Proposed Change Replace with D2-100, D2-101, D2-102, D2-103, D2 ...

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In order to ensure that the ice resurfacing operator follows the appropriate path it is ...... However, the sprinters wi
Rule # Existing Rule

D2-100, D2 101, D2-102 Short Track

D2-100 Short Track Minimum standards and recommended best practices for Short Track protective padding are to be published in SSC’s Crash Protection Specifications and Guidelines. Until the 1st edition is approved the following regulations shall apply: D2-101 | 111.12m Track 1. All padding shall be at least the height of the boards, a minimum of 20cm in thickness, and made of medium or high density open cell foam covered with a cut and water resistant material as per the characteristics defined in Appendix D1. 2. The protective padding for sanctioned Short Track competitions on a 111.12m track shall extend from a point three (3) meters or less before the finish line continuously back along the side and entire back board and the mirror image of a diagonal across the ice surface. (Appendix D2) 3. When an electronic timer is attached to the board at the finish line, the padding shall extend to butt against the timer. 4. Full-height mats must be attached to the boards or to one another. 5. Any attachment used shall be placed such that a skate cannot be caught by it. 6. Mats must lie with their weight on the ice. D2-102 | Tracks of 111.12m and Less and Skills Events 1. The protective padding for sanctioned Short Track competitions on tracks less than 111.12m and skills events shall cover all possible fall zones that are within 10 meters of the marked course. 2. All padding shall be at least the height of the boards, a minimum of 20cm in thick- ness, and made of medium or high density open cell foam covered with a cut and water resistant material as per the characteristics defined in Appendix D1. 3. Full-height mats must be attached to the boards or to one another. 4. Any attachment used shall be placed such that a skate cannot be caught by it. 5. Mats must lie with their weight on the ice.

Proposed Change

Replace with D2-100, D2-101, D2-102, D2-103, D2-104 as listed in Addendum.


Changes made in following with the release of Speed Skating Canada’s Crash Protections Specifications and Guidelines document for Long Track and Short Track, allowing time for implementation of minimum standards Sport Injury and Medical Emergency Committee

Proposed By

Rule # Existing Rule

D2-103 Ice Resurfacing

Proposed Change

Content moved to Section D6-200 as listed in Addendum

D2-103 | Ice Resurfacing During sanctioned competitions, excluding board-less facilities, competitions organizers and officials must use “security” resurfacing along a path corresponding to the appropriate track layout diagram, see appendices C2, C3 and C4. In order to ensure that the ice resurfacing operator follows the appropriate path it is recommended that dots be placed on the ice as indicated in the diagram and blocks be placed over the dots during resurfacing.

Reason Proposed By

Sport Injury and Medical Emergency Committee

Rule # Existing Rule

D2-200 Long Track

Proposed Change

Replace with D2-200, D2-201, D2-202 as listed in Addendum


Changes made in following with the release of Speed Skating Canada’s Crash Protections Specifications and Guidelines document for Long Track and Short Track. Sport Injury and Medical Emergency Committee

Proposed By

Minimum standards and guidelines for Long Track protective padding are to be published in SSC’s Crash Protection Specifications and Guidelines. Until the 1st edition is approved, ISU regulations shall apply.

Rule # Existing Rule

D3-100 Skater’s Equipment D3-100 Short Track and Long Track Mass Start Competitions The following equipment is required for short track and long track mass start training and competition. Safety Headgear (Helmet) A helmet securely fastened under the chin in which the blade cannot penetrate the aeration holes must be worn for all activities. For Learn to Skate and Learn to Speed Skate Programs, as well as competitions for Active Start and FUNdamentals aged participants, helmets must be ASTM F 1849 - 07 speed skating helmets or CSA approved hockey, snowboard/ski skateboarding helmets only. For all other competitions and activities, the helmet must have a seal of certification meeting the actual ASTM F 1849 07 standards. Gloves or Mitts Cut-resistant and water-resistant. Shin Guards

Hard plastic or built-in puncture/cut-resistant material

Knee Pads

Knee pads may be worn over a skater’s skin suit or be integrated and must be made of high density foam. Knee pads made of hard plastic are not permitted.

Long-sleeved Clothing

Shirt or other clothing that cover the skater’s entire torso and arms. Must not be rolled up or otherwise exposing bare skin. It is not permitted to have any skin visible between the skater’s boot and skin suit.

Skate Blades

The rear and front tips of all skate blades shall be rounded to a minimum radius of 1cm.

Cut Resistant Clothing

Skaters participating in events sanctioned as SSC Championships and/or as Selection/International competitions must wear cut resistant clothing meeting the minimum standards established by the ISU. It is not permitted to have any skin visible between the skater’s boot and skin suit. This clothing is recommended for all other activities where skaters are performing at a level similar to the lowest level of SSC Championship.

Neck Protection

All skaters are required to wear neck protection of a design covering the neck and all the soft parts of the upper chest area. It must be made with ballistic nylon or another cut resistant material demonstrated to meet the level of cut protection afforded by ballistic nylon by a recognized testing protocol. When specific neck protectors are worn they must be securely fastened and tucked into the skin suit.

Eye Protection

Proposed Change Reason

Shatter-resistant glasses (clear or yellow are recommended) or a complete visor are required for all skaters. Glasses must be held in place by a strap.

Addendum Listing: D3-100 Short Track D3-300 Long Track Mass Start Competition Separate LT Mass Start and ST. Adjust to provide intent, minimum requirements and additional guidance. General guidelines remain unchanged. Mass start events of a type similar to that of a marathon have been introduced at the international and national level at Olympic style competitions. It is necessary to address the requirement to ensure competitors who participate in a mass start race in long track Olympic style competitions do so in as safe as an environment as is possible taking into account the nature of the event and its circumstances. The proposed rule makes a distinction between long track mass start competitions which is covered by rule D3-100 and a mass start event/race that is included as part of an Olympic-style competition.

