Protein structure prediction

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of research are artificial intelligence, machine learning and bioinformatics. Prashant Singh Rana is an Assistant Professor at Computer Science and Engineering.
Protein structure prediction (RMSD 6 5˚ A) using machine learning models Yadunath Pathak Computational Intelligence and Data Mining Research Lab, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior-474015, India. E-mail:

Prashant Singh Rana Supercomputing Facility for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi-110016, India. E-mail:

P. K. Singh Computational Intelligence and Data Mining Research Lab, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior-474015, India. E-mail:

Mukesh Saraswat Computational Intelligence and Data Mining Research Lab, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior-474015, India. E-mail: Abstract: As physical and chemical properties of protein guide to determine quality of the protein structure, it has been used rigorously to distinguish native or native like structure from other predicted structures. In this work, we explore the machine learning models using six physical and chemical properties namely total empirical energy, secondary structure penalty, total surface area, pair number, residue length and euclidean distance to predict the RMSD (Root Mean Square Deviation) of a protein structure in the absence of its true native state. There are total 16382 modelled decoys structures having 4608 native structures. The Real Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) is used to determine feature importance and K-fold cross validation is used to measure robustness of the best predictive model. The experiments shows that the random forest model outperforms the other machine learning approaches in RMSD prediction. This work make the prediction of RMSD faster and inexpensive. The performance result shows that in the prediction of RMSD, the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) is 0.48; correlation is 0.90; R2 is 0.82; and accuracy is 97.02% (with ± 2 error) respectively on the testing data. The data set used in the study is available at Keywords: Protein structure prediction; Machine learning; Random forest; Real Coded Genetic Algorithm. Biographical notes: Yadunath Pathak is a PhD student at ABV-IIITM and his areas of research are artificial intelligence, machine learning and bioinformatics. Prashant Singh Rana is an Assistant Professor at Computer Science and Engineering Department, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab and his areas of research are optimization using nature inspired algorithm, machine learning and bioinformatics. P.K. Singh is an Associate Professor at ABV-IIITM and his areas of research are soft computing, artificial intelligence, data mining and bioinformatics. Mukesh Saraswat is an Assistant Professor at JIIT Noida and his areas of research are image processing, soft computing and pattern recognition.

International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Vol. x, No. x, 2015

1 Introduction Protein sequences are translated into 3D tertiary forms to carry out several biological functions. Prediction of high resolution protein structure is one of the big challenges in the modern biology. Physical and Chemical properties of amino acids and their solvent environment are the key determinants in folding a protein sequence into its unique tertiary structure. These factors essentially generate various types of energy contributors such as electrostatic, van der Waals, salvation/desolvation, which create folding pathways. Ab initio approaches for structure determination employ these physical and chemical factors to generate a structure or an ensemble of structures from the sequence as plausible candidates for the native. In an alternative approach, called homology modeling, one uses experimentally known protein structures as templates based on sequence similarity. Due to lack of a clear understanding of the true folding pathway of proteins to the native and insufficient experimental data, several prediction models end up with low quality structures. These low quality structures may look similar to any high resolution structure passing all the quality assessment criteria but in reality they could be 10-15 ˚ A away from their true native states (Fig. 1). It would be highly desirable to have a predictive model, which can tell how far a structure is from the native in the absence of its experimental structure.

(a) Native Structure


protein structure in the absence of its true native state. Physical and Chemical properties namely total empirical energy, secondary structure penalty, total surface area, pair number, residue length and euclidean distance are used. There are total 16382 modelled decoys structures having 4608 native structures. The modelled structures are taken from protein structure prediction center (CASP-5 to CASP-10 experiments), public decoys structures database (Public-Decoy, 2010) and native structure from protein data bank (RCSB). The Real Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) is used to determine the importance of features. The features are used by four machine learning models namely Decision Tree, random forest, Linear model and Neural Network for the prediction of RMSD protein structure. Through the intensive experiments, it is found that random forest model outperforms the other machine learning approaches in prediction of RMSD. Further, K-fold cross validation is used to measure robustness of the best predictive model. Finally, for the benchmarking of model correctness performance of the best predictive model is compared with top-performing ProQ2 (Ray et al., 2012) and MetaMQAPII (Pawlowski et al., 2008). Both the benchmark methods are single-model method; ProQ2 is based on Support Vector Machine where as MetaMQAPII is based on Neural network. The obtained results indicate that random forest outperforms ProQ2 and MetaMQAPII in most of the cases. Rest of the paper is organized as follows. A brief overview of the considered features, data set, methodology, RCGA algorithm, and machine learning models are presented in Section 2. All machine learning models that are used and their evaluations are presented in Section 3. Section 4 describes experiments, results and discussion. Finally, conclusion is presented in Section 5.

