Prospects for Saline Agriculture

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Salsoloid type of Kranz anatomy) , suggest a C4 ... Kranz and non-Krantz anatomy was reported recently ...... Grover A, Sahi C, Sanan Nand Grover A (1999).

Tasks for vegetation science 37 SERIES EDITORS A. Kratochwil, University of OsnabrUck, Germany H. Lieth, University of OsnabrUck, Germany

The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume.

Prospects for Saline Agriculture

Edited by

R.AHMAD Department ojBotany, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan


K.A. MALIK Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan


A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

ISBN 978-90-481-6019-8 ISBN 978-94-017-0067-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-0067-2

Acacia ampliceps grown at coastal sandy belt using highly saline water for irrigation. Photograph taken by Dr. Shoaib Ismail.

Printed on acid~free paper

All Rights Reserved © 2002 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2002 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2002 No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work.


Table of contents



Introduction by Series Editor




Concept Papers 1- Prospects for saline agriculture in Pakistan: Today and Tomorrow. Kauser A. Malik 2- Salt of the earth: time to take it seriously. E.G. Barrett-Lennard


Regional Papers 3- Ecological conservation and reclamation of arid/saline lands under agricultural system development in Kyzylkum deserts of Uzbekistan K.N.Toderich, T. Tsukatani, R.I. Goldshtein, V.B. Aparin and A.A .Ashurmetov 4- Biogeocenotic principles and methods of degraded pastures phytomelioration in

Central Asia and Russia. Z.Sh. Shamsutdinov and N.Z. Shamsutdinov 5- A study on salt pollution cycle of cultivated land between drainage and irrigation in the main stream of Tarim River, Xinjiang, China. Ji Fang, Ma Yingjie and Fan Zili 6- Desert forages of the Arabian Peninsula - the sustainable use of salt affected soils through conservation and evaluation. A. Dakheel, M. E. Ferguson, G. Al-Hadram, A. Saleh, I. R. McCann and J. M. Peacock 7- Use of saline drainage water for irrigation, reclamation and cultivation of new land areas in Sinai Peninsula. Mohamed Talaat El-Saidi







Cereals Wheat 8- Conventional and alien genetic diversity for salt tolerant wheats: Focus on current status and new gerrnplasm development. Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi and Jose Luis Diaz De Leon


9- Recent advances in the development of salinity and waterlogging tolerant bread wheats. P.A. Hollington, J. Akhtar, R. Aragties, Z. Hussain, A.R. Mahar, S.A. Quarrie, R.H. Qureshi, A. Royo and M. Saqib.


10- Development/selection of salinity and waterlogging tolerant wheat genotypes. J. Akhtar, S. Nawaz, R.H. Qureshi, M. Aslam and M. Saqib


11- Exploitation of genetic variation for improvement of salt tolerance in spring wheat. M. Ashraf


12- Aegilops ovata: a potential gene source for improvement of salt tolerance of wheat. Shafqat Farooq.


13- Tissue ion content of wheat and maize irrigated with blended and alternate use of canal and tubewell water. Dr. M.I.Lone


14- Genes inducing salt tolerance in wheat, Lophopyrum elongatum and amphiploid and their responses to ABA under salt stress Maher M. Noaman, J. Dvorak, and J.M. Dong


15- Effect of ABA seed pre-treatment on the response of wheat (Tritium aesitivum L.) to salinity, with special reference to plant growth, ion relations and protein patterns. J.Din and T J Flowers


16- Salt acclimation of wheat salt sensitive cultivar by polyamines. M.M.F. Mansour, M.M. Al-Mutawa, K.H.A. Salama and A .M.F.Abou Hadid. 17- Effects of salinity and pH on ion uptake in SARC-1 wheat under hydroponic conditions. Manzoor Ahmad RICE 18- Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Bangladesh indica for conferring salt




tolerance. Zeba I. Seraj, M. Bakhtiar Hossain, Noorain M.Rasul, Hasina Akhter, Haseena Khan, Shamim Hossain, M. A. Salam and Glenn Gregorio


19- Causes of sterility in rice under salinity stress. Zaibunnisa Abdullah Mushtaq A. Khan and T. J. Flowers


20- Rice cultivation in saline soils. Aisha Shereen, R.Ansari, T.J.Flowers, A.R.Yeo and S.A.Ala


Millet 21- Effect of brackish water on growth and nutrient contents of Bajra (Pennisetum typhoideum L.)


S. M. Alam and R. Ansari

Other Crops 22- Intra-specific variation for salt tolerance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). S. Ahmad, M. Ashraf and M.D. Khan


23- Reproductive physiology of cotton under saline conditions. Ali Zafar J afri And Rafiq Ahmad


24- Fodder beet "A new fodder crop for salt affected lands of Pakistan". Mushtaq Ahmad Khan, Zaib.Abdullah and Jelte Rozema


25- Genotypic behavior of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) towards salinity. M. Y as in, M. A. Zahid, A. Ghafoor and Z. Ahmad


26- Salt tolerance potential in some members of Brassicaceae, physiological studies on water relations and mineral contents. M. Yasin Ashraf and G. Sarwar 27- Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), a potential new crop for Pakistan. S.E. Jacobsen, P.A. Hollington and Z. Hussain 28- Comparative performance of different canola varieties under various salinity regimes. Humaira Gul, Rafiq Ahmad and Shoaib Ismail

237 247



Forestry 29- Farm forestry options for saline environments. Nico Marcar 30- The utilization of highly saline water in planting and vegetable growing in desert hinterland. Pan Borong and Gu Fengxue 31- Growth, ion uptake, agro-industrial uses and environmental implications of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in saline systems. Z. Aslam, A.R. Awan, M.A.A. Qureshi, T. Mahmood, M.l. Haq, A.K. Chaudhry and K.A. Malik 32- Economic use of degraded land and brackish water by growing salt tolerant trees. Muhammad Ramzan Chaudhry, Muhammad Iqbal and Khalid Mahmood Subhani 33- Effect of salt stress on Rhizobium and growth of Acacia ampliceps. D.H.Roomi, Rafiq Ahmad, S.Ismail and A.Ghaffar






Halophytes 34- Developing cash crops from halophytes. Helmut Lieth, Carsten Zeilinger and J utta Papenbrock


35- New developments in the world of saline agriculture. Nicholas P. Yensen, ClAD and NyPa Int'l


36- Halophytic characteristics and potential uses of Allenrolfea occidentalis. Darrell J. Weber, Bilquees Gul and M. Ajmal Khan


37- Arthrocnemum macrostachyum : a potential case for agriculture using above seawater salinity. M. Ajmal Khan and Bilquees Gul


38- Salt tolerance in Salicornia rubra from a salt playa of Great Basin Desert. Bilquees Gul, M. Ajmal Khan and Darrell J. Weber


39- Plant and soil relationship in different halophytic communities. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Sabia Maleeha and Muhammad Shafiq



40- Role of saltbush (Atriplex Spp.) in animal production systems of Mediterranean climate. Atiq-ur-Rehman 41- Growth and mineral nutrition of some halophytes in condition of sea water irrigation. Noomene Sleimi and Chedly Abdelly

385 403


42- Cropping of Glycyrrhiza Glabra on the secondary salinity soils. N.Z. Shamsutdinov


43- Demonstration of bios aline agriculture for fodder production. Rafiq Ahmad and Shoaib Ismail


44- On-farm seed priming: a key technology for improving the livelihoods of resource-poor farmers on saline lands. A. Rashid, D. Harris, P.A. Hollington and R.A. Khattak 45- Role of soil amendments in saline agriculture. M. Salim, M. Ahmad, N. Hussain and B. H. Niazi

423 433


46- Establishment of field nursery for cultivation of mangroves at Miani Hor, Pakistan. Fayyaz Rasool and S.M. Saifullah


4 7- Copper contamination in Indus Delta mangroves of Karachi. S. M. Saifullah , Sarwat Ismail and S. H. Khan


Key words Index


Author Index




The productivity of food, forage, fodder and vegetation, in general, is diminishing worldwide at a very fast rate. One of the causes , that may have catastrophic consequences, is desertification and increase in saline land area, the two being complementary to each other. Desertification is threatening rangeland, rain-fed cropland as well as canal-irrigated land in arid areas on a global scale. Current estimates show that about 0.4 million hectares of land in Pakistan is being rendered useless every year by salinity. The consequences of this trend in terms of both economy and environmental quality are dire and far-reaching, especially for countries that are heavily dependent on agriculture. Scientific and technological remedies are urgently needed to offset the impending threat of desertification and salinity. It gives me some satisfaction that the scientific and biotechnological methods of saline agriculture and afforestation developed in recent years are beginning to provide some relief, as is evident from the variety of papers that were read during the course of this "International Seminar on Prospects for Saline Agriculture". The keenness with which the overseas scientists joined hands with our researchers, reflects their desire to overcome the problem through collective and collaborative scientific efforts. I am very pleased that Pakistan Academy of Sciences took timely and a most welcome action by deciding to hold this seminar in Islamabad in collaboration with the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) of the Organizations of Islamic Countries (OIC) and Pakistan Agricultural Research Council. The financial support of Dr. A. Q. Khan Research Laboratories, Hamdard Foundation Pakistan and Pakistan Science Foundation is equally laudable.

The publication of the proceedings of the seminar in the book form is an achievement that would facilitate determination of new directions of research in the field of saline agriculture in affected countries. The methodologies of saline agriculture that are in practice in other parts of the world and compiled in this book will be very useful to countries faced with similar harsh climatic and edaphic conditions. the efforts of all those scientists who participated in the seminar and of the editors of the book. Dr. Rafiq Ahmad and Dr. Kauser A. Malik, are commendable and worthy of my deepest appreciation. Dr. A. Q. Khan, N.l. & Bar, H.l., Advisor to President of Pakistan, President, Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan.


Introduction to the volume by the Series Editor

Since its beginning the T:VS series has dealt with salinity problems and halophytic vegetation The list of relevant volumes at the end if this volume speaks for itself Among these are the two volumes of the 1990 AI Ain symposium volume 28 of special importance. In a way they mark the beginning of a new era of investigating the solutions for salinity problems by using halophytes as crops in general. Furthermore they were the starting point for the concerted effort of the European Commission to fund saline systems research and in the Arabian world it was the fmal push to start special institutions for the development of sustainable saline agriculture, e.g. the Biosaline Institute in Dubai. In the wake of this development new research programs developed in many countries around the subtropical desert belt and in the Mediterranean and Caribbean region Contributions come now from many comers of the relevant continents and the T: VS series cannot absorb all the contributions provided by the scientists involved. New societies are developing which deal with terrestrial and intertidal saline vegetation. And it is only timely that the genetic research on salt tolerance has started in this time with serious research projects. The present volume is the result of activities that developed parallel to the activities in the United Arab Emirates and Europe. The editor of this volume, Dr. Rafique Ahmad is a long time pioneer in saline ecosystems and halophyte utilisation who has published several books about this subject. It was due to his effort that the symposium in Islamabad became a significant event for the development of saline agriculture. It was clear already during the meeting that a large group of scientists in Pakistan and adjacent countries were ready to start new research projects and at the same time the granting agencies were ready to provide resources for such research. I assume that this volume will provide another push for the development of saline agriculture in areas where the environmental conditions, be it soil, water or climate, prevent rainfead, agricultural production or fresh water irrigation systems. Much of the research presented at this meeting will be trendsetting for general application world wide. More work is needed in this area to provide a scientific base for saline agriculture and cashcrop halophytes as we do have it for our common crops. Saline systems will become a main basis for the food and feed supply for the human population and our domestic animals. We hope that this volume will serve as a contribution to that goal. We thank Dr. Rafique Ahmad and his colleagues for their work to make this symposium happening and to provide the results in this volume to the scientific community. We hope that we can provide more volumes of this nature as outcome of future activities of the International Society of Halophyte Utilisation. We thank the publisher for the effort to bring forward a book of high quality. Our special thanks go toMs Mary Kelly who took every effort in helping to make this book into another significant contribution of the T: VS series for the community. Osnabrueck, February 2002

Helmut Lieth, founding president International Society ofHalophyte Utilisation(ISHU)



The importance of undertaking agriculture on waste saline land is well known and does not need any further justification. A variety of methodological approaches are being used the world over to combat the menace of salinity and desertification with the objective of promoting saline agriculture. Biotechnological aspect of inducing salt tolerance in plants include breeding for salt tolerance, making use of tissue culture, bombardment with high velocity projectile transient DNA, use of Agro-bacteria etc, whereas biosaline aspect deals with selection of salt tolerant plants of commercial importance from existing flora of conventional and non-conventional (halophytic) crops and their rehabilitation at saline land or with saline water irrigation. The former technique, no doubt based on scientific knowledge is hopefully expected to solve the problem, but due to lack of any break through on time scale, is still waiting for commercial exploitation, where as the later has in the mean while, provided comparatively cheaper plant oriented solution. Papers included in this book are divided under various chapters. The concept papers describe the salt land as a resource capable of significant production based on the experience gained through growing grazable salt bushes in Australia and Pakistan. The Biotechnological approach after discussing some recent technologies based upon rehabilitation of salt tolerant plants is profounded by example of Kallar grass (Leptochloa fusca) cultivation in Pakistan for commercial purpose at saline/alkaline partially waterlogged land. The thrust of the regional papers has been on afforestation and agriculture in desert areas. The presentation about Taklamakan Desert of China using highly mineralized salty water containing 4 to 5 mg/1 salt are of great importance for not only providing green cover but also vegetable from barren sandy desert where good quality water is not available. Potentials of using saline water for irrigation, reclamation and cultivation at hot sandy desert of Sinai Peninsula of Egypt is an other example of success in practicing saline agriculture for bringing economically feasible return to the dwellers of barren land. Papers presented on phytosociological system of arid/saline deserts of Russia and Central Asia are useful contribution for selection of halophytic plants for soil conservation and establishment of man made halophytic pasture. The holistic approach for the conservation of salt affected and degraded arid land through identification and rehabilitation of indigenous desert forage and looking into possibilities of introducing halo-xeric grasses, prostrate vegetation and halophytic fodder bushes as mentioned in context of Arabian Peninsula are important not only in starting cattle farming but also stopping shifting of sand thus bringing an impact on improving environment of arid land.