Proposed By

The current provision is insufficient in this regard. The ISU rule for mass start, which complements ISU Technical Rule 253, paragraph 4 b, only makes shin guards and gloves mandatory. The proposed rule concerning the skate blade is the same as the current ISU provision for mass start races. In Olympic-style competitions, the ISU provides that helmets, neck, and knee protection may be worn; but, does not require that they be worn by the participants in such races. Sport Injury and Medical Emergency Committee and High Performance Committee Long Track

Rule # Existing Rule

D3-200 Long Track Olympic Style Competitions

Proposed Change

D3-200 Long Track Olympic Style Training and Competition as listed in Addendum

Reason Proposed By

The following equipment is required for skaters participating in all SSC Championships, Canada Cups, and Team Selection events. All skaters competing in these events must wear cut resistant ankle protection. This equipment must cover the area surrounding the top of the boot and ankle tendons above the boot.

Specified ankle protection for all sanctioned long track events added requirements regarding rounding of blades (training safety). Adjust to provide intent, minimum requirements and additional guidance. Sport Injury and Medical Emergency Committee

Rule # Existing Rule

D3-301 New Rule

Proposed Change

D3-301 Additional Protective Equipment for Participants Under 15 Years of Age


Distinguishes where all short track equipment is required for mass start racing and where it is no longer required. Removes the requirement for cut resistant suit at SSC Championships as it would only be required at a single event. Sport Injury and Medical Emergency Committee

Proposed By Rule # Existing Rule

D5 – Medical Personnel and Equipment

D5 | MEDICAL PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT D5-100 SSC Championships and Selection/International Sanctioned Events 1. At SSC Championships and events sanctioned as selection/international, a medical doctor or certified paramedic shall be on duty at all times. 2. A First Aid room adequately equipped for the level of competition must be available within the event venue. A temporary trailer or heated tent is acceptable for outdoor events with no permanent fixtures. 3. The guidelines and minimum requirements defined in Appendix C of the SSC Hosting Manual must be respected. It is the responsibility of the Chief Referee to ensure that this occurs. D5-20 Ability, Age Class and Festival Sanctioned Events 1. At sanctioned Ability, Age Class and Festival competitions a medical doctor or certified paramedic shall be on duty at all times. 2. A first aid room adequately equipped for the level of competition must be available within the event venue. A temporary trailer or heated tent is acceptable for outdoor events with no permanent fixtures. 3. The guidelines and minimum requirements defined in Appendix C, section 3 of the SSC Hosting Manual must be respected.

Proposed Change

Replace section with D5-Medical Personnel, Equipment and Emergency Response Addendum Listing: D5- Medical Personnel, Equipment and Emergency Response D5-100 Requirements for all SSC Sanctioned Events D5-101 Medical Team D5-102 Equipment D5-103 Emergency Response D5-104 Designated Medical Area D5-105 Arena Medical Clinic D5-106 Emergency Action Plan D5-107 Reporting D5-200 Additional Requirements for SSC Championships and Selection/International

Sanctioned Events D5-201 Medical Team Reason Proposed By

Incorporation of primary elements of Appendix C of Hosting Manual. Removal of requirement for a physician at ability, age class and festival sanctioned events. Replaced with 2 first responders. Sport Injury and Medical Emergency Committee

Rule # Existing Rule

D6 – Ice Surface D6 – Special Guidelines And Regulations For Outdoor Competitions And Events

Proposed Change

Addendum listing D6- Ice Surface D6-100 Size of Ice Surface for Short Track Practice and Competitions D6-101 Ice Surface size for SSC Championships and Selection/International Events on Boarded Rinks on 111.12m Track D6-102 Ice Surface size for SSC Championships and Selection/International Events on Boarded Rinks on 100m Track D6-103 Ice Surface size for SSC Sanctioned Short Track Competitions D6-200 Short Track Ice Resurfacing **Note: D2-103 from 2011 Red Book is now D6-200 in 2012 Red Book


**Note: D6- Special Guidelines And Regulations For Outdoor Competitions And Events will be renumbered and listed as D7- Special Guidelines And Regulations For Outdoor Competitions And Events. Proposed By

Sport Injury and Medical Emergency Committee

Addendum – Proposed Rule Changes to the Red Book Section D D2-100 Short Track Specific specifications and guidelines regarding the design and installation of pads are published in SSC’s Short Track Crash Protection Specifications and Guidelines. This document is maintained and reviewed periodically by Speed Skating Canada’s Sport Injury and Medical Emergency Committee. Speed Skating Canada’s procedures and regulations spell out specifically how these specifications are to be implemented in relation to specific training and competition situations. As the nature of participants varies greatly for all events not sanctioned as either SSC Championships or Selection/International Events it is recommended that Provincial/Territorial Associations prepare regulations which specify required levels of crash protection within specific competition circuits based on the eligible participants. D2-101 Short Track Crash Protection for SSC Championships and Selection/International Events on Boarded Rinks Level 4 crash protection is required for all events sanctioned as SSC Short Track Championships and/or Selection/International events. Where the KEF value of competitors requires Level 5 protection (Boardless System) and such a system is unavailable, Level 4 protection must be exceeded. See Appendix D-4 for the specific placement of pads. D2-102 Short Track Crash Protection in SSC Sanctioned Short Track Competitions Minimum requirements for crash protection at SSC Sanctioned events is determined by the skater with the highest forecast KEF value (as per the calculation in the Short Track Crash Protection Specifications and Guidelines) known to be participating in the event. For specific placement of pads, consult the appendices as follows: KEF Value