(b) Predicted Structure

Figure 1: The RMSD of predicted structure from its native is 10.3 ˚ A (PDB ID:1IF4).

2 Features and Methods 2.1 Data set and its features

Machine learning models have been widely used in protein’s 2D and 3D structure prediction (Rost and Sander, 1993; Rost et al., 1993), fold recognition (Cheng et al., 2005b; Kim et al., 2003), solvent accessibility prediction, disordered region prediction (Obradovic et al., 2005; Cheng et al., 2005a), binding site prediction (Travers, 1989), transmembrane helix prediction (Krogh et al., 2001), protein domain boundary prediction (Bryson et al., 2007), contact map (Fariselli et al., 2001; Baldi and Pollastri, 2002), functional site prediction, model generation (Simons et al., 1997), and model evaluation (Wallner and Elofsson, 2007; Qiu et al., 2007). In this work, we explore the machine learning models with six physical and chemical properties to predict the RMSD (Root Mean Square Deviation) of a modelled

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There are total 16382 modelled structures having 4608 native structures. The modelled structures are taken from protein structure prediction center (CASP5 to CASP-10 experiments), public decoys structures database (Public-Decoy, 2010) and native structure from protein data bank (RCSB). Table 1 describes the physical and the chemical properties used in this study. A sample of the data set is shown in Table 2. Table 3 shows the correlation between each feature. There is no correlation of energy with euclidean distance, pair number, residue length and area. There is high correlation between (i) euclidean distance and pair number, (ii) residue length and pair number, and (iii) residue length and area.

Protein structure prediction (RMSD 6 5˚ A) using machine learning models Table 1

Some questions arise with regard to the usage of SASA: (i) should it be the total area or is it the area of the non-polar residues, (ii) what is the standard fixed value of SASA for a native structure and (iii) is the rule of minimum area applicable to non-globular proteins. Here, total SASA have been calculated using Lee and Richards (Janin, 1979) method.

Description of the features.

Feature Area ED Energy SS RL PN


Information Total surface area. Euclidean distance. Total empirical energy. Secondary structure penalty. Residue length Pair number

2.2.3 Euclidean distance (ED) Table 2 RMSD 0.00 8.03 6.77 13.26 0.00 6.76

Table 3 Energy SS ED PN RL Area

Sample dataset. Area 8243.0 7918.2 9354.8 15664.1 8836.1 12629.3

ED 4939.6 11984.2 11535.1 129761.0 12198.8 41461.0

Energy -3391.1 -2273.2 -2422.5 -5820.4 -2926.1 -6206.8

SS 86 29 66 146 80 146

RL 75 153 67 104 66 61

PN 165 102 186 368 101 116

Correlation between each feature. Energy 1.000 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002

SS 0.003 1.000 0.514 0.572 0.670 0.656

ED 0.001 0.514 1.000 0.953 0.838 0.803

PN 0.001 0.572 0.953 1.000 0.913 0.837

RL 0.002 0.670 0.838 0.913 1.000 0.942

Area 0.002 0.656 0.803 0.837 0.942 1.000

2.2 Feature Measurement Here, we present a brief discussion of the physical and the chemical properties used in this study.

