A set of principles or standards used to compare and judge ..... There are a number of work plans proposed as part of th
Appendix A Glossary of Terms
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | A-i
Glossary of Terms Acronym
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Certificate of Approval Construction and Demolition Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012 Design & Operations Fisheries and Oceans Canada Environmental Assessment Ontario Environmental Assessment Act Environment Canada Environmental Compliance Approval Environmental Protection Act Extended Producer Responsibility Greenhouse Gases Government Review Team Health Canada Industrial Commercial and Institutional Interim Stormwater Management Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport Ontario Ministry of Transportation Open House Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs Citizen Liaison Committee Provincial Policy Statement Provincially Significant Wetland Species at Risk Transport Canada Terms of Reference
ha km L m 3 m
hectare kilometre litre metre cubic metres
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | A-1
A relative term used to indicate that a particular condition is deemed to offer a benefit when compared to another condition Different ways of doing the same activity.
Alternative Methods of Carrying out the Undertaking (Interchangeable with Alternative Methods) Approval Built Environment Category Certificate of Approval Commitments
Compliance Monitoring
Construction and demolition (C&D) waste Cover material Criteria/ Criterion
Cultural Environment Design and operations (D&O) plan Design capacity (Total Disposal Volume) Disadvantage Easement
Permission granted by an authorized individual or organization for an undertaking to proceed. This may be in the form of program approval, certificate of approval or provisional certificate of approval The human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity. A broader category, group or element of the environment used for classifying a given set of criteria. A licence or permit issued by the Ministry of the Environment Climate Change for the operation of a waste management site/facility (now referred to as an Environmental Compliance Approval) Represents a pledge from a proponent about a certain course of action, that is, "I will do this, at this time, in this way." Proponents document obligations and responsibilities, which they agree to follow, in environmental assessment documentation. The Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, with the agreement of Cabinet, has the authority to give approval to proceed with the undertaking. The commitments within the document are often made legally binding as a condition of approval An assessment of whether an undertaking has been constructed, implemented, and/or operated in accordance with the commitments made in the environmental assessment and the conditions of the Environmental Assessment Act approval Solid waste produced in the course of residential, commercial, industrial or institutional building construction, demolition or renovation (e.g., lumber, brick, concrete, plaster, glass, stone, drywall, etc.) Material used to cover the waste in the disposal cells during or following landfilling operations. May be daily, intermediate or final A set of principles or standards used to compare and judge alternatives. (plural = "criteria", singular = "criterion") The ways of living developed by a community and passed on from generation to generation, including customs, practices, places, objects, artistic expressions, and values A document required for obtaining a Certificate of Approval, which describes in detail the function, elements or features of the landfill site/facility, and how a landfill site/facility would function including its monitoring and control/management systems The maximum total volume of air space available for disposal of 3 waste at a landfill site for a particular design (typically in m ); includes both waste and daily cover materials, but excludes the final cover A relative term used to indicate that a particular condition is deemed to be unfavourable or of an inferior condition when compared with another condition A legally recognized property right held by a person or a group to make use of land for a limited purpose, such as construction
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | A-2
Economic Environment
The economic conditions that influence the life of humans or a community, including factors such as employment, income, and wealth Technical approval of the Facility issued by MOECC under Sections 9 and 27 of the Environmental Protection Act and Section 53 of the Ontario Water Resources Act) As defined by the Environmental Assessment Act, environment means: (a) air, land or water, (b) plant and animal life, including human life, (c) the social, economic and cultural conditions that influence the life of humans or a community, (d) any building, structure, machine or other device or thing made by humans, (e) any solid, liquid, gas, odour, heat, sound, vibration or radiation resulting directly or indirectly from human activities, or (f) any part or combination of the foregoing and the interrelationships between any two or more of them (ecosystem approach) A systematic planning process that is conducted in accordance with applicable laws or regulations aimed at assessing the effects of a proposed undertaking on the environment Evaluation criteria Evaluation criteria are considerations or factors taken into account in assessing the advantages and disadvantages of various alternatives being considered.
Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) Environment
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Assessment Act (EA Act)
Environmental Effect Evaluation Evaluation Methodology Hazardous waste
Impact Assessment
For the purposes of this Terms of Reference, an Environmental Assessment refers to the process and related documentation, including the submission of a Terms of Reference and final Environmental Assessment Report for approval by the Minister of the Environment, in accordance with the requirements of Part II of the EA Act Legislation that defines a decision-making process used to promote good environmental planning by assessing the potential effects of certain activities on the environment. The purpose of the EA Act is the betterment of the people of the whole or any part of Ontario by providing for the protection, conservation and wise management in Ontario of the environment The effect that a proposed undertaking or its alternatives has or could potentially have on the environment, either positive or negative, direct or indirect, short- or long-term A formal process for comparatively assessing the advantages and disadvantages of alternatives (see Evaluation Methodology) A formal process for comparatively assessing the advantages and disadvantages of alternatives and establishing an order of preference among alternatives Any residual hazardous materials which by their nature are potentially hazardous to human health and/or the environment, as well as any materials, wastes or objects assimilated to a hazardous material. Hazardous waste is defined by Ontario Regulation 347 and may be explosive, gaseous, flammable, toxic, radioactive, corrosive, combustive or leachable The process of studying and identifying the future consequences of a current or proposed action
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | A-3
