Prospectus 2006-07

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thereto will be eligible for the admission to the F.Y.B.Com class. 2. ..... (F.C. – I). Second Semester (Seven Papers). 1.2.1 Special Accounting Area (F.A. Paper II).



About Us



Motto, Vision, Mission, Objectives & Goals






Members of Governing Body



Teaching Staff



Local Managing Committee


ADMISSION RULES AND SYLLABUS (In Brief) 7. B.Com. – Bachelor of Commerce 8.

M.Com. (Management, Accountancy & e-Commerce)


M.Sc. (Information Technology)

8 10


B.M.S. – Bachelor of Management Studies



B.Sc. (I.T.) –Bachelor of Science in Information Technology



B.Sc. (Computer Science)


B.Com. (A&F) – Bachelor of Commerce in Accountancy & Finance



B.Com. (B&I) – Bachelor of Commerce in Banking & Insurance



B.Com. (Financial Markets)



17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.


B.Com. (F.Y., S.Y., T.Y.), M.Com., B.M.S., B.Sc.(I.T.), B.Com. (A&F), B.Com. (B&I), B.Com. (FM), B.Sc. (C.S.), M.Sc. (IT) and M.Com. (e-Commerce) Fee Structure for Reserved category Rules for Refund of fees General Rules for Admission Library, Book Bank, Other Co-curricular activitites General Rules & Regulation of discipline Administrative Staff Glorious Moments of Vivek – 2008-09


30 31 33 34 38 42 43

ABOUT US The VIVEK EDUCATION SOCIETY, a Charitable Institution set up in the year 1961, had established Vivek Vidyalaya in 1962 and followed it up by starting Junior College in the streams of Arts, Science & Commerce in 1976. The Vivek College of Commerce was started in the year 1986. These Institutions together have been catering to over 6400 students studying from PrePrimary to Post-Graduate level. These institutions have carved niche for themselves in the western suburbs of the city. VIVEK COLLEGE OF COMMERCE has been granted Linguistic Minority (Tamil / Malayalam) Status. It provides instructions to student for the following courses: ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) Master of Commerce (M.Com.) Specialisation in Accountancy & Management and M.Com. (E-Commerce) Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) Bachelor of Science (Information Technology) [B.Sc. (IT)] Bachelor of Commerce (Banking & Insurance) Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Market) Master of Science (IT)

From the academic year 2009-10, Vivek College will also be offering one new course viz. Bachelor of Science (Computer Science), in addition to the above courses, The College has been functioning as a centre for Personal Contact Programme for the students of the Institute of Distance Education of University of Mumbai. The college is a Centre for the various examinations of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the ICFAI. Regular lectures for ICFAI (MBA) course is being held in the college. The College has an excellent reputation as regards the academic and the co-curricular activities. Our results of the previous years have been encouraging and significantly higher than the University pass percentage. The results of unaided section in 2007-08 was above 95% in all faculties and in B.Com. (A&F) it was 100%. We also ensure that the students are offered opportunities to excel in the co-curricular fields like sports and cultural activities. Many students participated in the various competitions orgainsed by the University or different colleges and have won laurels for the college. Permanently affiliated to University of Mumbai, Recognised by UGC under Section 12(b) and 2(f) of the U.G.C. Act and Accredited by NAAC


MOTTO “Vidya Dhanam Sarva Dhanat Pradhanam”

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Amongst all the riches and virtues of life, Education is Supreme

VISION As the education is supreme among all the riches and virtues of life, it shall be our endeavour to impart quality education enriching the students for making significant contribution to the Nation.

MISSION ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉

Value based Education to all Integrity towards Society Virtuous Life Endeavour for Excellence Kindling the spirit of Universal Brotherhood OBJECTIVES & GOALS

To promote educational and professional achievement through Self Development of the students without any discrimination. To enable students to be proactive, goal-oriented, optimistic, credible, professionally competent and responsible citizens. To enable the students to successfully live and work in a culturally diverse global society. To promote noble thoughts and actions in our students.



Twenty seven well qualified staff with industrial as well as academic background appointed on Full Time Basis.

Clean, ventilated class rooms.

Well equipped Gymkhana for indoor activities. Coaches and trainers appointed for different sports.

A fully Computerised Library with about 18,000 books, journals, periodicals on various subjects and newspapers.

TWO Computer laboratory with 55 latest machines and other peripherals with 24 hours internet connection.

Besides the annual college magazine, a bi-monthly newsletter “SRISHTI” is published by the college, consisting of articles, anecdotes, experiences of the students and the staff.

Lots of cultural and sports activities i.e. co-curricular activities are arranged by college for the all round development of the students.

Number of prizes are awarded for the competition conducted through out the year by various associations.

Excellence awards have been instituted for the overall best performance in various activities.

Academic excellence at annual exams is rewarded. These rewards are an encouragement and boost to students to participate in various activities and prove their potential.

Large number of Association and clubs to help the students bring forth their hidden talent. Objective is to help the students to learn to work in a group achieving the objectives of the association / club within the available resources.

Each classroom equipped with latest learning aids like OHP, Audio systems. LCD Projector, T.V. with DVD player is also available.

Computerised Seating & Coding System for F.Y & S.Y. Examinations conducted by the College on behalf of the Univerity. None of the Staff members / Examiners know the seat nos. of the students. Identity of the student is revealed only at the time of declaration of the result.

Fully computerized administrative work set up.

Fully computerized inhouse marksheets printing.


Examination center for the professional courses like C.A., C.S., C.E.T., Banking Examination, symbosis, MBA, ICFAI.

To excel in academics, two preliminary exams are conducted for the students of final year.

Center for Personal Contact Lecture Program of Institute of Distance Education, University of Mumbai.

Regular lectures for ICFAI (MBA) Course is being held in the college.

MANAGING COMMITTEE MEMBERS OF GOVERNING BODY Sr.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.




President Vice President Hon. Secretary Hon. Jt. Secretary Hon. Treasurer Hon. Jt. Treasurer Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member MEMBER Internal Auditor Internal Auditor


TEACHING STAFF Dr. (Ms.) Nandita Roy, Ph.D.


Prof. Jayesh Vaidya, B.Com., F.C.A.

Vice-Principal, Head of Acc. Dept.

Prof. Neelu Khosla, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil.

Foundation Course

Prof. Jose Augustine, M.A., M.Phil.

Head of Eco. Co-ord., P.G. Course

Prof. M. G. Mohanan, M.Sc., M.Phil., D.H.E., D.C.M.

Maths & Stats.

Prof. Anjali Pathak, M.Sc., M.Phil., D.C.M.

Head of Maths & Stats.

Prof. Anthony Cervalho, B.Com., LLM, C.S.,

Business Law

Prof. Manisha Naik, M.Com.(B), M.Com. (SP), ADPR

Head of Commerce Dept.

Prof. Malthi Subramanian, M.A.


Prof. Thanga Durai, M.Com., M.Phil


Prof. Shefali Naranje, M.A., SET

Business Communication

Prof. Dr. Tanusree Chaudhuri, M.A., Ph.D., SET

Environmental Studies

Prof. Mona Thakkar Pandya, M.Com., PGDFT

B.M.S. Co-ordinator

Mrs. Bindu Varma, B.Com., M.Lib.Sc.


Prof. Aparna Padte, M.S.(Comp. Sc.), M.Sc. (Comp)

M.Sc.(IT) Co-ordinator

Prof. Anupama Bali, MCA

B.Sc. (IT) Co-ordinator

Prof. Pradeep Hathi, B.Com., F.C.A., Grad.C.W.A., L.L.B. (Gen), AMIMA


Prof. Vandana Ladha, M.Com., F.C.A.

B.Com., (A&F), Co-ordinator

Prof. Durgesh Kenkre, M.Com., L.L.B.(Gen), A.C.A., PG.DFM

B.Com., (B&I), Co-ordinator

Prof. Sanchita Haldar, M.Com., M.Phil.


Prof. Mandar Thakur, M.Com.


Prof. Sreelekha P., M.C.A.

Computers & I. T.

Prof. Maya Jamindar, M.Com. B.Ed., NET (JRF)


Prof. Kavita Vaidya, M.C.A.

Computers & I. T.

Prof. Mosamee Shah, M.Com., DHRM, MBA-HR(Final Sem)

Enterpreneurship Management

Prof. Debjani Chakrabarti, B.Sc. (Eco), A.C.A.




LOCAL MANAGING COMMITTEE Sr.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.