Papers presented for the improvement of salt tolerance in cereals deal with wheat, rice and millet. Exploitation of conventional and alien gene pool for inducing salt tolerance in wheat has been a subject of great interest. Synthetic hexaploid germplasm developed from combination of grasses with Triticum turgidum provided resource for transferring salt tolerant genes in wheat. Transfer of gene base characters for salt tolerance through hybridization in wheat and rice presented by several authors in this section are of great importance. Pre-treatment with abscisic acid has shown increase in yield of salt sensitive wheat varieties and even enhanced expression of early salt tolerance induced genes (ESI). Efforts on use of Agrobacterium in transformation of gene responsible for producing osmoprotective compounds which is a physiological character for building salt tolerance, reported in Bangladesh Indica rice open another avenue in this direction. Manipulation of saline water irrigation at different stages of growth in wheat and maize has been shown of practical importance. Papers presented on the growth of vegetables, fodder beet, lentil, mustard, cotton and canola by various research workers provide a step further towards their rehabilitation in saline environment. The aspect of farm forestry and rehabilitation of salt affected land is very well covered in the light of Australian experiences and the information based on collaborative researches in Pakistan. The paper provides a guideline and identify tree species for cultivation under similar saline habitat elsewhere. Based on their research finding, cultivation of commercially valuable tree species e.g. Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Populus deltoides, Casuarina glauca, Tamarix gallica, Acacia nilotica, Conocarpus lancifolius and Acacia ampliceps have been recommended on soils of various salinity regimes. Involvement of farming community in promoting agroforestery at saline land has been recommended for better results. Papers dealing with selection of cash crop from halophytes, cover an important aspect of the subject. Being acclamatized to saline environment they could be directly exploited for the benefit after conducting a few experimental trails. Potential uses of Allenrolfea occidentalis and Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, Salicornia rubra for animal feed and oil crop have been highlighted by various authors. Papers on grazable halophytes with special reference of Atriplex species have demonstrated its importance in establishing halophytic pasture at saline land. Role of salt bushes in animal production system has also been demonstrated. Importance of mangrove to improve coast line ecosystem, establishment of their field nurseries for undertaking large scale cultivation and use of their forage and fruits as animal fodder in several countries has also been well documented. The book covers results of the research work undertaken in many directions by the scientists all over the world with promises to develop salt tolerant germling out of conventional crops. It also deals with selection and acclamatization of useful plants for food, forage, fuel and afforestation out of existing halophyte flora. The book is expected to provide useful information for post graduate students, researchers and growers of saline land.


This book is an outcome of the International Seminar held on Prospects for Saline Agriculture (Islamabad, Pakistan, 2000) jointly sponsored by the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Standing Committee on Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Countries and Pakistan Agriculture Research Council. Services offered by Dr. Shoaib Ismail, Associate Proffesor, Botany -Plant Pysiology, University of Karachi (Presently Halophyte Agronomist, International Centre of Biosaline Agriculture, Dubai, UAE) and Ms. Humaira Gul, Post graduate student, Department of Botany, University of Karachi for organizing the seminar and preparing format of the book are thankfully acknowledged. Editors: Dr. Rafiq Ahmad University of Karachi Karachi, Pakistan. Dr. Kausar A. Malik PakistanAtomic Energy Commission Islamabad. Pakistan.

Prospects for Saline Agriculture in Pakistan: Today and Tomorrow Kauser A. Malik Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Presently Member (Bioscience) Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Islamabad

Abstract: A brief description of soil salinity has been presented with reference to Pakistan along with biological approach for controlling this problem. Cultivation of Kallar grass (Leptochloa fusca) at saline/alkaline soils has been specially mentioned in this c01mection. After giving an account of the mechanism of salt tolerance in plant some modem techniques used have been mentioned in this connection. Extant of salt tolerance investigated through hydroponic culture has been listed for some plants.

Keywords: Salt tolerance, Kallar grass, Plant breeding, Recombination DNA technology. Introduction Salinity, sodicity and water logging are major problems of agriculture of Pakistan. At present around 6.5 million hectares of land is salt affected. This salinization is mainly due to lack of drainage of groundwater and a rising water table caused by extensive seepage from the rivers and the irrigation systems. Complete solutions of this problem would entail an effective drainage system throughout the Indus Basin. That would not only require inputs of capital and energy on a scale far beyond available national resources but would also need decades to complete. In view of this situation, scientists at Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad had been working on the basis that soils are not just a mass of dead chemicals but is a living system harbouring numerous chemical and biological processes and is in constant interaction with several envirorunental factors. The saline-sodic soils have an excess of sodium, are impermeable to water, have little or no organic matter and are biologically almost dead. Based on these assumptions, Sandhu and Malik ( 1975) proposed a plant succession on such soils starting from highly salt tolerant plants followed by lesser salt tolerant

plants. This strategy has been tenned as Biological Approach for utilization of salt affected soils (Malik 1978). In this scheme, Leptochloa fusca (Kallar grass), being highly salt tolerant to salinity (Sandhu 1981) and sodicity (Ahmad 1979) is used as primary colonizer for plant establishment and biomass production on saline lands. Soil conditions also improve in the process and less salt tolerant plants can be introduced. Introduction of a salt tolerant crop will provide a green cover and will improve the envirorunent for biological activity, increase organic matter and will help fertility. The penetrating roots will provide crevices for downward movement. of water and thus help leaching of salts from the surface. The plant growth will also result in higher carbon dioxide levels, and would thus create acidic conditions in the soil that would dissolve the insoluble calcium carbonate and will help exchange of sodium with calcium ions on the soil complex. Further, the biomass produced could also be used as green manure which will quicken the lowering of pH and result in further release of ionic calcium. The soil structure, its permeability, its biological activity and fertility cold thus be restored and with extra irrigation the surface salts could be leached down (Malik 1986)

R.Ahmad and KA. Malik (eds.) Prospects for Saline Agriculture. 1-6. 2002. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


A complete amelioration of the deleterious soil effect can be achieved if good irrigation water for leaching the salts is available. However, irrigation is already in a short supply for existing arable lands in Pakistan and therefore its use for reclaiming the salt affected wastelands is not feasible. In order to overcome this problem, brackish underground water has been used for leaching the salts in the above described biological approach. The chemical and physical properties of the saline sodic soils where Kallar grass was grown for different periods were monitored. It was shown that the relative hydraulic conductivity increased which resulted in an accelerated leaching of salts downward resulting in removal of salts form the top soil layer essential for plant growth (Akhtar 1988) In order to effectively implement this biological approach, work has been carried out on the following aspects:

• •

Screening of plants for salt tolerance. Mechanism of salt tolerance.

• • • •

Development of salt tolerant variation Conventional plant breeding Recombinant DNA technology Utilization of biomass on saline lands.

Screening of plants for salt tolerance The plants are not only known to grow in all kinds of extreme environments but also have inherent ability to adapt to varying degrees to such stress. Therefore the best strategy is flrst to look for natural ability of plants to tolerate such abiotic stresses like salinity. In order to accumulate this information large number of germplasm of different plant species collected from Pakistan and elsewhere have been screened using a gravel culture hydroponic method (Qureshi 1977). The salt tolerance limits were calculated on the basis of 50% reduction in the biomass yield as compared to the control. An up to date list of plant species screened so far is presented in Table I. The plants are listed in their decreasing order of salt tolerance. These in-

elude forage crops, legumes, different grasses and some fast growing trees (Niazi 1985,


1987; Mahmood, NIAB 1987). The screening of all the germplasm is quite time consuming and laborious as all the plant species tested were grown to maturity or flowering before determining their salt tolerance. However such information is useful while devising strategies for utilizing salt affected areas and also for introducing salt tolerance to other crops using conventional or modem biotechnological methods. Majority of the plant species screened so far have also been tested in the field at the Biosaline Research Station of NIAB near Lahore. However among all the plants screened, Leptochloa fuse a (Kallar grass) has been selected as the primary colonizer of saline lands for its various properties including salt tolerance. It is a perennial grass having C-4 photosynthetic pathway (Zafar and Malik 1984) and having highly efficient associative nitrogen fixation in its rhizosphere (Malik 1988; Malik and Bilal 1988) with its annual biomass yield as high as 50 tons/ha. This grass has therefore been used as a model lignocellulosic substrate that can be produced on salt affected wastelands and converted by various biotechnological procedures into value added products. Such possible uses of Kallar grass have been presented in Figure. 1. Mechanism of salt tolerance For a successful strategy for developing salt tolerant plant species, an understanding of the basis of osmoregulation is essential (Mccue and Hanson 1990). It is generally Part of this table is taken from "15 years of NIAB", a report published by Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology 1987. This table is based on published material referred to in the text believed that there is no universal mechanism of salt tolerance. However. Some of the mechanisms so far encountered are (i) curtailment of Na+ influx and prevention of intracellular Na accumulation that reduce the need to pump out excess Na+ and converse energy.

Table. 1. Salt Tolerance Of Different SpeciesNarieties Carried Out Under Controlled Hydroponic Condition. All Plants Were Grown To Maturity/Flowering


Salt tolerance

Suaeda fruticosa Kochia indica Atriplex amnicola Acacia combagei Atriplex lentiformis Atriplex undulata Atriplex crassifolia Leptochloa fusca (Kallar grass) Sporobolus arabicus Cynodon dactylon (Tift 78) Brassica napus (Gobhi sarson) Beta vulgaris (Fodder beet) Hordeum vulgar (barley) 6 cultivars Sorghum vulgare (JS-263) Sorghum vulgare (JS-1) Acacia calcicola Panicum antidotale Sorghum valgare (Japani millet) Pholypogon monspeliensis Cynodon doctylon Sesbania aculeata (Dhancha) Hasawi rushad Leucaena leucocephala (Ipil-Ipil) Medicago sativa (Lucerne Hajazi) Sesbania rostrata Macroptilium atropurpureum (Siratro) Lolium multiflorum (Italian rey grass) Echinochloa colonum (Swank) Acacia kempeana Dichanthium annulatum Acacia aneura Acacia cunnighamii Acacia holosericea Desmostachya bipinnata Panicummaxium(N-S-I) Panicum maxium (Exotic) Sorgilum halepene

(mS/cm) 48.0 38.0 33.0 27.7 23.0 22.5 22.5 22.0 21.7 21.0 19.5 19.0 19.5 16.7 16.5 16.5 16.0 15.0 13.7 13.2 13.0 12.5 12.4 12,2 12.0 12.0 11.2 11.2 11.0 11.0 5.0 9.4 9.0 9.0 9.0 8.5 7.0

(ii) Accumulation of internal osmoticum in the form of inorganic ions such as K+ or organic solutes such as glycerol, sucrose, trehalose, proline, glutamate, glutamine or glycine solutes such as glycerol, sucrose, trehalose, proline, glutamate,Glutarnine or glycine betaine and (iii) metabolic adjustments to tune the cellular activities to function at higher internal osmoticum. All these mechanisms imply


modifications of the synthesis of cell proteins to facilitate osmotic adaptation. Recently Maathuis and Antmann (1999) have reviewed the role K+/Na+ ration in salt tolerance. Several proteins have been characterized that play prominent roles in the regulation of K+ and /or Na+ fluxes. Detailed investigations have been made on the mechanism of salt tolerance in Kallar grass (Malik 1986). It showed high uptake of salts (Sandhu 1981; Bhatti 1985; Abdullah 1985) and there is no restriction on transport of Na+ and cr from roots to leave. Increased concentration of N a+ and C 1· in leaves and roots did not affect plant growth and no toxic symptoms were observed in the leaves. Sandhu et al. (1981) observed the accumulation of glycine betaine and proline in the leaves/roots, which act as compatible cytoplasmic solutes. Recently Aziz et al. (1993) studied salt response proteins of two ecotypes of Kallar grass and Atriplex and probed with antibodies raised against some of the slat induced protein of Klebsiella sp. NIAB-1 a bacterium isolated from roots of kallar grass. These results indicated presence of common epitopes among the salt responsive proteins. Development of salt tolerant plants Plant breeding The conventional approach for developing new plant varieties is through selection and breeding for high yield, disease resistance and other traits. The breeding programme for salt tolerance run into difficulty because of lack of basic understanding of the mechanisms of salt tolerance which is a polygenic character governed at levels of organization ranging from subcellular to organism. Most of the efforts in plant breeding for salt tolerance have been carried out in economic crops like wheat and rice (WYN Jones 1990; Brar 1986). However these efforts are constrained by the fact that many of the wild species for example wild rice which show some salt tolerance have no crossability with cultivated rice (Sitch 1990). Moreover non-availability of any pheno-

typic or biochemical markers for salt tolerance makes the conventional plant breeding quite difficult. Efforts have also been made to use radiation-induced mutation to crate genetic variability for selection of salt tolerance (Sajjad 1984) but desired results have not been obtained. Invitro Technologies The application of biotechnology to the genetic improvement of plant tolerance to salt stress offers exciting possibilities and in addition provides basic information regarding the biochemical and physiological mechanisms related to salt tolerance. One of such techniques which overcomes the problems of crossability of two species, is somatic hybridization through protoplasts fusion of two different plant species, one of which is salt tolerant. The hybrid cells could be selected by imposition of salt stress. The important step in such an approach is the availability of a method to regenerate the hybrid into whole plant. Some success has been obtained in several plant species namely brassica, potato, tobacco, alpha alpha, petunia, citrus etc. (Climelius 1991). Such an approach is now being applied to more important food crops such as rice and sugarcane. In recent years, somatic hybridization through protoplast fusion in rice has successfully been achieved by (Tereda et al. 1987); (Hayashi et al. 1988); (Finch et al. 1990). Plant regeneration through tissue culture has been achieved in basmati rice (Zafar et.al1992). The wild species represent an important reservoir of genetic diversity and are a source of genes controlling natural resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and other characters useful to rice breeders. Protoplast fusion coupled with an efficient screening protocol might be a practical way to transfer polygenic traits. It is a valuable complement to established plant breeding methods. Recombinant DNA technology With the recent developments in molecular biology it is now possible to transfer genes from


prokaryotes to eukaryotes. A number of genes have been found to contribute to osmotic adaptation in enteric bacteria. Prominent among these are Kdp A-E required for K+ uptake (Csonka 1989; Epstein 1986); ProU and proP required for transport of proline and glycine betaine; pro ABC required for synthesis of B proline, otsA and otsB required for synthesis of trehalose and betABT required for transport of choline and synthesis of glycine betaine from choline (May 1986). Recently Winicov (1998) has reviewed the new molecular approaches to improving salt tolerance in crop plants. Holmbers and Bulow (1998) reviewed the mechanism of in addition to these genes involved in osmoregulation, a plasmid pNIA.B I has been discovered in Klebsiella salinarium a mail bacteria, which harbors genes for salt tolerance (Qureshi 1990). This observation has been confirmed by genetic transformation of pNIAB-1 to E. coli Kl2 and K. pnumoniae MSAI. This plasmid has been characterized and has been shown to carry a 1.9 kb fragment which codes for glycine betaine transport (Qureshi This fragment is now being used to transform rice using pACT1 D vector after placing the fragment under rice Actin promoter for expression. Utilization of biomass One of the main facets of the biological approach is the economic utilization of biomass produced on saline lands using brackish underground water. One of the source of biomass in Leptochloa fusca (Kallar grass) which has been extensively studied (Malik 1986). Some of the uses of this grass are presented in Fig. 1. Its use as fodder is quite well established and its effect on livestock nutrition has been studied (Khanum 1986). The conversion of this material to compost has also been accomplished (Mahmood et.al1987) .. Photosynthesis is still the most efficient method for converting solar energy to chemical energy. Kallar grass has been used as a model biomass composed of lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose etc which is common to all such biomass.

