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“Rip Van Winkle” (897-909), “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. (909-929). James Fenimore Cooper. ... “Young Goodma
PROSA Y FICCIÓN DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS I (hasta 1850) PRECOLONIAL AMERICA: Wilderness. Otherness. Indians. “The Iroquois Creation Story” (54-57) COLONIAL AMERICA: (1492-1776) The Puritans. Simplicity. Hero as pragmatist. Economic progress in life. Competition. Idealism. Virtue and order opposite to otherness and chaos. Rectitude. Aim at being edifying and nice. Intolerance and prejudice. Americans as judges and policemen_bellicose. God. Signs of the Divine. The Chosen. Covenant of Works. Covenant of Grace. William Bradford. From Of Plymouth Plantation (130-135, 139-153) Roger Williams. From The Bloudy Tenet of Persecution (197-198) Mary Rowlandson. “A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson.” (245-275) Cotton Mather. From The Wonders of the Invisible World (320-322) Jonathan Edwards. “The Great Awakening.” (405-412) THE NEW REPUBLIC: (1776-1836) The Age of the Enlightment. Emphasis on the rights of the people over the rights of the Government. Towards individualism and a new concept of the American citizen in contact with the frontier. Benjamin Franklin. “Information to Those Who Would Remove to America” (459-464) “Concerning the Savages of North America” (464-468) J. Hector St. John de Crévecoeur. From Letters from an American Farmer (657-666, 676-681) Thomas Paine. From Common Sense (707-714) Thomas Jefferson. “ The Declaration of Independence” (727-733) Olaudah Equiano. Narrative of the Life__ (765-797) Washington Irving. “Rip Van Winkle” (897-909), “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” (909-929) James Fenimore Cooper. From The Pioneers. Chapter XXXIII. THE AMERICAN RENAISSANCE: (1836-1850) A song to individuality. Creativity and the self. Human beings and their position in the world. A new concept of morality: towards a redefinition of good and evil in human beings. Nature. Beauty. Experience. Self-Reliance. The Over-Soul. Ralph Waldo Emerson. “Self-Reliance” (1045-1062) Henry David Thoreau. “Resistance to Civil Government” (1704-1719) Margaret Fuller. From The Great Lawsuit (1589-1605) Nathaniel Hawthorne. “Young Goodman Brown” (1198-1207) The Scarlet Letter. Edgar Allan Poe. “The Black Cat” (1495-1501). “The Purloined Letter” (1501-1513) Herman Melville. “Benito Cereno” (2293-2347). “Bartleby, the Scrivener” (2234-2258)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Baym, Nina, et all., eds. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1994 (1979), Fourth Edition. Bercovitch, Sacvan. Puritan Origins of the American Self. Yale University Press, 1975. Bercovitch, Sacvan e d. The Cambridge History of American Literature. Cambridge University Press, 1994. Brooks, Cleanth, Lewis R.W. and Warren, R.P. American Literature: The Makers and the Making. New York: St. Martin´s, 1973. Burillo Gadea, M. Rosa. Señas de Identidad. Introducción al Relato Norteamericano. Madrid. Endymión, 2007. Cunliffe, Marcus. The Literature of the United States. Penguin, 1970. Elliot, Emory e d. Columbia Literary History of the United States. N.Y. Columbia University Press, 1988. Hart, James D. The Oxford Companion to American Literature. O.U.P. 1965. Kolodny, Annette. Land Before Her: Fantasy and Experience of the American Frontiers, 1630-1860. University of North Carolina Press, 1984. Levin, Harry. The Power of Blackness: Hawthorne, Poe, Melville. New York: Knopf, 1958. Matthiessen, F.O. American Renaissance. New York: Oxford University Press, 1941. Miller, Perry. The Transcendentalists. Harvard University Press, 1950. Pease, Donald. Visionary Compacts: American Renaissance Writings in Cultural Contexts. University of Wisconsin Press, 1987. Pérez Gállego, Cándido. Historia de la Literatura Norteamericana. Taurus, 1988. Reynolds, David. Beneath the American Renaissance. New York: Alfred K. Nopf, 1988. Tompkins, Jane. Sensational Designs: The Cultural Work of American Fiction, 17901860. Oxford University Press, 1985. Walter, Marshall. The Literature of the United States of America. Macmillan, 1983.