Mr. S. Sriram Mr. Sasi Varma Mr. K. Krishnamoorthy Prin. Dr. M. N. Welling Mr. S. Aiyaswamy Dr. Sunder Ram Korivi Prof. Jayesh Vaidya Prof. Anothony Carvalho Prof. Mrs. Manisha Naik Ms. Bhavna Rathod Prin. Sunil B. Mantri

President, Vivek Education Society Hon. Secretary, Vivek Education Society Hon. Treasurer, Vivek Education Society Nominee of Management Nominee of Management Nominee of Management Teachers Representative Teachers Representative Teachers Representative Non-Teaching Staff Representative Principal & Member, Secretory

ADMISSION RULES : Admission procedure applicable to minority insitutions, as specified by Government of Maharashtra is given below. Assumption made is that regular B.Com. course has 4 divisions of 120 students each and 60 students consitute a division for all Self Financing and M.Com. Courses : a. 15% Quota reserved for Management. b.

3% seats reserved for the categories viz. (i) Handicapped students (ii) Children / Grandchildren of Freedom Fighters (iii) children of defence personnel, ex-service men (iv) Children of Parents transferred while working in Central / State governments (v) Sports, District, State and National (vi) Students having distinguished and exceptional performances in cultural activities strictly on merits.


50% of the remaining seats are then allotted to Minority Quota.


50% of the remaining seats are then allotted to open Category students and 50% to the reserved category (13% by SC, 7% by ST, 3% by DT, 2.5% by NT(B), 3.5% by NT(C), 2% by NT(D) and 19% by OBC/SBC.) In case of (b) and (c), In House students are to be admitted first and in case if seats are vacant, they can be filled up with outside students. Preference for the In-house students is available to regular B.Com. course only and not to the Self Financing Courses.


Then from the remaining seats, if any, Minority colleges can admit students in 47% quota of seats, strictly, on the basis of merit amongst the minority students from the respective minority (religious / linguistic) community under which the college has been granted minority status and all admissions to be made on merit basis. The above rules are subject to changes by University / Government instructions issued from time to time.


B.Com. – Bachelor of Commerce ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION TO B.Com. Degree Course : This being an institution recognised as minority institution (linguistic minority – Tamil & Malayalam), besides the criterion given below, reservations for minority community would also be applicable as per the rules and regulations of the University and the Government. 1.

A student who has passed the H.S.C Examination conducted by the Maharashtra Higher Secondary Education Board with Commerce / Science stream or with Vocational subject carrying 200 marks or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto will be eligible for the admission to the F.Y.B.Com class.


Students passing H.S.C. or any other equivalent Examinations conducted by Boards/Universities outside Maharashtra States, should first obtain a provisional certificate of eligibility from the Registrar, University of Mumbai, Eligibility Section, Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai, before they seek admission to the college. Application Forms submitted without Provisional Eligibility Certificate will not be accepted.


A student who has passed or is permitted to keep term for the higher class i.e. is “FAILS BUT ATKT” at the F.Y.B.Com examination will be eligible for the admission to the Second year course of the respective degree. To be eligible for admission to the Third year, a student should have cleared both the examination i.e. F.Y.B.Com and S.Y.B.Com. or should have cleared the either F.Y.B.Com. / S.Y.B.Com and should have obtained ATKT at S.Y.B.Com. / F.Y.B.Com. class. A student who has ATKT in both the classes i.e. F.Y.B.Com. & S.Y.B.Com. Classes is not eligible for admission to the T.Y.B.Com. class.

Students seeking admission to this college are required to submit an application in the prescribed Application form. Application forms for admissions to FY Classes will be issued as per the schedule decided and declared by the University and Government. Duly completed forms along with the necessary documents should be submitted to college office as per the instructions given along with the form. Candidates seeking admission are advised to refer to the merit lists displayed by the college and take admission within the prescribed date as per the schedule. Students are also advised to keep sufficient number of photo copies of their certificates duly attested with them for use in future. Kindly note that requests for return of documents once submitted will not be entertained. Admissions will be strictly based on merit and as per the schedule and criterions prescribed by the University and Government. For further details, applicants are requested to read the notices displayed on the Notice Boards.


COURSE STRUCTURE F.Y.B.Com. A student is required to offer seven subjects as under. Each subject will carry one paper of 100 marks. Thus total marks will be 700. 1) Foundation Course - Paper I (Theory-80 marks, Project 20 marks) 2)

Business Economics – Paper I


Commerce – Paper I (Business Development)


Accounting & Financial Management – Paper I


Business Communication


Environmental Studies


Mathematical & Statistical Techniques

S.Y.B.Com. A student is required to offer six subjects as under. Each subject will carry one paper of 100 marks. Thus total marks will be 600. 1)

Foundation Course – Paper II (Theory-80 marks, Project 20 marks)


Business Economics – Paper II


Commerce – Paper II (Principles of Management & Finance)


Accounting & Financial Management – Paper II


Applied Component Group – Advertising / Economic Systems / Computer Programming


Business Law

Optional Subjects will be allotted purely on merit (decided on the basis of marks obtained at F.Y.B.Com. Examinations) from amongst the applications received subject to the availability of seats.

T.Y.B.Com : A student is required to offer seven papers as under. Each paper will carry 100 marks. Total marks will be 700. a)

Special Subject : 3 papers I & II & III Financial Accounting & Auditing – Paper I Financial Accounting & Auditing – Paper II Financial Accounting & Auditing – Paper III



Commerce – Paper III ( Principles of Management & Production Planning)


Business Economics – Paper III


Applied Component – Paper II (Direct & Indirect Taxes)


Applied Component – Paper III (Export Marketing / Computer Systems & Applications / Marketing Research / Elements of Operation Research)

Optional Subjects will be allotted purely on merit (decided on the basis of marks obtained at S.Y.B.Com. Examinations) from amongst the applications received subject to the availability of seats.Students should note that they will not be permitted to change subject/ s once offered, without the prior permission of the Principal.

M.Com. – Master of Commerce Note : Minimum cut off percentage required for admission in this college is as follows : M.Com. Part I – Accountancy - 50%, Business Management - 45%

M.Com. Part I Compulsory 1. Business Policy and Strategic Management 2. Economics of Global Trade and Finance Optional Accountancy 1. Advance Financial Accounting 2. Advance Cost Accounting Business Management 1. Human Resource Management 2. Marketing Strategy and Plans

M.Com. Part II Compulsory 1. Research Methodology Optional Accountancy 1. Advanced Financial Management 2. Audit and Taxation 3. Advanced Management Accounting Business Management 1. Organisational Behaviour 2. International Marketing 3. Entrepreneur Management


M.Com. (E-Commerce) – Master of Commerce (E-Commerce) ADMISSION RULES: Eligibility : A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Master of E-Commerce Degree Course shall have passed B.Com, Examination of this University or any other recognized University by U.G.C. and secured not less than 50% marks in aggregate at first attempt (45% in case of reserved category).

COURSE STRUCTURE First Year : 1st Semester 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

Mgt. Concepts and Organizational Behaviour Business Environment Managerial Economics Statistical Analysis Financial and Cost Accounting Marketing Management Financial Management

First Year : 2nd Semester 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7

Accounting for Managerial Decisions Computer Applications in Business E-Commerce International Business Environment International Marketing International Finance Information Technology in Business

Second Year : 3rd Semester 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

Operations Research Database Management Internet and Web Designing Service Marketing and Customer Relationship Management Network Infrastructure & Payment System Business Models for E-Commerce Training Report and Presentation


Second Year : 4th Semester 4.1 Strategic Management 4.2 On-line Marketing, and E-CRM 4.3 Accounting Information System 4.4 Management Information System 4.5 International Business Laws and Taxation 4.6 Legal Security & Other Issues in E-Com. 4.7 Project Report and Viva Voce

M.Sc.-IT (First Year) First Term

Second Term

Computer Simulation and Modeling

Programming with Components

Mobile Computing

Advanced Computer Networks

Image Processing

Speech Recognition

Data Warehousing and Mining

Advanced Databased System

M.Sc.-IT (Second Year) First Term

Second Term

Software Testing

Information Security

Artificial Intelligence





Elective - II



B.M.S. – Bachelor of Management Studies ADMISSION RULES: (for all students including students belonging to Tamil / Malayalam Minority) ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION TO B.M.S. Degree Course : “0.3941 : A candidate for being eligible for admission to the B.M.S. Degree Course shall have passed XIIth Std Examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination or Diploma in any Engineering branches with two yeas or three years or four years duration after the S.S.C. conducted by the Board of Technical Education, Maharashtra States or equivalent Examination.”