Using various biotechnological methods it is now possible to convert this biomass into value added products thus making the biomass production of saline soil an economic proposition. Conclusions The biological approach for economic utilization of salt affected wastelands has become a reality as many national agencies and international organizations are keenly pursuing it because of its sustainable and environment friendly nature. It not only improves the general ecology of the area but in return provides farmers with economic benefits [8]. In order to improve this approach and derive maximum benefits, continuous input from scientific research both in basic and fields is essential. Refrences Abdullah, M., Qureshi, (1985) Rochloa fusca to various typs of substrate sainities. In: Prospects or Biosaline Research. Ahmad R and San Pietro (Eds.) Plenum Press, New York . Ahmad, Z., Saleem, M., Sanmdhu, G.R., Qureshi, R.H., (1979) Sodicity effects on growth and chemical composition of Diplachne fusca (Kallar grass). Pak. J. Bot. 11:123-128. Akhtar, J., Waheed, R.A., Niazi, M.L.K., Malik, K.A., Naqvi, S.H.M., (1988) Moisture properties of a saline sodic soil as affected by growing Kallar grass using brackish water. Reclamation and Revegetation Res. Anonymous (1987) Fifteen Years of NIAB , A Report. Nuclear Institute of Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad. Aziz N. A., Ali S. H., Ahmad N., Qureshi J. A. and Malik K. A. (1993). Comparison of salt stress responsive proteins in Atriplex amnicola antibodies and two ecotypes of Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth. Pak. J. Botany, 25(1 ): 29-39. Bhatti S.A., Sarwar, G., Tahir, M., (1985) Characteristics of N+ and K+ absorption in Leptochloa fusca (L) Kunth. In Prospects or biosaline rsearch (Ahmad R and San Pietro A (Eds), Plenum Press, New York. Brar, D.S., Khush, G.S., (1986) Wide hybridization and chromosome manipulation in cereals. In: Handbook of plant cell culture, vol: 4. Techniques and Applications. D A Evans et al (Eds), Macmillan Pub. Co. New York. Csonka, L.N. (1989) Physiological and genetic responses of bacteria to osmotic stress. Microbiol. Rev. 53: Epstein, W., (1986) Osmoregulation by potassium transport in E coli. FEMS. Microbial. Rev. 39: 73-78. Finch, R.P., Slamet, I.H., Cocking, E.C (1990) Production of heterokaryons by the fusion of mesophile protoplast


of Porteresia coarctata and cell suspension derived protoplast of Oryza sativa. A new approach to somatic hybridization in rice. J. Plant Physiol. 136: 589-592. Glimelius, K., (1991) Gene transfer via somatic hybridization in plants. TlliTECH 9:24-30 Hayashi, Y., Kyozaka, J., Shimamoto, K. (1988) Hybrids of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wild oryza species obtained by cel,l fusion Mol. Gen. Genet. 214: 6-10 Holmberg N and Bulow L (1998) Improving stress tolerance in plants by gene transfer. Trends in plant science 3(2): 61-66 Khanum S.A., Ali, M., Naqvi, S.M.H.(1986) Effect of feeding salt tolerant grasses on reproductive efficiency of dwarf goats. Paper presented at International Symposium on the use of Nuclear Techniques in Studies of Animal Production and Health in different Environments, IAEA Vienna, Austria, 26-27 Maathius F.J.M. and Amtmann A., (1999) K' Nutrition and Na+ Toxicity: The Basis of Cellular ka+/Na+ Ratios. Annals of Botany 84: 123-133 Mahmood K. and Malik K.A. (1986) Salt tolerant studies on Atriplex rhagodioides. Environmental and Experimetal Botany 27:119-125 Mahmood, T., Azam, F., Malik, K.A. (1987) Salt tolerance studies in different cultivars of barley. Pak. J. Bot. 19: Malik, K.A., (1978) Biological methods of reclamation of salt affected soils. In: Technology for Increasing Food Production. Proc. 2nd FAOIIAEA Seminar on Field Food Crops in Africa and New East, Lahore Pakistan Malik, K.A., Bilal, R., (1988) Survivals and colonization of inoculated bacteria in Kallar grass rhizosphere and quantification of N2-fixation. Plant and Soil, 110: Malik K.A., Aslam, Z., Naqvi S.H.M., (1986) Kallar grass - A plant for saline land. Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad, Pakistan Malik, K.A., Bilal, R., Azam, F., Sajjad, M.I., (1988) Quantification of Nrfixation and survival of inoculated diazotrophs associated with roots of Kallar grass. Plant and Soil 108: 43-51. May, G., Faatz, E., Villarejo, M., Brembner, E., (1986) Binding protein dependent transport of glycine betaine and its osmotic regulation in Escherichia coli K12. Mol. Geb. Genet. 205: 225-233 Mccue U.F.and Hanson A.D. (1990) Drought and salt tolerance: towards understanding and application. TlliTECH 8:358-362 Niazi M.L.K., Haq M.I. and Malik K.A.(1985) Salt tolerance studies on Ipil Ipil (Leucaena leucocephela L.)

Pak. J. Bot 17:43-47 Niazi M.L.K., Mahmood K. and Malik K.A. (1987) Salt tolerance studies in different cultivars of barley. Pak. J. Bot. 19:17-27 Qureshi, J.A., Malik, K.A., (1990) Evidence for a plasmid conferring salt-tolerance in the plant-root associated, diazotroph Klebsiella sp. Biotechnology Letters, Vol. 12(2) Qureshi, J.A., Ali R., Shah W.A., Ahmad N, Khattak K.F. & Malik K.A. (1993). Hypersaline-stress Protection in Organisms Found in Saline-Soils. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Biotechnology for Sustainable Development, Dec. 15-20, 1993. Eds. Kauser A. Malik, Anwar N aseem & A.M. Khalid, NlliGE, Faisalabad, Pakistan Qureshi, R.H., Salim, M., Aslam, Z., Sandhu, G.R. (1977) An improved gravel culture technique for salt tolerance studies in plants. Pak. J. Agric. Sci, 14: 11-18. Sajjad, M.S., (1984) Breeding for salt tolerance in rice strains Inti. Rice Res. Newsletter 9: Sandhu, G.R. and Malik, K.A., (1975) Plant succession-A key to the utilization of saline soils. The nucleus, 12: 35-38. Sandhu, G.R., Aslam, Z., Saleem, M., Sattar, A., Qureshi, R.H., Ahmad, N., Wynjones, R.G., (1981) The effect of salinity on the yield and composition of Diplachne fusca (Kallar grass). Plant, Cell and Environment 4 Sitch, L.A., (1990) Incompatibility harries oprating in crosses of Oryza sativa with related species and genera. In: genetic manipulations in Plant Improvement. Gustafson JP (ed). Tereda R., Kyozaka, J.,Nishibayashi, S., Shimamoto, J.K., (1987) Plant regeneration from somatic hyubrids of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and barnyard grass (E. chinochloa oryzicola vasing) Mol. Gen. Genet. 210 Winicov I, (1998) New Molecular Approaches to Improving Salt Tolerance in Crop Plants. Annals of Botany 82: 703-710. Wyn Jones, R.G., Storey, R., Leigh, R.A., Ahmad, N., Pollard, A., (1977) A hypothesis in cytoplasmic osmoregulation. In: Regulation of cell membrane activities in plants. Marre e and Ciferri 0 (Eds) Amsterdam: 121-136 Zafar, Y., Malik, K.A., (1984) Photosynthetic system of Leptochloa fusca, Pak. J. Bot. 16(2): Zafar, Y., Wajid, A., Malik, K.A., Gamborg, O.L., (1992) Establishment of regenerating calli and cell suspension line of basmati rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. B-370). Pak. J. Bot. 24(1): 67-71


Salt of the earth: time to take it seriously E.G. Barrett-Leonard Interim Director, Centre for the Management of Arid Environments, Kalgoorlie, WA 6430, Australia. Abstract. Salinity is a major desertification process affecting the agricultural productivity of irrigated and non-irrigated land resources. Human induced salinity presently occurs on about 80 Mba, but will affect substantially greater areas in the future. The limited available information suggests that salinity is highly damaging to economic prosperity and morale in agricultural communities, especially in developing countries. This paper argues that saltland is a resource capable of significant production. Experience from within Australia and Pakistan suggests that profitable new agricultural industries can be based around the growth of salt tolerant plants. It is argued that an urgent cooperative effort is required by technologists and affected communities to research, develop and implement new saline agricultural industries. Key words: Desertification process, Salt tolerant plants, Saline agriculture. Introduction

This paper argues for the development of saline agricultural systems in both 'developing' and 'developed' countries. We believe that adopting these systems will require: • major new community investments in research, development and extension, and • A change in community consciousness as to what is possible for saltland. The ideas presented here are based on the professional experience of the author in the development of saline agricultural systems in Westem Australia, and in Pakistan in two projects funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. This paper has four major themes: • Salinity has acute adverse effects on rural communities, especially in developing countries. • The availability of highly salt tolerant plants (halophytes) means that nearly all saltland is a potentially productive land resource. • Further research and development is needed to develop these productive systems. A change of heart is needed within the broader community (government, research, and farmers) as to what is possible with saltland.

Types of saltland Saltland is commonly divided into primary and secondary salinity. Primary salinity occurs naturally, and about 7% of the world's land surface (1000 million hectares) is affected (Dudal and Purnell, 1986). In contrast, secondary salinity is caused by human activity. It is mainly the consequence of increased seepage of water into irrigated and dryland agricultural landscapes, the development of shallow watertables, and the remobilization of salt stored in the soil profile to the soil surface. 1 Secondary salinity is presently estimated to occur on about 80 million hectares that were originally suitable for some form of agriculture (Table 1). Ta ble 1. Extent o f secon dlary salinity Continent Secondary salinity* (Mba) Africa 14.8 Asia 52.7 South America 2.1 North and Central America 2.3 Europe 3.8 Australasia 2.5 Total 78.2

1 Secondary salinity in irrigated areas can also be caused by the development of soil sodicity due to the use of irrigation water of high 'sodium hazard'. This is not considered to be as significant as seepage- for further information see Section 3.3.5 of Qureshi and Barrett-Leonard (1998).

R.Ahmad and K.A. Malik (eds.) Prospects for Saline Agriculture, 7-17, 2002. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


*Values are from Ghassemi et al. ( 1995), except Australasia, which are from Robertson (1996) and Ferdowsian eta/. (1996).

Salinity is a particular problem in irrigated land: more than 25% of irrigated land is saline in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, India, Pakistan and Syria (Choukr-Allah, 1996). The cause of salinity in irrigated land is intuitively obvious. Seepage occurs both in fields (when water is applied in excess of the requirements of crops) and as a result of leakage from unlined canals and water courses. As an example, in Pakistan we have estimated seepage at about 300 millimetres per year (averaged over the entire Canal Command Area- Qureshi and Barrett-Lennard, 1998). However, increased seepage can also occur in non-irrigated landscapes. The agricultural areas of the south-west of Western Australia provide a good example of 'dryland salinity'. Here the original native vegetation used nearly all the incident rainfall. However over the last 150 years, this vegetation was mostly removed (cleared) so that the land could be used for agriculture. With the introduced agricultural systems (based primarily on the use of annual crops and pastures) there was a seepage (leakage) of 3-10% of rainfall beneath the roots of the plants (George et al., 1997). This caused a gradual increase in water-tables and consequent salinity. In the absence of a radical redesign of irrigated and dryland agricultural systems, it appears likely that salinity will affect substantially greater areas in the future. Quantification of future salinisation requires a capacity for the modelling of landscape processes. For many countries there have been no estimates of future salinisation. However estimates made for Australia can be considered to be indicative. Australia currently has about 2.5 million hectares of secondary salinity (Robertson, 1996). Current hydrological modeling suggests that about 15 million hectares could be at risk.

Impacts of salinity on communities - indicative data from Pakistan The limited available data suggest that salinity is highly damaging to economic prosperity and

morale in agricultural communities, especially in developing countries. The data for Pakistan are indicative. During the period 1994-1996, the Joint Satiana Pilot Project conducted socio-economic surveys of eight villages in the Satiana area2 of the Punjab (a highly salt affected area) and two adjacent ('control') villages from a non-affected area. By every criterion of development examined, the villages from the Satiana area were worse off than the adjacent villages of the 'control' area. The following data are indicative:

• Typical household goods. With their reduced purchasing power, people from highly salt-affected Satiana area had substantially poorer access to all the basic household equipment surveyed than people from the 'control' villages (Figure 1). • Literacy. Literacy (especially of women) has been nominated as one of the major means by which developing countries begin to control the growth of their populations (Haq, 1997). However, in the salt-affected Satiana area, 56 percent of men and 91 percent of women were illiterate. These figures were substantial! y worse than for Pakistan on average, where 51 percent of males and 77 percent of females are illiterate (Haq, 1997). • Access to health care. People in saltaffected areas have poor access to basic health care facilities; in the Satiana area only one out of eight villages surveyed had a health clinic.

The Satiana area was once regarded as one of the most productive districts of Pakistan. Salinity in the area was caused by the rising of water-tables following the opening of the Lower Gugera Branch and Burala Branch Canals in 1892. At present, about 22 percent of land is affected by salinity; 9.7 percent is 'totally affected' and 12.2 percent is 'partially affected' (Ijaz and Davidson, 1997). 2


1 00 r---------------------------------------~~~~~

0 Non-affected area


0 refrigerator

washing machine

churning machine




sewing machine

Fig.l. Ownership of household goods in the highly salt-affected Satiana region and an adjacent non-affected region (after Ijaz and Davidson, 1997).

The conclusion that emerges from studies like that at Satiana is that rural communities with large areas of land affected by secondary salinity are exceptionally disadvantaged. Development projects targeting such communities through the introduction of profitable and productive saline agricultural systems would be of high value in alleviating rural poverty.

range of plant species; an example is given in Figure 3. As can be seen, there are a number of species of low salt tolerance, but the six species at the top of the figure have high salt tolerance and could be useful components within saline agricultural systems. World bibliographies (eg. Aronson, 1989) presently list more than 1500 species with high levels of salt tolerance.

3. The vision - saltland as a productive resource


For some time we have considered two basic propositions to be true: • All saltland is potentially productive. • Not all saltland is equally productive. These rather bold statements are based on an understanding of the salt tolerance of plants. Although nearly all crop plants are sensitive to salinity, we do have access to a group of highly salt tolerant plant species called halophytes, some of which are able to withstand salt concentrations in excess of those found in seawater (Figure 2). Using the kinds of data shown in Figure 2, we are able to start building matrices that summarise the tolerance of a






- - - river saltbush



-+- barl~y


........... beans

t o +-~-r~--r-~~~-4






Electrical conductivity (dS/m)

Fig.2. Growth response of three plant species to salinity. Barley (Gauch and Eaton, 1942; Greenway, 1965) and beans (Eaton, 1942) are typical non-halophytes. River saltbush (A triplex amnicola) is a typical halophyte (Aslam et at., 1986).


Electrical conductivity of root medium (ECe or ECw - dS/m) 1 0

2 0

4 0

3 0

5 0

6 0

•••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••• •

River aaltbuah IAtrirtex amnlcolal

Parklnaonia (Perkinsonle ecu/Nta. •

Mesquita (ProBoela {ulitlomL •

••ri••er,.. •



Coastal aheoak !Casuarina ;uiaa;li•.. •

Red river rum

'ii"l"'ii'a;ld;n•f • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kellar

gr••• (Le;tocllloa ,.,• .,..

