposition to a considerable butnot they are not HNTs morein likely the PVA decomposition to a considerable butextent, theyprocedure are efficacious efficacious ameliorating the abstraction of the linked groups. Theextent, combination at lower efficacious in ameliorating the abstraction of thegroups. linked groups. The combination procedure at lower in ameliorating the abstraction of the in linked The combination procedure at lower HNT HNT concentrations is more effective the thermal decomposition of composite films compared HNT concentrations is more effective in the thermal decomposition of composite films compared with the higher HNT concentration cases. Its abundance as a low-cost polymer is rendering it more with the higher HNT concentration cases. Its abundance as a low-cost polymer is rendering it more 22836 4 4
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concentrations is more effective in the thermal decomposition of composite films compared with the higher HNT concentration cases. Its abundance as a low-cost polymer is rendering it more attractive than other polymers [48,49]. Physical blending and chemical modification by grafting, interpenetrating polymer networks (Table 1), and crosslinking method greatly contribute to the alleviation of such disadvantages [50]. Table 1. Summary of main properties. No.
Natural, nontoxic [51,52]
Non-toxic [48,49]
Non-swelling [51,52]
Hydrogels exhibit swelling feature in water with the peculiar characteristics of retaining water within its matrix without dissolving [50].
Compatibility polymers oriented, such as polypropylene and polyethylene [51,52]
PVA is more biologically compatible [48,49]
Excellent mechanical properties such as tensile strength with 5 wt % HNTs increase 300% and thermal stability because HNTs are stable even at very high temperatures [3,53] in PVA film.
PVA has relatively low strength and thermal stability for some applications, excellent mechanical properties such as: strength (1.6 ˘ 0.1 GPa), elastic modulus (48 ˘ 3 GPa), strain (6.5% ˘ 1.4%), and toughness (40 ˘ 6 J¨ g´1 ) [54] and flexibility in dry state [47]
Formula [Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4¨nH2 O] [55]
Formula [-CH2 CHOH-]n
HNT is naturally occurring, will also have the benefit to reinforce PVA and impart other biological properties to the bionanocomposites, such as drug/gene delivery capacity without fear of being carcinogenic [53]
To overcome the limited biological performance and to enhance the mechanical properties of PVA, a new class of engineering designed PVA bionanocomposites has been introduced recently [53]
6. Applications of PVA and HNTs For over 50 years, hydrogels have been invented and applied in numerous biomedical disciplines, such as production of contact lenses and absorbable sutures, osteoporosis, asthma treatment, and neoplasms. Thus, much attention has been given to the use or modification of different polymeric materials that can be currently used for biomedical devices to fulfill the increased need for those materials in medical applications. 6.1. Biomedical Applications of PVA and HNTs PVA is already used in biomedical applications for its compatibility [25]. PVA composites, such as PVA gels, are used in different biomedical fields, such as in the manufacturing of contact lenses, artificial heart surgery, drug delivery systems, and wound dressings. In medical devices, PVA is used as a biomaterial because of its highly favorable properties, such as biocompatibility, nontoxicity, non-carcinogenic, swelling properties, and bioadhesive characteristics. This material is very useful and desirable for biomedical application and uses. Table 2 identifies some non-implant and implant devices that are currently made of different PVA forms and HNTs [26]. Table 2. Uses of PVA and HNTs in non-implant and implantable devices [26,52]. Device Type Non-implant devices
Implantable devices
Product PVA
Product HNTs
Surgical sponges and packing Eye wetting drops Contact lenses
Diuretic drug transportation to remove hazardous species Sustained release of drugs, food additives, and fragrances Antimicrobial agents
Hydrophilic coatings (Catheters, leads, etc.) Vascular embolic agents Tissue adhesion barriers Nerve guides
Human breast cells Fibroblasts Corrosion protection implant alloys Biosensors Used in advanced ceramic materials, especially biocompatible implants
Cartilage replacements
