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NHS Improving Quality



Information about tools, networks, programmes, training and publications to help improve the quality of services across health and social care

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014

WELCOME A digital welcome by Steve Fairman, Interim Managing Director, NHS Improving Quality


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you to everyone who contributed information to the prospectus, and also to our team of external reviewers for their valuable suggestions: • Hazel Foster, Organisational Development Manager, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust • Liz Howarth, Director, How Consulting • Mary Marsden, Transfusion Practitioner Nurse Specialist, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust • Rebecca Mallinder, Risk Manager, Yorkshire Ambulance Service Thanks also go to Richard Barker, NHS England sponsor for the Prospectus.


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

HOW TO USE THIS PROSPECTUS This is the first version of the NHS IQ prospectus; it is an evolving document which will be updated periodically.

KEY TO ICONS ACCESSIBILITY Open access/apply online/nomination

APPROACH TO LEARNING Self-learning /online/ group/residential


COSTS Free/funding available/cost

DURATION OF LEARNING Fixed time commitment/ use anytime T

FORMAT Toolkit/report/training course/programme/ website.

The information is organised to align with the NHS Change Model. The Model has been created to support the NHS to adopt a consistent approach to leading change and transformation. The contents page identifies the resources against the corresponding dimension of the Change Model they relate to. The index also signposts links to specific areas or topics which may be of interest to you. If you would like to help us improve and develop the prospectus, please get in touch with the team at [email protected]. We are keen to find out what else users would like us to include in the document. You can download a template here to contribute information to the prospectus. This prospectus includes documents produced by some of the national improvement organisations that preceded NHS Improving Quality. They have been made available as we consider that the content remains relevant and useful. However, they have not been updated and are included in their original format, so please be aware that web links, contact details and references may no longer be active or correct.




SHARED PURPOSE Delivering Care • Integrated Care and Support Pioneers Programme • Experience of Care Online Hub • Mental Health & Dementia Programme End of life Care • End of Life Care Programme • End of Life Care Facilitators & Social Care Champions Network Seven Day Services • NHS Seven Day Service Improvement Programme • NHS Seven Day Service Improvement Programme: Diagnostic services • NHS Seven Day Service Improvement Programme: Self-Assessment Tool (7DSAT) • NHS Seven Day Service Improvement Programme: Safe delivery of major breast surgery • NHS Seven Day Service Improvement Programme: Urgent and emergency care • Enhanced Recovery Care Pathways • Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reablement Safer Care • Patient Safety Collaboratives • Stop the Pressure Campaign • Winterbourne Medicines Programme

11 12 14 16 18

39 40 41 42 44 45


• NHS IQ Learning Handbook • Transforming Care • The Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund • Innovation Compass • Innovation Exchange • Strengthening Leadership & Accountability for Innovation • White Paper: A new era of thinking and practice in change and transformation

47 48 49 50 51 52 53

30 32


Living Longer Lives 36 • Living Longer Lives: NHS Health Check Programme (general population and offender health) • Living Longer Lives: Improving the cardiovascular 37 health of people with serious mental illness 8

• NHS Change Day • The Edge: Empowering people to create transformational change • The School for Health and Care Radicals • Leading Transformational Change • Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign Programme (QSIR) • Transformation Essentials (TE)

• Improvement Digest: Integrating physical and mental health commissioning for cardiovascular disease • Improvement Science Alert • NHS IQ Intelligence Handbook


56 57

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

TRANSPARENT MEASUREMENT • Better Care, Better Value • Better Outcomes, Better Value: Integrating physical and mental health into clinical practice and commissioning • GRASP Audit Tools to review the management of atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and COPD • Measurement Masterclass

59 60

62 64

Useful courses, publications and websites Academic courses


NHS Leadership Academy courses


Information databases




Useful links


Improvement support resources available outside NHS IQ


ENGAGEMENT TO MOBILISE • Clinical ‘Buddying’ Scheme • Network Leaders Programme • Network Leaders Toolkit

66 67 68


Our shared purpose

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

Integrated Care and Support Pioneers Programme £ FREE


RELEVANT TO People working in the health, care and support sectors.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The aim of the programme is to help local areas integrate services, so that individuals and families experience consistent, high quality, personalised and non-fragmented care and support to meet their needs.




FORMAT 14 local areas have been selected to become integrated care ‘pioneers’. These sites will act as exemplars, demonstrating the use of ambitious and innovative approaches to efficiently deliver integrated care and support. A range of organisations are offering tailored support to the pioneers, who in turn will be at the forefront of sharing and promoting what they have learned for wider adoption across the country. The programme also offers virtual learning and support to all areas working to improve integrated care. This includes online seminars, ‘hackathons’ (intensive online collaboration events) and Twitter forums on a variety of topics. An information sharing website, the Integrated Care and Support Exchange (ICASE) is a central point for accessing and sharing information, resources, links and learning about integration.

ACCESS The materials are free and can be accessed at any time. Please contact the programme to register to receive updates and the monthly newsletter - [email protected] Join the learning community at and take part in the Twitter conversation using #integrationpioneers

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • Twitter: @Careto_share • Pinterest page: CLICK HERE

CONTACT [email protected]


Experience of Care Online Hub £ FREE


RELEVANT TO All staff, at all levels, within the health and social care sector wishing to improve the experience of care for their services. This includes both providers and commissioners of services.




WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The hub is an online national resource comprising Experience of Care good practice tools, approaches, guidance and case studies. Health and social care staff are able to access a range of resources and can share and promote examples of good practice in one place to drive patient-centred service improvement. In addition to general Experience of Care resources, which can be applied to any service, resources are also available for current programmes of work based on key priorities including: • Commitment to Carers: In collaboration with NHS England to ensure patients and their carers are better involved and empowered to manage and make decisions about their own care and treatment • Cancer Patient Experience Survey: In collaboration with Macmillan and NHS England to support continual improvement in positive experiences of care by furthering insight into factors positively associated with sustained and responsive service improvement • Participation Academy: An online resource which will connect local participation and patient leader development, create networking opportunities and build on what’s working well.


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

FORMAT The hub is a web-based portal where users are able to access and download a range of electronic materials including tools, guidance, case studies and videos. Any resource considered helpful by both providers and commissioners across health and social care can be included.

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The hub will evolve constantly and in addition to showcasing new and emerging resources, over time will include an interactive discussion forum for online communities to share good practice and learn from peers; interactive maps to see where good practice is happening locally; user rated and reviewed tools and resources to help when implementing new practice.

ACCESS Experience of Care information can be accessed HERE. It’s a completely free resource which is accessible to all at any time. #experience of care

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES The website is constantly updated with new and emerging resources. Please do let us know if there is any resource users would find helpful to be included on the website.


Mental Health and Dementia Programme £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Organisations across all sectors including community services, hospital trusts, health and social care staff.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? This programme aims to: • provide access to a wide range of resources to support improvements to health for people living with mental illness and dementia • support the promotion of valuing mental health equally with physical health • contribute to supporting care for people experiencing a crisis in mental health.



FORMAT Information and resources are available across a number of websites and links: • Dementia web pages • New tool to improve physical health of people with serious mental illness • Working across boundaries to support seven day services in mental health care • Pinterest • Mental Health Partnerships • Dementia Awareness Week: Twitter #nhsiq and #nhsiqeolc • Valuing mental and physical health equally • Case studies • Slideshare

ACCESS The resources are free and can be accessed at any time.


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NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15


End of Life Care Programme £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Organisations across all sectors including community services, hospital trusts, health and social care staff.




WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The programme aims to help organisations/communities deliver excellent end of life care by providing access to a wide range of resources that support good practice. We offer opportunities for organisations/communities to share learning and improve the way they deliver care. This will help teams to deliver consistently the care they wish to receive and ensure patients and those close to them have the best experience possible. To support this, the programme focuses priorities for care and improvements in the following key areas: • Person centred care - understanding the individual's needs and supporting advance care planning • Community engagement - in partnership to support the aims and outcomes of the Dying Matters coalition • Coordination of care through Electronic Palliative Care Coordination Systems (EPaCCS) and/or other mechanisms • Acute hospital care • Care in the last days of life • Facilitators and champions network.


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

FORMAT The programme takes a collaborative approach across the health, social care and third party organisations. It works through local and national networks and provides support through a range of mechanisms:

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• Monthly newsletter/e-alert sent to all members • Website • Pinterest • Twitter: #nhsiqeolcare • Provision and delivery of national events, e.g. Route to Success: Transforming End of Life Care in Acute Hospitals (24th March 2014). Slides are available here (password: eolc) • Regional events supported by local organisations • Case studies • Slideshare.

ACCESS The resources are free and can be accessed at any time.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • The National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC) • NHS England • Public Health England and the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network


End of Life Care Facilitators & Social Care Champions Network £ FREE


RELEVANT TO All health and social care workers across all care settings who have an interest in end of life care, including clinicians, commissioners, managers, health and social care workers, health and social care providers.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The aim is to develop a directory of facilitators and champions who are committed to supporting individuals, teams and organisations to ensure excellent practice in end of life care in all settings and to ensure that people receive person centred, compassionate care and are able to make informed choices about their end of life care needs. The network will promote integrated approaches to end of life care across the health and social care sectors, crossing boundaries and enabling a shared purpose.



FORMAT The network has a website which includes: • an interactive discussion forum tool where there are opportunities to share innovation • news and events updated monthly • a members map, which is accessible to the members to locate fellow health and social care in their area • NHS IQ monthly bulletins. The network also provides and delivers events. Slides from the ‘Sharing and Learning Together to Deliver High Quality End of Life Care for All (held 24 June 2014) are on Pinterest.

ACCESS The network is hosted by the Centre of End of Life Studies, The University of Hull and supported by NHS IQ: The network is free to join, terms and conditions include agreeing to share contact details for networking opportunities. become%20a%20member.aspx

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • NHS IQ website • The University of Hull website • Supporting People to Live and Die Well publication • Sharing successful strategies for implementing ‘Supporting people to live and die well’ • End of Life Care Quality Assessment Tool (ELCQuA)

CONTACT [email protected]



NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15


NHS Seven Day Service Improvement Programme £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Health and social care communities, patients, public, professional organisations, commissioners, providers, third sector, local government.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The delivery of seven day services across England is a priority for NHS England. NHS IQ is supporting this priority through a three to five year service improvement programme aimed at ensuring equity in care for patients regardless of the day of the week, through testing new ideas and supporting the spread of new models, working with early adopter communities and sharing the learning across the NHS to support change at scale and pace. “The unstoppable movement” is Prof Sir Bruce Keogh’s number one priority.




FORMAT The programme encompasses: • A dedicated service improvement resource • A seven day self-assessment baseline resource, available across the NHS, which takes a pathway approach and includes the national clinical standards for seven day services • Dedicated seven day services website • Virtual workshop programme for sharing the learning and testing out ideas, drawing on the learning from the early adopter communities and wider sites • Range of learning resources to support sharing and spread of improvement, including case studies, films, publications, presentations from events, etc. • Thought leadership pieces relating to seven day services, including blogs (internal and signposting to external relevant blogs) • Active local and national communication campaigns, use of social media • Partnership working with communities, and key stakeholders, co-production of information • Signposting to other key delivery partners and their resources and materials from them • Building the evidence base, working in partnership with HISLac research into seven day services • Alignment with local priorities and delivery plans • Alignment with other NHS IQ Programmes: Safety Collaboratives, Integrated Care Pioneer Support Programme and improvement programmes and work within the acute care team – including Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reablement, Enhanced Recovery and Diagnostics.

ACCESS • A wide range of freely available resources and signposting is available via the dedicated seven day services website • The programme also has an active social media presence around seven day services: #7dayservices • Users can access the free seven day services self assessment baseline toolkit at: • A dedicated Yammer page will be set up for early adopter sites to support the communities of practice which are being developed.


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • NHS England • High Intensity Specialist Led Acute Care (HiSLAC) project aims to examine the impact of consultants and associate specialists on reducing the mortality associated with weekend admission to hospital, as part of the evaluation of seven-day services: • NHS Employers • Care Quality Commission • Academy of Medical Royal Colleges • NATCANSAT

CONTACT [email protected]

Relevant publications: • NHS Improving Quality (2013) NHS Services Seven Days a Week, Every Day Counts • NHS Improvement (2012) Equality for All: Delivering safe care - seven days a week • NHS Improving Quality (2014) Improving Adult Rehabilitation Services in England, sharing best practice in acute and community care • NHS Improving Quality (2013) Enhanced Recovery, A better journey for patients seven days a week and a better deal for the NHS • NHS England (2013) NHS Services Seven Days a Week, Forum summary report • NHS England (2013) NHS Services Seven Days a Week, Clinical Standards • Royal College of Physicians (2012) Delivering a 12-hour, 7-day consultant presence on the acute medical unit • Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (2012) Seven Day Consultant Present Care • Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (2013) Seven Day Consultant Present Care, Implementation considerations • NHS England (2013) The evidence base from the urgent and emergency care review • Royal College of Physicians Future Hospital Commission • NHS England (2013) NHS Services, Seven Days a Week Forum: Evidence base and clinical standards for the care and onward transfer of acute inpatients


NHS Seven Day Service Improvement Programme: Diagnostic services £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Commissioners, managers, clinicians, acute and primary care providers.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? As part of the Seven Day Service Improvement Programme (SDIP), NHS IQ is working with NHS England to provide advice, expertise and support to commissioners and all health care settings to ensure timely access to diagnostic and reporting services seven days a week. Diagnostics are fundamental to the delivery of seven day services. Since the publication of ‘Challenges and improvements in diagnostic services across seven days’ (NHS IQ, 2014) the SDIP programme are supporting commissioners and health care organisations to adopt seven day services in a range of diagnostics.



The programme provides a range of resources, publications, practical case studies and expertise particularly in relation to how to baseline diagnostic services using the seven day service self-assessment tool. It also covers how to implement 24/7 interventional radiology by provider or network approach, provision of seven day onsite MRI, CT and ultrasound, and seven day provision of endoscopy, pathology and cardiac physiology services to meet clinical demand. Resources such as the ‘Productive Endoscopy Unit’ adopt a modular approach to making better use of existing materials to enable delivery of more efficient and effective service to patients seven days a week.

FORMAT The SDSIP provides advice and expertise to commissioners, managers and clinicians to implement and sustain diagnostic services seven days a week, using a quality improvement approach. The programme can provide practical support, as well as signposting to areas of best practice and practical examples of how to implement seven day services in diagnostics. The diagnostic website provides resources including publications, evidence based guidelines and practical case studies and literature on how to meet the challenge of delivering diagnostic services seven days a week to meet the demand. Resources include: Self-assessment tool to assess gaps in seven day service provision: acute-care/seven-day-services/seven-day-service-selfassessment-tool.aspx Practical case studies of how to implement seven day services: • Radiology • Interventional radiology • Endoscopy • Other diagnostics



NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

ACCESS NHS IQ provides access to publications, literature, practical case studies and ‘practical hands on experience’ on how to deliver diagnostics services seven days a week to meet demand. This material is free and available here.