Tall wheat rrooo.lytrigia elongate)

Data salm (Plloanix declyllfera)

~~roaif/sJiin••i8· Wheat !Triticuiiaailivum)

'MM"t 'M'$ WM?t'M"" Rhodes


08 •

(Chloris gayane)

Fig.3. Relative salt tolerance of a range of Pakistani plant species (after Qureshi and Barrett-Leonard, 1998). The salt concentrations over which we expect 25-50% reductions in shoot growth are indicated by the solid lines. More extreme growth reductions are indicated by the broken lines.

Using data sets like those in Fig. 3, we have identified 26 plant species capable of producing 13 products (or services) of value to agriculture in Western Australia (Table 2), and 23 plant species capable of producing 25 different products (or services) value to agriculture in Pakistan (Table 3).


Table 2. Functions/products from salt tolerant plant species in Western Australia.

Product/function Brushwood fencing Carbon sequestration Cineole and/or essential oils Fuel wood Fodder (meat, wool) Grain Honey




22 Organic chemicals 1-3, 10-12, 15-17,20-22 Pulpwood 15,22 Seed

18 15, 16 4,9, 14,24,26

2,3, 10-12,15,16,20 Tannin 1, 2, 4-9, 13, 14, 19,23- Timber products 26 13 Water-table drawdown 11, 16

2, 10, 16, 17 10, 11, 15 1-17, 19-22

The species were as follows: I, Acacia ampliceps (salt wattle); 2, Acacia saligna (WA golden wattle); 3, Acacia stenophylla (eumong); 4, Atriplex amnicola (river saltbush); 5, Atriplex cinerea (grey saltbush); 6, Atriplex lentiformis (quailbrush); 7, A triplex nummularia (old man saltbush); 8, Atriplex paludosa (marsh saltbush); 9, Atriplex undulata (wavy leaf saltbush); 10, Casuarina equisetifolia (coastal sheoak); 11, Casuarina glauca (swamp oak); 12, Casuarina obesa (swamp sheoak); 13, Distichlis spicata; 14, Elytrigia elongata (tall wheat grass); 15, Eucalyptus camaldulensis (river red gum); 16, Eucalyptus occidentalis (flat topped yate); 17, Eucalyptus sargentii (salt river gum); 18, Halosarcia spp. (samphire); 19, Maireana brevifolia (small leaf bluebush); 20, Melaleuca halmaturorum (Kangaroo Island paperback); 21, Melaleuca thyoides (scale-leaf honey myrtle); 22, Melaleuca uncinata (broombush); 23, Paspalum vaginatum (salt water couch); 24, Puccinellia ciliata (puccinellia); 25, Spartina alternifolia; 26 Trifolium michelianum (balansa clover). Table 3. Functions/products from salt tolerant plant species in Pakistan (after Qureshi and Barrett-Lennard, 1998)

Product/function Amenity value Charcoal Cineole Erosion control Ethanol production Fodder Fruit Fruit juice Fuel-wood Green manure Gum Hay Honey


3, 17,20,21 6, 12,17,22,23 9 I, 3, 6, 17, 22 11

1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17,19,20,23 10, 13, 15, 18, 21, 23 10 1,2,3,6,9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19,20,21,22,23 19 2 7, 8, 11 3, 9, 14, 16, 17

Product/function Lac Land reclamation Methane substrate Mushroom substrate Nitrogen fixation Posts/poles


23 11, 17, 19 11 11

6, 12, 14, 16,19,20 1,3,6, 12, 14, 16,17,20

Pulp Roofing Sugar

6,9, 12,20 15, 19

Tannin Timber Windbreak

2 2,3,9, 14, 16,17,22,23 1,20,21,22


* The species were as follows: 1, Acacia ampliceps (salt wattle); 2, Acacia nilotica (gum arabica); 3, Albizzia lebbek (1ebbek); 4, Atriplex amnicola (river saltbush); 5, Atriplex lentiformis (quai1brush); 6, Casuarina equisetifolia (coastal sheoak); 7, Chloris gayana (rhodes grass); 8, Elytrigia elongata (tall wheatgrass); 9, Eucalyptus camaldulensis (river red gum); 10, Grewia asiatica (phalsa); 11, Leptochloa fusca (kallar grass); 12, Leucaena leucocephala (leucaena); 13, Manilkara zapata (sapodilla); 14, Parkinsonia aculeata (parkinsonia); 15, Phoenix dactylifera (date palm); 16, Prosopis cineraria (jand); 17, Prosopis juliflora (mesquite); 18, Psidum guajava (guava); 19, Sesbania bispinosa (dhancha); 20, Sesbania sesban (jantar); 21, Syzygium cuminii (rose apple); 22, Tamarix aphylla (salt cedar); 23, Ziziphus mauritiana (Indian jujube).


One of the major values of saline agricultural systems may be in the manner in which they can be used to draw-down water-tables thereby decreasing the need for drainage. This could be achieved by three kinds of systems: • Permanent alley farming systems in which belts of trees are grown between alleys of land reserved for cropping. Simple drainage theory (based on the DupuitForchheimer equation) has been used to show how trees in alley confirmations could have similar effects to open drains (Stirzaker et al., 1997; Qureshi and BarrettLeonard, 1998). However, there are four major considerations to bear in mind with these systems (Qureshi and BarrettLeonard, 1998): (a) Use of shallow groundwater by stands of trees appears to be strongly affected by soil texture (lower for clays than sands and loams). We therefore expect tree belts will need to wider for clays than for sands and loams. (b) The spacing apart of belts of trees for effective water-table draw-down is affected by hydraulic conductivity; tree belts will therefore need to be substantially closer together for clays than for sands and loams. (c) Strong root competition can be expected between trees and crops close to the trees. This may be alleviated by ripping tree roots adjacent to crops. (d) Salt accumulation in the root-zone of the trees may affect their capacity to pump groundwater in the longer term. This may be alleviated by occasional pumping of the groundwater from within the tree root-zone but has not been experimentally tested. • Permanent mixtures of salt tolerant species (groundwater pumps) and less tolerant commercial species. In southern Australia, saltbushes (Atriplex species) growing in a 300 mm rainfall zone have been found to use rainfall plus 30-60 mm of shallow groundwater per year

(Barrett-Lennard and Malcolm, 1999). They are therefore capable of small but significant reductions in the water-table (Greenwood and Beresford, 1980). Some Western Australian farmers have found that the water-table drawdown beneath stands of saltbushes has been sufficient to allow the growth of the less salt tolerant fodder species balansa clover (Trifolium michelianum). Saltland pastures based on combinations of saltbush with balansa have proved to be more profitable than: (a) saltland pastures without balansa clover, and (b) nonsaline annual pastures (M. Lloyd, pers. comm.). • Long-term rotations of trees alternating with cropping. In these kinds of systems trees are grown for periods of 5-7 years as a rotation. They are removed when the water-tables have been drawn-down to the point that tree growth is slow. Cropping then resumes for a number of years until water-tables have risen again and soils are at risk of becoming saline. At this time, trees are re-established and the cycle begins agam. 4. Research and development - imperatives and opportunities For saltland industries to flourish, we need an understanding of three capabilities: that of the land, the plants and the markets. We see this in terms of three intersecting circles (Figure 4). What we need is the right plant (or combination of plants) at the right location in the landscape, producing products of greatest commercial value. The role of farmers in changing saline landscapes is also critical. We are of the view that every saline agricultural project should have a farming systems approach, where at least some work is conducted in collaboration with farmers in their fields.


Fig.4. Understanding three capabilities leads to successful industries on saltland.

Realizing the potential of salt-affected land for productive use will require a major future commitment to R&D. The three capabilities listed in Figure 4 constitute a useful framework around which to reassess priorities. Defining market capability

There is an urgent need to assess the relative marketability of saline agricultural options. We are not aware of any such analysis having ever been done for prospective saline agricultural products in Australia or in any other country. This is curious given that it is the selling of products that generates the revenue str~arn th~t provides farmers with the incentive to mvest m new systems. Farmers will increasingly be able to choose between producing a range of products using saline resources. Some of these may be in innovative new industries. Their choice of enterprise will be determined by the availability of information about: prices, the size of market, the scale of competition, requirements for transport, and the availability of appropriate community infrastructure. In thinking about market capability, it is essential that we are open to possible new saline agricultural products. For example in Western Australia, the species Halosarcia pergranulata (sarnphire) has been largely seen as a useless

plant by farmers interested in using it as a source of fodder for grazing animals. However, it could be argued that we have been far too blinkered in our approach to this plant. Samphire partly osmotically adjust_s to sal~ne soi_ls using the small molecular weight ammo acid glycinebetaine; this compound can reach concentrations in the tissues of up to 2% dry weight. We calculate that at a yield of 1 tonne per hectare, this compound could produce a gross revenue stream of about $AUST 1500 per hectare. If 10% of this was paid to farmers, the plants would be substantially more profitable than the saltbushlbalansa clover pastures discussed in Section 4 above. Defining land capability

There is an urgent need to develop techniques for assessing the capability of saltland s_o that farmers can strategically implement their new saline agricultural enterprises at optimal locations. At present, land capability surveys do not distinguish between different types of saltland. Ecological zonation in naturally saline environments can give important information about the processes that affect land capability. In Western Australia we have suggested that saltland should be classified as being of 'low', 'moderate' or 'high' productivity based on the degree to which it is affected by salinity, waterlogging and inundation (Barrett-Lennard, 1999). • Land of low potential would have shallow saline groundwater, a high incidence of inundation and (generally) heavy textured soils. These areas would grow samphire (Halosarcia spp.) and puccinellia (Puccinellia ciliata), and saltbushes (Atriplex spp.) on the sandy rises. They would be highly suited to cool-season aquaculture in shallow ponds. • Land of moderate potential would have deeper groundwater, less inundation and lighter (sand over clay) duplex soils. These soils would grow stands of saltbushes and


balansa clover (Trifolium michelianum), tall wheat grass (Elytrigia elongata) and puccinellia, and stands of bluebush (Maireana brevifolia), Acacia species and highly salt tolerant Eucalyptus species (like E. sargentii) on sandy rises. • Land of high potential would have shallow water-tables of low salinity and deep sandy profiles. These sites would be highly suited to the growth of tree species like Eucalyptus occidentalis, E. camaldulensis, Melaleuca species. and Casuarina obesa. Increasingly, the occurrence of salinity, waterlogging and inundation and their severity can be measured or predicted using combinations of on-ground surveys, air-borne geophysics and hydrological modelling. These techniques could therefore be used to develop a robust predictive capacity for matching saline agricultural enterprises to sites. We anticipate that overlays of measured and modeled information (salinity, texture, risk of inundation, depth and salinity of groundwater) could be manipulated in Geographic Information Systems to develop prescriptive maps of saltland capability. Defining plant capability

As we have noted above, plants on saltland are subject to a range of stresses including salinity, waterlogging and inundation. In general, plant responses to salinity are well understood. Relevant proceedings, reviews and bibliographies include: Aronson (1989), Barrett-Lennard et al., (1986), Choukr-Allah et al., (1996), Greenway and Munns (1980), Munns et al., (1983) and Maas (1986). Unfortunately, plants with high levels of salt tolerance do not necessarily have high levels of tolerance to waterlogging or inundation. Furthermore, there have been very few studies of the effects of waterlogging and/or inundation under saline conditions on plants. Waterlogging causes roots to become energy deficient. This increases their uptake of salt, which adversely affects plant growth and survival (Barrett-Lennard, 1986; Qureshi and

Barrett-Lennard, 1998). The effects of waterlogging on plant growth are apparent from a simple glasshouse experiment with wheat (Figure 5). Plants grown in aerated nutrient solutions (simulating drained soils) continued growing even at salt concentrations as high as 80 moVm3 (about 15% of the salinity of seawater). In contrast, plants grown in hypoxic solutions (simulating waterlogged soils) for 33 days had no further growth at salt concentrations of only 20 moVm3 (about 4% of the salinity of seawater). (a) Aerated solutions

5 ······"··-······························-·················---·····--················ . .. D· .. Harvest 1

-----Harvest 2




Concentration of NaCI (moVm 3 )

(b) Hypoxic solutions

3 ............................................~-----····· ······ · · ··········----· ·-------· . . · D· ..

Harvest 1

-----Harvest 2




Concentration of NaCI (moUm 3 )


Fig.5. Salinity and waterlogging interact to decrease the growth of wheat plants (Barrett-Leonard and Ratingen, unpublished). Aerated solutions simulate drained soils; hypoxic solutions simulate waterlogged soils. Harvest 1 occurred after the plants had been grown for 30 days in aerated or waterlogged solutions. All plants were then grown in aerated solutions for a further 13 days at which time Harvest 2 was taken.

conditions. And yet (with the exception of rice), there are nearly no well-documented examples of the effects of inundation on plants. The data in Figure 7 suggest one mechanism by which plants can avoid inundation - grow quickly to a size such that total immersion in the water is avoided. The data are derived from a river saltbush experiment grown on the banks of the Kabul River in Pakistan. Shortly after the plants were established, the river rose and flooded the site for a few days. The tall plants (100 em high or more) had greatest survival (97%); the shortest plants (60 em or less) had poorest survival (36% ).

Research on Australian tree species shows that some highly salt tolerant species have exceptional tolerance to waterlogging under saline conditions, while others are very sensitive. Figure 6 shows the effects of an increasing regime of salinity (up to about 76% of seawater) under drained or waterlogged conditions on the survival of 7 tree species. All trees had similar survival (94-100%) under saline-drained conditions. However only one species (swamp oakCasuarina obesa) had 100% survival under saline-waterlogged conditions. Inundation appears to be even more damaging to plants than waterlogging under saline


oSaline/drained r:msaline/w aterlogged



·~ :::J

....,Ill cQ) ~




0 Swamp 0 ak

Boorabbln M allee

River Gum

Swamp Mallet

Goldfields Black b u I I

Comet va le Ma llee

Kondlnln Blackbutt


Effects of waterlogging under conditions of increasing salinity on the survival of seven Australian tree species (Moezel et al., 1988). The plants were grown in drained or waterlogged sand under conditions of increasing salinity (7 dS/m per week) for six weeks. Fig.6.


~ ~> .E




0 60



or less



100 or more

Height class (em)

Fig.7. Relation between plant height and survival of river saltbush plants after inundation (Rashid and Khan, unpublished).