Indicators are specific characteristics of the evaluation criteria that can be measured or determined in some way, as opposed to the actual criteria, which are fairly general Wastes originating from the industrial, commercial and institutional sectors Landfill gas The gases produced from the wastes disposed in a landfill; the main constituents are typically carbon dioxide and methane, with small amounts of other organic and odour-causing compounds An approved engineered site/facility used for the final disposal of waste Action(s) that remove or alleviate to some degree the potential negative effects associated with an activity. A systematic method for collecting information using standard observations according to a schedule and over a sustained period of time. A term that encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth or some region thereof Positive or negative environmental effects of a project and related activities that will remain after mitigation and impact management measures have been applied. The process of determining and documenting the net effects associated with each indicator for each alternative being considered Non-hazardous wastes includes all solid waste that does not meet the definition of hazardous waste and includes designated wastes such as asbestos waste Legislation that defines a decision making process used to promote good environmental planning by assessing the potential effects of certain activities on the environment. The purpose of the Ontario EA Act is the betterment of the people of the whole or any part of Ontario by providing for the protection, conservation and wise management in Ontario of the environment. An effect that is deemed possible to result from an activity. The alternative selected as the undertaking for which approval will be sought, based on an approach for identifying a preferred alternative, namely: a) Identify a recommended Alternative Method b) Consult review agencies and the public on the recommended alternative c) Confirm or select the preferred alternative based on the comments received A person who: (a) carries out or proposes to carry out an undertaking, or (b) is the owner or person having charge, management or control of an undertaking Service life The period of time during which the components of a properly designed and maintained engineered facility will function and perform as designed Means the general public, individual members of the public who may be affected by or have an interest in a project and special interest groups To arrange (alternatives) according to their rank from first to last Explanation of the logical reasons or principles employed in consciously arriving at a decision or estimate
Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I) wastes
Landfill site Mitigation Monitoring Natural Environment Net Effects Net Effects Analysis Non-hazardous waste Ontario Environmental Assessment Act
Potential Effect Preferred Alternative
Public Ranking Rationale
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | A-4
Reasoned Argument/ Trade-off Method
A comparative evaluation method based on net effects / advantages and disadvantages and explained in narrative terms (rationale). The process of examining the net effects and key trade-offs of each alternative in order to provide a clear rationale for the preferred alternative An Alternative Method selected as first place based on the results of a comparative evaluation process Describes the consultation activities undertaken during the preparation of the EA Terms of Reference Means government agencies, ministries, or public authorities or bodies whose mandates require them to have jurisdiction over matters affected or potentially affected by projects. The period of time during which the landfill can continue to accept wastes Represents the external conditions under which people engage in social activity within their community The first step in an application for approval to proceed with a project or undertaking under the Environmental Assessment Act is the submission of a Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Environmental Assessment (EA). Public and agency consultation is required on the preparation and submission of the ToR to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. Approval is required by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change. If approved, the ToR provides a framework / work plan for the EA A balancing of attributes, all of which are not attainable at the same time. Giving up of one thing in return for another
Recommended Alternative Method Record of Consultation Review Agencies Site life Social Environment Terms of Reference (ToR)
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | A-5
Appendix B ECA No. A181008
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | B-i
Ministry of the Environment
PSC Industrial Services Canada Inc. 519 Parkdale Avenue North Hamilton, Ontario L8H5Y6 Site Location: Taro Landfill 65 Green Mountain Road Hamilton City, L8J 1X5 You are hereby notified that I have amended Provisional Certificate ofApproval No. A181008 issued . on September 6, 1996 for the disposal of solid, non-hazardous commercial, institutional and industrial waste, "" · s follows:
Condition 21 of the existing Certificate of Approval is hereby revoked and replaced by the following new Condition: Condition 21. The maximum volume of waste and cover material, excluding final cover, which may be 3• disposed of at the Taro East Landfill Site is 6,320,000 m The reason for this amendment to the Certificate of Approval is as follows: The maximum approved volumetric capacity of the landfill is not consistent with the maximum tonnage approved for the site due to inaccurate estimates of the density of the waste made during the study of the landfill. all in accordance with the application for approval dated November 23, 2005, and supporting information and documentation prepared by PSC Industrial Services Canada Inc. This Notice shall constitute part of the approval issued under Provisional Certificate of Approval No. A181008 dated September 6, 1996, as amended. In accordance with Section 139 of the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E-19, as amended, you may by written notice served upon me andthe Environmental Review Tribunal within 15 days after receipt of this Notice, require a· hearing by the Tribunal. Section 142 of the Environmental Protection Act, rovides that the Notice requiring the hearing shall state:
Page 1 - Nm,IBER A 181008
Appendix C Preliminary Evaluation Criteria and Indicators for Assessing the Alternative Methods of Carrying Out the Undertaking
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | C-i
Preliminary Evaluation Criteria and Indicators for Assessing the Alternative Methods of Carrying Out the Undertaking The preliminary evaluation criteria and indicators for assessing the Alternative Methods of Carrying Out the Undertaking as part of the Terrapure Stoney Creek Regional Facility (SCRF) Environmental Assessment (EA) include, but may not be limited to, those set out in Table C-1. The preliminary evaluation criteria and indicators are grouped according to the following components based on the definition of the environment provided in the EA Act: Natural, Built, Social, Economic, and Cultural. In addition, the potential data sources for the criteria and indicators are provided in Table C-1. Evaluation criteria and indicators for Design and Operations has also been included in Table C-1. The preliminary evaluation criteria and indicators will be finalized during preparation of the SCRF EA. Table C-1: Preliminary Evaluation Criteria, Indicators and Potential Data Sources
Environmental Component
Evaluation Criteria Effect on groundwater quality
• Predicted effects to groundwater quality at property boundaries and off-site
• • • • • • • • •
Hydrogeological and geotechnical studies Water well records Determination of water well users in the area Annual Monitoring Reports for SCRF Proposed leachate control concept designs Environment Canada Canadian Climate Normals Leachate generation assessment Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) Geology and Hydrogeology Existing Conditions Report
Effect on groundwater flow
• Predicted effects to groundwater flow at property boundaries and off-site
Effect on surface water quality
• Predicted effects on surface water quality on-site and off-site
• • • • • • •
Hydrogeological and geotechnical studies Water well records Determination of water well users in the area Annual Monitoring Report for SCRF Geology and Hydrogeology Existing Conditions Report Topographic maps Surface Water Existing Conditions Report
Geology & Hydrogeology
Surface Water Resources
Potential Data Sources
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | C-1
Environmental Component
Terrestrial & Aquatic Environment
Land Use
Evaluation Criteria Effect on surface water quantity
Indicators • Predicted change in drainage areas • Predicted occurrence and degree of off-site effects
Effect on terrestrial • Predicted impact on vegetation ecosystems communities • Predicted impact on wildlife habitat • Predicted impact on vegetation and wildlife including rare, threatened or endangered species Effect on aquatic • Predicted impact on aquatic habitat ecosystems • Predicted impact on aquatic biota