CONTACT [email protected]

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • NHS England • Professor Erika Denton, National Clinical Director, Diagnostics, NHS England • Professor Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer, NHS England Relevant publications: • NHS Improving Quality (2014) Challenges and improvements in diagnostic services across seven days • Productive endoscopy unit • NHS Improving Quality (2014) Providing access to interventional radiology services, seven days a week • NHS Improving Quality (2014) Providing out of hours provision of services for patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeds • NHS Improvement (2012) Towards best practice in interventional radiology • Department of Health (2011) Implementing seven day working in radiology departments


NHS Seven Day Service Improvement Programme: Self-Assessment Tool (7DSAT) £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Health and social care communities, commissioners, providers, clinical specialties, primary and secondary care.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The delivery of seven day services across England is a priority for NHS England. NHS IQ is supporting this priority through a three to five year service improvement programme aimed at ensuring equity in care for patients, regardless of the day of the week, through testing new ideas and supporting the spread of new models, working with early adopter communities and sharing the learning across the NHS to support change at scale and pace.




As part of this programme, NHS IQ staff have worked with NATCANSAT (National Clinical Analysis and Specialised Applications Team) to design and produce an online toolkit, allowing users to baseline their current service provision and to use the tool to measure local progress towards delivering seven day services and meeting the 10 national seven day services clinical standards, updated on a quarterly basis. This will support the delivery of the planning guidance by 2017. The toolkit aims to deliver an easy way of monitoring progress and changes to service availability over time and will include a number of ‘output’ documents to allow users to benchmark their progress against others. The toolkit has been developed in conjunction with the early adopter communities and builds on the information from the Royal Colleges which identified what information would be useful to support the delivery of seven day services and to provide direction where service improvement inputs are required.

FORMAT An online tool hosted at This contains links to relevant documentation, for example the national seven day services clinical standards, and links to various seven day services websites. Outputs reports and dashboard information are in development.

ACCESS Access to the toolkit is free, and requires a simple registration process. User guides and a helpdesk contact are provided on the webpage. Each user organisation/site has one data approver and one (or more) data submitters. Use of the 7DSAT is not mandatory.


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES Partner organisations for the 7DSAT/data specialists: • NATCANSAT • HSCIC – source data and publications on Hospital Episode Statistics

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Other partner organisations around seven day services: • NHS England • High Intensity Specialist Led Acute Care (HiSLAC) project aims to examine the impact of consultants and associate specialists on reducing the mortality associated with weekend admission to hospital, as part of the evaluation of seven-day services • NHS Employers • Care Quality Commission • Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Relevant publications: • NHS Improving Quality (2013) NHS Services Seven Days a Week, Every Day Counts • NHS Improvement (2012) Equality for All: Delivering safe care - seven days a week • NHS Improving Quality (2014) Improving Adult Rehabilitation Services in England, sharing best practice in acute and community care • NHS Improving Quality (2013) Enhanced Recovery, A better journey for patients seven days a week and a better deal for the NHS • NHS England (2013) NHS Services Seven Days a Week, Forum summary report • NHS England (2013) NHS Services Seven Days a Week, Clinical Standards • Royal College of Physicians (2012) Delivering a 12-hour, 7-day consultant presence on the acute medical unit • Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (2012) Seven Day Consultant Present Care • Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (2013) Seven Day Consultant Present Care, Implementation considerations • NHS England (2013) The evidence base from the urgent and emergency care review • Royal College of Physicians Future Hospital Commission • NHS England (2013) NHS Services, Seven Days a Week Forum: Evidence base and clinical standards for the care and onward transfer of acute inpatients 25

NHS Seven Day Service Improvement Programme: Safe delivery of major breast surgery £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Commissioners, healthcare providers, clinicians, patients and public.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day care or one night stay (excluding reconstruction) is part of the enhanced recovery care pathways for seven day services. This programme provides information for commissioners, healthcare providers and clinicians on how to provide major breast surgery as day case or one night stay procedures, meet patients’ expectations and at the same time reducing the demand on in-patient beds in a safe and effective manner. Many patients who need breast surgery are understandably anxious about their diagnosis, and this has often been compounded historically by the need to spend several nights in hospital, away from their families. This work has been able to change the way in which such patients are managed, and reduce the medicalisation of their care, so that many feel that they are able to retain their autonomy and get through the process more easily. 26




FORMAT The Seven Day Service Improvement Programme can provide expert advice and resources to assist commissioners, health care providers and clinicians to implement and sustain service delivery of day case or overnight stay for patients undergoing major breast surgery via a quality improvement approach. The redesign and streamlining of the breast surgical pathway takes a simple systematic approach, involving a multitude of reiterative service improvement cycles (plan do study act), and building the evidence for continuous improvement.

ACCESS Access is free and available here

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • Association of Breast Surgery (ABS) • British Association of Day Surgery (BADS) • Breakthrough Breast Cancer • British Association of Surgical Oncologist (BASO) Relevant publications • • NHS Improvement (2011) Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day care or one night stay • NHS Improvement (2010) Spreading the Winning Principles case studies • NHS Improvement (2009) Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice • NHS Improvement (2009) Consolidation Report from Testing to Spread • NHS Improvement (2008) The Winning Principles: Transforming Inpatient Care

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NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15


NHS Seven Day Service Improvement Programme: Urgent and Emergency Care £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Commissioners, primary care and acute care providers, third sector and social care providers, clinicians, patients and public.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? NHS IQ is a member of the NHS England Urgent and Emergency Care Delivery Group working with patients, partners and stakeholders to help deliver the vision set out for urgent and emergency care in ‘Transforming urgent and emergency care services in England: Urgent and Emergency Care Review End of Phase 1 Report’.




NHS IQ is working with the Urgent and Emergency Care Delivery Group to map out the support given to local health economies as part of the integrated care pioneer and seven day services early adopter communities. The aim is to identify potential sites to test the ideas and models arising from the Review. Through this process, areas of the country will be identified to become test beds for the whole system vision described in the End of Phase 1 Report.

FORMAT The Seven Day Service Improvement Programme is capturing and generating ‘on the ground’ intelligence about effective emergency and urgent care pathways across the whole health and social care system and offer specific service improvement resources, including: Practice case studies on how to deliver the Urgent and Emergency Care Clinical Standards, seven days a week, to improve patient experience, safety and quality of care as well as avoid admissions and readmissions of patients to hospital. • Clinical Standards • Urgent and emergency care A range of resources and signposting is available via the dedicated seven day services website.

ACCESS Users can access the seven day services self- assessment baseline toolkit to baseline seven day services against the urgent and emergency care standards. There is an active social media presence around seven day services - #7dayservices – and a dedicated Yammer page will be set up for early adopter sites to support the communities of practice which are being developed.


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • High Intensity Specialist Led Acute Care (HiSLAC) project aims to examine the impact of consultants and associate specialists on reducing the mortality associated with weekend admission to hospital, as part of the evaluation of seven-day services • NHS Employers • Care Quality Commission • Academy of Medical Royal Colleges • NATCANSAT Relevant publications • NHS England (2014) Transforming urgent and emergency care services in England - Update on the Urgent and Emergency Care Review • NHS England (2013) Transforming urgent and emergency care services in England – Urgent and emergency care review end of phase report 1 • NHS Improving Quality (2013) NHS Services Seven Days a Week, Every Day Counts • NHS Improvement (2012) Equality for All: Delivering safe care - seven days a week • NHS Improving Quality (2014) Improving Adult Rehabilitation Services in England, sharing best practice in acute and community care • NHS Improving Quality (2013) Enhanced Recovery, A better journey for patients seven days a week and a better deal for the NHS • NHS England (2013) NHS Services Seven Days a Week, Forum summary report • NHS England (2013) NHS Services Seven Days a Week, Clinical Standards • Royal College of Physicians (2012) Delivering a 12-hour, 7-day consultant presence on the acute medical unit • Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (2012) Seven Day Consultant Present Care • Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (2013) Seven Day Consultant Present Care, Implementation considerations

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• NHS England (2013) The evidence base from the urgent and emergency care review • Royal College of Physicians Future Hospital Commission • NHS England (2013) NHS Services, Seven Days a Week Forum: Evidence base and clinical standards for the care and onward transfer of acute inpatients


Enhanced Recovery Care Pathways £ FREE


RELEVANT TO NHS commissioners, managers and clinicians working in acute and primary care providers, patients and public.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? NHS IQ aims to support the spread and adoption of enhanced recovery (ER) principles across England, to ensure that all patients get the same standard of clinical care seven days a week. ER is a whole care pathway approach that has spread beyond elective surgery to maternity care and nonelective care including acute medicine.