Concluding comments Both developing and developed countries face a substantial and increasing salinity problem. Given this impact, it is reasonable to suggest that salinity of agricultural land will be one of the significant human rights issues of the 21st Century. It is essential that income generating agricultural systems are developed for saltaffected land. There are two major tasks. Task 1 - Get the science right As we have noted above, the imperative is to develop robust industries based on a sound knowledge of the capabilities of markets, land and plants. All saline agricultural research should have components conducted using the participative approach in collaboration with farmers. Establishing a creative environment through targeted funding programs is essential. The development of international networks has been facilitated through the establishment of the International Bio-Saline Research Centre at Dubai and various national governments. Within Australia there have been small efforts by individual States networked at the national level through the National Program on Productive Use and Rehabilitation of Saline Land (the PUR$L group )3 • What is now needed is a substantial escalation in activities at both the domestic and international level. Task 2 - Change community consciousness The second critical task that we face may be less obvious than the first. We need to engender a change of consciousness about what is possible on saltland. In the case of productive use of saline land, one of the largest problems that we face lies in the skepticism of communities - farmers, researchers and agencies. There 3 The activities of the PUR$L group have been described by Barson and Barrett-Lennard (1995) and Malcolm (1996).

are times when 10,000 years of prior human experience seems to proclaim, "It can't be done". In the face of this skepticism we should remember that the salinisation of land does not mark the end of living systems. We need to change how we view the problem - the problem is a resource. Here is an example of what I mean by a change of consciousness. Many farmers in Australia have thought of salinity as a form of 'land cancer' and what a terrible simile that is. When we think of cancer, we think of debilitating disease with little prospect of cure. However, the analogy is not even remotely appropriate to the facts. We suggest the adoption of an alternative analogy (Qureshi and BarrettLeonard, 1998) - saltland should be considered to be 'irrigated with shallow groundwater'. When considered in this quite accurate perspective, agricultural options for saltland automatically come to mind. References Aronson, J.A. 1989. HALOPH: a data base of salt tolerant plants of the world. Office of Arid Lands Studies, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 77pp. Aslam, Z., Jeschke, W.O., Sarrett-Lennard, E.G., Greenway, H., Setter, T.L. and Watkin, E. 1986. Effects of external NaCI on the growth of A triplex amnicola and the ion relations and carbohydrate status of the leaves. Plant Cell and Environment, 9: 571-580. Sarrett-Lennard, E.G. 1986. Effects of waterlogging on the growth and NaCl uptake by vascular plants under saline conditions. Reclamation and Revegetation Research, 5: 245-61. Sarrett-Lennard, E.G. 1999. Assessing areas of saltland suitable for productive use in the wheatbelt of W A: a preliminary assessment for the State Salinity Council. Mimeo, 14 pp. Sarrett-Lennard, E.G., and Malcolm, C.V. 1999. Increased concentrations of chloride beneath stands of saltbushes (Atriplex species) suggest substantial use of groundwater. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 39 (in press). Sarrett-Lennard, E.G., Malcolm, C.V., Stern, W.R., and Wilkins, S.M. 1986. Forage and Fuel Production from Salt Affected Wasteland. Proceedings of a Research for Development Seminar, 19-27 May 1984, at Cunderdin, Western Australia. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 459 pp.


Barson, M., and Barrett-Lennard, E. 1995. Productive use and rehabilitation of Australia's saline lands. Australian Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 8 (3): 33-37. Choukr-Allah, R. 1996. The potential of halophytes in the development and rehabilitation of arid and semi-arid zones. In: Halophytes and Biosaline Agriculture (edited by R. Choukr-Allah, C.V. Malcolm and A. Hamdy). Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 3-13. Choukr-Allah, R., Malcolm, C.V., and Hamdy, A. 1996. Halophytes and Biosaline Agriculture. Marcel Dekker, New York, 400 pp. Dudal, R. and Purnell, M.F. 1986. Land resources: salt affected soils. Reclamation and Revegetation Research, 5: 1-9. Eaton, F.M. 1942. Toxicity and accumulation of chloride and sulfate salts in plants. Journal of Agricultural Research, 64: 357-99. Ferdowsian, R., George, R., Lewis, F., McFarlane, D., Short, R., and Speed, R. 1996. In: Proceedings of the 4th National Conference and Workshop on the Productive Use and Rehabilitation of Saline Lands, Albany, Western Australia, 25-30 March, Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd, pp. 89-97. Gauch, H.G., and Eaton, F.M. 1942. Effect of saline substrate on hourly levels of carbohydrates and inorganic constituents of barley plants. Plant Physiology, 17: 347-65. George, R., McFarlane, D., and Nulsen, B. 1997. Salinity threatens the viability of agriculture and ecosystems in Western Australia. Hydrogeology Journal, 5: 621.


Ghassemi, F., Jakeman, A.J., and Nix, H.A. 1995. Pakistan. In: Salinisation of Land and Water Resources: Human causes, extent, management and case studies. University of New South Wales Press Ltd, Sydney, 526 pp. Greenway, H. 1965. Plant response to saline substrates VII. Growth and ion uptake throughout plant development in two varieties of Hordeum vulgare. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences, 18: 763-79. Greenway, H., and Munns, R. (1980). Mechanisms of salt tolerance in non-halophytes. Annual Review of Plant Physiology, 31: 149-190.

Greenwood, E.A.N., and Beresford, J.D. 1980. Evaporation from vegetation in landscapes developing secondary salinity using the ventilated-chamber technique II. Evaporation from Atriplex plantations over a shallow saline water table. Journal of Hydrology, 45: 313-319. Haq, ul, M. 1997. Human Development in South Asia 1997. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 20-24. Ijaz, K., and Davidson, A.P. 1997. Baseline SocioEconomic Survey - Joint Satiana Pilot Project. International Waterlogging and Salinity Research Institute, Lahore, 77 pp. with unpaginated appendices. Qureshi, R.H., and Barret-Lennard, E.G. 1998. Saline Agriculture for Irrigated Land in Pakistan: A Handbook. Monograph 50, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, 142 pp. Maas, E.V. 1986. Salt tolerance of plants. Applied Agricultural Research, 1: 12-26. Malcolm, C.V. (1996). The Australian National Programme for Productive Use of Saline Land as a model for national and international actions. In: Halophytes and Biosaline Agriculture (edited by R. Choukr-Allah, C.V. Malcolm and A. Hamdy). Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 275-295. Moezel, van der P.G., Watson, L.E., Pearce-Pinto, G.V.N. and Bell, D.T. 1988. The response of six Eucalyptus species and Casuarina obesa to the combined effect of salinity and waterlogging. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 15: 465-74. Munns, R., Greenway, H., and Kirst, G.O. 1983. Halotolerant Eukaryotes. Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, Volume 12C (edited by O.L. Lange, P.S. Nobel, C.B. Osmond and H. Ziegler). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 59-135. Robertson, G. 1996. Saline Land in Australia - its extent and predicted trends. Australian Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 9 (3): 4-7. Stirzaker, R.J., Cook, F.J. and Knight, J.H. 1997. How to space trees in a paddock for control of dryland salinity: a first approximation. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Agroforestry for Sustainable Land-use: Fundamental Research and Modelling, Temperate and Mediterranean Applications, Montpellier, 23-29 June, pp. 169-173.


Ecological conservation and reclamation of arid/saline lands under agricultural system development in Kyzylkum deserts of Uzbekistan K.N.Toderich\ T. Tsukatani2 , R.I. Goldshtein3, V.B. Aparin3 and A.A .Ashurmetov4 1 Department of Desert Ecology and water resources Research, Samarkand's Branch of Academy of Science of Uzbekistan 2 Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University, Japan 3 State Geological Enterprise»Kyzyltepageologiya», Tashkent, Uzbekistan 4 Botanical Garden and Institute of Botany, Academy of Science of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Abstract: An effort has been made to correlate the reproductive features and special morphological characteristics of arid plants with the ecological conditions of Kyzylkum Deserts. High concentration of various salts, organic pollutants, trace metals both (in soils and water) and vegetation indicates environmental problems in the whole of the Buchara oasis and reveals that serious efforts must be made in order to avoid further deterioration of Zerafshan water quality and degradation of plant communities. Reproductive structural mechanism of salt/drought tolerance of some Asiatic Sa/sola species under Kyzylkum desert conditions has been analyzed. Screening trials were performed and computer data base on botanical and economical potential of more than 120 native salt tolerant plants ranging from polymorphic annual and perennial species taxa , belonging to 80 genera and 27 families, of Kyzylkum flora. It was suggested that a knowledge of reproductive tissues offers the potential to develop new plant material and re-vegetation techniques for restoration of arid/saline lands both in Uzbekistan and different areas of Central Asian deserts.

Key words: Desertification, Halophytic pastures, Biogeocenosis, Zerafshan, Kyzylkum desert, Reproductive biology

Introduction The Republic of Uzbekistan , with a territory of some 447,400 km2 and a population of about 24 million people, it is considered as one of the leading and independent countries of Central Asia. Today , when the Republic of Central Asia acquired their independence it would appear quite reasonable that reconsider the inter republic character of desert Development, which under the condition of the Former Soviet Union was used only for obtaining some agricultural products and minerals i.e cotton, oil, polymetals, gold etc. With increasing human activities in the arid zone of Uzbekistan, it is considered most important to evaluate and monitor flora and vegetation cover for forecasting the dynamic character of arid and semiarid biogeocenosis. Due to lack of quantitative and qualitative data for evaluation of range potential and problems in relation to

the conservation and protection of botanical biodiversity, rational use of natural fodder resources and the inculcation of new technologies system for the sustainable development of desert are difficult. As a results of techno-erosion, overgrazing, deficit of winter feeds and cutting of shrubs for fuel have sharply reduced the productivity of rangeland phytocenosis, that lead to changes the botanical species diversity and frequently to disappearance of many useful, endemic and relicts species of desert plants. Extensive development of gaz and gold mining industries , especially in the Central and South Kyzylkum Deserts for last 15-20 years have aggravated processes of desertification and degradation of these territories. The contraction of the Aral Sea has not only created a new saline desert along dry shore line but more tragic is the fact that extensive use of river water for agriculture has shifted the salt to

R.Ahmad and K.A. Malik (eds.) Prospects for Saline Agriculture, 19-28, 2002. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


irrigated farmlands. Poor natural drainage of irrigated areas raised water table which resulting in flooding and increasing salt concentration in water as well as soil matrix causing secondary soil salinization. The secondary salinization of this process has a direct influence on desertification because of the destruction of vegetative cover and the fast deterioration of soil structure. The appearance of large irrigation drainage lakes at the last decades in the Kyzylkum Desert , especially in the Buchara oasis changes fundamentally the water-salt balance of the environments of the adjoins territories. In the lowest regions of Zerafshan and Amudarya river deltas, about 60% of lands are under various types of salinization. Salinity is in fact one of the most critical problems that causes the reduction of yields of rangelands of arid zone of Uzbekistan. The unique Central Asian Tugai vegetation which is present from ancient time is now very patchy and under extreme pressure due to expansion of irrigated agriculture. Much of salt/affected and waterlogged lands occur in areas where there is a severe feed deficit during seasons. Many studies have been carried out to utilize aridity tolerant plants as forage for livestock and to conserve the degraded environments. Efforts have been done to start planting of prostrate bushes of halophytic plants, stolons bearing grasses, followed by plantation of salt tolerant tree-like shrubs in various ecological desert zones in Uzbekistan ( Nazariuk, 1968, Sheveluha, Shamsutdinov et al., 1990, Kamalov, 1995, 1998, Kaumov et al., 1997, Ashurmetov et al., 1997 ). Several adaptive strategies based on geobotanical, morphological studies and ecological features of different halophytic groups of Kyzylkum deserts are well documented in literature ( Akdzigitova, 1982, Butnik, 1984, 1995, P'yankov, et al., 1997, 1999, Toderich , 1995, Toderich, 1999).

Despite the fact that salt stress effects have been examined in a variety of salt tolerant plants, including some agricultural crops, the cellular mechanism of salt tolerance is not well known for desert plants. Conservation and protection of the gene pool of haloxeric native species of Asian Flora is very important to improve desert environment. Utilization and conservation of the native halophytic vegetation appear to be of great significance for salinity control, economic development and reclamation of arid/saline lands by employing proper agromanagement practices . One of the most promising uses of halophytes seems to be seed production and conservation of precious germplasm. Our paper focuses on the contemporary environmental status of Southern Kyzylkum Desert analyzing phytogenetic resources of Asiatic Salsola species as an example of ecological conservation and reclamation of arid/saline lands of Uzbekistan.

Environmental status and human impact in Southern Kyzylkum Deserts The data collected during many International field expeditions (1996-2000) throughout Kyzylkum deserts to Aral Sea and back along Amudarya show that waste territories of salt/affected lands are extended from Aral region towards South-West Kyzylk:um ( Mingbulak, Karakata, Ayakagitma depressions), Buchara oasis ( Shurkul, Tudakul , Dengiz-Kul, Karakur and others lakes, AmuBuchara channel, Karakul plateau , Karaulbazar region) and Kashkadarya valley. In Buchara oasis , for example salinization of 252 thousand hectares of irrigated area which is more than 85% of agricultural lands results into drastic yield losses. The vegetative cover of this salty desert is very heterogeneous due to the great diversity of soil condition and constant changes of underground water regime. The average productivity of halophytic pastures is usually low (0.3-0.5 t D.Miha). But


it may effectively changes from year to year (from 0.2-0.8 t D.M/ha ). Its fodder value varies between 40 to 60 fodder units /100 kg of dry biomass. The use coefficient does not exceed 30 % and may vary from 10 to 50% depending on species composition and grazing season. Buchara oasis, with a mosaic of sands and salt deserts ecosystem spreading on large territories in lower part of Zerafshan river was chosen a model site for development of Biosaline Agriculture in arid/sandy Kyzylkum . An unique reserve of virgin desert landscape named "Ecocenter Dgeiran" , which occupy more than 5000 ha is also located in this area. The climate in Buchara oasis is extreme and continental. High air temperature in summer ( often increasing up to 50 C) followed by warm winter ( though sometimes it may drop down to - 10, -13 oc in January ) and scanty unpredictable rainfall ( > 100 mm) is the characteristic of the area. Obrothermic diagrams presented in Figure 1 gives an overall picture of climatic conditions of experimental sites.


....................... ...............



I ~•g 20




~~ :!~~

- 50








[:;; ;II




10 5 0 -5







& = Mean absolute MAXIMUM (°C)

• = Mean daily temperature (0 C)

• = Mean absolute minimum (°C)

Fig.l. The seasonal changes of temperature and rainfall, 1980-98.

• =Precipitation (mm) MAT= Mean annual temperature (0 C) MAP = Mean annual precipitation (mm) PET= Potential evapotranspiration (mm) MAP/PET= Aridity Index Arid = Bioclimatic zone

The characteristic feature of salt affected marshland (with solonchak-alkali soils) is the constant humidity of the topsoil and the temporary waterlogged places.sil type of the area comprise on: loamy, saline-sandy, saltmeadow, marsh, saline takyr and saltmarshland (with solonchak-alkali) soils. These soils are characterized by a low productivity and high salinity (1.2-2.0 and rarely more than 3.0% of soluble salt) with a dominance of carbonates, sulfate, chloride and/or mixed types of salinization. The humus content ranges from 0.5% in sandy desert and up to 0.7-1.2% gray-brown soils on virgin and newly irrigated takyr. The effect of anthropogenic impact, changes in the hydrological cycles and water regime caused the appearance of large new takyrs soils ( with sharp salinity increasing) both in Zerafshan and Kashkadarya vallies. Zerafshan and Amudarya (through Amu-Buchara canal) rivers are a main source of water for the southern part of Kyzylkum desert , thus ensuring the activity of all mankind living in the watershed of Buchara oasis . Zerafshan river originates in Zerafshan Glacier of Igra Peak (5,301 m) , running westward through dislocated gorge and forms an alluvial fan after passing by Pendzhikent (Tadjikistan) , entering into the plains of Uzbekistan by the side of two ancient cities Samarkand and Buchara. After entering the Samarkand alluvial fan, water is controlled at various canals, collectors, reservoirs etc. Running toward Buchara, it reduces its water quantity because of irrigation and runs through this vast irrigation lands with increasing minerals and metals contents diminishes in the Karakul plateau , which is characterized by sandy clayey


conglomerates, sandy hills and saline lakes. The mineral content of Zerafshan waters as seen on the Figure 2 has increased over the past 60 years by more than 1,4 times. The mineral content of surface waters for recent years fluctuates between 0.7 to 4.6 giL of total soluble salt . Underground subsoil waters contain slightly more in general 1.5-5.0

giL, while the water of the Amudarya and the Kashkadarya Valleys has more than 1.5-2.0 times to as much. Amu-Bukhara canal contain mineral content 0.27-0.7 giL, the waters of the collectors-drainage network are most salty and varies- 4.2-4.6 giL.