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Crystalline structures can be controlled by modifying the chemical composition of OH groups [32]. Bio-inertness and compatibility are other PVA properties that have implications in advanced medical fields, hemodialysis, drug delivery system, and implantable medical devices [38,56]. PVA-based materials are used in pharmaceutical and in biomedical fields as drug carriers and are also applied in tissue engineering science [56–63]. Additionally, PVAs with their crystalline structure consist of H-atoms interlinked between the hydroxyl group, and these hydrogen atoms could be interlinked [64]. The application of transdermal patches is being used as a component of the biomedical system because of the desirable PVA properties, such as water solubility and biodegradability. PVA cross-linked microspheres are used in oral precision relief systems [42,65]. Hydrophilicity and processing characteristics allow this polymer to be mixed with other natural and artificial polymers [38,66]. PVA composites in hydrogel form have been used extensively in the medical field because of their biocompatibility, and are a well-known polymer gel with several applications, such as in organ replacement, drug delivery devices, and wound management [52,53,67–70]. From this point of view, encapsulating measurement nanoparticle (MNP) in PVA is a challenging and promising topic. PVA’s good structure and biocompatibility with MNP, along with the cost of material, allow its biomedical and pharmaceutical applications [71,72]. PVA is a polymer that acts as a protective agent with formations in water solution and abundant OH groups; it also tends to absorb metal ions and form complex products [71,73]. Several research groups have investigated the application of nanotechnology in PVA, and they have reported their hydrogel preparation based on organically modified montmorillonite and studied their potential use as the main wound dressing devices in vitro [52,74] and in vivo [75] environments. Biocompatibility of HNTs was improved by wrapping amylase on the surface. Basically, the utilization of the amylase-HNTs for applications in absorbing metal ions or dyes can be regarded as absorbents in biomedical aspects and also as biological nanoreactors and nanofillers in biopolymer matrix. In addition, in hydrocarbon processing and catalytic conversions, HNTs were used for storing molecular hydrogen. In the environmental sector, HNTs present several biological and non-biological uses, such as a diuretic drug transportation to remove hazardous species [76]. 6.2. General Applications of PVA and HNTs Addition of HNTs was intended to make PVA water-insoluble and hence more useful in commercial applications. Examination of the composites indicated that HNTs were uniformly dispersed in both PVA as well as crosslinked PVA. Excellent mechanical properties of the PVA–HNT nanocomposites were achieved. These nanocomposites are intended to be composted at the end of their life rather than end up in landfills like most traditional petroleum-based non-biodegradable plastics [9]. PVA is used in many industries, such as textile, paper industry, and food packaging industry [29,54] because of its high chemical and thermal stability, and low manufacturing cost [77]. It is also a popular water-soluble polymer and has high strength and high optical transparency in water. Because of these desirable properties, PVA is used in packaging and as optical polarizer [43]. This polymer is also applicable in other industries, including polymer recycling, food packaging, binding and coating, and adhesives. PVA is a type of biodegradable resin even if it is an artificial polymer derived from petroleum [78]. The extensive use of PVA is observed in different fields of science and technology, such as coating and finishing agents, emulsifiers, wood, and leather [79]. PVA is an excellent source for fiber, polymer, textile, surface, organic [80]. 7. Fabrication Approaches for PVA-HNTs Composites HNTs can be mixed with most plastics using traditional equipment, such as the twin screw extruder and the two roll mill. The selection of fabrication methods has mainly focused on improvement of nanotube dispersion in the polymer matrix and on the enhancement of interfacial interactions. The common processing methods used for PVA-HNTs composites are presented in the following sections.