Admission Rules for Sem. II to Sem. VI of B.M.S. : a)

A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester II if he / she passes Semester I OR if he she fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester I


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester III if he/she passes Semester I and Semester II OR if he she fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester I and Semester II taken together.


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester IV if he / she passes in each of Semester I, II and III OR if he she passes Semester I and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester II and Semester III taken together.


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester V if he / she passes in each of Semester I, II, III and IV OR if he she passes Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester III and Semester IV taken together.


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester VI if he / she passes in each of Semester I, II, III, IV and V OR if he she passes Semester I. Semester II and Semester III and fails in not more than two theory paper of Semester IV and Semester V taken together irrespective of his / her grade in Project – I of Semester V.

The admission criterion for the B.M.S. and the B.Sc. (I.T.) courses would be as per the rules and regulations prescribed by the University and Government from time to time.

COURSE STRUCTURE F.Y.B.M.S: First Semester (Seven Papers) 1.1 Foundations of Human Skill 1.2 Introduction to Financial Accounts 1.3 Business Law 1.4 Business Mathematics 1.5 Business Communication 1.6 Principles of Management – I 1.7 Introduction to Computers**

Second Semester (Seven Papers) 2.1 Business Environment 2.2 Industrial Law 2.3 Computer Applications in Business


2.4 Managerial Economics – I 2.5 Business Statistics 2.6 Introduction to Cost Accounting 2.7 Environmental Management

S.Y.B.M.S. Third Semester (Six Papers) 3.1 Management Accounting 3.2 Managerial Economics - II 3.3 Marketing Management 3.4 Materials Management 3.5 Effective Communication - II 3.6 Principles of Management - II

Fourth Semester (Six Papers) 4.1 International Marketing 4.2 Elements of Direct and Indirect Taxes 4.3 Export - Import Procedures and Documentation 4.4 Management of Small Scale Industries 4.5 Productivity and Quality Management 4.6 Public relations Management

T.Y.B.M.S. Fifth Semester (Seven Papers) 5.1 Human Resource Management 5.2 Service Sector Management 5.3 Financial Management 5.4 Elements of Logistics Management 5.5 Management of Co-operatives 5.6 Rural Management 5.7 Project Work - I


Sixth Semester (Seven Papers) 6.1 Entrepreneurship 6.2 Quantitative Method for Business – II 6.3 Marketing Research 6.4 Indian Management Thought and Practices 6.5 Elective Paper – I Econometrics or International Finance 6.6 Elective Paper – II Special Study in Finance or Special Study in Marketing

Note : Electives, once selected, will not be changed. B. Sc. (I.T.) – Bachelor of Science (Information Technology) ADMISSION RULES: ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION TO B.Sc.(I.T.) Degree Course (O.5051): A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Degree course of Bachelor of Science – Information Technology, shall have passed XII Standard examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent with Mathematics as one of the subject and should have secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate for Open Category and 40% marks in aggregate in case of Reserved category candidates. OR Candidates who have passed the 3 year post S.S.C. Diploma in Computer Engineering / Computer Science / Computer Technology / Information Technology / Electrical, Electronics & Video Engineering and Allied branches / Mechanical and Allied Branches. Civil and Allied branches of Engineering are eligible for direct admission to the Second Year of the B.Sc.(I.T.) degree course. However the Diploma should be recognised by the Board of Technical Education or any other recognised Government Body. Minimum marks required 45% aggregate for Open Category candidate and 40% aggregate for Reserved candidates. OR Candidates with post HSC-Diploma in Computer Engineering / Computer Science / Computer Technology / Information Technology and allied branches will be eligible for direct admission to the Second Year of B.Sc. (I.T.). However, the Diploma should be recognised by the Board of Technical Education or any other recognised Government Body Minimum Marks required 45% aggregate for Open Category candidates and 40% aggregate for Reserve category candidates. O.5053: Admission will be made on the basis of merit.

R 4411 Eligibility Rules for Admission to Semester II, III, IV, V and VI of B.Sc. (I.T.) i.

A student is eligible for admission to Semester II, irrespective of No. of heads of failure in the First Semester.



A student is eligible for admission to Semester III if he / she passes Semester I as well as Semester II or the student fails in combination of Theory and/or Practical taken in Semester I or Semester II or together where the total marks does not exceed 200.


A student is eligible for admission to Semester IV, irrespective of No. of heads of failure in the Third Semester. However, the student has to clear Semester I & II, in order to appear for semester IV examination.


A student is eligible for admission to Semester V if either the student passes Semester III & IV OR the student fails in combination of Theory and/or Practical taken in Semester III or Semester IV or together where the total marks does not exceed 200.


A student is eligible to be admitted to Semester VI irrespective of the no. of heads of failure in Semester V. The result of Semester VI should be kept in abeyance until the student clears Semester III, IV and V in full.

The above rules are subject to changes made by the Government / University.

COURSE STRUCTURE F.Y.B.Sc. (IT) Semester I 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Introduction to Information Theory and Applications Mathematics - I Introduction to Digital electronics Digital Computer Fundamentals Introduction to Programming

Semester II 2.1 Mathematics - II 2.2 Design and analysis of algorithms 2.3 Tele Communication systems 2.4 Professional Skill Development course 2.5 Computer Graphics

S.Y.B.Sc. (IT) Semester III 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Computational Mathematics Systems Programming Object Oriented Programming Computer Networks Logic, Discrete Mathematical Structures


Semester IV 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

Data base concepts and Systems Operating Systems C++ and JAVA E-Commerce SW Engineering

T.Y.B.Sc. (IT) Semester V 5.1 Internet Security 5.2 Visual Basic 6.0 5.3 S.Q.L. - 2 5.4 Elective I (Select ONE of the following) a. Multi Media b. Embedded Systems and Programming c. Web Design and Internet Based Applications d. Advanced Java 5.5 Elective II (Select ONE of the following) a. b. c. d.

ERP Systems GIS Management Information Systems BPR

Semester VI 6.1 C # 6.2 Internet Technology 6.3 CRM 6.4 Elective - III a. b. c. d.

Strategic I.T. Management Total Supply Chain Management Project Management I.T. law and Patents

6.5 Project Note : Electives, once selected, will not be changed.


B.Sc. (Computer Science) F.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mathematics Statistics Physics Computer Science Foundation Course Paper-I

S.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mathematics Statistics Physics Computer Science Foundation Course Paper-II

T.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science) 1. 2. 3.

Computer Science / Mathematics (6 units) (Applied Component) Computer Programming Operations Research / Statistics (6 units) Linux & MS - Access C++ Internet Technology & Security Web Design and Internet based applications / Computer Science ( 6 units)

B.Com. (A&F) – Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) ADMISSION RULES : Eligibility for Admission to B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) Degree Course (O.5204) : A candidate for being eligible for admission to Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) Course shall have passed XII std. Examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent and secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate at one and the same sitting (40% in case of reserved category). OR Candidate have passed the Diploma in Administration Services (Commercial and Secretarial Practices) conducted by Premlila Vithaldas Polytechnic, S.N.D.T. Women’s University.

Admission rules for Sem. II to Sem. VI of B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) : i.

A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester II if he / she passes Semester I or if he / she fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester I.






A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester III if he/she passes Semester I & II OR if he /she fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester I and Semester II taken together. A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester IV if he / she passes each of Semester I, II and III OR if he/she passes Semester I and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester II and III taken together. A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester V if he / she passes each of Semester I, II, III and IV OR if he/she passes Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester III and IV taken together. A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester VI if he / she passes each of Semester I, II, III, IV and V OR if he/she passes Semester I and Semester II and Semester III and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester IV and V taken together.

COURSE STRUCTURE F.Y.B.Com. (A & F) First Semester (Seven Papers) 1.1.1 1.1.2. 1.1.3 1.1.4. 1.1.5. 1.1.6. 1.1.7.