Spatial positioning of Cα atoms decides the overall conformation of a protein. Recently, neighborhood profiles of Cα atoms for each pair of residues have been characterized and observed to be invariant in 3618 native proteins suggesting certain geometrical constraints in their positioning (Mittal and Jayaram, 2011). The authors consider four aliphatic non polar residues Alanine (ALA), Valine (VAL), Leucine (LEU) and Isoleucine (ILE); they collectively formed 6 unique pairs among each other. Cumulative inter-atomic distance of their respective Cβ atoms were calculated for each residue pair. Euclidean distance is calculated by taking the cumulative difference of Cα and Cβ. Euclidean distance between two protein sequences p and q is given as: v u n uX (1) Ed = t (qi − pi )2 i=0

2.2.1 Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) The RMSD is calculated using the superposition between matched pairs of Cα in two protein sequences. This superposition is computed using the Kabsch rotation matrix (Betancourt and Skolnick, 2001). The RMSD is calculated as: v uN uX RM SD = t (di ∗ di )/N i

where, n is sequence length.

2.2.4 Total empirical energy (Energy) The total empirical energy is the absolute sum of electrostatic force, van der Waals force and hydrophobic force (Arora and Jayaram, 1997; Narang et al., 2006). Molecular dynamics simulation package AMBER12 (G¨ otz et al., 2012) is used to compute total empirical energy. It is computed as given below:

where, di is the distance between matched pair i, N is the number of matched pairs. RMSD is calculated using the freely available program at (RMSD, 2011).

ij Eelec =

2.2.2 Total surface area (Area)

ij EvdW =

Protein folding, which seeks towards minimization of its total surface area, is ruled by various driving forces. Degrees of these external forces depend on the surface of the protein exposed to the solvent, which convey the strong dependency of free energy on solvent accessible surface area (SASA) (Durham et al., 2009). SASA has been widely used as one of the important properties to assess quality of the protein structures. Hydrophobic collapse is considered as a major factor in protein folding and this can be estimated as a loss of SASA of nonpolar residues. Each amino acid shows a different affinity to be found on the surface of the protein based on the functional groups present in its side chain (Janin, 1979).

ij Ehyd =

332 ∗ qi ∗ qj rij ij C ij C12 − 66 12 rij rij

ij M12 M6ij − 12 6 rij rij

where, rij is the distance between pair of atoms i and ij j, C12 = ǫσ 12 , C6ij = 2ǫσ 6 , σ is the van der Waals radii, ij ǫ is the well depth, M12 = ǫR12 , M6ij = ǫR6 , R is the distance variable and ǫ is set to 1. Finally total empirical energy is given as: Etotal =

n−1 X i

n X


ij ij ij (Eelec + EvdW + Ehyd )


Y. Pathak et al.

2.2.5 Secondary Structure penalty (SS) Secondary structure prediction has reached to 82% accuracy (Biasini et al., 2014; Sen et al., 2005; Kryshtafovych et al., 2014) over the last few years. Therefore, deviation from ideal predicted secondary structures can be used as a measure to quantify the quality of a structure. Secondary structure penalty is measured from the secondary structure sequence. It is computed as the miss matches in the helix, sheet and coil of the STRIDE (Frishman and Argos, 1995) and the PSIPRED (Jones, 1999) prediction. STRIDE get the actual number of helix, sheet and coil present in the secondary structure sequence where as PSIPRED uses neural network to predict the probability for the same secondary structure classes. It is computed as follows: SS =

n X




qi =

0 1

if Sstride (Pi ) = Spsipred (Pi ) otherwise

where, P is the protein secondary structure sequence; Sstride (P ) and Spsipred (P ) are the number of helix, sheet and coil returned by STRIDE and PSIPRED respectively for each amino acid Pi . SS is calculated by counting the total number of miss-matches found. It is found that SS has lower value for native and higher for non-native structure.

Figure 3: Prediction model.