1.6 1.4

'a, ..:

s ;



c: 0


li c:


0 .8 0.6 0.4 1940

0.5 1950






Fig.2.. Changes of mineral content of water of Zerafshan river.

According to the results of atomic absorption spectrophotometer the chemical contents of Zerafshan waters is closely related to the collecting points and varies extensively (mg.eqv/%) : HC03. : 15.0-28.0, cr : 11.7427.0, 504 2-: 55.0-69.72, Ca 2+: 27.0-36.79, Mg 2+ :24.0-45.0, Na+K: 28.0-36.82 . Figure 3 their shows the average values of measurements. The HC03 - content is decreasing and the Cl - and S04 2- are generally increasing from Navoi to Buchara. Salinity at Kyzyltepa, Kuyuchukurak, Kuimazar canal, near Karaulbazar, is comparatively high. This might be due to the use of some chemicals at the agricultural field

in harvest season and/or by the discharge of some technogenic chemicals from industry , which is concentrated in the southern part of Kyzylkum Deserts. High human impact ( urban, industrial and agricultural activities, handicrafts and traffic ) in the South-Central Kyzylkum leads to pollution of sands and irrigated lands with pesticides, nitrates, organic pollutants, various contents of heavy metals, which results in poor quality of surface water. Traces of some metals are also found in the vegetative parts of different arid plants. The most frequent are as follows (mg/kg): Va (0.513.9); Cu (1.40-5.40); Zn (8.1-72.0); Mn (11.8-


91.0); Cd (0.01-0.50); Ni ( 0.22-12.4); Cr (0.443.6); Sb (0.01-0.48); Fe (110-5020); Se (0.13.2); Co (0.12-2.65); Th (0.06-2.46); Sr ( 21980); Mo ( 0.1-9.3). The contents of metals have been closely related with edaphic factors, types of vegetation and its habitats , reaching to a maximum among in species of genera Sa/sola, Tamarix, Climacoptera, Artemisia, Lycium, Kallidium, Karellinia, Alhagi, Peganum harmala, Aeluropus etc. For instance the most polluted vegetation by iron occurs around Uchkuduk, Zerafshan, Buchara, Navoi and Karshi steppe, while pollution by lead has strong local distribution: around Buchara, Navoi and Shahrisabs tracts and is almost absent in vegetation of Central Kyzylkum. Thus, the high concentration of various salts, organic pollutants, traces metals )both in soil and water) and vegetation indicates environmental problems in the whole of the Buchara oasis and reveals that serious efforts must be made in order to avoid further deterioration of Zerafshan water.

Analyzing of Phylogenetic Halophytic Plants of South-Kyzylkum Deserts Halophytes, which are capable to occupying various kind of salt-affected land, are considered as one of the most promising group of plants for Central Asia. About 700 species of halophytes, belonging to 34 families, Asian Flora are known in Central (Akdzigitova, 1982). About 304 species of plants are identified on the salted soils of Uzbekistan. One third of them refers to typical halophytes, 26 % of them are endemic species of Central Asia and 4 % are endemic of Uzbekistan. A comparative study of high diversity of halophytic life forms has been performed to investigate relation between genetic diversity and economic potential in respect to growth and survival under saline habitats in the "Ecocentre Gjeiran" reservation.

Screening trials were conducted and computer data base on the botanical and economical potential of salt tolerant species of plants of Kyzylkum Deserts were examined. It contains more than 120 native species ranging from polymorphic annual to perennial species. Taxa belonging to 80 genera and 27 families were indexed alphabetically. All these species are capable of growing at saline land in their natural ranges and/or under irrigation with weakly mineralized saline water. Detailed botanical form, life of information characteristics, pastoral and nutritional values, economic interest and maximum salinity tolerance are reported for each species. Based on the depth of underground water and level of its mineral content in the Kyzylkum deserts has been divided into four ecological groups (Akdzigitova, 1982, Toderich et al., 1999). Hyperhalophyte group comprise of only of 4.3% (about 31 species) is dominated by Salicornia, Halostahys, Halochemis, Climacoptera, Gamanthus, Aeluropus etc. It is found in salt marshes and wet salt/affected sites with high mineralized surface waters (0.5-1.5 m). Halogemimesophyte represented by some grasses and annuals Salsolas, Suaedas, as well as species of genera Bassia, Halogeton, Gamanthus, Gigersohnia, Haloharis, Atriplex can grow at the mineralized water of various concentrations present at depth of 1.5-2.5 m. Halomezoxerophyte characterized by Tamarix, Halolachne, Atriplex, Nitraria, Nanophyton, Seidlitsia, Karellinia, Limonium, Kallidium, Phragmites, Elymus and several species of genera Suaeda , Salsola, Artemisia etc, possess a wide range of salt tolerance and can grow at under ground water present at depth of 1.5-4.0 m . The over all vegetation in the saline sandy desert of Uzbekistan fall under haloxerophyte and psamohaloxerophyte groups, which are able to grow and reproduce on different salt/affected lands with the water table present at depth of more than 4.0m. The frequently occuring plants are: Anabasis salsa, A.


aphyllum, Ephedra strobilaceae, S.orientalis, S. arbuscula, S.dendroides, Halothamnus subaphylla, Lycium ruthenicum Murr., Ceratoides ewersmaniana, S. Richteri, S. paletzkiana, Haloxylon aphyllum and many others. Studies have been started recently on high phenotypic plasticity and genetic diversity associated with salt tolerant, especially on communities of trees and shrubs. A great attention is given to the leaf-anatomy of C3/C 4 plants, fruit shape, seed morphology and germination. It is deserved in Kyzylkum vegetation that c3 plants are reduced both in numbers and biomass, whereas c4 type became dominant vegetation. This observation was quite unusual for Kyzylkum which is a cool temperate Desert. It is proposed that 25 species could be used in rehabilitation of salt affected arid /sandy lands of Kyzylkum. Useful halophytic plants could be selected for « soil conservation» and halophytic pastures establishment. Representatives of genera Salsola (Chenopodiaceae) have a major place on the rehabilitation of salt/affected deserts lands. Reproductive strategies of Haloxeric Asiatic Salsola species Dryland plants and Salsola species in particular provide a potential model system for studies of reproductive strategies of plants and structural mechanisms, which are responsible for building up drought/salt tolerance to harsh arid conditions. More than 114 species of Salsola ( Chenopodiaceae ) ,which includes shrubs, semishrubs and herbs both perennial and annual plants are known in the flora of Central Asia ( Botschanthev, 1969). 47 species among them occurs in the Flora of Uzbekistan . Sa/sola species , known in practice of pasture economy of Uzbekistan as "solyanki" form a dominant group in the vegetation of desert/semidesert saline/environments. Usually

they make up to 45% of the total Chenopodiaceae species and are very promising ecologically for rehabilitation of degraded and saline/affected lands of Kyzylkum . Most of them are also highly valuable economically. They are used as excellent rangeland plants on halophytic pastures and are readily grazed by animals, especially in autumn and winter periods. The early seed germination gives them an advantage in winter-spring rangeland crop system. In addition to their high reproductive reclamative potential many species serve as useful material for medicinal, industrial and commercial purposes. They can be established from direct seeding and also are capable of selfsowing. Reproduction can be by self or cross pollination. The present study were conducted in an attempt to identify the structural and ultra structural peculiarities of floral organs of various group of salsolas species, growing under harsh desert of Kyzylkum (stress conditions) and temperate coasts of Europe. lowlands ( Poland) - non-stress environments. It is well known that in many species succulence increases with rising substrate salinity ( Poljakoff-Mayber, 1975, Rilke, 1999). Exposure to salinity induces changes in the anatomy and morphology differ between littoral and inland salsolas. Asiatic group of Salsola species shows significant differences in the structure and ultrastructure of floral organs and pollen morphology with European species ( Toderich, 2000) . However it is not yet determined to what extent this variability represents genetic, developmental or environmental differences. Hence presence of prominent variability could be due to genetic plasticity, polyploidy, phenotypic reactions on salinity, heterocarpy and hybrydization. Our cytoembryological and carpological analyses of 12 species of Salsolas representatives of psammo-xero-halo-and mesophytic deserts habitat show significant interspecies differences in all reproductive


structures. The localization of various exine sculpture types of pollen grain may reflects the history of geographical isolation of tribe Sa/sola in reproduction. The distinguishable differences in the morphology and anatomy of non-generative floral organs ( bracts, bracteoles and sepals) show variations in form and size, surface roughness, their of degree ornamentation, ultrastructural characteristics of epidermal cells and localization of stomatal apparatus. Such structural modification could the ecological habitat. also correlated with Most of the investigated species have stomata on the abaxial surface of bracts. Stomata apparatus was not found on the surface of sepals or other floral organs. Further study of stomatal frequency , index and size in different Salsolas group specificity of sclerenchyma cells and vascular bundle , as well as level of lignification of bract could be of great interest. It is suggested that lignin content in the arid Sa/sola plant skeleton might correspond with the traits with regards to seed dispersal and germination. An evident polymorphism occurs in the structure, density and sizes of hairs, trichomes and glands, which are located on the bracts and calyx surface. It is interesting to note that the salt glands in salt-secreting salsolas species show some structural similarities in having basal or collecting cells, one or two cutinized stalk cells and a capitate group of terminal radiating cells. These features are probably good evidence of evolutionary convergence among the taxon Sa/sola. A comparative experimental evidence of the structure (SEM) and ultrastructure (TEM analysis) of trichomes/glands is more characteristic for Asiatic species. In the European salsolas group , where the salt gland is absent, the salt is less clearly secreting mechanisms established, but the taxonomical use of epidermal hairs with relation to their adaptive nature is very much important ( Aellen , 1968, Freitag, 1991, Rilke et al. ,1996). The

occurrence of glandular and non-glandular leaflike bract structure of numerous Asiatic Salsolas species , perhaps reflects a unique adaptive tendency that increase chances of the plants to endure the stress imposed salinity Poljakoff-Mayber,1975). It seems that many halophytic salsolas groups apparently reduce their internal salt content with the aid of salt glands. High intraspecies and populations' polymorphism was observed with respect of morphology of hairy cover. Widely distributed are uniseriate, wax-epicuticular, glandular hairs, composed by thick -walled papillae cells. Vesiculated hairs bearing a distended head containing oxalates both in solution or in the form of crystals, which are often secreted chiefly in the form of clusters or as sands, but sometimes others types also may occurs. The presence of heavy wax coating on leaves and bracts surfaces, perhaps help to species in improvement water balance. Sterile elements of flower's organs like bract, bracteoles and sepales having similar cross sectional anatomical structure ( a Salsoloid type of Kranz anatomy) , suggest a C4 type of photosynthesis. The occurrence of C4 photosynthesis in floral organs was reported previously for Sa/sola orienta/is ( Toderich, 1997). The cross section of succulent bracts /sepals of S. orienta/is, S. praecox, S.iberica , exhibit a peripheral S.Richteri, S.arbuscula ring of epidermal cells with pronounced secondary wall thickening and cuticule layer. thin walled palisade Inner elongated parenchyma cells and one layer of roundest bundle sheath cells, which form continuous rings is also presented. The parenchymatous cells are separated by large colorless cells, which often contain crystals . The central portion of the bracts/sepales is occupied by 3-4 layers of water storage tissue with the main vascular bundles located in the center. Central bundles are thus separated from Kranz-type cells by layers of water storage cells. There


are some small peripheral bundles that have contact with bundle sheath cells. The bundle sheath cells are characterized by numerous and well developed chloroplasts, while the bundle of lighter staining cells (called «water storage» tissue» by Scot, 1932) lack /or contain few chloroplasts . Bract/sepals chloroplasts were observed with TEM and found to contain an unusual amount of granal stacking, but otherwise they appeared typical. The specialized anatomy, termed Salsoloid (Carolin et al., 1975) is described for shoots of Haloxylon species - a dominant plants in the continental deserts of the Asian Irano-Turanian region ( Pyankov et al., 1999). Traits associated with Kranz type of photosynthetic cells arrangement ( centrical S.praecox, S. arbuscula, S. Richteri, S. discontinuous ( S.ruthenica, orienta/is) S.pestifer) or non-Kranz arrangements (S. arbusculiformis) in some floral tissue are especially important for Sa/sola desert species. A diversity of C3/C4 photosynthesis both in leaves and cotyledons with different types of Kranz and non-Krantz anatomy was reported 2000). recently ( Voznesenskaya 13 12 C/ C carbon isotope Measurements of fractionation show differences in isotopic composition between leaves and cotyledons of Asiatic Sa/sola species (Toderich et al., 2000). It is proposed that organ diversity of C02 fixation pathway in Salsa/a species is an important factor for their growth, survival and reproduction in continental saline/sandy Kyzylkum deserts. Thus, reproductive tissues offers the potential to develop salt tolerant plant material for revegetation and restoration of arid/saline lands both in Uzbekistan and different areas of Central Asian deserts.

favorable benefits, Economical environmental changes, reclamation and conservation of soil by Asiatic Sa/sola species

reproductive high to addition In reclamative potential many species of Asiatic Salsa/as can serve as raw material for medicinal, industrial and commercial purposes. Most of them have good forage value for livestock and can be used for grazable biomass production on arid sandy/saline lands of Uzbekistan. The nutritive value is high if plants are harvested timely. Their drought tolerance and halophytic nature make them a good candidate for reclamation of salt/affected sites and chemically contaminated arid soils. Low frequency of sexual reproduction in most Sa/sola species is limitation of the availability of seed supplies on commercial scale. Studied species have a low rate of field seed germination and are more sensitive to salts during germination and early seedling stages. Fruit cover of many annual and perennial sa/sola contains various inhibitors need specific temperatures ·and/or and germination. for treatment chemical Destruction of intact of seed coat or removal of fruit cover are effective to increase germination. Very little dormancy has been found with Sa/sola species ( 6-1 Omonths , rarely 1,4 years ). Dry storage conditions sometimes stimulate the seed germination among annual and perennial Sa/sola species. Most of them are a cold/salt tolerant species. C. Optimum germination occurs 12-28 and frost of Seedlings also exhibit some level salt tolerance. The early seed germination gives Sa/sola an advantage in winter/spring annual/perennial cropping systems. A summary of botanical and pastoral characteristics and economic importance of Asiatic Salsolas species for conservation and reclamation of arid/saline lands under Agricultural system development in Kyzylkum deserts of Uzbekistan was exported recently. Their typical halophytic characteristics ensured their a large scale use for conservation and rehabilitation of salt/affected lands of Kyzylkum deserts.