Elements of Financial Accounting (F.A. – I) Introduction & Elements of Cost. (Cost Act. I) Micro Economics (Eco. I) Business Environment (Com. I) Introduction & Elements of Information Technology – I (I.T. I) Business Communication Paper I Fundamentals of Environment Management. (F.C. – I)

Second Semester (Seven Papers) 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7

Special Accounting Area (F.A. Paper II) Introduction to Planning & Auditing (Audit. – I) Introduction to Financial Management (. Fin. Mgmt. –I) Indirect Taxes (Taxation Paper I) Business Regulatory Frame Work ( Bus. Law I) Quantitative Methods for Business Paper I Business Communication Paper II

S.Y.B.Com. (A&F) Third Semester (Seven Papers) 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4. 2.3.5 2.3.6. 2.3.7

Special Accounting Areas (F.A.- III) Methods of Costing ( Cost. Act. II) Techniques of Auditing (Audit. III) Macro Economics (Eco. III) Company Law (Bus. Law. III) Principles of Management (Mgmt. I) Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship. (F.C. – II)


Fourth Semester (Seven papers) 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3

Techniques of Financial Management ( F.M II) Introduction to Management Accounting (M.A. I) Indirect taxes II (Tax. II)


Financial of Market Operations (Com. II)


Industrial Regulatory Frame Work (Bus. Law. III)

2.4.6. Application in Accounting & Finance (Inf. Tech. II) 2.4.7

Quantitative methods for Business - II

T.Y.B.Com. (A & F) Fifth Semester (Six Papers) 3.5.1

Corporate Accounting (F.A.- IV)


Methods & Accounting ( Cost. Act. III)


Audit Procedure (Audit. IV)


Financial Statement Analysis (M.A. II)


Direct Taxes – I (Tax. III)

3.5.6. Indian Economy (Eco. III)

Sixth Semester (Six papers) 3.6.1

Corporate Accounting (F.A. V)


Techniques of Costing (C.A. IV)


Audit of Companies (Audit. IV)


Security Analysis & Management (M.A. III)


Direct Taxes – II (Tax. IV)


Principles of Management & Application (Mgmt. II)

B.Com. (B & I) – Bachelor of Commerce (Banking & Insurance) ADMISSION RULES : Eligibility for Admission to B.Com. (Banking & Insurance) Degree Course (O.5209) : A candidate for being eligible for admission to Bachelor of Commerce (Banking & Insurance) Course shall have passed XII std. Examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent and secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate (40% in case of reserved category) at one and same sitting. OR


Candidate have passed the Diploma in Administration Services (Commercial and Secretarial Practices) conducted by Premlila Vithaldas Polytechnic, S.N.D.T. Women’s University.

Admission rules for Sem. II to Sem. VI of B.Com. (Banking & Insurance): i.

A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester II if he / she passes Semester I or if he/she fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester I.


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester III if he/she passes Semester I & II OR if he /she fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester I and Semester II taken together.


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester IV if he / she passes each of Semester I, II and III OR if he/she passes Semester I and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester II and III taken together.


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester V if he / she passes each of Semester I, II, III and IV OR if he/she passes Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester III and IV taken together.


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester VI if he / she passes each of Semester I, II, III, IV and V OR if he/she passes Semester I and Semester II and Semester III and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester IV and V taken together.

COURSE STRUCTURE F.Y.B.Com. (B & I) First Semester (Six Papers) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

Environment and Management of Financial Services Principles of Management Effective Communication - I Micro Economics (Eco. I) Quantitative Methods - I Introduction to Computer Systems.

Second Semester (Six Papers) 2.1 Principles and Practices of Banking & Insurance 2.2 Financial Accounting 2.3 Effective Communication - II 2.4 Macro Economics (Eco. II) 2.5 Quantitative Methods – II 2.6 Business Law


S.Y.B.Com. (B & I) Third Semester (Seven Papers) 3.1 Laws Governing Banking & Insurance 3.2 Financial Management - I 3.3 Management Accounting (Tools & Techniques, Focus on Banking & Insurance) 3.4 Customer Relationship Management in Banking & Insurance 3.5 Information Technology in Banking & Insurance 3.6 Organisational Behaviour. 3.7 Taxation of Financial Services.

Fourth Semester (Seven papers) 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7.

Universal Banking Financial Management II Innovations in Banking & Insurance Corporate Law & Laws Governing Capital Markets Entrepreneurship Management Financial Market (Equity Debt, Forex and Derivatives) Cost accounting of Banking & Insurance.

T.Y.B.Com. (B & I) Fifth Semester (Six Papers) 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6. 5.7.

Marketing in Banking & Insurance Financial Services Management International Banking & Finance Financial Reporting & Analysis (Corporate Banking & Insurance) Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Auditing Project Presentation (Banking) - I

Sixth Semester (Seven papers) 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7.

Strategic Management (Banking & Insurance) Central Banking International Business (Banking & Insurance) Human Resources Management in Banking & Insurance Business Ethics & Corporate Governance Turnaround Management Project Presentation (Insurance) - II.


B.Com. (Financial Markets) Objectives of the Degree a)

To create additional avenue of self employment to the students and to provide suitable and trained persons for Financial Services Sector.


To prepare graduates to compete with the degree holders of private and foreign universities.


To create awareness about the practical aspect of the theoretical concepts.


To establish strong co-ordination between the Service sector and the Institutions of higher education.

Scope and Opportunities in •

Merchant Banks

Asset Management Companies (AMC)

Mutual Fund Companies

Portfolio Management and many more opportunities in the fast growing Indian Capital Market.

Duration •

Full Time Course

Six semesters spread over three years. Average 15 working weeks semester.

38 modules of 100 marks each and 2 projects of 100 each.

Maximum 60 lectures of 50 minutes duration each for each paper per semester.

For Practical components, theory lectures per week per paper shall be 3 and 1 lecture of practical (consisting of the duration equal to 3 lectures of 50 minutes) per week per batch of 20 students.

Eligibility XII Std. Examination or equivalent passed with not less than 45% marks in aggregate (40% in case of reserved category) in one and the same sitting.

Admission rules for Sem. II to Sem. VI of B.Com. (Financial Markets) i.

A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester II if he / she passes Semester I or if he / she fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester I.



A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester III if he / she passes Semester I & II OR if he / she fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester I and Semester II taken together.


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester IV if he/she passes each of Semester I, II and III or if he/she passes Semester I and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester II and III taken together.


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester V if he / she passes each of Semester I, II, III, IV or if he / she passes Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester III and IV taken together.


A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester VI if he / she passes each of Semester I, II, III and or if he / she passes Semester I and Semester II and Semester III and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester IV and V taken together.

Course Structure Semester I 1.1 Principles of Investments 1.2 Micro-Economics 1.3 Basic Statistics 1.4 Basic Computer Skills 1.5 Financial Accounting 1.6 Business Environment

Semester II 2.1 Environment of Financial System 2.2 Macro-Economics 2.3 Statistical Applications 2.4 Communication Skills 2.5 Management Accounting 2.6 Principles of Business Management

Semester III 3.1 Debt Markets 3.2 Corporate Finance I 3.3 Equity Markets I


3.4 Banking in Financial System 3.5 Computer applications in Investments 3.6 Business Ethics 3.7 Organizational Behavior

Semester IV 4.1 Commodities Markets 4.2 Corporate Finance II 4.3 Equity Markets II 4.4 Financial Services 4.5 Taxation for Investments 4.6 Security Analysis 4.7 Business Law

Semester V 5.1 Global Capital Markets 5.2 Regulation of Securities Markets 5.3 Insurance (Fund Management) 5.4 Derivatives Markets 5.5 Foreign Exchange Markets 5.6 Portfolio Management 5.7 Project I

Semester VI 6.1 Risk Management 6.2 Corporate Governance 6.3 Computer Applications in Financial Services 6.4 Marketing of Financial Services 6.5 Mutual Fund Management 6.6 Customer Relationship Management in Financial Services 6.7 Project II


FEE STRUCTURE B.Com. (F.Y., S.Y., T.Y.) & M.Com. (Management, Accountancy) PARTICULARS

Tuition Fees Library Fees Gymkhana Fees Other Fees / Extra Cur. Act. Admission Prospectus Magazine Fees ID Card & Library Cards Student Welfare Fund Utility Fees Disaster Relief Fund E- Charges Development Fund E-Suvidha Uni. Sports & Culture Activities Sub Total A Registration Fees Examination Fees Marksheet Fees Libarary Deposit Caution Money Enrolment Fees Laboratory Fees **** Laboratory Deposit Computer Practical**** Admission Processing Document Verfication Fee*** Vice Chancellors’ Fund Project Fees College Exam Fees Unaided Tuition Fees Alumini Association Fees Sub Total B Net Total

University Prescribed Fees 800 200 200 250 100 100 50 50 250 10 20 500 50 30 2610 810 600 0 250 150 220 800 400 600 200 400 20 Note 0 0 25 4780 7390