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7.1. Dispersion Processing Dispersion mixing is the most commonly used method for fabricating PVA-HNT composites because it is easily performed and suitable for a small sample size. This process is realized by dispersing Molecules 2015, 20, and page–page the nanotubes PVA in a suitable solvent (i.e., water and organic solvent) with vigorous stirring followed by ultrasonic treatment. Finally, the PVA-HNTs composites are obtained as film or hydrogels after after casting casting [74]. [74]. The The incorporation incorporation of of HNTs HNTs significantly significantly reduces reduces the the level level of of decomposition decomposition activity activity of the PVA backbone, thereby increasing its efficiency. The effect of low concentration of HNTs of the PVA backbone, thereby increasing its efficiency. The effect of low concentration of HNTs shows shows more significant effect effectcompared comparedwith withthe theeffect effectofofhigh highconcentration concentration the thermal decomposition more significant onon the thermal decomposition of of composite films when the aggregationprocess processisisinvolved involvedininhigh highHNT HNTconcentration. concentration. Surface Surface thethe composite films when the aggregation properties primary properties of of the the fillers fillers determine determine the the interaction interaction between between the the fillers fillers and and PVA, PVA, which which are are of of primary importance in filler selection criteria. Figure 5, adapted from [3], shows the particle size and distribution importance in filler selection criteria. Figure 5, adapted from [3], shows the particle size and distribution of in different different PVA–HNT PVA–HNTmixtures mixtures of HNTs HNTs in
Figure [3]. Figure5. 5.The Theparticle particlesize sizeand anddistribution distributionof ofHNTs HNTs in in mixture mixture of PVA-HNTs PVA-HNTs [3].
Considering used asas thethe carrier agent of Considering the thedesirable desirablefeatures featuresand andsolubility solubilityininwater, water,HNTs HNTsare are used carrier agent aofmixture in ainmixture containing polymers for nanoparticles. As anAs example, PVA–HNT films films have a mixture a mixture containing polymers for nanoparticles. an example, PVA–HNT considerable mechanical and physical properties and canand be processed throughthrough the selection of suitable have considerable mechanical and physical properties can be processed the selection of PVA–HNT mixturesmixtures [81]. PVA–HNT films can be can made crosslinking with glutaraldehyde in an suitable PVA–HNT [81]. PVA–HNT films be by made by crosslinking with glutaraldehyde aqueous mixture and and casting on glass substrates. PVA has remarkably in an aqueous mixture casting on glass substrates. PVA has remarkablyhigh hightransparency, transparency, which indicates the homogenous distribution of HNT within the composite films [82]. Electrospinning 7.2. Electrospinning Electrospinning is is aa simple simple and versatile fiber synthesis technique Electrospinning technique in which a high-voltage high-voltage electric field is applied to a stream of polymer solution, thereby forming continuous micro/nanofibers. micro/nanofibers. Electrospun fibers fibers create a fabric network network with with high high porosity, porosity, very small pore size, and very large Electrospun surface-to-volume ratio. ratio. Therefore, Therefore, these these materials materials could could be be used used for for many many biomedical biomedical applications, applications, surface-to-volume such as drug delivery, artificial organs, wound dressing, and medical prostheses. The polymers used for electrospinning electrospinning with with HNTs HNTs range from polylactide polylactide (PLA) (PLA) to to PVA. PVA. Biodegradable Biodegradable PLA PLA and and PVA PVA have good electrospinning properties, leading to their application in many areas. Dichloromethane or chloroform was employed to dissolve the PLA with dimethyl formamide to enhance the electric Water was was used used as as aa solvent solvent for for PVA. PVA. Mixing the HNTs with the polymer solution conductivity. Water before spinning could generate composite nanofibers [74]. Non-woven mats containing electrospun fibers with high porosity and large specific surface area provide a potential way of manufacturing high-performance fiber-reinforced fiber-reinforced polymer polymer composites composites through through polymer polymer solution solution impregnation. impregnation. high-performance experiments have have demonstrated demonstrated that that electrospun electrospun fibers fibers are are effective in reinforcing rubber Recent experiments films and enhancing the strength and stiffness of the epoxy matrix. The mechanical performance of the electrospun fiber reinforced polymer composites is known to critically depend on the interface adhesion between the fibers and the matrix [83].