Effect on existing land uses
• Current land use
Effect on views of the facility
• Predicted changes in views of the facility from the surrounding area
Potential Data Sources • Air photos • Facility layout, drainage maps and figures • Proposed on-site stormwater management concept designs for vertical expansion alternatives • Existing leachate management system • Annual Monitoring Report for SCRF • Interviews and discussions with staff, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC), Conservation Authorities, and Environment Canada • Published water quality and flow information from MOECC, Environment Canada and conservation authorities • Site reconnaissance • PWQMN • Surface Water Existing Conditions Report • Previous site surveys • Site investigations • MNRF databases • City of Hamilton Official Plan • Hamilton Conservation Authority databases • Natural Environment Existing Conditions • Previous site surveys • Site investigations • Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) databases • City of Hamilton Official Plan • Hamilton Conservation Authority databases • Natural Environment Existing Conditions • Aerial photographic mapping and field investigations • Land Use Existing Conditions Report • • • •
Alternative methods Site grading plans Aerial mapping and field investigation Land Use Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | C-2
Environmental Component
Atmospheric Environment
Evaluation Criteria Effect of air quality on off-site receptors
Indicators • Predicted off-site point of impingement 3 concentrations (µg/m ) of indicator compounds • Number of off-site receptors potentially affected (residential properties, public facilities, businesses, and institutions)
Potential Data Sources • Environment Canada or MOECC hourly meteorological data and climate normals • Hamilton Air Monitoring Network (HAMN) data • National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Ambient Air Monitoring Station 60513 (Hamilton Mountain) • Site ambient air monitoring, continuous emissions monitoring data • Applicable MOECC guidelines and technical standards (i.e., O.Reg. 419/05 Schedule 2, Schedule 3 and Schedule 6 Standards) • Aerial photographic mapping and field reconnaissance • Off-Site receptors confirmed on recent mapping • Emissions Summary and Dispersion Modelling (ESDM) reports • Annual Monitoring Reports for SCRF • Available background ambient air data • Waste materials and leachate characterization and sampling data • Proposed facility characteristics • Landfill design and operation data and associated topography • Atmospheric Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | C-3
Environmental Component
Evaluation Indicators Criteria Effect of odours on • Predicted off-Site odour concentrations 3 off-site receptors (µg /m and odour units) • Number of off-Site receptors potentially affected (residential properties, public facilities, businesses and institutions)
Effect of noise on off-site receptors
Potential Data Sources
• Published odour studies for similar source types • Site specific odour source data and/or ambient odour monitoring data • Environment Canada or MOECC hourly meteorological data and climate normals • Applicable MOECC guidelines and technical standards (i.e., O.Reg. 419/05 Schedule 2, Schedule 3 and Schedule 6 Standards) • Site odour complaints history • Annual Monitoring Reports for SCRF • Aerial photographic mapping and field reconnaissance • Off-site receptors confirmed on recent mapping • Odour assessment reports • Waste materials and leachate characterization and sampling data • Proposed facility characteristics • Landfill design and operation data and associated topography • Atmospheric Existing Conditions Report • Predicted off-Site noise level • Site-specific equipment noise measurements • Number of off-Site receptors • Manufacturer provided noise specifications potentially affected (residential • Applicable MOECC guidelines and technical standards properties, public facilities, businesses, (Noise guidelines for landfill sites, Oct, 1998; NPC-300, and institutions). August, 2013; NPC-233). • Aerial photographic mapping and field reconnaissance to confirm off-Site receptors • Land Use Zoning Plans • Acoustic Assessment Reports • Annual Monitoring Reports for SCRF • Proposed facility operational characteristics and scenarios • Landfill design and operation data and associated topography • Atmospheric Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | C-4
Environmental Component
Evaluation Criteria Effect on traffic
Archaeology and Built Heritage
Potential Data Sources
• Potential for traffic collisions • Level of Service at intersections around the SCRF
• Previous traffic studies • City of Hamilton data • Traffic Existing Conditions Report
Effect on approved/planned land uses
• Number, extent, and type of approved/planned land uses affected
• • • •
Economic benefit to the City of Hamilton and local community
• Employment at site (number and duration)
• Alternative methods • Total volume of post-diversion solid, non-hazardous residual material calculated to be received • Economic Impacts of the Stoney Creek Regional Facility (Attachment A to Supporting Document #1 of the ToR) • Economic Existing Conditions Report
Effect on known or potential significant archaeological resources
• Number and type of potentially significant, known archaeological sites affected. • Area (ha) of archaeological potential (i.e., lands with potential for the presence of significant archaeological resources) affected.
• Published data sources (e.g., City of Hamilton) • Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport Screening
Effect on built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes
• Number and type of built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes displaced or disrupted
• Published data sources (e.g., City of Hamilton) • Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Sport Screening
Transportation Economic
City of Hamilton Official Plan City of Hamilton Zoning By-law City of Hamilton development data and plans Economic Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | C-5
Environmental Component
Design & Operations
Evaluation Criteria Potential to provide service for disposal
Cost of facility
Potential Data Sources
• Ability of Alternative Methods to provide disposal capacity for postdiversion solid, non-hazardous industrial residual material
• Existing Design and Operations Report • Conceptual Designs
• Approximate relative cost of Alternative Methods
• Existing Design and Operations Report • Conceptual Designs • Cost estimates
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | C-6
Appendix D Proposed Work Plans
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-i
Introduction There are a number of work plans proposed as part of the Stoney Creek Regional Facility Environmental Assessment (SCRF EA) Terms of Reference (ToR). The proposed Work Plans include, but are not limited to, the following: •
Geology & Hydrogeology
Surface Water Resources
Terrestrial & Aquatic Environment
Land Use
Atmospheric Environment (including Air Quality, Odour and Noise)
Archaeology and Built Heritage
Design and Operations The preceding Work Plans outline what will be done during the SCRF EA to generate a more detailed description of the environment and how that information will be utilized in the assessment and evaluation of alternatives, as well as the assessment of impacts associated with the preferred alternative.
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-1
Appendix D-1 Geology & Hydrogeology Work Plan The Geology and Hydrogeology Work Plan addresses both groundwater quality and groundwater flow. The following tasks will be undertaken to characterize existing environmental conditions within the Final Study Area, predict and assess potential environmental effects, determine mitigation measures and compare alternative methods of carrying out the undertaking: •
Compile and interpret information from existing data sources, including data sources listed in Table 1-1
Conduct Site investigations to confirm site information compiled from existing documentation and document the findings in the Geology & Hydrogeology Existing Conditions Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA Report.