B.Com. – Fee Charged by College M.Com.(Annual) S.Y. S.Y. T.Y. T.Y. Part I Part II with without with without Comp Com Comp Comp 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 175 175 250 250 250 250 250 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 250 250 250 250 250 100 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 500 500 500 500 500 300 300 50 50 50 50 50 – – 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 2610 2610 2610 2610 2610 2125 2125 0 0 0 0 0 815 0 600 600 600 0 0 0 0 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 250 0 0 0 0 300 0 150 0 0 0 0 300 0 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 600 0 600 0 0 0 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 0 0 150 150 * ** ** 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 0 0 200 0 400 200 0 0 25 25 25 25 25 0 0 2065 3145 895 2445 345 1415 0









Note : 1) F.Y.B.Com. - F.C.I (20 marks) project Rs. 100. Business Communication (10 marks) project Rs. 50. 2) *S.Y.B.Com. - F.C.II (20 marks) project Rs. 100. Computer (30 marks) project Rs. 150. 3) **T.Y.B.Com. - Direct & Indirect Taxes (compulsory subject) (20 marks) Rs. 100/- Marketing Research / Export Marketing (Optional Subject) (20 marks) project Rs. 100/4) ***Document Verification Fees (To be charged from the students those who are not from the board of Higher Secondary education in Maharashtra) 5) ****Computer and Laboratory Fees should be collected from the computer obtained students. (Applicable to S.Y.B.Com. & T.Y.B.Com. students opting for Computers as Applied Component subject)


27 0



30 20 0 25 0

30 20 400 25

250 400 220 50


30 20 0 25

0 400 0 50


30 20 0 25

0 0 0 50


30 20 400 25

250 400 220 50


30 20 0 25

0 0 0 50

10 50 50 250 500


30 20 0 25

0 0 0 50

10 50 50 250 500


30 20 400 25

250 400 220 50

10 50 50 250 500


30 20 0 25

0 400 0 50

10 50 50 250 500


30 20 0 25

0 0 0 50

10 50 50 250 500


30 20 400 25

250 400 220 50

10 50 50 250 500


30 20 0 25

0 400 0 50

10 50 50 250 500


30 20 0 25

0 400 0 50

10 50 50 250 500

0 0 0 25

0 0 0 0

0 50 0 0 0

1600 1600

0 0 0 25

0 0 0 0

0 50 0 0 0

17395 15975 15155 22845 22325 22955 17745 16725 14955 18745 16325 15955 17745 16725 14955 14910 16090 17505 25475 25475


30 20 0 25

0 400 0 50

10 50 50 250 500

Note : *T.Y.B.M.S. Project fees is Rs. 500 for Sem V only. T.Y.B.Com. (B & I) Project fees is Rs. 500 each for Sem VI



30 20 400 25

0 400 0 50

10 50 50 250 500


30 20 0 25

250 400 220 50

10 50 50 250 500

P.G. Registration

30 20 0 25

0 0 0 50

10 50 50 250 500

30 20 400 25

0 0 0 50

10 50 50 250 500

Part II 14000 800 400 400

M.Sc.(IT) Part I 14000 800 400 400

Uni. Sports & Cult. Act. Vice Chancellor Fund Document Verification Fee Alumni Association Fee

B.Sc.(CS) F.Y. S.Y. T.Y. 8000 10000 12000 300 500 500 200 200 200 250 250 250

250 400 220 50

10 50 50 250 500

T.Y. 10000 600 200 250

Library Deposit Laboratory Deposit Enrolment Fees E-Services

10 50 50 250 500

S.Y. 10000 600 200 250

B.Com. (FM) F.Y. 10000 600 200 250

1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 2500 1000 1000 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 0 1270 1270 0 1320 1320 0 1320 1320 0 1320 1320 0 1320 1320 0 585 585 0 1400 1400 50 50 0 50 50 0 50 50 0 50 50 0 50 50 0 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 500 0 0 0 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 0 0

10 50 50 250 500

T.Y. 10000 600 200 250

Computer Practical Fees Examination Fees Marksheet Fees Project Fees Industrial Visit Fees Caution Money

10 50 50 250 500

S.Y. 10000 600 200 250

B.Com. (BI) F.Y. 10000 600 200 250

10 50 50 250 500

T.Y. 10000 600 200 250

Disaster Relief Fund ID & Library Card Students Aid Fund Utility Fee Development Fee

S.Y. 10000 600 200 250

B.Com. (AF) F.Y. 10000 600 200 250

1000 1000 1000 6000 6000 6000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200 1200 6400 6400 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 0

T.Y. 10000 1200 200 250

Laboratory Fees Admission form & Prospectus Fee Admission Processing fees Magazine Fee E-Charge

S.Y. 10000 1200 200 250


Tution Fees Library Fees Gymkhana Fees Other Fees / ECA

B.M.S. F.Y. S.Y. T.Y. F.Y. 10000 10000 10000 10000 300 300 300 1200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250


Fee Structure - B.M.S., B.Sc.(IT), B.Com.(A&F), B.Com.(B&I), B.Com.(F.M.), B.Sc.(CS) & M.Sc.(IT)

Fee Structure for M.Com. (E-Commerce) PARTICULARS Tuition fees Library Fees Gymkhana Fees Other Fees Extra Curricular Activities Adm. Form + Prospectus Magazine Fees ID & Library Cards Student Welfare Fund Utility Fees Disaster Relief Fund E-Charges Development Fund Sub. Total A Registration Fees Library Deposit Caution Money Deposit Laboratory Deposit Computer Practical fees Industrial Visit Fees University Sports & Activities Fees E-Service Sub. Total B Net Total

1st Year Ist Sem IInd Sem 10000 10000 200 0 175 0 125 125 25 25 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 100 100 10 10 20 20 300 300 11105 10730 815 0 300 0 300 0 600 0 5000 5000 1000 0 20 0 50 0 8085 5000 19190 15730

2nd Year IIIrd Sem IVth Sem 10000 10000 200 0 175 0 125 125 25 25 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 100 100 10 10 20 20 300 300 11105 10730 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 5000 5000 1000 0 20 0 50 0 6370 5000 17475 15730


All students are required to pay the annual fees at the beginning of the year.


Foreign Student Tuition fees will be Rs. 4000 per annum. Other fees remain the same


Admission Fees of Rs. 100/- will be charged to M.Com. Part I students.


Fee Structure as well as rules for refund of fees are likely to be revised by the University and / or Government. In case of any increase in the fees, the students will be required to pay the difference, even at the later date. If the fees taken are reduced by Government Appointed Body, the difference will be refunded to the students. Changes in the fee structure or refund rules will be informed to the applicants as & when the notification for changes is received from the University / Government.



Enrolment Fees and Caution Money is to be paid by new entrants only i.e. at the F.Y.B.Com., F.Y.B.M.S., F.Y.B.Sc. (I.T.), F.Y.B.Com. (A & F), F.Y.B.Com. (B & I), F.Y.B.Com. (FM) Classes.


Examination fees for the Third Year & M. Com Classes as notified by the University.


Students admitted to the First Year Classes in 2009 should claim the Caution Money deposit within one year of leaving the College or completing their graduation, Otherwise the same will be forfeited.

Scholarship and Awards 1.

Mr. S. Gopalan – in the memory of Ms. Revathi Gopalan for girl topper in FY, SY & T.Y.B.Com. exam.


Mr. Bansod in the memory of Smt. Savitabai Ambedkar award for girl topper at T.Y.B.Com.


Bhoee Family in the memory of Mr. Dalbir Bhoee.


Scholarship to the girl students securing first place in FY, SY, TYB.Com, B.Sc.(IT) by Prin. Sunil B. Mantri in the memory of his father late Shri Bankatlal L Mantri.


ANGC – on the basis of financial needs of the students.


Student Aid Fund for needy cum meritorious students to pursue their higher studies.


Outside Agencies – for all the students.


SC / ST, OBC, Freeships and Scholarships. PTC Freeship for wards of teachers


A lumpsum amount from Parent Teachers Association to be distributed to students on need cum merit basis.

10. Government post matric Scholarship for students belonging to the minority communities. Documents to be submitted : a)

Self attested passport size photograph with signature.


Attested copies of certificates of educational qualifications.


Income Declaration.


Proof of Permanent Residence.


Minority community declaration.


Fees Structure for Reserved Category SC/ST/OBC/NT (Reserved Category): All Classes includies self financing 1. 2. 3. 4.

Magazine Fee I-Card, Lib-Card Student welfare fund Disaster Relief Fund





OBC Students will not get this facility for the Unaided Courses.

Documents to be submitted 1.

Ration Card


Marksheet – Xerox Copy


Date of birth


Caste Certificate from Tahsildar


Income Certificate from Tahsildar



Note :

Incase the freeship is not sanctioned by the concerned department due to any reason, student will have to pay the entire fees.