ER improves patient experience, outcomes, patient safety and the efficiency of care delivery and reduces unnecessary lengths of stay. Enhanced Recovery provides a better journey for patients and a better deal for the NHS. Components of ER pathways include: • Primary care ‘fitness for referral’ • Patient involvement: shared decision making • Prehabilitation, assessment and care planning • Pain relief, fluid management, anaesthetics • Preparation for an effective discharge.

FORMAT The Seven Day Service Improvement Programme provides advice and expertise to commissioners, managers and clinicians to implement and sustain enhanced recovery care pathways across the whole health and social care economy, using a quality improvement approach. The publication ‘Enhanced recovery care pathway: a better journey for patients seven days a week and better deal for the NHS’ set out the progress to date and levels of ambition for 2014/5. The ER website provides resources including publications, evidence based guidelines and practical case studies and literature on implementation and development in ER.

ACCESS Resources for this work are free and available here.


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • Royal College of Anaesthetists • Royal College of Surgeons • Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists • Associations of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland • British Orthopaedic Association • Royal Society of Medicine • British Gynaecology Cancer Society • Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland • BASO – The Association for Cancer Surgery • British Association of Urological Surgeons • Royal College of Physicians • Royal College of Radiologists • Royal College of General Practitioners • Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine • The Allied Health Professions Federation • Royal College of Nursing • ERAS – Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Society • British Association of Day Surgery • National Clinical Analytical Application Team • H Kehlet (1997) Multimodal approach to control postoperative pathophysiology and rehabilitation, Vol 78 (5) pp 606-617, British Journal of Anaesthetic • D. Roulin etc al (2013) Cost-effectiveness of the implementation of an enhanced recovery protocol for colorectal surgery, Vol 100 (8) pp 1108-1114, British Journal of Surgery • C. Jones et al (2013) Randomized clinical trial on enhanced recovery versus standard care following open liver resection, Vol 100 (8) pp 1015-1024, British Journal of Surgery • Guide to implementing Enhanced Recovery, Department of Health (2010)

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Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reablement £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Commissioners, providers, public and patients.




FORMAT Case studies and publications, available as pdf documents.

ACCESS WHAT DOES IT OFFER? So far, work in this field has been largely task and finish work based on a commission from NHS England to review the evidence base around rehabilitation services. Some of the outputs are available on the programme’s website pages to: • Share learning • Signpost other resources available to those who are interested.

Learning materials are free and available online here.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • NHS Networks Improving Adult Rehabilitation Services online community of practice • British Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Amputee Rehabilitation • Association of Physiotherapists in Cardiac Rehabilitation • Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence • Royal College of Physicians • Chartered Society of Physiotherapists • British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine • British Thoracic Society • British Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation • British Geriatric Society • Improving Adult Rehabilitation Services • Royal College of Psychiatrists

CONTACT [email protected]


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

Patient Safety Collaboratives £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Everyone interested and involved in patient safety across the NHS.


• empower all staff to be involved • ensure senior leaders understand safety issues for their organisation and their local healthcare economies and support staff to make effective changes.

FORMAT WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The new national Patient Safety Collaborative programme, co-ordinated by NHS IQ, was launched in July 2014 to help support a large scale change initiative across England, with the aim of improving the quality and safety of the NHS for patients by creating an open and transparent culture. Working with NHS England, 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) led patient safety collaboratives intend to improve the way care is provided at a local level, enabling front line teams to involve patients and their families in making healthcare safe. The programme is underpinned by the Patient Safety Framework for Operational Excellence. The collaboratives will: • involve patients and families in the work more effectively than ever before • evaluate the process from the start and adapt approaches as lessons are learnt

Each of the 15 collaboratives will be supported by NHS IQ to deliver safer care through finding and sharing their own local innovative solutions. They will pull together key teams from across the AHSN regions to help leverage sustained improvement, and spread this work locally and nationally across the system. The collaborative programme will work alongside the national 'Sign up to Safety' initiative to deliver an integrated approach to making care safer for our patients, carers and staff. NHS IQ will provide a co-ordinating role through an operating model that will ensure that learning is shared between stakeholders who are working on similar initiatives and areas where there are safety concerns. This will ensure that innovations and successes are spread and adopted rapidly by others and cascaded through collaborative learning events.

ACCESS To find out about your local collaborative, please get in touch with the NHS IQ programme contacts.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • Patient Safety Collaboratives • Scottish Patient Safety Programme • The Health Foundation

CONTACT [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Stop the Pressure Campaign £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Everyone interested and involved in preventing pressure ulcers and improving the quality of nursing care.




FORMAT A range of practical tools are available on the Stop the Pressure website. These include learning and teaching materials, animations and video clips, case studies, research resources and publications.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? ACCESS Avoidable pressure ulcers are a key indicator of the quality of nursing care. Preventing them happening will improve all care for vulnerable patients. The 'Stop the Pressure' campaign was launched by NHS Midlands and East as part of their ambition to make life better for patients. The campaign has been rolled out nationally, with NHS England, NHS IQ and other partners to support a 50% reduction in pressure ulcer prevalence during 2013/14.


Access to the resources is free and via


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NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

Winterbourne Medicines Programme £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Health and social care professionals who care for children, young people and adults with a learning disability whose behaviour is challenging/can challenge.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? Following the Department of Health review ‘Transforming care: A national response to Winterbourne View Hospital', NHS IQ is supporting the design and delivery of an improvement programme which aims to ensure continuous improvement of the quality of care for children, young people and adults with a learning disability, whose behaviour is challenging/can challenge. The programme aims to achieve this by ensuring medicines are used in a safe, appropriate and proportionate way and their use is optimised to achieve improved outcomes. The programme scope includes four medication groups: antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilisers and benzodiazepines and will be in the following areas: • Hospital • At home • Supported housing • Treatment centres




• Secure settings • Private care homes • Prisons • Custody • Schools.

FORMAT The Winterbourne Medicines Programme is working with six partner Trusts to review current processes, test new sustainable ways of working and share notable practice to improve the lives of people who have a learning disability and behaviour that challenges. The partner Trusts are: • Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust • Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust • South West London and St Georges Mental Health Trust • Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust • Hertfordshire Foundation Partnership Trust • Devon Partnership NHS Trust The team are developing a community of practice with other organisations who have an interest in this programme. The aim of the community is to share learning, notable practice and quality improvement training.

ACCESS Information is available online here and by contacting the programme team.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES The YoungMinds charity has launched the HeadMeds website to give young people in England general information about medication.

CONTACT [email protected] [email protected]


Living Longer Lives – NHS Health Check Programme (general population and offender health) £ FREE





RELEVANT TO Organisations involved with the commissioning or delivery of the NHS Health Check programme.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The NHS Health Check case studies, virtual workshops and reports (developed by the NHS IQ Living Longer Lives programme) support the spread of innovative practice in reaching high risk, seldom seen and seldom heard groups.

Written media.

ACCESS Users can access the material through the national NHS Health Check website, and will need to register with this site. Registration is free and the site is hosted by Public Health England (PHE).


CONTACT [email protected]


Helping you prevent diabetes heart disease kidney disease stroke & diabetes

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus Living Longer Lives: Improving the cardiovascular health of people with serious mental illness £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Mental health, primary care and CVD services, and supporting organisations.





• Patient satisfaction with care • Staff confidence in dealing with physical health problems • Development of more integrated models of delivery for mental and physical health.