Based on the Conceptual Designs developed for the Alternative Methods:
Conduct predictive modelling of contaminating lifespan as per Ontario Regulation 232/98 for each alternative method.
Based on the Alternative Methods and the results of predictive modelling, identify the potential effects of each alternative on the geological and hydrogeological environment.
Apply mitigation measures to determine the net effects for each Alternative Method and compare the degree of net effects using the criteria and indicators for the geological and hydrogeological component, rank the Alternative Methods and identify the Recommended Alternative from a geological and hydrogeological perspective
Once the Preferred Method has been identified and additional details developed from a design and operations perspective, an impact assessment will be carried out so that the potential environmental effects can be identified with more certainty and will include more site-specific impact management measures and groundwater monitoring requirements can be clearly identified. The information and analysis will be documented in a Geology and Hydrogeology Impact Assessment Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA.
Table 1-1 – Preliminary Evaluation Criteria, Indicators and Data Sources Environmental Component
Geology & Hydrogeology
Evaluation Criteria
Data Sources
Effect on groundwater quality
• Predicted effects to groundwater quality at property boundaries and off-site
• Hydrogeological and geotechnical studies • Water well records • Determination of water well users in the area • Annual Monitoring Reports for SCRF • Proposed leachate control concept designs • Environment Canada Canadian Climate Normals • Leachate generation assessment • Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) • Geology and Hydrogeology Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-2
Environmental Component
Evaluation Criteria
Data Sources
Effect on groundwater flow
• Predicted effects to groundwater flow at property boundaries and off-site
• Hydrogeological and geotechnical studies • Water well records • Determination of water well users in the area • Annual Monitoring Report for SCRF • Geology and Hydrogeology Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-3
Appendix D-2 Surface Water Resources Work Plan The Surface Water Resources Work Plan addresses both surface water quality and surface water quantity. The following tasks will be undertaken to characterize existing environmental conditions within the Final Study Area, predict and assess potential environmental effects, determine mitigation measures and compare alternative methods of carrying out the undertaking: •
Compile and interpret information from existing data sources, including data sources listed in Table 2-1
Conduct Site investigations to confirm site information compiled from existing documentation and document the findings in the Surface Water Existing Conditions Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA Report.
Based on the Conceptual Designs developed for the Alternative Methods:
Predict and assess future surface water runoff and peak flows and quality conditions associated with each of the alternative methods.
Compare these predictions to the existing conditions; determine changes and potential adverse effects on downstream watercourses; determine if mitigation measures are required and, if so, develop mitigation (i.e., engineered stormwater management measures/facilities).
Based on the Alternative Methods and the results of predictive modelling, identify the potential effects of each alternative on the surface water environment.
Apply mitigation measures to determine the net effects for each Alternative Method and compare the degree of net effects using the criteria and indicators for the surface water component, rank the alternatives, and identify the Recommended Alternative from a surface water perspective.
Once the Preferred Method has been identified and additional details developed from a design and operations perspective, an impact assessment will be carried out so that the potential environmental effects can be identified with more certainty and will include more site-specific impact management measures and monitoring requirements can be clearly identified. The information and analysis will be documented in a Surface Water Impact Assessment Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA.
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-4
Table 2-1 – Preliminary Criteria, Indicators and Data Sources Environmental Component
Surface Water Resources
Evaluation Criteria Effect on surface water quality
Effect on surface water quantity
Data Sources
• Predicted effects on surface water quality on-site and off-site •
• Topographic maps • Surface Water Existing Conditions Report • Air photos • Facility layout, drainage maps and figures • Proposed on-site stormwater management concept designs for vertical expansion alternatives • Existing leachate management system • Annual Monitoring Report for SCRF • Interviews and discussions with staff, Ministry of Environment and Climate • Predicted change in Change (MOECC), Conservation drainage areas Authorities, and Environment Canada • Predicted occurrence and • Published water quality and flow degree of off-site effects information from MOECC, Environment Canada and conservation authorities • Site reconnaissance • PWQMN • Surface Water Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-5
Appendix D-3 Terrestrial & Aquatic Environment Work Plan The Terrestrial and Aquatic Environment Work Plan addresses both terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems. The following tasks will be undertaken to characterize the existing terrestrial and aquatic environmental conditions within the Final Study Area, predict and assess potential environmental effects, determine mitigation measures and compare alternative methods of carrying out the undertaking: •
Compile and interpret information from existing data sources, including data sources listed in Table 3-1
Conduct Site investigations to confirm site information compiled from existing documentation and document the findings in the Terrestrial and Aquatic Environment Existing Conditions Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA Report.
Based on the Conceptual Designs developed for the Alternative Methods:
Predict and assess potential impacts of the alternative methods on the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem.
Apply mitigation measures to determine the net effects for each Alternative Method and compare the degree of net effects using the criteria and indicators for the Terrestrial and Aquatic Environment component, rank the Alternative Methods and identify the Recommended Alternative from a Terrestrial and Aquatic Environment perspective
Once the Preferred Method has been identified and additional details developed from a design and operations perspective, an impact assessment will be carried out so that the potential environmental effects can be identified with more certainty and will include more site-specific impact management measures and monitoring requirements can be clearly identified. The information and analysis will be documented in a Terrestrial and Aquatic Environment Impact Assessment Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA.