2.3 Methodology The methodology is described in Fig. 2. In the first step, the modelled protein structures are taken from protein structure prediction center (CASP-5 to CASP10 experiments), public decoys database (Public-Decoy, 2010) and native structure from protein data bank (RCSB). The second step computes features of the protein structure as discussed in the Section 2.2. The data filtering is carried out in third step, where missing value entries and duplicates are removed. In the forth step, the Real Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) is used to measure the importance of each feature. Feature selection makes the prediction of model efficient and accurate. In the fifth step, the four machine learning approaches (refer, Table 5) were trained and tested on the data set with their default parameters. Fig. 3 describes the prediction model. Finally, evaluation of the models are done on Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Coefficient of Determination (R2 ), Correlation and Accuracy. Further, the K-fold cross validation is used to measure robustness of the best predictive model.

2.4 Real Coded Genetic Algorithms (RCGA)

Figure 2: Methodology used.

2.2.6 Pair Number (PN) Pair number is the total number of aliphatic hydrophobic residue pairs in the protein structure and it is calculated by counting the total number of pairs between the Cβ carbons in the protein structure.

2.2.7 Residue Length (RL) Residue length is the total number of Cα carbons in the protein structure.

Real-coded genetic algorithm (RCGA), which is a population-based stochastic search approach and in general can be regarded as a search method from multiple positions and directions, is one of the most popular optimization methods among evolutionary algorithms (EAs). The search algorithm of RCGA mimics the biological evolution in nature selection and consists of three fundamental operations: reproduction, crossover and mutation. The reproduction operation is used to reproduce multiple good solutions and eliminate bad solutions from the population. The crossover operation blends genetic information between solutions to produce new candidate solutions. The mutation operation increases diversity of the population and prevents it from premature convergence to a sub optimum solution. Due to its effectiveness in solving optimization problems, it has been widely applied in science, economics and engineering. RCGA is explained

Protein structure prediction (RMSD 6 5˚ A) using machine learning models Table 4 Runs 1 2 3 4 5 Avg. Ranking

3.2.1 Root Mean Squared Error

Importance of each feature using RCGA. Energy 0.256 0.250 0.253 0.249 0.251 0.252 1

RL 0.184 0.190 0.187 0.182 0.184 0.185 2

PN 0.172 0.169 0.172 0.174 0.177 0.173 3

SS 0.150 0.153 0.150 0.148 0.156 0.151 4

ED 0.123 0.120 0.123 0.125 0.117 0.122 5

Area 0.115 0.118 0.115 0.122 0.115 0.117 6

in more detail in (Chowdhury et al., 2014; Kita et al., 1999).

2.4.1 Feature Importance using RCGA The RCGA is used to find the importance of each feature. It defines the weight to each feature according to the objective function defined in eq. (3). The crossover rate (CR) and mutation rate (MR) are set to 0.9 and 0.01 respectively. Uniform crossover operator is used for crossover and arithmetic mutation (adding or subtracting a small number) is used as mutation operator. After five different runs, the weights obtained for each feature is described in Table 4. The average weight of energy is highest and area is lowest that also signifies the importance of each feature in the dataset. As the weight given to each feature is significant, so all the features are selected for the experiment. v  !2  T u n u X X t Ri − Objf un = min  wj .Pi,j  i=1

RMSE is a popular formula to measure the error rate of a model. However, it can only be compared between models whose errors are measured in the same units. It is calculated using eq. 5. RM SE =

r Pn

i=1 (pi

− ai )2



where, a is actual value, p is predicted value and n is the total number of instances. Ideally, its value should be zero, a higher value indicates an error.

3.2.2 Correlation (r) Correlation describes a statistical relationship between actual and predicted values. It is defined in eq. 6. Pn (xi − x ¯)(yi − y¯) Corr = pPn i=1 Pn 2 ¯)2 (x − x ¯ ) i=1 (yi − y i=1 i


where, x is the actual value, y is the predicted value, x ¯ is the mean of the actual values, y¯ is the mean of the all predicted values and n is the number of instances. Its values lies in the range of [-1,1], where -1 indicates an inverse relationship and 1 indicates a positive relationship.



3.2.3 Coefficient of Determination (R2 )

where, T is the total number of instances in training data set, R is the RMSD, P is physical and chemical properties, n is the number of properties (6 in this case) and w is the weight given to each feature defined in the range of [0,1].