8. Characterization of PVA–HNT Composites
In this section we discuss the preparation, characterization, water absorption capacity, thermal
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the electrospun fiber reinforced polymer composites is known to critically depend on the interface adhesion between the fibers and the matrix [83]. 8. Characterization of PVA–HNT Composites In this section we discuss the preparation, characterization, water absorption capacity, thermal stability and flame retardant behavior of PVA-HNTs nanocomposites with special reference to filler loading. Molecules 2015, 20, page–page Molecules 2015, 20, page–page 8.1. Morphological Studies Studies of of PVA–HNT PVA–HNT Nanocomposites 8.1. Morphological Morphological Nanocomposites 8.1. Studies of PVA–HNT Nanocomposites Figure 66shows aspect of nanocomposite filmsfilms of PVA-HNT with 2 with wt % HNT loading. showsthe thephysical physical aspect of nanocomposite nanocomposite of PVA-HNT PVA-HNT wt % % HNT Figure 6 shows the physical aspect of films of with 22 wt HNT Two methods were used to prepare the nanocomposite films. Moreover, the well dispersed HNTs in loading. Two methods were used to prepare the nanocomposite films. Moreover, the well dispersed loading. Two methods were used to prepare the nanocomposite films. Moreover, the well dispersed the mixture coagulation method separate from the solidified PVA during the precipitation HNTs in the theprepared mixture by prepared by coagulation coagulation method separate from the the solidified PVA during the the HNTs in mixture prepared by method separate from solidified PVA during process and cannot reaggregate [3]. precipitation process and cannot reaggregate [3]. precipitation process and cannot reaggregate [3].
Figure6.6. 6.TEM TEMphotos photosof of PVA-HNT PVA-HNT nanocomposite nanocomposite films films (2 (2 wt % HNTs) prepared by: (a) coagulation Figure (2 wt wt% %HNTs) HNTs)prepared preparedby: by:(a) (a)coagulation coagulation Figure TEM photos of PVA-HNT nanocomposite (b) casting [3]. (b) casting [3]. (b) casting [3].
Sulfuric acid acid treatment treatment was wasperformed performedfor foronly only111h,h, h,particularly particularlywhen whena aahigh highYoung’s Young’s modulus Sulfuric modulus is acid treatment was performed for only particularly when high Young’s modulus is desired. Longer sulfuric acid treatment would decrease its tensile strength. Sulfuric acid dissolves desired. Longer is desired. Longersulfuric sulfuricacid acidtreatment treatmentwould woulddecrease decreaseits itstensile tensilestrength. strength. Sulfuric Sulfuric acid acid dissolves 3+ ions, thereby resulting in HNTs that consist of amorphous silica. Thus, the reduction in the Al3+ 3+ ions, Al ions, thereby thereby resulting resulting in in HNTs that consist of amorphous silica. Thus, the reduction in the amorphous silica. Thus, crystalline structure of HNTs was first considered. Figure 7 shows TEM images of untreated HNTs crystalline structure of HNTs was first considered. Figure 7 shows TEM images of untreated HNTs (Figure 7a) 7a) and and 88 h-treated h-treated HNTs HNTs (Figure (Figure 7b). 7b). Untreated Untreated HNTs HNTs have have aa clear clear hollow hollow tubular tubular structure, (Figure tubular structure, structure, whereas the the tubular tubular profile is difficult to identify for sulfuric acid-treated HNTs [43]. whereas profile is difficult to identify for sulfuric acid-treated HNTs [43]. tubular profile is difficult to identify for sulfuric acid-treated HNTs [43].
Figure 7. 7. TEM images images of HNTs: HNTs: (a) untreated untreated and and (b) (b) after after acid acid treatment treatment [7]. [7]. Figure Figure 7. TEM TEM images of of HNTs: (a) (a) untreated and (b) after acid treatment [7].