Table 3-1 – Criteria, Indicators and Data Sources Environmental Component
Terrestrial & Aquatic Environment
Evaluation Criteria Effect on terrestrial ecosystems
Data Sources
• Predicted impact on vegetation communities • Predicted impact on wildlife habitat • Predicted impact on vegetation and wildlife including rare, threatened or endangered species
• • • • •
Previous site surveys Site investigations MNRF databases City of Hamilton Official Plan Hamilton Conservation Authority databases • Natural Environment Existing Conditions
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-6
Environmental Component
Evaluation Criteria Effect on aquatic ecosystems
Data Sources
• Predicted impact on aquatic habitat • Predicted impact on aquatic biota
• Previous site surveys • Site investigations • Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) databases • City of Hamilton Official Plan • Hamilton Conservation Authority databases • Natural Environment Existing Conditions
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-7
Appendix D-4 Land Use Work Plan The Land Use Work Plan addresses both existing land uses and visual or views from the existing SCRF. The following tasks will be undertaken to characterize the existing land use environmental conditions within the Final Study Area, predict and assess potential environmental effects, determine mitigation measures and compare alternative methods of carrying out the undertaking: •
Compile and interpret information from existing data sources, including data sources listed in Table 4-1
Conduct Site investigations to confirm site information, (land uses, viewpoints and viewsheds) compiled from existing documentation and document the findings in the Land Use Existing Conditions Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA Report.
Based on the Conceptual Designs developed for the Alternative Methods:
Predict and assess potential impacts of the alternative methods on the existing land uses and viewpoints from the SCRF.
Apply mitigation measures to determine the net effects for each Alternative Method and compare the degree of net effects using the criteria and indicators for the land use Environment component, rank the Alternative Methods and identify the Recommended Alternative from a land use Environment perspective
Once the Preferred Method has been identified and additional details developed from a design and operations perspective, an impact assessment will be carried out so that the potential environmental effects can be identified with more certainty and will include more site-specific impact management measures and monitoring requirements can be clearly identified. The information and analysis will be documented in a Land Use Environment Impact Assessment Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA.
Table 4-1 – Criteria, Indicators and Data Sources Environmental Component
Evaluation Criteria Effect on existing land uses
Data Sources
• Current land use
• Aerial photographic mapping and field investigations • Land Use Existing Conditions Report
Effect on views of the facility
• Predicted changes in views of the facility from the surrounding area
• • • •
Land Use Alternative methods Site grading plans Aerial mapping and field investigation Land Use Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-8
Appendix D-5 Atmospheric Environment Work Plan The Atmospheric Environment Work Plan addresses air quality, noise, and odour. The following tasks will be carried out to characterize existing atmospheric environmental conditions within the Final Study Area, predict and assess potential environmental effects, determine mitigation measures (if required) and compare alternative methods of carrying out the undertaking: •
Compile and interpret information from existing data sources, including data sources listed in Table 5-1
Conduct Site investigations to confirm site information compiled from existing documentation and finalize location and nature of potential off-site receptors and document the findings in the Atmospheric Existing Conditions Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA Report.
Compile and document climate normals for the project site, and document the existing climatic conditions.
Consult with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) and other members of the Government Review Team (GRT) on the modeling protocols to be used in the assessment.
Update existing on-site odour sampling to characterize sources of odour and provide data for input to the air quality and odour assessments.
Update existing noise measurements on-site for environmentally significant mechanical noise sources (stationary and mobile landfill equipment) and off-site measurements as necessary to input into an acoustical model to determine the existing baseline environmental noise levels at potential sensitive points of reception.
The development of an AERMOD atmospheric dispersion model for the site, (prepared in accordance with MOECC’s Air Dispersion Modelling Guide for Ontario (ADMGO)) which will be used to predict effects of the proposed operations. The sources of the data will be reviewed with the MOECC prior to finalization of the modelling dataset
The development of an ISO 9613 prediction model for the Site, which will be used to predict effects of the proposed operations.
Based on the Conceptual Designs developed for the Alternative Methods: o
Predict and assess potential impacts (including cumulative effects for particulate) of the alternative methods from an atmospheric perspective, including assessing emissions from the Alternative Methods in accordance with applicable MOECC guidance documents. The assessment will focus on the predicted maximum air quality and odour effects associated with each of the Alternative Methods. This study will focus on property line and sensitive receptors.
Predict and assess potential impacts from a noise perspective in accordance with applicable MOECC Noise guidelines. Noise generation from existing equipment operating at the site will be based on measurements from the existing landfill or data from a database of similar and representative noise sources. This will be followed by the execution of a noise prediction model for each alternative method. The results of this study will predict the worst-case, one hour, off-site environmental noise impacts from each of the alternative methods at the points of reception subject of the study. A
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-9
point of reception means an MOECC prescribed location on a noise sensitive land use (existing dwelling or zoned land use) where noise from a stationary source is received. o
Apply mitigation measures to determine the net effects for each Alternative Method and compare the degree of net effects using the criteria and indicators for the Atmosperhic component, rank the Alternative Methods and identify the Recommended Alternative from an Atmospheric Environment perspective
Once the Preferred Method has been identified and additional details developed from a design and operations perspective, an impact assessment will be carried out so that the potential environmental effects can be identified with more certainty and will include more site-specific impact management measures and monitoring requirements can be clearly identified. The information and analysis will be documented in an Atmospheric Environment Impact Assessment Report (in accordance with MOECC reporting guidelines/requirements) that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA.
Table 5-1 – Criteria, Indicators and Data Sources Environmental Component
Atmospheric Environment
Evaluation Criteria
Effect of • Predicted off-site air point of quality impingement on offconcentrations 3 site (µg/m ) of indicator receptors compounds • Number of off-site receptors potentially affected (residential properties, public facilities, businesses, and institutions)
Data Sources
• Environment Canada or MOECC hourly meteorological data and climate normals • Hamilton Air Monitoring Network (HAMN) data • National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Ambient Air Monitoring Station 60513 (Hamilton Mountain) • Site ambient air monitoring, continuous emissions monitoring data • Applicable MOECC guidelines and technical standards (i.e., O.Reg. 419/05 Schedule 2, Schedule 3 and Schedule 6 Standards) • Aerial photographic mapping and field reconnaissance • Off-Site receptors confirmed on recent mapping • Emissions Summary and Dispersion Modelling (ESDM) reports • Annual Monitoring Reports for SCRF • Available background ambient air data • Waste materials and leachate characterization and sampling data • Proposed facility characteristics • Landfill design and operation data and associated topography • Atmospheric Existing Conditions Report
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Environmental Component
Evaluation Criteria
Effect of • Predicted off-Site odours odour on offconcentrations (µg 3 site /m and odour receptors units) • Number of off-Site receptors potentially affected (residential properties, public facilities, businesses and institutions)
Effect of • Predicted off-Site noise on noise level off-site • Number of off-Site receptors receptors potentially affected (residential properties, public facilities, businesses, and institutions).
