Prospectus 2013 - Zaynab Academy

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26 Aug 2013 ... in the Dars-e-Nizami course, and the classical. Islamic learning course emphasizes learning Arabic grammar to enable students to read and ...
Course Catalogue September 2013 - May 2014 DEFENCE & MUHAMMAD ALI SOCIETY

Zaynab Academy Karachi

entire academic tradition of the Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’a with respect for all scholars of Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, and Usul al-fiqh. Moreover, our courses highlight the importance of spiritual purification (tazkiya) and inner reform (islah). Teachers: All teachers at Zaynab Academy have completed the four year alimah course or are in their final years. Curriculum: The basic curriculum has its roots in the Dars-e-Nizami course, and the classical Islamic learning course emphasizes learning Arabic grammar to enable students to read and directly understand the Qur’an, Hadith, and classical Islamic texts.

Our Venues: Defence

13-A/I, Link Avenue, Phase 2, DHA. Muhammad Ali Society

28-A, Adamgee Nagar, Muhammad Ali Society

Introduction to Zaynab Academy: About: Zaynab Academy was founded in 2005 by Sobia and Kamaluddin Ahmed as a nonprofit, nonpartisan and nonpolitical educational institute dedicated to classical Islamic learning and Spirituality. Philosophy: The Classical Islamic Learning courses offered by Zaynab Academy are designed to introduce women to the classical methodology of Islamic knowledge and scholarship through a modern educational approach. The philosophy of the courses offered is distinct in its embrace of the



The CIL course is a 3-year degree program which introduces students to the classical texts of Hadith, Arabic, and Fiqh which have traditionally been taught in the ‘Alimah’ course. Those who successfully complete CIL can enroll in further years of specialized hadith study (daura hadith) which leads to the alimiyyah degree.

This year Zaynab Academy is introducing a new course called “The Qur’an Program.” This course will cover the entire Qur’an in 2 years in classes that meet 3 times a week for 3 hours each.

Year 1 Qur’an Hadith: Zaad at-Talibeen/Provisions for the Seekers

The focus of this course is on 4 T’s: Translation, Tafsir, Tarbiyah, and Tazkiyah. The class seeks to academically understand the translation and commentary of the Quran as well to experience life-changing lessons on how to achieve inner development and spiritual purification.

Fiqh of Taharah, Salah, Sawm, Zakat, and Kafn ‘Arabi ka Mu’allim/Arabic Tutor Arabic Grammar Arabic Morphology Tajweed FOUNDATIONS – Short Courses

Year 2 Qur’an Hadith: Riyadh as Saliheen Fiqh: Quduri (selections) Usul-e-Fiqh: Usul al-Shashi Arabic Grammar: Hidayat al-Nahw Qasas al-Nabiyeen

Foundations in classical Islamic learning and spirituality is a series of short courses designed by Zaynab Academy to meet the needs of students, young professionals, and other busy women who want to progress in their Islamic knowledge and spiritual development. Students have the option to take as many courses as their schedules allow.

Modules Offered:

Year 3

Tafsir of Selected Surahs from the Qur’an

Qur’an Hadith: Mishkat (volume 1) Fiqh: Hidaya (volume 1) Durus-al-Balaghah Inheritance laws: Siraji Arabic adab (literature)

Inner Purification



Teen Talk is an Islamic society for teenage girls, which will meet on a weekly basis. It is a gathering for girls to come together, realize their potential, overcome barriers and start afresh on a life that brings them closer to Islam. This society exclusively looks at the social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual issues faced by young girls from an Islamic perspective.

Free online courses and workshops are also offered. Courses currently being offered include the 4 year Classical Islamic Learning course (bilingual - English & Urdu).

Modules Offered:

Upon successful completion of our courses, Zaynab Academy offers certificates to its participants. For more details, or to register for the courses and workshops being offered, please visit our websites:

Living Islam - Hadith Spirit of the Sahabah (RA) Pearls of Purification - Fiqh of Taharat Active Islam - Designing your own Islamic themed magazine

Age Group: 13-16 years

LITTLE PEARLS A weekend program for young muslimahs Little Pearls is an activity-based course for the young ones, allowing them to discover and explore the different colours of Islam in a fun-filled journey. It includes regular calligraphy and tajweed sessions, Qur’anic and masnoon du’as, simple explanation of selected Surahs, arts and crafts, creative writing, Fiqh for children, Islamic history, ettiquettes, stories from the Seerah and much more.

Age Group: 5-9 years & 10-12 years

Additional workshops include weekend workshops on Marriage in Islam, Positive Parenting, and Sleep & Time Management.

DHA - Phase 2 13-A/1, Link Avenue, Phase 2, DHA Contact: 0332-3419416

CLASSICAL ISLAMIC LEARNING Starting date: Monday, 26th August 2013 Days: Monday to Thursday Timing: 5:00 pm - 7:45 pm Contact: 0336-2075770 | 0335-2269695



Starting date: Monday, 2nd September 2013

Starting date: Saturday, 21st September 2013

Days: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

Days: Saturday

Timing: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Timing: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Contact: 0345-2160916 | 0335-2269695

Contact: 0331-2795969 | 0335-2269695



Starting date: Saturday, 7th September 2013

Starting date: Saturday, 31st August 2013

Days: Saturday

Days: Saturday

Timing: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Timing: 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Contact: 0335-2269695

Contact: 0345-2160916 | 0335-2269695

MUHAMMAD ALI SOCIETY 28-A, Adamgee Nagar, Muhammad Ali Society Contact: 0343-2641520



Starting date: Saturday, 7th September 2013 LEARNING Days: Saturday Timing: 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm Contact: 0321-2067980 | 0335-2269695

* The details for our Classical Islamic Learning degree program at this venue will be announced later. Please keep following our Facebook page for updates or contact 0343-2641520 | 03352269695

Other links:;;



DHA Club 13-A/I

Abu Bakr Masjid

7th South Street

Defence Central Library

Muhammad Ali Society