The fractured fractured surfaces surfaces of of untreated, untreated, H H2SO SO44 treated treated for for 11 h, h, and and H H22SO SO44 treated treated for for 88 h h PVA-HNT PVA-HNT The The fractured surfaces of untreated, H22SO 4 treated for 1 h, and H2 SO4 treated for 8 h PVA-HNT films are shown in Figure 8. Figure 8a shows traces of resin elongation originating from a slip caused films are are shown shownin inFigure Figure8.8.Figure Figure8a 8ashows showstraces tracesofofresin resin elongation originating from a slip caused films elongation originating from a slip caused by by poor poor adhesion adhesion of of PVA PVA and and HNTs, HNTs, but but Figure Figure 8b 8b exhibits exhibits no no slippage, slippage, and and the the HNTs HNTs are are well well by poor adhesion of PVA and HNTs, but Figure 8b exhibits no slippage, and the HNTs are well distributed distributed in in PVA. PVA. Nonetheless, Nonetheless, traces traces of of resin resin elongation, elongation, as as well well as as untreated untreated HNTs, are are shown shown in in distributed in PVA. Nonetheless, traces of resin elongation, as well as untreated HNTs, areHNTs, shown in Figure 8c. Figure 8c. 8c. Thus, long long treatment treatment times times with H H22SO SO44 may may negatively negatively affect affect the the interfacial interfacial adhesion adhesion Figure Thus, long Thus, treatment times with H2 SO4 with may negatively affect the interfacial adhesion between PVA between PVA and HNTs [43]. between PVA and HNTs [43]. and HNTs [43]. 22840
The fractured surfaces of untreated, H2SO4 treated for 1 h, and H2SO4 treated for 8 h PVA-HNT films are shown in Figure 8. Figure 8a shows traces of resin elongation originating from a slip caused by poor adhesion of PVA and HNTs, but Figure 8b exhibits no slippage, and the HNTs are well distributed in PVA. Nonetheless, traces of resin elongation, as well as untreated HNTs, are shown in Figure 8c. long treatment times with H2SO4 may negatively affect the interfacial adhesion Molecules 2015,Thus, 20, 22833–22847 between PVA and HNTs [43].
Figure 8. SEM images of fractured surfaces of PVA-HNT films after different H2SO4 treatment times Figure 8. SEM images of fractured surfaces of PVA-HNT films after different H2 SO4 treatment times (8 wt % HNT untreated; (b) H2SO4 treatment for 1 h and (c) H2SO4 treatment for 8 h [66]. Molecules 20,loading); page–page(a) (8 wt %2015, HNT loading); (a) untreated; (b) H2 SO4 treatment for 1 h and (c) H2 SO4 treatment for 8 h [66].
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8 8.2. Thermal Properties of PVA-HNT Nanocomposites 8.2. Thermal Properties of PVA-HNT Nanocomposites 8.2. Thermal Properties of PVA-HNT Nanocomposites PVA is a partially crystalline-structured polymer with physical and chemical properties, such as PVA is ais partially crystalline-structured polymerwith with physical and chemical properties, PVA a partially crystalline-structured polymer and chemical suchsuch as interchain and intrachain polymer interactions, becausephysical of the H-bonding inproperties, between hydroxyl as interchain interchain and and intrachain intrachain polymer polymerinteractions, interactions,because becauseofofthe the H-bondingininbetween betweenhydroxyl hydroxyl groups. The introduction of nanosized HNTs particles with –OH H-bonding groups changes the intermolecular groups. The introduction ofofnanosized HNTs particles with –OH groups groupschanges changesthe theintermolecular intermolecular groups. The introduction nanosized HNTs particleschains, with –OH and intramolecular interaction between the polymer which in turn changes the composition andand intramolecular interaction between the chains, whichin inturn turnchanges changesthe the composition intramolecular interaction between thepolymer polymer chains, which of the physical structure and the crystallization behavior. Thus, the properties of PVA composition films change. of the physical structure and the crystallization behavior. Thus,the the properties PVA films change. of the physical structure andof the crystallization behavior. Thus, ofof PVA films change. Figure 9 shows a DSC curve neat PVA and PVA-HNT composites inproperties cooling mode, thereby illustrating Figure 9 shows a DSC curve of neat PVA and PVA-HNT composites in cooling mode, thereby Figure 9 shows DSC curve of neat PVA and PVA-HNT composites inwith cooling mode, thereby illustrating that the crystalline PVA peak structure shifts to high temperature increasing HNT contents and illustrating that the crystalline PVA peak structure shifts to high temperature with increasing HNT that the crystalline PVA peak structure shifts to high temperature with increasing HNT contents and the crystallization of neat PVA is more persistent [3]. the crystallization of neat PVAof is neat morePVA persistent [3].persistent [3]. contents and the crystallization is more