Data Sources
• Published odour studies for similar source types • Site specific odour source data and/or ambient odour monitoring data • Environment Canada or MOECC hourly meteorological data and climate normals • Applicable MOECC guidelines and technical standards (i.e., O.Reg. 419/05 Schedule 2, Schedule 3 and Schedule 6 Standards) • Site odour complaints history • Annual Monitoring Reports for SCRF • Aerial photographic mapping and field reconnaissance • Off-site receptors confirmed on recent mapping • Odour assessment reports • Waste materials and leachate characterization and sampling data • Proposed facility characteristics • Landfill design and operation data and associated topography • Atmospheric Existing Conditions Report • Site-specific equipment noise measurements • Manufacturer provided noise specifications • Applicable MOECC guidelines and technical standards (Noise guidelines for landfill sites, Oct, 1998; NPC-300, August, 2013; NPC-233). • Aerial photographic mapping and field reconnaissance to confirm off-Site receptors • Land Use Zoning Plans • Acoustic Assessment Reports • Annual Monitoring Reports for SCRF • Proposed facility operational characteristics and scenarios • Landfill design and operation data and associated topography • Atmospheric Existing Conditions Report
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Appendix D-6 Transportation Work Plan The Transportation work plan addresses traffic operations. The following tasks will be undertaken to characterize the existing environmental conditions within the Final Study Area, predict and assess potential environmental effects, determine mitigation measures and compare alternative methods of carrying out the undertaking: •
Compile and interpret information from existing data sources, including data sources listed in Table 6-1
Conduct Site investigations to confirm site information compiled from existing documentation and document the findings in the Transportation existing conditions that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA Report.
Based on the Conceptual Designs developed for the Alternative Methods:
Predict and assess future traffic conditions associated with each of the alternative methods.
Compare these predictions to the existing conditions; determine changes and potential adverse effects on road network and intersections; determine if mitigation measures are required and, if so, develop mitigation
Based on the Alternative Methods and the results of traffic modelling, identify the potential effects of each alternative.
Apply mitigation measures to determine the net effects for each Alternative Method and compare the degree of net effects using the criteria and indicators for the transportation component, rank the alternatives, and identify the Recommended Alternative from a transportation perspective.
Once the Preferred Method has been identified and additional details developed from a design and operations perspective, an impact assessment will be carried out so that the potential environmental effects can be identified with more certainty and will include more site-specific impact management measures and monitoring requirements can be clearly identified. The information and analysis will be documented in a Transportation Impact Assessment Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA.
Table 6-1 – Criteria, Indicators and Data Sources Environmental Component Transportation
Evaluation Criteria Effect on traffic
Data Sources
• Potential for traffic collisions • Level of Service at intersections around the SCRF
• Previous traffic studies • City of Hamilton data • Traffic Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-12
Appendix D-7 Economic Environment Work Plan The Economic Environment Work Plan addresses various economic aspects including land use. The following tasks will be undertaken to characterize the existing environmental conditions within the Final Study Area, predict and assess potential environmental effects, determine mitigation measures and compare alternative methods of carrying out the undertaking: •
Compile and interpret information from existing data sources, including data sources listed in Table 7-1
Conduct Site investigations to confirm site information compiled from existing documentation and document the findings in the Economic Environment Existing Conditions Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA Report.
Define costs of services to customers and economic benefits to local municipality (royalty program)
Based on the Conceptual Designs developed for the Alternative Methods:
Predict and assess potential impacts of the alternative methods on current and planned future land uses.
Apply mitigation measures to determine the net effects for each Alternative Method and compare the degree of net effects using the criteria and indicators for the Economic Environment component, rank the Alternative Methods and identify the Recommended Alternative from an Economic Environment perspective
Once the Preferred Method has been identified and additional details developed from a design and operations perspective, an impact assessment will be carried out so that the potential environmental effects can be identified with more certainty and will include more site-specific impact management measures and monitoring requirements can be clearly identified. The information and analysis will be documented in an Economic Environment Impact Assessment Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA.
Table 7-1 – Criteria, Indicators and Data Sources Environmental Component
Evaluation Criteria
Effect on • Number, extent, and approved/planned type of land uses approved/planned land uses affected
Data Sources • City of Hamilton Official Plan • City of Hamilton Zoning By-law • City of Hamilton development data and plans • Economic Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-13
Environmental Component
Evaluation Criteria
Data Sources
Economic benefit to the City of Hamilton and local community
• Employment at site (number and duration)
• Alternative methods • Total volume of post-diversion solid, non-hazardous residual material calculated to be received • Economic Impacts of the Stoney Creek Regional Facility (Attachment A to Supporting Document #1 of the ToR) • Economic Existing Conditions Report
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-14
Appendix D-8 Archaeology and Built Heritage Work Plan The Archaeology and Built Heritage Work Plan addresses both archaeological resources and cultural and heritage resources (built and cultural landscapes). The following tasks will be undertaken to characterize the existing environmental conditions within the Final Study Area, predict and assess potential environmental effects, determine mitigation measures and compare alternative methods of carrying out the undertaking: •
Complete the Cultural Heritage Screening Checklist from the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport (MTCS) and submit to MTCS to determine if further study is required.
Table 8-1 – Criteria, Indicators and Data Sources Environmental Component
Evaluation Criteria Effect on known or potential significant archaeological resources
Archaeology and Built Heritage Effect on built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes
Data Sources
• Number and type of • Published data sources (e.g., City of potentially significant, Hamilton) known archaeological • Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and sites affected. Sport Screening • Area (ha) of archaeological potential (i.e., lands with potential for the presence of significant archaeological resources) affected. Number and type of built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes displaced or disrupted
• Published data sources (e.g., City of Hamilton) • Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Sport Screening
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-15
Appendix D-9 Design and Operations Work Plan The Design and Operations Work Plan address both the ability of the site design to provide the service identified as well as providing the financial analysis (i.e. cost). The following tasks will be undertaken to characterize the existing environmental conditions within the Final Study Area, predict and assess potential environmental effects, determine mitigation measures and compare alternative methods of carrying out the undertaking: •
Compile and interpret information from existing data sources, including data sources listed in Table 9-1
Conduct Site investigations to confirm site information compiled from existing documentation and document the findings as part of the Conceptual Designs that will be prepared for each of the Alternative Methods.