FORMAT WHAT DOES IT OFFER? People with serious mental illness (SMI) are among those at the highest risk of poor health and premature mortality, dying on average 20 years earlier than the general population due to preventable physical problems. In response to this inequality, and in support of the new national CQUIN for physical health in mental health, NHS IQ’s Living Longer Lives (LLL) team are leading the national roll-out of an updated version of the Lester tool – ‘Lester 2014’. A series of webinars and case studies are being developed to support providers and their partners in increasing: • The number of people with SMIs having physical health checks • The number of appropriate referrals for diabetes, heart disease, renal and stroke in patients with SMIs

The NHS IQ LLL are running a pilot programme between July 2014 and March 2016, supporting delivery of the assessment tool through evaluation, evidence, webinar learning opportunities and case study materials. Information is available online here and by contacting the programme team.

ACCESS • The resources can be accessed here. The resources are free and available to NHS organisations. • Case studies can be found here. • First webinar can be found here.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • NHS England • Royal College of General Practitioners • Public Health England • Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mental health Strategic Clinical Networks • CVD and mental health charities - BHF, Diabetes UK, Rethink, Mind

CONTACT [email protected]


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

NHS Change Day £ FREE



RELEVANT TO Anyone who would like to improve the world of health and care, and patient experience.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? NHS Change Day serves to harness the passion, drive, commitment and innovation that we see every single day from staff. It uses the power of shared purpose to give us the boost to challenge the status quo and try something simple but different to improve patient care. As one frontline staff member put it: “What was different about Change Day and the reason I was inspired to get involved is that it used the passion and drive of staff to make a difference.”

There are some inspiring stories on the NHS Change Day website about the improvements that have been made as a result of Change Day. Many are still having a positive impact on individual practice, improving care for patients. Change Day is not just about a single day of action. It’s about making the changes that matter in every day practice – reminding ourselves of why we do what we do.

FORMAT Materials and stories are available online but there are other numerous ways to engage with Change Day. This includes the opportunity to liaise with a large group of volunteers called the hubbies that have a regional presence.

ACCESS Materials are available free at the NHS Change Day website.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • NHS Change Day 2015 will take place on 11 March.

CONTACT [email protected]


The Edge: Empowering people to create transformational change £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Anyone who would like to develop as a change agent.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The Edge is a virtual environment for sharing and collaboration, which is being designed by the NHS IQ Horizons Group to empower people to create transformational change. It will bring together ideas and the very latest sources of knowledge so people can inspire and inform each other to be disruptive innovators. Our information comes from many disciplines, schools of thought, industries and sectors from across the world. The virtual environment will help to make sense of this information for people working in health and social care.



FORMAT The information will be available online and open to all. Information will be a series of materials and resources that have been curated, and made sense of for the people working in health and social care. Only links to sources that are publically available will be used for The Edge. Materials are available free at the NHS Change Day website.

ACCESS - COMING SOON The Edge will be available online, free and open to all. Users can decide how they would like to use this resource. There will be optional registration.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • The Edge will be updated at least fortnightly.

CONTACT [email protected]

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

The School for Health and Care Radicals £ FREE



RELEVANT TO Anyone who would like to develop as a change agent.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The School is a virtual learning programme for people who wanted to join others to change the world of health and care. Last year the school was held in the lead up to NHS Change Day. The School aimed to provide people with powerful ideas, tools and connections to survive and thrive as a change agent. It helped people to: • Put together their own toolkit of powerful approaches for leading and supporting change. • Connect with and learn from other health and care radicals. • Build the confidence, knowledge and skills to operate as an effective change agent: to "rock the boat but stay in it". • Make a difference to patient and staff experience and outcomes of care.

FORMAT The School started on 31 January 2014 and consisted of five weekly webinars and five weekly Twitter chat events. For each module of the school, a study guide and a set of slides were produced. The five sessions covered: • Being a health and care radical: change starts with me • Forming communities: building alliances for change • Rolling with resistance • Making change happen • Moving beyond the edge. All of the materials (and more) are available for download. Radicals who learned from the school and made a pledge for NHS Change Day were able to apply to become a ‘certified change agent.’ The outcomes from the first term are here.

ACCESS Study guides and slides are free and available here. They can also be accessed via the School webpage on the Change Day website. The School will be available/offered again in the lead up to NHS Change Day 2015 (11 March).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • You do not have to work for the NHS to join the School and can take part from anywhere in the world.

CONTACT [email protected]


Leading Transformational Change £ FREE


RELEVANT TO NHS IQ staff, CSU Directors & staff, Directors/Deputy Directors & staff of Area Teams, Directors of the four NHS Regions, Integrated Care Pioneer sites.


WHAT DOES IT OFFER? Leading Transformational Change is a ground-breaking programme for teams delivering major changes in complex healthcare systems. Developed by the Advancing Change Team (ACT) in NHS IQ, it brings together the latest concepts, tools and techniques required to lead successful change at scale and pace. Based upon a range of core publications and expert knowledge (including Leading Large Scale Change) the programme provides the skill sets and tools found to be most helpful in dealing with the typically complex problems experienced in health and care systems. Led by a highly experienced faculty, it builds upon both the science of improvement and social movement thinking – focusing on practical steps we can all take to enhance our chances of delivering successful change.


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

FORMAT The programme lasts seven months and is typically delivered face to face to cohorts of between 10 and 20 teams, often working on similar challenges although the principles covered are generic to all major change. There are two core workshops plus additional development sessions for advanced practitioners and new trainers.

ACCESS The programme is free, and the majority of participants attend two intensive two day workshops that provide them with the core materials and offer ample opportunities to apply these to their change programme, plus a one-day Knowledge Exchange session to consolidate learning. There are also 9.5 days of additional development sessions for advanced practitioners and new trainers. The 2014/15 programme is underway and all places are taken up. The programme runs annually and details of the 2015/16 programme are not yet available.


CONTACT [email protected]


Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign Programme (QSIR) £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Clinical and non-clinical staff involved in service improvement projects across NHS services. This practitioner level programme provides delegates with the skills to apply a range of tools and approaches to initiate, lead and deliver a service improvement project.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The objectives of this programme are to: • Enable participants to initiate, progress and work towards completing a quality improvement project, through the development of their service improvement and redesign skills and knowledge. • Provide up-to-date knowledge on proven quality and improvement tools and techniques. • Give participants confidence to develop creative and innovative ways of meeting patient needs and improving quality of care.



• Provide participants with confidence to lead others to plan and deliver quality and service improvement projects. • Ensure service improvement is linked to patient care and/or organisational aims. • Increase stakeholder engagement and willingness to change. Developed by the Advancing Change Team (ACT) in NHS IQ, it brings together the latest concepts, tools and techniques required to lead successful change.

FORMAT Five days of workshops spread out over approximately six months, with recommended Virtual Action Learning Sets throughout to consolidate learning and increase personal development ending in a Knowledge Exchange Event. This programme is also enhanced by workbooks and further resources and supporting publications.

ACCESS The 2014/15 programme is underway and all places are taken up. The programme runs annually and details of the 2015/16 programme are not yet available.


CONTACT [email protected]

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

Transformation Essentials (TE) £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Anyone in acute trusts, primary care, commissioning, or community and mental health services who is leading transformational change.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The TE programme is a pilot for a self-learning resource. It enables users to improve their transformational change skills at their own pace, can be worked through by both teams and individuals and can also be used as part of a particular transformation programme. Developed by the Advancing Change Team (ACT) in NHS IQ, it brings together the latest concepts, tools and techniques required to lead successful change at scale and pace.




FORMAT The interactive pdf/e-book will link to a series of films drawing upon the materials from our Leading Transformational Change (LTC) programme.