Figure 9. DSC cooling thermograms of neat PVA and PVA-HNT composite films with different HNT Figure 9. DSC cooling PVA-HNT composite compositefilms filmswith withdifferent different HNT Figure 9. DSC coolingthermograms thermogramsof ofneat neat PVA PVA and and PVA-HNT HNT contents: (a) 0 wt % (neat PVA); (b) 2 wt %; (c) 10 wt %; (d) 40 wt %; (e) 53 wt % [3]. contents: (a)(a) 0 wt %% (neat (e) 53 53 wt wt% %[3]. [3]. contents: 0 wt (neatPVA); PVA);(b) (b)2 2wt wt%; %;(c) (c)10 10wt wt%; %; (d) (d) 40 40 wt %; (e)
Figure 10 shows the glass transition temperature(T(T)g)of ofdifferent different composites. composites. A gradual decrease Figure 1010 shows the gradual decrease Figure shows theglass glasstransition transitiontemperature temperature (Tgg) of different composites. AAgradual decrease in Tg with increased HNT contents in the polymer composition is observed, and the preparation in T increased observed,and andthe thepreparation preparation ing Twith g with increasedHNT HNTcontents contentsin inthe the polymer polymer composition composition isis observed, method has no effect on the Tg of the resulting PVA-HNT composite film. The effect of measurements method hashas nono effect ononthe of the resulting PVA-HNT composite film. The effect of measurements method effect theTT g of the resulting composite film. The effect of measurements g of nanoparticles on Tg of PVA composites is the opposite [3]. of nanoparticles onon TgTof PVA of nanoparticles g of PVAcomposites compositesisisthe theopposite opposite [3].
Figure g curves PVA-HNTcomposites compositeswith withdifferent different HNT HNT contents [3]. Figure 10.10. T Tcurves ofofPVA-HNT [3]. Figure 10. gTg curves of PVA-HNT composites with different HNT contents [3].
The TGA curves of PVA, HNTs, and PVA-HNT composites are shown in Figure 11. The neat PVA The TGA curves of PVA, HNTs, and PVA-HNT composites are shown in Figure 11. The neat PVA 22841 curve is represented representedby bytwo twoweight weightloss losssteps. steps.The The weightloss lossofofcomposites compositesnear near350 350°C °Cand and450 450°C °Cisis curve is weight due to the decomposition process of crosslinked chains and the basic units of PVA, respectively [3]. due to the decomposition process of crosslinked chains and the basic units of PVA, respectively [3].
Molecules 2015, 20, 22833–22847
The TGA curves of PVA, HNTs, and PVA-HNT composites are shown in Figure 11. The neat PVA curve is represented by two weight loss steps. The weight loss of composites near 350 ˝ C and 450 ˝ C is Molecules 2015, 20, page–page process of crosslinked chains and the basic units of PVA, respectively [3]. due to the decomposition
Figure PVA-HNT composites composites [3]. [3]. Figure 11. 11. TGA TGA curves curves of of PVA, PVA, HNTs and PVA-HNT
small difference differencebetween betweenTTmm and andthe thedecomposition decompositiontemperature temperatureofofPVA PVA causes difficulty The small causes difficulty in in production film. The polymer’suse useininthe thefood foodindustry industryisislimited limitedto topackaging packaging applications production of of thethe film. The polymer’s because of process. ToTo improve simple packaging filmfilm formation, the because of the therising risingcost costofofthe theproduction production process. improve simple packaging formation, PVAPVA thermal properties are enhanced [79]. The versatility of HNTsofinHNTs producing varieties of enhanced the thermal properties are enhanced [79]. The versatility in producing varieties of PVA composites and the simple production of PVA-HNT composites and the and enhanced thermal enhanced PVA composites and the simple production of PVA-HNT composites the enhanced properties consolidate its novelty. 3 presents list of HNT-based PVA composites with the ranges thermal properties consolidate itsTable novelty. Table 3apresents a list of HNT-based PVA composites with of HNT loading and the intended/achieved target thermal properties for each composition. the ranges of HNT loading and the intended/achieved target thermal properties for each composition. Table Table 3. 3. HNT-based PVA PVA composites composites with with the the range range of of HNTs HNTsloading loadingand andthe theintended/achieved intended/achieved target thermal properties for for each each composition. composition.