PROSA Y FICCIÓN DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS I (hasta 1850) - La asignatura se impartirá siguiendo el orden de contenidos de la programación adjunta. Se incidirá en cómo los acontecimientos históricos y socio-económicos han marcado el modo de pensar, la cultura y, en consecuencia, la literatura de cada etapa. - Las lecturas obligatorias se incluyen en la programación dentro del contexto histórico y formal al que pertenecen. - Los autores se estudiarán dentro de su época y de su género. Se estudiará vida, obra y crítica de cada autor, con especial referencia a las lecturas obligadas. Se valorará la opinión de los alumnos al respecto. -La evaluación final consistirá en: 1. Un examen de contenidos que incluye las lecturas obligatorias. 2. Un trabajo escrito en grupos de dos sobre un texto de uno de los autores del programa distinto al de las lecturas seleccionadas como obligatorias. 3. La participación en clase del alumno. -El examen consistirá en 6 preguntas cortas que se valorarán a 1 punto por pregunta y un tema que se valorará a 4 puntos. -El trabajo escrito y la participación del alumno en clase constituirán el 30 % de la nota final, siempre y cuando el examen consiga un mínimo de 4 puntos. Si se tiene menos de 4 en el examen, se considera que no se conoce suficientemente la asignatura. -Los trabajos escritos no excederán de dos folios. Constarán de Introducción, ideas con citas idóneas del texto y conclusiones. -Por razones de tiempo sólo se expondrán en clase uno o dos trabajos por autor. -Las AAD se harán con cita previa. Estarán encaminadas a orientar la estructura de los trabajos escritos o a aclarar dudas sobre el contenido de las lecturas. -Las clases se darán en inglés o español por mayoría simple votada por los alumnos.

PRECOLONIAL AMERICA: “The Iroquois Creation Story” -Wilderness or order?


-Type of language. Way of writing:

-What would you say about the Indians?

PURITANS. 1. Simplicity. As a reaction to hierarchy. Spontaneity. Sincerity.

2. Hero as pragmatist. Individual identity achieved by doing through time and space. A religious adventure, a divine mission.

2. Idealism. Cult to the hero. Devotion to a theory or a candidate. Faithful.

3. Material, economic progress in life. Competition. Will to power.

4. Signs of the divine in every single detail in life. It accounts for symbolism in Literature.

5. Virtue and order opposite to otherness and chaos. Rectitude. Aim at being edifying and nice. Intolerance and prejudice. Americans as judges and policemen_bellicose_versus a hostile environment. Wilderness. Otherness. Indians.

7. Puritans lack aesthetic sense.

THE ENLIGHTENMENT 1. They admire the order of Nature and Natural Law. This includes the natural rights of man. It includes liberating emotions. It assumes a reverence to the Creator.

2. Empirical observation of facts. Locke and Newton.

3. Logical thought as method into ideas. Knowledge enlightens, this knowledge demands authority and requires obedience from less qualified citizens. Intellectuals and men of Science as honest and unified leaders, a model of rectitude. Maturity versus inmaturity as ignorance.

4. Reverence for technology and free enterprise and commerce.

5. In Literature from knowledge to emotion in climatic moments. This includes in the name of God as a convenient device. Aims at unified action, praxis, encouragement for the revolutionary cause.

6. They suspect tradition, they despise ignorance and superstition, and institutionalized religion.

7. Religion is allowed in its broader sense. Tolerance towards diversity in religion. Fear of theocratic power and the power of the ministers. Religious and civil powers shall never mix.

WASHINGTON IRVING: 1. From empirical observation of facts in the natural order of things to empirical observation of human beings and the natural rights of mankind. 1.1. Antihero. Creation of a model. Types.

1.2. Idleness as a positive value

1.3. Mild disposition and kindness as happiness

1.4. Politically off

2. Distrust of hero as pragmatist. Distrust of progress. Reaction to technology.

3. Literary strategies: 3.1. Literary persona

3.2. Humour

3.3. Fantasy

3.4. restating through detail

3.5. Election of vocabulary contributes to positive or negative consideration of characters.

3.6. Developing action, thrilling moments and climax

3.7. Manipulation of fictional time.

3.8. Legend as truth versus tradition.

JAMES FENIMORE COOPER 1. From empirical observation of facts in the natural order of things to empirical observation of human beings and the natural rights of mankind. -Frontier hero. Spontaneity. Individuality. A self-made code of behaviour in contact with the frontier. Different consideration of the wild. Able of harship and tenacity.

-People from the East. Domesticity. Sophistication. Progress.

2. Literary devices: -Election of vocabulary

-The narrator

-Action, suspense, climax

-The use of the dialogues

3. Revision of model, change of attitude, change in judgement of moral values in contact with the frontier. Change in treatment of otherness and the wild. Tolerance.

TRANSCENDENTALISM: 1. Devotion to existence associated to an almost pantheist concept of the Divine.

2. Self-reliance. Body and soul.

3. Good and evil. Way to perfection, virtue.