Given below are the ordinances regarding refund of fees for all under graduate aided and unaided Courses.

O.2859: Refund of Tuition, Development and all other fees after cancellation of admissions: The canditates who have taken admission in under graduate courses in Govt. Colleges, in Govt. aided and unaided courses conducted by affiliated colleges, and recognized Institution may request for refund of fees as applicable shall be made on or before 30th day after the date of cancellation and thereafter. The percentage of fee for the course shall be refunded to the candidate after deducting charges as follows :

Table 1 : Fee Deduction on cancellation of admission Period and Percentage of deduction charges (i)


Prior to commencement of academic term and instruction of the course

Upto 20 days after the commencement of academic term of the course

Deduction Rs. 500/charges Lump Sum

20% of the total amount of fees




From 21st From 51st From day upto 50 upto 80 September days after days after 1st to commence- the comm- September ment of the encement of 30th academic academic term of the term of the course course or August 31st whichever is earlier 30% of the total amount of fees

50% of the total amount of fees

60% of the total amount of fees

(vi) After September 30th

100% of the total amount of fees

Note : The total amount considered for the refund of fees from the commencement of academic term of the course includes the following : i.

All the fee items chargeable for one year are as per relevant University circulares for different faculties (excluding the courses for which the total amount is fixed by other competent authorities).


The Fee charged towards group insurance and all fee components to be paid as University share (including Vice-Chancellor fund, University free for sports and


cultural activities, E-charge, disaster management fund, exam fee and entrollment fee) are non refundable if payment is made by the college prior to the date of cancellation. iii.

Fee collected for Identity card and Library card, admission form and prospectus, enrollment and any other courses specific fee are not refundable after the commencement of the academic term.


All refundable deposits (Laboratory, Caution Money and Library etc.) shall be fully returned at the time of cancellation.

Provided that wherever admissions are made through centralized admission process for professional and / or for any other courses by the other competent Authorities, the Refund Rules are applicable if specified by such authorities (as per the rules of relevant agencies) for the 1st year admission. In case of admission to subsequent years of the course, O.2859 is applicable for cancellation of admission. Provided further that this refund rule is concurrent with the rules and guidelines of other professional statutory bodies appointed for admission for relevant courses. Further that O.2859-A and O.2859-B have been replaced and the amended O.2859 relating to the refund of Tuition Fees, Development and all other fees after cancellation of admission for the Under Graduate courses has been bought into force with effect from the academic year 2008-2009. b.

Given below are the ordinances regarding refund of fees for the M.Com. Class:

O. 3574 : (a) The Registration fee once paid for the post graduate course will not be refunded for any reason. (b) The tuition fees paid by the candidate for the course in which he is registered as a post-graduate student will be refunded to him, if he leaves the said course without attending any lectures, seminars or practicals subject to a deduction of 25% of the tuition fees therefrom the administrative charges. An application by the candidate for such refund will only be entertained if it is received by the Registrar / Head of the University Department within fifteen days from the date of commencement of the lectures of the academic year in which the fee is paid. (c) The tuition fees paid by a candidate for the course in which he is registered as a post-graduate student will be refunded to him if he leaves the said course and joins another course of this University for which he has applied at the same time and the selection for the new course of this University is made later, subject to a deduction of 25% therefrom the administrative charges. An application by the candidate for such refund will only be entertained if it is received by the Registrar / Head of the University Department within fifteen days from the date of commencement of his paying the tuition fees for the new course.


GENERAL RULES FOR ADMISSION RULES OF ADMISSION : Admission to the F.Y. Classes will start after the declaration of the H.S.C. Examination result and as per the schedule and instruction received from the University or Government. Admission to the other two classes will start after the declaration of the result of the respective qualifying examinations. 1.

Students seeking admission should apply in person during the hours notified for the purpose.


A student will be required to present himself along with an application in the prescribed form duly filled in and signed by him/her and his/ her parents/guardians.


Parents are requested to accompany their ward at the time of admission.


No admission shall be regarded as duly granted unless the authority or the Principal grants it, and the College receives the necessary fees.


All admissions are valid only for one academic year and are required to be renewed by an application in the prescribed form for every subsequent year of study in this college.


Normally a student of this college who has qualified himself for admission to higher class, will be admitted to such a class provided an application for the purpose in the prescribed form, duly filled in has been received with the necessary fees within the notified period.


Once a student is admitted to the college he shall be liable to pay the full fees for the whole year.


For securing admission to any class, it is necessary to produce in original.


Statement of Marks

The Leaving certificate of the school / College last attended

Caste certificate (if applicable)

“No Objection” certificate from the Head of the Institution last attended in the case of student coming from the other college and joining the S.Y./T.Y ❖

Transfer Certificate in the case of Students coming from the College affiliated to the University of Mumbai. *Eligibility Certificate in the case of Students passing an examination other than the H.S.C. examination of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune or Examination of any University other than the University of Mumbai as the case may be.


10. All admissions are provisional until Passing Certificate / Transfer Certificate, (If necessary) is submitted to the College and confirmation of enrolment / eligibility is received from the University. 11. Caution money will be returned to the student, if it is not forfeited for any reason, when he ceases to be student, owing no money to the college and to have no library book or any other College property in his possession. The Caution Money will be returned only on the dates notified for the purpose. The prescribed form for the withdrawal of the Caution Money will be available in the college office. Caution Money should be collected within a year from the date he ceases to be the student of the college or else the Caution Money is forfeited. 12. Students are required to note that the college has 4 divisions of F.Y.B.Com. and S.Y.B.Com. Classes and 3 Divisions of T.Y.B.Com. Class. Hence admissions to the T.Y.B.Com. class will be purely made on merit basis to 360 students only. 13. As per the circular No. 2005 / [238/05] / ÁflÁ‡Ê -1 dated 18th July of 2007 of Government of Maharashtra and subsequent Circular No. ÉÊ.◊. 4836/2007 dated 29th Oct. 2007 of University of Mumbai, in case the applicant for admission is found to have indulged on ragging in the past or if it is noticed later that he has indulged in ragging, admission may be refused or he shall be expelled from the educational institution.

LIBRARY, BOOK BANK & OTHER CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES College Library : The college library has a rich collection of nearby 18,000 books covering wide aspects of knowledge. It subscribes to over 54 periodicals, 28 Journals and 14 newspapers. The library will remain open for study reference and issue of books from 7.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on all working days and from 6.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. only reading room in school side. Reading Room facility is made available to the students on all Sundays and Public holidays from 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. in school side. Students Aided Section : Students will be issued 2 Library cards, one for issue of academic book and other for issue of Magazine / Fiction. Students can borrow books for Seven days and Journal for 3 days.

Other Courses – Unaided Section : Students will be issued 3 Library Cards, Two for issue of academic books and other for issue of Magazine / Fiction. Students can borrow academic books and Magazine for 3 days and fiction for seven days. Reading Room facility is extended to Ex-student on payment of nominal charges.


College Book Bank : A book bank comprising of text-books donated by Vivek Education Society, Staff Members and students has been established for the benefit of the students. Students particularly those who are financially not so well off, are advised to approach this Bank for Books before buying their own.

The College Gymkhana & Sports Committee : The College Gymkhana is managed by its Chairman, who is nominated by the Principal. He shall conduct the activities of the Gymkhana with the assistance of the Gymkhana Secretary and aims at encouraging students to participate in the games and sports, and at enhancing their sports and athletic skills. It is well equipped with facilities in cricket, chess, carom board, table tennis. Coaching is also provided to the students in Football, Volleyball, Cricket, Athletics, Water Polo, Acquatics, Cross Cuntry, Marathon Races and Basketball. It conducts various tournaments within the College and sends out meritorious students to represent the college regularly in cricket and other inter-collegiate and other competitions. Vivek College of Commerce in association with ‘OZONE’ Swimming Pool is providing training to 20 students in water sports like swimming and water polo. Our college participates in 21 Inter collegiate tournaments organised by the University of Mumbai.

The Students Council : The Student’s Council of which the Principal is the ex-officio President, is managed by its Chairman who is nominated by the Principal. The Chairman of the Associations and secretaries who are selected from the students, guide and supervise and the activities of the various Associations. Through these Associations, and also independently, the Council conducts such activities as would develop among the students a spirit of learning artistic appreciation and foster in them a sense of unity and discipline and to make them responsible citizens.