ACCESS The free learning resource is being piloted with around 200 users from January 2015 with the hope that if the pilot is successful, it will be further developed for 2015/16. Whilst the resource is free, we would expect that users would help in the future development of the resource by completing our survey to feedback on their experience and how the resource met their needs.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • Advancing Change Team • ‘Leading Large Scale Change’ (NHS Institute for Improvement and Innovation)

CONTACT [email protected]


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

NHS IQ Learning Handbook £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Everyone working within the NHS, particularly project/team managers hoping to develop a learning system within their area. Also, it will support organisations who want to systematically reflect on their work, to distil and apply learning that will inform their future delivery.





FORMAT The free e-book will be available on the NHS IQ website from October 2014.

ACCESS An interactive e-book available at:


WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The NHS IQ Learning Handbook aims to support you to develop an effective learning system within your organisation or team. It can be used in its entirety as an end-to-end process as work progresses, or dipped in and out of as users address a particular aspect of learning.

CONTACT [email protected]


Transforming Care £ FREE


RELEVANT TO CCG and local health and social care system leaders.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The CCG Transforming Care programme team is working with over half of England’s Clinical Commissioning Groups and their local system partners to build capability to lead large-scale transformational change to improve services and outcomes for patients and local communities. Practical and action-focused locally delivered sessions seek to provide and support confident use of new frameworks for undertaking improvement, building an improvement culture, deepening partnerships, ensuring clarity of shared purpose and addressing measurement in a system context. The programme is helping to prompt fresh thinking and build collaborative working, supporting organisational development and progressing plans and ambitions for change.





FORMAT The programme closed to new interest at the end of July 2014, having been an active offer to CCGs since April 2013. Delivery continues through until March 2015 and good learning is emerging from development of case studies and the support of independent specialists who are facilitating evaluation of the programme’s impact. A first output from this will be publication of a series of case studies over coming months.

ACCESS The case studies will be available via the NHS IQ website and NHS England’s online learning environment for CCGs.


CONTACT [email protected]

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

The Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund £ FREE


RELEVANT TO GP practices, commissioners.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? NHS IQ is working with 20 ‘sites’ (local practice collaborations ranging in size from 40,000 to over two million population coverage, collectively covering a quarter of the country’s general practice) chosen by NHS England from over 250 bids to run pilots for a year around adopting new ways of working and improving access to general practice. The challenge fund was born out of NHS England’s ‘Improving General Practice – Call to Action’, which outlined the need for GP practices to operate more responsively to patients, improve experience and outcomes and ensure future service models are sustainable.



The pilots are intended to help inform how this can be done with rapid learning and evaluation in 2014/15 and sites have been awarded up to £5m to drive improvements including: • Extended service availability including 8am-8pm working • New convenient methods for making appointments and new modes for consultation including use of video • Innovative use of telecare and online technology.

FORMAT An NHS IQ pool of primary care development advisers is working with sites to help their development plans and provide on-going consultancy and coaching. NHS IQ is working with sites to shape tailored support, including rapid intervention inputs and facilitated action learning and peer support for practice leaders to progress local ambitions. Quality improvement facilitator training is being organised to create legacy capability, as well as large scale rapid improvement events e.g. use of process mapping and driver diagrams. Additional large scale support includes webbased master classes and new resources such as video and elearning packages. NHS IQ is supporting NHS England and its commissioned specialist evaluation provider to capture and disseminate learning generated from innovation by the 20 local sites.

ACCESS Information and learning materials from the 20 sites will be published on the NHS IQ website and via Twitter and the hashtag #PMCF.


CONTACT [email protected]


Innovation Compass £ FREE



RELEVANT TO The senior leadership in CCG and provider organisations.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? NHS England’s Innovation Health and Wealth Programme identifies the need to embrace innovation to enable the system changes required of the NHS. The Innovation Compass was created to support organisations in developing a culture that encourages and implements innovation at pace and scale. The Innovation Compass is a diagnostic tool designed to assess organisational readiness for innovation. Undertaken at all management levels, it is aimed at developing both leadership for innovation and supporting leaders in their role of creating and leading innovative cultures.



Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) have a key role in facilitating the use of the Innovation Compass. Six AHSNs, plus over 20 organisations and representatives from NHS England, took part in piloting the Innovation Compass. Following further work to refine the pilot version, the Innovation Compass will be rolled out through the national AHSN network.

FORMAT The Innovation Compass will eventually be available on a web-based platform.

ACCESS The prototype version is free to use and can be accessed via the national AHSN network and on Innovation Exchange at

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • Strengthening Leadership and Accountability for Innovation: A Practical Guide for Governing Bodies and Provider Boards

CONTACT [email protected]

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

Innovation Exchange £ FREE



RELEVANT TO Anyone who wants to develop, implement and spread innovations in health and care.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? NHS England’s Innovation Health and Wealth Programme identifies the need to embrace innovation to enable the system changes required of the NHS. The Innovation Exchange was created to bring together a wealth of existing resources into one central home and lets you collaborate with others to bring about new approaches. Innovation Exchange is a window to the future of healthcare. It has been specifically designed for frontline clinicians and industry, service managers and the public. The Innovation groups and networks can use the portal to develop and support their own work, linking into national and international resources and sharing their ideas more widely.


Share your ideas Whether you have identified an unmet need and want to challenge others to address it, or have developed a new approach that you want to showcase, the portal gives you the platform to promote your ideas and connect with others in industry and the health service. Collaborate The portal provides a forum and online tools for everyone with an interest in innovation to meet, share knowledge, form virtual networks around ideas and topics and to collaborate on new approaches. Adopt high impact innovations With high impact innovations linked into NHS Contracts from 2014, commissioners and providers can use the portal to identify and adopt proven innovations to meet local needs and priorities, supported by templates and toolkits.

FORMAT Innovation Exchange is available as a web-based platform.

ACCESS • The portal is free to use at


CONTACT [email protected]


Strengthening Leadership and Accountability for Innovation: A Practical Guide for Governing Bodies and Provider Boards £ FREE



RELEVANT TO Board level directors in provider organisations.


It provides a visual narrative designed to act as a framework for board discussions, together with a detailed literature review.

FORMAT WHAT DOES IT OFFER? NHS England’s Innovation Health and Wealth Programme identifies the need to embrace innovation to enable the system changes required of the NHS. The Strengthening Leadership and Accountability for Innovation Guide was created to support organisations, and is intended to be used as a resource around which Board development programmes can be built. It identifies three key components that drive innovation adoption and diffusion; and presents a range of evidence, case studies and questions that Boards can consider, and build their own approaches, that reflect their mission, values and vision.


The Strengthening Leadership toolkit can be downloaded as a pdf from the NHS England website.

ACCESS • content/uploads/2013/10/ strength-leadership.pdf


CONTACT [email protected]

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus NHS IQ White Paper: The new era of thinking and practice in change and transformation £ FREE


RELEVANT TO All members of health and wider social care, patients and public.




The White Paper concludes with a call to action: join the new breed of leaders across the world who are rewriting the rules of change and leading change from the future to get different results.

FORMAT WHAT DOES IT OFFER? This new White Paper from NHS Improving Quality examines leading trends in change and transformation from multiple industries across the world. In this White Paper, we identify the profound implications and opportunities for leaders of health and care. They include a fundamental rethink about what organisational and system change means, including: • Who does it (many change agents, not just a few) • Where it happens (increasingly 'at the edge' of organisations and systems) • The skills and mindsets that change agent’s need.

As leaders of health and care we operate in a world where change needs to happen at a faster rate and become more disruptive - our thinking and actions need to challenge the status quo, which will not serve us for the future. Many of the ways we go about improving health and care (in the NHS and elsewhere) were designed in a different mindset for a different set of circumstances. Given the radical and complex nature of our transformational challenge, these 'tried and tested' methods increasingly won't deliver what we need to deliver for patients.