Based on the Conceptual Designs developed for the Alternative Methods:
Identify the potential effects of each alternative from a Design and Operations perspective.
Apply mitigation measures to determine the net effects for each Alternative Method and compare the degree of net effects using the criteria and indicators for the Design and Operations component, rank the Alternative Methods and identify the Recommended Alternative from a Design and Operations perspective
Once the Preferred Method has been identified and additional details developed from a design and operations perspective, an impact assessment will be carried out so that the potential environmental effects can be identified with more certainty and will include more site-specific impact management measures and groundwater monitoring requirements can be clearly identified. The information and analysis will be documented in the Design and Operations Report that will form an appendix to the SCRF EA.
Table 9-1 – Criteria, Indicators and Data Sources Environmental Component
Design & Operations
Evaluation Criteria Potential to provide service for disposal Cost of facility
Data Sources
• Ability of Alternative • Existing Design and Operations Methods to provide Report disposal capacity for • Conceptual Designs post-diversion solid, nonhazardous industrial residual material Approximate relative cost • Existing Design and Operations of Alternative Methods Report • Conceptual Designs Cost estimates
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | D-16
Appendix E Proposed terms of Reference Commitments Table
GHD | Proposed Terms of Reference | 11102771 (16) | E-i
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitments and How They Were Addressed in the Environmental Assessment for the Stoney Creek Regional Facility EA
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitment 1.
How was the Commitment Addressed in the SCRF EA
Where the Commitment is Addressed in the SCRF EA
The EA will be prepared in accordance with subsection 6(2)(c) and 6.1(3) of the EA Act.
Section 3
2. A detailed description of and the rationale for the proposed undertaking will be provided as part of preparing the SCRF EA once a specific undertaking is selected from the alternative methods that are to be considered Section 4 3. The Alternative Methods of Carrying Out the Undertaking that will be considered by Terrapure as part of the SCRF EA include, but may not be limited to, the following: •
Alternative Method No. 1: Reconfiguration of the Stoney Creek Regional Facility
Alternative Method No. 2: Horizontal Expansion of the Stoney Creek Regional Facility
Alternative Method No. 3: Vertical Expansion of the Stoney Creek Regional Facility
Alternative Method No. 4: Reconfiguration and Horizontal Expansion of the Stoney Creek Regional Facility
Alternative Method No. 5: Reconfiguration and Vertical Expansion of the Stoney Creek Regional Facility
Alternative Method No. 6: Horizontal and Vertical Expansion of the Stoney Creek Regional Facility
Section 5 4. A detailed description of each of the Alternative Methods of Carrying Out the Undertaking will be provided as part of preparing the SCRF EA prior to their assessment and comparative evaluation. Section 5 5. The detailed description of each Alternative Method will be based on a conceptual level of design, reflecting regulatory requirements (i.e. O. Reg. 232/98) and operational aspects at the SCRF (e.g. required on-site infrastructure). Section 5 6. Each of the conceptual designs will incorporate the following elements: • Buffer zones between the SCRF footprint and the property boundary • Setbacks to surrounding developments • Contours and slopes of the final cover • Peak elevation and height relative to surrounding landscape • Footprint size • Leachate generation rates • Infrastructure requirements Section 5
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitments and How They Were Addressed in the Environmental Assessment for the Stoney Creek Regional Facility EA
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitment
How was the Commitment Addressed in the SCRF EA
Where the Commitment is Addressed in the SCRF EA
The preliminary study area will be finalized during preparation of the SCRF EA when the alternative methods have been confirmed, and the potential environmental effects are better known.
Section 6 8. A more detailed description of the environment will be provided during preparation of the SCRF EA reflecting the final study area using available existing information sources and investigative studies. Section 6.2.6 9. Given that the SCRF has been in operation for 20 years, Terrapure has existing data and information from available reports which will be utilized during the preparation of the EA. Section 10. The investigative studies include, but are not limited to, the following: •
Geology & Hydrogeology
Surface Water Resources
Terrestrial & Aquatic Environment
Land Use
Atmospheric Environment (including Air Quality, Odour and Noise)
Archaeology and Built Heritage
Section 11. The types of potential environmental effects that will be assessed during preparation of the SCRF EA include, but are not limited to, those that are summarized in Table 6.1. Section 12. The specific potential environmental effects will be determined during the preparation of the SCRF EA. Section 13. The alternative methods will be assessed and evaluated to identify the proposed undertaking for which EA Act approval will be sought. Section 7.1 14. The SCRF EA will consider potential effects on the environment associated with the following timeframes: •
Section 7.1
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitments and How They Were Addressed in the Environmental Assessment for the Stoney Creek Regional Facility EA
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitment
How was the Commitment Addressed in the SCRF EA
Where the Commitment is Addressed in the SCRF EA
15. The assessment and comparative evaluation of the alternative methods will utilize the following three steps: •
Step 1 – Assessment of the Alternative Methods
Step 2 – Comparative evaluation of the Alternative Methods and selection of the recommended Method
Step 3 – Identification of the Preferred Method
Section 7.1.1 16. The Alternative Methods will be assessed through a “net effects analysis”. Section 17. Terrapure will review the Alternative Methods from a climate change adaptation and mitigation perspective Section 18. Once the assessment of the Alternative Methods has been completed, they will be compared using a “Reasoned Argument” or “trade-off” method to select a Recommended Method. Application of this method will identify the advantages or disadvantages of each Alternative Method based on their respective net effects. Section 19. The rationale for selecting the Recommended Method will be provided as part of the SCRF EA. Section 20. The Recommended Method will be provided to review agencies, Aboriginal communities, and the public for comment during preparation of the SCRF EA, following which a Preferred Method will be identified. Section 7.1.2 21. At the completion of the impact assessment of the Preferred Method, the advantages and disadvantages to the environment of the Preferred Method will be identified. Section 7.2 22. During the impact assessment, Terrapure will review the Preferred Method from a climate change adaptation and mitigation perspective. Section 7.2 23. During the impact assessment stage of the SCRF EA, Terrapure will complete an assessment of the cumulative effects of the proposed undertaking and other non-SCRF projects/activities that are existing, planned/approved or reasonably foreseeable within the Study Area (which will be finalized during the EA, as per Section 6.1 of this ToR). Section 7.2 24. The impact assessment of the Preferred Method will be documented as part of the SCRF EA. Section 7.2