College Magazine : The College wishes to bring out its magazine annually. There will be sections in the Magazine for the English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarathi, Tamil and Malayalam language. Student-editors nominated by the Principal will assist the Executive Editor in organizing the Magazine. Contributions such as essay short stories, poems dramatic monologues, other articles are invited before the end of the first term. The College magazine “DRISHTI” is published annually. Every year a theme is decided and articles are called for. There are separate section consisting of reports, articles, poem, photographs.

National Cadet Corps : Our students are encouraged to participate in university & state level rifle shooting competitions. The college provides an opportunity to students to join the N.C.C. Our girls wing is attached to Ghyanshyamdas Saraf Girls College of Arts and Commerce at Malad and the boys NCC wing is attached to Kirti College at Dadar.


National Service Scheme : Students have to complete 120 hours of social work. The College N.S.S. Unit aims at developing students personality through community service. It inculcates in them a sense of social and civic responsibility as well as leadership qualities. Students will be directed to different social institution like home for the blind, Orphanages, General hospital, nearby slum areas to mitigate the suffering of the people there. Residential camp will be arranged during vacations in the rural villages in Maharashtra. 0.229 related to 10 marks of gracing is likely to be discontinued. Any Changes in this connection shall be intimated to the students as and when circular is received from the University.

Art Circle : The Committee organises various functions during the academic year. Intra collegiate competitions are conducted in the college on a grand scale. The students are encouraged to participate in various inter-collegiate competitions. Special facilities are provided for training students in music, dance and fine arts.

Career Guidance Cell : The club was started with the objective of creating an awareness regarding the career options available after graduation. A regular bulleting is maintained on career options. Seminars are conducted on preparation for competitive examinations. We have books on vocational guidance.

Quiz Club : A regular questionnaire will be put up every month by the members of this club relating to current affairs and general knowledge. The winners are rewarded annually in the Prize Distribution function. Students also participate in Inter-collegiate quiz competition.

Literary Association : The main objective of the association is to promote literary skill of the students. Association organise Literary week in the college consisting of Elocution, debate, essay writing, poetry recitation etc. and prepare students to participate in various inter collegiate competitions.

Planning Forum : The main objective is to organise good lectures on current Economic and Political topics.

Nature Club : The objective of this club is to sensitise the students regarding the environment. Lectures on Man Environment relations are organised and field trips are conducted to highlight the environmental issues.


Marathi Wangmay & Natya Mandal : Mandal organises programmes in pursuance of cultivation of liking for Marathi literature and dramatics. Mandal encourages students for development of their skills. Participation in various intercollegiate and open competitions is promoted and students are trained for such partricipation.

Hindi Sahitya Mandal : The aim of Hindi Sahitya Mandal is to propagate the effective use of spoken Hindi language among the students of commerce stream. Over the years the Mandal organised Katha-kathan, Poetry recitation, Antakshri, debates competitions etc. to involve the students. It regularly contributes articles to the college Magazine.

Trekking & Hiking Club : During the previous two years our students enthusiastically participated in the various Trekking, Rock-Climbing, events conducted by the University of Mumbai. To encourage such adventurous activities our college also conducted its own programmes in trekking and plans to develop our Trekking and Hiking Club to provide more opportunities to our students.

Tamil & Malayalam Literary Association : Objective of this association is to promote and propogate among the students the rich culture and traditions of Tamil Nadu and Kerala through various art forms such as dramatics, literature, dance etc.

Film Appreciation Society : The main motive is to screen Movies with social relevance and comment on its relevance on day to day life.

Research Club : The main objectives of research club are i)

To develop relationship with research institution and research organization.


To guide and train the students in the field of research.

iii) To motivate professors to conduct Minor and Major research project conducted by UGC and University and paper presentation at state level and national level.

Placement Cell : Main Object of the placement cell is to provide the students a good placement immediately after their graduation or post graduation.


Parents Teachers Association : The objective of PTA is to keep in touch with the parents of degree college students and increase the parent’s participation in their word’s education as much as possible. PTA arranges monthly meetings which are open for all the parents, where parents can meet and discuss and share their ideas and concerns. The idea is to develop and nurture the communication between parents and teachers.

Women Development & Grievance Cell : Our College has well developed women development and grievance cell. In the beginning of the year, wdc organises “Awareness Generation Programme”, by putting up laminated posters bought during National Seminars conducted by University of Mumbai. A notice, about the formation of wdc is circulated in all classes and girls students are requested to contact the committee members, who are teachers and students representatives in case they face some problems. Different activities like debate, essay writing, elocution, slogan writing competitions are organised to create gender equality amongst girls and boys.


Every student shall obtain, on admission, his identity card. The students shall always carry the Card with his photograph affixed thereon and attested, and shall present in for inspection when demanded. No student will be allowed to attend the classes, tutorials etc. unless he has attested identity Card with him.


Students shall attend lectures, tutorials and seminars according to the Time Table on all working days of the College. Students shall not remain absent during lectures, tutorials, seminars and examination without prior permission of the Principal. Absence without prior leave may lead to loss of term. As to keep a term, a student has to complete, to the satisfaction of the Principal, the course of study prescribed for the class to which he belongs. In case of default in attendance, students are warned that, their names will not be kept on the College Rolls with effect from the beginning of the Second Terms of the academic year.


In case of illness, a student shall apply for leave by post as soon as possible with a doctor’s certificate attached to the application and shall report to the Principal immediately after resuming attendance.


In case of Commerce students, the term shall not be deemed as kept and shall not be granted unless the student produces at the end of the term a certificate each from the head of the respective Department, Stating that the Students has completed the prescribed Tutorial Course.



Students shall not attend classes other than own without the permission of the Principal.


Conduct of students in the classes as well as on the premises of the college shall be such as will as cause no disturbance to the fellow students or to the other classes.


Students shall not loiter on the college premises while the classes are at work.


Smoking and prior or on campus consumption of alcoholic drinks is strictly prohibited in the college premises.


Students shall do nothing either inside or outside the College that will in any way interfere with its orderly administration and discipline.

10) No society or association shall be formed in the College and no person will be invited to address a meeting without the Principal’s prior permission. 11) No student shall collect any money as contribution for picnic, trip, educational visit to some places, get-together, study – notes, charity or any other activity without the sanction of the Principal. 12) The college does not arrange or organizes picnics or pleasure trips. 13) In College debates and other meeting, the chair shall be taken by a responsible person approved by the Principal and the subject of the debate shall have prior approvals of the Principal. 14) No student shall communicate any information to or write about matters dealing with the college administration to the press. 15) Students are expected to take proper care of the college property and to help in keeping the college premises neat and tidy. Damage to the property of the College, e.g. disfiguring walls, doors, fitting and breaking furniture etc. is a breach of discipline and will be duly punished and can lead to restication of the students. 16) The students should not leave their books, valuable and other belonging in their Classroom / Gymkhana room / Ladies common room etc. whenever they move away from their rooms. The College is not responsible for property lost. 17) Students who wish to get documents certified by the Principal should first contact the Office Superintendent of the college. No papers should be brought by the students directly to the Principal for his signature. 18) If, for any reason the continuance of a student in the college is detrimental in the interest of the College, the Principal may ask such as student to leave the college without giving the reason for the decision and his decision shall be final. 19) Students joining the college are expected to accept and observe all the rules and


regulations of the college and to submit to the normal enforcement of the same to the satisfaction of the Principal whose decision in this regard shall be final. 20) Matters not covered by the existing rules shall rest at absolute discretion of the Principal. 21) Vehicles (two-wheeler or four wheeler) brought by the student will be parked at the owner’s risk, in the place provided for the purpose. The College is not responsible for any damage or theft of the vehicle. 22) Student’s should not contact any Government or Non-Government Agencies, directly. Such matter, if any, should be routed through the Principal. 23) In case, if the student remains absent even for a lecture, the student is required to submit a leave note duly signed by the parent/gardian and report the same to the Class Incharge/ Principal, immediately after resuming college. 24) USE OF MOBILES AND PAGERS IN THE COLLEGE PREMISES IS STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED. If caught, the mobile phones will be confiscated and shall be returned at the end of the academic year only. 25) Sleveless dresses, tight tops, short tops, mini skirts, wearing caps in the college premises, Low below the waist jeans / pants, unbuttoned shirts etc are not allowed. Students are required to note that they are coming to an educational insitute and not to a fashion parade or to make a fashion statement. 26) REGULAR LECTURES COMMENCES AT 7.15 a.m.. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO BE INSIDE THE COLLEGE PREMISES BY 7.05 a.m. Students are advised not to come later than 7.15 a.m. as they will not be allowed to enter the lecture hall / college premises after the lecture commences. 27) Students are warned that if they are caught harrassing freshers, physically or mentally, a police complaint, i.e. F.I.R. will be registered and the students would be booked by the police. Further, they would be expelled from the college and denied future admissions.