3 Machine learning models and Evaluation 3.1 Machine learning models In this work, we used four machine learning models namely Decision Trees, Random forest, Linear Models and Neural Network for prediction of RMSD of protein structure (refer, Table 5). The models are available in R, which is a open source software licensed under GNU GPL.

The coefficient of determination (R2 ) summarizes the explanatory power of the regression model. R2 describes the proportion of variance of the dependent variable explained by the regression model. If the regression model is perfect then R2 is 1 and if the regression model is a total failure then R2 is zero i.e. no variance is explained by regression. The Coefficient of Determination is computed by taking the square the r (i.e. Correlation). It is defined below in eq. 7. R2 = r ∗ r


3.2.4 Accuracy he accuracy is calculated as percentage deviation of predicted RMSD with actual RMSD with acceptable error as shown in eq. 8.

3.2 Evaluation of Models


Accuracy = There are various ways to measure performance of the prediction, where some are more suitable than the others depending on the application considered. A brief discussion on the performance measures is explained below. The formula used for all the machine learning models is shown below in eq. 4. RM SD ∼ f (Area, ED, Energy, SS, SL, P N )



qi =

1 0

100 X qi n i=1


if abs(pi − ai ) ≤ err otherwise

where, a is actual target, p is predicted target, err is the acceptable error (here acceptable error is ± 2) and n is the total number of instances.

6 Table 5

Y. Pathak et al. Machine learning models used

Model Decision Trees random forest Linear Model Neural Network

Package in R C50 randomForest stats neuralnet

Tuning Parameter(s) winnow, model, trials mtry None layer2, layer1, layer3

3.2.5 K-Fold Cross Validation K-fold cross validation is used to measure accuracy of the predictive model. The original sample is randomly partitioned into k equal size subsamples. Of the k subsamples, a single subsample is retained as the validation data for testing the model and the remaining k-1 subsamples are used as training data. The crossvalidation process is then repeated k times (the folds) with each of the k subsamples used exactly once as the validation data. Further, the k results from the k folds are averaged to produce a single estimation. The advantage of this model over repeated random sub-sampling is that all observations are used for both training and validation, and each observation is used for validation exactly once. Here, 10-fold (k=10) cross validation is used to measure the robustness of the best selected model.

3.2.6 Benchmark of local model correctness For the benchmarking of model correctness, performance of the random forest model is compared with topperforming ProQ2 (Ray et al., 2012) and MetaMQAPII (Pawlowski et al., 2008). Both the benchmark methods are single-model method. ProQ2 is based on the Support Vector Machine where as MetaMQAPII is based on the Neural network.

4 Results In this section, we analyze the prediction results of all the four machine learning models on the training and testing dataset. The machine learning models may suffer from overfitting if criterion used for training the model is not same as the criterion used to judge efficacy of the model. Here, to avoid the overfitting, all four machine learning models are run on their default parameters and the distribution of data in training and testing set are 70% and 30% respectively for all the models. Table 6 shows a comparative performance of all the models in the prediction of RMSD on RMSE, Correlation, R2 and Accuracy. The performance results show that the random forest model outperforms the machine learning models in the prediction of RMSD of the protein structure in the absence of its true native state. The RMSE is used to measure the differences between values predicted by a model and the values actually observed. The RMSE is calculated using equation 5. The

Ref. (Quinlan, 1986) (Liaw and Wiener, 2002) (Chambers, 1977) (Riedmiller and Braun, 1993)