Property Improvements (Percentage Property Improvements (Percentage %) %) Ref. Ref. Tc (°C) Tg (°C) Tm (°C)˝ TGA (°C)˝ Tc (˝ C) Tg (˝ C) Tm ( C) TGA ( C) 0, 2, 10, 40 & 53 Film 12.3 28.6 [3] 0, 2, 10, 40 & 53 Film 12.3 28.6 [3] 0 & 10 Film 12 1.8 [6,7] 0 & 10 Film 12 1.8 [6,7] 0, 3.75, Modification - 14.314.3 [7,19] 0, 3.75, 7.5 &7.5 15 & 15 Modification - [7,19] Reinforce 12.8 5.25.2 30 30 [9] [9] 0, 5,0, 105,&10 20 & 20 Reinforce 12.8 0, 1,0, 2.51,&2.5 5 &5 Reinforce 3.9 Reinforce 2.6 2.6 3.9 0.50.5 8.8 8.8 [47] [47] 0, 2,0,5,2, 7.55,&7.5 10 & 10 Film Film 0.2 0.2 [53] [53] 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 3 & 5 Film 14.5 [72] 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 3 & 5 Film 14.5 [72] HNTs (wt %) HNTs (wt %)
Form Form
8.3. Mechanical Properties Properties of A-HNT Nanocomposites 8.3. Mechanical of PV PVA-HNT Nanocomposites The strength of of PVA-untreated PVA-untreated halloysites film was but the The tensile tensile strength halloysites film was reduced, reduced, but the Young’s Young’s modulus modulus increased compared with neat PVA film. Sulfuric acid treatment was conducted on PVA increased compared with neat PVA film. Sulfuric acid treatment was conducted on PVA to to improve improve its its tendency and to create film composites. This treatment is applied on the HNTs for the improvement tendency and to create film composites. This treatment is applied on the HNTs for the improvement of of interfacial adhesion. Treated HNTs improved thetensile tensilestrength strengthofofPVA-HNTs PVA-HNTs films films when when the interfacial adhesion. Treated HNTs improved the the nanotubes were subjected to sulfuric acid treatment for a short time, less than 2 h. Polymer composites nanotubes were subjected to sulfuric acid treatment for a short time, less than 2 h. Polymer composites and and nanoclay nanoclay particles particles are are usually usually called called polymer polymer or or clay clay nanocomposites. nanocomposites. These These small small amounts amounts of of filler greatly increased the strength because of the magnitude of the specific area [20,43] of the nanoclay filler greatly increased the strength because of the magnitude of the specific area [20,43] of the nanoclay particles Blending with with HNTs HNTs induces particles or or composites. composites. Blending induces changes changes in in the the nano-physiology nano-physiology and and causes causes changes in the chemical structure of PVA films. The incorporation of HNTs enhances the mechanical changes in the chemical structure of PVA films. The incorporation of HNTs enhances the mechanical properties properties of of PVA PVA [82]. [82].
PVA has high tensile strength and is soluble in water. Figure 12 describes the relationship between tensile strength and Young’s modulus of PVA–untreated HNT films, with various HNT loadings. As the contents of HNTs increase, the tensile strength decreases with less ratio, and the Young’s modulus 22842 is greater. Only the lack of adhesion capacity between the polymer matrix and fillers reduced the strength [66]. The versatility of HNTs for producing varieties of enhanced PVA composites, and the production of PVA-HNTs nanocomposites and the enhanced mechanical properties consolidating
Molecules 2015, 20, 22833–22847
PVA has high tensile strength and is soluble in water. Figure 12 describes the relationship between tensile strength and Young’s modulus of PVA–untreated HNT films, with various HNT loadings. As the contents of HNTs increase, the tensile strength decreases with less ratio, and the Young’s modulus is greater. Only the lack of adhesion capacity between the polymer matrix and fillers reduced Molecules 2015, 20, page–page the strength [66]. The versatility of HNTs for producing varieties of enhanced PVA composites, and the production of PVA-HNTs nanocomposites and the enhanced mechanical properties consolidating their novelty. novelty. Table Table 44 presents presents aa list list of of HNT-based HNT-based PVA PVAcomposites compositeswith withthe therange range of of HNT HNT loadings loadings their and the the intended/achieved intended/achieved target and target mechanical mechanical properties properties for for each each composition. composition.