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitments and How They Were Addressed in the Environmental Assessment for the Stoney Creek Regional Facility EA
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitment
How was the Commitment Addressed in the SCRF EA
Where the Commitment is Addressed in the SCRF EA
25. In concert with developing conceptual designs for the Alternative Methods, broad closure and post-closure frameworks will be generated for assessment and comparative evaluation purposes. Section 7.3 26. If approval of the proposed ToR is granted by the Minister, the list of commitments will be finalized and included in the SCRF EA, documenting where and how they were dealt with during preparation of the SCRF EA. Commitments may be made by Terrapure during preparation of the SCRF EA that will need to be fulfilled if approval of the proposed ToR is granted by the Minister. Where such commitments are made, a list of EA commitments will be documented in the SCRF EA Report, including where and how they will be dealt with if the proposed ToR is approved. Section 8.1 27. Terrapure is committed to developing a monitoring framework during preparation of the SCRF EA that will address environmental effects and, as applicable, EA compliance. Section 8.2 28. Environmental effects monitoring will monitor the net effects associated with the construction, operation, and closure of the proposed undertaking, as necessary, and implement further impact management measures, monitoring, and contingency plans, where possible. Section 8.2 29. The SCRF EA Report will include a strategy on how and when the commitments will be fulfilled and how Terrapure will report on this to MOECC and other regulatory agencies, as appropriate. Section 8.2 30. The consultation activities proposed for the SCRF EA will include, but will not be limited to, those carried out during preparation of the ToR, which are briefly summarized as follows:
Notifications •
Notices – providing information on the SCRF EA to interested persons and how they can be involved. The notices will be presented through a variety of methods. Some of the methods that will be considered include the following: local area newspapers (Hamilton Spectator, Stoney Creek News), project-specific website, Canada Post or other private distribution mail-drops, project-specific social media pages (Facebook, Twitter), outdoor signs, robo-calls.
Information letters and flyers – will be distributed to residential subdivisions directly adjacent to the SCRF, as previously distributed during the ToR, consisting of key updates and opportunities to be involved in the EA process. Meetings and Presentations
Individual/group meetings – discussing project-specific issues with a review agency or agencies, an Aboriginal community or communities, and the public. Meetings will occur at key milestones of the EA process.
Community Liaison Committee (CLC) – providing the existing CLC an opportunity to hold additional meetings, outside of the existing CLC meeting schedule, to provide a forum for in-depth discussion of project issues and act as a conduit with the local community.
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitments and How They Were Addressed in the Environmental Assessment for the Stoney Creek Regional Facility EA
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitment
How was the Commitment Addressed in the SCRF EA
Where the Commitment is Addressed in the SCRF EA
Presentations to the City of Hamilton – providing status updates on the SCRF EA to staff and/or Councillors as required. Public Open Houses
Public Open Houses – three drop-in style open house events are proposed during the SCRF EA for the public to view information and ask questions/make comments to Terrapure directly. Public Open House events are planned as follows: -
Public Open House Number 1 – discussion on the developed Alternative Methods, the evaluation criteria and indicators to be applied to Alternative Methods, and the evaluation methodology that will be utilized.
Public Open House Number 2 - reviewing the comparative evaluation results of the Alternative Methods and identifying the recommended Alternative Method
Public Open House Number 3 - reviewing the impact assessment results of the Preferred Method, including potential environmental effects, recommended impact management measures, proposed monitoring requirements, and proposed approvals/permits required for implementing the Preferred Method. Project-specific Website and Social Media
Project-specific website – will provide clear information, updates on the EA, as well as relevant EA documentation, to stakeholders as well as an opportunity for them to give feedback to Terrapure (www.terrapurestoneycreek.com). A dedicated project-specific email account (
[email protected]) has also been established as part of the Project website.
Project-specific social media webpages (Facebook and Twitter) – will provide succinct information to stakeholders as well as to provide updates on the EA.
Section 9.1 31. Input will be obtained from interested participants during the SCRF EA through a variety of means
specific to each of the following three participant groups: •
Review agencies as applicable
Aboriginal communities
Section 9.1.2
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitments and How They Were Addressed in the Environmental Assessment for the Stoney Creek Regional Facility EA
Proposed Terms of Reference Commitment
32. There are a number of key decision-making milestone points when consultation will occur during preparation of the SCRF EA. These key decision-making milestones have been grouped as follows: •
Where the Commitment is Addressed in the SCRF EA •
Alternative Methods (Open Houses 1 and 2 as outlined in Section 9.2.1 of this ToR) -
Reviewing the developed Alternative Methods
Confirming the evaluation criteria and indicators to be applied to Alternative Methods
Reviewing the recommended Alternative Method identified through the comparative evaluation process
Impact Assessment of the Preferred Method (Open House 3 as outlined in Section 9.2.1 of this ToR) Reviewing the potential environmental effects, recommended impact management measures, proposed monitoring requirements, and proposed approvals/permits required for implementing the Preferred Method.
How was the Commitment Addressed in the SCRF EA
Pre-Submission of the Draft SCRF EA Report Reviewing the draft SCRF EA Report prior to its finalization and formal submission to the Minister for approval.
Notwithstanding these key decision-making milestones, consultation will be ongoing throughout the SCRF EA. Section 9.1.3
33. Should an issue or dispute arise during preparation of the SCRF EA, Terrapure will discuss the nature of the issue or dispute with the interested persons and attempt, in good faith, to reach a resolution that is agreeable to both Terrapure and the interested persons. Section 9.1.4
34. In addition to approval of the EA under the EA Act, applications will be made, as necessary, under a number of provincial statutes for approval to implement the proposed undertaking. The types of approvals that potentially apply may include, but are not limited to: •
Ontario Environmental Protection Act (EPA) MOECC
Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA) MOECC
Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) MOECC
The actual approvals required for the preferred undertaking will be identified during preparation of the SCRF EA. Section 11