random forest have the lowest RMSE of 0.26 in the training dataset and 0.48 in the testing dataset. The correlation describe the statistical relationships between actual and predicted values and it is calculated using eq. (6). The random forest have the highest correlation of 0.98 in the training dataset and 0.90 in the testing dataset. R2 summarizes the explanatory power of the model between the prediction for each observation and the population mean. The R2 is calculated using eq. 7. The random forest have the highest R2 of 0.96 of in the training dataset and 0.82 in the testing dataset. Fig. 4 shows R2 in training and testing dataset. Accuracy is the degree of consistency of a calculated or measured quantity to its true (actual) value, where as precision is an experiment value, which measures the reliability of an experiment. The accuracy is calculated using eq. (8) with acceptable error of ±2. The random forest have the highest accuracy of 99.89% in the training dataset and 97.02% in the testing dataset. Here, k-fold (k=10) cross validation is used to measure the robustness of the random forest. Fig. 5 shows the RMSE, correlation, R2 and accuracy for 10 folds in prediction of RMSD. Cross validation results show a uniform performance in all model evaluation parameters. Fig. 4 shows the scatter plot between actual and predicted RMSD for training and testing dataset using random forest. To prove effectiveness of the predictive model (random forest), its performance is compared with the top-performing models ProQ2 and MetaMQAPII and the performance is found to be quite impressive (refer, Table 7). The validation is done on the independent set of 12 protein structures in which 9 are native structures and 3 are modelled structures. First column in Table 7 is actual RMSD values whereas column second, third and forth shows the predicted value by ProQ2, MetaMQAPII and RF, respectively. The predictive value of a model closer to the actual value shows its superiority. For example, for protein structure T0654 MulticomConstruct Ts2 (first row) as actual value of RMSD is 3.44, ProQ2 being the most closer is superiority to other competitive models. Out of 12 structures, proposed method shows better results for 7 structures, whereas ProQ2 and MetaMQAPII shows better performance on 1 and 4 structures respectively.

Protein structure prediction (RMSD 6 5˚ A) using machine learning models

5 Conclusion In this work, we explore four machine learning methods with six physical and chemical properties to predict the RMSD of protein structure in the absence of its true native state. The absolute quality of a model is expressed in terms of how well the model score agrees with the expected values from a representative set of high resolution experimental structures. Here, Table 6


machine learning methods don’t include any additional information from other models or alternative template structures. All the models are evaluated on RMSE, correlation, R2 and accuracy. Through intensive experiments, it is found that random forest method outperforms the machine learning methods in the prediction of RMSD. The K-fold cross validation is used to measure the robustness of random forest. Finally, for the benchmarking of model correctness, the performance

Performance comparison of all four models on training and testing data set.

Model DecisionTree RandomForest Linear Model Neural Network

RMSE 1.20 0.26 1.43 1.39

Training dataset Correlation R2 Accuracy% 0.50 0.25 79.55 0.98 0.96 99.89 0.25 0.06 65.51 0.31 0.10 70.19

(a) Actual vs Prediction RMSD for training dataset

RMSE 1.16 0.48 1.44 1.46

Testing dataset Correlation R2 Accuracy% 0.51 0.26 82.46 0.90 0.82 97.02 0.22 0.05 65.97 0.06 0.00 67.15

(b) Actual vs Prediction RMSD for testing dataset

Figure 4: Scatter plot of Actual vs Predicted values of RMSD on training and testing dataset using random forest

(a) RMSE

(b) R2

(c) Correlation

(d) Accuracy

Figure 5: 10-fold cross validation of RMSE, R2 , Correlation and Accuracy on training and testing data set in the prediction of RMSD using random forest.

8 Table 7

Y. Pathak et al. Performance validation on the existing decoys sets in the prediction of RMSD using random forest.

CASP Target ID T0654 T0688 T0714 T0651 T0653 T0671 T0684 T0690 T0705 T0713 T0717 T0724

Multicom-Construct Ts2 Bilab-Enable Ts1 Multicom-Novel Ts2 Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native

Actual 3.44 3.2 1.68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

of random forest model is compared with top-performing ProQ2 and MetaMQAPII. Both the benchmark methods are single-model methods and it is found that the random forest prediction accuracy is quite impressive. We believe that if more physical and chemical properties and other computational methods are combined with the machine learning methods, they may produce even better results. The data set used in the study is available at

RMSD ProQ2 2.95 2.81 1.58 4.5 2.99 3.01 3.45 3.45 3.41 2.73 2.67 3.81

Prediction MetaMQAPII 5.48 2.89 1.64 1.2 1.3 1 0.9 2.7 1.6 2.6 3.2 2.1

RF 1.67 2 1.43 0.04 0.18 1.06 1.07 0.01 0.58 0.42 0.38 1.12

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