ACCESS • publications/white-paper.aspx •

CONTACT [email protected]

It also means embracing disruption and 'disruptors' in our organisations and wider systems to create an environment where innovation is encouraged; no longer seeking to 'overcome resistance to change' but welcoming difference, diversity and dissent as core operating principles of our organisations. 53 51

NHS Improving Quality

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

Improvement Digest: Integrating physical and mental health commissioning for cardiovascular disease £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Commissioners (CCGs), GPs, providers of acute and mental health services.





FORMAT • A 2-page PDF • Small quantities of hard copies are available

ACCESS WHAT DOES IT OFFER? It is free and available here. A short summary on the topic, including: • Key leadership actions • Case of need • Evidence base • Best practice • Effective interventions/ treatment options

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • Dr Geraldine Strathdee is NHS England's National Clinical Director for Mental Health

CONTACT [email protected]

55 51

Improvement Science Alert £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Those in the NHS involved in quality and service improvement.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The Improvement Science Alert aims to bring to your attention key reports, research papers, articles, tools and opinion pieces in a succinct bibliography style, focusing on quality improvement, change management, leadership and transformational change.






FORMAT A monthly bulletin.

ACCESS The free bulletin will be contained on the NHS IQ website and advertised/accessible via its monthly external newsletter. Archives will be kept on the NHS IQ website.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • To subscribe to the free NHS IQ newsletter please email [email protected] or contact the customer relations team on 0300 300 0020.

CONTACT [email protected]

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

NHS IQ Intelligence Handbook £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Everyone working within the NHS, and particularly those who require access to evidence to inform their work.





WHAT DOES IT OFFER? By providing access to guidance and tools, the NHS IQ Handbook aims to support users to gather intelligence systematically to build an evidence base. It can be used in its entirety as an end-to-end process, or dipped in and out of as users address a particular aspect of the intelligence process.

FORMAT An interactive e-book available at:

ACCESS The free e-book will be contained on the NHS IQ website from October 2014.


CONTACT [email protected]


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

Better Care, Better Value £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Commissioners (CCGs), GPs, providers.




FORMAT A website which includes an interactive tool for selecting and presenting data of interest, and a data download function for users to take their data away for more analysis.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The Better Care Better Value website provides data to GP practices, CCGs and acute Trusts on areas which represent opportunities to save money by providing care differently. NHS organisations can compare their own activity against those of the highest performing peers, and estimates of potential savings released are presented alongside this data. This helps organisations target their improvement activities to those areas which will create the most financial benefit.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES NHS Elect is a national members’ network organisation, providing NHS organisations with high quality support to supplement in-house management teams and support these teams to develop new skills.

CONTACT [email protected] Norma Southwood - [email protected]


Better Outcomes, Better Value: Integrating physical and mental health into clinical practice and commissioning £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Commissioners (CCGs), GPs, providers of acute and mental health services.


FORMAT The event generated slides, photos and a summary document.

ACCESS WHAT DOES IT OFFER? This event was held in June 2014 to: • Promote best practice and celebrate successes in commissioning of integrated care • Create an opportunity for providers and commissioners to explore jointly the underlying issues that are preventing the effective, integrated commissioning of physical /psychological care, and • Support commissioners to develop a greater understanding of the mental health needs of people with physical needs


The event materials are free and available here.

CONTACT [email protected]

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15


GRASP Audit Tools to review the management of atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and COPD £ FREE


RELEVANT TO GPs. Data collected by the audit tools may be uploaded to a secure online database for benchmarking/ comparison so is also of interest to CCGs and other NHS staff supporting GPs with quality improvement.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The GRASP Suite comprises three audit tools designed to help GP practices review the management of Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Failure, and COPD. The GRASP Suite: • includes case finders to help find unrecorded patients • provides a comprehensive, highly visual ‘dashboard’ of key data for each condition in real time • generates patient lists to identify and help prioritise those who would benefit from review • includes the facility to upload pseudonymised data to an online database for benchmarking • is aligned to NICE guidance.





GRASP can help practices to: • improve the quality of care for people with AF, HF and COPD • save lives and improve quality of life by facilitating earlier intervention and better management • avoid costly hospital admissions and readmissions • improve practice efficiency by enabling practices to prioritise individual patients for review and target resources effectively • maximise QOF attainment • keep pace with current best practice guidelines and standard.

FORMAT The GRASP suite uses the PRIMIS CHART (Care and Health Analysis in Real Time) software to create a practice-level summary, as well as allowing practices to drill down to examine detailed patient care in MS Excel. CHART Online, the benchmarking database, enables GP practices and CCGs to compare and benchmark practice data both locally and nationally.

ACCESS The GRASP tools are free to download for PRIMIS Hub members in England and can be accessed by signing up for free PRIMIS Hub membership at There is no specific time commitment required to use this resource though it is recommended that practices run the audit every six months to gauge improvement.

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • PRIMIS • NHS IQ • Based on data from 1,857 general practices in England using the GRASP-AF audit tool, The use of anticoagulants in the management of atrial fibrillation among general practices in England highlights the underuse of anticoagulants in people with AF at high risk of a stroke. It provides further compelling evidence that a significant proportion of patients diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and at high risk of a stroke, still do not receive appropriate management and remain at risk. It also highlights the tendency for the less effective antiplatelet agents rather than oral anticoagulants to be used in older patients with AF. Visit the GRASP suite resources page for more useful publications and reports.

CONTACT [email protected]


Measurement Masterclass £ FREE


RELEVANT TO National Clinical Directors and nursing equivalents (senior clinical leaders).

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? This series for senior clinical leaders is intended to help increase the understanding of the principles of measurement for improvement. Designed to stimulate and challenge, it is supporting clinical leads in holding influential discussions with policy makers and data collectors.




FORMAT Resources developed following a launch event and impact summit are available in the form of slides, film, webinars, reading lists and blog posts.

ACCESS The materials are free and available here.

CONTACT [email protected]

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15


Clinical ‘Buddying’ Scheme £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Senior clinical leaders who both aspire to strengthen their leadership capability and are also working in organisations and environments, facing significant challenges in driving forward continuous improvement in health and care.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? A strategic partnership between the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM) and NHS Improving Quality (NHS IQ) has established a Clinical ‘Buddying’ Scheme to provide a one year systematic buddy and peer to peer support scheme. The first year will run as a Proof of Concept (PoC) project. Project aims: • Demonstrate the value of structured and sustained peer to peer support. • Build capability, confidence and energy for change. • Provide an exemplar model of learning. • Explore new approaches to Continuous Professional Development (CPD).




FORMAT The FMLM in partnership with NHS IQ will be running and managing the scheme, supported by key partnerships with the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) and BMJ Learning. It will be underpinned by the medical competency leadership framework and there will be three buddy pairs in eight regions across the UK, giving a total of 48 pairs for the PoC. Regional quality leads and deputies will be appointed to each region.

ACCESS The scheme will be advertised through FMLM and NHS IQ’s websites and communication channels. A limited number of places are available for the first year PoC. Interested individuals for the Quality leads, deputies and ‘buddy’ places will be able to complete an application form and submit for shortlisting. The anticipated launch date is October/November 2014.


CONTACT FMLM – NHS IQ – [email protected]

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

Network Leaders Programme £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Network leaders who have completed the online diagnostics ‘health check’ provided by the Centre for Innovation in Health Management, University of Leeds (CIHM).

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? The programme will deliver a range of support to health and care network leaders: • Five modules will provide learning on: • Networks form and structure • Strategies for network development and management • Governance of networks • Resourcing of networks • Measuring impact of network activity • Systematic coaching programme participants are coached in terms of their own leadership of their network. • Surgeries - these are sessions where we advise the participant on the design of a specific change intervention they are planning to make.