Conclusion A part from the establishment of a system for conservation of good quality water, selection of proper salt tolerant/halophytic plants of greater genetical diversity, capable of growing under prevailing salinity of environment hold promise for future rehabilitation and conservation of salt/affected lands and providing fodder for cattle /sheep/goat farming in the arid saline /sandy deserts of Kyzylkum. However to develop successful agroforestry and Biosaline agriculture system in Kyzylkum deserts of Uzbekistan, it is necessary but to examine the arid plants total cultivating system of including the land use Program . Proper agromanagement practices with reference to environmental heterogeneity and specificity of plant growth, reproduction and survival should be undertaken for ecological conservation and reclamation of arid/saline lands under prevailing Agricultural system. A great attention should also be given to adopt plant oriented approach using native halophytes . Wide variation and phenotypic plasticity of haloxeric plants both within and between different taxa provide a good opportunity for better understanding the cellular mechanism of adaptation and competitive ability of plants to survive under harsh environmental conditions. A profound study of seed morphology and ecology of it germination , as well as creating of unique seed bank of native Salsola diversity appear as an innovative alternative for Economic Development and conservation of arid saline/sandy deserts in Uzbekistan. Our results should enable more rigorous selection of salt tolerant plants for rehabilitation of saline/sodic lands of Kyzylkum Deserts , as well as for intensive evaluation as sources as fuelwood, timber, forage, medicine commercial and industrial products.

Acknowledgements The authors thank PGMS Fund of Basic Research of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Science and Technology (Grants No 97/99 and 93/00) for supporting the work. This work was also supported by a Grant in Aid for Scientific Research, Ministry of Education and Culture of Japan, 1999 , ( Monbusho International Scientific Joint Research Program , No. 09044028 , represented by T. Tsukatani).

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Biogeocenotic principles and methods of degraded pastures phytomelioration in Central Asia and Russia Z.Sh. Shamsutdinov1, N.Z. Shamsutdinov2 1 V.R.

Williams All-Russian Fodder Research Institute, Lobnya, Moscow province, Russia Kostyakovs All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation, Moscow, Russia


Abstract. The constant growing pressure of anthropogenic and technogenic factors on pasture ecosystems are the main reasons of their deterioration and degradation in Central Asian countries and Russian Federation. As a result a state of arid pastures is characterized by low productivity and harsh seasonal variability. In accordance with extraordinary anthropogenic load that took place, the reconstruction of plant communities on arid lands and high productive mixtures of shrubs and herbs gradually turned into narrow seasonal sage-brush pastures, and then into low yielding grasslands. Such unsatisfactory status on pasture ecosystems indicate necessity of development and practice using biogeocenotic principles and effective methods of degraded pastures phytomelioration.

Key words: Biogeocenology, Halophytes, Ecological restoration, Degraded pastures, Arid zone, Biogeocenotic (plant communities with reference to geology) Introduction

Historically and traditionally arid territories of Central Asia and Russia serve as a center for production of meat and breeding of sheep, camel and horses. The level of development in above mentioned branches and understanding the life style of people, living in arid zones of CIS countries including Russia, would given the productivity of these natural pasture lands. However, increase in human population and members of herds, intensive development of industry (e.g mining etc) in arid zones of Central Asia and Russia, led to destruction and degradation of the ecosystems of arid zone pasture. Under these circumstances study of degraded plant populations was considered essential for restoration of ecosystem and raising the productivity of these pasture. Biogeocenotic principles of ecological restoration for degraded pasture agrolandscapes:

Biogeocenotic principles, which are effective for ecological restoration of degraded pasture and ecosystems as follows: The concept of floristic and cenotic incompleteness phytocenoses and its meaning for ecological restoration of degraded pasture ecosystems.

The natural pasture ecosystems in arid zones of Central Asia and Russia, extended on the extraordinary large territories, are characterized by their floristic and cenotic charecters. In according to L.E. Rodin (1975) contemporary arid ecosystems without the exemption - are the secondary anthropogenic formations. Under the influence of grazing pressure, extinction of plant communities, their productive potential had been reduced in communities. The species and cenotic incompleteness of arid ecosystems expressed in terms of structure organization along with degradation in the number of fodder plants has been described by various workers (Nechaeva, Prichodko, 1966; Shamsutdinov, 197 5; Shamsutdinov, Ibragimov, 1983). As a result the ecological niches reduced in size and potential in such plant

R.Ahmad and K.A. Malik (eds.) Prospects for Saline Agriculture, 29-35, 2002. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


communities reduced too, so in such conditions and it becomes impossible to produce maximum organic matter. Ecological reserves and resources being not used due to incompleteness of pasture ecosystems, was demonstrated by Shamsutdinov, 1975 in his experiments on ephemeral and sage-brush communities of Central Asia. The ecological restoration of degraded pasture ecosystems on the base of polycultures, (i.a. with a mixture of brushes, semi-brushes and grasses) is capable of creating new ecological niches in ecological system. The concept of adaptive plant strategy and its importance for creating arid pasture ecosystems:

The knowledge about the level of deficiency in natural pasture ecosystems indicate necessity of their restoration, by creating optimal composition and structure on the ground of biogeocenotic principle as the adaptive plants, included in new community are useful for the ecological restoration of pasture ecosystems. Historically the formation of new plant communities occur by the selection of plant species, capable to live in the changed ecological condition under prevailing fluctuation of seasonal and daily cycles. Their specific adaptive characteristics, provide the possibility to live with other organisms and to have their place in existing plant communities (Rabotnov, 1983). Ramensky L.G. 1925 identified three types of life strategy of plants namely aggressive, tolerant and susceptible plants. Similar life strategy were identified by Grime (1979), who gave them names and respective symbols - competitors (C), stress tolerators (S) and ruderals (R). Rabotnov T.A. (1983) proposed that Ramensky's terms together with Grime's symbols be used. This idea appears appropriate for studies in phytorestoration of degraded arid pastures. Agressive are species that, by developing vigorously, hold areas suppressing rivals with their vital energy and complete utilization on he

environments resources. In the desert zone they include black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum), white saxaul (Haloxylon persicum), Paletzky's cherkez (Sa/sola Paletzkiana), Richter's cherkez (Sa/sola richteri), Medusa's head kandym (Calligonum caput-medusae), izen (Kochia prostrata), wormwood (Artemisia diffusa) and bulbous blue-grass (Poa bulbosa). Tolerant species could tolerate extreme environmental conditions. They are capable of surviving in non-optimal conditions of either moister or mineral nutrient deficiency, light, water, or other growth limiting factors. This life strategy type is the deserts of Central Asia and Russia may include keyreuk (Sa/sola orienta/is), tetyr (Salsola gemmascens), bordzhok (Ephedra strobilacea), camphorfune (Camphorosma lessingii), balykhuz (Climacoptera lanata), donashur (Gamanthus gamocarpus), kharidandan (Halimocnemis villosa), soleros (Salicomia herbacea), teresken (Eurotia ceratoides) and agametic astragal (Astragalus agameticus). Susceptible species posses low competitive power but are capable of expanding very rapidly into newly open areas. This life strategy type may include dropping brome (Bromus teeforum), mortuk orientalis (Eremopyrum orienta/is), large flowered malcolmie (Malcolmia trigoflowered large grandiflora), nella(Trigonella grandiflora) and karamashak (Leptaleum filifolium). The plants of arid flora more frequently represent the group of species having aggressive and tolerant properties. At the same time plant species and ecotypes belonging to the tolerant group are equally important. A good number of adaptable species having aggressive and tolerant characteristics are present in by fodder trees, shrubs and semi-shrubs which could be selected for domestication and breeding work. The concept of differentiation in ecological niches and complementary species of plant communities for supporting ecological restoration of pastures:


Another important principle of ecology which is very significant for supporting the working of artificial pasture ecosystems deals with the concept of specific complementary plants in multi-species plant communities. The differentiation of ecological niches during restoration of degraded lands is possible through complementary characters dealing with different type of expanding root systems in the upper and underground soil layers, different requirements of mineral elements and light, different ability of absorbing water, phosphor and salts, and different types of plant organs. It has been experimentally established that for improvement of ecological niches and intensive use of habitat resources, it is necessary to keep into consideration the type of prevailing biogeocenotic structures (Shamsutdinov, 1975; Shamsutdinov, Ibragimov, 1983). Only on the ground of niches differentiation such pasture ecosystems are restored by replacement of supplementary species of fodder plants. Ecotypes of fodder plants, selected on the base of special structural biogeocenoses (Zaletaev, 1976) take into account of eco-biological and plant communities combination. The situation with the ecologically substituted species in different plant communities was studied by Ramensky L.G. (1925). He identified seasonal perennial and simultaneous substituets by using endogenic resources. Kurkin K.A. (1983) proposed new technique of simultaneous substitutes of different species creating high productive meadow. The total productivity of pasture ecosystem depends not only on the individual adaptive potential of plant organisms, but to a great extent on the integral adaptive potential of the entire pasture ecosystem. Therefore in determining the ways of creating an adaptive ecological system of phytomelioration and designing models of peren-

nial pastures it is necessary to study the interaction between life forms, species, ecotypes and varieties of co-inhibiting fodder plants for maximum utilization of "cooperative effects" resulting from their interaction.

Methods of ecological restoration for degraded pasture agrolandscapes: On the basis of fundamental ecological and biogeocenotic principles taking into cosideration various types of adaptive strategy of ecologically different species among communities ecological niches, new effective methods of ecological restoration were developed by many research workers for creation new pasture ecosystems (Nechaeva, Prichodko, 1966; Shamsutdinov, Ibragimov, 1983; Shamsutdinov, 1997, Shamsutdinov, Shamsutdinov, 1998). The creation of spring-summer ecosystems.

It is recommended to sow mixtures of following palatable plants at the end of spring and during summer periods. Especially desirable are bushes from family Calligonum, semishrubs - izen (Kochia prostrata), Russian thistle (Salsola orienta/is), camphhorfune (Camphorosma lessingii) teresken (Ceratoides ewersmanniana) and perennial grasses. All of them have good quality and palatability in early phases of vegetation and provides animals with vitamins. The pasture ecosystems from mixtures of semi-shrubs and grasses forms maximum yield of palatable fodder, especially in summer (June-August), when natural sagebrush ephemeral pastures have very poor reserves of fodder. In our experimental period were screened more than 16 types of different species among them following were considered perspective for spring-summer pastures (table.1).


Table 1. Dynamic of spring grazable fodder in pasture ecosystems (dry matter tfha)

Composition, species Kochia prostrata Camphorosma lessingii Eurotia ceratoides Poa bulbosa

I year

2 year

0.14 0.07 0.02

1.11 0.22 0.03


Total Kochia prostrata Camphorosma lessingii Ephemerous


0.41 0.03

1.33 0.11



0.17 0.02

1.03 0.21


Total Camphorosma lessingii Salsola richterii Poa bulbosa







0.08 0.08 0.16



Artemisia tridentata Ephemerous




3 year Type 1 0.88 0.44 0.04 0.02 1.38 Type 2 1.36 0.39 -

1.75 Type 3 0.09 0.23 0.03 0.35

4 year

5 year


1.20 0.24 0.01 0.02 1.47

1.29 0.28 0.01 0.06 1.64

0.94 0.25 0.02 0.03 1.24

2.19 0.51 0.03 2.73

1.60 0.61 0.10 2.31

1.27 0.33 0.06 1.66

0.32 0.14 0.13 0.59 0.17 0.7.6

0.54 0.22 0.06 0.82 0.10 0.92

0.5 0.6 1.1

0.06 0.07 0.13

0.21 0.37 0.02 1.24 0.60 0.30 1.24 0.35 0.63 Natural saJ?ebruch ephemerous pasture (Control) 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.9 0.7 1.5 1.4

During the experimental period the reserves of grazeable fodder on natural sagebrush ephemeral pastures yielded on average five years, 0.13 t/ha dry matter/year. On the artificial pasture ecosystems the yield of dry matter was 0.68-1.66 tlha, i.a exceeded 5-15 fold the yield of natural pastures. Some of the artificial pasture ecosystems were characterized with not only better yield of dry matter, but were rather stable in dynamics of yield in different years. This essential quality of artificial pasture ecosystems characterized both as level of fodder production and stability the dynamic security of fodder for meat animals, horses and camels. The creation of perennial autumn-winter pasture ecosystems.

Black saxaul, cherkez, Russian thistle, bordzhok, izen, sagebrush, bulbasae-bluegrass,

annual thistles are grown for the creation autumn-winter pastures. (Table.2) Creation of autumn-winter pasture ecosystems by bushes, semi-brushes and grasses change the structure of phytomass and correlation above and underground phytomass. In artificial pasture ecosystems the yield of fodder masse rised from 1.08 tlha to 4.89 tlha. Such phytocenotic restorated pasture communities are rather advisable in biological and management. New perennial autumn-winter pasture ecosystems will be stable and characterized with high level of fodder productivity for a long period. Autumn-winter pasture ecosystems are advisable to be established under any place favourable for exploitation in autumn and winter. It is recommended to be established on the 1520% square of all pasture territories.


Table 2. Dry matter yield (tlha) artificial autumn-winter ecosystems.

5 years

Species Haloxylon aphyllum Kochia prostrata Carex.l!..achystylis


2.53 1.75 0.09 4.37

6 years 7 years Black saxauI +Jzen+se . d1ge 3.88 1.85 2.22 2.12 0.14 0.18 4.21 6.18

Haloxylon aphyllum

8 years


2.07 2.66

2.58 2.18 0.13 4.89



0.12 0.06 0.02 Total 0.20 Black saxaul+Russian thistle+izen+Salsola onental"Is+s~eb rus h+SalsoI a sub apfl}' h 11 a 0.14 Haloxylon aphyllum 0.17 0.34 Salsola subaphylla 0.66 0.78 0.45 Kochia prostrata 0.57 0.72 1.00 Salsola orientalis 0.76 1.23 1.10 Artemisia 0.05 0.28 0.04 Carex.J!..achystylis 0.21 0.12 Total 2.18 3.84 2.60

The creation of artificial pasture ecosystems for all-year round utilization. All year round pastures territories are good for animals in· any seasons of the year. High yielding all-year round pastures could be useful during spring-summer and autumn-winter, frequently in spring and autumn and in spring and winter. It is especially important for the organization of pasture interchange system. It makes it possible to provide complete fodder to animals all year round. It could be established in different natural zones of arid territories. Conditions cenotically and ecologically it is advisable to establish required ecosystems from mixtures of different life forms of plants brushes, semi-brushes and grasses in arid environment, which occupy different circles in air and soil spheres. But at the same time it is nee-

0.70 0.20 0.18 1.08 0.21 0.63 0.76 1.03 0.12 0.16 2.91

essary to take into account any species as components of different classes life forms (shrubs, semi-shrubs, grasses) in relation to time vegetation and palatability in different seasons of the year. Observations of some experiments dealing with the creation of all-year round artificial pasture ecosystems from different fodder plants in arid zones of Central Asia are given below (Table.3) (Shamsutdinov, Ibragimov, 1983). Composition of man made all year round pasture will be as follows: brushes (black saxaul, white saxaul, Paletzky's cherkez, Russian thistle, Salsola subaphylla) - 20%, semibrushes (Kochia prostrata, Camphorosma lessingii, Camphorosma orienta/is, Ewersman's teresken, warm wood, worm wood turanicum, salt-sagebrush) - 65%; grasses (Poa bulbosa and ephemeroids)- 15%.