Figure 12. Tensile strength Young’s modulus PVA-HNTfilms filmswith withdifferent different amounts amounts of Figure 12. Tensile strength andand Young’s modulus of of PVA-HNT of HNTs HNTs[66]. [66]. Table Table4.4 HNT-based PVA PVA composites composites with with the the range range of ofHNTs HNTsloading loadingand andthe theintended/achieved intended/achieved target mechanical properties for each composition. target mechanical properties for each composition.
HNTs (wt %)
HNTs (wt %)
Form Form
0, 3.75, 7.5 & 15 Modification 0, 3.75, 7.5 & 15 Modification 0, 5,0,10 & 20 Reinforce 5, 10 & 20 Reinforce 0, 2,0,5,2,7.5 && 1010 Film 5, 7.5 Film 6, 10 8, 10 Film 0, 2,0,4,2,6,4,8, && 1212 Film 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 3 & 5 Film 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 3 & 5 Film
Property Improvements (Percentage %) Property Improvements (Percentage %) Tensile
Tensile Strength Strength
Elong. at Break
Young’s Elong. at Break Modulus (mm/mm) (mm/mm) Modulus
13.6 22.7 22.7 81.8 81.8 6.46.4 20
407.1 407.1 80.280.2 94.9
[7,19] [9] [9] [53] [53] [66] [66] [72]
9. Conclusions 9. Conclusions PVA an artificial artificialpolymer polymerthat that been used in medical the medical and other PVA is an hashas been used in the and other fields fields for thefor lastthe 30 last 30 This years. This polymer beenwidely studied widely based on clinical and nonclinical research. years. polymer has beenhas studied based on clinical and nonclinical research. PVA-HNT PVA-HNT nanocomposites be used clinical in general clinical operations such as cartilage replacement nanocomposites can be usedcan in general operations such as cartilage replacement or cartilage or cartilage transplantation have the of being readily available compared transplantation because theybecause have thethey advantage ofadvantage being readily available compared with cartilage with cartilage transplantation. Disease transmission concerns limited availability characterize transplantation. Disease transmission concerns and limitedand availability characterize cartilage cartilage transplantation. Moreover, PVA-HNT nanocomposites can be used in eye contact lenses, eye transplantation. Moreover, PVA-HNT nanocomposites can be used in eye contact lenses, eye drops, drops, anddelivery drug delivery targetwith tissue with abnormal growth rates. In summary, we have and drug systemssystems to targettotissue abnormal growth rates. In summary, we have reviewed reviewed PVA and PVA–HNT nanocomposite applications due to their biocompatibility, non-toxicity, PVA and PVA–HNT nanocomposite applications due to their biocompatibility, non-toxicity, noncarcinogenicity, noncarcinogenicity, smoothness, smoothness, and and flexibility flexibility in in potential potential applications applications in in bone bone tissue tissue engineering engineering and and drug drug delivery delivery systems. systems. Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments: The The authors authors thank thank Universiti Universiti Kebangsaan Kebangsaan Malaysia Malaysia and and the the Ministry Ministry of of Higher Higher Education Education for the grants and financial support AP-2013-10 and FRGS/2/2013/TK01/UKM/02/3 to support this work. for the grants and financial support AP-2013-10 and FRGS/2/2013/TK01/UKM/02/3 to support this work. Author Contributions: T.S.G. was wrote the manuscript. A.B.S. was supervised the whole work. M.N.A. was Author Contributions: T.S.G. wasthe wrote the A.A.H.K. manuscript. was supervised whole work. M.N.A. was provided good advice throughout paper. wasA.B.S. supervised the wholethe work. A.B.M. was provided good advice andadvice editedthroughout the paper. A.A.A.A. was the principle investigator and wrote the manuscript. provided good the paper. A.A.H.K. was supervised the whole work. A.B.M. was provided good advice and edited the paper. A.A.A.A. was the principle investigator and wrote the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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