FORMAT Network leaders will complete their network ‘health check’ diagnostics online, via the Networks Toolkit, prior to starting the programme. The programme is made up of: • Five x one hour virtual workshops • Five x one hour day workshops • Two x one hour ‘book-in’ sessions for the systematic coaching and surgery time • Three ‘book-in’ days are offered with three members of faculty in attendance – these will be delivered either face-to-face, Skype, conference call, or by ‘joinme’ (screen sharing conference call) There will be two cohorts of 25 participants for the one day workshops, run in Leeds and London.

ACCESS - COMING SOON The programme is free and potential participants need to apply for places, and commit to attending all sessions. The programme, which is a pilot, will commence in end of 2014.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • The Centre for Innovation in Health Management, University of Leeds • NHS Leadership Academy • The Health Foundation Publications: • Effective Networks for Improvement • Leading Networks in Healthcare

CONTACT [email protected]


Network Leaders Toolkit £ FREE


RELEVANT TO Network leaders from across the health and care sector.

WHAT DOES IT OFFER? This toolkit of online learning resources aims to help network leaders manage their networks effectively, providing the building blocks and “know how” in the system for networks to strengthen and sustain their own development, performance and impact and minimising the dependency on NHS IQ to run and lead networks. The learning objectives are to: • Enable network leaders to undertake comprehensive diagnosis of the effectiveness and impact of their networks. • Learn from each other and utilise experience from other networks.





FORMAT The toolkit will be delivered online, and resources comprise: • A toolkit for network leaders to use in their networks to diagnose their strengths and weaknesses and to shape action • An online community of practice to share leadership challenges with other network leaders.

ACCESS Users will access the toolkit online, through the Centre for Innovation in Health Management website and it will be free of charge. The toolkit is a pilot, and will be available from autumn 2014.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES • The Centre for Innovation in Health Management, University of Leeds • NHS Leadership Academy • The Health Foundation

CONTACT [email protected]

NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15



ACADEMIC COURSES Leading Service Evaluation and Improvement - Advanced Professional Development University of Bolton January 2015 start PG Cert in Leading Service Improvement University of Bradford September 2014 or January 2015 start Certificate in Leading Quality Improvement and Change in Public Care Oxford Brookes University Institute of Public Care Short courses Quality improvement: identifying opportunities Open University Short courses (participants can start at any time) Lean thinking: improving service effectiveness Innovating across boundaries

Other academic courses are available and NHS IQ is not responsible for the quality of the courses listed above.


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

NHS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY COURSES The challenges facing the NHS mean our current leaders must widen and build on their existing strengths. Our emerging leaders need to have this range of leadership behaviours and skills at their fingertips. The NHS Leadership Academy professional leadership programmes have been named after inspiring leaders who made a significant difference to health and patient care – and whether you are a nurse, doctor, or other NHS-funded clinician or in a non-clinical, managerial or administrative role, these programmes will enable you to do the same. The majority of the programmes are multi-disciplinary, meaning you can share your experiences and learn from colleagues from across the entire of health and social care. The following summarises the NHS Leadership Academy five professional leadership programmes for people who want to improve the quality of care people receive from the NHS. Each programme includes learning, to varying degrees, in service improvement, leading large scale change and transformation and measurement for improvement The professional leadership programmes are the first set of national programmes to combine successful leadership strategies from international healthcare, private sector organisations and academic expert content. There are five programmes, designed to develop outstanding leaders for every tier across the healthcare system: • The Edward Jenner Programme – Leadership Foundations is an open access online learning package designed to support anyone looking to gain essential leadership skills. Designed for newly qualified clinicians, but open to all, this programme leads to an NHS Leadership Academy award in Leadership Foundations. • The Mary Seacole Programme – Leading Care I leads to an NHS Leadership Academy award in Healthcare Leadership and an accredited Postgraduate Certificate. • The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme – Leading Care II will help you lead ever larger and more complex teams. The programme leads to an NHS Leadership Academy award in Senior Healthcare Leadership and an MSc in Healthcare Leadership. • The Nye Bevan Programme – Leading Care III will help you support a culture of ever improving patient care across your organisation and the wider care communities. The programme leads to an NHS Leadership Academy award in Executive Healthcare Leadership. • The NHS Top Leaders Programme will support your continuing development as an inspirational Executive/Board level leader with a powerful vision to transform patient care.


INFORMATION DATABASES NHS Improvement System: This system provides project management, measurement and sharing tools, and is relevant to anyone in the NHS undertaking improvement work. Anyone with an NHS email address (or supported by a NHS person) can apply for a logon, and use of the materials is free. NHS Tools & Techniques Hub: This hub provides guidance, examples and templates in key areas of improvement work. Anyone with an NHS email address (or supported by an NHS person) can apply for a logon, and use of the materials is free.

PUBLICATIONS Bringing Lean to life: making processes flow in healthcare is available here. First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services is available here.

USEFUL LINKS • Good Governance Institute • Haelo • Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) • NHS Change Day • NHS Elect • NHS England • Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with University of Jönköping, Jönköping Academy, Qulturum

Coming soon..... A number of new items will be included in the next version of the prospectus.


NHS Improving Quality

prospectus 2014/15

IMPROVEMENT SUPPORT RESOURCES AVAILABLE OUTSIDE NHS IQ NHS Interim Management and Support (IMAS): Intensive Support Teams Intensive Support Teams (ISTs) specialise in urgent and emergency care, elective care and cancer, focusing on improving performance, quality assurance and programme enhancement. Assignments typically include working with local health communities jointly to diagnose areas for performance improvement; supporting implementation planning and delivery; and transferring knowledge to produce sustainable and resilient solutions. The Emergency Care Intensive Support Team offers support around achieving the four hour A&E standard, while the Elective Care Intensive Support Team offers support around both the 18 week standard and the cancer waiting time standard. Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) Academy The AQuA Academy provides opportunities to learn about improvement for all groups of staff. The Academy brings together like minded individuals in “communities of practice” to develop their knowledge and skills. The Academy’s approach is to develop the skills and capacity of staff at all levels in improvement methods and change management. The Health Foundation (THF) THF is an independent charity working to improve the quality of healthcare in the UK. The THF aims to support people working in healthcare practice and policy to make lasting improvements to health services by: carrying out research; undertaking in-depth policy analysis; running improvement programmes to put ideas into practice in the NHS; and supporting and developing leaders to share evidence to encourage wider change. Each year THF give grants in the region of £18m to fund health care research, fellowships and improvement projects across the UK – all with the aim of improving health care quality. NHS Scotland Quality Improvement Hub NHS Scotland Quality Improvement Hub is a national collaboration among special health boards and Scottish Government Health Directorates which aims to support NHS boards with implementation of the national healthcare quality strategy through effective partnership working between the collaborating organisations. The Improvement Hub aims to bring quality improvement closer to staff working in clinical settings, and its website provides access to improvement stories and quality improvement resources.


NHS Wales Improving Quality Together (IQT) IQT is the national learning programme for all NHS staff and contractors in Wales. It provides a common and consistent approach to improving the quality of services in NHS organisations across Wales. The website provides access to improvement stories and to a range of quality improvement tools and techniques. Qulturum, Centre for Innovation in Healthcare Qulturum is a centre for development of improvement knowledge and innovation in healthcare. It is the improvement unit at Jönköping County Council, responsible for the healthcare services in Jönköping county, located in the south of Sweden. Qulturum is engaged in a range of improvement activities at regional, national and international level, with a focus on developing improvement knowledge concerning patients, patient involvement, co-operation and flow, interprofessional teams, leadership, management and the design of healthcare. The website provides access to a range of improvement resources.


NHS Improving Quality

To find out more about NHS Improving Quality:

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Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise Published by: NHS Improving Quality - Publication date: September 2014 © NHS Improving Quality (2014). All rights reserved. Please note that this product or material must not be used for the purposes of financial or commercial gain, including, without limitation, sale of the products or materials to any person.