Table 3. The yield of artificial all-year round pasture ecosystems.

Components of artificial ecotope pasture

I year

2 year

0.02 0.34 0.20 Total


0.06 1.02 0.04 0.34 1.46


0.10 0.13 0.36 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.67

0.05 1.34 1.27 0.26 0.02 0.28 3.22

Haloxylon aphyllum Kochia prostrata Artemisia diffusa Poa bulbosa


Haloxylon aphyllum Kochia prostrata Aellenia subaphylla Sa/sola orienta/is Artemisia diffusa Poa bulbosa

The seasonal yield of fodder mass in type 1 pasture ecosystems fluctuated from 0.63 (the first year) to 3.68 tlha (the forth year) and in the type 2 it was from 0.67 (the first year) to 4.26 t/ha (the forth year). Among the plant life forms dry mass in type 2 pasture ecosystems, the yield included: bushes- 28%, semi-brushes- 64%, grasses - 8% average of the six years. The pressure for the availibility of fodder in different seasons of the year, made these pastures favorable especially for sheep. On these pastures the yield of spring-summer fodder reaches 58% and autumn-winter fodder- 42% of all-year round yield. The pasture system 2 is characterized by perfect growing components, high productivity and differentiation fodder components. Such pasture system is very comfortable for sheep in any seasons of the year. Conclusion On the principles of fundamental rules of ecology and biogeocenology the methods for restoration of pasture ecosystems could be developed in arid zones Central Asia and Russia.

Dry matter yield (tlha) 3 year 4 year 5 year T}oe 1 0.63 0.38 0.77 1.24 2.51 2.24 0.03 0.13 0.15 0.22 0.27 0.25 1.87 3.68 3.27 T}oe 2 0.24 0.54 0.64 0.90 0.59 0.36 1.82 2.31 2.04 0.33 0.72 0.62 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.13 0.35 0.43 3.45 4.26 4.39

6 year

7 year

0.66 1.77 0.15 0.25 2.83

0.73 1.00 0.03 0.11 1.87

0.58 0.17 2.21 0.59 0.03 0.38 3.96

0.53 0.10 1.06 0.30


0.16 2.22

The approach for the restoration of degraded lands should be based on the ecosystems by combining ecological, biological and cenotical conditions with different types of adaptive strategy, their niches keeping in mind the ability during the of forming proper ecosystems. Hence for the modeling of pasture ecosystems in order to replace degraded non-productive lands, it would be essential to consider local types of structural biogeocenoses which is typical to arid soils. In the scheme of natural biogeocenotic structure, selection of species for modeling pasture ecosystems should be based on type of adaptive strategy (aggressive, tolerant, susceptible) with the possibility of their introduction in forming communities. Such an approach for the creation of pasture ecosystems gives a possibility to create optimal productive, ecologically stable, long functional and self perpetuating pasture ecosystems on the degraded territories. On these basis springsummer, autumn-winter and all-year round pasture ecosystems were established for huge sheep breeding territories in arid zones of Central Asia


(Karnab u.a.) and North-west Caspian arid zones (Astrakhan, Kalmyk).

Acknowledgements The authors express their thanks for providing Russian Fund of Basic Research (Russian Federation) (Grants N° 98-05-54698a, 00-0579099 and 00-05-74547) for supporting these investigations.

References Grime S.P. (1979) Plant strategies and vegetation processes. Chichester ets.: Willey, 371. Nechaeva N.T., Prichodko S.L. (1966) Artificial winter pastures in piedmont deserts Middle Asia. Ashchabad: Turkmenistan, 227. Rabotnov T.A.(1983) Phytocenology.- M.: MGU Press, 296.

Ramensky L.G. (1925) Introduction to the complex pedogenic and geobotanical study oflands. - 1., 620. Rodin L.E. ( 1975) The productivity in desert communities. In: Resources of biosphere. - L.: Nauka. Shamsutdinov Z.Sh. (1975) Creation perennial pastures in the arid zones in Central Asia. - Tashkent: Fan, 175. Shamsutdinov Z.Sh., lbragimov 1.0. (1983) Perennial pasture phytocenoses in arid zone of Uzbekistan. Tashkent: Fan, 167. Shamsutdinov N.Z. (1997) Phytogenic Resources of Halophytes and Their Utilization in Agriculture. Problems ofDesertDevelopment, 6, 31-44. Shamsutdinov N.Z., Shamsutdinov Z.Sh. (1998) World Resources of Halophytic Plants and Problems of Their Multipurpose Utilization in Agriculture. Agricultural Biology. Part: Biology of Plants, 1: 3-17. Zaletaev V.S. (1976) The live in desert. Geographicalbiogeocenotic and ecological problems.- M.: Mysl, 271.


A study on salt pollution cycle of cultivated land between drainage and irrigation in the main stream of Tarim River, Xinjiang, China Ji Fang , Ma Yingjie and Fan Zili (Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011) Abstract: Under earlier practice of drainage systems, the drainage water was mixed with river water in the main stream of Tarim River, which caused salt pollution cycle of cultivated land. Seasonal changes in salt pollution cycle were serious in lower water period. It had an obvious influence on the irrigated districts in the lower section of the upper reaches and middle reaches. Major composition of mineral ions in polluted water is that of Na, Cl and S0 4 • For control measure, it is proposed to construct multi-way drainage outlet to store ground water for irrigation during lower water period. Laws should also be inforced to practice approved management practices.

Key words: Tarim River, Salt pollution cycle, Artarial drainage, Irrigation management. Introduction Salt pollution cycle of cultivated land refers to removal of salts through drainage from upper reaches, and mixing with river water to pollute it. It is again carried to irrigated districts through irrigation in the lower reaches. Tarim River is located in the arid area of warm temperate zone. Because of little precipitation and much evaporation, salinity of different regimes has been developed in soil horizon. Hence the control of salinisation becomes an important duty for sustainable development of regional agriculture. With the availibility of investment in agricultural production in the past decade, drainage system has been preliminarily improved and some progress has also been made in the control of soil salinisation. However, new problem was created.

Since the drainage in studied area was discharged in Tarim River, it caused river water pollution and resulted into salt pollution cycle in cultivated land. According to survey results in the main stream of Tarim River in the past several decades, pollution of river water was aggravated (Fan, 1998). If salt pollution cycle of cultivated land is not controlled, it would have a serious influence on regional agriculture. Change of drainage system and formation of salt pollution cycle of cultivated land Change of drainage system was divided in three stages in Tarim River watershed as well as in Xinjiang, China in the past several decades (Tablel).

R.Ahmad and K.A. Malik (eds.) Prospects for Saline Agriculture, 37-42, 2002. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


Table.] Change of drainage systems at different periods


Drainage method


____d_r_ru._·n__a~_e_"_____ _---------------- ~? -~rai!l_a_~~ ~_i!~~--------__1_9~9:~ ~?-~~?1~-! ??_O_'_s ______________ ·_·pry Late 1960's to middle 1980's

Arterial drainage ditch


Ratio of irrigation canal and drainage

-- ---- -- ------ ---------------- -------- -- ----- -- ------ ------- ------ ------ -- ~_i!~~ -~~~-~ 9: ~ -~r_ ~~~~ ------------Late 1980's to 1990's

Gradually perfecting

Ratio of irrigation canal and drainage

drainage systems

ditch was 3.4:1

The controlling stage of "dry drainage"

The term "dry drainage" as used in this paper, refers to removing the salt from cropped soils by means of micro-relief differences. The process as follows: first, the salt in cropped soils is leached towards the profile bottom, then it is transported to adjacent uncultivated land through evaporation. The adjacent uncultivated area finally is taken as "dry drainage" salt accumulation place of the cultivated land. The cultivated area of Xinjiang, China was only 1.21 million ha in 1949, but land was rapidly reclaimed on a large scale and the area greatly increased from the 1950's to the middle 1960's. The "dry drainage" was still dominated during the period. It is obvious that "dry drainage" for agricultural production is practiced in scattered aera on small scale demanding low investment. With the development of agricultural production in this manner their appear some problems, like wastage of land and inefficiently in removing salt. More economic, effective methods are needed to solve the problems of controlling salinisation.

The controlling stage of external drainage

While the regular pattern of salt-water movement was understood better and the investment was increased in Xinjiang, external drainage was gradually adopted from the late 1960's to the middle 1980's for the control of salinisation. In order to change the condition of irrigation accompanying with no drainage, arterial drainage ditches were developed in most regions (Zhang, 1986). As ratio of the length of irrigation canals and drainage ditches was 10: 1 or more, it still did not bring a rise in groundwater level under control, obvious progress has not been made in the control of salinisation. The controlling stage of preliminary improvement of drainage system

Since the middle 1980's, water conservancy construction has been rapidly developed in Xinjiang, China. The investment of water conservancy construction was 3 232.4 million yuan and the length of anti-seepage channels built was 26 850 km from 1986 to 1993, both more than the total of 1949 to 1985 (Ji, 1998). Total length of


external drainage ditches in different levels reached 89 000 km, ratio of the length of irrigation canals and drainage ditches was 3.4:1 in

ber), had a slight rise in median water period (October to February), considerably increased in low water period (March to June). Survey shown

1996. With preliminary improvement of drainage system, although salt in cropped soils was drained away from irrigated districts, pollution from drainage to river water was gradually aggravated. The main stream of Tarim River is a

(Ma, 1999) that drainage volume was 537 million m3 in main arterial drainage ditches of the main stream of Tarim River, mean mineralization of drainage was 2.28-9.57g/L, and total salt weight was 3.08 million tons (Table 2). As polluted river water was used for irrigation in the

typical case. Figure 1 shown comparison of degree of mineralization of river water among the

middle and lower reaches of Tarim River, it resulted in salt which was drained away from irrigated districts in the upper reaches again to enter field in the middle and lower reaches,

middle 1970's, middle 1980's, middle and late 1990's at Aral station in the main stream of Tarim River. It revealed that mineralization changed little in flood period (July to Septem-

eventually salt pollution cycle of cultivated land was formed.

8 7

• Middle 1970's

~ 6

B Middle 1980's

~0 5

• Middle &late 1990's

·; 4 .!::!

-:; 3


.s ~


Fig.l Change of degree of mineralization


of river water at Aral station in the main

0 Flood perio d

Media n water period

Low water period

stream of Tarim River

Table. 2 Main drainage ditchs and canied salt weight in the main stream of Tarim River

Name of drainage ditches Bawutuolake Halata NorthAral South Arai Weiganhe Total

Drainage volume

(108m3) 2.00 0.78 1.1 3 0.96

0.50 5.37

Mean mineralization (giL) 2.28 4.57 9.32 8.89 7. 13

Total salt weight (I 04 I)

45.6 35.6 105.3 85.3 35.7 307.5


2. Characteristics of salt pollution cycle of cultivated land Most serious influence on river water in low water period As seasonal change of runoff volume of river is considerable, runoff is mainly in flood period of July to September (Figure2), and it occupies 69% of total runoff volume, so salt pollution has a serious influence on water quality in low water period. Comparison of degree of mineralization of river water from Aral, Xinquman, Yingbaza stations in flood period of July to September, median water period of October to February, low water period of March to June indicated that river water was most seriously polluted in low water period (Figure3). Because low water period of April to June is also agricultural irrigation period, polluted river water used for irrigation in the middle and lower reaches of Tarim River would result in salt pollution cycle of cultivated land.

Main water chemical types (Cl • S04 - Na) In order to check impact of salt pollution cycle of cultivated land on water quality, samples of drainage and river water were collected at the same time in low water period of the early June of 1997. The results shown (Table 3) that degree of mineralization of drainage was 6-13g/L and its water chemical type was mainly Cl • S04 - Na. Degree of mineralization of river and reservoir water was less than 1giL in source flows and the upper section of the upper reaches, their water chemical type was different from that of drainage and had a high SOlcontent. However, in the lower section of the upper reaches and the middle reaches, degree of mineralization of river and reservoir water was more than 5g/L, their water chemical type was basically the same as that of drainage. In the lower reaches, both degree of mineralization and water chemical type of river water as well as reservoir one had a certain difference with that of drainage.

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nev. Dec. Fig.2 Seasonal change of runoff volume at Aral station in the main stream of Tarim River


• Fl o od p er io d •Med ian w ater p er io d • Low water period




Fig.3 Seasonal change of degree of mineralization at different surveying stations in the main stream of Tarim River

Table. 3 Comparison of degree of mineralization and water chemical types in low water period


Source flows & upper section of the upper reaches

Water type River water I River water 2 Reservoir water I Reservoir water 2 Reservoir water 3

------------------------------------------------------Upper & lower sections of the upper reaches

Degree of mineralization (giL)

0.220 0.272 0.508 0.888 0.604

Chemical type HC03 • so4Ca • Mg

so4 · Hco3ca • Mg

S04 • Cl - Mg • Na S0 4 • Cl - Na • Mg so4· Cl - Na • Mg

-n;~~~~~ -~---------------- -6~928---------------

Drainage 2 Drainage 3

13.21 6.688


-so~ =--N~


Cl • S04- Na Cl • S0 4 - Na

---- - ---- - - - --------------- - ------ - -- - ------------------~~~~~~~-~----------------~~:~~------------_i~t··-··· · -· ·. -· · · · · · · · ·. · · · · · -~:-:!·· · · · · · · · · · · · -~~~ur:~·-· · · · · · lp·~·-· · · · · ·lrn~J~j·· · · ·

!::::---· · · ·j:~e:~~-:~:y~:: !:.~~~~!:!:- -

~~:::- i::~:: · ............................ .. Cenchrus



...; ................................:........................................................................!................................................................................ -~ .....................L. . . .. . . ... ;ciliaris !Communal grazing !Sand dune Sand :8.1 !0.25

···[-~ili~s···-······tc~-~11~3TgiilZiili. . . . . . rs;m·d· du~e · · · · ·s-~d·· · · ·········· ·······!s:2··· · · · · ;_:;l










(c)16 dS m-'


2 0










Figure 6. Distribution of grain yield of 95 doubled haploid lines under control (a), medium (b) and high (c) salinity conditions




Yield at 9 dS m-1 Yield at 18 dS m·1

D &

Na• at9dsm·1 1(/Na• at 9 dS m·1

~ crat9dsm·1

Figure 7. Correlation of days to heading in the controls with yield at 9 and 18 dS m- 1, and with Na•, K•/Na• ratio and cr content at 9.0 dS m-1• Doubled haploid trial: all genotypes (n =192) 500

.. . ·. !·:·i


' E 200



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z jso ...J

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