Attendance Requirement : As per University circular no. UG/235 of 1998 for granting the term, minimum attendance of 75% of the theory lectures, practical and tutorials (wherever prescribed) separately will be required, out of the total number of lectures, practical and tutorials conducted in each term. List of defaulter students for each month is displayed on the Notice Board at the end of the month / first week of succeeding month and the signatures of the students are taken on the same. Students whose name appear in the defaulter list for more than two times will not be allowed to appear for the Term End and /or Annual Examination.


Performance Criterion 0.125 : “To keep a term an undergraduate must complete to the satisfaction of the Principal, the course of study at the college prescribed for each term for the class to which such student belongs.” In order to evaluate the performance of the student assignments, class test, terminal examination and preliminary Examinations are conducted. Results of the same are given to the students and the parents are expected to go through the assessed answer books and keep a track of the performance of their ward. The parents are intimated of the attendance record and the performance details by the college authorities at the end of the first term and again in the month of January/February. Students and parents are required to note that students who fail to satisfy the above mentioned criterion will not be allowed to appear for the term-end and/or annual examination, conducted by the college on behalf of the University or by University of Mumbai.

Terms of The College : First Term


8th June 2009 to 24th October 2009.

Second Term


16th November 2009 to 30th April 2010. {Both days inclusive}

There will be a break for winter from 26th December 2009 to 1st January 2010. {Both days inclusive}

Timings : Hours of Instructions :

From 7.05 a.m. onwards.

Office Hours

8:30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (Lunch Break : 12.30 p.m. to 1.00 p.m.)


The above is subject to change as per our requirement.



Office Superintendent

Mrs. Smita Rajendra K

Head Clerk

Mrs. Bhavana S. Rathod

Senior Clerk

Ms. Swati S. Parvate

Jr. Clerk

Ms. Lavanya Malpedi

Jr. Clerk

Ms. Madhura Shinde

Jr. Clerk

Ms. Mamta V.

Library Clerk

Ms. Sharda Yadav

Jr. Clerk

Mr. Vinayak Nagulla

Jr. Clerk

Mr. Sunil R. More

Library attendant

Mr. Sanjay Petkar Mr. Mahadev Hadkar Mr. Chandrakant S. More

Supporting Staff

Mr. Bharat R. Churi Mr. Kailas Bansode Mr. Punja Chawda Mr. Vishram Revar Mr. Vishwas Pawar Mr. Jitendra Bansode Mr. Rajanna Pallikond Ms. Suchita Temkar



Orientation programme for the students of F.Y.B.Com., B.M.S., B.Sc. (IT), B.Com. (A&F), B.Com. (B&I), B.Com.(Financial Markets).


Blood Donation Drive - 250 bottles of blood were collected.


Thalassaemia Detection Camp - Vivek is the only college in Mumbai where all the students are aware of their Thalassaemia status & Bloos Group. More than 4000 students were already tested for Thalassaemia in last 4 years.


Campaign against Female Feoticide “Laadli” along with NGC “Population First” Seminar on personality Development, AIDS Prevention, Leprosy Awareness and visit to old-age homes are organised regularly.


Residential camp at a village near Mangaon in Raigad District, about 90 students participated in the camp & have helped in building of water conservation dam, school building wall, educating students & villagers about AIDS Prevention etc.


Our College NSS Unit strength has been increased to 250 with two units and more than 190 students have completed 120 hours of social service in the year 2008-09


College has won Gold Medal in Folk Dance, Gold Medal in Classical Dance & Bronze Medal in Indian Group Song at the Finals of 41st Mumbai University Youth Festival.


Marathi One Act Play - “Indu Che Ghar” & Marathi Debate Team qualified for finals for the first time in 41st Mumbai University Youth Festival


English Debate Team qualified for finals in 41st Mumbai University Youth Festival

10) Our students successfully made 3 short films within the college premises. “Just a Minute” a silent movie won the best theme award at inter-collegiate competition. 11) Tamil Malayalam Association celebrated Onam Festival in the name of Onnavirunnu on 8th September, 2008 & the students presented Thyaam the traditional ritual art of north Kerala. This is the lst time in the Mumbai University Campus performed such an art form. This programme was telecasted repeatedly on the popular Malayalam TV Channel “Asianet” & “Asianet News” on Monday 8th September, 2008 under the title “Onam in campus”. 12) Shaikh Sabir secured Gold Medal in Inter-Collegiate Carrom tournament 13) Varma Surabhi secured Bronze Medal in Lawn Tennis and selected as member of the University of Mumbai Lawn Tennis Team at the south west zone competition


14) Yadav Hitesh secured Bronze Medal in Inter-collegiate Boxing Competition 15) Manil Gada secured Gold Medal in Inter-collegiate Karate Competition 16) Nadar Lawrence secured Fourth, Fifth & Seventh Position in 200 Mts., 100 mts. and Long Jump respectively 17) Shetty Sachin secured Fourth & Fifth Position in 110 Mts. Hurdles & 200 mts. Hurdles respectively. 18) Shetty Vishal secured Fourth Position in 400 Mts. Hurdles. 19) Sawant Dhanesh secured Fourth & Sixth Position in High Jump & 400 Mts. Hurdles respectively 20) Sharma Abha secured Fourth Position in 100 Mts. Free style and 100 mts. Butterfly stroke in Swimming. 21) College Athletic team secured 4th position in 4 x 100 mts. Relay and 7th Position in 4 x 400 mts. Relay. 22) College water polo team entered quarter finals in Inter-collegiate water polo competition 23) Students of A&F and B&I (along with IT and BMS) organised “Innovators’ 2009" - an Inter-collegiate festival. The festival included cultural and management event, sports (Indoor & Outdoor) 24) Visit to Silvassa - Bombay Rayon, Sudhir Gensets, RR Kabel Salasar Copper as per part of the industrial visit by S.Y. & T.Y. students of B.M.S., B.Com. (A&F), B.Com (B&I), and B.Sc.(IT). 25) Visit to Dahanu - Relaince Energy as per the part of the industrial visit by the F. Y. students of B.M.S., B.Com. (A&F), B.Com. (B&I), B.Com.(F.M.) and B.Sc.(IT).



Sunil More

V. Sudhir Kumar

Sanjay Petkar

Chandrakant More

Smita Kurulkar

Aparna P. Sreelekha P.

Anupama B. Co-ordinator

Mona Thakkar Pandya Co-ordinator

Mosamee Shah

B.Sc. (I.T.)


Bharat Churi

Kailas Bansode

Swati Parvate

Punja Chawda

Mahadev H.


Vishwas Pawar

Vishram Revar


Jitendra Bansode

Suchita Temkar

Vinayak Nagulla

Aparna P. Co-ordinator

M.Sc. (IT)

Rajanna Pallikonda

Sharda Yadav

Pradeep H.

Jayesh Vaidya Co-ordinator


Lavanya Malpedi

Pradeep H.

Jose A. Co-ordinator

(Accountancy)/ (Management)

Madhura Shinde

Mandar Thakur Co-ordinator

B.Com. (Fin. Markets)

Mamta V.

Durgesh K. Co-ordinator

Vandana L. Co-ordinator

Bhavna Rathod

B.Com. (B&I)

B.Com. (A&F)

JAYESH VAIDYA Vice Principal

Ms. NEELU KHOSLA I/c Principal




Chandrakant More

Smita Kurulkar

V. Sudhir Kumar

Sanjay Petkar

Sanchita Haldar

Maya Jamindar

Sunil More

Malathi Subramanian

Shrikant Marathe

Thanga Durai

Bharat Churi

Bhavna Rathod

Jose Augustine H.O.D.

Economics Department

Jayesh Vaidya H.O.D.

Accounts Department

Manisha Naik H.O.D.

Commerce Department

Kailas Bansode

Swati Parvate

Kavita Vaidya

M.G. Mohanan

Mahadev H.

Mamta V.

Neelu Khosla

Foundation Course

Punja Chawda

Anjali Pathak H.O.D.

Maths/Stats/ Computer Department

JAYESH VAIDYA Vice Principal

Ms. NEELU KHOSLA I/c Principal


Vishwas Pawar

Madhura Shinde

Tanusree Choudhari




Vishram Revar

Lavanya Malpedi

Shefali Naranje

Rajandra Pallikond

Sharda Yadav

Anthony Carvalho

Business Law

Jitendra Bansode

Business Communication

Suchita Temkar

Vinayak Nagulla

Bindu Varma
